The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 13, 1898, Image 5

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TUMOAV (The Eternal Fitness | sat.Syftaße sk ; 8 IflOf Ml ton*, rtf**** m WRMnt to tw» , I ZKLZiASi C i fgH 4ft#f# t*t§ MffT **4» ilg» I $1.25 SI.OO | j Misses' Children’s; | Over itfi tlwuUfJ a*in ao-4 In 90 Jays md J 1 fiat gm i&i#W »§#"**! v & ftnufiibf \ | 3S!w: I **pTio *«* **. | j - - aa m - - mm • mm • »A* DR. HENRY J GODIN, »fi *.| Ptf»*t, mm 4mm #to«w* W»»iato’ H«M, I AIIIST Dti*El-O*»nHKTS to iln Ur*)l«»» C mm Srrm to mt Drtyto Par'* Bar. II - Tto Mto ****>• lyaffiii #> th* linffw await all 4**4 la tow o * lava to* awl iMtoWt «**»- Mm la Kr*#r# la *#4ct?toto4iy aaatiaa to Ills #s4# ■ Tii# (Li M.nii of tL» n»tir iif ftiift' tiub •Ilk’ll **l £**»** tfc# PSrqmiT leimmrml iMMmiMf. I* • itic Wot to tii# MitUftiy y til# •tt# f opt to dNfcrt-*! t !»!• •fMwwt bat bIN ft #?«r flihil iflll-ffvhi* 100 organ# iltltt ogolnrt tbt «§##*B»<*® a# o JtwHHol «*•!» O #l*t. but Ra ml fiwpu# !• f*#M* #f** f ••*' r * Clrrat effort* |W bflui mml# to lICBrt fVou*rt’» pr«#t#U»no! mlm##. bat th* court of rUiglOß fcUMI 80 PO#tf tO Of 4*r 1C Aa Mittprljuaf l»n»«gUt. Thor* ara to* men ■to*'* *l4* a**kt and aattrprUln* than Hnaird A toll* I*| who >|>#rr go i■ ■ ■;»* to •#'lll** tg# UP! of #vt rytblgg i» th#lr Its# tut tg^ir many cuat..mrr* Tlw-jr n«w have the valuable a* iwy tor Ur. KmU »* Dto 'ery tor Conanm.tkm CyuO* and (’ >l4*. Tbia la tto aronAartul raw* ady that la j>r»du«ln« *»(•» a rumr *ll ,. t j , ( .,, un iry hy ita many atartlin# •■urea K ahautotely cure* Asthma. Urunthlti*. H *r<*»»* and alt affee . . i u. T j, ( , ,*trea and Ldul*. Call at ab"ve drug *('■■• and gel a total botile tor 10c. or a regular alae tor » rent* and |l M. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Judge Van Wyck Hcauntea Practice New York. Dec. 11. —Augustus Van Wyck. after fourteen year*' aarrlce on *he supreme court benrff. haw reminded .he practice of law. and ha* taken of fice* at 14V Hioadway. He a'llt out card* yeaterday annotMiclng the fact. Mr. Van Wyck ha* no partner. He "aid ■naterday: ”1 *tippo*e It may be aaUI that I atari anew In boelnena, but l am n excellent health, and determined to work hard.” Freeh Velvet Molaeaes Candy at Clark's. RELIABLE to DIAfIOND5 —Our Stock i* Very I nree for this season. HanU som*- Pendants, BROOCHES, Necklaces, kings. Scarf Pins, Lockets, Cuff Buttons. Oet our Prices. WATCHES—Our stock has no equal In the South. We have all the Latest Styles in plain and fancy ; nd jeweled cases Chate laln‘Watches enameled In all the latest colors. Price sto.oo to SIO.OO. JEWELRY—Our Jewelry Depart ment Is all that can be desired. American and foreign Ideas wrought out of the finest Gold In every conceivable Shape, Enameled and Jeweled. Wrn. Schweigert & Co. IMlkkl |*ll |> PHfUCHBR \ft b (*#M#g * IV# i -"*#*■• #g*# #• il|c|V%b M A|t*«(t> I *£? I gg - "Tfe# f*f#ftet*## !»!• 41#- ggw ftflftftfttlj 18“ fit ikp m#*nb#n |*r**##fil went to pr.'wh<* a# aa>t begged him to k.«V Mr, M MHlan proceeded with hi* ex* * pMioon of the virgin* and waa once mue deeply Interesting hi* bearer*. *b f n the at ranger arose la church and *§ have town raised a Protestant In ! Hbrtand. and do not agree with your 1 11 «> ret! at on what vou are say ■ I lag I* m t my conception «f the text, tnd I aitnt »ay eenphaticaliy that f t|**em from what you utter " Then the dtseenter was ejected from the The ejection did not satisfy some of the gentlemen present and they wcat j ol ,( an d pent a telephone message to i police barrack* asking for an oSrer at The young man was arrested and i gyre htn ruttre at police Itarrack* a* I Ttximah I’ngrahsm and raid that he ’ was a ■.