The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 10, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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SATURDAY 4 THE AUGUST• HEflllO •••#* #«»»« nwi «*»Mt »« *»*■ ** * illiMV* ~ mhmnhi • * »-»•« M ***»» «-«—* _ Mm ***** ,» ~,j«ww • ***»•* *«( •««* ...... .».««« •* *'• '• • to*** a* **#**. «..-**A*i*at «* TW <1 uwh u»»M A*aO*m, »*• h« V‘ .»>»«<*<« *,»*#•** a. r» «.**•» • hotfc M **• ftt MAI !• tfHISII, •«•!■«■• limn “ NH l •**»»»** |Mtti****» -■•**• M Out wm» iwi «**4 »iww» *«*- Mm mu. Banting B*Hi« Bumin •*• VOL MllX I IMI Tiltl MLMAIU Ik tltaall 11 Mai«l A **#■*• *»d iMMmimu In (la i *a«i*h-- • t tin* t aMi |t«t« kal tl rmiD v w. are ateeA In Um • -Al UK •*»•* ItoWSK tfatsi .Want**. In (It** KiSlwst -A t Ik* CTiartaafaa I4*<* J __ |a r*t*atM« *i Ik* Ontrwt |k Nww ?•-*• till At th» M«i»( Rm pM» **4 RM k *»»**• Mwt#k fMrMm fkliWMf I* •»d Tk» HmM Mt *••• wMk Mrt MMrmMM »m *••*** • km ks Ik* fi*H •* •** «Mv* Th* pm«» twoty t* *•*••* today, OfMII M"*f hkk b*nk*k Mil Ml* Th# Wsttog fuad has raortwd 4' *' * |W. V« l*t‘» mm how IMw' plan Mark* ik Hav**iit Wt Mk*t hurry U ** momM have th* T«*tgt>t nidi Ik* Ml***? kt Madison Squat. Qinlm. AmUm objwtlo* to Mil*?—lk ok* j MHf to Jo* WtK*i*f Ik Ik* Ho«i*o. fit fUrrert tin* ruliol lb* n®r* nl itimi rocunlKoioa*r Ik Wikloil**. Thai *m k dlatlnrtly Oalltr »e-n* wHnaaaed at Ik* opening of th* (H>< ra GikMlii* la PMto. AH'a fair k Inn nd war, fair #x . Uaaso la bo robbery, ao W’i swap (h« illl'flae# for raoaUa. *!",* fl'y father# of Ih* Iron CM? . '.<• voted Ken the "Greater tltr- Jagbam" plan of ronaolldatlok. f’Hirggo's mayor la ih* aoa of kla rather. How would Ik* aAtwiff of at retch,ng hemp round In th* South? R H. Alger, Jr., ha* been aeriously hurl In going Aown a toboggan alid* In Canada, th* old man la on the name road In Washington. K la not surprising that Spain abmild a«*k to dlapoa* of her Canaria* after having traoaactail a little bualnaaa with tha American eagle. Mam! Muller, on a atimmer’a day. Raked the meadow aweet with hay: Now Mad Mullah of the Swat. Rakes him In the Khan nirs pot. "Amid the shouts, yells, curse*, and execrations" of the people, the plates liearn* the name Weyler street In Ha vana were burned down as soon a* Blanco had sailed for Spain. Ex-Gov. Thomas G. Jones, of Ala bama. who bore one of the flags of truce at Appomnttos, was the orator on the unveiling of the Confederate mon ument at Montgomery Wednesday. It took twice as long a* usual to properly raumthlfy Alfonso . XII., twelve years Instead of six. While In life Alfonse might have been rather n gay boy, he certainly wasn't a tough subject. "Miss Helm Gould la receiving about three hundred letters a day. mostly from soldiers." We wonder whether the larger proportion are prompted by the kindly heart or the plethoric purse? One good result of the feminine use of the b'cycle Is that now the women near Rhot* that drees the foot without squeezing them, and the aforesaid ex tremities "look like feet and not tooth The ladles of Macon are very much surprised that their prayers did not uj«i Georgia to the prohibition cause. 1 pimps the l.ord knew better than il:cy did \vhßt was good for Georgia. r%d blessed them unawares. —Tlmca- Vclcn. pn.vH Henrt Rochefort, that Nestor of French journalism: "The Republicans of France rejoice with the Americans In the freeing of Cuba and the Philip pines from the Intolerable yoke of Spain. The war was not one of con quest but for th« liberation of men tM MM Mi *Smi Sin # •ti#t' lISNNNI luOmi'"• *■*«» mm *s# Mi mt 4tlt mmmftmm tip SMRS #4 th* A# * ft tmrntmtmm •§#** # * A CfcMMiMMP •*** * #i •* fff lIPHt 1® *Ol *•* • W 9 €Mmm f tmm t* % mmm •Snnni Ite SSSHSVVSNS SMII SSW sMSSM Pin S 3 TW S ««ll »l S «NSMI |§ T%* SoiAiy RwiM fsi ■» Mas i SfMRSf f S (Mt Till HA# t§ • iMW^IfAl 9 Sifts f ffMHt its (Mil(l# w 4 SSR SiMMK | . Tti<l yr I* * twsfff*lt inf SMf [ CfcrS’m** A omit tls ' I *■ i. t« )Mf TNf Utst Ml ! rskittM TsStwAA Psrtf ; pletwm of SuKdojr Vast Hots# dHtlss. AniotsMt# sti W«iM * arUrt* | fbr Msnftot s M H»t to