The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 09, 1898, Image 8

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rBiOfV Dress-up Suits For Boys Htrt (trto |>#*utifulty Ullortd Ooubi«*Suit* foe Boy* of f ' 1 n y»«r». M*d* of f*rwi unfl*i*h#d worolod*. ehivioti. hoerxipunt ind hooll*if miiiurti You’ll notici tho hond*m4<i« coM*f *. •f'* th* *<i c *» oro flnlihoO, tho thopo aoO lAy of tho lopoU. Button* Aro wolf »b*nk«Kl Ch*r- Actor And *#rvlcOAl»f#nA** At AVAry point- Tho TrmiAAf* just a* csrsfuHy mAdo BB OO to $7.60, worth At loASt $7 to $ 10. BRASS BUTTON NIGHT AT FAIR Tit* l» *MMin Xlftt •« M*w*k Fill. AM f M«* Be*" Arr«t|U The Fair teat vreniag '»»••*« *" tfc* gttgbt MlqwiU«« of Mr Platt, urn ' >,) Mr. Will *U,»f **Mi*d Mmttf with mb* •ml r»r#l*«d •nasjr mmiMlwdl* upos so >W? tltlw Mr, Ptaft 'a poeM lot) Th* priwifi* additional fra'ure o( fill* evening will b* • wllllarr enter ••teiK'nl rr>»*l*tKi* of M|t. miMlral rated *oc» and ri** dsnclna h* sol diers from Camp Machraate Th* fnl ipwtng program ha« Wen arranged • NeWtloo - Mandolin Halt, Voetl H»lhlt<a <J M. dw»< J H. r»^prt»t*r floto-~ Private SL John Ballad "I Wonder Will They An swer II I Writ#?**—Private r. Dennis, Monelgce- Mr. Jo* Mirk. Ballad- "Onlf • Soldier's Swart* heart' Private W. L. Blaney Co E, Eighth Paoniytraota. Selection Mandolin Club Comal Solo- T. H. Mllaa. chief mn Thirteenth Pennsylvania Prof R |. fcekle*. Third Connegflrut. nation "imr Country'* Martyr'*"— Tomorrow writ! ba children's dajr and tba lift la onaa will again b* out In full form to an Joy lb* grab ba#*. fishpond* and otbar sUrartlona arranged for their pleasure. Mualr will ba in at* tendance and dancing will b* oua of tba fantnrrw of tha afternoon. No an* none* faa will ba rhargsd for tha children. bol an admlaalon faa of flvr rant* for any doll entered In the dolt MMMt. A raffia lor a count* of study al Prof. Oaborn*'* Bualnoes Collage do* noted by that pnbllc-aplrlted gentle man, la bring gotten up at IS cant* a abanca. Thl* I* ona of Ih* moat da alrabla thing* at the Fair and the hap py winner will bo enabled to get a thorough course In any preferred stu dy for US cent*. During the day the raffle Hat I* helng handled hy Mr. Faulkner, who can be found at Allen & Baxley’s One of the daintirat articles at the fancy table Is a workbag made of sweet •orated vanilla gras* and finished with ‘ neutral-tinted silk of the same aoft shades Ml** Addle Barues won the tsllk iiatrh work sofa pillow raffled at the fancy tafile last night and Ml*a Georgia E*t«* a double picture frame. There la a probability of the I air continuing over two or three evenings next weak If so the present success of • bt* week win doubtless be duplicated next. v „■ for Xmas we have Fancy Rockers. Hold Chair*. Tables, Lamp*. Ru «* ’t" l ’ Desbs. Muat be acid. Fleming * Jtowles 1 CHARHINO COMPLI WENT Which Haa Been Paid to the Cross Country Riding Club. A no more rharmlng compliment could be Imagined than that paid by MaJ. Swelgert. of the Third cavalry, to the Cros* Country Riding Club. In giv ing the