The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 13, 1898, Image 1

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TUX • kipvku, At uI'VTA j % nvntoi ***• *•#-*<• **► «dto* ; #*ek. p#4pw* IW*#«uM > I #.(»•«« ►*•*•* ttotototo j GEN. YOUNG AND OTHER OFFICERS GO TO AIitiANTA. |li |$ §i Vwft Tin HfiHtm tft ill I ifk*§il Mlc* if*#'.*, * ®sk*dd#v tjtoto \ to#to*##A ItoGI - Otttmt tew. Pm •*»■* *»»♦#•*» *"•#« •* Ihml Mn towp* ##•#• A** !•**• Oww.# to*a*a a* A**# #•** ln#Nfri#* f%n •feftrifcfr Ifcfrt* *v ft «NN| «fc* Htfrfr##*** IWH «fc» ,«*»• Ifrift tfc* #f*f lllfc frffrfc tfcfr ttttt >nwrii i *|* imfunity |h |t|f *# fcfrfcfri*# «v-ftf #■*•« All fe*-<€ ! )l Nl ift# <tlfrfcNtftfr till I# ***rfc tpHIUNK ifctfrfrft Wftfri fIM ?4 w mi i|mm iw f*frsfr»#iM» lift* tTit tr#i H **4 (I# %m *fc*ir pur Hfrifc *• pm* i«# »i-t<ll n| tfcftft tfcfr frffcfrVfck Ml •'#** tit rut INNI IS ill tl Ml- At Nfcfcfct I* , ,tarfe Ik* sad a<#w*B l»f |XN* SX-ldi*'** IS#V't#A 14* #Bto|X. <h* tjrrtt 'SIU«i 441 (V* YCMM **d aa* iMrtpad* ktodq«art*r». ti „ 4 . ()x „ | ] •«i<rl wßta ,b* flllwttl lUntT—.- f*»r wa# wrM a*d «n*> < naxt-i sayiaa of ik* m& Th* rumw ra-it-t ul' ri ■*.# *#d MM - _iin ftf«i mt ntO tIMK cadk# Ik* . ma. m|4 a*- *<#»•• . . [t , Jjj, v< f tk* Mftt* *pk»# r ts «ra»k M r»»ftol*4 » Ik# PtflMklk Hlawul« Ik# TbJftr-tttk Mirk I *## «Ht *•» a*m. km U to yrwtoNl* ih#y Hit! to Ik# krto MH IMARM WXH' Id, ( |, ietead to Ml* »*» mgw, to mmplii' thelf work iMtonr* Tto if mi ftnl ikto attMRMNNI to ik# ravalry drill that atattl4 *1 * o'etowk. A tin# gnalitf rm#M Ik* Atisuoo gjlk (in ii tkcjr mi to * I to### tk# RNL rim ram' ■ dr.n by Troop B under Capt. O. H. Rwikai. #xhlblUa« re mark# t>l* work, m tk*rr in ##y#r»l re mit# end new koto## to Ik# troop tkkt roald kot b* told from to# oto#r torn Tk# drill wb* to #to#* •»* •»* Kolcd ortor and different nawintni. #nrb aa .barging with ptoiola and drawn übm w#r# goa* through with. Llmi. Walk## had rhar«* of U»# •quad of faery and rough r'dera. Dtf ftrui# feata of riding to aaddl* and on bareback, juaiping hurdle*, riding •landing upon bom*, mailing over rolling bocaea. riding double ‘ teaina nnd other errut* Major Swlgert and bla efficient offi cers and men rrealred lb# ibaeka of all for thrdr kindneaa to giving the esbi kltloe. Oen. Young, armmpanled by rnpi. Rivera. CM. Derby and Col. Duvall, lnvc t'jnlgbi for Atlanta. nh*re they will be among the dlatingulaked gueeta of the peace Jubilee. Two regitnenta rnmtnanded by Oen. Young, the Third New Jeruey and the Fltttentb Pennylvanla. now atatloned In Athena, will take part In the The parade of thee# two regiment* and the review of the regiment# here on M-inday will give the South an idea of the magnikeent corpa of men com manded by--the general. Brigadier General Jame* R. Waties, who haa been here on duly at dlvlalon headquarters, left th a afternoon for Summerville. If new* M not received tomorrow of General Summer’s arrival be will return to Augusta tomorrow night and remain until General Bum «er arrives. It is probable that the six troops of cavalry will meet President McKlnley nt the train and escort him to and from hie quarters upon hia arrival In the city. , . , A telegram has be n received from th? weather bureau at Washington to the ctßclala at camp that the thermom eter will drop sixteen degrees or more in the nxt twenty-four hours. fThc tren who have heard, the report are getting to work preparing to fight the cold. The following report has been issued at the Division Hospital, giving staff