The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 13, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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TUESDAY 4 THE AUGUSTA HERALD ***** •»»***•»# »*«*»* ***** g« Mil *• : . - T ZZZ MR SSlfSPTtrrr ssr ,- . ", «• fto RkMMNtoftMh* %*••*»' ft r „r *•— M Nrt iHhAr# '-***« ampmmmm i - 4 jjjg | n« maid i-miMi* tOt A lU. MM) Ttlt* MftftALD hi flttirt -r* HaM 4»a##A <**#• In gn*HNHMM"«A< Iks ttsMtofi <s•*«# S' I » :.»r* as. * • gttosA In M*» n *l* t*» Me*#*# M*to* OtotsM— -** »*• In f l fll -fl !*■ ‘ lk> *Mto>4 €%**»•* |* *,« TaHl OK#"”WM <«*» M W fc**' INt* »m 4Nk A* to— Mail F., ■*» <k)IM l* *>4 T*» MM <w IMHk »U»<W *l*4 ntaa4< •«! ■ • Mia h» «*• »** »# ik» H». ttoto* <*• MM) JIM iktncsll kM. Atol Mint Ihi»i Vitk |M waMto, W* k*-1 Aik Ms. Tito t*. • ■ A. parMwiar! Th* fnml Qmrria i» im. M h fkk H-Col Ms, 1. Mry»k. Ko«, ft) topiliw fur th# Pn.Miki'» Hok«« Nik from Han Tmnrlarw on On#. li “(Ip' i upon Picqu*rt j»IW lA* Tfi# rnmirsmV r ; n • kl*f will rult* ;ho troop* AMou) IITfikOO- turned too## le An atm a today. floa t 4*lny la procuring your flag* «to Imaila*. Matt Quay romaa out on top aa uaual in thr flrat round A toMlar for «a<*b oar thousand of ttg, aaya Central Milan. Th# rarord of Hlr Joseph Parory. allaa "Holy Jo#.” la a moat anaavory The proAta of th# gambling room* at Oat#nd la.t year wrrr »eveu million fraara. , There la to b# fro# rntry to f’hrlat maa present# In Cuba. Porto Rtro and th* Philippine*. Th#r# la to b# a public Investigation hHo thr charge# of oownrdlo* n*alnat lb# Sawmty-iral Naar York. Thr London human skeleton market la ovemtorked with ap#rlm#n* from th# dervish alaln of G#n. Kitchener. Th# foreign Christmas mall entarltig New York ao far thla year la thr largest m th# hlatory of (h# nervier. Secretary llrator. of th# N#w Or leans Cotton Kxchunge. has U*#n re elected for thr ttoonty-ninth eoosecu tlvr year. A "matrimonial chair,” to Inatruct m how to gracefully and becomingly get married, la th# latent at au lllinola university. A Wilkcsbarr# Judge, bccorolug tired of cotnmltlug a persistent wife bealer lo Jail, gave him a totmd thrashing the other day. Our compliments to RecoriV er Baxter. Will the ease of the two darkles who found the bottle of medicine over In Carolina yesterday, divided It. drank and died, lie a warning to the too In quisitive to let strange bottles nlone? Our friend Mllledge Lorkhert will probably know a continuous six-day bicycle race the next time he meets one. His wus the unpleasant task to report the weary rounds of the hag gard. wild-eyed, half delirious, miser able participants, for the New York Time*. Senator Murphy of New York has nt out determined to retire from poli ces at the close of his term. Mr. Mur phy hue long desired to make 8 trip around the world, and will probably start next spring, taking Mrs. Murphy with him. Mr. Murphy is SI years old, a man of culture and education, and has a fortune of something like yi .<K»o,oo«. ■HWMM MAN HU •**#** tvssMMi nt stossas##'#*'** flg tk* AnwvA I rn*mmm €91400090 m a ww*!** 1 • #hmh f t&m *mo49 *# Up* 0009 Wftf III I * 9mm*rn ; &mtm #* Wmtomm* ••uni \ m IMPci # MP «P* mmmrn tMt is#*** *M*H*4|> 4lil ofMtffcWpt* 1 ** A** IIIH* *P *•*' * ■mfiirr # »i# H* !»«■•»*» I ft <M*4 m IS** •*** J mg*. 0 IMI «S* ***** [ SMS iWpt'S INN* S SNMMS iWMS HmSm# [ MNi##n*n* vMMMI <#fii'i#li*i Nmpw vlMm* I N m H iSwwNI $m 00 omm m&m* *i j sas *•*<• ss*** •** I imi *im * In lS**N t&m Is mmm* * I mmm, sS» ni is* *nsss*s ** sss mmmm, n hinnnS imnmi ss Snni *•** I •nnsnM'**# * s* | w 4 tm 009mmm* •** H* i , »~s** ■?:. %h** -$ n m is** *•**•***» I |p Mlmm* "Mr ftskk. tm Al • ■na. ap «f tA* ! 