The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 12, 1898, Image 8

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WONDAY OUR ! EXHIBIT 0 1 Holiday nov#Hl#to i« fVftMll i#lk—why not? THii !• iww* winin®o*iy Augw»*a » grrataai Ihvpoinn Corn® hwr*» for otf to-d*t* d«oa to odchwraar. HiijAmiit UmlK*»f Cao»*» Path Hobati Handliarco aft. Gtovtoto* Jrwairy. Sutoandara, Mata, Ovarcoata. fciuita aod fwiru»hma«. Our atora and window aia ptaya dunnii tht holiday a«**aon wi i iur pm, all pravtru t Vt* • Ida »to- a. You'll b« wnh our offarinfa, tna dacoratlona and lha pi Icaa* Opan iviOingi unlH 0 O'clock. auawOTA.oa. THRV.aCA.At THR CAt\P T«h« *kM *%•****» RWi w-«m Um to M Cmm A Mr**o«*e. ®ba •• ■ur #*bw amt —a- fo> M, C A. ddjfofft Ui|i MU. IMWI »• iW w*l T h e. A- imi —*— «•» b# •**• Am* m 4 Am* l» Am Km *• I'm w* of a f**anav I* rta* »b*a* «•*»• m 4 Ml* • rapMi «» ••»•* A* «• (W> Kin tM tote wef »ttb ffgOta •re! «W<Ml Hi lb* wM)a*n «M WFotorf Alt '• *AMA ItA 111 «b# Mt lAMI iam imi MWiaWtio* *ba* Aa* braaeke# 'a w» «*ty A 'A* **«*» Ml* T M C. A.--ba*aa w*l »« *A* Aw f. M C A ar»f Wa4**a» Mr»* aw* M—MHM wrier** " *b*r* •a* a mh»s to ear MM. TA* Y M C. A. MM #«4 wwatislui M Aowt. M In I ar«*b. TAT « C. A. Aa4 •alto*** •rd *aa <*• ana a*4 ia »**• «g s« wl la tA* Aald wbra trio Aor* «» Mm **« ffif-n fi i. Irielr rcwatrv « rfgrita. lata Cebe and lA» FblPpplaea •• wall M«a (A# aatt to lb* Ana* eamrirT IMS I <A» V M C. A. aarf*«ar*r* Th*» Aad lb* Mar Mr. aad tri* immw' to (Aa tarrrtlirrtH la tbatr anbfr warA. i TA*r ***r ibrrr m *»ab# tb* lot of tb» Wdir *ar>f* ant. la g'v* wbai I'til* aatnfnrr they could to tb* tree who art* ueder going lb* karttorip* of irmt t!A> Mark food Am b**n dear la l griyalrai aa wall aa aa'fltua! way by (b'M T. M C A. wiMai, Mm tA* froopa war* arnl to Camp MrK'Pt ' tb* T. * C A. *#fal!t*hrd arm* boadqnarior* oa tb* ground **Ao tbla I* tb* Poonaylvasla Y M C. A. «•at,’• raid thf reporter to Ihf r!*»«r UffMlft W J. C. o*!»rh why ' la la gharg* of tb* above Y. s* C. A. army h*a<b|tiar»*ra. wh*n lb* *rr!b* Aad takra a rbitr at tba army tent. The tmt la »i«o fwt la area. It la tb* tar,rat Y M C. A. loot on tb* grounds Tbrra fh* *old'*fa from the Keyafon* ftat* make thrtr headquar ters Tk*y And It a ronvririrat place »o writ* lattfr*. Ml abotil and md the latrat maaarinaa. and all rod tb* ton* aarrtr** every atßbt. Tba man arw »ad* to f*#l wflmm* and nothin la rbartrd for **f*pt atampa that th* col dtara And whan tbay drair# to mall a mlaatr* to falttrr or mothar or awart baart way op lo Pennaylranla. Toatybi thara will b* an antartaln- M*nt at tba abor* tant which will ha In chaw of Mr*. Jordan who lltm on Mont* Bano All aoldlrra arc Invited to ba at tht.tant Yrom tha Pannaylvanla tent Tha ftarald man Waited tha Tenth Ohio tent Thera Y. M. C. A. Secretary D»- Will alwaya «lTea one a warm wel come. This lent la not aa large aa the Pannaylvanla tent, hot