D#r«r#i# j Yeitr Has* far CTiriotasMT M wry wl* ik m. Th* Bmy mm 4 OW*. TM km #«ut strtfl sill rood ’ Bor* : rots'# V i ns#siKf* s (% riot mo# dory, I by Jak* Kllla Joy. with l«t*tkat. to morrow "How th* Toys Spent Chrtat* j ma»" la another story for children. Thera la alao for the children a poeua j • 'Tommy a Cbr.attnaa rancy." by K. ! K. Hunkltlrtck All of th*a* are beau j ufully liluntraled WrMMrkablc Artkle. Thar* la a rtwtarkahl# arilcl* ok I Mod*tn Warfare la tomorrow a Her ■ # |it I'retcd Mayor ky Oo* Vot* How Pokier Hlodgett beat Bob Mae for Mayor by one vote la an Interaat ing atory In Tb* llerald tomorrow In , view of Mr. KllioU'a done abnee for rounell New epaper* of flanila A friend of The Herald aende from ! Manila a copy of a paper printed there i and The llerald baa alao been **n! a Porto Klcan paper. There la a gtory ! aimnt thf-m that la Interesting. Telegraph. Th* Sunday Herald receive# th* full i Sunday »#rrle« of th* Aapoeiated ! pri «*. Th* Sunday Herald rovers I Georgia newa with apeclnl telegram*. local New* The Sunday Herald rover* ihe 10. »l news thoroughly and In *n •ttmrtlv* . manner. There t* n atory ahmit a beautiful room In an Augusta home. The sunday Herald. The 9und*y Herald coats three rent* acopy: len cent* a month; one dollar a year. NFORO OTIICULS 111 THE SOOTH. We all remem her the rendition of af fairs In Augusta prior to the Domina tion by the president of the present In cumbent of tb* portmasteishlp. It was thought that the now Registrar of the United States Treasury might be ap pointed. He had stood high In the council* of the republican party and should he re warded. Benntor Hanna, so It was said, was in favor of making him postmaster In Augusta. But after months of waiting and speculation, an other republican was named for the utflic and we all aald the president had acted wisely. At the present time, with McKinley making preparations to visit Booker Washington and his school at Tuske gee, while on his southern trip, the re collection of the tu-cne at the white begtse is brought up. when, in inform ing Judson Lyons that a better posi tion than the Augusta postwasteeship would bo found for hint, the president passed his arm through that of the national committeeman and assured hint of his respect and esteem. These thoughts come to mind as the presi dent Is about to make closer inspec tion of the habitat of the colored bro ther, and we trust that besides a short respite from the caves of state, besides a relnvigoratlng and refreshed physi cal condition wherewith to resume his cares and duties upon the return to Washington, that he will have thor oughly Impressed upon his mind the wisdom, yes, the necessity, of naming only white men for the responsible federal office# in the south. Aud we believe the situation Is becoming clear er to the northern tnlnd. and to the northern press—save perhaps The Springfield Republican and papers of that class in this respect. A glance at the utterances of the northern pa pers shows that they appreciate the situation far better than they ever did before: and there are not a few who warn the president not to be led hv political agitators into the mistake of XBE AUGUSTS H333RALD d ttttf With tk* arm «f tk* atrUf* aamtry. i North m 4 Swath aUka waewpmdl wph - jI. in 1 Ms tiar mm** *h*#*i mm kit •inn Mr tM# IkMfTllt - “Whmr* 4*4 j Prawrir m ptara tha Rape#*" and from ,tba pamph'H of tha Right Rev. C. f. It «rwt over 9tA.gM.twa.tWS asd a all- At last h* aland amid a land am ' Half jiirtmilfil Vllf *. . S m h wtdwwa* wr«4a and nrphaaa' aoka a nnwUlik4 frfr mjm c i <**9l pfjui) Udl and pottttral right# with the white man ta ths hswl. Joy and sorrow of these 1 iaie* few stopped to rand the verdict history had writ ten for all Ilka •apartment? tmraed men Ml an thn> the anlvemnl tentlmony of history .a that «owbars, at any time has a ■>a aant of a weaker rare haan left free to atruggla for aalateara la the mlda’ of a atrorger taa and aarrlvad th* ttrog gle. Moor and Spaniard. Carthaglaiaa and Roman, testify to this troth. Pur 'tan and Cavalier crushed ont tha In dian. Would