The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 12, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE AUGUST! HEIUIO IHII uitliM U«ltt *«#**« ”* * # fii *•«*•, 522? *'»*..**»" - H2Srߣss»u-i» |W « M , <s•*** CSS^'^^EO l " -l *'‘ 1 m mai i* ’PMNBk gr_i- ■-- nißin r r nt i #»»••*•» •*• ***< *•**•»•• *» «** f**#» _ lMti| Kim* am* I #** *• wit wax ri*u run mc«aui In MMit'K KM A'*#** *»4 )• I<«aMk -At tfc* Mi* H*** l HI •• ■felW* news KwM In ■*...» ai Urn Kt*»i !!««•• **d *•»•* Ms#»< * , . to tim. • * »**#*< i to r mr** *• w»»*d In Mm* T«rfc City AI Ito MU to** tm **d ruin avu toi •mT* m.oA# *•»( r*Mrw*4* *tP M»« • to mm Mr *«i*«»n «k* to*« tt «kt# Man. *»*K<* •**•« nr Mr KVi u* >»*• »m ran* Mir: Ctoam to imtoi b**r oar pi**: VmII It* ito> H to • f**t«rr. ranr> Hamana ran U »•• all « "Mltritener • fcfctoT l# KlpMkff'* to**. Tkl* la to to a great «**fc for (tot tto Madrid mtwlatry *• a** expert *# t« rwica. " Til* Hum tor Cjtl# Co.'s affair* ar< going dove kill at awaOea »p**d. And ton*tor Stewart mistaken for Inti ciaua by a tonal* gallery “*'■ A tkmtaaod per r*nt profit on III* Philipp* a** la pretty Mr. *ka«k yo»i There hi quit# a difference In the two Jam In 01# Houaa- Bailey and Wh*#l- You have two w##li» tw whlrh to load down Th* Herald's Christmas tie# for the West End ehlhkren. Catty will dlarard th# whit* charger rharter a w*#l*i train and tour th# country on eturency reform. \V# ar# glad to learn that w# ran hah In th# grab-bag. ditto In th# fish poad. and dartre with tha pretty girls nt the fair a few nights long##. Who would think of It! Granny Hoar and Pitchfork Tillman pulling together : ,*ninxt th# Nicaragua canal—not th# pulling agalnat, but the pulling togeth er. Thoe# quill* with which th# Spanish commissioner* scratched their name* gloomily to Ih# prac# treaty ware not pulled out of the tall of the American engle. anyway. Blind Chaplain Wilburn* Invoking of the Divine blessing on th# Queen Re gent and the llttl# King. "I* regarded, especially In exalted quarters, aa tin In delicate burlesque.” Ninety-five per cent, of all the tooth picks made in the United States ere (formed from white birch timber In Franklin county. Maine, and yet scarce ly more than 100 person* are employed in the Industry lu that state. In sensible and dignified language Archbishop Chappell# says that no car pet baggers are wanted In the territory over which he will have ecclesiastical jurisdiction, and he administers a de served Itnab to Editor Snead, “Sassafras Christians” Is the apt def inition of those individuals who. like the sassafras sticks, when bundled to gether ami act on fire, will slmle, pop, blaze und make a lively rueket. but singly and alone, they quickly go out and all Is cold. Wonderful! We regret to learn that the list of papers due at Becknervllle failed to reach them for two successive Tuesdays. 1 our papers are mailed l>y machinery, ami it is Impossible to make mistakes. We will look the mat ter up, and trust that it will not hap pen again.—Winchester Democrat. Among the regulations posted by a New England railroad for the guidance of the wearers of its uniforms, it the following: "The cap shall be worn straight, neither tipped sideways nor backwards.” Naturally, the employes of the road frequently ask each other the woman's questions. “Is my hat on straight?” toaato* nai ihe* to mat . total to 1 pia*# aai tom to to* *m at Mia I <*>M*ta** ftenifKir a niujii* aaa f ||m o*44* 004 In*! 