The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 16, 1898, Image 1

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THK «.»<•«»«. icocwi, a u rnias i— »***. rrr/rr.~ »• , Ses •MS Nil *1 CAN BOLD THIS FOSITIDN AGAINST THE WHOLE EARTfI.” Admiral Dewey is Not Worrying About International Complica tions as to the Philippines. He Suggests Payment of Arrear Wage* of the Insurgents and is a Strong Believer in Lib eral Measures in the Direction of Local Autonomy—The Insurgents Deserve Ac knowledgement. Manila, island#. Dag. If -According *• rtodllt MpMattM rocrivd tore. tto nii|)M>« insurgent* ant antoav «rmi ta mtMltia a Whitt ••*»« for the p»fi»w «f i—•arm# tto twt form# pnoaJWr from ib» A mart can*. It to Hit opinion of Admiral p»a*y lint It tot advlaa- Am for the rm*»4 stats* to par thr insurgent i roof*. tMr ar rears of wagan. Tto whoia «m<nm would be a eoraparatlve ty trifling cum and the paymoat of the troop* would hart a val- r jfjH. COMMODORE GEORGE DEWEY. THE QUESTION OF INTERNATIONAL COMPLICATIONS IN THE PHILIPPINES DOES NOT WOHKT HIM. HE IS “READY TO HOLD THIS POSITION AGAINST THE WHOLE EARTH." TO BE EXPELLED 11 They Don't Apoiigize for Voting lor Liquor. Macon. Ga., Dec. 16.—1 t is more than likely that seven members of the East Macon Baptist church will be turned out of the churrh at th>* moetlna of the conference tonight unless they apol ogise for voting the anti-prohibition ticket at the recent election. The matter cits kept quiet for some time, but this morning It leaked out and there is a great deal of talk about the matter. The regular conference was held last Thursday night and the mat / ter was br. ught up. It was derided at the meeting to summon seven of the members arid cause them to show whv they had voted the anti-prohlbttion ticket on December Ist. Tlte meeting will be held at the church tonight and it Js said unless the the members apologize that they will be expelled from the church. Mr. Roh ert T. Jones, the treasurer of tha church, in speaking of the matter this morning, said: The members have been summoned for the purpose of asking them why they voted the anti-ticket on the day „f election, and if they do not tell why they voted the ticket and beg forgive ness from the church they will be turn ed out." Mr. Jones refused to give the names of the parties summoned to appear. The outcome of the meeting will bo watched with interest as it is said that more people will be summoned at the next meeting on the same charge. , j Hanred For Murder Champaign. Ids.. Dec. 16.—Dick Col • j| er o*’ Danville, was ban gad in the county Jail at Urban* today for the murder of Charier, Fiaebryanc in w»P reffiber last- Mr/'AB tone Miller, of Chicago, is at the P'antora. tpm c**i* a tores urn renrm bos *•*»< ***•» •***. *** vr ** THE AUGUSTA HERALD. at eti at a «t 4 UK*4V» Wi t* | VUn AlmA?4, o *—mmrnmjmZmm uable tot rot and mat *a>* lo cate ulahla ttwaM*. Admiral rmw.y to »iroa#ty can stored that tto TOtploo to rn! rgmvt* dsaarva arbnnwtodg mmf. No la a toMsgqr to tto practicability of liberal am*- nres In thr MrwtM of local au tonomy. Regarding Ik yartWilly of Is teraatlofisl romtdh atiama, Ad miral Dowry aald: Prior to tlw* arrival of thr monitor* I frit unra.y, but now I am ready to bold thia panttimi aaalnct thr 1 whole earth.” SHE 15 SAFE. The Mattewan Has Arrived Safely at ' ew York. New York. Dec. 16.—The Hogan line steamer Mattewan. which left Galves ton on December Ist. for Boston, ar rived today. She was considerably overdue at Boston and some anxiety was felt for her safety. Tee Matte wan had 8100 bales of cotton on board In which fire was discovered, but which to all appearanc.