The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 16, 1898, Image 2

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mtiOAv I vhL a Where’s He Goins? f«o*< i GOT. or « MiUmii «r Mato* a MaaMaJ bnwwt I Ij. Nctn *tno t# |lf.» |Ui Dru» «.00 it H&M> UliA. «. f4O It 100 it in 174 It 74.00 VMto **• «• 174 {Uij»> 1.0 It 3100 ktrviim* 109 It 100 Or.. fr«. Ir.. Ac, Ewing in Music Thomas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augusta, Georgia coNcm and a ante. A* Mimliiii Urogram of flattc M 4 IUM l*ta»i*g I TA* C«d*U ud C. L. A. » |.|«rd • clear put at indoor sum util at Ih* At falrh k % hall iaol bight. Tm C. 1.. A tana and Iha aatne riomwl the fll*» MM) of Ih* HW*. Th* fa data nr* iha talnaro winning * tint of II players ,Th* arara laat night wne a* lot ■ C. L. A Cairo Etoena.n UlgDon Mahoney tbaohan O IMMtali. Thorn la, Parra? O'Connell Cadet a. - -Mai- Anna K J ‘ Doyle, Mnlberi*. C. C.. Armstrong (tail* her. foot alio Aberott Durban, Ftoida. llMlfftl Score l>y Inning, r 1.. A lOMI 1 II *—l4 < . eto IMHltt *~U Ihe Gam* fonlgM. Iha Troth Ohio Indoor baa-ball tram at t th* C. L. A t**m will lurnlah an t.. bit on of hall playing tonight t ■ armory that aril! b# orell worth (t P*»idt« th* gam*, an excellent pro. gram of tnunir will be fun frh<*<! by the T*u»th Ohio band Th* runrart will h* the flntt thing on th* program to la follow'd liy the ligll goto* Tlta progtara rnO'Wrt by thr hand Will he March- .Star* and dir I pas Forever.— to.iitn .Madlay—Ouster of Peach**. March —Coltmal Dana.--Ma*ten. Corn*t Solo—B*lla of Augusta .March -Oriental Commandery. Serenade- Kvenllde. —Ripley. Kanaua City Star. Coneart I’ollta Trocndero. - Maatcn March —Georgia Camp Meeting. Mill*. Finale - Mar Spangled llanner. The line up of the teatua will lie aa follow*: C. It. A,'a. Haakervllle. third base; CoatcJlo, right field; Salvo, eeo ond lutae: Tolantl. left field: Arm atrong. left shortstop; Smith, catcher; Daly, first bast'; Stoke* pitcher. Um pire. Mr. Carl Meyer. Scorer, I»r. lharbot. Tenth Ohio Lathrop. rsa: DeWald l*y, Keller, ih; Plenum. 3l>; Belchcf,*; Meets. 2b; Houghton, if; Harmon, rt; DeHart p; Fergus,ui, aub. ,I'uiplre. Porter. All who lake the slightest Intercut in Indoor baseball will do well to bo on hand tonight 1 To Cure * Cold in One l)#y Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All druKKlsts refund the money If It (alia to mre. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. TRUE UHEATNESS W ill be Rev. Powell’s Subject at Y. M. C. A. True Greatness. That Is the title of the address that will lie delivered at the Y. M. C. A. on next Sunday afternoon by Rev. C. K. Powell of Kentucky, at 8:80 In the afternoon. CHEAP WNTER TOURISTS RATES. Cheap Winter Tourists Tickets are now now on sale by the Central of Georgia Railway to Florida and Cuba. Pension appropriations. *145,283,830. Number 4>f penßonere, 083.71*. ~ * . Ife. ■■ 1 rr- .....1 .■ Baa’htlfol fine-of'Mahegeny snd Wi - nut Suita r»gardte*» of prcwlt for cash . .Fleming & Bow Jes. WEST END JAS TREE. Where the Contributions Should Be Sent. M • •**!