0 Up )Si4ys*<SMA p»f*'p •ip* > iMis.. s*k *9 n#* spins, T+mm . i<Mt 4 IflMk 9H9 liSfiP* *• 100 NNP # dßAhtlf phNMMi I*4 *S# f «§ 0m OHiiTini prips *►** f S*n Sf l input 0 pss s w p mnnS* pi* Sp*s p* . t wm m fkwaidawl wf tAa AaMi# ;«f ib# I adH tAaiaa. *4Mbl w. «• Nr :: •MMUWbtrtkn* to I Art > AWlll. Aw4t WMk. o.Aitrtu tA* Matbaaa of gaar ripm p*f**4M of W'AwA Aaw AarA ■ bw liNf-Ww ywar*. •* »• «M ikM lA# #Aot#A raa—<4 ntm m •#«wM Mm. grrtatiy or «• isaM'sa. lifcal r#H#r« apw> Ha Aotaar, l»aa««ar A, ' lx.igar mat aM*a aa*a*»ra Aa*# : ttPIfSPNI Pi ISP fIPP 0 IS* *IIW *■* ibay HMarrd to —ggan «to^rtai» i . ,t ( n|Mi »jiaia)tT*T «f tb# rbatvb - ' i_u imratj k suit, wbtrb 414 aM af [ f, ,# ib# *>##)«» of oar ftota *# »* ! r#by gif. (Ala aaaai .o< * TAa* if t tb# a**al*. Ay afftrawitv* otka. da* ; rfataa tAal <A# ya.iaa of lAa AiH »aa ! ,|a# la aarA wlalaadtaa awteatoau »• •111 |gb# tAa proper alapa to Aara tfca tailr* laawat rrtaadrd ta lAa aotfam* pat HoU#r« K llararor*. (tor ret ary of th# CoOaga of Buhopa" A MIUIIAAU LITTM I That »aa aa Imaocla.tle aad ra maihabi# le«#f pal4l#A#4 la TA# fNa rtay Herald u«d#r the Aaadiag Ho4#tra j War la a Helene* " Thr Camp Mar kenxl# oScrr llliiatratea the qoeetlen moat forcibly la the tfeam eagloe alm it.e. He aaha If the modrra railway 1 raanaaemeat. with alt the atrldea la ataam aagtoeerlog and loi uaardlvr bolldlng In the parat thirty yeare. would entrust tha Uvea of their patrons «i 4 me property of the company to an [ iitoMliT —r who had left hla calling thir ty year, ago and alner engaged In other and different pursuits? / Moat cartatnly not. The old engin eer would hardly know the intricate | sod romplleatrd loromotlvo of today. Yet thr llvea of the volunteer# eol dlera In e:imp and liattlr have been an imated to tbe care es ofllcera no better I fitted to run th# army machine. 1 Th# offlr#r right .y Halms that no (future wara ran have thr duration of thoae paat and that wr muat be pre- I pared. He Halm* that pagennta. surh L a Augusta la shortly to wltaraa. the [review of th# aoldl#ra, are worse than uaelraa for practical purpo««»;that ke#t»- : mg at#p in ualsoo and keeping unbro ken lines look well, but before the modern Infantry rifle they prrsent a 'target that would disappear as mist be fore the morning sun. A political Congrres Is at fault for rthe present system, which has caused !our people to rise up nnd demand an ■nvestlgatloe. To the men, the heroes of San Juan and Kl Cauey. all honor— It la the system that I* at fault. The deduction drawn and lesson taught. Is that war la a science and as such, must be studied The army has not kept pore with the strides of the navy, and "pre-his torie barnacles, keeping step, well dressed solid lines, and smooth execu tion of the manual of arms are not the essentials Of modern warfare.” AH ADVAHCE IH FBICKS. One argument, advanced hy a corre spondent in yesterday's Herald to the effect that the recent advance In Col ton prices, might mnke the mill man agement a little more chary of carry ing out their throat of shutting down all of the mills on Dev. 24th. seems to he born out of the news from the Northern mills. Prices of cotton goods are advancing and the prospects are better than for months past. The treasurers of all the big Lowell. Lawrence and Manchester mills ore unanimous In their belief lu stilt higher prices. We sincerely trust that these views will be Immediately verified: that In stead of a notification of shut down on Christmas eve, the glad tidings will be sent forth that some equitable and amicable arrangement has been per fected whereby the operatives will re turn to work and the management re joice !o the prospect of profitable pro duction. This would Indeed make n glorious and happy Christmas dev tn Augusta TB® -ATTQT7BT.A. HKHALD MM rMaxwawra MMH*A f x** a*• wwtamito iW’Oa *A#* a##A* * w4«t tsm opm NK-Ni 99m ****** * H ftnnMl 0* «>| s4* !'