0$ *9*9 9*lo 990 10000* |«» mm 090000* ft"'* 000 ft Mm* o*** o*4 MMMUMMI -4*m 999009* I igfn im mntt+m 4441 MkH [M» «t*i %* 0m m 0 omm 90 m [mm 909 0*99000 #HI 000999 99 I 000 M WOO 4#* 0 m lit 0*99 m 000009 0*99 00. rnmm 09 mmmmtmmm iltn** 9000 lH 099 900999 0000 k 90* MNMM 0*909 H to Uto aa»w*M aa4 aaatowaa«* as [ **9o oHkj*n , foh9 nw uar la atom aad waa—H»*f : tia aart a iar iiiM flam WaaKiaa**to | m tka pm** t— up#*— «n mi | to'ft Imm to* Ika final amt iM* Matiaa Hr fma toiimr —tt. «taa*« aai «**rr •am patot tat aa atom t»a M*jm ton* *fcto maa* a# itoal na for Mm pto to to «ar gjraTtrai tto rmaaato* to *Ml«r «f ik* anar aai m«v aai aar r**p*# •#*4 s4*4l AM amt Mto itoif** pantoatorto i tto Mtwkef* top* atoatfr ttow ****«» la tto pUpXto— Uwt to’# *M rtgfctf Tto Aamtoaa mM to ai kg*w toa aMiar kuPtof totofl to to* *aa* nf oar rmaat Baatora aopitolUto* tfcto toll to maMtol. N to HA aai m. tot tto tor as tto paton rtolt to a apraai aM maataimoai a* * ama* •Jan. Aa«tMar tfctm W* Map* ttol la* Wti**l*r all! *n atoac Tto prrattoat la «a* rarrtaa* lift* lac tto toiiitor MarM ptaa tot. aai im Wtoctor Mknrtaa atoaa la aaa* itor, iofftaa to* major »*a*ral'» rto pca* ami brtag farto to* kttsa* !lo aatnatoh tto Caroll** aatlra* tkM I to If aar of ttom ara toft arrow tto rl»*r on tto Mir* iar W* troat Jo* will room. 100. THE KITH IBPBOTIEEkT We note that Senator Clay baa In traduerd a bill providing fir# hundred thousand dollars for th* Improvement of th# Havsnosh river between this dtp and Savannah. Slits the war, the Federal Government has done r#ry little for the Bnvannah. comparatively speaking, and that little has b*ea doled out ta delblf*# and has been of smalt value. la other state# rompetltlre water freight rate* bar# bad their effect on the railroads, and we do ant doubt hot what tbia has been the rase ta Geor gia. Shortly after th# war and before the railroad* had gotten down to work again, there were several lines oI steamships plying between the two rlt lea, and each line did a good bual nesa According to the report of th# engi neer. the riser channel can be cleaned out without any very great ex pense. In the engineer* report for 189* we find that for the greater part of the year the river below Augusta 1* navi gable for ateamahtpa drawing fr«m four to five feet of water, but during low water seaaons there are shoals In the upper part of the river with low water depth of not more than three feet. Th# chief obatrurllona to navigation consists of sandbars, overhanging trees, snags ahd sunken log*. The plan of Improvement provides for the establishment of a navigable steam boat channel five feet deep at ordina ry summer low water between Augus ta and Savannah. It was estimated In 1890 that this project would requite $332,000. and that $3,000 to $5,000 should be spent every year to keep It up. r Thu entire amount expended on this pait of the river Improvement work from 1880 to 1896 was $188,500. The to tal amount expended under the noje plan to June, 30. 1897, was SBI,OOO. Urst year only about SI6OO was expen ded. Since then, however, a number of snags have become lodged In the river and require removal. Since the war, the river commerce tins increased at the rate of $lO for every $1 expended by the United States, and freight rates have been reduced about twenty por rent The exports from the river valley are mainly cotton, naval stores, lumber, and wood, while the Imports are ferti lizer#. camp and mill supplies, cotton ties and bagging, and manufactured articles. Excluding logs, limber and cord wood. the annual tonnage is estimated at about 48,000 tons and Its value at about $1,730,000. POSSIBILITIES We note that in his Charge to the Grand Jury, Judge Emory Speer took occasion to depart from the conven tional last