haa Ilka oqulp tneota In It. Mr. Charlea Keothert la Mr DeWttfa aaalalant aacretary. and la aa ready aa tha aeeretary to alway* make vlattort fee! at home These aee retarlea were at Camp Meade with the aotdtera. and should the boya In blue b* tent to Cuba, tha Y. M. C. A. teota and eerretnrlea will go along. Secretary Cook waa found at the Fif teenth Mlnneeota headquartera. He has bit tant will arranged. The Thirtieth M eh I gap tent la now without a aeeretary. The gentleman who wilt have charge la expected short ly. Hb haa been alck and unable to get here, It waa learned. He will ar rive this week. It la thought. In regard to the ramp Y. M. C. A. tents. It should be stated that Y. M. C. A. Sec retary Stallings has acted In conjunc tion with the camp secretaries In doing •II that has been possible to make the camp work a stirrers. The soldiers are all Invited to mnke the loea' Y. M. C. A. their headquar ters while In tha city. SHIRTS ' —AT —s J. MILLER WALKER, HATTER KNOX HATS, | I ttMINAI. All VIWV Mr* M W Mon mos AihaM » It tA* *Wf. Mr M K UrtM «f Asm » •» ! tA* PtaafMW Mr M A Tim ad fkartan* M M tb* ArtMgbaai < M* W. J, W»u* ad ClMtMMtl la at tA* ArbtecMa. Mr T fuawll «f Mil*. • C. m at tb* Oammicvtit Mr at tb* Pka.-t*** Mr t H Usama ad Naw York la ■ at tAa Pout* A Mr. Ma Rim a# Annas'* la at f tA? Oeaaaaerrta! Mr It. t. OilMarw as Am Yarti la l at tAa Arltagtoa. Hr 0. I. Uraaaaaad ad D*ar«H »• at Ik* trllsftea Mr. K. P R*a<a as Awalaakara. Oa . ; l* at tb* Plaalara. Mr. L. Ratio y of Aaaatoa Ala . lit at tba Plant*** Mr J. R. Grtf a as Paracil. Oa , < la at tba P an ter* Mr. P* ey Pwoaldaoa of Raltiamr* , la at tba Art mgum Mr . D BmonfaM of CAartotl* la * ot th* Commercial Mr. Tbotaaa ITaNsr ot Cuoimloga A o.# la at tbo P antera Mr T. D. H«stoa of Mooatvlllo ». ’ C., fat at tbo Commarrlal Mr f). Oaakla of Wash I aft ow. D. C,. la at tba Comoamctal Mr. Kr«e<t Naiarbe at Broohlla*. 1 Mata., la at tbo Plaatora Mr aa. H. Orlgga of Saglbaw. Mich . I* at lb* Arllagtoa. Part of she Marie Walewrlght com pany ara Wopplag at tha Plant** I Mr W. H. Barrett and Mr. J. R I ijimar hart t* turned from AtlaaU. j Me*ara R. K Millar and Ab* of New York ara at the Arlington. Mlm Victoria Heard of Moont Car- I terl. S. C., ta reglatered at tb* Arling ton. Mrs. o. G. Ounter and Mr*. W. D. | ! Grace of Gro**U>wa are ia tba city i today. Mr, J. N. Cobb and wife of New i Orleans ara gnsata at tba Arlington today Messrs J. M. Cooley and C. 0. Rock of Savannah ata at the Commer ctol. hVaars. James Oate* and A. H. Monk of Baltimore are at the Commer cial. Mesa:a. R H. Qundy and W. C. Branch, of Richmond. Va.. are at the Arlington. Messrs. John O. Aiken and L. 