The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 12, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY im * hmmii frr'-'jTt, ’ cmUMfc * «***»«**• **•»»■ * | M«u Itt* M. 'M'WWMI* Georgia Railroad Bank AUQUWTA. CttlftHiA |i4>imi# (I > I il*l U }%, ii>i> fAlKtriAfftAt. •••••• tMtototoff — ♦> “■ t-**i»idr% % 1.. _ _ «, n |. n ftwhtf H rim f| A«NkA*#lll% L«K«MbNI t*# *«*t t. iy iar 'll M§*ffrT %#*(, *rs* 4 Iff P* |fuj|M#f|P§ ||*#»* r ____ ... yppTHi* CT ft**s - OR. HENNY J* CODIN* «M fMk**it"M« | l* Ift#. Mft H| r # | «i* r «*t mtm dirwt ftftM#* ypiAtfW If ariut hom i njuvam.i: A t>*tt*t»tfMl !>#•#« •! • 01 |ft#f #ls#s #1 lid fM#* iMrftr# <Mf 111%. A. €*-, C fPftftft* tft HfMTIP ttigimi* A r - ; tlHr %<h» *f»*M Id ft*# It** ••’•A <>* A i|N! l ft*f •* f * *1 *?" m* mfP* <n&: mi id Wod am totd • 4{it«i« i fefttffaifti. An t atcrprtotaf PwifW. fluit »r» #r» mam mnfa •##• asrsbs MM »ni*rb«sM*4l A Wil ?•€-.» 9fft* ApAf* •* f**M## I* ##*### tt' 4 * hMI at r»»rrtM«« ta ihslr »la* t<* ib» r •mb* i aa>«m»fa. TVs now haw IB# valusbte •«**<•, M t» *’•*« * *»• INari’tfry B» o.imia(»l"ii. <>m«ha •ad r«h)i This tt tbs wnadvrful mu rd; that to prodartn* tort • furor all ot*f ltor (Vtolrr br Ita bmbj Otorlllni Vfv* M ilaMrlf torn Alikmo, Hroni bi<* H'an»#oto »»l all altar •toH«a of ih« Throat (Timm sad Lane*. i*»fl at ahorr drug slots and gat a trial Uottla for tor or a taguSar siss toe M trata and I' a, Ousraatssd to car* ar ifrtra fstotodsd. THE WEATHER *”* f : AuffUMi |Vr. 12. fortrti for M hours, m4lbk * p. ID ~ DN*fffiiiW 12. 1015 Wiililftoi , sot» cA4t —For fktuUi CifD.tDi. ThffSl aalag wratbrr with aanar or rain in ••Mm port un toalghs -now or rain Tuesday: frr«h wwlrtly w cds. Tor jCaorgla. thrratraiog wralhrr and probably rain tonlgbi and Tuesday; ■«ttrrlr wind*. Ixk-b! fowtit for Augu at a and *f clitHy :—Threatening weather tonight and Tuesday. The river at * tbla morning waa S.S feet, remaining etatlonary In pant 24 boura. The preaaore la highest In the up per Mlaaoort valley and lowest over the lower lake region. Clear waath er extends tbla morning over murh of the Rocky mountain region and Fior ds. while anotr falla In North Da kota, Massachusetts, portions of Ten neaa-e. Mlaaourl. Ohio and around the lower lakaa, the heaviest fall being reported from Buffalo, which waa three Inches in the pas* 24 hours. '’ emperaturea are much higher over the Central and western portion of the routh, while the coldest point this morning was Huron, where the ther mometer was 8 degrees below zero. New York city report# a maximum wind velocity of thirty miles from the northwest. See Garden's line of beautiful low ••riee hand painted celluloid novelties 1 >r Christmas presents—-6, &0, 75 anti Vl articles. / ■ RElilAßliE DIAHONDS—Our Stock Is Very large for this season. Hand som* Pendants, BROOCHES. Necklaces, Rin;-s, Scarf Pins, Lockets, Cuff Buttons. Get our Prices. WATCHES-Our stock has no equal In the South We hnve all the Latest Styles in plain and fanev and jeweLd cases. Chate lain Watches enameled In all the latest colors. Price SIO.OO to $20.00. JEWFLRY-Our Jewelry Depart ment is all that can be de'lred. American and foreign ideas wrought out of the finest Gold in every conceivable Shape, Enameled and Jeweled. Wm. Schweigert & Co. A PAGE FROM POLICE IHlCßirr !»»!