drill and fancy riding cn the Hill yesterday complimentary to the club and Us friend*. At 3 o’clock, about two hundred in SHIRTS jjl AT —v J. MILLER WALKER, HATTER KNOX HATS. {tiled gwswu wstw a*#»mbl*d I# tba 1 ,*fg* ops# spare I# fm#f of Mr a, W, Chafe*'a. Abtati thirtyof tha clah NteWtbrr* wave #a bwfeebweb, and f)a# Touai and Oa# OaMi wave la aurad *are with l half steffa fn ti|if a. and a With vbatr rsgrwlav I smisianAsc did to tee wtred»rt»Py ahlW* ad drill!** with pistol* and eabree Tb* r u ts, #>s ri sd 'p wad aw#aeb. and *#ch '•nMivety Agura rw«Mt lu for a mead of * applauw rpo# tba >-ore'u*ioe of tb* drills. ( Mr Walker tha adistaat. dlrurvad tb* 1 faary isd rough riding Tba axhlbi t too remind ad tba spectator* <>f tha magnificent ruling for wblcbtba old fiMltanm ware ao famoua. Th* rtd lag waa # good M. la rest* magnets j baiter than tba faanr riding dona by •tba Augustan* partlrlpotlag la lb* fa jmnua firwfeo Bril's show. First, tbara {was fancy riding In a ting, then Coe •sack riding, talar, tha harass were sal ripped of everythin* except tbalr Tbtarkita. and noma anpa rb vaulting was done, esngly In palm and In tbrsaa. A feature of tha riding moat ! applauded waa that In which the rldara | sprang upon tbalr boraaa a# tbay arose I from tha ground. Variation* In vault ing ovar bar* warn rapaetally fine, and jtb# applause was tempt set uou* The ! fancy riding was don# by picked men i from th# alx troops, and was a* fine a* anything of th# kind could poaalhly be Tha Clnb greatly apprra'sled the courtesy of MaJ. Swelgert and showed It* appreciation by It* delighted ap plauae and cheering. What* happened to Jones? do to Op era 11 ouse tomorrow and sea. ••JUST FOR FUN” sunda> Evening at V. M. C. A. Building. The men of the city will be given a unique address Sunday afternoon ot S:3O o’clock by Rev. J. H. Msshburn, who will speak upon the suhjec.t: "Just for Fun.” Rev. Washburn was to have delivered thla addresa sever al weak* ago. but was prevented from doing so on account of the extremely hail weather. That the address will be Interesting Is an assured fact. The men of the city, alt strafigers and sol diers are invited, i How the wind blows. Keep out the cold. Save fuel, temper and doctors’ hills. Don’t let your next-door neigh bor hear you swear. From 3to 8 cents • foot. This Is done by using WEATHER STRIPS. For sale by Augusta Mantel A Supply Co.. 921 Breed. flreat comedy, great comrany—What Happened to Jones—tomorrow, matinee and night. CARD OF THANKS From Tenth Ohio and Catholic Library Association. The C. L.iA. and the Tenth Ohio regiment wish to return return thank* to Capt. Lohenstern. Cnpt. Kline and tho provost guards for the use of the Armory last evening to plav the match game of Indoor base hall JAMES P ARMSTRONG, R PeKURTA, Managers. Fop Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. Great comedy, great company--What Happened to Jones—tomorrow, matinee and nt»M TBX AtTOUBTA HJHALX) CIPT.JM). TWIGGS II HOME AGAIN |j# fitN riMI ilttltti *9 ts ill Affttii He (Ml MM BsrsM • M Abwufi.