<rave- and came front Knalund ! pm evident that be had been drltik* I ing and he loohetl as If he was getting over a Saturday oighfa Jag. He said I he was surprised that he was not al* lowed to give his views on religion In church. Engraham will he tried In the police court on the charge of disturbing pub lic worship. 1-Ire at fterfln*. Half of hts store Is tilled with Fur i nlshitiga, Woollen Undershirts. Bocks, i etc., snd the other half Is Ailed with «Ihc finest Wootens tor Suit*. Trouser* and Over Coating*. These goods are not hunit. but if you buy them they would feet aa If you were on Are. 924 M roadway, opposite Planter#' Hotel. CHRISTMAS TOILET WARE—In Sterling Sil ver and Ebony. Mirrors, Hair Brushes, Combs, Mat Brushes, Military Brushes, Tooth Brush es, Nall Brushes, Bonnet Brush es. Prices lower than ever. UHBRELLAS—In this line we have the handsomest selection that has ever been seen here. Exclusive styles In Handles with the latest colors in Fine Silk covers. Makes a hand some Xmas present. FINE FANS--Dlrrct from Paris. Hand painted lacc and richly puinted Peerl mounted. Prices right, nice selection. GOLD HEADED CANES for pre sentation presents. Finest quality at lowest prices. TF* ATJOXJBTA HFBAI.D. f .*1 m. SMfV AtfUS | \Mll 14 las IHsUbsa* AM P***W*AA* IMS# to# ImiMi i# 4 #<*» *#»>> idi ttm 9r»ni» #M tg«*lr )M «r<*r to mi## fttgil# f«*r th# iuf»* port jf these cnfrrtfinal-w They do _,« , ar ,. M n , ~h about r>-e lying nemrr a* th# money rye l red I* Im wtowv it t* tncwnrenlent to send pro t as money wl<l he gladiv received ! V r«> the ritigsM of Augusw <Vlun»- Ids. rhßrles'on. - nd other eltls* they lappea! for relief Cent rl but lona, eltb-e money or pmvlalooa. should be aent to posed of T>. P T!pp*t»*. ehslrman: C. Matthews ard Ivtepheyi June*, ait or i whom are located In f Angtey snd arb duly authorised to receive any aid that mav be forwarded. For LaGrippp Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. Ourcn W llhrlmlna's Choice. !.ondon Dec. 10. —The queen mother .of the Ketherlonda ha* written to Q'ieen Victoria privately, definitely an nouncing her daughter* betrothal to i Prince William of Wled. An nfflr'a! not ideation on the aubject will be mad" | shortly. The question of the status of Prince William ha* not yet been settled, but It la now believed Queen Victoria's I precedent »l" to- followed. The ques tion of precedence wit ch raused so much trouble when Queen Victoria married, owing to the opposition of her i uncles, cannot Brl*e In the cane Of the queen of Holland, as the queen and the i queen mother are the only members of | the royal family residing in the coun pnr. OABTOTIIA. He*™ the Kind You Haw Always Bought j “nr 6%, JEWELRY WEDDING PRESENTS--Sterling Silver, fine Lamps. Cut Glass, Brass Tables, Dresden Clocks, fine Vases, Candelabras, Brlc-a- Brac. New Goods. WE ENGRAVE FREE while you wait. We now have four first class Engravers Working night and day. No disappointment. OPEN EVENTNOS— During the Holidays our store will be open Evenings to accommodate those who can’t do their shopping during the day. MAKE SELECTIONS now and have them laid aside until wanted. Avoid the rush. Call early. YOU DON’T TROUBLE US when you are looking over our stock. Prompt polite attention to all alike Royal a Tr A##ounri«f IMwe MdA#to (lac food nags flfla !om% MWf **m'!*A IH NM'HIKt in mm i m#*4 kt UM»ag# V *##!•«##• Yte# ntflmft ms Hm* |# wMI ImJ j the way ft»r ryr..»t» In th> future -The rt *k_ Imam If) Mfuff) ff> to »' !< ’”4 hour# I# hflni «ui4# by III# Illlnol# 41* To Cub# 884 the Weit Indie#* Vl#. Central of Oeorj l# Rallaiy ntn In* l arc? i «!. Ihr* uifh tu Vlnvar.#. lof lb* Plant Hi##*n#h«p r..mi»#ny »#*v# j Port Tamp# M- t»d#y#. Thuf"*! »y# an l ? Srft urdavr «• h w« . k fur Key Went #«d Havana. Steamer# of th# Florida P#aat j Coa#t nteamahlp #to*#n|»jiny leve Miami j »l vt. i. for Havana Clo#« conarlloti at Port j Tampa and Miami may I** had by tak-! Ing th** Central of Oaoryta Hailey. fßur j [Hrhednlr#. rat##, feavivaliona and Ifn form at lon <all J. W. Nall. Coen* j merrial Agent. 