The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 12, 1898, Image 7

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i3Ki» «*» "»■ #*•» sl|P* gfcpaMft •‘•M* **•■'«•* ♦** | rr rr I PNM. SAHto* ***** ***** «►*** jl** M '*'-*t •***l*l •» fc* *1 11 "*"* UgSG^SnS^^ «wi • | (to— h— » wp»« H»»< 4*» «rt*» I MMftß »in»wit fcWMh pip #?* #*•»**•#- **« *m» * •** ; fSESSHr* I * . '*l 4* ”** ** ** | A U)VK SfKXE. Tlp r ,ii*— »*ik*4 <V>«*» ito» fcawtk ' illtMpwM. Tto l— •».!•«* h*» r«* iMfi A* Urfpa* smk • Mil fWttitftg MNi A# pi Ipl b> f f»<* Bi—fd •« »•• tViteppi4# ft* **• hmMi tN km •«•* «*»it t* Nil *•• l m Cl** |«» l*i« flMlittilMltll Mm twaiM* »««*• *•* • «**•*• j ■ *im*» iii >■ wm -4 tmtur* to mmm-l t* to on ar«M MU MOW* •« at «w* *«t*aal nir-a ttliwaUal. Kn« wfcil* to w.utod to ’ *at Ik stoprlv kg*r» la ia aMituta imiwsaM** sjl 4—p I'"*’**’* At Iha unht >U at tha iwta tU— toll *4. tat naatotod *ta*4tM «tth M t-*-k sUil tuta*d l> wa*4 tto umm Wto ato* ♦ «$•*«•« hiai to *mk‘ •‘Tear m#haa«a" ha hugaa, >«W<ai || lahmHtai »>• r maaaaa la that way. ”1 ata tally awara <4 tha litany I •• taking —• lltwrty too gnat h» ta far Aam! t» yoa ual—a tha araUapaH whi.t* I tovw jwtbwp* to* raahly evtrar*4 oaM tod mmm kitoml «*•!**>•*• la wrav own toert'*— "Baokffc, »t»r laianwytnt tha |»la ram, taMs’nf an«W*aly. ‘ my taral hlbtr had ha|'|waad to ha behind lha arts* aad had b**f 1 what my own «ar* hava Uw mnpiM to lutra *«’ A’hat 4o yoa think ha aoald An <a aay V •*H» woo Id ba atmply ja rally ad t rbosld tear a fll cf ap< pleiy; but. joor fetghtoa* deiea to i>ll m* tmly—do ym really mwah that yoa wera com pelled lo Uai«a to my fdeadthg agam»t jwwr wlltr* Though a# ha «w 4» Iba arilat aank grorefn'ly no mm taea. I here waa a wane lb log U»»t mooted ot arlf oatOdeaca in bit mien Apparently Ibe prince— fall that she enght to be offended A frown willed v|«a her fcr«-w. and her bandaom* featotaa aajweaaad a greater daaiaa us tought iu»»* than aver, lat tha eyee of Ibe lovei wera npnn hera and In their violet deptba be road a mule aa ooarsgeiuetjt "Pardiin." be ermtinned, without waiting f"t b;r reply. “If yon could look Ism my heart, yoa would bear there that i am your »lav.—that I would die for yon and yel Ibal 1 bopo to lira for yoa. Tha gratlcat wpbyr that blow* la not tenderer in tta oarrrn of yoar dm k« than my love la aolictl out of your nappinam Hid dm of your own Iran will lo go, and I am gone, though my heart ahoold break In IU UaiiiniituMit." •‘Uo!” eiclaltned tha prlnoaaa, point ing dramatiially toward tha door, *‘l hava heard too mach, far too uioch. Go!"- For au lmrtant a deathly pallor over rpread the man'* face. Aa ha roao from hi* kata ha (lightly tottered, pave tha lady an in tan rely appealing look, than began to back himself toward the door after the conventional manner of leav ing thepreaeoeeof royalty. Thoprinoea* must have eipouted ►ono tbiug further in the way of eapmitnlaVion. for »he looked by turn* disappointed, pained, oouuornud and finally desperata. ‘‘Stay I’’ she commanded in a Jow tone and took three anxioua »teps for ward. The artist clasped hi* hands thank fully and darted hack. Hut a* he ap proached the princes* froze again. ‘‘Come no nearer,” aho aaid hanghti ly; then, a* ho still kept on, ''Cuu’t, don’t!” *h« criedanzioosly. ‘‘Otievme, Clarence I Don’t yon *ee that I dare not trust nijself t «> na-ir you! 1 ” But he tvn# adroit as well as p*.