and medical depart ment: W. B. Bannister. Major and Briga dier Surgeon In Charge. Dr. S. M. Stuart, Acting Assistant Surgeon, V. S. A.. Executive Officer. Lt. Harry Hill. Capt. G. Holden. Surgeons — Dr. C. L. Baker, acting assistant surgeon, U. S. A., Ward 4. Dr. D. McLean, Patho. and Surgeon. Dr. F. M. Green, receiving ward. Dr! J. C. Davis, assistant proporty o^cer. Dr. J. C. Schaul. Wards 3 and o. Hospital Steward. U. S. A., H. W. RciftS- Dispensary: Acting Steward Geo. F. Fllun; ass’stant. H. D. Weaton. Receiving Ward: Acting Ho*pital Steward, John Baggett; assistants, Fred Walters, Walter Tedamore. Office Orderlies — Lewis Mahoney, mounted: J. N. Pox, H. W. Fox. Janitor—W. V. OrnalNy. tfib ctwT* a tk-fCA lorn HPfti u 4 «*M *M3-J£** THE AUGUSTA HERALD, >••«*•#& mb TUMMV, W» *h +* kriltof VA AMRkl*, <l4 i f%*to*» Pipe# • >f*, toaf'tok I r ftottt-M* Mm** mi 4 t I «4'| M to#«Hito to -r- I | H M tUkg.Vi* 9>m*W* 4 iNMNl Stud % H Wii**» Waml 9is A V A Cv H H'|f4 *€** A A W, Atfl lNi» S A #y W d«M* AMtMM fir** M* I MMM «# CkMUMIAI' A ** mwfH». vnwM ««lA* ■ AMfHMNr r j | M H I sm%*t «w«4dr« iv at uuovEnmii ktoi la fto*«t <m *» Tbal Itoligknei Rto > OfweeCnwa Cto# Ik - Tk# weal ber I ba» w#a play lag a game of frweßMMt I fWtt | |m> MkM v #*s Ii frMMto «f Mr. ST*, M«*gg to ta#w ! Mt fc# to rtoovevtßg from kte iwou I iltosaw. M kto kume near Gr»( Hat a j Mia* OBtrie M«»lman baa re*Brawl : m Aagwea to rewum* k*r pU'-» Mr aad Mt# Yoniary and Mr, Urn. I Verdere ageai a ptoaaaat 4i* ai Ilk# I koapitabte ham# at Mra. Gwater Ibm | Buadap Mr George Verderr aad Mr. Marry J M«*rl* ware al M*«gle a R*»i y#B«#r 1 day. Mra Biaarbe ftoarell from Graaiville | it rtalUag her tour, Mra. Mearr D. j Pa#*. Mr. Witt Headman who wae fore maa of the Ft»k Itooihera big pottery •orba. toft tm laat Tburadap for bla borne la Brotlaad There mere amtcea condacted by Mr. Atklaaoa at tb# Baptiat church «a Sunday Mr. H. H. MeOoire aad Mr Ckarit# I Bowrllle were up yetoerday <to a short I vtoit. Mr. H. M. Brelaer to epeadiaa a few day# with toward# to Alton Mra Faille Walt on will soak make her bom# to Ormetosro murk to the delight of her many friend* here A aery ptoaaant ptote of news to tk# Grovetowa people I# that Mrs. Phare claa Kaacarr roatemplatea moving to { OrorrtCTwn soon. Mr. aad Mr#. Bam Chapman will npviid lb# Cbriatmar holiday# with Mra. Cbapmaa'a parenu. Mr. and Mra. Smith. J Grovetown welcome* wiih delight {the new miniater of Ibe Methodist church. Rev. Harold Pace, and bla charming wife. Grovetown will have qatte a number of visitor# during the Christmas holi days. Mr. and Mrs Joe Hill will have their charming daughter# to apend the holidays with them at Eaglaa Nest. Mr. A. D. Bailey wa# bitten by a dog last week. Hr became so alarm- I ed when the dog afterwards developed I * case of hydrophobia that be had the loadstone applied. Mias Daisy Hatton, the lovely and highly accompllabe daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Hatton, is expected home In a few day# On next Friday night the amateur talent of Grovetown. under the expe rienced management of Mrr. C. D. Clifford, will give a delightful ent-r --talnment at the academy. Dr. Roland Rtelner has a very cu rious and entertaining relic in the shape of a gnn. It is over two hun dred years old, having been in th* family a hundred years or more. Th* gun is double barreled, the barrels alone four and a half feet long. The I stock is bras* mounted. The gr at ! est peculiarity about the gun is that It is made for flints, the flints being