■ a t’- f■* « M t*W* » t'lM hmm> mmm ll#'* IN 0i» ji baNr-wr |CAirA»«iM A §4N» of |t M || M «- *l* Ht j Iff-tyfiT mm • teyak J|fsd| mm ftlßfDl | . %** | Hfi mm th rfi of (cq 4*yi Join t. *»’>li mm rhtrg+d %Hh flo* *mt\h l r*d*4 hormm wMti • m*n n»BH<d o«tm. Mr Qmnm mntlmblf IcntLimml MkiM Mr. Pm H to lav# a !drink, vkirli tir d\A Wh«m Mr. PmitH mmm otrt of the bar hr fn>ilHl hi* lon# h» i Again bmn traded. «h*rmiim hr hnmn mr+ in* at a •rcr.flr ratN. An otonr rnppmr+d on ih+ wmm* nd uni thrm both In. Judgr fUatnr Zz&Art l *Hat ofidrr ««irti n wah warn fowl tll*hl#» tn HfffK n llttki prof ai * I itr, no hr ilt»Ri(9*Nl Unl'h. Tti* man sgalnat (Inna has beta carried to an other court Nellie ffm'tti a white woman. wa« !chargvd w'th vlotallag the MWtlt sec tion gar pleaded gntlty. and was flned 12.50 or ore days ta jail. I.urv ffttnlelna, a lady of color, was fined $2.56 for violating the 46iKh asc- H«prv end Anna Berry were charged with violation of Ihe IfiOth section Tha !evidence was not strong enough to coo ' vlet them, so the case waa dismissed. Anna Maloney violated the 466th sec tion. aed was flr»d II 50. 1,. A. and W. K. Holly were (rhars 1 with the 4«oth. end It srga proven that they were guilty. So the i judge levied a line <4 *2 50 apieice. I Joe Williams was disorderly Satur ilay night, sod was let off by paying a fine of $2.50. I John Johnson and his yweethr art had ;s lover's quarrel, which resulted In ihelr arrest. John was in the s-rhog, iso the Judge fined him $5 Charles Collins and his land’ady. ' Julia Itedfield, had a Uttle trouble Bat j urday night, for .vhlrh Charles paM i *7.50 and Julia $l5O this morning. Kor Xmns we have Fancy Rockers. Gold Chairs, Tahles, Uunps, Rug* and j),..’ B . Must tte sold. Fleming & Bowles. CHRISTMAS TOILET WARE—In Sterling Sil ver and It bony. Mirrors, Harr Brushes, Comb*. >Tat Brushes, Mil: ary Brushes', Tooth I.rush es, Nril Brushes, Bonnet Brush es. Price* lower than ever. UfIBRBLLAS—In this line we have the hand omest selection that has ever been seen here. Exclusive styles in Handles with the latest colors In Fine Silk covers. Makes a hand some Xmas present. FINE FANS--Direct from Paris. Hand painted lace and richly painted Pearl mounted. Prices right, nice selection. GOLD HEADED CANES for pre sentation presents. Finest quality at lowest prices, TJrLB MTJCiTJmTJL WTrTfJkT,T>a THE RACE PROBLEM IN THE SOUTH Ittiit Mm Hi* !*• US ; ft*, tig i-rtoi |a ftwd IM lto»e* $• a AtowSMa if s»e 1A a# toww Atoead, if# * iMSi|NM| Ml V s * k>Ms mmrffm* <mh*« 9 9 kt# !• Ik# P*#dk Hi Ik# JKwHk I# iHmmmtm Ami F Im 1 N*kk ki CkS*# Mkk*k* * , Tlm> |pi«# is Msi*M Ml A#SM# * tin.Tmu jt M'SmPm +*>4 kSMflSkM** iifilß ; #t lMk#r> IM Ik# k*M>i S*#' iMMk MrkSfM §l*l IM ShSk# m# IkM tfe*l I* mRvIMS llseif If Ik# t «w» of • a bicjii ai%4| iwfffty k#f# ; 9«pp<M ft*r | rif* f*Mf wbicl Mill *M«t IS t* AM iXtfSSM tMM. PMt It • i.iwwow JtleiM. *tHi Hi* mm* tUm m»y k* k#sr4 »"ipnrnrd 1s air purl of tk* smtlb s Btftt I* MM #«s**o«« t»Mft (k«l Ik* ft*- 1 ifo I* ft #*tr!BiMSt 1l tk* amitk. Tkey I |j f gut nkits s#ttl*r*. soM* of [will or r»0 *cMSp*t* wflk Ik* Mtw In lk* Arid of romisroi tsbor, Th*y Mork for from SS to ?2 rent* s day, aid k***p Is fisllf Tk*lf lemm af* not hosri |tk*2 art «t*ft* wkrr* avarei In Ijrso ’ sane* and ilth the little hlacka Who propagate so rapidly that the eenaus taker has difficulty la keeping track «»f ; them. There seems to be a I'mtt bc vottd which they cannot