€#>»# m# Cogs, jwjg Twtmm us a#* «sf tb# m»i|<#lta mV fbfs fist * *«#n#e#t wf •imtirr* wMwfwtws Tb.*# ii'#»mi*»» tbM sl>n«t tarn gMMMb# *#*• s-*t Ml , llfljjl I# tkf #««» **•#* t#» •** It* mm <*m* m n*s+m • M BflHMIt •THUN* IMWNi lll#** TB## tP# : # I tmm BwiUß b#b, *M wmmt I* RiMhii ## r#i*i dMI. K# f t HMMI K#* * II CHMIBIBBIMB*» IB# B InTittl IMP •«#-• fIBBBf Bftlt - IB Blßff f**Bß H»B mm sum bb4 b mm ptommn* pte#v fm • mi t» I* mm pH«« |s« Immihli of til* mm Imw Oiptsta r ' ##b#4 tk# r#pnft#f **f 1 6* f|*f#M -Vary #dml. <pw# #t#v »t*t» anM tb# -Owr rnwtpaav Ms bad t*w# Mebn*#* •ban nay caber romp##t la tb# r#wt i meat," continued tSr popular vaptatn. Of course there ba# toe# #oaw few ■hgbt uMarb# ot sfirbaes# bat ambNNf ! UtISSS ~ "Ms yellow to* #p*“ "Mfll B Wl w •Tell as* swmstblag about yoar trip |to the Patted fit ate* #*h«t Tb# M#v ' aid ass "Well. I Ml Snntteft* oa Nov*m her ttb and Mve been a long wbll# getting barb borne. «'* were deinywd n bit by gtorm and quarantine I rente am lb# transport Mississippi We went from Ranting# to **» J«*». Por to Rico, and )u*t a* we left Ran Juan harbor sea wMltsM a storm Tb# sbtp tfaaaed to n great extent and I thuaght w# would hkve a terrible tlm* —bat we weathered the atom and reached New Toes a- few day* behind 1 agent a few day* la that city and rame homo I am delighted to ba In I Augusts once more nod shake hand* with my friends Hy ibe way. will yop plena# state that I will be at home to my friend* from 10 a mto I p, ia.. every day. when 1 wilt he glad to see all my arqaaiatanrae." Capt. Twlgga Ilea* on the corner of Elbert and Oreeo* street* and no doubt many of hi* friend* will be glad * to rail on him and chat a bit about ' tropica! rlltne# In speaking Of Santiago Capt. Twlgga said It waa a city of 100.000 Inhabitants, and while there was not j s* many modern Improvement# there as In A merlon. It was neverthelass n nice city. , “The* have no electric light system or street cars, but nae gss. and It's walk or take a»e«h when you dmlre to I go from on* point fn the city to ano ther "When we Brat got there the city j waa tn a very dirty condition, but the ! United Rtatee authorfthe sre fast get ! ting things cleaned up A number of Cuban* are employed In the govern ment office* and d« their work very weft." "How long will you he here and how long will you be In Cuba?” be was asked. , *tTo the firm question." answered the captain. "I will say I will be here a month, and to the second I do not know any more than you how long Uncle Bam will keep us on the Is land.” Capt. Twiggs ts looking In the best of health and as handsome as ever. Cuban climate evidently agree* with him v Elegant Line Solid Mahogany and Oak Desk from 14.MV to *2s.oo—Flem ing A Bowles. How the wind blows. Keep out the cold. Save fuel, temper and doctors' bills. Don’t let your noxt-door neigh bor hear you swear. From Bto S cents a foot. This is done by using WEATHER STRIPS. For sale by Augusta Mantel & Supply Co., 921 Broad. ft is told In the Book of the Great Gaelic that the toad once upon a time was good to see. But the vain lady toads began to use complexion washes with the usual result. OA.OTOIUA. Bwr* tb* Ay Tta Kind Ym Han Always Scnjtit Great comedy, great company—What Happened to Jones—tomorrow, matinee and ntsht «£ A woman has as many ways of mak ing a man feel mean as she ha, of us ing stale bread. Place your order at once and avoid rush. Goods cheaper than ever. F. J. Henry A Co., popular priced tailor*. 