week, lit Macon, and gave his views In that forceful and eloquent manner for which he is so eminently qualified, on the subject of our recent acquisitions In the East, or more es pecially on a possible future transfer of the same to some other power. Judge Speer says: “We have but lately added to our territory an empire In the West and another In the East. The last enemy of our institutions, who lagged super fluous in this continent, has been driv en from the last foot of soil in the TBS ATTOTTSTJ* HBBAI.D I Maw vatl dtonanafai Mp rtoawaa* f |h|Hi ' iwii><p‘fif|’'fi(T'Ht' i*f 0900 9000*09 900' rns99 109 90999009 904 99099*9 4H 909 o*9&&o‘9*s §09909*99. 000*0 0099 9909 1 iftfcf 9* 009 099 nf 909 009999000 09000* : \ o*4 4090099 (Nl Mo* 090949 4*04*99 j ftogd# 9 | Hi 90 904 0* 900 M 90*4 904000 ** ”* |E | 994999009 '4*499900*0 40 00 49 99999 §O9 tocMffftk mm 90*09*44 0* *9* fMMtoto •* l l# 9*'m Wfrfk.i 1 » 1. iw t t f - f 4*9 i-*M* 90* 09*9*0 990*94400*99 00 %m* ***9 9*"o*9* 0*909 44*4 4990990 09 90409 009 90900 1 mmh Hmm 1 **,*«• (tor , ■aairr am tot aawaa* a* PraaMMa fMMI 009 09*09*9 49440090 4 #94*'' 099*9‘ i*i M**af. aar amp tto mtol mm aai aa* wnaff**a*i tto ■«wiia*at*i ’ wmdtoaa IPtoto ai to t#a*. aai * atott* aar *aairf to tto aaHtoi ‘ aai p**aa»tr «to wti»" m ark 'na iMtof iw* (to Mam h*** l * *• I m **. .** *******” ** **• ****"** j tto watotorattoa at to* pa ? Mtota »**M.»aa* if aar !**•► {IMP paawaaMaw far tomuto toi'Mmrf jna to»* Him ar «Mi* aato, to %f«wMM ****** to tto imm aftnai aa ' am*ai •*»»*! 1 jraatnr Krto 1 to*** |*MM IMM fapaa to P**P*r*l *a 1 * fa* ia o kaair** adltoa* far tto to* > toaia T%m to «*f i'*w**» a »ato aai tairtoa** gTMim aM aa* am tor alar ar ta* natrua Mi (ar tto fwara. A* pea* jmm an* tto pw*a tr*#tr toM la Par to. H to aatotoat to atoto that *** |iinf-~ m ana npaaalna mparial'aw inr mil MUirtoW 'to toil* ***** 1 tmaor * a to to Mil lltfto tto rtoM Mto 1 tto !• ton Ha kata Hto»**to. j taw Mata* a *Pab ta Kw* ta** mm anwtoar p ito'taaa * 1 • «'«nmto I hr Itaaat Ttotatol. aMa MM piwairM »* b* prtatat at tb* itotanti A plaamna aa* alatloaM a* »to i d*ar 1 tto riab boon* attb o*i**a ta a 4 mil an aa* bat tto mal. Pi mat ir * nt draatri to abr*o*bta rata* rJmmaaM tto pottoMtata. WKMOta. .Up air and |»roraaH ap tto *i»p* ll* aa« into la hall. Ml to« "** •'• iwiilea la tto cwmmaM, ! TMt* waa too marb for tto ptoam. •k* ran aftar Wm, *ria*i bim bp tto •Uar. aM toatoi bim Hi a toap 1 Tton tto mat Ids bim wbo |j* *•*. and tto pot teaman. Mtb apoloataa, *l-, j inaad him ta *nt*r. It ae baptwtwi that la tb* rom*4v Jla to performed a p***a« la »Howa ila Ito door bp taia ma*t*r. Tto pari tto master *»a# ■«»« i»M »« »ba .Mtltfaetlnn of lb* wmt, who aaii tto art or <lk! aol pmparlr *al*r into ito spirit as bia pari. I T know what lam talhlnp atawit i to added, "for I ha** M town thrown . down stair* myaslf " I Wtoreupon to r*la!*4 tto la* tdent. jto tto uMWimat of tto eluh mem bers. A 5* fa ta sgsr. The Henlileh latoder sar* that tto former lord Blphlnston*'* loirtoh mla i*l*r was a **ry scatter brained lh***- ln«iai). and In hi# sermon* often know not tto end from the beginning On* Kundar hi* lordship. In hi* cus tomary sleeping. ga*e vent to an un mistakable snore. This ws* 100 muoh for tto minister, who stopped and | cried: , "Waken, mr I*ord Etphlnatone." A grunl followed, and then his lord* ' ship answered: "Pm no steepin’ minister." "But y« are gleeptn,’ I wager ye dlnna ; ken what I said last.” egclalmed the pastor. "Ou, ay.” returned ito peer, ’ye aala, I ’Wsken, my Lord Klphlnslcne.