The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 11, 1898, Image 1

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16 Pages-Seclißß 1 VOLUME I. NO. 13. HOT SENSATION DURING THE NIGHT Hn, t, r EUkii Mr 4. ItIMH Wttk TlkMf •) •I Hi* M Hr, I M Mi‘« V g»|4*tg( m* •*#*»«• Are »** *»*»*• *l#. «•»*## m 4 mi iH*|H *<|» uMrt*4»**t* *» I *«« vta#frt#f M IN IMMIt* •* IN nil Km 4 T(ih» f»»49r» k#%* k##4 jftftflrtMd i*' ptftf# a 44## 4* *mt ll# AffAitf lll##** 4*4 Jhwfctt M*#*'k44*» ili— JNIMI Cf4#9* iwNi. j»il»4 TIN* N IftaA# Irf Ilf M. 9t ■. BllJ«4t* • fHS44 *lpf! fhftftft ilM* fulfill *r®..-4 j tte# r&arf* it tlutf Ilf Hl**### 9»**4 ' §MNfii4t fft»ft« ft t |MMIff k#i444 ■ Him it H WM&tL tt4 §■■* It It lit*, r 4 girjit. 1*414 IMIIM #4l flt>f Ilf ; KTItH"* f* ### #f Wt9#f 4 4% It #tat#4. Itt tt4 ft* rill# P*** rMttltt tfttf r#4 |9#(#4 of Ittftf 7 ttct tpfp#4 ft-t* !##< ttftl It 444 144 It 4lfftf»tl ttftt e*f tl# tiff. tt4 9##4 * f#t§4t44 r+r tttHtt ttUl nl4ti(i( It f«! Utrt f Ait tfekt jwtrfWt trt* It «tC«Ht« ft* t of It# ptt#f, •kkk VM t CQt? of Itt P*!ft)l ••#4 f»|WI Utt i «m 4 ay Mr Cllmmi u 4 hi* w»*w« rs iSthf It It# r#i'#t« #l#rtltt tt MM MMH« (» IBM* Tfcgt I* »*• *M Of Mr Cliintt'a fti*»4# #re»«4 I* kw* j Tkore who h*v# (*•• ••#• ■lllar vtth iN 4ru I* at Ik* wurwr* m retai.d ky Mr WI Mt lit V- «f rnurar, that U» UklM twrtht# pom *** m of th* ha* bearing «* IN naan of a niiai of Mr E.Hott'a •(•cite*. Thl* roaira* ha* not )#t to### malaria IMllalif Thai la lha pa par* I karri a kit* not barn Mr Blllotl Mr* ha haa ao Mra ta tha world what bra' lac i-• paprr maid har* oa gay cool**!, and drr’ara* br woo d hair witling* *tv»g It to aar irrti.TM at IntrrMt who would hate ukfd (| of him It ta bat proper to Mr that Mr Ar thur Olotrr conif aot br fooitd tart aicht l»j* reporter* Hla »ld# of tb# •to i cannot br (lim a* yet. Report - rra will br clad to glv* bta veraloa of tin taattrr. What Mr. Elliott <ava. To a reporter laal night Mr Elliott, who waa gought at hi* place of ba*l arr* la Writ End. aar* tbr following ggrrattre of tbr *ri*urr of tbr paprr. **p lor to th* mttaiclpal election I •#- nr*d from tb* clerk of council a printed copy of tbr reglrtry l!*t of tbr Fifth ward, which war need aa a cbgl- Imrlnr list by my frtrnd* and mr»r!f la tbr counci’.manic election. Thl* U*t hid brrti patted on a piece of ea dr board to make It more bandy in er*ry way “TMa evening Mr. Simmon* o*y came into my pl»c« of burinee*. Thl* lict ha* been thrown around the store Mrce tb* eirctlon. Mr. o*y asked that he be permitted to see thl* lift I re plied. 'Certainly. Fee thle desk here." And I made a light over the bookkeep er's d«*k there. A number of *entie men ve't Blinding around. Mr. Gay went out and *oon came hack. Mr. Ar thur Glover came In aUo I saluted him in a friendly way. and he saluted trio. Mr. Gay and Mr. Glover then be gan to Jointly Inspect the l(?t. Mr. Glover drew from his pocket what ap p:a ed to me and to the gentieme.i standing around a bit of paper oa which It seemed name* were written. He appeared to be comparing the names on the Hat with thu names on the bit of paper h? bad drawn from frem his pocket. This aroused some curiosity, but no undue attention was pad to him in the wo k he was en gaged upon. V here the Colo-ed Hsn Come* In. “Mr. Glover went from the office out into the street, returning to again In spect the llfrt Shortly John Merchant, also poing by the name of John Craw ford. came in and wai'.ied aa far as the efflen doo\ Mr. Glover then being ins de the office door. When the negro came up, I thought that fce had ccme to pay money to the lady clerk who was sitting at tho smaller desk, and who receives moneys. "The negro hesitated at the