21* and 218 Campbell street. What happened to Jones? Go to Op era House tomorrow and see. "No man doth safely rul# but he that hath learned gladly to obay " Thomas a’ Kempis. You can get a fine suit ohaap for cash at E. J. Henry A Co. # *l* and fl* Campbell street. CHRISTMAS THEE FOR CHILDREN OF WEST END iTB N«uu fit *B UMf OB* TB* M $> ivMlatai Pat IB I#?. Taa I - rrmi #a ffaat la t#a* ts* I alavaxis g draw# figatswt. A gesog f*%rtaiCkk* sw Is tw*ag as* ’rattan* lay fM sMMcsa wf Was* RwA Mass pawgataatM tgffta* *t*4 a*a»M**w . wlft M raswvraswfi t# ja# m evyrtwi at. 4 : raw*#eve Witt la aste to ataa* B iHtl# BfiN#-# mmm B mm ; inntii>r *M W/ mm*.*,# BSfUMi# torlMHi*# 4Vr t'BllßiffOt I " !#*s Brill Imp $ tnN#«rt BHBf% I TUm iMTYBIIBBBiBBIB p!• M* f##**- ? MM| m* Bf *lm* lifg# •• wb#* BMi I fl•* Rfp llnj rs § fl»t <#*•##• i nett |sf • BBBlll## 4m CwPWwWWI# nt t# #v"«<*> efcwsv has tb# tatk* WlMrilmp bb bub IB W#Bf MB IB W«Bs fl *f • >T '(HflBBlB IHB*. Nr BMBjr fl# fß# lit* 141# femf # 884 |IH# BBBTBB fßrta#-/ fvMfBiIBBB 4B# IB*Bll4 B# m 4?.*BmH BB# It Ib B* BBbI« Iblb IMV ■;»M Will fBIBBI B#* j tw Blt’Bßßr'B* rßt# Bfß B#B B» fBP BB \ YBBTbB BB lO Brß-ffßßt BtBBBBUBM BB w Umbi JPB4. M tlr? B# wuniffß • Hill* 18188. *twi rfiwß*#Bt4Bß •111 B* TBb ttttte BBfB bbß firlr bt# |B»i itß I# ftißl B BfBBB W&* Owe artraa ea #*»«# aaty tsra tM*4* fwMi #«tar* rMange B. I. Nrary A <Tb , BB 1 '!! r4#B A PAGE FROM” POLICE DOCKET JsM* t»#«w*» Howard did t*4 te * morning Ju4g# Master being atv eeat. i Taa first oa# who bad violated tio. MM was Mr Lump iterant Ha fiad tew, t ery lataxtrstr-i sad had wtiile in that condition clainad that Mr Rant Owen y bad told kla vot* la the recent elerfa-n. tJ He had followed that statement up by trying to hit Owen* with a aada water bottle He had no recollection of anch. hut waa fined by hi# honor •Mt Lamp Bryant, rase No 1 He h*l attempted to strike anotbsr pnrt* with tb# same bottl# For thl# he wa* fined 12 SO. Mary Ntg. Lula McClendon Th#y had fought although Mary said sb# had Just bten hugging l.uta. ' You ar# too loving. Mary.” said tha jU<t£# Tba fine of II.Mt was imposed on both: Mary and Luin. WUI Col vert had had a little diffl rtilty with Cary Brown Cary had dla rharged Will, who had b*en worlyog for hltn Will. 11-30. dlas.v Moore Massy Thoms* ” ■> They had fought and their fines were $1.50 apiece. Will Marshal. He had desired, he said, to get Into a hail, and Mary did not agree to his going, whereupon he threw a piece of brick at her Will. $2.60. Will Marshal, cate No. 2. He had broken the door of a friend’s house down. Fined $2.60. Lot Parksdale. He had been very drunk last Sunday and raised a disturbance, for which he was fined $2.50. Columbus Andrew#. He appeared, hut the prosecutor In thh case. Mr. S. R. Cohen, did not CoTumhus was dismissed. It was a 4*o charge. CH EAP W~NTE R TOURISTS RATES. 