very small. The barrels are worn very thin from constant use, otherwise it. is I in perfect order. Mr. Beverly Wall of Augusta spent j last Sunday with friends In Grove town. FIRE THIS nORNIMI. Several Dollars Worth of Damage to W W. Bussey’s ‘Sroccry S ore. The fire department was called out this morning about six o'clock and on responding found that the grocery store of W. W. Bussey wa# ablaze on the Interior. The fire was burning quite fiercely and but for the prompt and splendid work of the department would have er sulted in a serious conflagration. The woodworrk of the store was on tiro, the blaze having ignited from some matches let on the shelves, it Is sup posed. The shelving was badly burned. The loss the proprietors put at about two hundred 1 dollars. The companies that responded to the alarm were No. 1, No. 3. chemical and book and. lad der. Keasrs John C. Daliasla and John V. GiIIMPT, of Philadelphia, are at the Arlington- _ T««as Steer and Jfatte Putnam to morraw night. badi<-« free Thursday night. IMPORTANT PROCEEDING FILED IN THE COURTS Tl# T** uftfM *f J*#c# ti*# Al* iitM M • lam IfVM, at trek mm twA g* Bigk* «• Mad# MW t**»tol»iia«i. a* Ik# MM t 'MB, a* Jw*a# a# Mia vH* k«wtt mm* (*m- MkiH-maa m$ kmm*m mm* »#«*•at to# >t»km«Bd naatj. Wti A IhMit*?. t*«t mi AAt ll* JfrtMfe 9*Ainttt A#» niN! hi |A 4jj>% «•*» tA* 4wrtfrf«Uofr tfr i fcfcltfrfM** fr frfrfr ■ <Nn* tfrp ffrfrM*tiiittMifriit.» of |«Nt#» MN tfrp frool Mifriiioik of rooMli •An at jiaaA# mm* R***•■*« mm Jadga •# tk# City Cm wti Tka a#- •al* of tjlta < aa# will ka ill# laaiad with gtwaiar ,atwra#t iui ta into that ka# apptore* <to tk# «eami. rato* dar tor yeawa If tka raa# ta wwa by Mr, Fkiatoy . tk will m*mm that Jwdg# V## wttl aa tot* g#r k# Cammireinw*, mt Naada aad Ravemwaa ftnf Ri,kßtowd roetir Tk# •ire , - #'..*• ■ «• tk appawra ta tka ctora a cdk«. ta trktok to ‘inm-knl tk# nrd#r ragairtag tka datototoaat to »a«v*r read# *TaTE «>f ot> >ttr)l a hichm«»s!> conrrt T<» tk* dwtwrvw Cawrt «f tout Omatoj Tk# prIHM M lac# Cbtaiay. ngatodt tniiwtß F. Bv#, r*a|atod#wt, re-: • JkiN If till* •fre*» * 1 rtmi frtiltloMwr *• • r?o*4*»fri *»f •• f •Idkf, *MI roofrli Ifrfr* A? I,f ** W'* -W Hi mM roofrty H» * ♦“•tfioo ««Mt utriW llieriwif 2 TH** f*Of>Ofr<l?fri HI * r**Hl*Oi i 6%i*t ni*t# no* iHyonti • j THot rwr ym -nt in nr tti« • t o ca.fin «if *)r)>fr<of * amity, aml no *" frou Dm fH'jpNdOitid'f*, nioS non* of m(4 <»«* At, an* *» fn ih- *c9t)il diot'HoJlst h-4 o*4 of Ihe rsotloo. fm.n hh4 tlmtn fM*t 4, THot rv*4|T» n«|#»if ho# iv'* it *#Hf . MKINI «tff*tf», f fl#* fkjnor»lOO KR4 MW t nf . fti (jfrrt at OnftfrHitO)ii of HaoO* -itWl H*v«od# of fU Count y, ant »« m th# Oitttoi dtkrhoi** nnd «**rnio#* of IV d title#, power*, franc bla*# and futu • j tv*fu> tbffiti p«»rioffim* |. Tfrot. no otn» of thf fritlff porto*» in* i« miM ofllf** of Cnt of Rends MS Revenue#, awd are U-t #*■'. ' by virtu* of hi* pn#»#aal«n and uaet of itw same. r*a«*ond#nt l*vl*a all '*#•'* for said Richmond c«unt> That h» *»- ' arc we# the taaUtg power In and ?«q tald county. t. That In so, a* aloreaatd, uslna ».nj rov.n# sing said office at Commlmtiou' r of Rrads and Rev*nu*a. and in ao, as af'-resald. exeretolng a* »uch rommts sltmer th* taxlna power, which I# a leglaiattva pi>w*r. while at the same Uw holding a Judicial office and discharging Judicial function#. respondent I# acting in vlolaion >4 Artlet# t. paragraph SJ. of the Constitution of Georgia, which l* aa follows: •The legislative. Judicial and ( executive powers shall forever remain serorate and .distinct, and no person discharging the duties of on*- shall at the #am< time exercise the function* of either of th* other*, except a# herein provided.” 