The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 10, 1898, Image 8

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•ATVftOAV OUR EXHIBIT Of HoMiy nov#Hlnls t®*k»»why not 7 Thii »lon> It pf•*•iniwniiy Augu»u » gi«*Al#tt Ihvpping pt|Ci« Cam# h®r« lor ui» ta iUt» iomi In iw»tl f 4 p* «it as, Umbr#l a»* Ctnf», B»th IHiilflnt, HArulk«rcH<Aft ( Covti JowAiry. Bu»n#nct«r*. Hftt*, Ov#rcoAj§. »uli» *"« fg n Our fttoro Ana winnow at»- piAy* during tft* holiday A*AAon win «ur pai« all prAvictli aflorta, vi»*t In# You'llbtcHairrtd w»H our offoringn. th* dACOrationt and tha prlcat. Op«n avao ng* until 9 o'clock. I A .o A IN A SOCIAL YVAY Bit WA.I v \ iW aW T 9 (lift tXMNMtfe If TO* ftghtkl® 0O49( ftftr® *ft mot (N** fetftVA TM VMM v§rt4 ovtr. Wtorr ftcfft* Hly ®«4 or room j Til MnMt U yon emila cwnni tb# aparhlmg drop* as Aaw That greet the night. The gleaniing eiare thal ®#*h tb* arch tat Wo# la fiery bright; If yea could count tb* million moment# goo# With vo»i#h*d year# The •#*» *f day* and boor* y#t unborn. The unaked tear*; fli* myriad flock* nf bird# that com* and go And lilt abov* you. Torhap* to aom# d*gre*. d«*r. you could know - How mock I lov# you. -Rl.t.A BENTI.KP. JR.. In N*w Or laana Tlm##-D*mocral. Spangle ft ocklngs. A lettar Juat racelved by on* of the girl* from Pari# tail# rooal mar vcloua "aooveaut##" In th# way of stocking* Not atorhin** lo h# worn In the »lr#*t nr In Ih# day Urn# at all. In fact, but Handsome Wedding Presents Sterling Silver Novelties. S*lv* Box*»s, Sterling Si’ver too. 10cpn*«, Sterling Silver Corrb nnd P> u h only $2.50. Watch and Wristlet on'y 4 00. Watch Repairing. D'smonn Mm-ntinpand Engrav ing in all Its branches. Everything first class. LEWIS J. SCHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler Under the Arlington Hotel PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES! . r pprtp-PTrr.TH FORCES US TO MAKE SACRIFICES AT Ladies’ CAPES, and Ladies’ and Misses’ JACKETS Cut Down. One-third of price cut on all Fancy Dress Goods and^Trimmings. 200 Misses’and Ladies’Jackets cut to makers cost. ...... 300 Plush. Plain and Fancy and Military Capes cut to cost of Material. 50 Ba es wai m Comforts starting at 48 cents, to Eiderdown at $3.50. . - 1 0 Bales of Cotton and Wool Blankets starting at 49 cents to $ 1 pO—all cheap. 200 Pair all Wool Home-made Blankets $3.50 to $5.00 ior best 11 -4 made. New Fur Capes and Collars, New Laprobes. new Portiers. 1,000 Fancy Carpet Rugs from auction at 50 cents on the dollar. 40 yards of fine Sea Island for sl. 20 yards best XX Bleaching for SI.OO. . 10-4 Best Heavy Sheeting 12 l-2c. 25c for Table Damasw good value for . 0 ce^nts Cheapest place in the ciiy for wool Underwear. Wool Underwear cut to 1 -2 regular p . . . P. D. HORKAN & CO. . . Iffclif •• 4® fwitu 9ft® 09p9#** t* lim *vmmt «®iy. T**f mt* «4 ** It**#-’ lIPNNMI* *#n§ 4ftff fftftftfc »§»Aft - 9«V® ■ |«4 twroy tit# 99*U* mm* Mpt®®. fhwft#4 . ati, running tfftfeftt tiflfttftv„ Ufa apaitigtAO land ®»v4a «Wth rtdtiw t® •*** jfrvNM tlftp *00*909 tftft ftt* t®# #fk4 of Ilka i«p»n or«*feu in# Ot tba Mint i®« amatlmvt at ikt top, T®*j ara wort [»®tift—rr>. nr-atiaa arm ta IMfl® fr«to t o»* to t*a tftwtlata • i*®** | ! Tba ifofit'm and iwda afa ®v®*r®ii? I I m §#s%<.