he educated. They do not or cannot become skilled I m> rhanlcs. and there aever will come |a lime when they will enter society a* tbr *qus! of • wt»N* cnas. 1 The north may took patronlflnalv | upon the south In tt* dealing wlih the Iquwtlon. and offer all kinds of angges |tl»na. hut not until they corn* down I into the territory where It exists will they be able to. In any muse, give an Intelligent suggestion or a practical answer as to what ta to he done with th*s rare, which our fathers brought | here and left ns a* a heritage to dla- I of as we saw lit. War has done murh for the blacks. If (hoy were rapaMe of appreciating It. j hut whnt has It done for the whiles? i It hag made tt necessary for them to loUher bring Ihe negro op to their ] standard, or to meet them at some In jtermedlate point, and they are doing neither The negro Is struggling In h»n own Intercat to dominate the whites. Thirty-six yeses of freedom ho* g'ven him a desire for office, and hN success In getting there has precipitated th« rehe'Hcn which has caused so much ag- Itntlon In North Csrrllna The south will always he Democratic as long as there Is danger of the Re ;piiblic-na putting n< roes Into Office, j There Is many a man who votes against his own ideas of government policy Just to prevent a party getting Into power which It Is feared will put i Into office the negro polltir'nn. This Is the fear that hnun's the south, and It Ms growing. Tho colored man Is dis franchised as much as though he hnd 1 never been given the right to vote. Tlr j tickets arc so printed that It Is Impoi- JEWEIiRY WEDDING PRESENTS -Sterling Silver, fine Lamps, Cut Glass, Brass Tables. Dresden Clocks, fine Vases, Candelabra*, Bric-a- Brac. New Goods. WE ENGRAVE FREE while you wait. We now have four first class Engravers Working night and day. No disappointment. OPEN EVENINGS—During the Holidays our store will be open Evenings to accommodate those who can’t do their shopping during the day. MAKE SELECTIONS now and have them laid aside until wanted. Avoid the rush. Cali early. YOU DON’T TROUBLE US when you are looking over our stock. Prompt polite attention to all alike IMI k**M##M Ik# f* f V-' * 1 I## M*Mlk 111 . r*riiiiH kjff» k**M '* - «• 1 MkF» Ifft* w 1 - I f * 4* -M k K* > '911 • (>i to hm doD* *ll (kill, kMI ll kftii dun# ftft*»(k*f tllfif tit* *ll** rfvftl Ml# ftkol* *Rii!k »« mm* futtir* »(**. It Hlf tifMMXkt IfttO MBM(ft*( tHMi Ui * l***' (4* * f*rt ftMiftkftf of (k* k**l m*•»<!# of Ibe north. th*v have re*«h*-d a«*ro*» the chasm and ctabcscetk aa Ik* their rum moo Inienst* arc now oar. They have aaam and met Ik* negro, whoa* down-trodden lot they hate so long been led to condone, sad Ihey hnve and h m down aa a different creature fen the sample* seen In our northern ru le*. Few men in th« serv’m who h»ve I Observed al all will give any other opinion than that the negro 1* a con stant menace to the south, and Ha great cat drawback. The government will have to meet , the problem. It la Impossible to place ihe volunteer negro with the volunteer while; they won't meet on the same plane. Anniston was a fair sample of this. Negro officers are a tout failure. They are too susceptible to Buttery, and too domineering, sod white men cannot be made 4o give ih - negro sol dier proper respect. TU# failure of that man In Chattanooga to aalule a colored officer recently drew out