7. Petitioner further show# that re* I spondent. In s<r, a* aforesaid! holding j said Office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenue*, does the sqme by virtue of an act of the General Assembly o ! 1 Georgia, approved on the I7th day of September. I*«3. which art provide# that the Judge of the City Court of Richmond County shall be ex-officio Co,nml#«ioner of Roads and Revenues j of *ald county. s. petitioner allege* that said art i# wholly null and void, and without force jor effect, becauec it i# in violation f that portion of Article XI. section J. | paragraph 1, of the Constitution of j Georgia, w hich provide# as follows: Whatever tribunal, or officers, may hereafter lie created by the General Asaembly for th.' I '' transaction of eounty matters, shall be uniform throughout th'- *tate, and of the name name. Jurisdiction, and remedies." !f. That said act I# null and void, gad ' of no force or effect, for the further i reason that It is in violation of said I Article I, paragraph 23, of said Con- I stltutlon. In that it clothes a Judicial offleer with legislative power, as set out ! hereinbefore. 10. That said act is null and void, and of no force or effect, for the further reason that it ia In violation of that portion of Article 1., section 4, para graph 1, of said Constitution, which la as follows: "Raws of a general nature shall have uniform operation through out the state, and no special law shall be enacted in am case for which provision has been made by an existing gene ral law.” Pe.tittoner alleges that under tne general law of Georgia, Jurisdiction over county matters, being the same so as aforesaid held and exercised by . respondent as Commissioner of Roads and Revenues. Is vested in the Ordi naries cf the respective counties. 11. Petitioner charge# that restxmd „nt, therefore. r« the user and poaaes slon of said office.of CommisaLuner of Roads and Revenues*, aa -tforco jo, improperly, anu Jh conti avebtlon of said Constitution, sought to b# created, and in the perfoifnance and th* exerqlaa of tha powers by aaid void aot attached to th# same, is wo one'without any author ity ><f. law. WirfinKFortK, PetitUomT pi'.ay* iff TAfr6 iiur%* ®nt frHMIHpII frHRi i*» ' AN* mi» fßpiii wmi gk* m m vfrfr ini § 'fr!M* HfrfVfrHifr 411 ss* T"’'-v m#r m Ilf li - 0f ffURMJNRM HNM9M UfrWi ■•t vto frf' AmmHNRH *»,« f|p»»friim if Hfetfru imi <\*«frffr Ml*# *» l 4frP l A *»’•*« 1 411 Nlm# 000' fr fri -fr# *•# i ts i a* frfrUFk'' itHUlßfr *it Ifr# HpfrMl? ***£ frfrfrptu IfrfrM f °im ifr gdMfrfr? Htoik to bffr «M»»4 wiNto, % «Mfr? tm mmm t#frffr| ftl ¥«* to# -toffrtol toiM top* ito Willi «fri4 WllHtofr WfrKtoto in tm #m»4 fri WHtoli iVfr'to ADul (WCto** ## •*h«i| H# tot-fkkYiito* *to| |sn» #!■ i a • tokMA to lit' HNMN tj»#|M ms to WfrtofrH Hail 9m #«•#»«* *4 tofrtoitHW mm to# HtoA« 9 9m A A fUVTISft Allto m% tm IVtilfraWtoA* ni;atm of mm. a. r. jiwi*om. Nmwsl Ottan M « TM# *liir*M( f tom «»•.,<# HmR Utowk. Tk# <toafk as I#* A. K Ritoeaa *»-• i tofrul MM#* tolfrlA fri ItoNT I) twito, fvtffrtof wf 09mm* »fr 4 Ml Hurt ftHfrto frflfrv frfr \Sm*« (torn mdfr# ia* Mtto Wtifrfrfrll «ttolttofr •§#fr t fr tfr# Vfwt It to to# frf»i tkresgki ka- tow Am*# #*fk*w# niMiito (Kttff frAttofrl ■k'ii #wfrto frtoto In to atlftkl 1 1 t ifrtofrfr tow 4 ■"** “t frfrfwtfrfr T«MB fri Y#to Htof, Ha tltoftotfrfr ffrtoUl » ; # % f«i| lift frfr.! hf | ftfrrwt 111 Aifgwfrto #rrtfrr? frf fH# tfttn) wtitrli kirfftH iritifl* sfrifrc *tow: to*# tofrffrt lfr f frt«fr?toC |*toft fr • toHfr titofrfwl Ah* wa* • dercred ir«*sb#t cf the Cstkcdi' eharck apd died ?a tk# fal a# garaar* at ik«- ctward which awsitrn kef Mra. li inaoa *»• th- ««at of Mra Jem#* Daly dtod a sieter of Mr P M M ilb-t n Ahe tore# of her nmeed tat# ftatlly ikre# daaykteis sad oa* •oa—Mrs. M. ('amer at Charlestoa Mis. John 1 Cokto Jr., and M aa Ne i Aitaacn. cf this city, and Mr Pat Arp sen. .o whom la extended th# sympa thy of many friend* ia their asd loa* Th# funeral occur# at 4 o’ekek thl# afternron from the Sacred Heart • THE Lt.OISI.ATIiRE. ' What kk'a# Done in That Body Th » .Morning. |A|Kclal to Th# H#r*ld. | .>! Atlanta. Ga.. D*c. 13 —The H.iqre voted a slo.Ob’i appropriation to the Textile Department School of Technol ogy. I The ectlon of wnsierday in defealing ifhe Blalock tax toll ard In rnmnuittlng the Hell bill for Ike assessment of rail road property to ihe crmmlUttß on j way# and means, was reconsidered. I A bill wa* passed allowing ihe sUte. *s owner of the Northrentern railroad, to be sued in certain ease#. HE4 SECOND TRIAL. The McKenzie l» the Boat She Was Cracke I IJp to Be 1 Philadelphia. Pa.. Dec. 13.—The sec ond trial of the torpedo host Macken zie was had yesterday afternoon over the new government course, on the Dei# were river, below Wilmington, the little craft averaging a speed of 20 11-100 knot* for two hour#! ON THE WA\. The Presidential Train Pulls Out From Washington. Washington, Dec. 13.—The train bearing the. President and cabinet and a party of distinguished people left the City this afternoon over the Southern I railway. qpN nr*. R. -I- Bright Dead. : Washington, Dee. 13.—Mra. K. .T. 1 Bright, wife of Col. Bright, sergeant 'at-arms of the United S-tates Senate, died in Washington today. | Personal. Mr. E, B. Kirk, of Paducah, Ky., Is at the Planters. Mr. L. B. Tarver, of Stillman, Ga., is at the Planters. Meaere. L. Higenstelo, H. G. Steam land G. F. Coveil, of New York, are at the Planters. Mr. n. N. Grant, of Norfolk, Va„ : is at the Planters. ! Mr. W. B- Sklrviti. of Bt. TjOulb, is at the Planters. Mr. A. S. Hawes, of Bordeaux, S. C., Is at the Planters. Mr. W. J. Hatcher, of Atlanta, is at the Planter*. Mr. h. T. Tabter, of Waatington, D. ! c., is at xh« Ptonters. j Mr, John 8. Ajllatonyof Redigi-BW, 3. C., 13 at the Planters. Mr. Eiz.e Cushman and wits, of Aik en. 3. C., are at the Pianters. Mr. T. J. Decries, of Aew.-k Tslasd. S. si the Riant era. HORRIBLE NARRATIVE Thto VII# Tr#itmtont of Friar# by Filipino#. Catot «| Ikm • tiftfel It HmU! aM <Hfcm tltiiftkM, • (M>a<a>e*w» I ,»#»sre«H mt Mto A«mm to Ik* Ua<mM toUA fTfrfrrffrffr. itoto . Mr. **• Tfrto A# ;: i k’to (totwpMMMwi at tk# Ktog Rtog i Fvws# ««»■* ik# d#s<*ils at ik# to— a I tot Iree'srewi at <k» IVtafW Bkd tokee ' RlMßio rtttmtm* Of tk# I*#•'*#•!• lia ia* #yu*fi awri at tk# Itdawd at lam mawtl itok# wk« «#*• t**t et Agslkaiiiki to at sack tk# #Mto* ai tk# ettteto# kwttk at Itokaa #*#t a i*pirt to kto tki*4 fkal k# kad bftmgkt tk# #Ml># **<ttew (sided e*topkd#«v ttoder ik# tdtotfxM at tk* Flßpttoas, Leyk# Bstottaß# Ik# twfdtww a* on# kwadtwd frflfr I 3R#- js4 » . fxMM f f i#fl frfrfr lfr f H*frMk §tffr_ AM nr frfrfrfr tokfr wktollfrfto toil fc frf frifr, frfrfr frrvtffrvlv frfr4 Alvnr frfrfr WM Afrf# m4 l •! 