office door. Mr. Glover quickly approached the negro, put the challenger’s list 1 have told cf in the negro’s hand, and pushed the negro to the rear door there (the rear door of the store is about six feet from the office door), and the negro left by the rear door, running away. Mr. Glover then ran through the store, and gaining the door, disappeared in the street. "I turned to Mr. Gay, who waa still in my office. I charged him to clear himself of any part in any conspiracy to secure possession, in such manner, of the list of registered voters, and he disclaimed being a pa'.ty to the forcible possession. "I am free to sa- that had Mr. Glov er asked me for the list I would have given it to him. I do not object to his. or any one dee's haring po sestion of It, but I do object to the manner in which poss ession of it was secured. I received Mr. Glover in my place of bust ness in a friendly manner, and put the list at his disposal in the same snap nr . I fsel outraged, of eounw, at the manner in which be has acted ' toward me. I repeet that I would have given the list to Mr. Glover had he THE AUGUSTA SUNDAY IliiltAl.l). #■ E rrnt fg»# !%. Y%i## •#•11 '#Nl I a#* el MMI Mbw >a» Aa * *♦'♦ §#•l*4 • #M#I ##•' 4# !•# #r#4l*'4##f-4*## mim m m* n* iIMM. 4# %## •# !#ni m tb* mm 4 i%# j 9#Ui iMItHL #♦ •# w UN## i# * f . «nmi •***■* ! Ha* I# iM4 **f i# j i *timw if !• S4f rnmmmm t 4 4 •**• I I rm* 4Mf mm n It HIW ** j t# ## i4h#v 9 4 ## ‘ j#h>TTi|t Ml 4N# #4 14# #|N4M4a j t4# MN 4®44 H.= t 4141*41# #*###4 II | [MI 44# iMMNti #4 19444 4M4k ■ J Hot •### 4#4>* «4 l»4 t *lit I I «•# 00 n»m t##"# •MMI •• •• •#* ti ! #»4 *!•*• 4M4 I * <***l4l - feht## f9«MI M 14 ••# 44# 4t ttM#-#*"*# j • In* 4*4 444441 Ml i#4 H #f 4#4 mm •A 1 to <4# Me* h »M44f# 4# OM4t#4M 4 14# 4N#r# 4# 4 f m 411 I# 4lt Alt «»* tlrtH #fft fMi 14r titfc 14# 14*. mio 444 #4 lii«4 #**#l4 49# I* , 4## 4#4lf#4L ®# 4# 4 lit #4# It fH4S4 4# j pmt I At aay tatw, tb* *.*«**» of K* pf*»- rat k*NHNM m tabt M». d*t *»4 attar poatletawa ptwwat, wa* a ira«aiT--t rtsbt attbt. ImJ far *V. (lay Mr Gar woo amotwf Not alibi by Mlwaw Mr tt iM ta*4 «• for at* boat fo* bta ta W* her apoworawee. j tb* tfkwnko beta* breiay froas tb# J bow**, a owprrtor twwrt rate Mr b'. A. Mat*looa bwaaw bio boost*as* Jatifo M M. Coaecr met Mr •an Mi Gay at potlr# brodaw*r#r= at ( 1 a, <•.. wtwa tbr boa# »•» pwrfm-trd »•» O-r aoM be wa. ta Mr. Kiltott'e , uft*"* wbra tb# paper wa. Ukw, bot AlarlaimtA aay (waarctloa wltb tbr tahiaa of tb* Hot. Mr fiiilic* karw actblaa about tbr etat'er, other ih*a b» wa» aaked to go on Mr. Gay * bond, which br rbeerf iPv AM. Mr. Gicrrr ba* aot brra arrwotrA Neither be* th* colored man. COL. BBYAN RESIGNS Hl* Quit Pape » »oo» la AUKlwtey** Haod*. I ttav.nnah. O*.. Dec. W -Cot W. J. Hryan. c-.loorl of tbr tail'd NrDraaUa Ki.mrnl, be. either forwaidrd hi* i*e l«nattib to Washington, or la aboat to do ao. Today, he called upon General ir«. cwmmander of tbe aev.otb corpa. and (Srnrral Keifer, commander of th* first div.sion of the rorp. where Col. Brv an a regiment I# a part and la under stood to have announced his Intention of quitting tb# servo e. Oeneral Car I* to sail for Cuba on the iranaport Pan ama tomorrow and Col. Bryan I. b#-> lievcd to have hastened bi. deiAston In order that be might acquaint hi* corn, commander of his ißtenliuO prior to bi# j deparluie for ih. Island. Neither of ih. commanding general, would dlbcuM the matter and rrferied to Col. Brvan a. the proper eourre to grt any news. Col. Bryan would neither confirm or deny the rumor, but stated that whi n the time came be wouid prepare a a written statement and glv. It 10 the presa. ao that there would be no pos sibility of misstatement of his posi tion. "It I* well to have the newspapers to talk thicogh,” tald he. with a laueb. "they beat your hat ad hollow. Col. Bryan's regiment understand that h=* will be their commander', but a few days longer. Ideut. Col. V ifqusin Is quoted by other offleers of the regi ment. as having told them that If Col. Bryan resigned he would succeed him as colonel. PvL iEIIO HA DICAP f arbush .Lands tlie Prize of the Day. New Orleans. Dec. 10.