-*i«t ent, and wlieu he finally obeyed and again sank to one knee be bad seized ber band and conveyed it to bis burn . mg lipa. Sbe strove to relesso beraelf, frowned again, then faltered. "Have yon ever thougnt wbat it would menu to me if I w* re to give way to your Importunities?” ebo de manded. “Outfiduot your love, wimt have yoa to offer me in exchange if 1 were so foolish as to accept it? lam u king’s daughter, with all which that implies. You, sir, are a”— ‘‘Only a poor gentleman, blc :sed by loving yon, if not by your love.” The deft grace of this reply disarmed ber at once. She locked at him almost tenderly, then laughed softly. “Clarence,” said she, “you really must go away, ho matter how yon and i may feel, wo must obey our fate, which inevitably drives us apart. My doom is to marry some other loyal pup pet whom, perhaps, I have never seen, not for love, lint for reasons of state. You are to be envied, Uarence, for you ean choose your mate unfettered hy cus toms that wither even while they en noble their victims. ” “Alas!” be cried, almost piteously. -“Have you not just denied me tLat blessed privilege? Do not mock my mis ery by pretending to me shat I should exult in it,” Again tha priooefs buj*n«d and eeem- el in §*4§Mot* f ##*‘*4 *■** (•Ml f* •••ii pmm# «f #*•■*** -» M* ii light tigs ark %** smp* «*«♦••** |, - r-'fig w I s Usual i >*t egale m tth* hag Mi hwh iwhsaal It* gawif pw «i«H4 f>h*ks iwt ■"« ( M»— II gup"» » , ,-p« «w*t hicesi, •»•#*«**«» Mi «hM*w« i (m* Vh* h*t> iika tmirnmt *tm a msw t».- «M •♦• ‘4k**’** ‘IP fetag «f MINT! u * *•* | i|SM*e*V pwh IMM* » **w Mi* u »*tii, «*|Ahi,wM pws* wkwM h* eerSlwhS [ ehia s«*W the* pe-wa WgWawahW* ggww mmm •**+*- 4 ran* I «**«* wwM* Ml Mi. m» I -| •—« iigpn Mw wiuml swssswr giw IM MiStwUf km ■*»»*«> mm I »*< ■ iwha I»i ugw mt hi* ttmm *•»>• iwawi km wwm «M k» <***• km h*M ! pMiMi twiw *kmm _ . mmmm** Ms war-l ”k*»»hw» { Tfhai is Ht* wfilMMg hw* *■ mm •?. ( tags* MM* rmmmktf. M*t Ml AM* mmm I h>.«i4 pi*>w tm> mmt mm live* h» ••show ” . . **lMh mm ••I** 4km I mm | I mm, I <•*» A lasrf MMMgMtai «>k* h • mmm . I “WhiwoMiikepiinil W>4 km high 1 h*** «MMi mm ai mmm ** •Us AHhwrr mm*** w» m »« t I g««hlf Mt»tmtm4 ymm* mmmtm. “Wi ; wtil (hi Ulu *tof r i Mil pm In b«v» this MstsTvlrW’ I “tlurAia yw hwg»" gwlatwd lha aatirl. iisiiial #*«*laM ks tha mm- j Wlw-lMlag jMksg *4 fmmrnm **4 laa USUI il*ai sf ImIiSI Midi "»ak Mm king mm** I fIM» •«* •« J ps« Itta If IhM ** 4 at*** * j VMMI I km% «MW walrwMa «*•*-" ••V«w agy lha pr*h«Ma la asgMgaw. j •aM lha ismm* ewsatwasnUng »"Mw M rm plf Ml iiMsir hhSVtaM fW»i*ai»S". »* freed » low. 1-mimUm luwaa ’ HMhi Urn* I 1 kn»w <4 m» mm gagaMawl that hMmsM iwiha oav ewsi pliaasw* wait ah km eehvahMww Mahd ••*4at Mtolawt Wa wt/1 *»'*> let oswaalf wha* kaaya km ••lli*t" OUmv fashlwina lowaa wsaw Mi to offnrt aally pMdmg- khi lha kttg a •■ha di-mtsai 4 alt A heavy »p wiarkttf tread waa mam astolhto