99m **** Til# finifra inmfrwurtut nuilfrfr (fcfrl fu»n* Hfrfrfliifrlk iiwrri# M»t emm* ito# 1 t iwfrf if |#fv!fr|# friftoNilfrfr * Giiflklii^ frfr4 frfr'Vkkffrt tiifrffrfr tk# mtrfrfrMNNlfrfrl Nwlrfr toltll tltoffr lirknt *ol Hfrfrfr «»fr in ifr# to. ri4 #01) ft*> ai 1f $1 TH# tifrllvfrfr tofrf# fofHHklfrn to r#f»*l«*i tk# fttaiw *a* a*#l*ta»*' During ' It* grrdtmt tugrrieg whit* haagtna Its p, , p ,| sailed, is ik* ktiralng #aa. Cb irn sa<* native* supplied them .•nd and water One aged frier was dared spou a kora#'* saddle and jumped up»n until th* blond poured fro a lit# mouth «nrt aos# Another 1 .ghrei on e la a rala rosl. was r#' • rR-d to triumph for two hundred yard# end th#a < udsled to death amid savage rrtew Nuns ia th# convent wet# subjected 10 the ysi *haxt#l#s# tr#'*tin#fit ** THE WEATHER liter* I# a told Wave Moating Around In Orort i. Fore. #1 for 3d hours ending bp. m . Dec 14. I*#. Washington forecast for Aoulh Par ollcs: Fa.r t* sight snd Wedpreufcir. precede I hv ahcacra on «he coast: cold wav* Washington foreeaM for Georgia Fair tonight and Wrshteadsy: cold wave In Irterlnr tonight. Itoca! fc recast for Angus: * *nd rl rlnlty: Fslt tonight #nd Wedaesdsy . j colder tonight. Th# river at $ a. iu. woa *.6 feel. •4 fill of 0.3 feet In ihe past 24 hours. Decidedly colder weather Its* ocrur- I red over the north contra®, western and northwest portions of the country, resulting rjdn a rapid rls' In pressure in these tuitions. Huron Is 1* degrees • below *#re: Bluma'ch 14 below; St. Paul. S below : Davenport. 2 below, and Omaha, zero. The lowest pressure overlies the New Knglnnd states, where the barometer ,«tands 29.30 Inche*. ! Light rain is falling along the coast from Wilmington to Charleston and , grew at Pittsburg. Clear weather prevails title morning thrai-ghout the Mltutl»»ippl valley and 1 |n all sections to the westward. , The following maximum wind veloc | ities are reported: Atlanta, 28 miles, from northwest; New York city, 12 miles, northwest: Cleveland. 36 miles, north. West Superior, Wls., Doc. 13. nlqht was the coldest of the win (pp _ 2.1 below zero. The weather is clear and snowing. Cleveland. 0.. Dee. IS.—Train# from the East are arriving three hours late I today owing to the heavy snow last j night. The wind is blowing at the rate , of 36 miles per hotis from the north ! west and the temperature is falling j rapidly, SPANISH AFFAIRS. Had rid Believes Our Senate Will Re ject the Treaty. j Madrid, Dec. 13.—1 tis assorted hero j that Premier Sagasta will obtain a i royal decree dissolving the chambers ! before the ratification of the peace treaty. The semi-official Corroo an nounces that Sonor Sagasta before ask ing the Cortes to ratify the trtaty will confer with Scnor Rios, the president or the Spanish peace commission, and has further assterted that, owing to the existence of opposition to lii : treaty, ihl United States Senate 'will ! not confirm it. | A dlHpateh from llclu, Island of Pa inay, reports the situation unchanged. : Gen. Rios, the Spanish command u |There, is preparing to remove the ] Hoops to Mlndenci. Soiree ’ ’ A deiightJui solrea Will bt given at ,lm Library ball tonight. All soldier* i ,-in-clary Invited. FIFTY (DINERS CAUGHT IN A BURNING SHAFT. ! Tffffrr I tylwiat (k«aa4 k| 111 I IttliiM at cm Did lltat • HU»i Hi* Ni Ftffd '#•* Yew k*#**i#n#re I,wad Ikaw I tows am* I toe* is % ary I ml* M«#w Imt ik* »ik#» r*ffi-Atf llwm V *tofad#» to aektog l to# to it* mam to IPs ttadia a# to Wwaawt, trees* I T„ lire If, —» A #*w 1 tfrlfrfrfrfNl fr|l#9 frlfr* ** #!