The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 10, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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SATUROAV 6 COAL-COAL-COAL yim fjmi t *mi lii tin |if %l tit* I** 9N«m» Oft** JNM»W# AniMHt inti »«<* N ’w* -*- i i . -■»- ■ - - * ■ 0* ft j>M Pm f f 00* •41 r%«iii«ii *##’*«* • * ’ 9 9 CITY ICE COMPANY. ft####—**# fßfpM# ##SI f9nwi##*-<w*# ®^9*w9 iH^tm D— * —a l»*lf •*•»*•* *•** f—ta to—**— >*«*»* - - *• - ****■ f <l—l Ml* ... ~ . to —I BP wBNW a *+ M ft *# *• * ** I* * »*« Kiti *w «M*wr*» r*K»*»i r « * Itov* fmimumm. Data*, *«# ►* ito»—» M*"*. *•"* - < "•**' • (■»*»-##• g— tan ,#••>** ***** * €%**••• a— M 4 n m •• m .. tor P 4? pWPMI « MM • 1 *•* PMMMMh **— P"*»* • * •** ’ * HWta *■ Mtata* » ♦. •> •# - uhhh #*«**» .«•####••*. 3 Km** taw. g— ** **• * m P s#*## • (p»ft»w4 *.t *<t **•« ***** M utl ) - M n*t m pMmm, 490mPmmm9m h »« .♦ m *■•** WMS? m ** m m *•** 44 ** UYft Pm** »m*t *.n. -tai— » *•*»• *» tf«w< ta»*» ta——#• —MI « *» -n Mil— 1 Mlt ..•*'» *» gtto-va •taw—* —tat • •••• I*-M* |;.'fSHpPPN*| 0490*9040 $# tt* t • •• «• *# I—t PPo9949tm i«•*#• •#*««• *• 9*-~ ’ p*f, * t##«n#, ##oM*nm* 9# ft* Hi •• «* .ta M •• M M .. •• •* *##** •#<•*•«• •***• ••*• '** 57 t« M M't* fa t hm— * * y ifta— It fc»!>i. nh -iMt f.w *® tt* §t »# »»* |>«— radar, B P . —» a *■• iKtta**, *— ta—p. o a. *i ft n, tam# «ata*r * * »» !**•* - fMt. •—| krtm M T» • ** It*f 000(1 •»•* #»•,»•*# tmm *— JM 6#m, «.<»* % n k twmti .. •• > *-* •*« « * •* * : * # M m f| #f , f , , Av HM • fiiiiin Hi M H II M * *** **■ f. Km M • ■ *taom .. » » « Irta 9. XM » mu K C .. .. * I I •foot. tll.H aniwil 1 (M i— •• tfnl. |»r let. • OtrMeeili H r*> H ta—-l. M M « m.r*< min<»« ItaMlltiimt kntta .. •• •••• *• *® <* WtOUAM. fr«l< •* Hi I— » • •• • *** fr*M et ita tan. 1* mm •• •• 1 ) ♦ f«M. M tatat ’ ' * r*i»* *■* •• •• •• - ‘? ! AH'«* *«•». *! Ft id* of i— Wol « •*» JK. r. Ktal M R n elilrllnt .. I !-• S*e. T Ki— t-t A A ttaiUßl ~ *I * '* M. .■ m**•••* ■* •• I I i M f Kiel, ItaMMffc OonrUt .. • H f— 9. Kln« n tach K C IMM . * •• •• ■' **" imc p. Kmc. M m-ii Ct • hi. F Rlnc M li-h Kaurlor .. I »-« rRINTC. Mirlrtt tlllrtlo** M*M » »** Morrliro'-h ohirti—o. M»M ■ .. * l-J Ckarter O—k <r**« ityiM »«*0 .. I I-I K*rtln«ii n Oita (taaejrl * Aiior. ■ (f*»ai •• •« 5 **• tUfifUi o petrol** .. Celt** »pnr! «><»"«>• P* r *°* . ABierlroo Ipdlc® «»l—e. M*M .. .. * W (Dour Olle (*oll<l> M*M * Arnett'a- Indigo Mum il*M .. .. I Jnt»rn»tton*t blo'k* *4*M .. .. * Allen a corClnßl* »4*«4 4 Alien • IAIOBB* M*«4 * Indio *• * *** India biu* * Xtmtioni a *4*o4 .. - * Martba Woebtagton Mix** » »•« Oarnt r a rodlont* lull * Charter Onka. * **• TICKS. IlaMpablr* v * ?"* Amoakeag A C A JJ 1J ? Ameabrat *2 •• •• * **« ■ • •* 7 *'* PLAID HOMESPUNS. City Mill * ' * fear rsrd. good B !»>•'■ •• I H Lodi ablrtlnga * l*dl dreaa atyloa MiM I L« Ft. Clair di*a* alyl** * Ocean aollda .« •• * * *’* Marti* Waahlngtoa (800!.* .. .. » 1-4 Mlacallaneou* branda. light aralght . •• ** *'*•»» **J Iraetta • yarda plain * * • Thorndike • »*’ J w Pal bam IS bat Ito bo* « P, O. r.. 30 ballti to bo* II E. G. P-. f* ball# to lb 17 t-2 Maarogra B .. * I ‘ a ti ir.