The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 13, 1898, Image 8

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TUIIO'V ■ r - >: W ‘ " T*\f# iB'Vl '4 /•M'-.yM §*# * # nkckwkar 60 CENTS STYLES 60 CENTS for 11 * FOR ii - Th»r* art C üba. Thar# ar« Taca*. T < ■«r» ara Bow*. Ti<ara ara Fouf*ifl>Handi. Th«r« ara Import* a Satin* and SMlk* In all <h# rich and lu*trmi» doalgna and colors, fivoryono r»ooni y r*»c*tvod from tho manwfacfuror. All porfocfty now this soasun. Opon Ivarlni* /^^AUQUITA.dA. GRAND RALLY FOR REUNION Caap. IL f. V. Mails Making ;a<t PnfMllMt »w tb* •mmn. Cb*»ter. i. C., Dae. II Tb# Wal- Rgr-Ga#u»n Caap Confwtorate Vatar mm k*ri m MtkaMwttf aMitt at it* tain tea* Mood*? »ft*moon and derided to ha** another grand rail* Hr U* purpose at stirring »P ooihual am* Hi tba «aon* of th# Mai* reunion, that 0 to am Mr* a*tt Map De •rauiar rath »• tb* 4a t* or tb« rally and Cal. )mn Armstrong of Char Ira te* baa accepted aa Invitation to tota bar* and will bo tba prlarlpal orator on Wat oenaaoo Tba *nt*rtai»tn*ni art!l occur at tb* opera boua* Hf MdM tb* ipriklx potrtotlr mu»'r will b* fui mahed by tb* Cb«M*r orrh**tra. and a larg* rbom* will *lna a w*'l - programme of old war Mr. and Mr*. John W. Duaovam gave a d*lla htful proarm*!** whi*t party iaat Wednesday *r*nlng compli mentary to lb»lr northrrn friend* Judy* OuMderaltavn, M***r*. Arthur B*lll van. Ed H*ll and Smelaer Among Som present war*: Mr. and Mr*. P. Hemphill, Dr and Mr*. 8. M. Design, Mr* H R fltarbork of Winston, N 0.. Mr*. David Hemphill. Mr. and Mr*. A M. Alkra. Ml** Kit- Gaston, MM* Eunice Brawley and U. J. H. Marion. Th* ladle* Drat prlie. a Dresden *b!na onndieatlck and tray, wait won by Mr*. Paul Hemphill, while Lt, Ma rtoa carried off the gentleman'* pi!**, a huat of rttahugh Lee; the eonaola- Uon prlie. a bo* of candy, was was won by Mr* David Hemphill, one of Cheater'* brlght#»t whl*t player* Cheoter'e eoclal gaiety for the week ended In a beautiful luncheon given by Mr* David Hemphill In honor of the Up to Date club. The favor* war* ordered from Boeton and were novel and beautiful The costume* of th# ladle* present were noticeably handsome Our city continue* to grow In It* alow but solid w*y. Thl* Is the se cret of our substantial growth which makes our city rank next to Spartan burg In Importance In our state. We have never had a boom, but the sound of the hstnmer ran always be heard here. Quite a number have given contracts for handsom* home* on West End, all of them opposite the sixty acre* bought recently for the city pa k. I enclose these few dots and If they meet your approval hop# to receive your paper In return. I will try to make them Interesting at all times. Hoping that the exchange will meet pour approval, I remain, f ,Mrß. Rosa Smith. Beautiful line of Mahogany and Wal nut Putts regardless of prom for cash —Fleming & Bowie*. L J. Schaul The propulsr priced Jeweler says that he hse Christmas present# the prices of which are not ladened with Broad itrtet rents. Read his ad elsewhere. Fin* Chocolate Bon Bons at Clark's. BEFORE PURCHASING Silver Novelties Call on LEWIS J. SCHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler. A Tremendous line and no Broad street rent to pay. Can save you 25 per