'J. Moore of Mllburn. N. C.. »re at the Commercial. GRm«B and toys. Our splendid selection, 5 cents up- Ca l and see at Rirhnrds A Shaver’s. Mm. J. J. Jacob died yesterday as; ternoon after a lingering Ulneaa Mu. Jacob was In her fifty-third year. She lived on Campbell atreet, near Fen wick. The funeral will take place this afternoon from the German Lu theian church. In DressinK acd Manl j cure co tar and cuff sets in Dresden and other popu lar wares at Richards A Shaver’s. Messra. Bob Fleming and Amory Dunbar left this morning for Ficklin, Ga.. where they expect to bag a lot i of game. Lamps, botn Banquet and Library, in beautiful designs at Richards A Shaver’s. Ttoic bwui* mm sum im i mumr , s tba Mafbti* •» AbaA*Ri M«* t m m Pmp Hh»#» M P . #-lwi ! <# 100rtfrm, 9mm I #>«j*AMk AviMNI ** ***• MHMNPkMHi <tm MM M PMSBMPBMk ; Atoembadß *mwA b*R I* to tjii in HMM MM IkMl MH IBMPIM# (MM Mt mi <t#iitt f s#*■ t# IM j t n jpfiiß M* mmm «tm 'mt tsm tMMM'MIt tM Mi** §fM# Ml Mi «Inmm MMM Ml # tMpM #4NA#MNtB PMNM'*<MI Ml &** rm mmmi M Pm imn M ti***M- TM )Mf PmM Im •%* M f%m ItlpM* MNPMI' • iMMMWi MM» MM 90' jl'ilMirft f' Mt MHfc'M *M tPNft MMtMf H* MfWNMi MMMMMi I f uprtrl ulappM' immmMM Mt i i|| 9M» Pit... Mil® MrtPt Ml - #««#f fl.pit Mit TM* MMrPM UaMMf Pt M«M j fipmM M'ttMjMl MNP *M #««l| ewmrwat wt>b a *>t«M>» <*f At Abb*** to jta mwm* ab arm •*<* atwrib to »«**•<*. law* arAtob •••*# to* Am haigbf «■ *»• {to* fcato.tot paweto m**xtaa Atoewri"* jmattou maaara aM aamm tßa*«4 » it A* bae>#a j Baewrv A»M to AtoA topto* ;bto ptolf Ha wta baatwa aa "lltor IjMA* _ „ | Du ,ui»*| tb* mawwato* pabt**- ls aaiawavtng a towafkaa A* am 4 itaM *amtob» ****••»**« Aa to* *M that A* tod aa* tab* w'*b aa* idto a* pa*wto#t a>gfaM»**m**t... •ad Aa tma**d that am'4 aS tba dMl* tarttot ewaap wAaaaw’tk Aa waa aae n .wadad A* rnlab* ba toabtod ta walk Inwt* aad bwmbt* •*«* Ata «*ad y%O p*eaa enaamaata advtaa Atoi to ***** Ata aldarmtonAlp ftPFCIAL OCCASION. I rvv'ew of«even»h Army 1 Corps bv PepriHent «rd ripFrwtury of W*r. *riv«o n«h. C«.. D'cmbdr 17th •nd I 8 h, 1898 Account ribovri orcriffibo «b* Crintr»l of Railway wit) »*M tick#t« Autru tri to Rpvdnn*h and retun for 92 00. Ticket* to bri rioM Dec I stb, 16»b and I 7tb. with firta! limit rritumlnp O C 20th. Hat Racks (mm line and lowest ari roa ia «*F. a« fftomtng d rino’ea. THE MAYOR MSFt.NDEO. me spe#<k IMd Nos QoHo Strt* fko flit Per Official* I Fa-4*. France. De*. U ~Tb# Prefer] of Atgtrre he* lb* Mayor to Algiers foe a omotfc ea aeermot of a •peerh of (be Mayos. oho waa a rabid • nil Semite, attaching lb* Governor o«o*mi. I Th* Minister of tb* Interior b*ccea*#d fba *u*|i*n«l<in lo tbr** month*. Tb># t# tnt*nd*d a* a warn ng to th* Algerian •ntl-dmnlte* nbna* recent vl, Jersl threat* nr* eaualng a paatc among tb* Jew* In Algeria and nr* demoralising buatneaa. Pnchira'a Ara ca salvo. TH* HEFT SALVE m lb* world f t Cote. Bruises. Sore*. Ukwre. Salt Rheum. Fever Sore*, Tetter. Cbafoed Hands. Chilblain*. Com*, and all —in Eruptkna and po*l’l**lr curse Mto*. or no pay required. It to guaranteed to give perfect eaiiefartion or mone - re funded. Price I* cento P»r *>«« FOB •ALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. TIP TOP AITRA.TION ••Shall Wa Forgive Her” at th# Orand tonight. Tho Marl# Walnwrlght company give I two performance* today at tb* Orand. At the matinee Eaat Lynne will be put on. It to not neceaaary lo *ay that thla will be aolendld. Tonight Shail We Forgive Her will be Ibe bill. While this ha* never been played In Augusta, It 1* aafe to *av that It will com# up to the standard of th# plays in which Miss Walnwrlght participate*. Onyx Tables at prices that will surprise you. Just the thintf for a eift. At Richards A Shaver’s. CASTLLI.ANAS HURT. The' Roof Fell In Upon Him at Hl* Residence. Havana. Cuba, Dec. 12.—While Cap tain General Castellanos was in his bedroom yesterday evening .the roof fell In. and wounded him on both hla shoulders, breast and face. Hla ordariy was also wounded in the face. We have the best larsre type Bibles inflex-b ebind* ings in the city. Our price oniv * 1.50, ethers charge f 2-50 and J 3.00. At Richards & Shaver’s. EXTRA PRECAUTIONS The Police Guarding Against a Demon stration In Paris Parts. France. Dee. 12.—Several thou-and extra police and republican guards have been distributed about th's eity to cope with the anti-Plcquart de monstration which is expected in view of reports that the co’onel to to be pro visionally released today. Fo r Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. You eon get a fine suit eheap for eash at E. J. Henrv A Co.'s, 215 and 211 Campbell afreet. MMII 111# M WmMUct\ f HttPP It m tod* «f ***• ri < | PPM. M «ta*oa* f «m« tad aotadd gnu (to* w < ittori i IHH ### #H# ### • ##M# ### Mtol . |«M9vttl» fni MMMMI IINII] H|4JM HMI Mr##, * J Pteev oawtd *Mb YOU MUST NOT PAWN U. S. GOODS im m u« M UM ialfp«t ii i it a n Atom m altom < - —-- *•*-- AadaJ A grtoidimt to#!•*AP*Pp f ton » Ife* AkaaatoaAaa*. Yaa aaaaa atobd to *A* da*Aa( as •Aa Cato Atotto ttottip Cmmrt agaOaii twa a**u h*"wa pa** **•*««• : I i baa* aaaaa a>* Ml tb* aat ara to a pptMPMI cMltpl TM NMl'#» «MM' MMMt (MM MM Ml <Mf IM# attod Mataa law* whtrb to atoduad “arumm •«•»*** j IM# TA* atoaadat* *<w M ■*»’*. taw Pabaai aad Rmti WaAtotoatu. AMft ••4 Aawwa pa** fc toAai* AbaaM a a«to apo ik*y into to paar* aaarvaata Aatoaptap to tba paievamaai bat ■ato aa *ot tala «a*a- ttoaa to traop m Third lattto Putt** Cavalry. Caa tata w4d»*m to tba abaea ttwap rm pardtra« to bba aaM wtotbaa. pal tb* wvareaa a tbay wav* »« a* Mi amh. td. j Tata to tba cavalry baa 4 to M aad ■ bad a torn mad* apa am tba m*a TAa ’ Abtottn adml«<*4 that tbay had ta baa tba atoernat* aa pledpaa- bat la dalap as aappawry tba wvarrwata w»i* tba ptawanal prwpar.y to tba* who pawned tbaat. aad an aatomliy did Ml rtoaa* advaaea to maaay m TA* caam trill to h*ard at tba aa*t tana to caa t ham. wbtob wttl prato- Alya to a«at amtk. Tba tow aa tba aah)ari to vary Plata, reading •* follow*: “Sec . MM Kmr paraaa who know lapiy purchases ar mm **a a