-k 4 1-1 yd. ptatde. beat make -4 ■tinpeon ellk lIDIBb foulard# 14* M 4 »-4 Pacific mournings 14*14 4 1-J China alike Mall •• 4 w * •** Slater Mall s 11 Concord, MxtO .. .. .. .. •• •• • * 1-* Rome * »-l Edwards •• * *‘ J Keystone I »-* flftl Avenue * I-* KEARBEV S. Heavy Columbia, i.aav* Kearney 8 1-4 Kincaid and outer# - ... I 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTEH. Lime •• 70*® 5 Rosandala cement 11.45 Portland cement 15.75 to 1.25 Louisville cement In paper aacks ..SI.OO J latter in bbla 11. 7» HARDWARE. Wall buckets, per doa I* 00 fainted buckets, per doa sl.lO H R B cedar palls, per doi .. .. $1.75 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. $1.09 ~b» painted, per nest $1.75 pe. Manila, per pound 8 1-2 u pe, Sisal, per pound 7c .pi , cotton, per pound .. . lOcallc alls, wire *l-76 base Nalls, cut M-i® b *»* Shovrla. Ames, per dot .. .. SUalll v r‘hovel*, diamond, per do* .. .. *7.00 IS Novels, rlvatad baok, per da*. .. M,.0 Wow blade* * 7** bsae Hato**. rad top. per do* .. .. .. (2.26 Haines, rsd top root, per do* .. I? 50 11 HI *****T OHAOC* OF OOAt 4 4 THU 1 ciWT IMF HWCfH* itffM Ml ML. M M I f* M ii ! m«i*« »«f«s M m ***• M M IM #» 4 mu |N9 i a r n mnh»44> • Ml pm %t* m t* ** ** m m l n #l * ppmm pm* |*i H k** 1 H H ! . ~ i—pii no ■»»<** pm tP #•*« ** ft mm -irgrr# pm Pm %m 9* m*%* H i« # m m# yr mt *, . H «• Hiitrii ( |M9 §9 MM #• •» m* -•< pm m ****** m |«| M# t *4*m ***** pm *m * „ *t ~ ** M * Pm M«4M *•# • pm Pm •••*•*** pm %pmmm m* • pm* pm ****** m p*m* ppm mmPtp pm Pm . MiM omm till IM MIM, IM m : X aT P n* i^t** Mtiitfitlfi Ptmpm mm 4 I>wala fmpPPP* 4 ppp Alii flAiiwcgii * MtP* UP* .r *V\ Ut ~*\ # t r* ppm ij* <Wr« •9lf tMI -IH «m Ijliiiliflfi § t'fflli Mt a# a* M M *** « t yprm . •• „UI Iftl rITT MnjtH# pppfrnmm *• tm , ****** 99P **• p ******* #p i ppp ******** wp **• i Pmpmtm f* IM im ..* A««tN!« • ifr tM * v *. - tm •«. • *••»**«• r«. Mt - .*« m . 15 AfiiAt* t« mi «• ** .. *. lit pn*M» Tp. I*M .. ...a*, . IM M»| A !•*!* f* tm MHH •• #. tM ••• j pnmmm 1 i*rf tm ««••••«. m ••• *"*’* r* «•» . ..**** . up ... ts tm - M - til MtMMI »• MI a. *• a. Ilf •• I IK,*le ('* till ft* Hfi ~, CVK«i bm fa. ti* .. .* .. M ... CftNaM I » r*. Hf », .. IS* ... Mae— 1 Ira HM , .... ~ IM ... Mar— fa, IM* . h •. .» •« .. It* •c«!*wiMa F« -FS ~ ...... M ~, Charts'!— 4*% ........ *7 m. - n—ax lUltAdAt) ROM DR. deep* R, H. A Bhg ta. (a taw tu ... Oi-'gta R R. A Rkg ©a. ra, ft IM .. | C-’amM# A Aa gnat a tat ft. IM MI ... Cbrrlc It* rv>lumh a A At | t it'a It Ft, (Ml . .. ~ .. (17 ... Auauaia —. R R.. fa 1*24 . ... M C. R R Banking fa. Ca4lal eral Tntai fa 107 *2 M Foutbern Railway I'a. 11*4 .. (7 M Ceotrai of Georgia Railway, lat roaaol atari, fa >M> .... M M C of O. t*i prat la » A Cartral pf r.e.ngi* Railway, M pi»f laeontea. IM* ~ .. .. tj II C. at G. let pref la. IMS .... I I 11. a. A r., I*« m. I *. t*4t .. IM Ilf Aiuth Georgia aad Florida. If r*. SIM .. I*2 Iwtli Georgia and Florida. 2d Ft. !*M .. ~ .. IM Ocean Steamship Co., Ist fa id ra. in* I*4 FACTORY BONDS. Enterprise Mfg Co., (at fa IKK IM ... Sibley M7g. Co.. let fa. IMS IM Sibley Mfg. Cr„ let fa 11*1 .IM ... ’ Oa R. R A B Co. slock .. 1»T 20* Southwestern R. R. Slock .. •* it** Augusta and Savannah Block . D IM CRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oats. whit*. Backed ~ (2 Onata mixed, irked ~ (f Corn, white, sacked .. .. .. .. .. ~ ft Corn, mixed 41 Meal, bulled, per bushel 47V* Flour, common .. .. ~ t.M Flour, fancy extra .. .. .. ~ .. 