cent. Jackson Street, Under the Arlington Hotel. XMAS CHEER FOR LITTLE ONES Mat’its T«a«rf«w as fkririaas Tara i caaiiues at Library. Th* Uttl* Owes of H rti Cad la b* Utv*a X*m< fcetabraUoo. I Tb* Chrlgiaia* tree which Tb* Her ald prupoese giving to th* children of W*at End la aa asawred thing and ev erything la being arranged to mk* the occaeloa no* of tb* must enjoyable and : turens*tn! affair* ever glva*. Tb* purpose at Tb* Herald la • nnt ! Uudablt one, that of maklag happy for a day at least the hearts of sorb jtlttl* on* In that asettoa of tb* elty. who. owing to the mill altaatloa, would have to paaa tb* ChrlMma* **a*nn without any of th* seasonable (blogs that are hi tbomeelva* trifling, bat that go so far towarda making happy tb* , hearts of the little ons*. It la not the purpose of The Herald ho monopoltae this pleasure giving. Many of Auguata'a big-hearted rltlaen* have already *xpreaa*d them*elvta a* not only willing but antloua to cootrtb i ute to attrh a commendabl* enterprl*# and many more will doubtlran open their hearts and purses ; One of the large hall* In Wmt End I will be procured and the Ire* or tree* ! beautifully d<e rater! and a glitter with tslier*, will be erected. A band of mu isle will be In attendance; every child in West End will be invited sod anrh will receive a gift and aome of the sea son's cheer. Whatever of hardship they may encounter Inter on. for thnt day at leaal their little hearts will be glathtensd and msde happy and con snt. A comm Itee, (otiataling of some of Augusta's best known cltisens. those familiar with work of this kind, have taken the affair In charge and are making *ll necessary arrangement* This committee and any others who are Interested, are requested to meet at the Library tomorrow. Wednesday, after noon, *t 4 o'clock to consult In regard to arrangement*. Fresh Cry* tall red Fruits »t Clark's. MEW Y EAR 7 * ' HOP A Delightful Atfslr Being Arranged For That Date Certain young men of this city are arranging to give a hop at Masonic hall on New Year's night. The young men who have charge of the affair have In the past managed many de lightful dances and the N-w Year's hop will be no exception to the rule. Our prices on suits only two-thirds what others rhargs. EL 3. Henry A Co., spot cash tailor*. HANDSOMFI.Y DECORATED Will Be the (loverment Building Next Monday. When Pres. McKinley visit Augusta he will not, find aoy building more ■tastily decorated than the postoffice. The employes at that place will send their energies towards making the building one of the best decorated In the city on next Monday. >uaufTA htoald ALL AUGUSTA ISFILLED WITH GREAT ENTHUSIASM a iigti i«fal *»*«•# I* y uiTfff la Ilf frt'Jfrti It lIM nutria ■a! ty »»»| Marlaatta OArUla. CMtKNk* Anted to •»•*« **t a Caw* oMtto* tb** AHnssto— IM ***** fN»« mm fey Mto«faffrand»raa» «B# *•■» to (to •**• hMtonf*« tb*w#- • hfhHtinf (ha *4 «w I **«rt to Ute I#* nMI* HtliM A«gw*to*'fMn Hat »'•**. Tba baton*** an* gynAtoateoal m*n [ «f ******* to* asked to yew* the enOb i nitiw natond totow to tb* e«**<# I <r66MI9WMF IMI •ftfff+’tMMEMl M IMS «* * ** 6 tf# tti4*itof lo MMkfc* 64V664646NM1*# I*4t i the snttoM* ant* tntnnmnt nf tw Pr******* nf tb* Refonl* «• tb* «*• letogan nf bt* *ta* to Angwtto neat | pwm i mm whom <6# rttatPt* I 6## Cmi ama* ir* W. B Vutil j W M. Mrtffbani 0. A Dowiwt *. W, : F K*«. H Dempsey t. M M tlhwia I D O Fnanrty. T fl. lU*<> tb. W H Imp* D. B Dm R H Cohee, D r O'Connor. J. H flrbtreer*. W M Dunbar Bryan Untrrenre. T A r«ibe«n. 1. I. Caabia. T. w Alenaa 4ev, A. W levy Tbnmnt Ba rett. H J |*n tar r II Rice. W H ffUJ tiatto John W Clark iaowa O. Jaek son Raul ft ftHfee. W J. Craig A O. Jackson. W H KetlL 0. R. Um bned. Jams* l* Robertson. Deo. F.j I ton bark W. A. OnrrstL J*nA rtl*- tty. W* W Etteter, E. t. Rtee. o*<* H Howard I. W, Carter. W H Rob erta R. I Brndf rM. Ram NO. R K Elliott. J. A. A. W «•'!%, A- i. t ton ley. R E Alton. Alfred M. Mar-j tin. Tbl* rnmmfttM i* anpeetally ashed to b* pranant- Tbev Are AH Right. It ln aatouoeed la Tb# Herald to day that at! the railroad* running Into l Augusta bat* glvea a rata of on* and one-tenth <vf n rent per mil* for th* dates Ifltb to llat. Inclusive. The railroad* are new patting oat thtdr ad j vertt*ing and the new* I* spreading In nil directions reached by mall and telegraph thirl th* president and th* grand review will bn a**e hern Mon day It In helleyed that tea* of thousand* of visitors will come from Oeorgla and Hotith Carolina and that th* con course of people who will b* here to HARVi ST CONCERT. Annual E«t*rt*l«ment at Pain* Inatl fwfe I »*« NI|M I On Friday night of ihla week th# an nual btrvwt rcr e*rt of th* student* of Pa me l«*tllut# will be given In lt»*tr assembly roots out la Woodlawn. Tbt* entertainment I* uannlly on* of their vary beat, and the talent enllated from among the advanced atadenta for thl* or ration la a fHtlng guarantee that an Interesting *nd entertaining program will be rendered. Fruit* and produet* of the harvest field will be taatlly ar ranged In the room and each Item of aong. reeltatlon and other Intereating freturea will lend Individual rharm to the entertainment and will prove both Instructive and helpful. Refreehmenta will be served, and all proceed* go for payment on the handsome organ which Messrs. Oaten Sc Co., have placed in the handsome and spacious assembly room. The public generally Is asked to pat ronise this beautlfdl entertainmeui and will help this worthy cause. Six thousand pansies and daisies, ready to plant out now. Finest strains to be had The Hues Floral Nurserv. Bell ’Phone IS2I. s LDIEHS KILLED. Deaths Caused hy the Explosion of a Cartridge. Bt. Petersburg, Dec. IS. By th* explosion of s shell at Fort Constan tin*. CronMadt, today, nine soldiers were killed and three officers and sev en soldiers wounded. Seats going with rapidity for Texas Steer. XMAS MOL DAYS The Schools Will Close on the atst and Reopen January, *. The announcement has been made that the public schools of the city will close for the Ch:stmas holidays on the ! 