-§ &f gin, |i,)t famr to ta rotoro a a a#tt to ccAToap l ' ad writ a ta# cokat - of tfsA aokkn tt*#t ora ftuvra wit 4 9an ! At m A in#* |c»- *k I ?># |w#t ft ®*«t that tlof mm a atoo ta guita aKa4k-a and Ida loratt Olrta a tin a ant ta Ml c®(< tkto vtntrf M 4 bettor take the hint. and gri to work ipanfltap, What with palßttßf tbetr gowti#. aewlag iptßftti tH their itodiitifff and decorating their mtattlplffM. the gtrt# w|R hate a bu*y ttnse ttita winter ifj they want to be ornamental by team ing to be ueefui. —Ts ar|*#r'e Baaar. j The New Collar, and Merita. Tha (tar foe ear* huh* foliar deccrw tlona ha. rlnaed. end lb* new neck fin ! lab ta a narrow frill of lee* or nat acroae tbt bach, only with two roaefta* of tba aetna eruahed eeelnal ih# collar. Th. latter ta e plain band on e wool en gown, and often th# aama on a atlk om. with e row of trimming at tlta too. ; Thin materiela hetra e collar of tha |.am* gooda In amall lock#, and ribbon !t. folded In amooth row*. ta i looaaty eruahed *q«f yora. Collar* era romfortahly high, and white linen one. era worn with ahtrt walata of all kind* and with tailored gown.. St. oka of allk or aatta have a amooth hand with a Maa piece from each .Id* of the back tied In a neat bow In front or arranged In a long knot, but the.# are for the p’alneat emit* or wal.ta. long net. mull and china atttf acarf* ar* worn In place of collar* twice •arms jutpaxjd jg i »i**4 *tm wwk. aa# *w*d* •• **•* *OO m ta. *w*w **e# ■■ k*a# MM yauuM a Pea tiihin It-t* tm* caw* aut tea 1% waaiai •M> >mm f*M i #•»*►*«•* ••• fwmik * «Adsd ywrim# 99*00^0 m* • ■ o*»s H«t «M **sm\ faawt aaad paga ph**w> mmttmWmml fwawaMo sh *#•*•* »a*«a*»aN»* !«•*««• path aagaiaaa aawaagM m»M ‘ I § b* #ee ee*d hPgMg gee *# n-w» j t ,grw l(r ifl i«tf la< taa Th* M«art «» Ma'.taad aaow* ta,, ,a* p«K«r b>. 'groara tired *f tW« hind <4 thing aad SSST mm, H#g«i*i 1 Ktpil# lfg«d gmlfb AWmgilMMmt* f 4 Mr* OMfewr# ,-, f V* | wttb g. tery fNpiigbifbi g.jei**-r t»« j *vpAiHf ■ Tb»f* w#g# Mr* Mggwim. Mr*' M rmrber. Mr*. Cbgfi** C*wm*t Mr. U»* | I <pi Huy th*. Mk*r WT» gi> AMfrwr ar« . n* Artb*r * »■ L' nf 1 • ■ Mi.* Cgftgwgy C«mi*M»ig***d kite*** *hd Miwet lfTfg»m f«kmf4imrnt*d M?** CkMlawgf at ■ '%f j*. n fflth g ftrt ggtighlfU* I yeaterday. Inrtud to watt Mia# Calta* j | 9rMt Mha taola Oarrett | Mi.. Julia Carmicbaal. M>*» “d»i | Ml** Ad#t*4d# *lMl Msei I Addle Barn**. Mia* Callaway of Maeoa. wjm baa bean fUTtlni Mr* A- M. Alagaadaf, | will fttttfg Item* M©*d*y ■ I Mr*. Clgrgfkrw HmiMoa. of Atlgei* returned to bar home yraterd.r after a dattgbtful to her ooualn. Mr*. Katherine flaehw/ I Mr*. Wtlklna of Athena I* th# goeet ! of Mrs. J. O. Math.waoa on th# Hill. Fof AdtHma us« CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. | The grand flrewortt* wit* poatponad on areount of .now. but will ha pr**ent ed Monday night. TVkata *«4d wMI ha good for Monday night'* performance. Thla will be a grand occaalon and every lone ought to aee It. Remain her .perform 'anea will atart at * p. tm. Lota of fun will b# produced, don t fail to aee It. How tho wind blowa Keep wit the cold. Save fuel, temper and doctor*' bill*. Don't Ilat your next-door neigh bor hear you).wear. From * to 8 cent* a foot. i Thla la doge by oalng WEATHER 'STRIPS For sale by Augu.ta Mantel !