* * "Ay. ay,*' said tto minister, ”»>ul I wager ye dlnna ken whai I aald afora j that." "Tula.” replied the nobleman very ! promptly. ’ Til wager ye dlnna ken yer laelf." From Boston. 'The Omaha World-Herald #«y* that a Boston gtrl, who recently witnessed an Indian sham battle In the West, thought she would try to talk to a young Indian brave sitting next to her. "Heap much fight." she said. Do smiled a stoical smile, drew hi* blanket closer about his stalwart form and replied; • Yes; this Is, Indeed, a great expo sition. and w# flatter ourselves that our portion of the entertainment ts by no means the least attraction here. May I usk who it Is l have th* honor of ad dressing?” The dear girl from Boston was thun derstruck. Bh* blushed a rosy red—even Boston girls can blush when they thaw out—and hastily fled. She had been ad dressing one of the Carlisle Indian school graduates. Winnie Davis’ Cottage. A Baltimore special of Tuesday says: ■ Kev. Dr. H. M. Wharten, the evan gelist of this city, proposes to erect on hia XVhosover Farm at Luruy, Va.. a cottage to be known as the Winnie Da vis Cottage. It is to be used for children of Con federate soldiers, the first of whom, a Richmond boy, Is now at the farm. Dr. Wharton has received a letter from Mrs. Davis, thanking him for the offer to build the cottage and saying: “I think Ood wilt bless this If only to hold the memory' of my good and noble child. C.eneral Gordon will lec ture here In the Interest of the college In the last night In the month." Not a Success as a Pie Maker in childhood days we played together; I kept a store, she came'to buy; Sometimes 1 was her little husband And she would cook and make mud pie. Ah! that was long ago and many A country have I wandered through; Today she’s married to another And settled down and happy, too. Last night they had me In to dinner. I ate a piece sf pie she'd made— Shqgknows no more about pi# making Than she did when we. ns children, played. HINTS ABOUT ADVERTISING. •«. n mfc iMtJ %«» pi f ■***- - t rA Jm* «*** mirnmm 09 09*4 99 4409490J90 T%* m §9 9*999400 ***** 9* 044*4 *O9 0* g rim rjn rr *99* 9*999049 00094440444 *** , s*4 aM Sbeota bo data <ami<l«»» t Tto teods* *»W ba mwaswasd by Ha w**nw» hat sprananasw, Mi »*m* “M tMi mmrn- 1 lam. Tto si wl to aibHtaia or wtolWto# | aer aritbd to ito lm| essl «a mmm rm ieebta by mair* tot*'* ewamm eaeee awd tool*# torn tail. Wbriber ar tad to M toHBM. sttoatos aM foita *d la pniy awwM Ib* same »ass •• ju lgrr laa si»aritasmi*a« Ttoro a «**• ihiag ttot tail mab* a awa «pr**r I mmgt *a maeb aa tola* MHtowi Mlb ito gi aaia» aiiMi* Mads Ma tbara ta not Mag thal *l' adk* *• M appear ta aw'it •• marb to toia* Mapal. 'a atttmg aa M. to mwfW m amto a* Ito** lalrmeat* Aitore staVtlg to tto, tratb. aai Priae toaor mar* ttoa psari* aM H - . If | war* la wrlto M M. 1 w«w»i • rile aa toael oaa. ar asm* hi a» Hoasaty t* tto torn ydtey- alwsy*. ** pay* ta tb* "toa» raa * aM raa I* what raaats ta twiasaa. Trick •ty. like. InMk'i psai fvea hi oaa night Train, spa tto lb*r baM. m everything- tto eternal r**r# «# ir# hwn,” _ . Abraham IJarvia anti. "T*« toaoM fool *ll tto peopts »« »to «m*. ami tricky sdreriia*fa r*im* tb# rs<tj ,he stateimt stoney or taler. t» »b*»r drlrtassat. _ . There ta aa doubt that sierrlHilng la more hones* now than atrsr befors m Its htoorr TM* pawir ha.e found this oat aM ar* toginatng to put a strang er faith In all l.osmee* adrertlaemMit*. Hat sa si will n srop oat ■warn* l ** Silr, in Whbh fsi** «M mismailng statements sra aid#. . N 1 long slora, a rartal" nserchsal. In a certain city, advertised to **H an a certain Paturday A certain lot 1 gr»- certas at certain My wife so* (to and when the certsta day arrived, ska went ta that certain ptae*. for tto purpose of buying on* of lto*a certain artlrlr*. But upon tmiulry #h* found that ttot certain artlcl* waa oat and had certainly been out all tto ab'te. II was this way. They had adrertlaed hams, wheresa I her wsre rallfornla hams—ln 'dtor words, shoulders—and that dUrtlncUoi ilioii!