the negro prove the drat eyreptlon* Would he could he— live? Th# saawer to this fearfnt queatlnn. Involving the rruahing out of 7.400.000 soul* with their deaeeadants. as well as placing their blood oa our skirts be* aide that of the exterm'nated Indian, is wr*"pen in another, namely: Are we more Christ-llky than we wrra? Are those who are wise more reedy to arch and to aave that which I* Inat? Are we more like the good Samaritan, who waa great, and wise enough to atop, bind up. aoothe. remove to a place of safety, watch with, and pray for the helpless humanity In hla road? Or, are w» still content to be priest and Levlt*. satisfied with olßre. temple and ordinance, to which we eagerly press, regardless of the human sorrow in the way? TOMORROW'S HERALD. Tomorrow's Sunday Herald will be aa bright, newsy ami complatc a paper n» well directed euergy. Intelligent ef fort and clean IlnesH of purpose can rauke it. It will have the happenings of the world; the news from Paris and New York; the news of the south, of Geor gia and of Augusta. It will have the latest in literature and fashions, be sides Interesting and attractive special features. It will coat you but three cent* and it Is worth It. Be sure to get the whole sixteen pa ges and then order it for the com ing Sundays. Maj. Gen. James . Wilson first vis ited Columbus thirty-three years ago aa a Federal cavalryman. Yesterday he returned to the town on the Chatta hoochee ns the commander of the Ftrst nrmy corps on an Inspecting tour. • Farewell the cut-rate ticket; farewell the familiar rebate check; farewell the sweet excursion slip! farewell the *'un explred mileage book," a long farewell —the House has passed the anti-scalp ers bill. “At least one state has n beautiful nnd appropriate Confederate monu ment." —Age-Herald. Ami there are others. Alone. Alone—Alone? Held closely ~ln love's keeping. With wee head nestled warm on mo ther's breast And mother's eye to guard—but yet in sleeping Wandering to lands her feet have never pressed— Alone. < Alone—Alone? A lover’s lips are press ing Kisses on mouth and brow and hap py eyes. While heart beats quick response to his caressing. Yet souls touch not—but go in mute surprise— Alone. Alone—Alone? Held closely in love's keeping, The hands of friends and kindred clasp our own And voices call unconscious of their •weeping. We pass Che borders of the trrent un known— Alone. . a t as I- *(*••*> idtiH iM»(r *rnf«mtm to ttIFTTW *tt th* ltirfll«ij# • I pr-XT® ff|9#. IJhtif ro’tuto M(er#M ft rtiftf »JP let"* re SMI til# f»reih*’t»f H*#ltM#ltlf f* t# ttodif #ll It om» to fW*#m #n4 p»4J«W lAMtIMi. ll|n* ‘*f fM# h*mt n%*mmmt*m t* It# Mrtft»4iPP* N 4 (fcM «•*•'«»« I# oft# •• require fprltlMtor tnansfif * to ft* lam *»#!*•> e«trs for taxation In the < tint v tn which they aft taken. It la knpMl that the M* will pans by »S overt, brlmlua vote. Quitmsn Free Prre* The Macen Telegraph is on track of ike tax dodger and t* going at full ny. That tt n«v succeeded in catching him and bringing him to account Is the wish <*f evtrrv good rttlsrn of the slat*. The lax dodger ta a burden on the taxpayer. The Telegraph la rrpubUnhlng a ssrtrs of article* proving that there la a great deal of dodging done In the state. In their salutatory Messrs. M L. (lurch and Edgar T. Gentry, the new editors and publishers of the Eastman Times-Journal, promise their friends that the high standard of that paper, shall be kept up. The gentlemen are! not stranger in the sanctum of the Ttmes-Joumal. Moth of them have be- ( fore been connoted with Ita manage ment, and they played conald Table part In making the paper on of the most Interesting and most Influential weeklies In Georgia. The Baltimore Hun thus comments ' on a recent effort of the Georgia legis lature i "There was a warm light in the Georgia house of representatives Saturday over a bill cutting down the salaries of the state railroad commis sioners from |3 ,'ioo to |2 <IOO. Finally, the "economists" won out, passing the 'majority. This seems like doubtful economy. If the railroad comgtlsaion Is worth maintaining at all. the Geor gia legislature should allow Its mem bers at least a living salary. ! Pays The Columbus Enquirer-Sun I llf It had been the purpose of the administration at Washington to con-, . fuse 1 , befuddle and befog the currency ; reform question, the thing could not have been more effectively accom plished ihan has !