ptodc* tec try obllpafton or lnd*bt*4a«** from aay eoldier. nril -*-. aallwr ar oth er pemna called Into or employed la tb# military or pa*al aarvto*. any arena, equipment* ammoattina. cloth**, m I tary Wore* or othe- public property curb to d er, atoimr, olßcer or other pereoa not baring lawful right to pledp* or toll tb* **(»• aay perron *r> offending la aay matt'w aot forth la tbla eec'lon. ahall to Impriacmed at bard labor for aot tow tbaa oa* nor more tbaa Dr* yearn, or ftaed not leer tbaa oa# thoutaad or more tbaa fire tboaeaad dollar*." % Ta Coha aad the Wa*t Irdte*. Via. Central of Geo gt* Railway Roth one way and eacareton Hcheta 1 ran to purehaaed. through to Havana, via Port Tampa and Miami Steamer* of the Plant Pteamahtp company leava Port Tampa Mrmdopa, Thursday* and Saturday* »ach weep for Key Wert and Havana Steamer* of tha Florida Eaat Coast Steamship company lev# Miami nn Kundaya. Wednesday* of each week for Havana Clone conectlon at Port Tampa and Miami may to had by tak ing the Central of Oeergla ftallwy. For schedule*, rates, reservation* and other Information call on J. W Nall. Com-j merctal Agent. TH Broad atreet. Augus ta. Ga. Elegant Lin* Solid Mahogany and Oak Desk from $4 W to IIS.O0 —Flem- ing A Bowie*. SAVED AT SEA. Th# Survivor* of the Glendto Have Arrived at New York New York, Dec. ll.—Captain Com- ! Ing and nine of the shipwrecked aea- , men of the American bartt Olenlda were passenger* per the steamer Orln |co. which arrived today for Bermuda. The Olenlda nailed from New. York. November 25. for Bueno* Ayr*#, with a general cargo. When two day* out ah# encountered a terrtfflc hurricane from the east-southeast. There* were tre mendous aeas In which the deck load of roaln broke adrift, which, owing to the heavy aea. carried away the forerlgglng and foremast. Meanwhile the vessel la- ! bored and atralncd heavily, causing her t osprlng a leak. The British steamer Ivy Dene, from New York, for Ri* Janeiro, rescued all j hands and took the crew to Bermuda. DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? Muddy complexion*. Nauseating breath come from chtonlc constipation. Karl's Clover Root Tea Is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price 25 eta. ’ and 50 ets.. Sold by—Retailer#. T. A. Buxton, Anderson's Drug Store. Alex anders Drug Store. West End Phar- j macy, The King Pharmacy: Wholesal ers. Davenport & Phlnliy. R.MiRA IS tiERE: He Learns of the Death of (tare a With nuch Grief. New York, Dec. 12.—J. Ruts River*, the Cuban general recently liberated | by the Spanish government from Cuba, ! was a passenger by the steamer La- Champagne, from HM’re. arrived today. Rivera heard at Quarantine of th# death of General Garcia and was deep ly grieved. Rivera had a strong resard for Garcia, but had not met Mm In 1* years. A SDiendio assortment of cf fashionable Pocket Bocks and CM*d Cases in best leathers Tor men and ; women at » j Richards A Saver’s. mw* mi ernrm !M»t «* I tktp tr 0 90 IM# UN MM# f #mmm# n nnlm V# *#MMM#i tff ♦«# ' ti%| mn mi ffM### 90 fMMN- MNNhmNi MM 90 «M m **4 MMnN tp||Nl#o#iMil# 0 $ NNMN# *0 Nn i MM MM# M#M# 9# til* «| fN’MI 4MI4MMMI Mi—#**#* M#pM I uMpt-MNI U t —jli 90 #Mfl#M## I## (#M 09909 #l* jmi g#»Mt## rmom ONn ! i«m 90m M C, A |NMl»iMifml ■* 0 IlMi I Mm# Mnum #!