-s was exting uished previous to her sailing from Galveston. NO VESSEL IN DISTRESS A Report From the Irish Coast Is Df riled London. Dec. 16. A dispatch re ceived from the Lloyd's agent at Sklbbereen. Ireland, says there is no truth in a report from Baltimore, Ire land, which said a steamer supposed to be a trans-Atlantic liner was throw ing signals of distress off that place. The Dominion line steamer New Eng land, which It was thought might be the vessel reported in distress, has ar rived at Liverpool. BRINKBURN STRAN ED I The Vessel in Dmger*-The Crew Has Been Landed Falmouth, Dec. 16. The British 1 steamer Brinkburn. Capt. Martin, from Galvsston, November 22, and Norfolk November 3d' for Havre, stranded at Malden Borgr Rock, Sc-iliy Islands, ; durias the fog last night, at high wa-' j ter -The vessel Is submerged. Tie , crew was lanced. The Brinkburn was i 2WKI tons. i MAJ. HARMON ARRIVES AT THE CAMP Gfl MMM Will JUtrl lift* T*» ann®* Pat It. tMH ad Iha third Brigade Ta- T»»tutl«) afternoon fha sehritatad drill of thr Third hrt#nd* amitol and all who wttar—rd it town toad to , I holt nthtona nf Iho mddtor* tto ■.norma at th» anaal too*. * ‘. rtorA. Omoral (town wit! mala have ! hto thro* tn».M« to to tto t»a»d. and all Movement* tmmmmrf la • to il* will bn goto through trtih Mnah cartridgoa MppMl the •••- *nh wbtob ihrt will oiaudbtor imactaaiy ' toe*. Thr hrtondo ta anlmdldty drilled and tbotr natmrati will to amrth oitnaq *fn*. A lam* nnmtor nf tto ofSrara 4M nto <-iport Orao-al Bomoef I* «mm • to into . barer of hto dtatotnn aattl after tto Christmas holiday*. tort n notUVatbm wna rorrdrod today atatinc that tto General won Id coma to tako chsrga to rpna hi* arrfvo’ Gen-ra! MPaitr* will fwautno mtntnand at MuntonortlUn, «. C. ..Major Harman, nrdkatmo o«ror. ar row pan M hr hlr aid. t-t Conrad, of Fiftk cavalry arrived today. Major Hartnan to otto of tho heroaa of tto fighting la Cuba, whom ho aw woun- Ord. and atat horn- on alch I rata. Ila rrmimoa hto work to tto army at thia point. General Young and alalf today r*- turnrd from Atlanta, whore Ihry wrro It attandaneo at tto peace Jubilee On Yming had tho two rogimenu nf hta <-..rp* -tationrd at Athena up »o tho pa* radr. and ttoy wor« »ho reciploou of many honor* Only thror order* wrro laaitod front dlvlcion hoa.kjuartor* today Tto flrat appointed U. Hugh H. Ril«-y of ito Flrat Maryland a* vooosel for sav oral prlaourr* of tto algnal corps. Tto < * tor ordora granted ton daya loavr of ah-oncr to U. C. A. Toot of ito Tenth Ohio and U. and Aant. Surgeon 8. W. Mower* of Fifteenth MlotK'*ota. , Camp Chat. The big arc llghta burned to both ongadoa (or tto flrai time last night. Water pipe* are being tout to tto corral) hark* of the Tenth Ohio ramp Tto Hag pole of the Third brigade wilt to raised thia afternoon. About four hundred members of the 15th Minnesota will to vaccinated in a few days, the work being begun today. Capt- Penning of the Sib Pennsyl vania 1* Third brigade officer of the day. Division Color Hergoaut Murphy ha* gone to his home in Scranton. Penn., | to spend the holiday*. AUJOeO SENSA TIONAL EPISODE. A Young Newspaper Man and a loth Ohio Boy In an Affair of Honor. There are stories ahotit a young ttewspapermun and a Tenth Ohio sol i dier engaging In » sensational affair i of honor last night in thia city. The matter 1* undergoing coreful in vestigation and later will be given the publicity which the investigation will show that It metits. The at&temrrts ; secured today are somewhat conflict ing and fuller particulars will to se cured and if first reports are confirmed the story will be given to the public. mss ESTELLE n. SULLIVAN Well Known in Augusta, Dies in At'nr.ta. The friends of Miss Estelle Marina Sulivan. of Atlanta, will be shocked to hear of her drath. which occurred .Ist night from appendicitis. Miss Sulivan was a soe : al favorite In Atlanta and many neighboring cit ies. goo whose grsclous manners and sweet womanly characteristics made her greatly loved by all who know her and her death has cast a deep gloom over the hearts of her large circle of friends. Miss Sullivan was to have lieen he guest of Miss Isabelle Graham, of -his I city. threelten hurt At Camp Mackenzie by Building Fall ing Down Is Reported Just before press time, the report came to The Herald that a building had fallen down at Camp Mackenzie, Injuring