«•**»• tted thaw* sHM A* Nd|y t JMA AaewawA *0 ••** taf I e*4 If In It* will AM*fW. •*» Aw** w* tinant* ™ ™ 1 biwil aft ***** gwwap***w» «tot Aw aw# it*** N9A* at *** *Hp t*t« *■**• ’ MMal t* awwguMwt* tw th* tf*H Mad fltoi*** TVtoh M-Mt (to M*n—l totNA M It* *Mf Ate Artl* l»<ww»A* *d fß«mw At* itiidnw ewi «t iM|t-i rArm' •*»% tte **ia* nita mtH M r*dw»*d ww n*g wwt it* giniMMirt of * *Awl tw•» tißli* Mlfla m ftrlaimn* In It* CVMNBA* IMA# AAAntoA It* Mli iWtfSA *9 AAfiA#* M**«* ** awtfilMt atinans the twa •**» *wtt* MM A* ***** "* •Ms itaSMßtdA A* etoAIW **» »’• * *•**■ *••• H,U * ** *** gMgWM* ntd jwy m* twpplnaw* tin* M n*t»wd»»l Apon it* *aMM»tw «**«*• of it* lArtA CMHd'* Mtltdf IM *twy thlM Ml It# ally *f AagnaM sHht *Ahai M Ml* ttta CAMS*' gw* • tappr lt» »lt*P HMWMot. h*ppr Aw tt»mnil,*» ta »A* •••'••w** •mw wf «nnirHr»rl‘m «w »no4t*r a hnyptw***. r*Awtwt*e th* W**c ted Christma* tf«P A *wwtrtt*tlwa As »*f IA rant. ****** MdAlAg M «A* •way wall fad and may rhlldrwi of w*tl-l» do p*r*wU. hot M MR wss • Mr* pui. • h»s of rawdy. a My, aamidhing itat mmm CAtwam* Aa It* rMUVa AawrL ff ytw *wai *a«A • aw*'< mow*T AawaUw Mt awry rMM In A unit who wtahaa to really Atfoy hi* or h** Chriwmoa r*s»»»b#e It* Waal Bwd liMl* *•## wNh # Iwy. A Alt of fn»M. or MWActtlAg of that •#!#*# Ml** Jall* Moor*. At Th* H*f*M ofir*. ta lr*n*nr*f Aw It# food St* wilt raewtv* oad awittbly nrhnowlAdg* fw#ipt* of nxm*p Aomlloa*. PrnMi and eWAfortlona alrnald to yatl 4« Mr# * « Itastar. AM Oraana at*#*4 who will r*r*M* nid Arrange prawn U of tt*« hind* A»r th* IHtla mm Th# Herald *lll b* It# depot for toys of alt kind* and other nrtta!** which it 1* dam tad to cw*t ri hot* Th* Hwnld will **# thal *» »«fA prewnta •r* placed it th* po***a*i<* of th* proper dlstrlboilng rossmiita*. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS S U p« I.mdi and Other* Now ia Col- The Enquirer-Sun of Uidumbu* «>• i of the visit Of the Georgia perlntendent* to that flt>. amrru* <hum la Huftt. Lawton It. E*ana. of * Ah—ft j pursuant to the annoal custom or vtailing and Inapectlng the eartou* Georgia arhooi ayatem*. a number «ts the arhooi superintendent* are in Co lumbus. looking through th<- Oaltthlm i —'luh 4*. • Horn# Uomi •*<* til# ! decided that M would bo an wool lent l,l«« to make periodical triads to flits* and town* In the state and tga—tf the various school ayatetns. It tioing »»f* Seated that much useful knowledge could I* gained In this manner. l-a»t gear the superintendent* vtalted At lttuta. “Thii y»»r at th* cordial Invitation of Prof. c. B. CHbanti. superintendent of the Columbus public school*, the party came to Columbus. Yesterday a number of the superintendent* *pept the day Inspecting the city school »ys tero. •Those In the city are: ‘ K. J. Guinn of Fulton county. D. U Abbott of Macon. G. O. Bond of Athens, N. K. Ware of Hswklnsvlllc. L. B. Kvans of Augusta. K. C. Bran non and D. L. Earnest of State Nor mal school. "During the dsy the visiting superin tendents thoroughly inspected the working* or the Tenth and Eleventh street schools. They were pleased with wbat they *aw. The visitor* were very favorably Itnpreset! with the ucw school building. Today they will visit