21st and reopen on January 2nd The school chfldren are looking forward to tno relieve from school duties with much pleasure. Fancv French candles and crystal led fruits at T. Schladaresst's. Seats going with rapidity for Texas Steer. Ladies free Thursday night. SUPT. LAWTON B. EVANS * Attending Educational Meeting In Columbus. Ga. Supt. Lawton B. Evsns is in Colum bus, Ga.. attending the annual mating of the state sduoaters. He will rettiro Saturday. The masting Is on Import ant oo* and several latarestieg pwre on educational matt spa are being read and deceased at It. Th* meeting last roar was held In \Hhntn. a. I gpMWI ttajNSF liMßiJttifP •m F I f *4l AAfftoßdfibT? ♦ w-HP* awe‘e fim I tiadwlha in tt atom fib# MMNNN ItoHd* wtM ftowTagtoto I INMNNI# Mm I iMMM (§• MNI Ih&m mom* ! mhf Mttod tmmmgmm #u •»*• j Ilf *'tfw b# #*** t# tit IPIMP'MMIM i fimi * m fl m % Fttffit TM pmlirti Ul Mi ifii trfc «• t|» fHi# ***** l»M** li **«*«* mm |«t i| f rmwi j WAffil I INI* Wof9 MM fMNMIt if|lllii*P ! M Wo tlBw fc H li A4|«ii ftJErmfr |ff« v+rf «t IN if riM«4 V******* ft a., t lCftt'H ■. '' i t lhr nto* - ** | ||| (lAI UMM oTVMIMNMM ••• mwm tNi Mi m Mm> #4 »»4 ’ in a iiiFti •* |hi 4 fMN r * , 4 #i • *p*** * fftt*r4 of btmm of mmmt to iM |m* tta MBiart i ‘no koi to>9 loifiilf I n (trifMit no it! iMm ««4 II Ms bo Ihftt IlkO ft finlllo li Mkiif TIHHt| *'' a flffrfAonfl Rll 9 MJI M {b‘O then* n gas aattoan. Omar i will to ea tod apoa to ta operate with tb* asset tig nf thl* after noon, sad a meeting nf that body trill be retted far tom arrow, Tb#-* to tb* moat marked patriot..!* everywhete in the etty. The ffbwe ur* and wtoban of Denernl Tonag at Camp Markets* • wilt tie fwnenttsd of eonrae At tbto afternoon's meeting a com mitt#* will be enltod opon H to token, to motor with Genera! Tonag. and tb# Camp M*rk*n«to offtoer*. Mr. T. W Alasandw. president of thy Cotton Egebnng* nod president es the Con»m*rcinl dab, to In receipt of * triegrnm todny from Prtvnt# Serretnry Porter tth* prMldent n prlant* tor p torfl In wbleb H to *toted thnt th* president will nyriv* in Anguitn between I and 4 o'elork to tb# after noon and will r*m* ti In Augusta about two hours TM* ta an official «tot*m*nt The second division second army corps wilt bs massed down town and will paaa la review before tho presi dent on Green# or Broadway. It is Impossibly to gat at further details Juat at this tim* Th# meeting thl* afternoon wilt mahe Important announcements In to morrow af.eraooa a paper. ENTERTAINTirNT TONIGHT. It Is for the lirsHH of the Sccowd Baptist Parsonage Fung. ! There srlll be a sacred concert at th* 1 Second Baptist church tonight for th* benefit of the parsonage fund of that church Th# following program wtll be eaniV red: I Bel action by Orch«*tm. | J Recitation—" Rock of Age*”—MUs Dahlia Cason, J. Solo—" Forest All Thy Sorrow”— i Mis* Alice Morris. 4. Little Candles-Elgrht Little girl*, namely. Al'es Ruffin, l.uctle Callahan, Lizzie McCord. Neli(e Wlngard, lil t Hlasalngham. Pearl Mcßryant, C*J«* Brndle and Alma Andrews. 5. Recitation —Selection by Mr H. E. R'chbnrg. fi. Song—“ Soldiers of Jestis” —By ten j little boys, vis: Ernest Gibbs, Alven i Butler. Aisle Montgomery. Frank Wright. Fred Tudor. Hldie Tudor. Er nest Walker. Thomas North. Clarence Li lee and Capt. Tom Wright 7 Recitation—“l Can't; I Promised Mother” —Miss Erma Glhbs. 8. Song—“Br'ght Angels” By six teen young ladles, viz: Misses Dell, McCord. Maud Strom. Qno Dobbins, Berths Blass'nehaTn. Masle Lou Mont gomery nnd Com Walker. 9. Recitation—" Only Sixteen" By Algie Montcomery. 10. Song’Tet Us Rally”—Bv eight j boys, viz: Fred Ed Brook lyn Albert Antrey. Alfred! Beaver. Pratt Morris. Arthur Cnllfthan. Allen Liles and Willie Bntler. 