—The Palmet to handicap at a ml.e and an 'eighth for three year olds anti upwards and valued at one thousand doi.ars, was the star number of today’s card and proved the best race of the mcctlna. George Bcnet's Korbu.h, the feathei- . weight of the party landed the prize, but Handsel, of the McCarterty pair. I the favorites, and Macey, the s <re candidate who finished neck apart, forced him to drive at the end. Boa nerges had a shade the beat of a R od and prompt start and made the run ning up to the last quarter, where he tired and passed It up. Forbush taking the lead and wining. The weather was clear and cold and the track was very heavy. Not a favorite won. First, six furlongs Loiter, 2 to 1, won; Tabouret, 6 to 1. and 2 to 1. second ; Gath, 2 to 1. third. Time, 2:15. ) Second, six furlongs: Tendrease, 8 to 1. won; A. McKnight, 30 to 1 and 10 to 1, second; Bed Pirate. 5 to 1, third. Time, 1:22 3-4. ; Third, sel.lng, one mile and TO yards: Branch, 12 to 1, won; Waterman. 40 to 1 and 10 to 1, second; Laurate, 9 to 1. third. Time, 1:57. I Fourth, Palmetto handicap. 1 1-3 j 'miles: Forbush, » to 2, won; Handsel.! 9 to 5 and 3 to 5, second; Macey, 5 to 1, third. Time 2:07. Fifth, one mile and 70 yards: Gun Metal, 5 to X, won; Molo, 5 to 2 and even, second; Garnet Ripple, 8 to 1, third. Time, 1:59. Postal Service in Cuba Washington, Dec. 10.—Hon. E : G._ Ratitbqn*, of Ohio, e=x-aS3T}ianf post* master general, was to£ay appointed to tals» charge of the postal service Hi j Cube. A AUGUSTA. CA.. SUNDAY MORNINO. DECEMBER 11. 1808. MAJOR M KINLEY WILL COME TO VISIT 6EN. YOUNG’S MEN Th# Aufuftta Committee Which LtftVff Today for Waihington Hav# Evtry R#a»on to B#i ev« That Thty Will M#«t Succ#ft«. 4Th» mftlr# tfMit M#IH |mn4M4 | |Mf 11' #*&l4k#***4 t 4 MNMMi tm J •ft## 44r#1 *ll4# 4 , 4#k 4M4H4#t4 tHM t*» 4494414,. #4#* mmi ti# mmms mmrn. i#4»# a mm*- It •**! ti# 414414#1 W4444T4## ’ | |4#4i. Ti# 4MM4 «i44*M# 4144 44 li# tpfp4>*#tti#p I# 19444MM4## P*4l-- Hffb H# 14 l«)9li#i"4t g#4t** Witt *4444 #M 14 AW4NM44. Tb* —Her* at rataa Maek*w aa4 ant w* aa t* Awa—ta •* tbe *na:<»al a aamauk* of ••*•» THE TREATY IS SIGNED War tkf I'aiiH Siatfk ta4 Sfuia h at aa Ka4. j i Ir.phk Dl.frtptlea al tbe Access Alteedeat UfHI the AM il*f .1 Neaa tw4 A»f net are* lot be Mawcu tow* Docwimcwl How the Ameri cana and tb* Jipaatard* cnduvtcd Ibtmtrßr. | By Ameciatsd Presa to Sunday Herald. Part*. Dec. 10 - Tbe signing of tbe [ treaty of peace tonight would hare as -1 forded a subject for a gret historical painting The group gathered about the table la tb* stalely chamber of th* foreign office wa* imprewlv* ta itself, while the fact that the see** of the momen i our aeaa of the I roues which the act decided was deeply felt by all tbe partlrlpaat*. gave sn Impressive and solemn tone to the scene Around tbe great mahogany table sat the tea arbitrator* of the deetlalea of an old and a young nation. Ranged .