7Jf Broad #trect, Augu#* ; jta, Qa. London tattle sh»w Centenary IdWdOB, Dec. 1?.- The event of th w»ek has been (jte centenary or the tattle show at Islington, which wa* o|>cned by the Pxinee of Wales with a I record entry. Th» queen wo« twvwral \ Ac.q prtre*. Viscount Porimsn, the ' Enrl of Coventry, Ha run Rothschild, j and I-ord Rosebery were also among the prlxe winners. The Prince of Wales, who la president and patron of the show. In addressing the meeting of members, declared that he would al ways fostor to the utmost of his pow er the Interests or Rrltls'i agriculture. Our line of Japanese no velties is unsurpassed from 25 cents up. At Rich irds & Shaver’s. The Queen of Belgium to known to I be devoted to animals, and the follow ing episode Illustrates that fact: One burning hot last, summer a dog; was drawing a milk cart containing a, peasant woman along the high road bordering the noyal park of Laekon. The dog, utterly exhausted, was straining and panting under his load, but the woman Contained callous to his sufferings and began to heat the poor beast mercilessly, to make him go on, At that moment,the queen in her pony chaise drove oqt of the park. Sw ing what was going on, her majesty got out of the carriage and severely admonished the woman In Flemish. She then sent her servant to the cast.lo to fetch water for the dog and Insis ted on the peasant getting out and walking, remaining herself in the mid dle. of the road In the sunshine until the milk cart was out of sight. She then entered her carriage and proceed ed to drive off. The milk woman w mod ignorant of the identity of the queen and grumbled at being thus in terrupted in her cruel course. At the same, time she dared not disobey or ders. Finnan and Haddies at KEENAN’S. More Sutherland Jewels Recovered. London, Dec, 4.o,—The police here have made a further recovery of Jewel ry stolen from the Duchess of Suther land. Tbree-fborths of the stolen jew els have now been recovered. Halliard's Earing and Cooking Choc olate at Clark’s. . _ - lift: | K.H ok I l»*Kt*§ th# hmmm# #A4 Ike |i#f#Mart #4 OMa It i* e*M ttoel Ito »w*h »*# I !%»#> V t «_ ~ w, c . um |k| tt «r« «*rm 9r*t S li !• Hi t i iclv kiuttoti h ■ * in*nr *in raptii'f rnHrfl' anl thucr rhl h t# nos r «,!ral#lttol i»» |k# *y#t«*m I j., iyf>tuH t . ? floor R'Bit# t l # iTtjfifni in#fi j rntinti (tit* f*l jml Her# n hut h - to'lfl 4u Jn tilt* ###«#»! Imt th<* I * Tc state hoard of c. ptrol I* no- get- ] lifiiK a v#ry ffttop <4 it*** l»u#ln### | F.»r Xma# w# h#v# Fancy n*n*k#r#. Ooid Chaim. T»i»lc#. I*ami#» ftoa# and Iwl *. Mart In* f*il4< Fl**mlvifr 8 llowl##. Kchn! ftr. Faimt ha# had |to yield the t.lue ribbon for having kill i th# lirtf-’ti hoc in I * dutyi 'H. Ordl* nary Itao'i) ahioK-it up with one that {wricked 44* pound', net. il.-orre W. Itr< oka killed one several davs ago that; \ hud lieen mlaiil partly by Mark H. ; | Young snd himself that went awav: I ahead of anything yet slaughtered.' j weighing in* pounds: Irtit the eontest- ! [apt* sny he ought not tn have the rib- | ' to n, because he did not raise the hog j I from n |,lg. There are yet other* to kill j and the eontest I* not yet closed. A splpndid assortment of of fashionable Pocket Books and Card Cases in best leathers for men and, women at Richards & Shaver’s. The hrldge which spans the ereek In the rear of the guard house gave way white n four home team waa crossing, precipitating two of the mule* and a wagon loaded with com. two hogs and two negroes Into the cold water be neath. Several bushels of corn were lost and two hogs drowned, and one mule and a negro considerably bruised. The bridge has I een repaired and trav el on the Spalding road resumed.