11. Rec'tat<on—“The Face on the Barroom Floor" —Mr A. H. Him. 12. Acrostic—'"America for Christ”— By sixteen young ladies, vis: Lula Liles. Maggie Jennlbvs. Erma Gibbs. Bailie Butler, Bulslj. Cat’aban, Hartle Andrews. Ethel son. Luna Wright, Emily Brcoker Ma sle Lou Montgomery. Maud Strom, | Cora Walker, Bertha Blasaingam. Bessie Moody and Ora Dobbins, j is. Recitation “Last Hymn” 1 Miss Ethel KalhAei-eh. 11. Tableau—“Tmth. love and Hope”—Miss Alice Morris, Miss Dell McCord nnd Miss MaV Wright. Duet —“Prayer and Music” —Miss Irene Norris and Mr. Harry Vanghn. IS. “Good Night”—Quartette— Air. Oliver Rhodes. Mr. Harry Vaughn, Mr. Willie Rhodes and Mr. George Tom mlns. Admission 10 cents. The concert begins at 8 p. m. I Biggest stock of fruits in Augusta at T. Sehiadaressi's. Mr. and Mrs. C. al Garrett is spend ing a fsw days in Jfesnta. Seats going with rapidity for Texas Steer. Mr. and Mrs” S. Fortson are in Atlanta. \ i OUT ATJCAMP. tiMttfe n»M H. W "VIM #f fill- H Inm» ffliMl i Mi ffcf* IHM tm** mm frTli#i| Hat %** Mm Ml ilpMftM mm W •' tm**k Nf 06- li. Mm «Ml«| m Imm mm* ? f llfff . Ilf 06 0 6## t**ft • MfMMN Ml 06 w 91 i' U*m HiffNit Ml 06 If. fIhNIAI OM6. if 06 11* 6#* IMR *0 A 6 * t „ % InMNI 6M6M6MMI 6 <*,*«*•! • r« it *m r I smm mm ««(mt mrmm J. mt 06. K* If ••fNfMMI pMMM <4l Cm It ii it mm «f M fUk* ii*m* M R. tokk nf On R bn* beam n*n* t atfee beepbai mt c%mm. imi yi>>n—i mmm been nf lb* bnffiat enrpn nr* at iff* s**t<4'a! on 4*tail thdf • ran* pvt mCm f 6m mm Mm wammm mm. *6« rwmmt 6a* lA# 6h*4 h lirM H fl IDIMt of Cm A. MAA MM* M *6* 6iWMH6I fr-fAT M MM AIM M.. I oftf6A All ftf* of t6* Mt* FMHtr. I J Chirk, nf (to. S. to ntoong ths nd | ca ( t ffrhmidt. of On. M to «ffk*r» nf the toy Uato Urbnm* of (to R to o«*ar at A* guard . top Maj Names, nf the Firm hot* tnltan. has r*eel*ed a diarkarga Flrnt Herat Witaoa. of On. E. toft todny. having aarared an honorable dtotkarg*. KMntr, of On. M, ka* raeelved an hoatrmHr dtarbarg* from th* *#v retary of war. Thirty-Fifth ttcblgan. Tb* new teat* have begwn to arrive Carp. fabt**. of Co, C, has had bis furlough **t*nd*d thirty toy# Capt McCabe, nf Co. C. to officer ot tk. , Lieut. Cotver. of On. B, to command er of th* guard. Th* men are ramivlag instruction* la th* handling of gun* lor target practice The work on m«e* hall* to tb* prtn rtpal occupation. Eighth PennayKnnto. A farewell reception was given today to 8. Joba*. of Co O. who baa received nn honorable dlarbargt First B*rg* Wnlllrk. of Cto. I. ta atek In quarter*. Maj. Jons* ha* been confined to hi* quarter* by a alight attack of fever. Quartermaster Lieut Rouseh. who ha* bean a’.ek (or three month*, ba* reported for duty. Kauffman, of Co. C, ha* returned from *tek furlough. Field atovea will arrive far the reg iment today. Lieut. Stover, of Co. C, is offlrer of the day. The football team ha* started work and Orgaulter Lataenning has numer ous applicants. Thirteenth Pennsylvania. S. Shaw, of Co. 0. was sent to Di vision hospital today. O'Brien, of Co. F, ha* baaa admitted to hospital. The Y. M C. A. tent la being dec orated far Christmas. Lieut. Burkhouee, ot Co. C, I* offi cer of the day. Lieut. Crlaman, of Co. G, I* com mander of the guard. Mill*, of Co. H, ha* been sent £o di vision hospital. The football team I* busy practicing for the scheduled games. Fifteenth Minnesota. Brothers, of Co. C. ha* been trans ferred to thP hoepltal corps. Corp. Ollson. Deloa Barnard, T. Johnson. 