%.:X|aM|§ mmmk #%| I(4* 1 , r mtr in mtm % |nnn*. ****** *m Mi «m ft tug* • §09 990 *9mmo H In MpMTik *mrn m* i4* *m* O|N TiHiWil mtt, 4M> .»«» 0 9mmi twaill Isl Nttil pfWN **-4 ; ; 99 t|># mm9om9 0 III* *lo* ,0 • ()}*• MtUNil*#. a am csturaAi mi m tat (tiiMit •9 rat gnu *f%o* li Ml rlMfltf M*i** mmrUtf 14* •Ml 0 14* Mill* iNli MMI 14* 9P»9* : 0 A 0009 *4ftft 14* P'***»»*J Xmi li** Nf 14* litll* rlHiffi 4 , WmM KM TM* 0H099 ItMMflk ***9 4 i4wmMM» j m 0 0 tori ft* 14* Mil MrK 9il\ 90 CMilf fIMMMI • (PWMM #*Al 0 M***** 9«ift 00 |»1f»IIMi HI t4* 4*f* 9mtrm* : Nt I** mt lift |»*tr I •!!! (N**4l •• t th' | wilMl* 0 *»f 009 0 *0999 ; cTawb aM law Mertaa* to tAa iHUa rbiMraa a# that groatag and ynyatoa* A Mg watw Aall ■MI yNaty aI light aM at weir and n Ala Xnu ttaa lei #4 a HA thmge ao 4rnr ta tb# A#arta of | uniat rb»»4r*M Mil f°r * lti| ItM* Ml i 4i*( Mil* 14* rMU4r*f» flf f4* ftlHhi ■ happy and rang with pl#a*ar# TAa ! orrnaloa (M Inrk lb# btoiatifal l#a -1 ana of Christ'# birth, of tb# OoapH of I rrart and Good Will, and at lb# ease# i titan bring Joy aad happln##* t<> many , Hundred llttla heart# that otAnrwln* woo 14 ha raat down la glooto «n th# <#m of rbrtnt'e antlrHy. l#o lb# good | p«opl* nnd tb# happy and aaom proa , prroua rhlldma of Aaguatn all roo ! tril'Ut# th#tr abate to tha rawaa of a I Mg Xau trnn and a happy Xoaaa for | tha rhtldr#« of tha wllla. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE I aaw th# eun rise th# other roorn ! Inc For arvrral y#ara 1 bar# thought ! «>f Inviting myaHf to that g<«rg#>»ua j apvclacl# of nalur# hut t-nuld n*v#r [manage to all up quite that tale. II | #■• worth watting for, however, tn a## iH rta# among th# purple f>w>thlll» of th# 1 Htu# Itldgea which mnb# North Georgia In verltahl# tempt# of Hyg#ln. The l*t» j i.f rrtnpm and gold melted Into tb# ! Hear wblt# light of day ns imperceptl -1 tily na dollara melt Into dimes at a charity fair. Th# ounahln# nentled on the knolls and gradually suffused Ih# side* aa It flowed down towaida lb# lit tle valleys Ilk# lava down th# aide* of n hundred tiny volcano##. Th# dark#r rr-'rasrr below seemed to tremble with very fear for n moment, and then, a* th# whole world liecam# one vaat #x lotns# of light. I undvratood for th* flrat lime the full beauty of the I’salm tat: • Morning Itreak* and the shadow* fl#« away.” When 1 dl# I shall- probably turn In to a sleeping car—l have turned Into them ao often In life—or even fulfil the first line of Tom Hood s llfw— "Hla death, which happened In his berth. At forty odd tiefell; Thr doctor told the sexton. And the sexton tolled the hell." But none of them affoid such luxury of room a# the old Georgia road sleep ers. In no station of life do you wish to feel that any man I* above you, and hast of all In * sleeping car, and thank heaven In the cars In question there Is "no room at the top for other*." In the old time song we used to hear that— " Anortheast wind came from the south And blew old Grimes away"— but It was no more paradoxical than taking the Southern train and going weal. The parallel might be carried further, for you go like the wind, and nightfall found me in the heart of Mla aisalppf. Said heart Is not as warm as ft can didate's greeting Just at present, for the unexpected, and almost the unex ampled, has happened, ami the face of the earth Is covered with snow» There has been some sleighing—not of people who Insist on quoting that cele brated little poem of Watson's, begin ning. "O the snow, the beautiful snow!" but sure enough sleighing in Improvised sleighs, and the young peo ple (who don't have to speak