«l hmv+ h+*n «!»«- llnetty and rlearly made la Ito ad My w\ti hi* n#v#f forgiven ibe«i. and I afraid she never will. When people first began to adverila*. they approached that duty with tremb ling steps They didn't »*"' «' «» said they were bragging. That a man would praise himself was thought scan dalous. There was a time when peopta carried lh* notion of ta*t* and propri ety to the client that Ijiey ahrank from evn pralalng a fine horwe or tine hog or line anything ei»# thal might belong to themselve*. That *wt* beat left for other people to do. But the old- r the world got the more aelflsh If got. and people learned more and more that ev ery man was expected lo tote hi* own xklltet. They saw plainer and plainer, as the world got old and the Inhabi tant* became more selfish, that every man who got hts horn blowed wiould do the blowing himself. Ho one here and another there began to blow quite timidly at first but this courage In i reased. and with It, the blowing—and blowing to see who can out blow the other. It's all right now for a bualness man to call th# attention of Ihe people to his honesty, wealth, etc; all right now for a business man to say his things are better than other folks' things. His prices lower, etc., etc. The world changes and If people would keep up they must change with it. There are a few men nf business who yet hesitate to advertise. Notably, the doctors, lawyers and a few others. But time will ere long come when these men will lie freed from what I deem a false notion of taste, modesty and propriety. * I believe It's perfectly right—perfect ly legitimate for all business men to advertise. I believe that It s altogether In keeping with good taste, good sense and good judgment. ' More, I believe that it Is the Imper ative duty of all men doing a business that the public Is Interested In to keep the public regularly informed of that business. Whsther It be practicing medicine law—or school teaching—^or anything else —let It be advertised—let the people tic informed nr It. No man should per mit a false notion of modesty to deter him from doing something which would be of incalculable financial benefit to himself and a great help also to the public. I had a pale and puny child whom I rarried to a certain doctor in this city for treatment. The doctor gave him a prescription which worked almost a miracle In re newing his system and bringing the color back to his laded cheeks. I asked the doctor to permit me the use of his namp that I might connect it with a published statement of the ahoye facts. I was anxious to have other pale chil dren treated by him. The doctor de murred upon the ground that it would be in bad taste. Nevertheless, I believe so good treat ment should have wide publicity. Advertising, you see. is for the good of the public a« much as It is for the good of the advertiser. And the more yd.-,.