♦—# (■%## *\m < #«**#«*• Nm#—. # mm I (M# !####(#*. M## Mf#H#M- A MAM 9O 0 999009000 Ml H#Mi *#* I ia* kwa* to b Itob g *tg ll li Mto **v *»rt Mt* to— —laeito M w ff— #*d ■ ri Itototo ba— tu—ttod to tb* I—#.!•• MM ri ri I. gilt I— to Ob 11. IMA po— —Tetri— A— tod t—t»d ta tAO A— pttot *—pb A'Gag M<ev4 prim# baa to— mm «• gwwwfMff aadvtc* to VtPato 14, W * rid aide— to Uta IriA (kliga— »*a A— Aa— p«*»»*d •*•— day* : la*** fA* rift* «dddd will geetoktf to •—l«a*d tod at 4 lAipnara to toomt •—ld— ftotd Lftto Ad*o driteed Id tbd »«*. cagt. Ilatdaa to Oa C, Id kfovy* l i (and, ta ft— An—— orito*? to Urn 4—, I Cap* Tto aa to tAd Ptft**o»b rite#* •ota m orib— to tAo —g. TAtod trir a— _ . tom —a fcd— be— AlTtod. Od* ks tod to I tap m N Iri IM dtAdr •Aot hocaww ei—. f—bObto Cay* J. R MrQuigi to Oa A to to —■t |M* Arif U Rotate? to fto. Dto aritw? to tA# gaam Rpt Law «f Co H will to apptoat* ad Ftrto riaep—at TAet* to a p*od foal to toollap taa—p tb* ave? tAa Hf MMffMt Tto* ar* —ly otpAt *•— to tAa top Mo— t oAo a?e —d aba—l fur (—l- Tae aar*** to bo—rial •'• edfotri— tv-1 (to d*« td*aa holt* Coo— aay I baa a a— mmmot tm tAa abay* to a raaor back bop. | M . Mo'tan baa so aape Mated aa a>tlap atevraed to bo—*tal rb'f* ara otoy Ova pauedto la tie (MM ftntfrt*l*f tbHHigb of Co B waa dtarbargaA froia beopltal yaotarday. as oaa Apt. Bafbtal to tba win* company Major LKtto'a froat test caopbt on fife yesterday erieraooa aaj eta burtwd, dttb b'a overcoat Flrat M ry toad. Cd. It have all of ibotr tapta fit— an comfortably with wood a doors. Co M h following suit Capt. rteber to Co, B. la n«c#r to tht day Lt Ca ringtoo to Co. F ia »® -er of th* guard THlrty-f fib ritcblgaa. Fgt. Frank Cathcart qf Co. K. baa leea promoted to First aergeaat. Capt. Bonds to Co. A I* obker as tb# cay. IA. Cates to Co. C to officer of the i guard F. Charland to Co. A has returned fiom e:ek foHoogh. Tb* toot ball team baa boon mused tri m forenoon duty and H working luf. Tpg men ar* looking forward with rup l pleasure to Ibe of theif mesa tents. Eighth IVnnsvlvanla. U. Walllck of Co. I to ofll-er to th* day. j L». Bchall to Co. A la eotutr.atnH" of the guard. Hooper of Co. A. Sgt. Weaglm and II IHpple of Co. D have been recom mended for discharges for phyreal disability, by Major Powell of Flrat division hospital. Geo. Brevenona of the hoapf al corps j was sent to the divtalon hospital thiS afternoon. Th* stovepipe* of th# kitchen* pre sent a novel appearance. Thirteenth Pennsylvania. A host skirmish occurred In Co. K yesterday. W. J. Evltt of Co .B was