1 1 ■i ,i f §heap Winter Tourists kets are now now on sale by the Central of Georgia Railway to Florida and Cuba. Still Alarm at Simmons This morning about 8 o'clock a still alarm was sent, in from No. 34. Some Umbers in Simmons' Ye Booke Store were still burning. No. 3 reel and the truck respond'd and tn a few minutes extinguished the fire. New Pullman Sleeping Car Line Via. Southern Railway. On Nov. 14th. the Southern Railway Improved their present flue service by the addition of a through Pullman ves tlhule car between|£ugusta and New York to be operate® on the Washing ton «nd Southwestern limited, leaving Augusta 2:10 p. mj»For full Informa tion and reservatioillcaU on or address J. B. Heyward? T||P- Broad street, Augusta, Ga. Great comedy, grin company—Tfhat; Happened to Jone#-»tbmorrow. matinee «nd night. OH R VISIT 10 GEN. TOONG Hum ffittffl «M fit) o#ft*h it* tsaaaslara *m«<»4 A fiMhfMV <*•» h ■#■»#>*) On* tor go* * a i I IB IB# #4Ml?fst## | iif lß#s •##s h's Qrn T#NtBB B4sß ! #BB pf*#i#B4 SB4 WWBpBNBI siß ###l# I w 4M t§B»fßi ipvwAr TB* Pl* tltßß# ■ «n»4» *» fp»f ** %r*m* 888 B t trUfUnfm tiib# bb* >pjwy»4 to? 81l MM>„ % IBBB# BIMBBBf Bf BHMMWH W* PfcWW—K M «B ** ***** *’ rilßil#B»#nK* (%# f*Blsß «*'#'** #B BB* ||# m|ft Bi|ll lB bBI#B B tUIBB# 4>Bl' r+mn mt hi* Bt# Btßßlty B**4BB BB A Wf(* 4*lßll I# ferzr™ Another ftadtag of th# ctmrt taartts! I teas .aafle pa Mir today fit l Oarl-w* o. «#*<*. Co r. IMh Miaoraota. efurged wl,h Vie tattoo of «tad grtlr a. .as found guilty H# ha* horn radnrad »o raaks. will forfeit t»n dollar* of hi* oar for thr** I month, he nufisM *1 hard tabor f -r three month* and »f thr rxpiratß* of that Must hr dlshooornh’i dlachargrd from th# smvjra of tho Catted »*atra. Camp Chat. Erik FWwman Go B. IMfc Minor*o -1 tg, ba* returned from sick furlough and aay* that although iso* la on the ground at tata home and thr thermom otor la far below aero, hr has nrnily I frosrti since coming hrrn. Capt, C. A. Reynold# of th# Tenth Ohio. I* first brigade officer of Ihe day Capt fiirrsr of the Eighth Penn sylvania la office: of the day. third . brigade Th# fsnr# around First brigade headquarter* la he ng completed Col. Supple of Baltimore romra to raorrnsmto visit hi* ton. Lt. Supple Rome of the companies of the lSth Pennsylvania are do ng fine skirmish asora. Lumber for the sStb Michigan kitch ens la being battled today The SStb Is also Issuing carpenter’s tools, clothes and all equipments to th# men. An order was Issued today detailing a court to convene at Rumtnerville. 