1.71 Flour, ascoitd patent 4.00 Flour, etandard patent *.» Flour, fancy patrnt .. *.76 Wheal brah. 1004 b sacks *n Fine feed. 100-lb packs .. .. .. f* Hay—native, per ten 11.00 Hay-Timothy, per tos 1100 Hay—choice, per ton 14. M Hams—chair* sugar cured .. ~ lOaltH Smoked rib aides * 1-2 Dry sal riba I 1-4 Lard, purs leaf. In tierces .. .... 546 M » Helen Gould Fooled As Miss Helen Goutd was picking her way daintily along the sloppy pavement from the county court yesterday after noon. a tall, allm young man with a small brow n moustache approached her with uplifted hat. Miss Gould looked frightened, and her aunt, her cousin and her maid fluttered about her. | "Excuse me,” said the oung man,"but ! I am very anxlour to meet you; your father and my father were great friends.” ‘‘Yes?" queried Mias Gould. "Yi-s,” inn on the young man. "my name Is Cuyler Reynolds My father wan married In 18*6, and whim on hta wedding trip he was at the Fifth ave nue hotel in New York. Your father waa there , loo." "Indeed?" said Miss Gould, with a great etrtnt to appear Interested. "Yes; one day they sat In the dlnlne room drinking champagne, and talking about a railroad they were Intereatefl In. It was during Lincoln's funeral, and the city waa draped In mourning." Miss Gould sighed, "During the talk between your father and my rather," the young man con tinued, "It waa agreed between them that If your father had a daughter and my father had a son, they should mar ry." Miss Gould glanced up at the man. startled, and began edging away. “Don’t be alarmed." said Mr. Rey nolds, soothingly. "I haven't one of mv cards with me. but here Is on# of mv wife's. Will you take U?" "Oh, gladly, gladly," cried Miss Gould, “I am so pleased to have met you.” Then she glided by him and. with her fluttering female guard, went on to the hotel. Mr. Reynolds Is a society young man. ] Tie Is a nephew of Mrs. John V. L. ! Pruyn. the leader of society here. —Al- , bany Telegram In New York Journal. OASTORIAi Bin the 1 ftie Kind Vcu Hlta A!»ats Bwifl T7HIC .A.TTOT76T.A. HKRALD Q. MM A* (SIAM*. (Ml B— RgM 9m >'«M*B *7 MM I ig ( rmr fr • ppppppPPPPPmp !*m mP iNtpim. mt t. i warn**# t» § - Mffii" i*. »14 Pm MMMm i *•# 'i* i> —fit?ai - $ mm ptit&m pm *9O #*• < { i*mi A ■■■■** * *~.m mm* am* * ••••«•••# 90 **9* \ I *< i (»>*—>»• pp Ptm pmmppmpm *’**o l I fM'—i# **o* mm&m m PPO Pot*'om 00 mmprnm . #%■»■ ***oo*o% #“P lIMI Pooo* W'*'*-***'*-m mFPBA * if MM <k 'e.-f f* " r ifiipf '" 1 t *«- -* j *tm* ilift jF>t~t ttMt twr TfjiMAfifr-1 1 lj|L. r rs j. rr g *o9om tMifwriiTiiirf ' it 9tm mtp Umr* iivwit lit t'ttwi tt *•! ImMI Ml ftMkt >llii* ft t t#M| 099 *O~ % I Atirtii) 0 t9mooopp PFF' |Wtt 9*9099 *m It— if m-tTr I %| 9**ooo*o. 99* i IfttH ttttl mP* 90*900 9mmo t *4*mp 00 • rml 0.4900*4 mt# ***•*■■'* *9* 4 * *P tint .a— gag# 00 *9009 ** S; I-* - *%• *»•» • % *OO 0009 90 I# 9*o*9 99mm 0909 i | t— a 000 §OOO9 o*o-9 fIN MR A#» * I*o9 tt#9*t 000 •ff • * 9000090* I (tin—tfi Kiit iM > ‘irriMit tifMMM «*t i Ct* tfifi I 9 \■** 9000 k 9909 IHM I I *m i r Fnr Crmim u** f'HE NEV’S FXPFCTORANT. Big linniwt’er j Witt 00 IHfti tfi mt mP If ft w-mrm 0090 P I— tH< I** th*rm Ml« immmm pit«M| It ft* 0900104 tm pyp9mm9l Kttifli’ mi i Wm*9mo9*m Ptnp < ttn4 • 090999 ftWlt' o§m9m 9w>o9 Ml 90 ] pPPPPPPPPk TM» 99909000000909 90 §90009990 f f##l imo9t. tt4 It* mniHl mt mmrm*f I ft IM fhn#*t l**f* 9mm 0 I [£*»?