-•funding behind them were nutu-jous attaches of th# American commission. The jets front tbe crystal chandeliers ,abor* tbe beads of those preseni mng ntfled the bri.llant green and scarlet of the upholitering Into gmudlne**. There was a theatrical cont ast be tween th? black-clothed actor* and the scenery. To tb- Americans It was the happy ending of the epilogue ofi war; to the Spaniards tt was a bitter trag edy, none th# less painful because long fore* cn. They sat silently a* though alcnort crushed, and none could with hold sympathy from Scnor Montero Itins, the president of the Spanish com mission. who. coming from his bed. waa bundled In a great overcoat, al though log* were burning inethe fire place n'ar by. The spirits of the two bodies were symbolized by the clothes worn by the members of the commissions, for the Americans were attired In evoning dre<s for the dinner given them tmme i diately after the meeting by the Due ;d« Loubat. and the Spaniards wore black freck coats. 1 heir l irst Meeting. Although the commissions met at j 3:30 o’clocK. expecting to finish thplr work in half au hour, the engrossing of the treaty on parchment wa* found to bn so troublesome that It delayed the signing of the dorum'mt until 8:20. Clerk Martin, of the American*- sion. worked all day without even stopping to eat. When he came Into the chamber at 7:30 with the docu ment he found tha coromiss'-ouers wait ing. The Spanish copy had arrived a half hour earlier. Mr. Arthur Fergu son then proceeded to read first his and after that the Spanish version of the treaty. This finished, two copies were passed around ths table, the commissioners signing them in trie order of their rank: William R. Day, Senator Cushman K. Davis, Senator William F. Frye, Whitelaw Reid, and Senator George Gray; S.-nor Montero Rios, Senor Aburrzuza, Senor Garnlca, Senor Vil iauratia, and General Ccrero y Saons, each commissioner signing its oppo nonet’a treaty. Both were tied with tbe Spanish and American colors. When the seals were prepared to be affixed attendants were sent scurrying j for ribbons of the French tri-coiot, with which the documents were sealed as a compliment to the Frencu hosts of tbe commissions. Many officials interestedly watched every detail of the proceedings. The Last Seal. The last seal being impressed, the commlaatoners rose, and without for jaallty each members shook th# hands of all hiS antagonists, and: *xchange& Esattrancercf sincere-personal esteem. The Spaniard* - afterward commented 4444# 4491 <44#(#4l 44& 9444 —44 mm 44 f |44i 444 4411 49444 I=4# 94449# |4P* tlw 4414444## 144 ft 99. ift 441 4| fI4 94##949l tm 'UJ| mm* f InM 14444 ff#*A4*#l 494 4# 94 449 Wm#m 441 f 4 >4*4l 94Mi4.4i ■ #4 49« •*4 441 M94# 44 14 A4f#4l4 14 f 4449 tlftl (WIN #4M4#<f4 Til# t#4«4 €P4i4 Mf##94ll# 14 14 g|p»: *4*9441 9>1144#9 Aftt4ft# 4. >4# (b#f 9#m» I4«4» 1449 94*4 4444 $4 4#499# (tel o#t#C4#f MrKlftH vtll #4144 14 «4# *4#4l ! art idly ufuva *k*t the* I*l*o# tb# bad I taade es tb# Aa**Wa»* la tawdertan a i . *>•■ d of attack** *a Ct*al aywr tb# : rtutaawMMtiaa at tbotr Aowatatl. and 1 to wraatM# far «#t»e# Tb# ttaaiaA **• •ai#bed at ttt At that Hat* tb# Aww 'ef tb# riMMrtw* eya»d abd lt*aor VW* , laaraua appeared aad c». l>t.aed to i • of «orra*poadeota o=bo a#r* j waiusf la tb* coirtfiar. "Com flat “ Tb* a*b#f •*»«>•** as tbe A*aai*b rocs tat*# toe followed Rmot Vlllaaruna aad pa teed 11 lee thr tbnmak th* vtatl -aulc to tbotr t#a tlaf earrta«»o Tbe Aoterkaa abmrtsabippfb *trolled out. rbatiiaa pkaaaatly. *a«l *• they de weeded tb* »t*t»* tb# tight# la tb* chamber «r#r* tUibeaed. Tb# treaty a* *t*a#<l roaaista of *##• eateea art' lea. it having been adyla | able to aab-dlvtdr two or three of the ; article* I* tb# draft agreed upon at lb* (act meeting Tbe rommtaakHier* of tb# two ua i tlooa wrote their tlgaatwrea on two i ropfea of tb# U**t>. «a* copy lietag for ! tb# arrhlvtuL Tb# dorum. nt wa* pro pared by Hecrotary Moor* in behalf ot the djfeclcta commt«*kNi. aad by fta oor vtUamatia for Spain, oa account ot the continued Bines* of Secretary