8. C.. on Monday. December 12 Capt. Geo. W Wright has been ! granted a leave of absence for eight I days. A latge number of the men are try ing their hand at gunning around Au- I gusts. Some more slow freight for the hoys ' arrived today. Tenth Ohio. 0 First Lt. B. F. Bliss has received his commission as captain of Co. H. vice Capt. A. W. P. Irvine resigned Sec ond Lt. F. L. Schelling takes his olsce and First Sgt M. E Van Dus*n Is pro moted to second lieutenant. Capt. Fraxer of Co. Cls officer of th-* day. Griffin of Co. A has returned from a sick furlough Lt. J. P. Cclwetl of Co. «•’ ts comman der of the guard. : J. Prhultx Of Co. I and W Bereaw of Co. M ate orderlies today Garretaon of Co. F has been trans ferred to his company from the hospi tal cqrps. MaJ. Woodridge Inspected the hospi tal today and complimented the corn on the looks of thintrs. *"<- First Maryland. E. Wirx was the man who had hts toe amputated In place of Ts chantry. W Holland of Co. K has been trans ferred to hospital cores Several new e.lectri* lights are beinr placed in camp Capt. Wright is officer of the day. Lt. Haines of Co. M is ■:(fleer of the guard W Dean of Co. F and G. JClein of Co. M are orderlies today. L. Voyleman of Co. H is orderly to Col. Lane today. Capt. Hampt of Co. H has had writ ing parer made with the picture of company street Thankstriving decora tions at the head of the paper It is quite a unique ides Thirty-Fifth nichlgan. Lt. ZeilufT of Co. D is officer of th day. Lt. Ball of Co. M is officer of the guard. Carpenters tools are being Issued to the companies today. A good many men went to town hop ing to see the 31st 'regiment pass through today. I Burger of Co M and Spencer of Co. ] M had their furloughs extended. Eighth Penrtaylvanla. I Lt. Hoepstone of Co. H Is officer of the day. Lt. Fame of Co. A is officer of the cuferd A new phon* has heart placed in the adjutant”* office. TV. Rchaul. » contrast surgeon. ha« mi Alfffcigfrt Um* 7* kdMrti fMff (Wsl PUtlffM} Hut 14 <*Nt j*t Imihfil. i HAY f, IH,t Mgikajptf . w,, , T|>, 0 I Z j\uqu?ir\uraW(u | ’*• Thl, tsfsuh Bew— • *vaala rifleea h *hhaae#e€a a . _ -._! jo <h| Ha (.Jfl tf-trt rtf 4 Ih# Ciulfi • ». t #Tlll %.•#■*« |H# l> »Tftl > * > mrth*#* Hbibhlb ♦'BB BtV'BBB bm BBBVB* •led efloe and •• rdrasant <*d #■'# !• take SnM hy Aleaadrv T*rt»s and Re*# Cu . f B Barr of «#« Towet I waa <>. We use oar best effort* to make ymer parch**** aatlraly sallatectory. MAHONEY & ARMSTRONG COAI. AND WOOD Strowger 'Phone . . . . • »*i Bell Of Ik* and 1 ard Na. i McCartaa Mrert THE WEATHER Rain or Snow Called For th# Imme diate Future Auguata, Ga., Friday. Dec. $. 189* Office located in United State# Govern ment building: telephone No. 1672. Forecast for 36 hours eauing 8 p. m Dec. 10, 1898. Washington forecast for South Caro lina: Threatening weather tonight and much colder; probably light enow Saturday. Washington forecast for Georgia Ra<n or snow ton got and Saturday: much ccldrr tonight; continued cold til! Sunday. Local forecaat for Augusta and vi cinity: Ralu or snow tonlgh: and Ssturday : colrtqr tenighf. The river at 8 a. m. was 9.6 feet., a fall cf 0.9 feet in tb» pas; 24 hours. Intensely cold wrather covers the en tirely country weal of the Mlss sslpr>i river this morning, due to an extraor dinary high pressure which has set tled over that regico. tha coldoet plac bring North Platt?, which Is t 2 d-gr-rs below xero. A