three men, who were at work on it* The lateness of the hour pte : vented a reporter «oing going to the senee and substantiating failed to sub stantiated the rumor. In the Senate, Atlanta, Dec. 16. The senate to el£.y took up tha appropriation hill of Cbafpail ®f Mu<*tegee and. 9 was con ‘•Jdeieu or sections, Mr. J. O. Carter, of Milan, G&.. Is j at the Planters. ck 18 MMIIIVi *1 MMT.L Wr .ir—am -1. f.. t* . Dr* , ta, h^MMdkh. * gnu, at Tw gawkk t —*na. tatavstosofi a vstt par tto akmi*»»r» nf c nr*a< is*» wMAtow Ik kit ntnftmF tome end i-vemm mantkiMmn mate <em«4 by *to pin lamnanl. Tkm | fe rwyrW k> tto Hto W*tk f tto ItoM t nmetee m km M— k nf Alton** tto to m m.r.4 w ito to» 1 1 a meet m* par rmMkrwte i» Tto fUam taM iwftw. te kvmg rt .*..w*ii mrsl— who erw -Mtolm* *4, iMfipnA nr needy.** Tto kmt m tto wn faUwaa t ’Ttoi nftay tto parage «f Mb a«t all »i ddtarr' torn-, awe attoi i-nmiMM matoisiaeig hy ito - iiiinnm tor ertp |M and nr arty aaUier* and call ara nf tto ttllltad Plater atoM ha -yea ta alt aaMirr* and aallani *.f llw htM war as ttot-dl, «p«i • the mm* tewn* and «tttoHt dle rrtmtwattn* a* to whether they enllated upon tto to <rt the , uniaa or ct|tfedera. *.* THE MANNA CMAHOES Tbry Ar* Now la fhc fiend.- of a Mib Commtttrr Washington. Dk’. It —AI a toeeimg of ike Hcnate ronHkltfce on prtvllegr* and eierlloaa today.tbat • hargea of bribery against tteostof Hnnna made hy the Ohio state Senile ta connection wiik the eeoator’s alwtion to his prweat i term of office, were briefly dbeusaed ,«nd referred to a »*twomalUt« coa- Kisting of Senators Hoar. Spooner and Turley. The sub-committee will inves tigate the question, and wilt practical ly decide how far It is necessary to go into the matter The charge* were filed I during the last session of Congress and i has oot been pressed hy the author,!. AoLtNALDOS PROTEST i The ‘Riioril Me Mas Made With the Peace Commlm lon. Paris. Dec. I*.- The entire American j peace commission leaves here flr>i the i Cnlted State* via Havre and South i empton tonight and sails for New York tomorrow on board the American liner St. Louis. It id learned that Agoncillo, the rop i resenlatlve of Aguinaldo.. has lodged i strongly worded protest with the eom mission, which thus becomes part of • the records. II begins with saying: “The very noble and gallant Oemeral Agulnaldo. presidenl of the Phlllpplno Republic." had honored him with “the post of officio! representative to the very honorable President of the United i States." - Agoncillo then reviews the case at length, saying that at the time of "im ploring the armed cooperalion of 1 Agulnaldo and the other Philippine rhiefs." both the commander of the Petrel, Captsln Wood, in Hong Kong. I before tho declaration of war. and the | American, Consul General Pratt in : Singapore, Wildman at Hong Kong, j and Williams at- Cavite, acting as in ternational agents of the great Amer ican nation, at a moment of great anx iety, offered to recognise the independ ence of the Filipino nation. BRVAN AT THE CAPITAL. He Was Shown Hany Attentions in Washington Today. Washington, Dec. 16. —William I. Bryan came to the House of Repre sentatives at 1 b'clock and was given a most cordial reception by his former colleages In Congress. Earlier In the day Representative Bailey, of Texas, the Democratic floor leader, breakfasted with Col. Bryan at the latter's room, and it i 3 understood they discussed In u general way ques tions of public and party policy. When Col. Bryan reached the House he was escorted to the Democrat's cloak room, where he was surrounded by the members and was made the re cipient of many attentions set- some time. He talked socially and political ly with that unreserve which maiks the cloak rom discussion. Accidentally Shot Lt. Bishop, C a F, 35tli Michigan, ue i eldentally shot Major Atkinson with a j pistol yesterday No harm was dohe. Mr. E. 6. Byne, of Waynesboro, is at the Planters. BOBBIN AND SPOOR FAC TORY HERE tmhCH*Bi% F« In M•*?""