#4fel ¥"*4* #i d lie §94*9 *W44 *'*** 99490 j gpki tot 4*o* 409 •* * 4 09 *04940*4 \*- 4 mm *4 »*• 90404 f* Wwnjff 1 09 9449 m «4 9 9944999949 9*9 I iHi 1 Aft ,«*«n *4 Iffhjt %4m I n r a- ft 9# f* 'to* * ft** miKrir gfcii <ti< IMP 1* *4 09 94 04000 k **9 w*. m mcwjTamd cwwwt, I Ut to togs (tot tto MM h-ita* toto j hts iwi * Assn agstki HvMNsms j If tto WMI Htotaa tai K s*» •tshtw* •*.wgs" fmsi Mtota. ftammay •to Ifmagw (HH bari «*t*b tovtato eato WashttisfteA cktssith I Tto ritogtoltad »f Pill * A tor*** frwni tto •■(torthtatosa-v «*» tto |mhMr ito 1 Motto* tol -AUsats Cmm* Mto. j If Mr hfhhWH rtto' ttot Ri rtoM»t**t«*r-r* rto tod Ib- ' f rnmm with tto tt*,M rwftrwd lawyer* they a** **<lty a*l*tah*w. -CY4*mt>wa Kwvwlter •m. Itwt far tto iwgfo vat* both B,hh and faHMII raasthe sosM hav* gow* for artoihmnw. It la watt# svhMit that ao«w togrtto don’t baow how M vets I —Wsyrrnw* NtnM. ; tt ta claimed by ttoa# who kav* knows tor that a* mss ran Ktotsad ito atm man as tor swills and ito rharm of bar «fw- >f <l** •» Irw* than tto surly must be ito envy of all ito wwnto.-McDwflle Enterprise. i (Veneral Wheeler has refused In be In ' let vie wed on ito sabjerl of <V»«#»#l Hhaf**r Wheotor's magnaalmiiy I" , standing up for tto torfv genorml has ton equaled only to Htofter a sneers si Wheoler.—Atlanta Journal. i "Tto ladle* of Charleston" say* Ito Asvannah Ihrsto. tot b* aM* lo feed tto Havanas)! soldWra on Cbril nti day: tto irwopa will not be hers." That tt too bad: but the gallant bnv* In bio* will hav# lo lake th# will for 1 he deed. I If II he irw* lhat all the Kutvipean 'countries wrant lleea of lh* Philippine* II might not b* a bwd Idea, tow that ! Uncle Ham ba* gone Into the tvwl ea lal* busUieoa on an extensive acale, to | cut the Island* up Into lot# and adver jtla* to glva option*.— Albany Herald. 1 The Atlanta Constitution I* doing a jllttta needle** worrying because a few , Mormon rmlssarlea have Invaded the ! stale. There I* no rauae for alarm. The ’average Oeorgl* girl can generally gal i a husband all to herself when she 1 wanla him. say* Ihe Columbus Lnquii er-Hun.—Mcliulfle V^iterprt*e. 1 It Is a curious fact that exactly aa many iioya aa girl* were bora In Lon don during th* week before last—l.ltt 'of each, making I.** Mrlh# In all. Curh a "tie” I# of rare occurrence. There Is. j however, a similar equality In the aee- I ond week of May. ISW. when 1.1*7 of each sex were born. —Valdosta Times. ! We see “Old Heb” In the Home Jour nal vigorously opposes ihe building of a bridge over Little river at RayavlUe Ho say* such a bridge would benefit ionty a few around Amity and a few Thomson lawyer* coming to court. We think "Old Itch" I* Imdly mistaken. We believe tto bridge will directly benefit about one-half of the people of Lincoln county, and the other half will be Indirectly benefited by allowing these Thomson lawyer* to get over Into the county.—McDuffie Enterprise. An Obvious floral The following advertisement from the Mcivhrson (Kan.) Republican tells a story with a moral so obvious that It need hardly be pointed out: "In the petition for divorce filed by me. In tbo court of chancery at Spring field, HI., X have made nsserttoins con cerning mv wife which I have since learned are false and were the work of busy bodies In whom I put confidence. | I hereby mukt a retraction of nit I am reported to have said derogatory to her character. I cheerfully make this state ment in order to exonerate her friun all blame. The petitions for divorce have been withdrawn by both parties and a settlement amicably arranged. Geo. W. Broughton.” Spain's Twenty Millions. What'll we do with this money of ours— Money we scarcely expected? No one will hint that we've wasted the hours Nor the country's finances neglected. \ Shall we devote It to powder and shot. And talk about fierceness and slaughter. Buying ships to be added no doubt to our lot Of scrap iron under salt water? Shall we stimulate pride, and still sneer at the rules By which the world makes its pro gression ? Or shall we hire teachers and open up schools. And try to be in tha procession? -WASHINGTON’ STAR. For The Soldiers! Regulation Cauntleis Regulation Hats Officers' Hals flannel Shins Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTONS Swords and Officers* Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 "Good Taste Apparel.