tho Sixteenth stret *ch»>ol and the Hose Hill school. During their stay in the city the superintendents are the guests of the Rankin house. They form u congenial parly and talk pleasantly and Interestingly regarding the city and its schools at every op portunity." ( For LaCrippe and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. How Dear Thou Art. Dear a* thou art, thou shall bo still more dear When growing life hath more ennobled thee, And touched thy beauty with maturity. I For not atone hath spring her blooms of gold— A fuller loveliness doth June unfold, And fair fruits redden as the year grows old. And I who kiss thy lips and cry "A rose,” Shall kiss more reverently when sorrow shows Her patient presence in thy mouths repoee; Reading a sweeter message tn thy look Than that which all' W qulek'nlng pulses shook VTher* love from thee hope’* bright as surance took. T -m-m >T3OTTPIT> OROVETOWN. What ia Oolog on In This Prosperous l.ltlle vniag* "On th# Top of the Hill." There will b# an entertainment to ! night. Friday nlghL at the Hrovetown a. aib my. for Ihe benefit of lb# (tap tint Monday achool. Ref-#*ha»#nta wilt be nerved and a royal time may he expected for all who attend. Thotaj who have it In charge are sure to make a slice** of It. • We «.(Icmne Into our midst Bee. H. j D. Par# and wife, who will aarve the Methodist church hare for another year. He prettied an able and elo quanl sermon laet Sunday night to a large congregatlcw Mr*. Gainey has left us on a short visit to Athena. Mr. and Mr*. Mangum visited Au gusta Wednesday. Mr. Karl Copeland wa* In the vlt- i lag* Sunday , ! Mrs. M. Flake ia visiting her bro ther, Mr. Toro Savage, near Augus ta. Mr. Tom Oilve, a prominent young attorney of Augusta, after a brief vis it t<> his parent* near Appling, return ed home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Verdery, Jr., of Augusta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr». Gunter. Messrs. George Verdery and Harry Minims of Augusta vlßlted Miss Mary Willie Heggie. at Hegglas Rest, on Sunday. Mlse Flla McDonald has returned home after a pleasant visit to her sla ter, Mrs. Walter lx>ky, n« Bonevll!#,. Ga. Mrs. Magle Bailey and Lloyd Green visited Harlem this week Miss Carrie Huffman is spending a short time in Augusta. Mr*. Clarence Culver spent Tuesday! and Wednesday In Augusta, the guest of her sister. Mrs. Burch. Mrs. Reese and baby have returned | home from a visit to Augusta. OABTORXA. Bean th, Find You Have Alwavs Bought T" Senator Bacon has given notice In the senate of his amendment to the Nicaraguan bill, providing that work should not be begun on the ditch until the government of Nicaragua consents to a modification of the treaty grant ing title to the United States In per petuity, to the canal right of way. Naples walnuts. Tvlca almonds. Va lencia raisins, Malaga grapes, currants, raisins, etc.: also fine line fancy bas kets at Olovanl's. 634 Broad street. In Dressing and Mani cure collar and cuff sets in Dresden and other popu lar wares at Richards & Shaver’s. —• • <: | Piece vour order *t one* and avoid rush. Goods cheaper than ever. E. 3. Henry & Co , popular priced tailors. 