••> ©f w©ft m#ii foe t tmoo tlci*#.. I rtf»t 0 ttkftft fHtt tWH 00PPHPtp t**9 j Unto it# imuoil aM iHm* « riff t4trur (tiMt «v*t tt# cMfi t# t*nP* r tt# NMlint of ft# *r#*9 : '[*o9o T hm mtoftnl4tmo »** t!«t*r «Mn j ■• M tMf uofrMtr. • tlf t H«*l In I# : hr* to It# fufftltfl* 9 hf m#oit# i of #t#tfti er#t#t iM tt#« PmppmP j g#ftt!y Into It# ###«i»tr-f#»( #ttfi When It t# in p\p*m tti# onhyo# tt#f* | if llt ftfidor tt# tonprn t ore { of Moth#r Earth ccmty fr#t holoo tt#) rmmPinp «Mflf P* 9 ] moods and ffvtftff #rt#«itt#«« Mfi oppor* tonify to tocotti# mor# elonoty fed vrttt th# ond#rirr«nd mr#t#rf#o of (hr fftolf# of) wtlrt th## llv# Th# flint th#r mom#t#f t# m •«S» In ac-1 ewrdaete with lb* principle* that §#*•! sen tit* small Instramewts In everyday ue*. In rooetructlng tt many dißlru*- i tie* had to he overrom# on account of, It# great alt*. tn Col—el Knight'* thermometer It I was net pnaalbls to us* any (tut an ar-. hltrary scat*. It I* not *wppr**d that j there will be any comparable reading# | nee airy with th* giant Instrument , Careful observation# will be made 1 however, and th# r**u!t recorded on the Instrument no that lha hit thermo meter can he read. If p—lble. In ar rerdanre with the scale of th# mailer instrument*. In malting scale# for th# tatter, the bulb la frosen and th# freeaing point recorded on the *cale. It la then boil ed and the bolting point marked on th* tube. Th* remaining points ar* fixed in by dividing up the seale Into sec tion# This simple plan *ll th* basis of the scale adopted for the seventy foot thermometer, although thl* scale may be subject to variations when the g<eat Instrument Is In working order. The largest thermometer ever made previous to the one constructed for Colonel Knight was eonatructed hy Forbes, who built one measuring near ly forty feet In length Thl* was con sidered a great aceoinpllshm»nt. and ; the Forties thermometer became on# of i the curiosities of aelence. i With the new thermometer the tem 'perature of the earth can be taken at twice the depth It ha* been possible to take It haretatare, and the records ob tained are expected to prove of unusual value to aclencs.—N. T. World How to Look Good. Good looks sre really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy j condition of the vital organ*. If the liver Is Inactive, you hsve a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered, you hsve a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Blttera" la a good alterative and tonic Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid neys. purifies the hlood. cures pimples, blotches and bolls end gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed, j Sold at Howard A Willet's drug atore. j 66 centa psr bottle. _ The front cover page of the Designer 1 for January. 