*' Everything To Pick From fhlfittft U»« 9*49 94 •lif p*4 ut ##lt off Christmas Gifts, Amec* which as will bate w«ii ■■ally daily yWrna ahafe* a«4 stats <4 #a |U**ti# bati t»Uu:S<l «•••*# i*e. |»»1- »#r litas *#.*. I 0 iaiss*, il and I'usM t» t.t tottvs red beta Travelling beta, Menus Hlvrr i'aa e.nis. lid Kurstts m li . itsnf every tlenrn. Out Is I. I Inane « ague. Now ■ nail) a Ba* CaMies, Ac . A , Ac. K##p Your Appointments Ab<l y««r 9i our •!«»r*. i hail* fur Uriirto m Hm ivir slim* unuk*. Courtcoa* •H*mUitiU. AitiarSer Dug Cfipn? 7W BROAD BT. SV-HeitdMyMff Presetipuons to fiu. For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ffices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White's new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey IAS Library Building. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENTTI KY Absolutely Incontestable Policies From Date of Issue. Largest Dividends -- - Lowest Premiums Solicitors Wanted: call or write. H. H. STEINER, bpcoial Agent, 41(1 Dyer Building. EACH DAY SEES THE HERALD <iß°" MIN 'MQn|tu» ]vvgU| THU FRi ' bA~T~ -Lf-tlLlK' 4>|S 6 7I a 9 (6 11 121'i3 o»jis ietnr |» 25125| gy!aßt 29 3Qi3T DECEMBER 19 Tiie lost Beaiiifal L'tto of Cow prt«o HAND PAINTED ' Ciiiuiolif Houiday NovOU tt#« to 10# ftmoro* dug #4 m *onor of now ttfiith*. fr*>m a btoufiful ditto Ink mood for 20c. up to art (aim; Jew** Co### foe §ft. Too## ffood* Arid (ho prtco* mutt b* M«n lo b# or»pr»c»o»#d L I. Cardfile. Druggist. I Hav# • lift# of v«ry flno Cgntitman'i Drtudif and Travailing Caao*. end k>w pneo for to# Quality and »tyi# of foods. L. I Gardells. Druggist. i 4 YanS* PROF. P. M. WHITWAIi too 71l SJ. AicoU. o*. twt rut m TffTS to *r Marts m *»v a tonto Ito •*■»»> a*»■ "■» *M ISKb kt*l» th-» L*ia» cat toeer %y~e«rtah yah wmk FREE OF CHARGE <>H»IS iw* COAL and WOOD FKOM TH* North Anf(««u Cml A Supply Co iftmniHy w 4 t,»a , lt| r U4i*Hitw4- F W SCCFIELD, PRESIDENT toil UU4 Mr..»a*f M ilastmai’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman's Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Marils & Slayer, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION ME Ill’H A NTs. 803 Peynoids r sta-.n 1 J ilisle L»»r«i b ir»» i.itsvt to b*w York Chicago and N«» Orleans. Ordera executed over our mire# foe Colton, Slocks. Bonds. Grsln an.l Pro. visions fur cwsh or cm margins. Local securities bought and sold. Reforenog —National Exchange Bank of Augusts or Mercantile Agencies. ” FOR S ATjE^ Number 32 Telfair street—Four room house —Lot 40x160 tot. Ten acres of land on the Hand Hills, near Hotel Bon-Air. Dwelling of 12 rooms, stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small houses and lots on Band Hills. Will sell Separately or all, at a bargain. 87 Acres of land near Wrlghtsboro road, one mile above city's new water basins. 50 acres nf land near Mllledgevllle road, seven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. NEXT! K»“T beg to notify my friends and customers that I have added aDotber chair to my Barber making s:x firsl-cluss Bathers, and I hope to accommodate my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHB. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 & 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.