8. Simpkins, of Co. G. have returned from sick furlough. W. May, of Co. H. has returned from sick furlough ,J. Flxenar, of Co. H. has been in the division hospltaL Another prisoner sentenced by court martial was paradyd before tht regi ment this afternoon. * Postmaster McCarthy is kept hus tling by the Christmas ma 1 coming In. Oapt. Gilmore, of Co. M. is officer Of the day. Lieut. Dewey, of Co. C, ia com mander of the guard. Seats going with rapidity for Texas Steer. Mr. Robert O’Neill, the polite and popular soda water dispenser at Stulb's Fountain, will leave l« the morning far Italton. Ga., to spend the holidays. Fancy work baskets, novelties and dolls at lowest prices. T. SchiaJaiessi. Ladles free Thursday night. Mr. John S. Goldsmith, special agent of the Hertford Fire Insurance com psny, will arrive In the city this after noon. His many friends will be glad to see him. Fireworks— big assortment—at T. Schia'aressi’s. Texas Steer—Katie Putnam ss Bloesy tomorrow night. Miss Fannie Su# Howard is spend ing a few days In Atlanta. Jznotocse stock as toys: too ranny. .n tact: bill, close out cheep. T. Sealed*- | HRs? point. MfttuioN dm dtowMtaff topmam ftoi **dß to# •*#» Mi • tow* aw at am Imvamm I Siutso PiMNI -AfcAUtATmM Ton **«fe** tom ymv am d*#*wd npvm *wy vmfl a® nf AA# mmm4 mmmmtmtrn. THIRD Point DtJWJNURATKiS Mh#n )AV 6#9 6*99 AMI w4i 4iAAIAAICfI4i AAf itm/ttf IA y*m 0 9«#fi MMfaMf CHAN 9, DtietN. H«w»s»f, A t.AHOe »TTENDANCE Of (bn MiWeev • I •nested *« flunk to** Tntotto. A tort# ane»i*nr«-* »f tin military to *agsrved •< tbn Fair tonight and a 4n> !t«6il«*t At AfRIAA'A i6f mft AfAMMnl 6m 6MA (pfAfiAAMI 6 W I6»I6 TMWMO6 H <6* hM »ii6# 6m wm t»6iy» iM* thsm mt A9M9 At 96# MMt AAlmaM# JMIWRNf *% t#T*A -AAMAt* |fl MIA IA 6a#Mla mft cama# d#f*6iAjr am f6# la#* (VtA# Arts A## ms • AIAAMAnI I#** *f*6t Mr. I. IHr# As • 6ai r mr* V9f k f/>At f»f A gatf As sHna# M 4 litiiA m--M r*'k m 96# r6iti i 966 m T6# 6t6)r AA) til 6fr6|* #Bl 6a a tt At §Si MUOM. 664 All t#6# 6*»# #6aap## im rMt******6 V# AffMNßt |f)4 laa6 60## 16# if f6A6#A6 *l6# f i!lc>#*64| A#M*4MBW6 Af# f#“ ICHanI Ml Mil Spf IfUdA AAA 69* lIM Umit. fi.rA'AAOA, <'6*l4 • WT4C lft( Ilf 6AtAf6|F, (Aif Aif flAApMAfft- Mr OmSmataa. 6a! 9(6 f Hhmt* fotM| with rtfilUr for Tim* AlMf LaAMa o## T6ur#***jr f»l«6t. Hr* nr WMBatoMO and Mr* >• V, Bell, at Harlem. *** to tb* *Bv yesterday afternoon. ( Fto#» and d# -oratten# at all hum* *1 T. r- hladaretot *. fli use owr b#»( atiorta t» »*h# your pure have* vnilretv naftofacuvry. MAHONEY & . ARHSTRONG COAL AND WOOD. Strowger 1 Phone ..... i*t Bell ....