In a dress suit with the thermometer Just a little above the bulb) are enjoying it. Lexington Is a beautiful little city, all of which Is not due to Its mantle of snow. Mr. W. J. Plrltens Is a leading spirit In al! that makes for the uplifting of the city, nnd Is Justly held In high esteem In the community for which he labors so unselfishly. It Is gratifying to find that the people of this section of the south are taking a more hopeful view of the future. The recent advance in the price of cotton has infused new life and hope into them. Thev bellave that this snowfall will send up the price of cotton more than proportionate to the damage that Is doave. The one thing certain is that th# face of the earth Is still covered with cotton, and weeks will vet elans# before It 1# all picked out. ji —ni l 111 tm * 090*0* ** ♦of 9 9mH£ bs*£r- £&u|m *# **«*» to MB* i|N 4MA to** to *Nto* to «'■»■■§( A.*# ttooto I ****** m 9* - W«b4* #MA f ; -to "*"* R4aN| *ll* ll’to **♦*»' **| tan «4* 9*o 0 f4* f*fl w4* 90 ' 4Mf* f*NAIUrM I, HAT9I4 OEtjROU NEW.V TA» Ntona attoto toaotry at Altoav lertoutoy a town a •«** ago, aa4 has ato ato## baao h#ar4 too. J, C. toetohrenba, a M*r*t»«n • wmty fans#- slats# that b# fslsrt bO hash »A«f Stubs >« «to# *<*# H* Odd ansn# to tAsttt to Atlanta fat $1 a hoab*t» Kaadetsvi’l# Il#tal4 * A car to av#f sstsatws too# to coal *>• twdwd thla »e»b and neighed oat OMrtr tb mot alvrt Ar# the## east ntow? Th# g*nd#r*vtll* ts-raid thinks tha lagtsdator# did nsst endear Itself to tb# ponpls to lA# stats akra It slashed tha selinto Nad to tb# egtOStt of Rtoto*. Aa Amerlcus man has rvcetvad a tot ter containing ten dollars He la won dering If It I# a itortstma# prawn* aa h* does net know from whence It came. tn th# cane to Key. T. I! Tu#n*e va. th* Fulton Its pi let church in tha city court »f Macon, for Ms unpaid salary, the preacher »aa given a verdict for |ls*. The Bandeisvtlto Herald saya there la profit In raining all the cotton we ran manufacture h*fe In the aowth. but the growing of T.MO.flto bale# for export is ||hat hurts. The Marietta Journal hellevaa the farmers can aell all the cattle and hoc# that they can rata*, as there la a good dtmand for both. Cattle are scare#. It aaya tn Cobb and adjoining counties. The Horae Swapper#' convention tn Cuthfaert was not very largely attend ed. Several quadrupeds, on the square seemed ripe for trading, and thla »i« the only vlslWe evidence of th* con vention. . Gene Cromer, the convicted murderer of llsmp Sutton, has been tried fi>r lu nacy at Montexuma and sent to tbe asy lum. Cromer »a# sentenced at the re cent session of court to serve twenty year* in tbe penitentiary. Sheriff J. W. Nelms of Fulton countv declares he Is not afraid of the county commissioners' threats, and In an In terview takes the responslMlty for the recent escape of the mocotahlneri from Atlanta’s new Jail upon himself. The new mill which the Forsyth Manufacturing company la building at Forsyth, (It.. 1* nearing completion and will soon be ready for business. It will contain «.M0 spindles. Thla will give the Forsyth mill 12.000 spindle# on hosiery yarns, warps and piled yatna. The Calhoun Times contend# that the fanner* of Georgia have a splendid chance for making money and even growing rich. To demonstrate. It aa'y* mi. Jim Smith a few years ago went to work In Middle Georgia without a lent and now works 450 hands on 50.000 acres ot land, and Is worth a million dollars. Will Mitchell, arrested at Blberton for Illegal traffic In whiskey has gone Into a trance which ptixles both ofllcera and physicians. He was sent home and there recovered. When rearreated the trance returned and neither drastic medicines or the lash had any effect. The authorities don’t