the spirit that exists —It produced a riot —and the col- j ored troop* In? *« ambush until they found opportunity, and then had their i revenge. There ls «m Indefinable some- j thing that will not let the races exist together, as one. and It la all rlfthi to soy that the (irest Ruler In His Infinite wisdom will som< how solve the prob- ■ lem. and that a remedy will sp'fxllly i come, and come peacefully; but ihe ne- j grn will rise up some day and demand i the rightn the government is withhold, jlng from him. Ju#t as surely n» there lls n flod In heaven, for we nil know thaf a government that cannot give protection to life and property, sod guarantee.; civil rights to its citizens, Ms In so far a failure. Too long denial of these guaranteed rights is sure to i lead to bloody resolution where suffer ing must must fell upon the Innocent | as wfii! as the guilty. It Is a deep ques tion and a serious one, antk one ihqt will come up for settlement before the lircsent generation passes off the stag* cf action. What R will he is beyond man to determine, but the south never lean rightly develop with the negro each 'year more certainly dogging It dnwn- L ard . AHA I*. HROOKS. — 1 while There Is Use There Is Hope. T WAS afflicted','with ratnrrh; could neither taste nor smell and could hear hut little. Ely's cream Halm cured It. !_Marcus G. Shaufz, Rahway. N. .1 ■ THE HAEM reached me safely arul ' (he effect Is euroHslng. My s >u savs ihe first application gave decided re lief. Respectfully,, Mrs. Franklin Free man. Dover. N. It. , I A !0e trial Hizc or the i>oc size cf Ely s ! Cream Balm will he mailed. K-nt by 'druggists. Ely Brothers, 58 Warren Ist., N. Y. . Funeral of Mrs. Delehrbe. The funeral of Mrs. Francis Delehr- I he occurred at 4 o'clock yesterday af ternoon from St. Patrick’s church. Many friends followed the remains to | the cemetery, testifying to the esteem in which the deceased was held. ON EVERY BOTTLE Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure Is lids I guarantee: “All we ask of you ta to I uhc two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then ir you can say you are not benefited return the hot# tie to your Druggist and he may re fund the price paid.” Price 25 eta., 50 cts. and SI.OO. Sold by—Retailers, T. A Buxton. Anderaon's Drug Store, Al exander’s Drug Store, West End Phar macy, The King,pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport & Phinizy. Our prices on-.«ults only two-thirds what others charge. E. J. Tlenry & Co., spot cash tailors. a* itttrrM-AHM ijqrfftitrf aw $• to* w Ifn»>> MM H*» AttotoMMto M<# L> i Im#; 11, **■- l#4 id# <*i m* y;rT-|wni i#i H* m*rnmo kit mm M ft iftltftrtf #kw*« #**( iMi k# |» »MMi k* li«i MlMVftMlilt' 11 k* MMMMftP # ■ * ftMF MjtfftMMifii - - t i|i»* «f |ft# ftrtMNki #*i4 !0* ft ftp*l «M*MMft ft liMtftpf lift jjtft-ft | ftiilT |f tft fteaf fl 1 *i |ft* iPMRftCtkMi Mi { f 9h-g |i % y i uto jfi in~ itoto ' f Al# ft**' *«# M(M*il Im» |lM*ftP#M# IM " iirMftftTi 111 I PtMf# tftl# Mft Ik# tit# Ms SMM ftttoMi I Mtr Ik# ftrltrftfrftTTlT #t ft£t fcMMift Ml ##» |4 ff|»{l *# I < (t# |i* te* Mipiift t. (MMI •*!( lllftM- kft Mft#M I m * § '-£*<®t Ist- fAffMPffft* 4 Im pfMftftMMt - 1*» (ki##; M* ft**!*#*# ft# kft* I A IN** IfftilMl IM tdMMMMI; ll * ft kii ' ! mifti IMT, | ftp*#*.’