«** HfrC fr 4t j’ f ill wiiikfr Mm 3 frf 1 fc# ir, 4 ifrfr»*# fr I Rfrifrfrmt Cfrfrl frfrfrfrfrMkf. l-fcifrfr Aitfrfr |fM ifrfi frMwfr fr ifrftlfW I -umii frfcfr## Hfrfr Mfr Mfr. frlfr tifrgitofr frfr fcfrtfr km 1 I fcfrl# ||t#k fynfr |(a ffrW»#fr®frtfr ##Mr4 # i *frfr ftlMMfrl S 3 miiffr fri# 1 <Mfrl Nl <JM kfr«flfr Tfcfr »l|>kfriiio mil# «frfrfrfrfl frfr ifr# \ ifrfrNiOfc frf #«•■ flfr»l frltfrf fr %*4 | Nfrfrfc fiffrfr |l #s#• imfrfrlitfrl IfrlTlffy CHANGE TO BE (DADE IN NI'RINLEY'S CABINET. (Srrrriart # Ibr lni#nar Hllw Hi- IWM#4 (• Sgrrflfer Hh I'arMklia ilia Earl) Half Itu Rcslgwalkto to ill toil Be I toned n» FM* I mil lk« Major 1 a* Pkkrd Out Hh (wccior. iiiliiw Dvr, IS. ll I# %frfT j proiTfrhl# it Ml fcttfrfti. Biftfr# frill ifcfr* j i!#r III# rr»!ftnfrt!fra to th* pr#ftifrcmt ia i titort *#hil# Hr fc««* Hurt tfc* stfcf» iinrtrr infislrirrtiimi for *oa*# ttSlfc.! ! h Kmmg It Bfrftmt Dili l*f sfcmilfr . . bfc ftrr to (itvoi l * nor# to al* • NO BONDS ON CANAL Important Amendment to be Made by Berry. No (on sir union (’oni|*anv •" Have Shares of Siock. Ihe House Trying lo Figure on the American Army Washington, Dec. 13. —The Senate today passed s bill Increasing the pen sion of Eleaxir Smith, of New Hamp shire. who Is 100 rear# old, and one of the three survivors of the «v«r of 1812, to S3O per month. Mr. Berry gave notice of an amend ment h* will offer to the Nicaraguan canal bill, providing for the direct ap propriation of money for the construc tion of the canal, and limiting Ihe cost to a hundred and fifteen million*. The amendment provides for the construc tion of the canal by the Maritime Canal company, end'gives the government » Ucn on the property, io be foreclosed under circumstances fully enumerated. Mr. Berry stated that the object of ihe amendment would be to eliminate the bond feature of be bill. Another was to deprlvt the Maritime (.'anal com pany of any shares of sun k, as !u the present bill, leaving tht United States, Nicaragua and Opbtg Rica the only stockholders. The bill authorizing the purchase of a site east of the capital for a build ing for the supreme cout't passed. On motion of Mr. Hay. of Virginia, the House adopted 11 rtsolution calling on the secretary of war for Information as to what towns iu Porto Rico. Cuba and the Philippines were required to be garrisoned, how many troops were ntcessarv and how many soldiers were needed for the United States proper. DEFERS 10 WHEELER Private Lindsay’s Death Sentence Hade Life Imprisonment. Washington, Dec. 13. —The President today accepted the recommendation of Gen Wheeler and commutod ta im prisonment for life the sentence of death imposed: by court martial upon Private Lindsay, of the Tenth cavalry, at Huntsville. Texas Steer and Katie Putnam to morrow night Mr, J , W. Johnson, of £v'*n.:Vtae. Indw-hMU-xha Arlington Texas rheer—Kitti' Putnam a* BlWssy tun',"!.'" night. *•* fry# tamtam ] PlANTffrfr •tffrtofrkl It»#NAND MV inch * Hank *^.**fwto, • * ' -- * a f frfrNf fr’frk fcfrfr#f| frl I frlfr frfrfrfrfrk | Ttk# Vtffcfcfr# frNfrfrfr frf Ifcfr fcyigfii I frfrfr f ttfrlNHl 900 Ifrtfr Ifcfr frif frfrwt ffcfr frfcfcfcfr .: Ifr»«ifr frnfrkfrifrfr ifrfrfrukftfrffrff f*«friW 199*. 