& Supply Co.. 921 Broad. The Latest segsatlonal Frenclv.PUy. "Cyrano do Bergerac." which t* be ing played by Richard Man.fleld. Paper Back 10 cent*: Book Form 28 cent*; all Kipling** hook* at 10 cent* and J* i cent*. All dally and weekly paper* and magaalnea at Planter. Hotel New* Stand. DOLL BABY TRUNKS Auguata Trunk Factory. MS Broad. APPEAU FROM THE Wllili OPERATIVES OF WEST END | tt«*« 4 ti *k.»*>***# g* ****** I JHp#*WFWgw'4| ** www---- 1 W| w w* ld**» Mtwww lailhmi mm* f*gti*i*** «bi* M *M* j i t s 4 tb# gggbMflf y flMkl *w#f j **• pfgb'g ti k*■ i ****** w# b*v« tompmt t«M lb* | Ik**# ***** ifb* *mm ma* ife*« e*r- * Tb lk» Mks ftth PiMM «f AifWA | I pAn<t Tk# ffn ligttt flwrHibf I I work. Wo Ar# btAlbfgg Aft I «iti*n K» I I di«tr##» W# Havt Bi4iH «• ft«p«p*rl j j , mr famin** «a 4 art #titl wilting b 1 •ftii at arrthuil *1 «tk| W* f%t [ I tlHf I Mvttftf-Nt It I* im jw w*lW* for j (r , in |e ){y f r , n fomirml «i <•# Ilk (M I mUI* womm. and teUal j *ie**» bum bar, far .ts day. I* If*j week, many of *h*.m hae* aeeee owe* I aet down oar# during tb* «M* daf j and tha; wa* when they at* tbetr dm-1 agn Tow aortetle* ar* formed, yenj •ay, for ih# Ilf. mulling of wrvmgtihiftg | and for the ~f leading men and j women to tb# hlngd-un at par* Mytng and ftghfeooane*. Ton *re ncganlaed to help tba week and ml** up th» fail- I »n Tout* ta a might, ta.k -a»*d aj commendable on*. The *#*d at tlta woman ahaii bruiaa lb* .rrpent'a h»ad dad. we believe. *« w,, • he through her •fforta that the workingman gain# hi* r*iea«w from alavery. Too talk to u* of t.Tipeeenre At a rote, w# are tem perate. But when at# am beaten down Ir.lo the trod, w# ar. likely to get oft | eiwthe* aotled Ladle*, now Ia ♦ e tln»* i «n *h<,w whether you are la *ympa%hT wttb tba girl# aad boy* of tha factor# dietrtet Nuw ta the Urn# when yau cob ip your Maater'a work I To tha labor union*, wa have little to t •ay. becau*. they know tttir wMWw j a. wall aa we do ouraelvea. We .Imply j a.k aid of you now—when we need It. Come to our reecu*. Don't let tha pc - J nurtoua rapltallat ua out. The churchra, too, ar# beeeeched ♦« •tv. u# a word of encouragement, if nothing mot*. And here, tet me .a peroonally—for lam not ape.ttlng for the committee on thla polht—the church | could help u* In a groat many more j waya than one. If It aaw At. A few, | ye.ra ago. In New York city. In a cer- ] tain Roman Catholic pariah, lha priea! waa Invited to of one of hla vrealthleat parlaJilonerß. Th.. gentleman • had a great many laborer* working for i him. He had mlatreated them, paid - them poor wage*, ate. Tha prteot aaw I what a great outlay had bean made i: for the reception. Then he remember : ed the poor laborer* who were tvorklna I for thla man. What did he do? In that < vaat aasemhly. which, according to re- I porta, numbered one Iheu.and. there was one man who had not buttoned up hi* religion In hi* heart. He called the gentleman to tho renter of the aa- j fan# K#y<#* n Tft* la dmm hr **»*€ WKiTHirR HTflktm Wat ft#l# Iv? *m*ptt** MttM “ tiiewiAiNn 'BaMi aa laaa T«>l|M am* «pa day. j Caret taped Cafd th *thea Fr.*»e*at foe M hour* eadtPt If K. ' I tmmalitf It, I*M fufwrftt Htt Mofttli Cgftfa j Ein# f M* ft t*t wm&m tc’# s glw iftg H<3ft * I Aey . MflftiMgl tf** W'Mfetll*" 1 ’ me. , |e mpyuiM pf iM Qgg n P ‘ ! *w,pa-(»|fi| IS pOtt* fiat m>m at km« is tost Sets penum Uos'tfet m* n is^ST tfors! fW*S fat AQfigl *»A ti* ftsltg* T%r«s?