1*99. Is effective to a hleh degree In drawing and coloring, and Is typical of the progresslveneas of this well known publication, which Is al ways the herald of uptodate fashions j and Interests peculiarly feminine. The color plates In this Issue are partlcu- \ larly successful, as are also tbe half tones and other Mark and white Ulus- , tratons, if which there a generous sup ply. The holiday masquerader will And I original and dainty suggestions for fan- I cy rost»,im*s In the three pages devoted to the subject - Designs for pretty nee dlework, knitting, crocheting and tat ting are plentiful and very attractive. Among the literary features are “A New Year's Ghost," a clever story which reserves Its climax to the cod. an Instalment of a continued story. "An Unwarrantable Mistake," an excellent comedy. "Th* Boarding Hou**." and th# opening article of a series, “Practi cal Suggestions for Ftminlne Br*ad wlnners." Beauty hints, floriculture and Muyole sttgsstlons, cotes tm new books, eoolwry and household receipts are among the most interesting things which fill up tho t*Wc of contents. I GOOD LUCK BALING -'rOWDEH )• IH# |—§( fr* fttgk ng Ifij 111 ml of h lit telle muffins, tak Aa of ra* Hal* *, r*ti«u'|hl*. NMf*i‘ rig hm<4*t Ariel fV6I HOMO 0* |©iolll#*ri( hautsk «> *»(»«» - usa Ariel ff*i>nti7>*ntl It HtflMil of AH Ift MM VAFtlrig pPAttAf. COfßblnit Q6MI-IIV Arid QuAntity. Msriuf AC*tlf<r<l My The Scuihtm Mfg. Co.. RICNMONO, VA. in i ■ WHOLESILE PUkTS. ATTgJIWTIt 4 WUfTIf tMPtP"* i w,;., a m ~ ip g’t m § .g—fi mm*P Mi ATIUKT9C UN9CIO Oil** *TM# tirrt 00*00000 9199. frnPmmP «r**H % 4 ##Mt» • 0099 m 099000 9Ptm #fM« WARUtMtiff WHO# WNtTK t*AA&» Fihil ot.m li fNMM I Ik# f»r*«ff Ml 4t* |#M*tr ! ##A It «##• tl)# tMI AlMllUt tftf #•#* 19 it HD# pfMMI ops t##### NAftititvm nn*m rhwjt ASt* rm KTHT RIUDTDIXRt) PAIXT* PP§ fr##H #9m M frtwi f#rt*«nr • |ri'Vk##t P’ 1 ■ * * Ci (y oM## 000 dvoftf | FAINT W’kim/Rt- QMot nines Plane Faints; Vara lab Stain* | Tripod Ready Ml«ed Fatal*, - Mereantfl* Ready Mixed —Fstnls n.«f Fathl. EMI l#R Tke Em:l t fillet Dm Ct. JOBBERS I Yor j^f^CoXotrtVi l ■ ' - , .... Mlft ■ Apply aa A* a—rtta Rt**ot klyaßanriod M <vms al PraytMS nr ta aid ; Maqsea l*r. hy watt. LLtr BROTUChfi, H Wan— St, hew talk tugt PORTNBR’S tlortiUAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDS OF Export Beers ARE THE BEST ASK FOR THEM, ri BRASS BAND OUTFITS PIANOS, ORG » N* and *T>-e ) MUSICAL INSTRIIHENTS. 71/ Everything New In lOP 1 SHEET nu 5 1C THOMAS & BARTON, Aut;usi«,G* CROUP CAN BE CURED AND CAN BE PREVENTED BY USING Land's Croip Drops 50 CENTS A BOTTLE. MADE AND SOL,!' ONLY BY E. H. Ift-A-ICTD Syrticus Herald: Rujpeell Sage, at the age of 82, was to* b#y to take a rest on Thanksgiving and worked at hi* office the greater part of the hoH day.” % CALL tom lufutfa Brrw ng Co t AXMOMT HKKN i 1 - * ’' V* ia %, ftL .Jn| Jim** Mb# to«* (f* 4 B E I. L E Ob" O KOKGI A Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. mmmf kI I, rOM i n AUGUSTA BEER. loir trill Inuny |urm desired from SAOO upwards, n straight 3 and 5 years t me. or on lOyearstime. payable in' equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fetes. No delay in getting the money. A!ei3Diier&JotiDson Apmn § fie lt«h An r o#a Along*.* Conn 1# 11 y. 705 Broad St IF YOU WAN?' TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF | AUGUSTA PUT ! YOUR AD. IN i am in a R. MlTl HCLL, Al FX MCDONALD hupt e 1 oik Be*. A t>*u Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mcliiliau 81.-eat. El»c«ricßuppi.w~ pwkmg Tuu-*, aic.. *ic. R, |.air-> to al > l«. .rival >p| K f t ic l.i*' 1 W.niga sp.tia.iy. Btal’Chuu* MOJ - - - tir. wgftTfiTfi, ftßgvary LOW PP.r'F.a u«r*a awk. Alsa rirr. vai vr« a...i r itting*. . s:>- fiivr.a. non rst. wtt.t.aan<t RrPAiß't. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., j Fftr»T\. <74 ffai lii GOES INTO EVERY HOME IN AUGUSTA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd, 1598. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m 621 p. m. Lv. Sand«:*vtu# . 1 II p. m j 9 09 p. m. Ar. Tennlile .. .. 1:30 p.ra.j 9:21 p. tn. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.i 2:55 a. m. Ar. Dubdn. .. . 4:20 P nj j Lv. Dublin ‘10:06 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:33 p. m.|li:ss a. m. Lv Tennlile. . . 6:15 a. m.| 3:10 p„ m. Lv. Sandersville. 6:-6 a. m.| 8:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta .. 9:00 a. m.l 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. s Close comidtticn trade at Tennn l e with Central It. ft. for Macon, and wl h Wrlghtsvllle and Tennlile R. P- tor Duhiln and Hawk navilla. a W. JACKSON, Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James V. Jack son, Joseph H. Sands, Receivers. Ra tt AttAri MAkMKHA Chxlntofi I w CaraliM lIMMt A « »**»♦»# *A»e* 9 9* # ..... - ■* I mPPPmPmm *»-. | * Ppm/mpppPpppp gn < r #wk I * Pp9KomooooPmoP99mm** *■* ■- f P9PPmOi i-*** ***** * (. ; .mu i■ * \tPPPtimmm**** 1 * WpmWmm**** * **** * Mm#—r'Ti# •«—* * if/it# • 009 m 9 LpHMMP# , • *Ap A J a* | |4M, m «Mm m % m . . . I. . .j|aa*| TkMMMM ; 0* 0 #•## ... I, 000* 90009 0m jmpptppp *********** iwMPPPmmmmm* liT ■■■ » ■■■■ 0* MmpSmPp ****** ***-*. 1 »*•***• f *m*> 9 fpipjpp ********** **** i »*♦<#•*{ *Pqpp9 *j9mm *o§m ********* - * fM#i| P.PPpPP 0009 fcpl - ¥* m M9M-I « triW • mttTT j ' * #v *§ mrnpp**** | *'"94m| * 9P 9m * 900/990909 ** *** **■■** «. I t MM*f 9sm ■*# Tin mpm .... Tt ir Mm# * r 9 • tmmwt* < »***• *•« -\ #9 M#9 *• p #MMI#iM*A *. s—«« <. . !>»•#.«* i 9##k 0* 00* m** .... ft. # j. . ! »» 4^#*# |#» | 09 9*. m o*o ll« M# # #♦•# opm §***.*4oo ••<»%•#* 9*o 909 00 pmm • I A.U _ itt«a utiiffipi #• pppmpmmP pm §§* ft## «• 9* p. £ #t# i 49 m-zmmf 000 90 044009000 #f*M *»•*’# o*9 In nn I* MrH*-## m 9mo*m M» l UU*M N 0 PPA in ft, pogtly 99MW11 i fall IM||M)9 1 *oo* 99*0004* 09900994 k 9po BELLE O GEORGIA BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. M. C. MLbTTtta Knew. Iwltill ta—.*aw * t *1 ftea * j nn M l Cat* X Ct— «.i M l tg 'SUM. hta. f»r * Ft*in t.f Vfiy Ma It Na* £ M* II IMS AM re.l Anna Ln— FM »* t* IS I *... AMkta—ta eltatlta (7 Mi I as |kftw> ....ft I Hl’ M |< 4. : «a »• Antes ... 7 tMU ta • U 6.(Sit . Falv« ..ta I •l. il Ota I tall CM yy eta** gs 4 —l4 6* 0 IT, I lff SCa*** CritaCg t\ *:l< W•* t 2*. I 16 24 . ISMACA ..1 »ri.2 * »ik TT I * 0 t la, a Well Catota • » >•* | Si *4 ta—alto ...ta 1:171 AM PM. lUet. Afri** Fl* Fbl N II H*4 *«JI SM S. Ktft'tt •—. F Fig SUtton AM re* «tor Into* fn *»4w*ri I* tatlblU hair* right to trarfc rvet irmlai a* tin —m# rta— moving In *F gait* tain tto*, ante— oifeatn.w atm** HM or U*l ertaft tail! a sn lag ni following milw>* to take n ta IM et t*n»e|*r» Fhln nay a. Jam— •>( Snndy Srriagn. 04» 12 roftaarta wtite fiouihern toll •ay Ke. IS at AMoraon Not • and « eenn-il with fioatbei» railway Me* It and 27 «t Sannca. t, R AMDKRFGN. fuFroivsfcat * Til MIC COAST LINE SUOKTttaT AND 4JUICSSKT ROUTS TO TMK (Alt AND NORTH. 