111# frfr fr fcfrfcrilffrkl fr#*# fri mm% In ifcfr Ifrifcfr «t ffcfr CNfcfr frf Ifcfr frtfrNfc fffrlt frfrfr*fcfrtf frf ffcfrfr# fr#* frdVfrfrfrUNfcf Tfcfrfrfr 90m liijk »|ifr< Nfrffr -frflWfrif Ita Btonk»* pat* at tk# aua# Ta*»», MMfrß* ifr fc* mm fcfrfpt «$f »•#■■■ fri fr® frfcfr jfrty M> tqfrfr ffrf||fr#fr frfr ffcfr W* : 4’fcilf ffrfrf tfcfr frfrfcNNf« Hfrfrfrfcfr-, §m4 ffcfrlfr frffr fcfrfrfrfiNfc# *** ffrfrfr •frflll , frfcirfc Nifrfrl fc# Vfrfc'ffr •#»•# N##w»fr ifcfrf '. fr# fcfr ffrfrf fc«Mi % fc frfr frf #4 frfcMi frr# fr**fNtlktf ’••^lfrfrt*' *ty to max#* <Mt* *wnie#4#*. Tktnr ; gfcfTfMMfr ••fr# frf ffNMfcl tafrrfrfrftf frf tfc# |frf#%(fr> fc#frf frf Ifr# fcfrfNlfrfr *fr#r* ll It rnitifrti’r ifcfrl tfc# ifrffrrffrf frf ffcfr mm# • mi Mmlfcfr tfcfrnfrfc fti tfc# pfmmn* tlffr# flMfr ffrfrfrfrf fc# fr####* | ffrtfrfrf lit* reelKMtini, It ru <>• •HI mu be 4oe In tbe UIM lo tv dlfler nr» »Hh the pres, dent or My t|Mt other *»«■' Id Mr. Hllm' i>, tint* mr for purely private p -iettl «a** >iit. to i outti- ur luafpf I* o®i*t At •eeretary of thr itltrMr At (hr uw h< entered the • iMM. it waa said n>irl «|rlt% hr did tot laienri to atm out th» torn of four ~ u. |),it in retire at tmtt fitting op port unit.' It la p »»u»•<! tar <>tti< ta snnmmor nrnt win not t* .pad until thr pretM drnt lt< < hnarn Mr Rllaa meet TWILL 3E A GREAT GAME Tenth Ohio Va C. L A. Nttl Friday Night Already the game scheduled for oast Friday night as the a: more between thr C L. A. and the Tenth Ohio J raira la the aole topic of convert* UM ! aj-nng ludtHtr baseball tranks and a l i oat exciting con tret la promised. I The nacaycticnt hava, ihanlta to the I officers and mm of thr Eighth Penn- I ylvania provost guard, aectired thr armory amt completed .vi nngetneats i whereby there who. oaring to lack of -renting facilities, were put u> the in* convenience of standing during the laat game will he rnrniahed with sent*. to their heart* content. Both team* hare been atrengthened conaid emhly. and on account of both having eon a game. It la an asuurnd fact that the boys on both aides will strain ev -1 cry nerve to land tbeir own team it I r inner. The Tenth Ohio Band of thirty-two i pieces, under the leadership of Pro fessor Msston, have very kindly con sented to favor those attending with a concert. The program will be an nounced later. It Is eapeclnlly urged that tvary on# dealring to attend will be on band before K: IS o’clock, so as not to miss any part of the night’s j program. Judging from the attendance and en thusiasm of last week’s contest, the game on Friday night will exceed all previous estimates. The division of seats will be arranged In order that the followers of the Tenth Ohio will occupy one side of the hall. while the other side will be turned over to tbe adherents of the C. L. A. The fair sex and their escorts will have a sec tion to themselves Remember the game begins at 8:43 sharp. Admission for gentlemen. 23c., ladies 15c. Rehearsal Tomorrow Night of the f’pera /dens. There will be a rehearsal of the op era ‘‘Zclena’’ tomorrow night, Wednes day. and all (hose taking part will please meet promptly at the Library Hall. The opera will be presented the tirst week in Jannary and all are ur gently requested to be on hand. The opera will be quite a musical treat to ■Vugustans, and a number of the sol diers will lake part In the production and a detachment of slxtren soldiers from Camp Mackenzie will appear In the great ttnale of the first act. The costumes worn will be magnificent, and there will he catchy music, pretty girls and crisp comedy. The opera bids fair to be one of the hits of the season, Tickets will be cn sale shortly, and the soldiers have already become greatly interested. All tin? borts have been spoken for and no isn’.bt the opera house will be packed f'uKhw details wjjl appear iarei The Herald wIU keep all who are interested In the op era posted. Much success to.“Zelema." 1 fr. , Thursday night.