216 ,uid 216 Campbell street. GIRL lIiOIBIICK GOMES TO TOWN 11 ItAtdte tMftp LMI »4A"*4ttte* Iwiaftlt}, Ate toy* Ate Mil AAWt* H«m Al t 00% iteww* m.m- 1 IMP *6 *■*#*■ % 1 0tMk | 0 0 ij >|tr A *rrt*rf *Hf|» • Ifi 'Hi iilm H 0 Ist''#%# Ml • BmNB - MMIfNPf I if f < ihMyflUIL §B 00 1 BMktf «M m** *t* ta AwfM* atd mmmoa**4 "f# fMKtfMf Mir ftiM tMliTff* j«9 f%» Mixll <i#k# MMb ts t|a f ltd # ' I f MHWNv ! •** ■iwnfr MHawit "I t#*e A ***** < *» # , • pff f *7l I *t>n, I mmm • •»#* «wff* ?*• j r -« T«y—r tf<l IIM rttf #4**** j flu *M» | N*« M«i | fhii Immi §m>4 MMwigti 14 •! f * * ; H tlMf r«1 H . I tM • NwflrtMfcs. Witt. 4 * H Mil Bm 9lit MM§? 41 4 • mill Hvt I 9**fc* Ml »* ? | t I •••••4 •• 00 I ; I mmhinl Id pm Um IMmli I Im4mNl f MT»«tp4 frwt 9000 M*t#l l4wl*lMl V ' uMif lp* IMI «t II *»• • ; : lipfiy IH, 1 mi to MW 1 *«»4 M4lti# not o»M* M#9t MM MpHo |*«itkrPM. •Iff msmiof Mjr mMO9 99 H»fl# !« or9o Ipm (roM riikp*» Nil it*m« Mr 4PMP" MpaiMP mo i*o j oUflk i«4 II 004 MM* mmil4 k •* ■ irulif |Mt tMt Np Urn t Ml Hi tk I ifyyiHfc. ImH M tfciftfcp I PM tfftPpMPP oltl P Hot t 00 Jtriprpfpf mmm*9 bmootm4 14#r» Ip mu 1 . || I* wil lpi fMI iwcn>lt.lffct ftt&M ortiich Ip Qh. drpr m>; r 4«P*I Oil My J pf)4 tttark hooii na tll» imblic ]ptf4*tp UliPtli# iwmlpp Klp th** *O9- * I ha** Uriel* print**, which I wit to t.tioHMP frirpi fnf |# mtl Mfl. TkP t irfcpjp ftvf (p«* ih# ripht IB p thiM by mt. Th* tlehoU show when and whavo thr wila* la So he hod. Now, ~ giMcua'a lam to Ahliw la on* of tA« <«*d>n* aha* store*- I# the atoyw *d Maawr*. renting A Dow bar. on yon,' j ’bwntlta! Hnwd atrwt here. I think now hot thi* ta •"* d"Anitn- that I will shoe* on Dec *J However, j ! (iw wty be stated on fk* tlrhwta. Too , j mull row* down to •** we. Ton *h*ll M*e * *Aln* fra* I wil w«1 «he tirk |ou tomorrow. I anppewa 1 think 1 will stop at th# Vtrgtnin Ilona*. The H oman DootMack. i Th# woman bootblack aeemtd to b# 'shout Id. Ah# acknowl#df#d to 11. Hh* w*a dreward In traveling co*tnw* and wn* *o lntara*Hng looking •• to h# called pretty. Aha was vivacious and teamed rather proud of th# dia tinctlon which Ih# unique calling for on# of her mx gave her. Sh# w*s not timid Ah# #h> hund'tp of n#w*p*p#v clipping*, giving •tor!** About bar work In th# different town* In Ih* South wlilch aha ha* vl*v. In,l. ifha wn* miffed over onn Th 1 ' rwwrUr had rather written her up it# a joke and had poked any amouut of fun *4 her. ••j am In this line for the money ih*4 [l make out of M. but U la not neceaanry that I blacken show Aor a living. Of course I don't do it for fun, pure and simple. But I. In this way. mak* ex penses as Igo along I am sure If a man has the right to ahlne shoes, a wo man has. "Come down and *ee me. Oh. yes. i you can writ# of me In the paper. That Ila what I rnme over to yonr office to 'get you to do. Otve me a nice not!