* MIM H*» t##M» i Mkr* «m#m h ft Jiiftll 11 iwtirii j #1 im# I 1 '** i 1 f i»*f *"M*M i it*4 trial tim *mm*l (# M ll tftk*» : tMutftk IMlt* Mftft IffiMMl# ft# (#•#% * t t *■'*•> .'*«■ »? 00 f( «s»*e* Mt stoM|*k f 0 ftf |MM MM MM#., *Mft Ik### #* **»*rfc ptvftH Ml Ik# kMMM f. IMmmII I | ~HMn ihr** IM#nIH«MI f*k ftftft M ♦ •««#.««# Mar# «m*. in #if * A Icm t*%m k*Mt#« Ht •#*#«. Ik# < o%y 4Me crtrr tifgifl Haft ll I j» r*Hl#Ml tfMl## fr*r run*!*# n*f*, *m4 Ik# ***#m hn*m**i+* tkft *W«M«*ft.. I m m a* ihtti* #1 tk# mm# ; Tk* IM #tpfkMtin« Milk tk# M #dkf #**- inr ft*r mocm i t#* it. 4 Mill mmm #M#ift **V#fftt #t H° * INMNprtMPft Ilk*# Milk It* , Ik# Mi m*M Im ftn*#*** • •#(#** I*#* ftlmrt ltd Im r t 9i#ttk#f f St4 (%#MNntd #(r k*« mlrmdf hmm IM kartftv mi nthff ntMrkiftlfil ttitTk. (kit j (k# «PfM«* 9*if*p*m from «k# mmm lift*# tffMQfA It S |iuMl<‘l lO ft f’ lid (MM tft Ihr pO#*#T , »MWllf ft Mkirk Ift ftri*#i* ks p »# o#Ulft* tom* [mmiZr romp*** tk* sir ml*!n*Hr #lll - Inn |||«v t vlirul r Whpft Ih«ito * ,luffd I* ifrntHy (h# *lr I# *k#rft*ft htirMUftk • %*lv* Intel * r##*r*oif. j \vh*?i vtrv hlftk |»f*#*fir**H *r* 4**lr#ft, Ik* liimlbcm I* divtft*4 IntM ifcr** or four •(##*# pruMf •* ik# < r*#toTM* op#r*(loa I* rondarlM la • , trlftl# or ftiMMlrftpl* mglii#. Ou*M* | pr*#»*d air la now ##fft to inin* *o#| an.l gold, oprrftl* klork di* 5 r*n*l», mrry mail tfcrooftk ink*# I rr*(# rjuiftl lock*, mi#* •nnkrn v**to*l«s oti am m rnfrlir* mtor. *h«ot dfruMii#, j *h« *r *k**|». *!*•« *#rp#tft. run docks. ! «it*#r skip*. <i#an car*. n»n a*wi®c «»•* ! * hln**. dump cart*, mil chemical* and j I < «r w For LaCrippe and Influ enza uso CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. WHATT.L me u© with it. Arthur Glover Has Not Vet Item Taken lato Custody. Arthur Clover has not yet been taken Into custody. It is slated thst ho has 1 loft the city. The question on sll sides Is. what did i he wish with the list which Mr. EUioR 'hujh he took from him. Mr. Glover, should he see this will confer » *re»t I favor on The Herald reporter* If he I wilt drop them an Interview. Report ers would be glad to ruesive his side of t hr* story. I The flevro slleged to have parllel joted In the forcible seizure has not het-n arrested yet. HOW IS YOUR WIFE? Has she lost her heauty? If so. Con stij.atton. Indigestion, ftlelc tf-’sdni'us ate the principal causes. Knrl s Clov.-r 1 Root Tea hus cured these ills for half entury. Price 25 cts. and si) cts. Money refunded If results are not sat isfactory . Hold by— Reufllers. T. A. Buxton, Anderson’s Drug Store, Alex- t under's Ding Stove, West End I’lmr maey. The King Pharmacy; Whopsat-j cis. Davenport & Phinlxy. CASES POSTPONED Judge Eve Being Absent From the City, No Court. Judge Eve being absent In Washing ton city with the delegation who left ( yesterday to Invite the president to i Aufiusta, there will be no c.aea tried In | the city court today, thos - having been i assigned for today being postponed un til Thursday. Aunday School Superintendents. The Sunday School Superintendents’ union will hold their usttel monthly meeting at the home of Mr. E. B. Hgok. 1227 Greene street, at 8 o’clock p. tn. ML E. MACAULAY J. A. MULLARKY Qr Pr SULLIVAN Macaulay & Co. v w /\I7 P Special for the Holidays. We |<£ I n i Si fIV r' sell nothing but Guaranteed VJ LuV/ ▼ I-**-' Gloves and are local agents for J Roeckl, world-renown manufacturer. Buying direct quarters, have fresh stock and largest assortment in the city at $ 1.00 per i£ a ß.