*s!*« wt*iS#r tosictii j 11*4 fNSMM f Th* fHif •! i • M. trss M S ! fftlt rs • • tmrt ift fH* fNitt Ml fcotfl TS# mett *s>%-'t* ti ftOfP loftill I® MMI Mtt Flofldft. *l* | | ihoagh Ida hgropiataa la aaurh '"»*•’ ey«y N< w Kogiaad while the are* of , high prmanre I# aeptered otree greater* lltaet la CilKag m lha Oaorgta eoaat and rata la northern Florida, ardlla '•new. to the depth of * Snehea. oecur- Irad in the paat 21 hour* at t aleetla*. but elaar aklm prevail idle nsornlng throaghout the Mlaaiaaippl valley aad over all acctkm. lo the wewtward Temoeratuar# have fallcat eoaaider ahly over th* aouihawat, but have rtaen decidedly IP the parthwtbt. while elae where, aa a role, the full ha# been alight. The following maximum wind velar- It lee arc reported H.iffila, «« Nile*, from th# watt; New Dr lean a !* mile*, i north; Margoafte. 35 mil**, aouth- I wee*. - Elegant Lin# S tH V*ho»*n* and I Dak Deak from *4.*® to Iss,«d—Flem llng * Bowie# ••JUST FOff FUN'* Special rieetlnr For Men at Y. At C. Tomorrow A .pacta! mealing for men will be held at the Y. M C. A. tomorrow af i teronna at 3:W o’clock aad will be Uddresaed by Rev. J. H. Ma.bbum. I who will apenk upon tha aubject, "Juat ' f,jr Ftm ” Thla la a unique aubject. nod Rev Masbburn will handle It In an Interesting ar.d helpful manner. All m«n arc Invited. The meeting for boys will be held at 5 o’clock and will be In the hard* of Mr. Jameson and Mr. Butler. All boys are Invited. Fresh Cry.talUed Fruit* at Clark *. Have your prescription* (tiled at Al exander Drvfet atore. for their mcdlrine* are reliable. How True This All Is! Taps dmd»*A ■>«•*> ■# #> >#*» *—* ** »*d h» i fwpiiif n» fpil>»'.ip#pa dmftamldip## y*w» »»««*»'*»«■ j** l !, WK# Y&m *0 l®f % 4® 00% |M®RK tSM 0* omoft 000 000 • *OOOO 4m*i* PPPB rniAd. aw, w.i- wad* » mmm tm. mm* «ftil potommmts *OO 1 0 fOO o*ooo*o* - 009 MU 00r 00* 0 * 0000 warn m» ; 0* I® Ml Is ooo% * CdHMMMt WOOOO 00 I o*o # f**o 0000 0 00 000 00 00 W%O IMSS ® omm SSufC 00 4® 4 0000 k ti 000000* 0 in® 4 SI 900 Svft I® * Wmm omo4 900 WOO 4® mA f9O 4N4 fOO %*** • 000 «4 000000 44M ainK 0 § soos §OOO 9000 Am «m4I §OO yOO §oko (Mi MWiill yMi 4® 0099* TlMf w# Mg Is rmm§mb ywm lwd#ag hwm tt» wamary ka*4 I hew* hw* «**u h * row I haw* «s*ai Aa Iwd# a. ■ .. -m,_ ,k. i p._ ik. ..4* wa WeWI t a wtawd Bmm Aw. mtW m 4 tmm «*«■*< wok m *W IsiMmj |jp®fl®| Ml ®4 4®®Mvl4ri ti Ms I 9000 4»4fi 00* PMnM 0m 00"'«0b CM AS f . DtCiLS. #/\.. L , _ 4. v-# A Th* TillflllvH) J v? Sf* * «^ OAUL THE SOLDIERS AS ENTERTAINERS | l f #4#®4i#4ly liSi sSgMt 90* tfe* (MM ‘#®t«n®.®i®s 44 4Ms Maaos e f* f tm ■ *®y at th* ®i®.4is *4# svlsflmi wmmt to**** 944 4*4 mot th* o*oo*o MfiMtSl TTTT Tfs#® fiftki®M ooft i f t®S *t ® ill# f ftif liil M9®l4 t®%* Hi 4 00*99 MMl* 4 rosl4 Mvf m#II iffosanditsi flit ®ji ft Wft*. tits o** *OTf wit* j »H#®4<Nl il>4 i11:>94 tfc# ®itt»4®Bt» \t%9om 099* MSSf, 009* th* •*•# At,® brtti of l*c9 ftooi ft 09* ••Utlfy il|4* 994 l®9 (Miil ®HlS 9#f ♦ 09 4mu®4. To th# military »#* h th* Fair ; manager* h*l deeply ladebted for the furvlahiog of mueh amaaemect for the gathering- Th# gold lee hoy* moat W a aa* owe haaf aftort* lo make >our pwreha*** aaUnrty aatiafactary. A\AHONEY & ARMSTRONG COAL AND WOOD. A 1 Slrowger **• Bell J Office and Yard No. • McCartaa Street kindly contributed their latent towards making tha evening oae of murb In tercel aa all will tratify who were in the Fair ball. In the balcony the entertainers gath ered and rendered many musical and otherwise’lona The soldier hoj’* who took pari I showed ihcmaelve* to he poaseeaed of 1 accomplished In tbelr !!