admitted to division hoepltal today. Barrett of Co. H. and Rice of Co. D were discharged from hospital yes terday | G. W. Stanton of Co. H was sent to division hospital yeste day. Lt. Freeman of Co. F to officer of the guard. ; Capt, Robllng of Co. C. Is officer of I the day- M. Emery of Co. C has returned ! from furlough. F. Ha tier of Co. E. has returned Dorn a three months sick furlough. Fifteen»h M nnesota. Capt, Brandt of Co. F has returned from a fifteen days leave spent at East Grand Forks. Minn. Lt. Echols of Co. G has returned from a thirty days sick leave spent at St. Paul. Chief Musician Snowball has rejoin ed his bard, after a nick fu lough. Mrs. Coe. wife of the popular quar termaster. to sick with typhoid fever I in the Augusta hospital. Capt. Leonard of Co. K Is officer of the day. The companies are decorating their streets for Christmas. Cavalrv. The mess halls and kitchens are as comfortable as can be and are now ready to be used. Everything necessary for the hospit al kitchen has arrived and work will commence at ones. Our line of Japanese no velties is unsurpassed from 25 cents up. At Richards & Shaver's. Iffritf nwlKto Mtti: -tfgf ftMtbriM moS§t «b m --fnrli — (M I tl-i —»y Iry •» mtk* std—it mi ri—*<aWd la «• la»K V'—ri rikffdi df« llMaijr Mrilitori'Affri -rift —iri* fotodft Iff— I— I kg— ( has t oec tn. tur\j * 0 * JuHplS ANTHONY BROWNE 80 Hroadv ay, Now York i 0 in- Jtf*# Y’mrM CMmkmnVN 09900 91mm M ft******* C«HM#M MMNMfP# (M ft iim'M# #M4 |M#m9m I |i »mm.n# m 4 l#r nniM m*m WI #>M 9090 mm #*•* #••»%«*# IM W'iNriM M#4 €0990(990 1 fwpw# 9riNfo#Mri #«#» nmm #M» 90m90 <0 f9m** mwm» riMNi «»t mmmmi**"* m 4 m ifmtm *mm #—•***# im—n>i* t iNNNIMIiy tMMiM * * I Mhn# u 0 m# *#* r<M>« rifodMM m iriNk Ms iMffri— *4 9909 9mWo* it Mu mmmnm I (MfM> »rii §no9 smm $m j NMH 00-090 (# *M* HMMINM#Mk fMffp*— 1 jyiNHli «N#Mil#*«i #NNkM 9* tw+wimmm -*■ IN'NtM VMM# 0 €O9 . ti«rirt» I# w«n f|f#i turn f*#M | Wf|t# 9900 Ml# fMMHMN 090099. THE MARKETS. AtfOt—TA WSMART RRriOriT. AogMMa. Ga., Pa*. tt -Ysat. *s«ody Oedioary m•«.. .. h mm.dL.-rig Oa— **dtoory ...... m .. m . >k Mftet geed »i*diaary ...... . *% j Lew tolAdnog . .. M .... m§ lld Atrwt tow mtdgtlag .. m m m .A 1-td Ml—Mi .. .. M M M M M.... 1 U-M *, ** • I mut4’<*a ,« *« «. ,*..... A is ta •• —MM— I m Fiat— .. M .. M M ..H«n- fob Ttogea ,< .. .. .... .......... AAfo KKCKtPTff. IAUW. *rlff- NF.R*. aHlFblffNT* Wa— •*—. CkeeMaaov M R*r Aatao. data —Ft Aatoeday I— * tt M rieoday M...-tt*? ts» I •»Yj Total ...... 2*2* Mt M HR OMQM KKCKim. I tat ISM N»t rocotgta today .... ysaa ita* Tbreegh rsilua today wo *o**i Oreo* receipt* Mty .. 2KB IB? •TUC K-RJtCEI FTH i«st taw •tack Hi Aogoeta MKt MMJ Raeript* alnce Pvpt I 22tS?t Bdll Th* fariowt— qiwtatloM are over tk* specks) «lr*e of Pain*. Murphy A Co.: j CHICAGO PROVIPION'd WHEAT— Op*». Ip.m. December .. .. .. .. .. ttti **\ May .. , Ot* Oh CORN— D*c*tnb*r ...... .. .. .. B mt May US OATA— May N l^i . PORK- We ate our boat effort* to mako your purcAaaea catirely aat I*l as.or >. MAHONEY& ARHSTRONQ COAL AND WOOD. Strowger ’Phone idi Bell 17 V* Office and Yard No. I McCartan Street January .. .. 