*< •* KMaMHtami Hat* «**• CM t> tto -<Md Ittotts Pastory" to •* t tMted iktUMlr Ha—*a.lwr* iw fw ruayrt to • tot* Mtod NW tto *l—wtottory unto •• nwr«« <M A tout >»».— ami H.ll istoi Trmn «• iw #« M«w ksdusM-AS Iwywlwu IsAwln to A*gwa«a> Arrsagwwi«Ms have too* t—ptoert which secure tot Awgtot * Ml .mpmUAl ! rwtnprtwc lav rtvlng tto Ikv—Htolt «f ' |-atm —4 «i«ins employ—t Iw frwm ! tarty to fifty wurkknm. pnmlpalty I •hilled laborer* Mr. W. M. RMbop. k gentleman at j wns who bws —tly made Augtota Ms tom* la M the head ot tto enter- PS toe He totnkliabrw Ik tto bwlidlM k—w* ae tto "*M tohwrco Isrtsfj * factory bobbin and spool maoutactwry, Ike product being uard to Ike ndtod I man afar icm The plant will to up , to-date ta every rmpert. equipped with j j ike rnrt modem and bent of mvhln- | cry obtsinsble and using the tost of j I material The output will to of the **r> tost and aril! find a ready mar ket. tt Itta * to. Move The enterprise ta a new one u, this , neetlon. the cotton mill* heretofore *r ' curing such equipment from the There haa t>een k manufactory of the kind in Athens. Wh-n this one is in 1 operation it will be thr only owe of it* | i kind In the tkmth. probably It Is learned that work will begin ] I right awsy and hat the Industry wttl j to to active operation very enrty In j January. It will to operated by s.esm | The “tobacco fsetory" is a three 1 story atructure of hrlek. 5« by ttdi | {ewt It la leg meet that. Wlttle A Co., tto | ready tuwnutsi lurer*. whore plan’ Is j i now aquipped in the tobac-o fs* - cry, , . arc orrangtng to occupy «ommodiou» and centrally located quarters, ranking room for the fsetory bobbin and spool manufsetnrers right sway. Uinuuiti' ««•«»* • • ■ Hearty liiKotiwtmrrt. Mr! Bishop ha* received the bun of | encouragement in hi* enterprise and Ihe will fie winked every measure of ' success by the people here. There is but little Question that he will find a j I ready market in this sei tion for the I | Hrst-rlass product which his manti'ac ' lory will turn out. The Hersld takes jtspc. ial pleoacr* in making announcement of the estaii- I llshnunt of Ihia Industry in Augtts**. It is of the kind of enterprises which the paper lias Uhl for for this ehy. With the establishment of factories of I this kind, employing even less capital than this, making first-class products that ate utilized in the South. Augusta will find he.rself becoming commeretfcl ly powerful and Industrially rich. In behalf of Augusta, we thank Mr. Bish op and those identified with him for planting the industry here. Again wo predict for the bobbin factory and wdi for !t every measure of success nud sat isfactory return on the Investment. MOWI-C IS ALRKIHT Splendid Telegram Received at the War Department. Washington, D. C.. Dec. 16. The war department has rao lived the fol lowing report from the first trip of the transport Mobile, which made her Ini tial voyage from Savannah to Havana, arriving here yesterday. This was the first It Ini o' the ne wtransport, the regulations of which were very satis factory V "Havana, Cuba, Dee. 15.- Adjutant General. Washington: Mobile reached Cuba Thursday morning at «: com mand appreciate excellent transporta tion and ariangements; all In charge deserve credit for successful trip. Wll liston. commanding." 3USY DAYS AT POSTOFFICE I he Money Order and Business Largest In Years These are record breaking days in the business at the Augusta postofilce. The soldiers have been the cause of it. They have been paid off and are buying mon ey orders galore. They also do a hit ol' writing to the folks at home, and so the stamp busl- i ness at the office grows ( large Yesterday was the day on which the largest business done In years at the postofflee was transacted. The money order business footed up to $4,333. and the stamp business to MSS. The postofilce people inform the re porter that the business Is the largest in some years. Today, it Is not expected thru the. i business will surpass yesn-raacv. i/<! velum* The srend t>s», gxe&,t.