«# and the*. 1 acccmpllshmenta they displayed. While all the performer* did well. I special mention must be made of Mr. Joe Ktrk. eh.ef clerk at corp* head quarter*. and Mr. Bob Eccle*. orderly at headquarter*. Mr. Eerie* wa* for merly of Co. K. Third Connecticut reg lment. Mr. W. P. Chamberlain, chief j fringe master at corps headquarter* at !so did himself rroud. Mle* Fannie | Cleary, at the piano, rendered same j choice selection*. The soldier* dcsir,- r DtCTMftim to I ®#!#fr - M9M4k>ll9 *1 9 il s r ft iff! m fIM Ot tM# ? (VrtM Mfrlcfa—Mf, T. if i-w. I- f rottaietAK Til " • f"T- (® T** ,v 9®®irlft®* ft*a rftgtnift®t tmm 4* I * jy|i lir A 1 ft E ® our Country'• Mirtfr'i —Mr !4* *099 hf Wbo'*9t 11. **«ol4i#r'ft HwftfttMftftrt'*— Wrtrmt* i gd W«t9>9. Co. D. T%fr4t dTttrf. *f»i4!#Tft rmlvid #aflwrr ifltf rarer* to every number readetvd oa ; th* program aad kiodty o spoaDed. The quartette staging was apleodtd and the cornet s>ln alt that conld he o##»ir*4 Joat before the Fair one of the regi ment band# rendered mus e to front of $• hall. After the musical program had been rev.A*red. the npw'ators adjourned to the dance hall and wooed Terpeichow to 0 late hour. The children ar* enjoying a daace at the Fair thla afternoon Fifty nalm# and pot plant* at Mia* Rates' dower booth have survived th# mow storm acd will be sold this even tog from 16 cent* to 80 crota. Tb* var.daome lace handkerchief, the work f a Maacvilr Daughter, will be raffled IT at 28 cent* a chance. The rose of vllver will also be raffled at 38 cent* a chance and a aofn eirtlon at t® •ent*. At lb# crystal booth Miss Virginia Holme# won a rake plate. Ml** Den ning a skirt dancer »nd Col C. H. Withrow the stiver chafing dish. H. J. Os*»*!l*. Co. M, Thirty-fifth Michigan, won an eiderdown comfort at th# fancy berth. Aa umbrella wa# found at th* Fair '**» nigh* which th* owner can g*« by calling on Mr. Ooodr'rb. Greatest comedy of year*. ''What Happened to .lores” tonight." Favorite Cold, mid winter, Drinks, Phos pho Celery, Puffs, all Flavors. G n ger Ale, Cherry Phos phate. Ice Cream So das, Son Bons, all Fla vors. A bright, warm and cheerful place for holiday shoppers to drop in and rest, r E. E. STULBtSiCO., 738 Broadway. Greatest comady of years, "What Happened to Jor ?s" tonight." L,.'* A F-W SHINGLES Burning Caused an Alarm of Pire Last Alterroon •*, Yesterday afternoon tho alarm «otinde<> from No. 94. The department responded, but found that the fire was j out. A few shingles on Mr. Hicks’ house i was cn fire acd No. 4’s reel was sent for and son extinguished the flame*. When rome one went to release the key from tho box the alarm sounded. Hat Racks, driest line and lowest pri ces In city, at Fleming & Bowlea. Important .Meeting. There will be an important meeting cf the Second Christian church to morrow afternoon. Every member is requested tc be present tomorrow af ternoon at 2 o clock. Place you order for fail suit with S. | J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. Greatest comedy at years, What Happened to Jones" tonight."