2'Sto—j La. Angiato. Oa .Ar I 7 50-m I.Mgtmj La..., Alben. Ar | Tttfwm 4:lTptn; La ...DatimArk....Ar f • 4 top'ii 1 La Ort ogi f ....Ar | 140 am I tarn. 1 La.. Burnt ra. k. C.,.Ar , 4:t*nm 6 sp'»! La FI ear. -a Ar j I Ham J# —I L*...Fay#tt*vllto..Ar j I ll»i* J flam! Ar.Pftterabtatg.Vta.La | I It pm 4.06 am! Ar....RichttH>nd ...La j I 12p« 7:4lam. Ar..Washington..La | Ulpm *:oSam| Ar... Ralumor*. ...La I 2 26pm ll.Haml Ar Phtiadr’BHa .V* (12 »p« I Klpm Ar.... New York....La I (torn Pultmah pataca buffat elre. a g caia from Mncon and Auituto to Naw York without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Aft.. 722 Broad fit.. Aacurtn. Oa. T. M. BMEPSON, Traffic Manager, H M EMKRiON. Oi*. Pa—. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER lITH. 1»9». (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah .. .1:20 P M. No. 4 For «avannah, Macon Atlanta *:4O P. M. No. « For Mncon. Atlanta. ard Way Stations .. 8:20 A. M. No. 53 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 9 30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA No. 1 From Savananh .. .. I:4* P. M. No. SjFrotji Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta ... . 635 A. M. No. 5 From Miron. Atlanta, *»;d Way Stations .. 6:50 P. M No. S 3 From Macon, Atlanta, and Way Station* .. 6:30 P. M. No*. 1. 3. 3 and 4 dally. No*. * and 5. dally except Sunday. No#. 62 and 53. Sunday cn!y. Sleeping e..ra on night trains betwyn Millen. Macon a,nd Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah For fur ther Information as to achtdulea. etc., apply I > M C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBKS, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. A SOLDIER after tbe sprtc needs LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 36 out of 37 headaches. 2 for £c., 25c. erne box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Bnicfl St., Augusta. Ga. Bl MOVED TOfll BROADOT- E. VV. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals. Stencils, Daters. Pads. Badges,&c TU Breadway. Augusta, Ga. Ftr#wser Phone 26-, DiCCMBCft 10 KAl|,A©Ati <*CMRI*©MNk S. t I G (.HIM! CO ##t#4HMM*MM9 POPO9 4VHMHA 09090 9049% 9900 - *#M 0 **00)00 TNmM 9L»i#- fn 40p Mi mm Pfpmpp* ! Ip# 1 14 iMM A P%dk* I* i 9#.’*«*A f POO4O ; 04 9 * **o*" i# ♦ 1 #m» 409 t 990*0 I 04 9 |MM 440 04 0*904400* *»> **### I ' h&P ><##»# tTTt^'J^TISLTTe 1 1 9M 04 9* %# Lkal m§*4m 14 4 **m40940 9 *#' 40 0 * 0%4>»*400 0904 9*m P**4 Mm “MINM L.# fW ** 00 '% 94* 4 • H#« ; *BSS 9# *0404 0 |G iM»ii '2 • *- omm I# ■ •9*—#-- §0 ~t 499&J* : ***■■■ 40 9 004** |#•*o 44 9 9 #k I# % 40*0* ,fi 009 m 0. #•■ HI *ooo*9 *O-40 {♦ w# **** * t 4pm 04 97004*0 i 04009 |f* f% HWp -. JPiPmtP ' pm i9iiSSBRBmK ’ «9Mp#t >MMMM » 1* * *o*moo Ail'# M 9tP-<* . 9 tPpm * * 9h -40 ~ t,#%# if 9*49094% 14**49 MCMM #4l 9tP P 19 *4 I H %I P 40k0 000 9 »M«# 9* o*o o*-9k 0949 T«tf% I« I '%»0 T^kJkPmm 0t 1 ttMM.. . JA- **§m t * mmpk 9*mP P*m pi t ■ ' *#%., P I >f#R t* p0"04*09% P fllMil 09 9 P- : ##*# t # 9 mkPkrn* <t H##l Re Ml *9O~ 999*. 109*01 J %f 9 *o*o * V ♦*### 09 o*o \ »#%l 909 pm *Mf 0*94*4490- to&*m f p*—**« gi ll*e.tb* P»A Re# $M *»■ al ata> ••* mpia <A h.|ei al’w Fas ——y I* ■ a saw— a a* A# ion* ►,a* I* sew «a— anp— !. P Min I R gWgpeOA •A»»sb t» ■«»>** !