j Tha fgiacaea tarwast v*«y pala ftoa , lung lo the arfiM. pambtag hU* waakly. “Fly. By I** ah* paaiaA "If yoa lota me, By tar yoar Ilfs’ A pertly Ba«ia »• royal mhaa now stwela Into tha rmaa. Tha pnaeaas the., m-Ilapaed graeafally. Her l «ar‘a ready arm* A-elved her fainting Bgtira aad a dramatie lableaa waa liowshd lo Ik* 'J** «d lha aaos tubed asonar< h. who at Ora glared aa grily. whila tha artlrt. fairly drive* lo hay. regarded tha royal *»wl aalliach- Marly biiddaaly a broad grin -werapraad the king * ooantruaaea Ha flung aside hii crown and rob* while the prlocese, withoat effort, came immedtaMly oal of bar awooa and aaramed aa air of Jsuuly eqnanimity “A §r#li*, • |T**l cnm * (nvatad bis majeety. “Wow. lUrtmann. if yon and Miss Do Vera bare rally do as well at the perf rwanee tonight as yon have doo« at this rehearsal today I will m that yoa both hava a twoefll if tii* play takia wall, lat’s open a cold Lottie to iu *Ol case. ” This propnaal cat the pat of the rtaga manager bring onaniinously agreed to by tba two start lha champagne waa ant for and they all drauk lo ibe »uo reae of the new phsy. then being ex tensively billed and advertised aa “Ilcr Htgbncaa and Ilia Atii*t. ’’“-Chicago Nawa Our boat **••*- One of the greatest dtscoverlea of physiology ia that we ono« had «i« aim Wbat the lot! aenae was no ona know*, and probably no (®e will ever know, but that onr for- fathers possessed it there i* no doubt, for the remains of that pari of the btain in wbiob it ra*id ; ed arc still to be »«. u in any one of n*. There remains are simply a small end j now perfectly useless little mass of brain substance called the pitoitajy body. It ooiisists of two tiny little oval Jobe* Joined together and lying iu a little cavity of the skull, strangely named tbe n 11a turcica and aituuted over and behind the nose. It is quite possible tbat it may hava enabled our forefather* to sue iu the dark before lamps and candles were in vented, or it may have placed them iu communion with ghosts and fairies, or it may have been an organ that enabled them to go homo in a bee line when they lost their w ay in the primeval forests. On the other hand, it i* possible that it wn: a bad substitute tor vision or j smell or hearing and died out when tbo improved sense organ developed. A Mint to Ma. This precoeiotis youngster of 0 still lives with ids family lu a fine homo near the city limits, tut there is no telling when he may strike out on his own hook, for he is a boy of deoided opinion* and vast self relinnce One morning the mother was doing quite a Job of scolding because so lew of the family wore ready for breakfast at lbo appointed hour. She wunted them to understand that she was not running a hotel and that they must come down in rime or shift ior them selves. “Maw,” broke in tbe young hopeful shrilly, "you’ll make us all sorry wo married yon if you don’t quit talkin so much. ’’--Detroit Free Press. A Modest Artist. When l rincess Beatrice goes lo Flor ence, she always visits Oiovanui Meaoci. He is tbe simplest of men. On the back of every picture bo marks in pencil the price which ho thinks it is worth, which is usually ridiculously