Ojeda, of th# Rpauiah rommisslon. Fach ropy contained the English ; ami Spanish text* of the treaty In par i alleled columns The wording had been I approved preytoualy by the coniml*- •lona without a Joint meeting, an there waa no rontrovetay on thio lubje t. a here hat been * great contest among the famlliea and friends of the American commisaiotP'ra foe posses sion of the pen# with which the tig nature* to the treaty were written Some of the American* were provided with handsome pen* purchased for tb* purpose. The Spaniards appeared to he unaf ! farted by the souvenir rraxe. and ron lented themselvee with ordinary quill pen* strewn on tb# table. Just prior to th* final rending of the treaty the rommlsaionere were photo | grsphed. THE TOaACCOMEN The Big Organization That Is Now infected. | New York, Dec., in —The Commer ‘rial Tr.Paceo company which takes over the plug tobacco Interest# of the Am ,clean Tohaero omnany and also ab ' sorbs the entire business of John Flnxer & Brothers, of loultvilie; F. M. Mayo A Brothers (InrorporatedL Rlchmcnd. jva,; The P. J. Sorg compruiy OI Mld idletewn, Ohio; Daniel Scotten & Co. of j Detroit, and the entire common stock of the F. Lorlliard comtisny, was In- I corporoted today under th# laws of New Jersey, the certificates of incorpo ration being Died at Trenton this mor ning after having been recorded late yesterday at Newark. Tho articles of Incorporation gave to the new company full power to buy, manufacture amt sell tobacco In it various forms. The authorized capital' stock is $75,000,000. The Incorporators are a* follows: i Grant B. Bchley, M. Leopold. J. 11. Cobb. Col. O. H. Payne, Paul Brown. H. 1. Drummond, C. H. Faurette, Jr., Col. J. U- Hughes, Oran Scotten. Ba sil Doerhoefer, J. B. Duke, H. U* Ter rell. F. H. Bay and Thomas Atkinson. this afternoon a meeting of these Incorporators was held at New ark. At this meeting the Incorporators were elected directors of the Continen tal Tobacco company. Messrs. Schley, Cobb, Brown. Faucette- and Hughes were elected for one year; Messrs.Doer hoefer. Terrell, Atkinson. Leopold and Payne were elected for lwo year*, and Messrs. Drumnfond, Lorlliard, Hrotten. Duke and Ray were elected for three yeais. After the stockholders’ meeting Ibe directors meeting was held, at which the following offleers were elected: President—J. B. Duke. First Vice President—H. I. Drum mond. Second Vice-President—F. XL Ray- Third Vice President—O. Scotten. Treasursre-P. Lorillard. Jr. Secretary— David Keller. This Is the outcome of the negotia tions which opened last January for the amalgamation of the plug tobacco in terests us thla.omnany. . - ■ ■ '» r. Soatvasrcpan* and solgitira will goon" work wonders in the PfiiHpplnef . t T n. a. ft4f4ft l4#9* |4ft4# ftlNf 9Nt!*4 '*9l9 ImINMN# 9* 9> ' pt#isiAjl 4 9*#l4 (9494 #494 Ift49. 41449 ’ 449 9#ft4 ||M MjpM. mm Ahr W %4| ffitffi# Is** 944 4994 %K4»|mt 44# 99#4#f ♦•#» 99#4 A9M99R#94' Ift# 49M #m94# 444#*’ Mtm 44#«r 4194 94#9L *M Ik## #4» Ihitt luM * Kiri #wfm44«% # 99114 4t«R 4#v4mf# 4# •111 ##44# Aim 9 44## 4# 44## 14### vltl 4# 4449144 14raw# 4 f>i«94 »9<44 •14*4*4 Hi hm* |R(ti M*i 14#94 *UI 4# • •44ft •4 jw fruw tb# iiffi of lU. MR- BAILEY WINS OUT Tfc» fAraiarnitir rtarx IlfM «« 1# fapiul LaM NIJm. Fc.o'utto*. Fs.scd NAHkh .Tab* tau cua Actio* at Moos# IkOMwrats tlinding so Ibos* V\ ho l*a Ikipatr Vt hat Mr Balky riad to Aay After the Adjournment W.v.bir *ion. Drc 10. —Tb* T>"tß< - r-wta ot tt# bmtac of r#|k**em*tltv* h#‘»l a catciu tonight on t*w question eemkig over from tb* teat «#sslotl *8 to tb# Uniting fore# of tb# et«u** *c tion. Tb# Steeling *aa bell in tb« ballffitTh* br-na# of repre#*nt»'4*e» at *p. n>., ind of tb# IK gteffibr.