know what to do with him. A Colquitt county farmer planted an acre of cane this year, from which he made 500 gallons of syrup. For this syr up he found ready sale at 15 cents cash per gallon .this netting him seventy five dollars. It would have taken ten acres In cotton to* bring seventy-five dollars, and he would have raised no profit, while the greater portion of the money derived from his cane crop was clear profit. The Georgia farmers appear to have learned something. The Monroe Adver tiser says: “The hog and hojniny rais ers are not worrying : over the low price of cotton.” The Arlington Courier says: "Unless signs and seasons fall there are not going to be any short provision crops in this section in 1*99 ” The Ir wlnton Bulletin savs: "More wheat will be raised In Wilkinson county next year than during any year In the hla tory of th* county.**. ; s®i ##♦*?»* mm *■*»_*« ■* ***Wf m i * 0 JJ** A * '' i "J *099 0000 H!* #•** 0 4* ■*•**■% *l** t** ■ retototb 99 «mi 9mm9m mm «»***• rnmmm ■ |m in| +*,4 *m4 f* * m> * '*mmt w * -* *•«* • * *** • mmrn -Mtoef As# *" m f • I ilnjTr.j. Tm*** j IN m «%» j *99 VTtigiTf mTKmmm pßWpil i ! Am • 9*** 9* *o* . ' ammm 9*o* 9 *9O -o*o '*ooo* ft* 000 -A# * < *»■-# 1344% 4rrm4L h m*m99 T«M 0 9 ! f)lt 99*99 4r»nf r»[|i>4 900* tI •<«** ■ !'■%» 9m*9 m •*► •»%* 904 mm m* f • i Mir *t smtm m4m4199 •4* 990 ll* m •iiawnt cMMrtdht cmr 14* M4N|*rt# tn miming rMW* ,I*9 INI Imb raft? mmtrw rlbliUllfti (ft |rtfti t4* |?%f VlMcftl 9m ’ f*sl him M n vtry Nrai ftf** it C4fft" UOO BmwiiHair %**» m4H 441 *nm*M*' wtraHn i ml ih+ I h*m9r* mntom 9 ' trtftlft 094940 0 tiwTtwy mm* htm The •«"«" 2T‘to .to feted • very large pvw«ni*ge *g to# raeelpta, but. O, deaf. #o* th# wily 1 "* | median waait't »•» A# caught by any 'such chaff that. H* Instated ..n a lumn 1 sum. regardless to receipt# TA# sum was guaranteed.' the cont*4cl signed. The rumellaa rum# tn town, and atroll ! ing. as if by chunce. Into the •"’> offt *. Letted how th# house was selling. •m»,” said the tk-hcl aeltor. V» s*dd every seat In the h-use ten days ago j The comedian’s lilotid bolted, j "Would/' autd he. to hlmaelf. "Oh would that I had accept'd the peycen [ls|r. It would have been doubts what 1 get now.” It was too lata, however, to rely on 'simple wouldlng to change matters. *o 'be si.ught the torwiwst attorney of Ut# |town, showed him th# contract and ex )present hi* deair# to break It. and abide ■by the customary percentage plan- B*- i fore the attorney would consent to ex ■ press an opinion th# quest lon of fee came up, and the comedian banded him jtSM. The man at law look the con tract and examined It. j "My dear atr." said he, "that contract jean't posatMy be broken, I drew It up myself.” j I don't know what the temperature of Cleveland, according to the government I report. that day, but In the neigh jhorhood of that comedian things fairly slxsied. The police have Jailed eight white (men Columhu*. They were tramps who : had Just rented a room in a factory i hoarding house for the purpose of art ; tllng there and working the town. A I small theft on the part of on* of itnl members led to the discovery of the gang. Borne of the men begged, other* were cripples, others stole. i A company composed of Ohio capl j tallst* has bought nearly everything I in sight In the way of good mine# and [mills around Pahlonegs The properties . In question represent 4.