#' i know you are saying to yourself that II want a free advertisement, and yon I are not deceiving yourself. Why, the i newspapers help me along wonderful ly. If they didn't write me up I j wouldn’t be so successful. I know well I enough that a woman bootblack la too i much of a novelty fur a wide awaktc i purler not to wrlte|up.” Lamos. both Banquet and Library, in beautiful designs at Richards & Shaver’s. CHRISTHAS MUMPERS. i Joy* to the Little Ones and Pleasures to the Older One* The immense stock of shoes and hats for the holidays Is almost Inexhaustible, ami the supply never-failing for the mult'tud# of Christmas shoppers at the Klee & O'Connor Bhne c6m|mny stores. By securing your wants from these popular merchants, you are ably assist ed in providing untold delight to the lit tle ones at home during the Christmas tide. Beautiful and acceptable presents are given when your purchases reach a certain amount, and it Is not too late to get some of their choice gifts and at the same time supply your needs In their line. See them before Christ mas passes, and they will delight you beyond measure. Pains in the chest when a person has a cold indicate a tendon y toward pneu monia. A piece of' 1 flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound un to Ihe chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of pneu monia- This same treatment will cure a lame back in a saw hours. Sold by Al exander Drug and SMd Co., C- R- Parr of Bell Tower Drug Go. Art Square* from $4 50 to sls flO at Fleming & Bowie* WANT AE :9r 0 m 9s*9 mtfrn %«► firt M mw** * ♦a# • Ate* w 99 00 90m * 9Mmm 0-9 ' i tefka* £#% fpMMMNt A tPMMI Md MMM mm 9m m sm. M#t 9m* #** 1 990000909019 !• d## *oom 00 Mg <WM4» j frnfcn»A| Hr* 9909* 9099 90)9*900 M |M# IBM i %9>mo ot9* 9999 MMM" <4. 44 -90 9m 9* \ 9M4 0* 9099 7*tn* #4 w9*o - Tm* tjAAfi*# |"»4 M MMfMf tMMP 1 * * 4 iMfiT fnMl 90*10000* «f MMM MM | IM *9009990** * irruATtoN wan ieo MM# # *<•#• mimmMNM#* Mi 4 0099*00 f#4P*#4 4 99*9000* m 9* 00099000990 S9O j ; Mull * o*oooo 90 9* 0H00909 90 o*oo 4t#4 life# 4Mk'Ar '»*#■% CIMI fMMB 1 ; I* m» | am 9$ n $441 * * *#Ml #* * ] [iM# 14 |4 41 4 J««M 40 fit W4IT ■ Ml Immm 44 *9**9 U4i J . #t #*«*■'# 4p« |4 n ' 1 11,11 44*4 MMH4. « ‘ i»| 44 *9 444 j ’ 414* ovm* fteMfteMMh 44 44 I4MfiEMN# ! ;\ f tr~rr 4* 90*9 W#f **4 4 me 14 It I * HELP WANTED H Attt4.l o *** 40 ffllt l 4 0 Ml*oo9l A * ' wmmmm *t mi o»+«r*r* 009*0* 90m * 4$ 9909990*9. 1440440 4 440 4 f ! r l -Titriß, ma Ilf 4 49r*4at 941 |gf* i waxth* - 4 cm tit *ti mt 00900 *9o* 4MNM9 00M4 09*9099999.. *o* 9*9 49 ti|4o *4o*#. TO PENT __ Tf> UfT-TWO HIKMnHK f>OCBt.K •AAteAt M I I par wwwthi alt «h«Aara ft«*etH*n«. Iwtwtd FIB* lay. TM Hi «4 atf«H, Da* a FOR SALE cmgAM-t R«AM AT M J *rg*o» rr FOR gAIJB -FAFICt! FOR WRAP PINO purposes Ckeapeu* 1 a dtp t*ne rest a pound Apply at Herald nl*r» •nth whits and now a-paper gn I FOR dALE—I4* ACRE FARM, ONE mile from rtty llmrts. a bargain. Ap ply W. C. June*. If*. U« Jaefcaua W. j oat t ’CHEAP—PAPER FOR WRAIMT.NO i purpose* I* cents • hundred >td ex rbeugee White paper t rent a pound. Nov I I for aAi.E—tax oneexw street with • little outlay can be mad* tnte la handsome and mortem rsuMaam. TVrtne ll.age raah: balance, three yearn j with seven per cent Wlrmt- Apply to I |g„ Sheehan, Manager, HoM Partner j Brewing company. dec 13 ts LOST AND FOUND. LOST- A SETTER BITTH; WHITE and brown spots; eultatde