— Monteauma Record. Lamps, both Banquet and Library, in beautiful: designs at Richards & Shaver’s. There are no hard times tn Worth county. The Worth Local says: "We have plenty of corn, hay, rice, syrup more than enough—potatoes and hog* In great abundance, that an- resting al most nothing to fatten, In the vast fields of plnders grown by our farm ers. Place your order at once and avoid rush, floods cheaper than ever. V). J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors, 218 and 218 Campbell street. M. E. MACAULAY J. A. MUI.LARKY D. P. SULLIVAN Macaulay & Co. H m-? w jT> Y 7T~* Special for the Holidays. We li 111 fill nV P sell nothing but Guaranteea lYIL? \JI B—wV/ ▼ B—Gloves and are iocal agents for J. Roeckl, world-renown manufacturer. Buying . di, !®® t tr° , T f quarters, have fresh stock and largest assortment in the city at $ .00 Per in a ßotton and Clasp, Black and self : co!ored Embroidery. Black, Browns, Tans, Modes, Yellows, Ox-b!oods, Navy Blue, Greens, Bea vers. Grays, Pearls and Whites at $ 1.50 per pair. All the Leading Shades and the best values in America. The City is Talking AOOUT OUR nuu-Kwiruu WONDERFUL SALE W# ##*** ***4 #» (Nil #***M rn **# Mi 4ft? ft* 4*4 *M ***»•* A #4 •Y f # mm mpm* ***** *•**«**s Ifftftft Ift#B#ft4 #4 •ft •Mt I #*#i* k - nI ftki mhihnl* #8 y, rf jftini t* (ftinMi, m*- *#« «.« **m. W* ### nmm *m w#m*4 *#«<» $m ill «• •ftj lit 9ft Bkft ll B#-j «>*« <**#*• srn 9* *• *ft4 |l« #*! IftptoM W T*mf ft*#' §3 Mm "t \x < WiliT#4 WhWft ■ tfYihi^- 1 ItofAc i m If *| tftvtof* ftfltWftftl Mftftft Nila a - jLg r>^|a in,** % mrnitm *M ?• v * mill fNft#f# fm 1? ftft4 ft# yftftjft# - (HHittr il «M K# •## fit(PtHfUftK ftaf fI? ft# aft# #f| ft#| *iMi ilitii j n'* )s,*'+ ill fTifflni INitll" * t ftft4 tif*i» 4ftMft ft#f >. j* a §ki»#kgl f® k* nt *»> •#.# | | »>, j ; *a§ tvr «h.j, « ft t * ftMftl YCPft ft# . . _ _ * «*] * ■iii»n(t la* till ft A Full talft# ftf f ~l| ’ tirtlliftft MftfftllMl J. B. WHITE & CO.. Clothio i Department. A tftAftUffttft 14ft# ftto [in p) O ORS.SaSH ANO Clinqs cytvr'c) Mill Work UOF fVERY DESCRIPTION. {YELLOW PINE LUMBER j I xCTiRv M 0 v* Witt fOv fRO tkllM unit i«IP*OV(W(NTS ANO I*l ,T 1 OtotoAtollATlOto tNOOOWfet* •* t Viov 01SAPTMINT M '.J fUU UNt IN STOCK ANO PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURCO L «>> pa>tf y catAtoout; tn, u’ k cs AbbuCAtios. —» . Perkins Manufactlirihg CoAugusta.Gi. dirisias lerinis Ll * | ## iii di#mon<l#. jirw inii# firm## #fi4 #ft!B4 O "toji* . • ▼ (goM J#f##lry tn»k« iti# mn#i • < • i»(#bki ?% \* m q |jf(| (bit ?»U rltt rhotMto# sos ft ; , C> '■ h#Ye » #«ft#fh ftlTfty Of Uf# ftlftft, I fMftilftlJta, rfta! fiftii)##. nhtw#, n*t!#!• w»f# #nd «viY#lUft» tint frill udofft 'v #K- w* braatf. io4 #Nif# lb# most f*#ti4» |_ I S. %w ’-' J , 1 3 lon*, la men a jeatolry our han<kwMß# y j ,__ _ ~T scarf ploa. #:g«ei ring*, *U*»e button^ ' v , f ‘‘Vjrl i* * • barm* and novclti#* arr ciqutalt*. A. J. RENKL. Jeweler, ”**- WV *lB Broad Street. Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition this fall in regard to business and that .s a most healthy one, and those who are preparing lor It are the people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. Hen’s Suits, Fancy Cheviots, Fancy Worsteds, Fancy Cassimeres. There’s a Reason for the Under Prices. Each one of these suits could tell of a maker who manufactured well, but not wisely. Makers are always in advance of the retail selling season. They have to guess ahead as to trade conditions —and hope. We tell today of such hopes not realized by a celebrated maker, and his products find new owners, through us, because of the business necessities of the man who looked ahead wrong. A chance for money-saving that seldom comes just before Christmas. I. C. LEVY’S 1 k CO. OCCIMBC# I •