\ttnn and Claso Black and self-colored Embroidery, Black, Browns, Tans, Modes, Yellows, Ox-bioods, Navy Blue, Greens, Bea vers, Grays, Pearls and Whites at $1.50 per pan . All the Leading Shades and the oest values in America. The Eternal Fitness Ol wm «*v«r dv ;o«W Mil f»*rto* liMßuihtir itwn whtw «if I'wiitii VftH* ?vhnr»i wsfs put on tok. ihey NIW i k«ty kb Wdnl. Kftt i* dfd UiftfifiAnc to f9*> offrttd we* tjniy »h# ptoi Mvmf In th< coal, bui ilu the ttrvtc* uhm hi * <# give. $1.25 SI.OO Misses' Children's Over two thmiMnd piir* not one utrtjflc ttxnpii nl • truly a wmirluWt noordi capccUlly rcnurkdbk for children'# ihoo when Nts roncffib(fcd th#y ukt two alcpi to your an#. /'LffvLlittifcHll'sL NR. XMlfdJ. CAAHIN Tbs Avatar CoswHsms I r »a» tto* Third A.list tosywr Today. Ml*' J(»k* Jl, C*»kH. ftftMkMr ftlftkf ; inf fw*K*rii frmm tk# Tk *#ft mmiM. Ha ft* • • i#M #*> or dofitix Ik# >1 ■*##*# «*f M« Wiliftl Hr WftM I# MM Ik# rDMMitftt tk#t Ml Ift W##ktftftf«na t# tft til# Ik* ptv.idr*t to ntrad bto vtoit (o A * i iff »t rwniMto. tuff Jhto tofor** I* fill* 4 #ttk far* H |hr o<k*r kfttf I# flllrd #Nk «h- ‘ftmM to'f Turner*- | o##f €*«#l If***. Tk**** •**■*4* Mr* f*»t Nirnt, (Hit if yu# k#y ikw tlNri* veil 111 t«*H M If yott #« *• '*»» Mr*- iM flr*M»4lw#y. fl»»lM»' Hotfi. j B T _r tT.TABLiSMCD 163*- —xsr=r=a p (Qoors.Sashano Blind s ** Mill Work • OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. YELLOW PINE LUMBER * FACTORY AND SAW UIU lOtliPfftO WITH lATf TT IMPROVtMf NTS AND |sf Tl ORGANIZATION THOROUGH IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. tosi' Ibl FULL UNE IN STOCK ANO PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED PRICES. CATAIOGUCS. fTC..U«:-N AWUCATIOK. to*—. Perkins MANUFACTIiPiNG Cb.AuousfA.6A. ?A? SSS driiii ‘ a In dlsmouds. iindoui sions* and solid j"*r' i', 1 . w gold Jfw<\r> make tbs most sci-pptabl* < ' ’rtJtoy.lK-' A gift* that you ran rbooae for a tadjr. w e have a supvrb array of laca jilna, VgLK pnidanla. chatalalnsa. watchea, tollet *».»>■;lware and noveliloa that will adorn beauty, and pleas# the moat faatld 1r - O l0l, *• 111 ra *’ n ’» J rw * l, ’J r our hamteome V A«. l V*y V\T * r * rf pinll ’ hnttobf. V LT i charms and noveltlea are exquislia. a. J. RENKL. Jeweler, BUSY DAYS sio, sl2, sls HERE ...Suits... So many men like our styles and prices they never experiment buying elsewhere. And the number grows each season. Small wonder that it should. For every normil man likes his Suit and Overcoat to be in the latest mode —well- fashioned and possessing the air and fit of having been made for him. We put it mildly when we say that no such worth can be got the country over for the prices asked. If you buy and wear one of these Suits we guarantee that It will not disappoint your high est expectations. I. C. Levy’s Son &. Co. UMTMtUH I* —- POUND H’lllClNi: IN THE W) A© ll< ffl task »«4 tt **d 'low# rt lit* fits to Hc-Uar DnJ. tto ttotovr Uvtat Ida Roller, tvliati. ItvHui os lb# ftbast pts ' v In Orotta*. etgtoi mltss {|Tf# \ **#44*. #** kMfi#ft (r*4tofft#y 4 Abe b*4 toon ill lor • abort titar Nsr hosbaad. f it* llottor. fnoad • tsMtta of ißf-d'eto* .»« tbs big <v *4 N mtn hit4 qulblb*. Ils m«» of It to Ms arlfo sod partook of It fctnvlf. Tbs >»nn •tied not Imd after sards. Tbs mao id q«H» 111. *«HI o»ar oot rarwrw. OAMTOnZA. tow* Ik* yV'totto ft tom*#