reward for her. Return to Wm. Boyle. W Jach „,n street. till Bat tnclu STRAYED- A DARK HfU* BRIXDLK cow, marked on right hip with tar. J. to Swell. CrEohett. dec 17 STIttYKb PROM U 7 BROAD AT.. on December 7. two hrlndle cow*, etc with long keen horns: other with short crumpled home and bobbed tail. Find er will be rewarded If returned to T. C. Tabb, *37 Bioad street. dec It MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO RENT—3O CASH REG ISTERS for the holiday aeason. Kn-aa. 714 Broad street. _ dec 14 _ PIANO TEACHER—NEW METHOD— Mrs. B. L. Horton. 337 Broad, dec 16 A FEW TABLE BOARDERS CAN get good board. reasonable prtee, cen trally located; apply at once, C. A., care Herald. dec 17 Special Notices; Special Notice The National Exchange Rank of Au gusta, » , Augusta, Os.. Dec. 9. I*9B. •fttE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder# nr this Bank will be held at Its Banking House on TUES DAY. January 10th, ls 9». between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock p. m.. for the election of seven director* to serve for the ensuing year. PERCY E. MAY. Cashier. Fire at riertlna. Half of hts store I* filled with Fur nishing*. Woollen Undershirt*. Socks, etc., and the other half Is Ailed with the A neat Woolens for Suita. Trousers and Over Coatings. These goods are not burnt, but If you buy them they would feel as If you were on Are. 924 Broadway, opposite Planters’ Hotel. Another chapter In the romantic life of Anita da Bettencourt, the so-called Countess of Spain, better known as Mra John McMurrow, was revealed Monday morning In the warerooms of the Philadelphia Storage company, when the’ mysterious box containing her papers was opened by Its purchas er, T. Henry Sweeting. The contents, though not exactly what the onlookers expected, , proved to be diariqg, re ceipts for rents and household expens es, servant wage books and a quantity of legal documents. It evident from the documents In question that the countess had enjoyed a life of af j fluence. She lived at the rate of many personages of high position, and ap parently gratified her ever want. Lib erality to prodigality was manifested in the record. There were no com promising letters from great men. as the countess had enjoyed a life of ag- FREE ~ FREE Till* OHM ALMOff 044A4M4 nt l IIT. An External Tonic‘Applied to the Skin Beautifies it as by Manic. THE DISCOVERY AGE A WOMAN WAS THE INVLNTOM- * | ■. * * Tti wn 9r Imr* «ttot f w 94m» |B4oim f Mk***4 *9 49m**** t m- <m «M#m4 m* f *o*o*9 ; su9 wnmkim mm* mtmm teyrtlwtfcMi 90 j Urn Mofo'«h4. 0 .1 tmwo o*4 H «M^| mm Cmo9**9Um 90 r.os» 1 A«0404a %*9 I *m% iVf. • rnn* Up 000*' 0# 11*4# 0M»90 #o*l Is«*t*t9*9%b*oo1 s «*t*t9*9%b*oo I Tom ■».%> -| mb omsi# f. . | in |t,|V# %s*.* ! | !s*• f t 4 ori«aM{oE. Pm' **. I CVMHM4 UOOL 9%9 . 900 m to4»o*ti. om*m 94# ikJitfjE. tw »M 1444 OMTta C—o4f»l4o l—lff bwt 4 9900% 4SottMtto| »JMI 104 40f0l#v I Hi M»-l * m 4il -000 10# WS'«4 04 H# oMC«r*l MfkkM 0 ? 