*i on tha nil enU of tho boune h* *»re (WlMt. Anieng thou# present were Aqrora tame* Itall#y. of T#xa*: Ricbardtoti. of Iwi'.ut*; D# Arnold, an I Bli»l us Missouri; Wh##l#r. of Alabama; Altai, of Ml**t«alppl; M< Ra#, of .«r --kanaas. und Mayer*, of Trxa*. Itepreavutatlve M< M.lian. *=f Trnnc*- #*c. red LaukbotO. of A'taoama. wet* not rr ong those preaeuL Th-' n.eating waa devoid o' ar.v per *oual n# sensational features and was devoted to a brief dlscuaslon of t!l* Wfadom ot making caucua actiou bind ing. A i moist lon to this elU.t had been imroduced by Mr. Bailey. a r <* this wns p. ndiiig wltb an amcuditicnt by Mr. Voilae. of Arkansas. main interest centered itt the ity of Mr. nallev and his friends In pass the resolution. At the outset Sir ii«attr.ond made a polnl of order ngninst the regularity of the resolu tion. l,nt Chairman Richardson did not biiiUln th# point. In order to *o»' the ■frengtl: of the Bailey forces. Mr. Clv dy, c.f Kentucky, moved to re msMor the vote by which the resolu iou l.tul beer, agreed to at th" Inst session. The motion was tallied, 62 to 13, thus en lablithlns that the ndvoeatej of th< rcsoiuUoa had a clerr rnaJo.ii/. 1 he Resolutions. Hie if'tolutiooH were then adopted without a division. They arc os fol lows. Hosolvtu. That hereafter the action o.’ a iFmoeratlc caucus shall be tdnrt- Itig upon ail who participate In its pro ceedings, provided that no member shall lie required to vote for any bill he may deem unconstitutional, anti provided furihor that In all mutters except the nomination of officers and questions of procedure, no decision shall be binding, unless made by two thirds of those voting. Resolved, That while acting in con formity to the principles declared by the national Democratic convent.on nrd the constitution of the United Panes, the Democrats in each state nud in each congressional rt’strict have a rlglil to determine for thenis" ves In their own locality what their po; c.- shall he: to make platforms for, ac cept plodpea from their candid at ;s mid to inslruel their members of congress and the toll exercise of such right of local party self government shorn 1 in •ill cares be respected by Democratic congressional caucus.” Beyond tbe adoption Of the forego ing ;.<> action was taken and at d o'clock ihe caucus adjourned. What Mr. Bailey Says. Mr. Bailey said after the caucus: "X have no desire to discuss the action further than to say that it must now be plain to all thinking persons that the stories of serious divisions in the Democratic party were the invention of a few sensational newspapers." Black, the Novelist. Dead. London, Dec. I.—The death of Wni. TMaek, the novelist, is announced. ADDRESS TO ALL TEXTILE WORKERS •■tap. ffcppftt lMM|# 944 1 we**- #=#**#*<• % s Ym*i4 j #t#9M4ff 4ft# #9999# f#»4 *4449* f*44t = 4## 449r»0 # 9ft# (44999494- 44ft r *## ( 149914 1449 94#pf " 1,1 ("«•##• ** 94" If 14 ■ | •*l##4l •> - i"*** *• 99#* n d# 9P4# , tmmm Iftllftl f4ft# 9f , #44#> 4#* 4f#ftMl49 *#*9 I# 94# 141 #9 *#.# 99fe#9 94# 49444* j ItirOi 4# •Ip#* l 14944 ft. 4 i*#!*«944ft ! P14449K ft# 4 1149441 94Pfft44444W#> *(i 9449 4# 4ftHflV4 ## ; «i v«4 (44ft ftftttfftNl 4# #4 Ift l * *>4® #( # i I# ♦wftffifW®#’''•'■■'*4l I*## l-M 9 #‘‘4# 41# 4419 «*4l ftftp m- niftifttft 94#9 l9l# 9449* « **-**s ***** ft## 4499. 94N9 *4144# |4#9 it #411(41 # 14914414 *4 44 ytN> •«* •«4»>l do If 9w i rnwiiir Vftlft I# * v 4lt 4 Ixfp#. ##4 l4»(# : *#w 4*4 4|T *l* HM44M4 14 • . |lßst 94 < dpi «#9tHM9(N4 Aft «tftltc4. 