<ycfiw.d ike., money'Order Yi'jrlfttw; y«fl%{tay atfjsi; , noon that ltianv were •coropkiled to wait UiitilTtJftay to get Their money orders : The majority bf those who were whit-j | lug for orders were soldiers. / I PRESIDENT M'KINIiEY AT THE TUSKECEE INSTITUTE The Executive Welcomed There by Booker T. Washington, the Noted Negro Thinker and Scholar. Words of Kindnoss and Praise For the Insti tute, For Its Management and For Ms Scholars—The Address of the President Excellently Received—The Trip From At lanta Was Without incident. Tushi'tot. Aid. Due id - Tto Pv*w tdsqtlkl pMtr ntltH k»rv at I k th's morales and so* mto hy tto mayo? sod tto town council Tto trip from Atlanta mm sitlml itoidcwt Tto pmrlT wntatod cwrrtagsa and •**• driven to ito Tuakcgw Normal lns(t> tula, wtor* they wrtw grrHcd by Hooker T. Washington, tto principal. and cnrc-ned Into the isrtotv room I Prof Wsthlkgton *pohe find intro* during Oov Johnson, of Alabama Tto gnvarnar appruprivt-ly tmrodßeed ito htsWrn! to the scholar* and tto gIMWt* Tto Prcaldcnt Mild “One thing that I ns- about thi* in- 1 Milutkm I* that it* policy ha- been gen erous and progreaaivw. It is not HI-1 rvntMrwd or so inter cot e 4 to Its own mi: - suits and ambitions as to tguore what . is going «h In tto rest of tto- country, i nr tu make It dltficuli for ■ .unito r* to |-bare Ita local advantages. 1 "I allude especially to the spin: .a which ito annual vonfeceneea here Ivave oeen held by (he lending colored cMl sen* and eduratom with ito Intention of Improving the (i>ndltk.n of thalr lr*t fortunate brother* and statar. Here, met can me. ta an Immense n..|d, and .«na shlch cannot too soon or io<. carefully hr utilised The conferences have giown In |«p- j utarftv. S* e 4 *ti as belli* .-ateolaied hot only to intunraqs tto colored nwn sad eolored women in oidivlduol effott*. but to i ultlvsp- ami promote sraivatde re lationship between the two race* » emblem whose Ktlatltm was never more, needad than at tto present time. Patience, modulation, self-control STONES FOR THE BRITONS j Attack on the Home of the British j V.lnUter Last Night. Waahlngton. Doc. 16. The police I | have under arrest Joseph Pearwm, u I printer. 2t> years of age, whu laat nlgiit •made a violent atuck on the British embassy with brick*, which he flung into the drawing room in which the members of the family or Sir Julian, Pauccefote were seated. Miss Paunce-; | fotc was struck by a brick, hut fortu-j nately the force was somewhat spent, and she escaped with an Injured an kle. , , . Several windows were smashed and the magnificent cut glass of the main j entrance doom was broken and ruined, j The total damage will amount to seven j hundred dollars. \ telephone call was made for the| police as soon as the first missiles were thrown, and the servants rubed out j and engaged * n a A** ll with l’eat-j on. When the police arrived they arres ted him. He is thought to be mentally unbalanced. HE LOST $8.50. ut He Had Vague Recollections of How It Went. A soldier of one of the regimen Is called at police station at noon today and told a story of having gone forth last night in the shady side of the city ami bavin* been robbed of 18.60. M. seemed to have a very vague tve: lice- j tion of his last seeing the money As ; lie could not positively say who should j be charged with the robbery, the mat- , ter was dropped. SHE IS DOCKED The Capenhngsn Authorities lake a Hand in This natter. Si. Thutnaa ,Dec. IC.