•*#* A*>— F P, Aten • 1 Ad* #«*— 6»— •wUThasN kau-wav. oK 111-- IW" "I "■•■•a* NaiM 1 # ### MM### 9490400 —rita* •** * P n Puss n* Aa>ty SWM* f_ *,JI"pT-Vf R» lT»*■ Tfff a# R 7553 ~.. ! «*»* i &£sr™* m Upiß M iraahar*. *• «* *TI 1 AP & i*iw - .H ", ~ SCriaMWA Ita. • . ... IS** *9* ?®r j Hi v«j eaßw-m • IS: i. Siisr z:.zz ■' tag j ■ l Tfiiii I Apt t !•* F (Wan* * i J!' 1!^? 0f jj § (i 1 04*49 «« \mi4m w j fly#* f* '.«■##•###• . * i gfl 09 , fcalfUMM a*s* ’ [ 1 * * ■ IHR • »»» 17 Aft. iei' t ** *! **. Ao t aaliMlA I I•• 9 49# T MS3at aa r.: :::' ■ BS| Hit Suit,am* "a R ** ■—l. Unity. Lyo TskRIA i 4 tap ITltwi w Phiindeiphis . iUp Ila * A—pnae* lAp IM* A* wmb ton. *a By . AAp U Ua Cs. pTaountd 121—1 Bull L. Danville ... . . 1 Up L Nurieth i • Ap! Ar Ai—Bstmirs ; *tsa| . ... La Anaaboru i 71* T tap ■ cwimi* la# w tap * Ika'h Btu tv 3va it ip * Sww tv «*» 11 *rp * Wtsaahorw ....... II «l a BA* Ar IViyh Her .1 1 *• ti 44ns IK a Et. t'oiuitML ad— t lUp 1 taa w J.kasta— lUp 1 *>* * Tr—t— I tap lA* * WraaitevtUe ttapf 7 a Ar Begun.- . .. . _ 4 Upi 11a te. Ashaellta " . .. T”ii*. iHy *, spar aa. wrg It 4Ba; 1 ISp Lp. OnThw. S.(M4By I 1 UUr> fla Ar Charles lon j t 4V|i| 11 ous JL*. CWTht*. fC AP By. i II M s II 4T a " esvaonah 447 p Ha £. --- ■ • _ »* p *U» 'i Kp.r’two far sunrtcu Bi 'ftlleni rlatly |W«snagl asr—w b*(wsea gk»t<iaasd Kew lurk N nag; and.#— Pa»hißgt and Sawlwsetsra limited, noltd VesiilniTed irmla artth dining ears ami first etawi euarbaa oorlb of Charlott* rbuiman drawiuy room aie#t.i»#«ar*between Tutia. JarkeißVtdm haraaaaa. Waahlagtoa and New V-jrk. . . _ rtulmae >eepm* Car* between Charlotte #cd Klchuoad Pullmaa drawinr room ftHi-tiy ear* bw tween I. r*en.l>.ro and Norfolk Close tonneo ttoa at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arming there ta tun* for breakfast. Solid train with 1 arlor <wra, bat earn Cha■ lesion nod A-'avUr. >.#-*• and *V-U. ». Fast Mail. Throngb Fn .man ilrawiaa r otn buffet a retd** d*ra b» tvrw Ja.-k*unrli!a and New York and Pull mao aiwpinv 1 »r» batWMB Au«tnt» and Char talta Pullmaa -.aeotas i*ra beiwscn Jack fmrille ai.d 1 vilnsabta, art rout# daily between loke.nO'ic and > ■'brtnnatt, via <i>li**tU# RANKe OANNON. J M. <TI.P. Tfcml V P A Men Mgr T M.. waahlngtoa K A. Tl-lIK h H HAHDW it’if. G. P A.. Wa-dungtoß- <*. p. A.. Atiaasn GEORGIA • - RAILROAD. (NUt aitiidlao Tima.) Schedule ECecU'e April 24. IMI Pullman Elaener# between Macoo and New York. Through Pullman Sleeper# between Au gusta and fit Loul*. ! ; Lv Augusta ..| 7:osnmi l:2opm|l«:3optn ‘ Ar Atlanta ...:i?:3spm’ B:2opm' b:00al Ar Macoo |U:l6nmj I I'tOum Ar Athena jll Ispm| T vOpm! - Ar Galne* vllle ’S 46pm| I - Ar White PI a *l;oC>m| I Ar Mill's* 1* ..l"'Xoam| I «:30a» Ar W vVtvn ..jlV.l'Mml 7:l«pm| Plravune train leaves Augusta dally exr- pt Sut lay at 5:15 p m.. and ar river at Mt:'-dgr\file at 8:10 t>. m Tralr.a arrive ct Augusts 6:l* a. n. 1 7-45 a. m.. 1:20 1.. sod 8:2". P 1. A. G. JACRBON. G. P A. JOE w. WHITE. T_Pj_ A. CJIBOJ IN a \N!) wr.i'u EKN HAILWAY , Schedule lr. Effect, March 0 l s ?*- Eastern Time Staodacd. Leav«~A ugAta ta, Southern Ry. 9:30 p Arrive Clxester, Southern Ry.. 7:11 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. TV. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2 ;o ® Pm. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m, Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage ■■ 7:30 p.m, 'C~W~PTABPEP., C F. HARPER, President. 0. P. A.