00. |l 04# 904 »Utß 4 Hit 09 iU *.'i/ 4*lMor 0 to 904 o|*Htet Af>4 ft H 0 0 013*4 90 incw |i£» loal i4Hteß«l«sT ttoor*W |M •M4MCIOMM 10«n«t »|4«04>l l»« 0>»0! | iHvt 0 o*l9 0?t—n»l HHfdi f WiMihri %ao9*+f f# 40 904 4014. ' •*" A •#*» ***## l—W | SlUMteNs #..4 CmUwii**- uT loair Uno i0»A»»«f|. tl* Xt«»4i iMi w»H. I 4uft4g *il# 0# 090, fill 0* ftW ‘ THE MISSES BELL, ts ntm av#.. n«w York city. For Sat© in Augusta By James Daly & Co. <> ' ■' —*■" y . S^llppp^ JSSEW\t he inSm 1 %«ttKs( hj - ••'•' ' J'jt >*2 ©v* F* - "' jfy' «*IL3N®». gi W* MORPHINE FRKE TRIAL TREATMENT will b« wnt ' l « TREATMENT.' HOME TREATMENT CO. t Temple Court, New York. ~~ The Bell Tower Drug Store CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS ,-Elfc Ar ' JclCT ' Be It Telephone 5235 PATTERSON & WADE fluence. She lived at the rate ol many aiieged by some persons. In fact, tbe history of the countess, by her papers. | examined, Indicate that she was a lovely woman, cheerful. _ and sur rounded her children with every lux ury and placed them under the best instructors. The most. interesting thing in the box was a diary kept by the counter* on her visit to Europe nrrfMßFn ia ? 494 #• 9041# f— *%- >99 9009 14#l 0401# 00 90*4# 110***0i*mT44 40m? 10*1 0#4 A 404 *0 (or# M-#0 04V V>4 «4Mf 04 OMW | 4WOMa flit fl*9 *pM 0 fM PM ##o»4|# * * urn* I* »*<*» |«r howta, anl i; ■ b>. t tatrr •ImsblA h* an-tawata b> ail. TL* M>a*s Nil hart a mM»*lw4 ,• f Br* borA. “toot, at teaarty.* TM*oahoAta •*•%l* fr *toad *• rig [ it. Ti # W* % loan *itaaaiivlf ass Uto lißßnrm-f of a g«4 waaptoito*; total J |. a a mn may aawalf* hosts!? **4 a,-a U ! 9llf 0 tir; I>t to bit* s*i tufUmt flW0t»; ; | a fm, # 0A«40n4l wf o—k)f.fl 90# o#if pN* ' WW9 ft# OC»Uf4I I'MStr 4» < 9nU* t #440 0 ‘ me* Alm* ouo tv I hont-h s-iHW half from Ih# Am-*, ! nnrk amt ac * vithosi Igtn to tb* *k ta . I TM* !•> A wtil b* tnatlrf to aay aM#am va yi' |-fj Tnal D <nl«* at TT..w4#sftil (W : plr, > T •me in* at parlom. ur £> mil i (ctM f»* fHK' tokafl mn* viilini) lo 90u## 41 0 Cnrimpiwidawga aaedtally aoMeitoA. AI 4pm* C. B. Allen 830 BROAD STREET. I SELL THE OLD RELIABLE Ur Cut Stive. HEATING STOVES of All KINDS AX XMAS GIFT FROM SANTA CLAUS will be the exquisite whiten***# of Christmas anow that we will lay upon your shirt bosom, collar* and cuffx. Those who know a good Ihlng when they eee tt will appreciate the fau!lle*« work that we put on their linen In col or and perfect dnt*h. Sample It. HULSE’S STEAM LAUNDRY, *l4 Jackson Street, Opposite Opera House. Shirts, 10c: Collare. 3c; Cuffa. 4e. PARLOR MARKBT, 95 1 Broad Street. UK I L PHONE 400. ONE OF OUR LOOLOOS for your Phrlutma* fwwt will give you a tgtvt# of iwnHhlnn in th* lin« of tarktyi that y°u will remember for many a day. A nice, fat and juicy turkey haa a flavor that you do not fft with the skinny kind. Wv will have everythin* m the line of meats, poultry, game, venis >n and celery this week, and during the holidays, in tempting POWELL & COMPANY. j during 1576, the centennial year. It reads like a romance. It commences in Madrid, and shows that she was ac companied by her son, William T. Mc- Murrow. then a lad of 18 or 20. The diary recites in:ervfew* and clone as sociations with notable personage*. On February 10, 1876, the diary shows a loan of SBO 000 but doe* not say who from.