*••••• *7to Office and Yard No i McCnrtan Sttect BEAUTIFUL SERVICE Held Sunday In rtomory of sergt. James Kanaky, of ijth Penn. k Very benutlfnl and lmp e**iv« me morial service* were held In memory of Sgt. Jam** Kanaky of tho Tbir -1 teenth Pennsylvania at the beadquar j ter* of th# Summerville Pont Piovont Guard. The service* were conducted by Chaplain Stahl of the Thirteenth Pennsylvania, aDd were attended by ‘ many of the deceased a friend* and of fice™. Sgt. Kaneky s death, which occurr ed on December 9th. at 5:30 a. m.. at division hospital, was deeply regret ted. and cast a gloom over the entire company. Previous to the shipment of bis re main# to his home In Seeiyvllle. Pa., they rested In Mr. Platt's chapel, and were viewed by many of hla comrades. The casket was enclosed in an outer race draped with the national colors, and the remains weie escorted to the depot by a military guard of honor. Sgt. Kaneky was brave and kindly, a loyal and true f iend, and hla death is regretted by many. Texas Steer and Katie Putnam to morrow night. Ladles free Thursday night. Miss Ida Calvin is visiting frltnds in Atlanta. Ladies free Thursday night. Seats going with rapidity for Texas Steer. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Miller went up to Atlanta this morning. Peats going with rapidity for Texas Steer. \ Ladles free Thursday night. CLARK MILLING CO.’S WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Cooks white and bakos equal to patent. Most nutri tious Fiour made. Strongly recommended for dys peptics. i-LOXTR for batter cakes fully as good as Buckwheat. Ctve it a trial. Ask your grocer for these goods DFCFMBVr6 fS THE MARKETS. (IhItTTA MARKET MlkibT. [ AaaamAa, *%m , .U. Aa6MU ra*4lAAf* ,i M 2*#d mtoejniT - - - « • g- *4 satwwmtf a* »• . #6 I |#AA lANMiIAA * ** ## a* tiati ) S M | AffVf tot* li'n T TIIAA •# «* .* # « I ?*|§ 6M4499A# - a* .. V* a. . | Atfffr* mk44nm§ *• »• M non#.. . I H-t# Ow> : -4 (AlAritttfi* .j# •• »n •« ->*4 9>M fAMMMA *# ** •* *« *# aa.Mvtt «!6fc*% TtAfAA *«a* ee **••*•!• 66% KKCKtfTf. RAUE9. §0999* 99H11A. AIItOMC9tTV )|«r OANIA. op*n >6>> t 16#f «fAA# |l‘t 149 It !566 5%“ - 4•* | Eff* R 4At fnlti W#M , 4TS6 M 3*4s ctftop* nm'mrrm Ilf? 19M atrium rpi-grtrfm ffbAtof* 3316 *646 WTOCK-RKCKIFT* I tot i aw ■ fftaek m Aaaaa*t*t#dny «Mp amm He.«tpta Mac* t*ept I !»:i l!2Mi ; Udiea fa*. Tbureday night I Beat* going with rnptdlly for T»*a* —m :—. -—. Ladle* free Tburaday night Te**» Steer and Katie Putnam t#- j morrow night. I Ladle* fie* Tburaday nlgbt. ————— | Teas. Steer—Katie Putnam a* Rto**y tomorrow night. Ladle* free Tburaday night. Texas Steer-Kail* Putnam a* Bttoay tomorrow night. Ladles fra* Tburaday nlgbt. ! Texas Pteer— Katie Putnam a* Blesev ' tomorrow ntgbt. | Ladle* free Tburaday night. _ rnmmmmmmmmmmmmmm • Texas ffteer—Katie Putnam aa m >**y ■ tomorrow night. laidles fare Thursday night. Texas Steer—Katie Putnam aa Bloats tomorrow night. j Ladle* free Tburaday night. Texas St #cr- -Katie Putnam as Biosny tomorrow night. ; Ladies free Thursday night. STRAYED—A DARK RED BRINDLH cow. marked on right hip with tar. J. L. Swell. *O7 Campbell. dec 17 WANTED BY A GOOD. RELIABLE young man—Wort:. Juat from tho country and can furnish good refer ence. Address Hustler. 1!>«0 RoUeravUle street. dec 1* M WANTED—A POSITION AS COACH MAN or butler. Address C. J Bent ley .11*7 Reynold* Street. dec 1* 14 STRAYED FROM 127 BROAD ST.. on December 7. two brlndle cow*, ot.c with long keen horna; other with short I crumpled horns and bobbed tail. Find er wtU be rewarded If returned to T. C. Tahb, (27 Broad street. dec l* iiß None Can Be BETTER CoalllWood ££p»Corn<r Ontre And F* nwick Kirects. Bell ’Ph'-ne 1R74. IMPERIAL COAL CO., .1 H. MILTON, Mgr.