- Tile I nitad States quartermaster steamer Gypsum King, which arrived here Wednesday last from Porto aloof on an order to be docked, and which was prevented from iso doing by the Danish government ol ' ticiuis. who took the ground that it was a violation of the neutrality la vs to permit her to do so. has now been 1 permitted to he ducked by orders from (he authorities at Copenhagen. Contributions to Christmas Tree. Mr. W. C. Stoy. the veteran escur sion manager, is heartily in sympathy with the West End Xmas Tree. UfiJ lifts forwarded The Herald u coatiibu item- of one . dollar, which litis been ■i'draaft ..over to” the treasurer. Mjs3 'Umm,' Stoy says' that tf.ittof Mtiroads ; wilt give'him a. tratn he will run an i < recursion for”the benefit fifths «hll j firon and. women. r=r — PLANTfUt LOAN ANO HA VINOS **** BANK, »f ft«• »at*o*» j i 1 1 »***»• *>tn*ans#P«**a«w fmqno ihcaartwdae and «naroria* wui surrip 'wto *o* ewt ow nod i*«liae ito tost < MqMratwsv# of yom no "pm "An arttowce art Ito e undneo* «f tto ptopnor# >4 ihM u>-t*taiMn I* that Itoae in v totg* *v tomb a* oat tones* In titrmptina ana:tainafd» -ndh and mete ,weiro- le n to *»tf rett*»ce *n i t ia<tl ,i at IndoMry is rnnaW raljmbir No LoMliirjr epoch a* race ha* a moanp.ity pan kno* ted*- dome nave ussier, bag neeesasrtiy iwtter apportunttlee fm otf development. 'Vbut few men ran obtain frse. <n<-at have ta i> vjr tor perkato by hard. ph» * *>cal labor, menial strugale* and self denial. Bat. m this g—vi cauniry. ail bee.- tto opportunity to> betterln# • tomaele-• provided thev cv-K-lse lit •-mg*n.* and y*t«y«»»i* and their i motives in J condor f are ptoper atot No whet# are soeji favltltie* for not* versa! edttesflon found a* in ib- ttaMaflj state*. Th-y are accessible to • vary lioy nod gtii. white tu black. ’* ■lntegrity and induatry are the toot •stoacsaloo* which any man ran have— and every man can have them Xo liody can give Ihem to htjn or lake them away from him They are c <A thing* |to have and keep Ttov moke happy, homes ttov achieve tuivto In avers walk sf life, they have .von great tri umphs for tnnnkUid. N. man who has ibwm aver sets Into a i>»Hca court or before the gran t Jury*, or in Ito worit bouse. o> .si the chains->ug. They give one moral anti matt-rial power. They will bring ntu a ,>m forts He living, mak. yum reaped ) nuiaelf and ora - mantl icspeti* of your fellow*. They are Imllsie nenM. to success. They ere Invincible," I ROOM MASSED THROI OH. i Two Section* of Soldier Trains Went Through Augusta last Night. Two sort lone of troop train* passed | through Vuguata last afternoon and night. The train* had on board soi |diers froni Huntsville. Ala., bound for 'Charleston ami thence to Cuba, The .troops came In over the Georgia and j left ou the Charleston and Western I Carolina for the City by the Sea. t The first section arrived at 5 iVloclc | last afternoon and the second it X o’clock last night. | The troops belong to the Tenth Uni ted States Iregularl Infantry under ! Gen. Chaffee's command. Upon the arrival of the second ha • j fallen in Havana the ramn site will j have been selected, headquarters es tablished and everything In readiness 'for (he reception of the remainder of the regiment, / The Saratoga, which carried ovtr tho first detachment, reached Havana iati Tuesday, and Just as soon as the sol id ers and cargo were discharged, ciear ed fir Charleston. She will probably reach quarantine tomorrow morning land at noon tie up at the dock ready for her second load of men and prnvit ions. The troops that arrived at Charles ton taut afternoon will. II is though:, get off this o.ternoon, and about the middl ■ of next week the third and last battalion of die Tenth regiment of In j fun try will embark, A GRIDIRON CONTEST Between the .55th Michigan and 13th Penn. Teams Tomorrow. A gumr of fool ball will be played at the ball park tomorrow. The teams that will kick the pigskin will be teams from the Thirty-fifth Michigan and tho Thirteenth JTunsylvania regiments. The ganu will be a good one, for both teams have ben practicing for some time and arc In u position to put up a jamb up game. The contest begins ut tt o’clock. Admission will be 25 cents. Go down and sec the exhibition of gridiron snort. A SPANISH NOTE Thinks the U. S. Senate May Not Ratify the Treaty. Madrid, Spain, lit-- 16.—A is.-mi-offl- Oigl note raided today says ’’Ad the American senate must ratify the treaty of peace before it becomes effective, our government should wait for this ratifi cation. and'hot hasten 'o cede territory which the United Stateß senate may not accept.”