91 Ift ftft*9ift(i#Hl #oft ft# f«t 4# 449 m*mnm «4 nft - • 4Pf|,. || 4pr99MN 4ft 94* 4449 l#4#l ' • 4ftl iln* mftftttif ill# HpifmiVftvft . *n4ffi9MNft4#4ll? ft dlftfidf fftrt **t lift* 14919 ft *T9 9 44% ft 44ft j fM#r*4tf44ftWN*4l 1941 Oft* 44ft# 9l#ft#f ■ «rd#>Nt 14 «4#9f rwftfft# Nf 4 ftNftftftl. I WIMI 14# «*9rt#«f4# ftfll 4# Ift *»«*- W#(hr 1 xr. iHrJ Tift- r»‘ ffitftg 4«#9 r-f fit# MlUto 9# 4 tntl Nft #t imfr 14 14# rdf, 444 4Kr imrt* 49# riMßfrl Ilf #4N f-fiffdlWl #Wt 41 149# lift*# «f 94# ftftftMf , M) , U M # 4<sr**anl v«*w «f % ■ INI (Ed* I full (( y fs< y •# 44r4 4#N' ft «n«M mr«n 9441 94#9r #•!•( ftdUl tm rut *€•<# I# th* M*r future. Th# r*o*f iwnaai# he# 4#u# g##A l, M li |a iu* pam h and Mr. (lay. ih* . bairma#. aay* iky hav* enough prevtato* to run th*nt tm tw# »«** tasMur. Thl* morning The Her* 1.1 la r#qu**t#d s |n tifinl ft frOrfil I appeal trim Ih* re -1 lief rvupmlli** to Ih* working p*opte a ad o(her* In aytnpnlby nllh litar ihrmighnut th* reunltjr ta*t aftrr* noon nn npp»-*l wa* mm A- |c. Ih# #1(1- setta .•< Augusta In aympnthr with them. Th>y nar «ha» ihe> are ans , <ou* for th# milling people ihroogbout I ih# country lo know th# exact ntosihn ! m Augusta. They wan I aid They take jihl* mnuii of aacuring. Fnilowtn* ta ■ th* appeal. To All Wh« Favor Justlc# and Wight— J To tint Brother Lntnt*vn Throuahogt j the Fulled filat##' We. the Textile operatives ot th# Au gtiatg diatgjet. appeal to all for aid. ! (| Ur wage*.hav* been Tvtlne*d to soeii < * point that It I* almost imposalWe lo • xlat W# W«r# rorop#H#d to quit work, ii'ontinued work under the propound r#- GEN.FLAGLER j HAS A KICK But He Refuses to riake a Kick. Th* W«r Invfslic*tion Gettiae to Bfi Tart. Washington. Dec. 10.—Major V. Har , vard. chief aurgeon of the department of Santiago, who went with the first j, xpeditlonai y fore# under General j Shatter an chief surgeon of the cav alry division, testified before the war I investigating commission today. His testimony, while extended, developed nothing new. General Flagler, chief of tbe bureau of ordnance, testified concerning the condition of the coast defcncca at the tlaic war was declared, and advocated keeping a greater supply of guns and ammunition ou bund. This testimony was followed by the subjoined series of interrogations and answers: “Were you interfered with In any way by any superior officer In your; contracts for supplies from the ord nance department? “I hav; ro complaints to make. I could not say so. because it would bn too sweeping a reply." “Were any contract* made of which you did not approve?" "Yes. in some cases, one for 10.000 Winchester ritiea.” And how many guns?” "in one case* —for sour uipid tire guns.” "Had yon experimented with models of them at Sandy Hook?” "Yes.’ "Were they satisfactory?” "Well, one type, a wire wound gun. was not satisfactory. "Wore any of your recommendations as to purchases of arms overruled or turned down?" "Yes.” Questioned as to tho rifles contracted for without, his approval, General Flag ler said they were purchas d by tho secretary of war. and. while not cer tain. he presumed they were on the re commendation of the general of the army. - . . I No Tidings. Boston. Dec. 10.—No tidings have been received of tin: crew of the three masted schooner Bertram N White, abandoned at sea, which was pasted on December 3 by tbe steamer Galena which arrived recently at Philadelphia: The schooner was on a passage from. Jacksonville for Philadelphia with a cargo of lumber, and was undoubtedly wrecked In the hurricane of the 27th. "j; •* I iimggiiig fwn aal,« «<*•*■»», a ,«.*»• »Sl •• * *as*h WkSsfihtal tta*s*a»«i«v •Cmv# » gh *mm «a *—»»#>«« gta»#gffi»_ 3 CENTS A COPY Vi (m AM Hi# » tft f'lilli) gi I »tg# It Vtcwcft i adag VIM nwnilm. th# H#ta«g t, iimmwt re mt tta# Mtffilgg tkwruHaga lasa# a# ag«k*aa— •* sn l ffital »• '-aw MUM*** "• «Mk W are* l># H*wa >SW Sqw (Hi ttaswH r* [ 49N41W4 #w«ft« - *mmt fftna# •#> #•> I«Nl4ft> m 444 44 lift #4449 •#•# * 49-' 4 ftftftftttft 9**## *4 #49 4MNM 9*4# #fft ft *44 #f# Ilf (ft# 444Ift(##4 ft# #4«4# 94 944 4# hMfcl## Tm i lift# mm M4ftii«4i Omi . 