low. On one oc casion when she bought a small sketch she gave him three times the price asked, and laughingly told tbo astonish ed artist not to be such a baby to mark ads pictures at u price that did not cover he oost of the material. THW ATTOTTBTA TTTRJ=t/VT.r) pcsttMAl AMtili M-t*l „ _ 1 «| &:#>■**■ 4.Hk#'t t » wmmm Ii •Pi# MMI i» *♦#**-$ iNNftti # * B * M " | fj# •* tos lilllt'N M. I Tlka A*saM as tk»**k*4 ktoo* W'****** I kk **4*4*-* - -*a ****** ft*-* ti iSM* l 1 | t*a mmm amkmmmmkrn to fkwto <to aatt I •tawMM aaraißap as MM. V* t. tVfwat • t*«*«fgM AMto A tm*i«w a# fctoA «to» mm* —mm ks j ■tl**. BMftef OrtMMI tto Ma***a#» **Mb J pmtm **• • "Mils ••ftoAaff at • ttoaf- ! a* toaa* to >4 If to ****** M** a* 4 •to Mtoi*** mmm toto «* i *<*a*a aa«* to a *wftoto aaliW'V'ta*** *»• Mtoto «■«« mm to kf-** to***** to****, to*. Art atom tori aslMMai *toa Mkaftof ««• .a-M to to Ito katoto m*mm*—» toarpAf. as to*w Twto (to* i gtoirt a*4rt«tokai to tolls* town aato- j mm sv Ida ttoa* as lito fatfk Wto j torttokt mm toaa asaftotk ga *a*k* a ] gaasoiMl 1* flaMrMl, **4 4km *M tto ; nariaiiw wttt pvwtoMy ***** pate* *vrtaa > W* to** la •( ftoto *44, to • Atoa m* ' [ tan* as i *anMM tito fl.ato*•«, m r*«s>k to. Wsto vHtov. Mttoff fto 1 Bpaatok totof. tan to wl aawto takaiw* i aat> kp *»aaafa*M »*4 wawMia* , I ap-lk •to TtoriMkattoM *4 estoi* mt turn* hi «to» toatoftotaaai. wto tto awe f *ka toil "to ted toil aWto *to*tto ( jtlrwM Lahaa fth**a f*ar» •*» 'k* ! «stoH wwtora Ito** tottovM »♦'*’ Aq* a to* **4 N Mia ..tatawr.* j towa tto*f*» ata mo aUtot fcla4 »a*4 to# s t«m la tiw Mfgki *4 rtta r*r*at Mte»»4 gi« Oao. H Caltaa walk.*! ftwa puilnntto in tP ! S4*+ %p AMlwftok# *4 4M* .|r««M betiiff SPi itpAwil® !im «i mi A»4p t» r*m Milrto i f ii# mm\k ••• thfwwti a»ow4riria wkiek #rfm4 tralaa. aad i rt ** waff h-M In) *ad kla k**4 la •piiaia «k* vaaatt as W* ptojda* twair* rr.h no Vais* tr*» wk«a >< ••• 4* f*wi*4 to Harvard Tka dlf at Oijaipla. Waafc , la go*aa j to pla<* a raaasacniilw labto am j t to* forward latrM of ik* f*lra»la. Die : flaaihip at Admiral fVwry dnriag lb- Manila fI»W. Tka dealt* will Im «*•-»** l« rails f OO copper. Hh* aentral aritke *toa ke'.a* a Bgnr* nyiceatotiat Fame, ttoapamtod from Ik* arm* of »ka flga r ’' and falllM eernaa the front of lb* tondv will he atreantera. oa wklcll till ka inarrtl**d flewey'a to mo«a or4ev, < “Orkney, you may ft* when r*a4».* ■ “la tk* Snhnrha of drda la Mo “ wya the Kan««# Cliy Tlmea. "tketa lira* • arkolariy patldtiin, who vs* award nl the order of rhrtrilna hy the Queen | of Bpa'* for kla tealona cam of her -two trrandnoo*. ftnymonAo Onell y I Bonrbon and Fernando Alfotmo. who afterward became king of flpaln. and waa the father of tittle Alfonso, the preeent king. TW» gentleman la Oil. Van H. Wlaker. whom nearly all Mi«- aonriana with a atnte arqiialntsne* know.” Sampson and Shatter. (Cleveland Deader.) ’ Sampaon la after Shaft «r. Shatter Waa nf'er ! Sampaon — Shaft* r a been pulling ike rlampa on gampeon— ; I j Snmpwm *»ya that Shifter posnato* a terrible gall— Shaftor say* he (kd H *ll 'jj He caused Santiago to fall. • Sampsco eaya It was he (That comi>elled tbe Dona to