9.42 H *.42H May ».« LARD— January 1.22 H 5.25 | May 5 S?H 5.4* | SIDES— January 4.*?H 4.T5 1 May 4 42H 4.90 NEW YORK COTTON. Tone—Steady. Middling 5 IJ-1«. January .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.54 5.59 February 5,«P S.SS March 5 *1 F 'K> Aorll 5 *4 6.*2 May 5.*7 S.*o June 5 70 5 71 July S.TS 5.71 August 5-77 5.75 September .. .. .. &.?3 October .. .. 5.75 1.75 December 6-55 NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar US IT2H Tobacco .. .. 143 14SH B. R. T 73H 73H C. B. Q. 121 H lIIH Missouri 'Paclflc 43H 4344 Louisville and Nashville . tIH **K Manhattan .. .. Wfl 100 H People'* Gas IB 110 H Union Pacific. 35% Rock Island 11l St. Paul H6H D6H Southern Railway, pfd .. 42H 41 T » Western Union *SH —• LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February' 3.05 3.05 February and March .. 3.07 3.07 March and April 3.05 3.07 05 April and May *.OB 3.08 09 May and June 3,09 8.09 : June and July 3.10 3.10 July and Aug 3.11 3.10 11 Aug. and Sept. 3.11 3.11 j Sept, and Oct 3.10 11 ■ |Oet. and Nov 2.11 3.10 11 Nov. and Dec 3.06 3.06 Dec. and Jan 3.06 8,05 PORT RECEIPTS. 1597 1355 Galveston 19762 New Orleans IMU 20851 Mobile *-•• 6t» 12.* , savannah 8112 ' *9*l Norfolk 6536 133 ® New York .- - 168 461 Wilmington USE 1*26 Boston ‘“337 Phtliid 'Bl ?! OfCfHMNMIft 18 Christinas Opening PENDLETON'S W « top W «a b*» Log *— wp* a* k#*wHdged mt (n# •*#'■#»• # fiM#i —ms «*tm iM •§» *• «4 lafto fririifWM PENDLETON Sito# offrt to 9MMrI mt HOLIDAY GOODS I# •Gtofri ton# tm »4+* • 0 mm, to«aqtou at# dtlMift* U—f »( toil 0 BOOKS ba* never been aeryouad to th v ri'f. LAMPS AND TABLES Raauuftt! to dwign aad lew in yriei. WAVE CREST COODS Rich aad f rg«at la d*- gn. a:nrl:ptrt Mt Born* Clns m rrmdß ok'eS Games. JaYeailff and Try Books EASTMAN KODAKS. to— Photographic Supplies of every kind and deacript .oo at Lowest Prices. JOHNH.FEAREY —The B llabl# Jeaelar Can be feund at 21 1 Campbell Street, first door from Broad. Best Goods at lowest pricas. 1 [. SB. FOR SALE-1025 GREENE STREET. with a little mtllay can be mad'- Into a handsome and modem reeidence. Term* 31,000 caah; balance, three fcara with seven per cent Interest. Apply to E. Sheehan, Manager, Robt. Portnef Brewing company. dec 12 ts Naval Constructor Richmond P. Hobson has been detached from tha New York and ord/red to the A<at!e station, for duty in connection with the raising and repairing of vessels. — We hpve ihe b st se lected subjects in pictures lin handsome frames at popu ar prices at , R'cnarris A Shaver s. John Bryant, a brother of Wm. Cul len Bryant, is living in Princeton, 111., in good health. CASTOR IA For Iniauts and Children. Thg Kind You Have Always Bought r 3 f“™“