1994# 49 4##4' fttl4 |#4 14*4 4# #44* « ~“frtt Il#f»4rl* Tft* 4949ft#! ffi#99ft4df 44# ■' 4*4>4ftftl* ft # f***mmom |# tjgnlfi jrft# >Mi #ft>* *4 mm Ift tmmt #9 m-4, 1 4 ft##9k II 4dl Hf lft# 4ft'*4l 4 fft<i4#t>44 ■ ift lift * >4(4# 4 lift (ft**! t *** <*d#!««M4f fit# #4llr# 40494. 44ft|« ft 14 I iftlll# 14 III# Hwm Kftftlft# 4 ' #|jkl«4 (o 4 foHHs t #9 ft «•##. 14 wflif I# rmoifol# ftH4 tft# Ift 494#f4 ; IftlftK####, 444 I ft!#* 14 lift tftfft, ft HI *444* *t fNft'##MMl9T f«l# 14# 4*44494 94144 #»» *4414 #4! ft ft#*# Ift III# 4*4# fltlHt, 4# - fume ftnm I4#*f oft# If ft # #44 |»r**#4t » fHftUlft 14 our j or#### ftfftl lift ift • |l 9# #44f vlrfihrr. (>»if 4*lft i« r<W 4ftt4 WV 44V# t#oa Wit **' <4ffl) 4i l#r4 # «r4ftVftftfts Nlf til# ttm# 1(44 msm #nMf nh<*n »f h*»f f«» '44 fm fffUliß 4991. jftftj* ft# r##i fttltv 94ft( mm oft tftMtf ft It! M 1* Ift v#l4. All 4ft4 ><itrl49i • (rtfiw m 4 r i t*nfniml*'atl9M #4o«u9 In n4atr*'#ft#4 t# Ur. Hty. « t ulrm** «4 th* r#l»#f rwmmittft. pn4t*H4«* *«* t 39; or to Mr, Aitdrow Ifukov. 4#p4t% ortiiniirr *f 14# AnvrtcM KiNHwllfi I c.f LftN»r for M»# MM# «f «J#«r*t4, m «9r#rf. AttfUtla Oft. C wmiM* i 1 Atift>( 4i*»i rihutUm* 4*ll 4# thankfully r*#*iwi ami ft^kfto**#<l4#4 » \ r- Uf4 mall. (Kignsd) ronirntT GAT. rhaiemaa: r. L i'RANFILL Raerelafy: VARtON I VET, W 11. CARTER R#ll»f Committee. Fodorsevt by Weaver*’ Union No. 1«1. ’’s (Trovers' Union and Carder#' and Xflnners' Union No. 11*. , All pat*-** In ayirpnlhy with na are requested lo eopy. THE PORTS TO BE USED Savannah Not to Send Off All the Troops. Charleston Will KraharL Some of Them. Washington. Dee. 10.—In the exten sive mov< ment of troop* toward Cuba, now under way, tae war department will make uh,■ of the harbor facilities of Port Tampa and Ch«rk*ston. as wall .is Savannah. whley has uc«o the main point of embarkation tbua fat Two transports, the Flo*.da and the Whit ney. are now at Port Tampa ready to take the Eighth United States infantry, who wiil teach Port Tampa from Huntsville in time to sail on Monday. The transport Michigan hai ieft Sa vannah with two battalions of the Second Illinois for Havana. Th* transport Saratoga I* at Charleston and will take a battalion of the Twelfth infantry, returning to take the rest of the regiment. The First Kentucky. Newport News, Va.. Dec. 10. —The First Kentucky regiment, which ar-i rived here yesterday on the transport Berlin, loft tonight at 10:30 o’clock for Louisville, in three sections of four i, ii cars each, Cel. t'astleman and staff being in the first with the Third {battalion: the Second battalion iu the second, and the First in the third. They will reach Louisville at 9 o’clock Monday morning. The men were given shore leave this morning, bttt their stay here was uneventful. Field Trials. Charlotte, N. C., Dec. 10.—A special 1 to The Observer from Lexington, N. C., | says: The sweepstakes, the last race of the Continental Field. Trials club, was con cluded today, as follows: f-jn Money, handled by C. E. Buck : !r, . t; Rowland, handled by Charles Tucker, second, and Dave, handled by ! Dick Fox, third. North Carolina nilltia. Washington, Dec. 10.—Governor Rus .■ell, of North Carolina, was at the war department this afternoon In consulta tion with Secretary Alger and Adjutant General Corbin regarding the reorgani zation of the volunteer troop of that state. He Is Off. New York, Dec. 10.— President Ka-~ t'al Iglesias, of Costa Rica, sailed today lor France on the steamship LaGas : sogns He will return to the United j .-Bates in February.