flee! Shatter (lot after Sampaon! Now Sampson , Is putting the clamps on Shafter — Kxcuse our laughtpp j The fact of the matter, as both of Ihem show. Is that neither of them was tuere when the Spaniards let go, So j Why not bring The thing To an end by letting the credit go To Teddy and little old Fighting Joe? A prospective subscriber to The West Newton (Pa.) Sun recently w.ote to the editor of that Journal to a t whether he would take his pay In chickens. The editor andvered: ••y nft __ ftn q wood and meal, m«fct and corn, and potatoes, peaches, atijl hilly goats, pigs, horses, hay mwl land, mules and cows and calves, rabbits and, v;bcat and tum'p, and any oid thing you’ve got. We have on rare oc casions even taken money on subscrip tions.” T SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ HAIR BROWER FOR OVER 14 YEARS Thl* hiKhlz m.ritorioo* preparation ha, ntood hi tbo boad o t all hair rottoratiro. More than 3,000.000 bottles hare boon u.«l by the American people, and thousand* ot testimonials bear witness to it* Mcellonoe, whilo there were nny complaint* when direction* were followed. SEVER SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ SOALP CLEARER It tbe only aondruff cure. For »ham pooing, it h»« bo - Er _ . All Uva Orugglmtm Sett 11. SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN! % Known fiom Maint to - California at lha BEST . ihai material and good wotkmanshtp can pro- * larV' ouce. «a rot imi Everythinjj that b »ry- j»a 3 J li&h. artistic and CofTV* pMjjlv iJSjMBM fonablc. combined with HP the best of workman- v » ship >sill be found in lM L t a . Hanan & Shoe*. ■ Art# :iSH!Na GGULEY l VAUGHAN. 808 Broad Street. . AtM MTS MMf HAMAN * M»% ij(« The “Maine” Album! „ A SUPERB ’’vi Photographic History DtVOtld ft Tie "Maine” M r 1j I:i ilce^ Ce C.PT.IS General Blanco ■nd Interesting acenea aaaoclaled with the destruction of our Oiant Bftt »hlp and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few Incident* of American history have been attended by such publlo excitement mid national Indignation a* that which followed «*u ek V upon the destruction of the Battleship Maine. In respona.- to the unitetsal de mand for a pictorial hlatoiy of the ill-fated warship, ft* captaincy and tn fact everything in connection with it leading up to and Including ltd rinatton, we have aeeurad and offer our reader, thl. week a beautiful Maine Album or Portfolio, the most complete photographic record Issued upon the subject, embracing splendid photos of Thie Martyrs Which Is now ready for delivery at cur office, or by mail for Ten Cents. 1 CONTBNTS OF “MAINK” GABUM. Captain Chas. % Slgsbee. General I Fitzhugh Gee. The Battleahtri Maine. The Destrurtkm of the Maine. Huvana Harbor arid the Maine An chorage. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner’s Gang of the Maine. Views of the Maine’s Crew off Duty. 1 A Mlnetr-1 Show on the Maine. Ship’a j Company of the Maine. Flease notice the Maine Album above advertised la one of a Souvenir Series" of eight portfolio*, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Spanish-American War, each portfolio being a special number devoted 10 week C 2 win r'offem. as a Memoria. of the First Sacrifice of the war, or the heroic death of Ensign Begley and his companion*. Inclu ding manv nth*, special features of the early events of the «'nt. such■ «" 'ho vo-sel hat tired the first shot; the first prize; bombardment of Matanzas. cutting of the cable*, etc., etc. ... Then In weekly and consecutive order will appear the following. THE DEWEY NUMBER —The Hero and battle of Manila. THE SAMPSON NUMBER— -Bombardment of San Joan and Morro cas - ’’‘ 'HOBSON THE MERRXMAC with add.tional special feature*. . ADMIRAL SCHLEY —The Destruction of"CJ?rV*ra * *'i*o*. THE SHAFTER NUMBKR-The Siege and Capture of Santiago- GENERALS MILES AND MERR ITi—Army Operations - Bnd ß^"we each number of this souvenir series while .yo* 'have an opportunity, and advise your friends to do the same thing. Alt \M\S niFT rtOM SANTA ruts FlmaiM* »"'*'«■ ttot rn* al< lea ae*w gnew *klft »auto. tnlWt* mmo Tkneg Wto* h**-w a g**W iMMA wto» lto* awe M will *tt*aset* the totetttoM •*rtl that we pel •* I*'" • •**» Ml ret* n*4 Mf#nt ftulffi, •***•*«*• H. Htum brum laindhv, HI Jbn-Immm itiM, OHmit* Oftortm Wwii. •Hlflu. tCNp; C*4t«r* ir; C4»«#, A Groun of Junior Officers of the Maine. Wardroom of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry In Session. Fdnerai of the Victims of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender In Havana. Milk De livery In Havana. The Captain General’s Palace In Ha vana. General Blanco y Arenas, i/ooklng Down tbe Prado, Havana. SUNDAY’S HERALD “A Newspaper For Newspaper Readers.” Something About Sunday’s Herald. More News Better News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial. 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months* Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta, Ca. 1 o the Sunday Horald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald .......... Months at the following address: No. and Street Name maMaaMaartMan You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD. 1 ~ / " K 7C FbankClves / \ / \ famous / \ / \ 9 Cuahioo / \/ \ Shot. ! / \ Possible \ 1 / \only to J) \ I / \ hard Hitter \ V \ Centre (j \ Very fine \ jw \ Right Titoist^i A NEW BOOK ] ON billiards; By JOHN A. THATCHCB rnkhion Carom Chtomplop of Ohfo'M , iv.n:H-r of I ouih lfsndkNkpnß, i iii*- loiigFDt tou.itninrnt UQ rctioro, m.j (»'<• < nW i-i«yr who ever l»r« Nf't.l* f«‘V, SloßflriU, 4Dd lvc» in the i •ante L-iumaim ut. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD FLAYER PARTIAL. CONTCNTS, 1 100 OItoOPAMS OP 8-CUBHION SHOTS. hOHAEPER’3 STHAIOHT PAIL NUHBE. < EVER/ STYLi OP BALK-UNE OAMS. ALL NUH6ING POSITIONS. < FRENCH OOHNfcP OAME. 3TOPT OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAME * AND 4 INTk HNATIONAL CONTESTS. CIST OP CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND < TOURNAMENT RECORDS, ETC. The mUhor given many valuable miggi it !• ii r<> not lew which BMrve to ( rnjiderrlfdr tbe m«!tho»pinploycn by the world’;* expert*. It will ahow you < HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. . Flexible Leather, SI.OO. MW. Sire, sx2*( Inches ' Sent, prepaid, to eny sildreM on ‘ receipt of price. Anna Traill MS ■