#71 acres of min eral lands In the immediate vicinity of tUihlonegn .the hulk of w hich is gold bearing. There were $5,000 In revenue . stamps on the document by which the legal transfer was made. j The title often sells a book and It Invariably catches ihe American i heiress. * Scott’s Emulsion of Cod- I liver Oil with Hypophos ! phites is pure and palatable. For years it has been used for coughs and colds, for con sumption, for those whose blood is thin or colorless, whose systems are emaciated or run down. For children it means health and strength, stronger bones and teeth, and food for the growing mind. Baby gains in weight and thrives when Scott’s Emul sion is added to its milk. sec. ands i.oo, all druggists, scorr & BOWNK, Chemists, he* York. For The Soldiers! ••filiation Gauntlets D##>.?t Hat* Officers* Hats Flannel Shirts Woolen Sweaters Rubber Coats Corps Badges Military CUFF BUTTOKS Swords and Officers Equipments Uniforms to Order Overcoats to Order DORR’S 718 BROADWAY 718 “Good Ta»lc ArpwH” ? Everything r i To Pick From i 1 i X Christmas S S Gift*, / i Am***'c «MH «• fftfl lWi C / |b» |«* «Ml HiJ»ft *4 ft'jUßitft 4 / Keep Your \ \ Appointments / Aftd Nra y«mr '4*-» ****' 4 a 1 OQ? Itoiv. * iltolfft At WHl>|, 1 c. c \ ttrißvtftft Mlftdftliia. J / ileiaeder Dm Chjhi 7 S X# BROAD 4t. / \ /tori S#o <t u* .«Put N € \ For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and If ices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B, White's new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 ,t 2 Library Building. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF KENTI'I KV Absolutely tn« ome.-taHe Poitou'S Prom pat# of I■*»!«. Largest Dividend* - - - - Lowest Premiums Solicitors Wanted: call or writo H. It STKIM'R, hpesiM Agent, 41(1 flyer Building. EACH DAT SEES THE- Hi^)^ 0W ' % DAR» SUnTmONITUC |\/<^^b|THO , PHI [sat i r 5 I 6 ~1 9 »Q H 112 i 3 14 15a .16 ijr_ YSTI9 26t2it22 23 2-4 ~23Tae g Y\zS[zs^ 3o!31 OrrfMWTR 13 Tie lest BeastiTil Lto«w of Ihw ftotg# HAND PAINTfeD f *g( ’.igtoatoi sfttot4asay lies W tftoi C*t|f« »ft mtorto* t ut* e * me nniar of tu**t «se«%o§. ifh'B o OwHtoLfgf til | Ink §<o,oo tor top lo orueuc: Jg tow* Ghpaoh for §§. t» c- • toOOkie end tH# cm c 4to tbvat Ow token to tie a s*fyrec to led, t A. Gardette, Oruggtst 1 N«vf a line of very hoo CtftUSflWn'l Dn|kfft| ams Traveiiinf Camm, *n*i low P f,cto for lf*e QwOMty moo itylf of ROOdS. L A Cardelle. Druggist. PROF. f. M. WHITMAN, fOf 7(1 St# A«(!**. '**• •mtt rail m rrsn t* *• « 9****** *9m powpot •ftoooMß *OO WmM* •AW|Nk «stare» FRFE OF CHASUC JzJKzl osar a »m as—— COAL and WOOD ——-rpOM THE— North ▲ tip vita Coal ft Sopplj Co f w scofield/president Msti Fa<«- -t*4 **#■■»•#• Wa Easmu’s KODAK! We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your want*. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Ricbards & Star, 827 Broad St, City. Paine, Murphy & Co. Ct'UMtoSION HKKCHANTO. 803 Heiiclds £t=-T£lepboiie i SfeU.-.n* I (its!# i.rased Wit#* * ii#ct to sta Vets CtiKsfO sod Na* Orlvans. Order* executed over our wire* foe Colton. Stock*. Bond*. Oraln and Pro. vision* fur rash or cm margins Local set j Titles bought snd sold Rel#r#ncst* —National Exchange Hank to August* or MertrnU* Agenctra. FOH SAIjE. Number 22 Tdfalr afreet—Four roam house —Lot 40x150 frat. Ten acre* pf land on ’he Sand HlUa. near Hotel JJon-Alr. Dwelling of 12 momi. stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Thn e small houses and lota on Band Hills. Will sell separately or all. at a bargain. 87 Acres of land near Wrlghtshoro road, one mile above city's new water basins. 60 acres of land near MilledgevUle read, seven mile#'from court house. AI’PLY TO Clarence E. Clarftc 832 Broad Street. NEXT! Z4M-T beg to notify mv friends and customers that I have t. d’’ l l another chair to my Barber Shop, making stx first-class Barber*, and I hope to accommodate my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BA.THS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop sl2 & 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.