>een done through the conflicting recommendations tn the. I reports of the comptroller of the cur rency and the secretary of the treas ury- The latter Is a Chicago hanker and a strong man. The comptroller Is a young Illinois politician, and It looks ias If he thought It would be a good thing to keep the currency question open and unsettled, for political pur pose*. Moultrie Observer! Naval stores men are being daily bothered and damaged by sharks who are acting as gents for public works In Florida and other; I slates, and are quietly slipping out j \ hands for them. Since a good many I negroes are hopelessly in debt to their, | employers ,lt Isn’t a hard matter to In duce them to leave, and It Is this class ithat are being carried off mostly. One I operator was heard to say that his bus jiness had ls?en almost stopped by the I demoralisation brought about by these 'agents. There Is a law against carry ing laborers from one state to another, and Its effectiveness will probably soon be tested, ns one or more arrests of agents have recently been made. Cordele Sentinel: A fetv days ago Thomasvllle vicinity was confronted with the problem of an over-production In syrup. Their railroads were asked to reduce the rate of freight on syrup so that It might be marketed In cities at a distance. The rate was granted, and as a result thousands of dollars’ worth of syrup is being shipped from there at good profits. This points to a lesson. If a market can lie found for Georgia syrup, Georgia farma|s can become rich raising it. The duality of our syrup is equal to that of any on the markets, What Is nfwded Is that It be graded. Introduced In the markets and a freight rate secured for it. The maple syrtip Is not superior to Georgia syrup, and yet it serfs for twice as much, because It Is known in the mar kets, and is put there in marketable shape. -o tr* \ „ '#L J » X- 1 Jm if mmEff&t* try J wtLwJLm r* I IS ££2 H«• m W«f .*♦»»-* h*m*» mm mmm j ml ih* *#***• m *i ## t tnTf 1 %m *•■*«•* <|h * tpRWRR# If INUM# ****** * Hm km pir*m»* mt f*t, f Ppfgu. . **m*m 4* *i Mwtff |t*»« • f nm mm mpmmm ' im- ■# w Imp# » mmo tl# , 4m m#4 ***** t*m mt** «*** *•' T' -•* *** ih* fmm* %%»i * m*mr* ' zri*'zs. i TrrnvM# kh**4 Mr Tr(Wt. (>Af of th*m 4».f* will Im 4 i ftrtdf U* (M ifwMtilitl foitiit . * Rttht Thing ta Da r#n Hoxof p##### ffnt. Thm Mt I in#' H* ri*r» S4mt(i*oß m It# ( nf< niMX«l# Si? Oaontwlil- A |»fMp#l Th# Hon Hiftßii Tiftor *##m* to h«v« th# I fl of (lac, An ttmlasloa. Mlr.o. spoil* Joargat. Nothing aa* said la the aaessag? about John Sbernraa and th* Ob .a governors.. •, Heed Mow* In. Del roll Tribune, The second mtisa of the Thomas. Brackett Reed began la Washington yesterday. No Doubt an Inadvertent# Washington Post. A careful inepcetlss of the document falte to disclose the allgbteal reference to Hon. Hugh Hanna. Aa WeM as Sultry. Washington Post Admiral Sampson can go the late Gen. Sherman one better. Th# admi ral find* that war la also profitable. Not Surprising ; Nashville American. It 1* not aurpriaing that Sampson continues In a belligerent mood. He ! didn't get satisfaction In the late war with Spain. , That Tay be Interred. Detroit Tribune. Wtthout saying ao. th# preatdent'a menage Indicate* pretty clearly that the Philippine* have captured the Uni ted SUN*., Would Peel No W oa. ; fJutErte Leader. Mr. McKinley would shed no tears if i • the republican* ahould seat Thos. B. Reed among the member* of the floor j after March 4. The ob-tlnate Public. ! Washington Post. The magazine writers are doing | some very Intricate explaining, but the; public will believe that Schley was; there and that Shatter got there. Must Break It Gently. St. Loula Globe-Democrat. It i» probable that the common peo- j ! pie of Spain will be kept In