depression is locat'd in h* Ou’i giving rise to general reins tn the cen tral and west Gulf asptlcn: heavy snow ip central and western Texas and sleet In Mississippi: s? the snowfall has rere ved nearly 7 Inches at Abilene, and over 2 inchee at Palenatine; snow I* also falling lightly about th* Great Lskes. —( — ’ I Great comedy, great company—M hat Happened to Jones-tomorrow, matinee and nt'ht. • Attend tie Sale ofGrocieries at Cut Prices WICKER & PILCHER. ! EVERY ARTICLE STRICTLY FIRST CLASS New crop Georgia Syrup, per galion . . 30c !15 Cakes “Harris” Soap for • Sugaicured Hams, good as Dove . * 1 uc Good Tab e Butter. _ __ . . Good Second patent Flour 40c sack, $3.20 barrel. First patent Flour 55c sack, $4.35 barrel. All the ieading brands of Cigars, 6 for 25 cents. We guarantee to save you money on anything in the line of Groceries. lItKER Si PILCHER'S, 951 Broad Strut birthplace, of low prices. DB«BBCKMBIB • THE MARKETS. »i*uf*T4 Mihkrt tirr*-tt# [ Let* miigfffns * t t tfl met- • Ml* *U*e „ ... I m > tft te!**.* ~ „ „ t tt>fifi mntt a»M'*ev .* «• .. . i it M ■ -Y-mu mnnimm m ... „,, .. iff xrhr -mi UfvTt Tw*»dei . - .flit *?• th rfilfi 11*; |«M Iter sift. H<< t 21*14? s****• 1 Oeewmher ~ ~ ~ ~ twfil *#w COBH — * I otTS ■ gweesaaev* ,* «• . • •* ** •- —i i Mat .. .. .... - .. 8% i Janu«- *. .. .. » IfH » 17H i May »<N * *2*» •Jsnusre » «M | ».«TH tM«y 2*H 18 I B*Ttks - 1 January .. 18 4.M f May .. ...... « «'» * f$M NEW 1- 'UK COTTON. Klanuary .. I *• $.» 'Febritery * k* I March » M 48 Vpril » *7 s■•* I May .... » « i t «* * s.«* ■ jote 5 *e » fit in $.71 fteptember » 64 * « ! October * «» k-H i Ncratahav .. •• * ** 1 D ».«* 1.41 Tnae—steady Mlddllnr 5%. NSW. YORK RTOCKB. Sugar I**H IKM Tobacco LIS I** 1 * B. R. T 72*4 7th C. H Q Il*\ H*% 51 Isaouri Part lie S* 1 * Mt* iLoulaville and Nashville . tt\ «*H Manhattan 631* *3M Manhattan *••* ** People'# Ga* 10* HWM Union Pacific .. .. .. .. 11l 11*4 Rock Island I»*i* l®* T » 81. Paul 114 1141* Fooihern Railway, pfd .. 41\ 4114 Western l?nii n *4 *444 i LIVERPOOL COTTON, f January and February SOS 206 I February and March .. 2 05 2.0# March and April 2.07 2.06 0T 1 April and May 3OS 3.07 0* I May and June S.W 3 0* ! June and July .. .. .. *l# * 0* July and August .. .. 3.10 .1.09 10 Aug. and Bent 3 10 3.10 Sept, and Oct. .. .. 3.10 3.10 |Oct and Ncv 310 2.10 I Nov, and Dec 80S 3.0 S 06 Special Notice Augusta. Ga , Dec. 9, I*oß. iTHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder* of this Bank will he held a’ Its Banking H"U» • on TUES DAY. January 10th. I**lt. between the hours of 13 and 2 o'cloc': p. m.. for the election of seven director# to serve for tho ensuing year. PERCY E. MAY. Cashier WANTED —A FIRST CI.ABB PASTRY ro,-':. Colored woman prefelYed. Ap ply in Inn Restaurant, 717 Broad. dec » WANTED—POSITION BT A STRICT LY business young lady, who has bad thre.- years' ■•vr« ricnce in office work. Address F. A. 8.. care Herald, dec 8 9 WANTED—A GERMAN GIRL WHO Is willing to work: can finl a good heme and good wages by applying to 301 Fourths' street. dec * 10 11