ignorance ror some time yet of the graceful man-! ner in which the peace commissioners . of that country yielded to the demands ! of the United States. This Is the kind ; of news that must be broken gently in Madrid as an educational protection to , Spanish honor. Children deprived of fats and mineral foods have weak hones, flabby flesh and thin watery blood. The milk of nursing mothers, enfeebled by chron ic diseases, or long contin ued nursing, produces the same results. Scott’s Emulsion is cod liver oil partly digested and with the hypophosphites, forms a fat food which acts | on the infant through the j mother’s milk, giving rich blood, strong nerves and sound flesh and bones to both. 50c. and ?! 00, *ll druggists. "SCOTT & BQWNC, Clwmht*, New Verb. For'l’he Soldiers! Regulation Guumleis Regulation Hats Officers’ Hats Flannel Shirts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Cuats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers’ Fquipmems Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 “Good Taste ArpJfd.” ? Everythin* / 1 To Pick From 1 j Uonm tb# t*#i t « »t«i w* J M filed INel urn *it.« mil E / Christmas S S Gifts, / s A imi| vblfh Vt frill IfTf f } ntf (iltWftl J V \ J M list ten rttf Nrf« r*. J S f 4T \ / s l <S«*4 NtMlh f I V 1 / v pMi S ) fktit# **f rvtry Off r J R.*» # 1 fisiljf'l bM 4c. 4 , 1 / Keep Your \ N Appointments / An l bar* yoar tatr-a-tetm at ( \ out * ■ ere. * bvin for rrvtlng 1 r rets In* r j tirtsuaa atmadaam. R / Jlfiacfitr Cru Cwpam / S toe JUtOAD RT. / X /snhend u» year \ J I'rv-i q.t’iOi,* to fill. / For Rent Farm of thirty acres just bftlow city. Dwellings, stores and ffices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 A 2 Library Building. MUIUfIL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENTUCKY Aleolutcly liKMitntiiMr Polh-lc* Pr»m TtHtc of Issue. Largest DlTtilcnils - - - - Lowest Premiums Solicitors Wanted; call or write. H. H. STEINBK, Special Agent, 416 Dyer Building. EACH DAY ES THE HERALD < i ROW tig ' Jus ilewoabJ sln .t-ov • ••£ iwe6~ t :U] eril'! >*r ■SEiJ-g-LA r » 1 9 no X Hr* ,Ik>'»7- lii’gai'aJTg®. ;»i£!Siiso[3» DECEMBER 10 FILL UP YOUR YeurColop Bottles FOR CHAIITMAI WTTM TH t FOttO * Ilf 0 t*oGsl j*TSV’*.r* .— mT - 75< »»*• n§c o*. sac ox. lidfant Cut Onti end ; Pressed C<"*totrne Ekrttk# foe Chris! mai Present!* And s#e my Hne of Christ* nisi Goods, oil new no* veittes and low prices. L i. Garoelle, Druggist. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, •(If 71l St . AtftxtA. (it. 6: v *» n*( nrc nsTt *• an *mm m m*ki. test! «S> prmpm ommmm isS «se> u«r» ***** tmmrnm c#i *ttofn«f htm*whlk fmm wmm FREE OF CKAtUiE. JZITJSZ —t*Ht»» R tom COAL and WOOD • PKoM THR North Aifsitß Cos! t Supply Co Uoaettty sm t,asttty Cnsnsind F W SCOFIELD. PRESIDENT Ml I'tonß -Id Msfii* 3A Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Ricbarils & Stor, 827 Broad St., City. Pstine, Murphy & Co. COM MISSION MKKCHANTS. 803 Feiaolds St— uleglois.^w'.iv im.iv Lessee W ire* i ireci to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Order* executed over our wire# foe Cotton. Stock*. Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for rash or on margin*. Local »*tunties bought and sold. Refere-cer —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. FOK S ALE. Numlver 22 Telfair street—Four roera house —Lot 40x150 feet. Ten acres of land on the Pand Hllla. near Hotel Bon-Air. Dwelling of 12 room*, stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small houses and lots on Sand Hills. Will sell separately or all. at a bargain. 87 Acres of land near Wrlghtsbom road,, one mile above city's new water basins. 50 acres of land near MllledgevlUe road, seven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! g#r- 1 beg to notify my friends and customers that I have add d another chair to my Barber Shop, makiDg *ix firsl-cla»s Barbers, and I hope to accommodate iny customers without waiting hot and cold baths. COME EARLY and OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 JT 214 Eighth St., OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.