The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 16, 1898, Image 3

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FRIDAY Athletic Carnival, Grand Opera House, Monday Night, December 19th, 1898 BY CAWP MACKENZIE SOLDlfcRb . THREE HOURS 01 ui.wuinc KSBSON TALKS TO TECH BOYS tt* IMM Ihe bfetlM MM© © Trtk*4*V TW (Ml I‘upWl' l *» *m * rnmtm Ammo* u*.„‘ t l ** tt»>‘ta* n el A*-1* ' ■Mod l*« %rs* a tmhi (Hurt (h* (tenter* (MU* Of WMMMI tfOMer 04 Tl qvlusil TM* r-'(0£OOy erit hit fta*.e«r« H* am* (h» lone'** *M oiot- • t»t* »<» »h» o»4<*t« of th* *«M*g* Li**t. Aoteoeo iidof to • toortog* wex Mr, ftsAs—nq M t •'ftp© oof wo* looMuub loir joool io tho hi I* I*o*ol ommiampoo of (Ini tofohf ho (A* 40(1*00 gram* mm t r ft* * Mr '■*»•* oioho o dod of**h of eO»* «r.»<-s ottoixeo* (turn(oe to the 4»e**«> toHlr. ofi«r hoeing hoop i»m»Too4 Or iTrMdrri Uifltoti Hos of Ut* T«h ont- . >•o* Ltool H.*oao to hto MMcrh. «wA* I of (he t»»r4 Mfr of ** rogtoeef <b' horh truMoe « >rk H tokrr to prefer* s#*,/, t im* hetog* teeth tram th» | m .>» iik# tPo Hit f|i * 145 »sg.Jt I»» __ . *vojOfc#,f« • ||| |0 rtjUttrft ft4*i ' mr .... -*,l fiii#* *nat»v oOmt frt*3wS*rrtj* 44P4M 4©9 t** artM In tb© t p« (•'(«»»■ •* , TMo'ritt Kfts-1 to trroter hMtM* u . _ Kr*v If) Mlir •Aft ( Oil)«] CJHJft© WftftP hW#,r ** w '* *norli feuiwf. I iSwiii im**» p** * “ |©%©4C©ft. J 1 *"* MWIUP ore more Hos-ly ollleh with w»r P"' rivill«tio» »«<» mTtorr that t» I 4o It o«t of pttr© «© *© ! f to th* mmm ttuc th* h*** * our #fer#Tie r etort** ovtr th* fiiPC' i W . . . _ WtMMf of th# world inothrr *o*h rirtory *• ouri | tt, hut th* real rowi **»• th* *oc -0.1 am wro ki 'at rooiio* cf hard war* wt did *» pr*parle* sot th* war. . <t *- ,b* hi-for* th* war was iWarni ; th* b4ttl©9b»f* of U»* raltM Slate* , ard there ill' work wan d<m* Every thing that waa «•*!*** «*aa thrown i vc rt>om*d Fine ftrriDf waa rat away 1 pj fftrythlof that vai for comfort j only *e* tutoen overboard Day end „,,ht red Axes were out and twriuf shot al tor target*. The work we* bard end the rooiine | tirraom*. but (be result proved (bat Tt , v wril d*ror and riobtfull* planned. •‘in contraat to all tbia work ’h'' Hran'afa did slas.'at nothing, and thir i I* the mevt of OUT iwro?. The Ifemwist then vtold the bo>> that the anatorr to he drawn from ’t oil la to work hard and neraiateutly. He was loudly applauded. For Whoooing Cough CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. THE WHAT HEX Rain Tonight and Saturday : Warner W' eat her. Foreeast for IS hour* ending S p. m.. Preember IT, 1 f‘*T: Washington forecast for Georgia and Scuth Carolina—Rain tonight and Sat urday; warmer. Local forecast for Augusta and vl einlty—Rain tonignt and Saturday : warmer. The river at S i\ m. was 8,0 feet, a fall of 0.1 feet in the past 24 hours. The 'oik. barometer yesterday morning over the upper Missouri valley has moved eastward to upper Michigan, while the highest pressure conlinues over the Middle Atlantic states; there ts also a depression located in the west | Gulf. ltains are failinp: along the tmmedl- | ate south Atlantic coast anil in the Tn- ! dian Territory, while Texas had rain in the past I* bouts. Temperatures have risen over n -arly the entire country, the rise at many places being marked. There is only a. small portion of the south this morning down to the freez ing point. The coldest section today is upper Michigan, which is 12 degrees above zero. D. FISHER, Observer. You are e i pecially invited; to a demonstration of CH ALMER3’ GELATIN now goinjsr on at our store, and will continue t4re balance of the week. SHEWMAKES’. Cheap Groceries. J. D. Gunn & Co. have an advertise- j mc-nt elsewhere in Th? Hera'd today In which they offer some remarkable bargains in groceries. If you are tetter- j estod in economical hougeJteoping, it j may be well tor you to read same. — , Chamber:air, s Coils, Cholera and X>J- j -aisrhoea Remedy- can aiways be depen ded upon and ts pleasant nd safe to talcs. Sold by Alexnder Drug and Reel, Co., C. it. l’air of Ift'U Tov.'ei L»ru« j TKESERViCEMEK GF SPANISH WAR lift# \lni tit fttftilftiM IW U Rl tt* 4Miittt WR •* fWfif4 Ilk I* t**ll*#*#l*N». i 9m**rt*9 14* Fr*** Jh4»>** i Rtitt Imv it#* m**#*mm «t *4# w*i* *4 • •w» RNN* -Tl» 14* WRf.r |4*> ' s ltt m #4**%** •** *•** jßilftlßß 4f 14* ttPMrfWMf# m (}•#***! J«**44 W4**Mf'„ f|. I* *•* RMrtP* i44i •« t4* mmmt pt+mtti Will RH t4* R«irw 4«** 4**w M*4tRW» rw|R*t» WltoMk I fc**W**. OiWrfW* A, Wit*> • Riff I* «4* «WKIW* I «W : |4# 14*4 MMI li 4*tlYW tR fP*WfH»4 *l4' mh*i*p* i# *4* w*f Rf mmrwm w*p"w --14t»» 1 r*mp H*4fT Ctar * 4a* %mm m* §*wu*4 «l li••***! |?, r I*** *t CMMttNI4 tt* * *w4 It I* Ifeji* MMVMI *f **S*fW will pww 1 iWIO - *F*i**(* 0t 14* «W4*Wt**l**Wi ** *' Olt< Itlif llftlff itutfisT* t| f M Wfl4 R|**l* *W4 tW (WWWMIV* 14* Of iTfifltlll f|s/t th.*l **4 * PfMIC PP rwl* I® Fn!*, ©f ,t a&4 i© ontriww Of pfWIRMIC 1 tb* foil**!** BtJßw: Major (koffti Jo**|»ti W4**l*r flrtgadi*? CJ*o*r*l John .%. Wiktf Be sure to leave your order with us for a Xmas Turkey. We will have the finest lot of nice, fat, stall-fed Tennessee Turkeys ever brought to the city. Also a fine lot of Kalamazoo Biue Rib bon Celery, Cranberries, Etc. We are receiving daily the finest line of domestic and imported table delicacies ever brought South. An invoice of Fruit Cakes from 1 pound to 5 pounds just received. “Huylers” fine mixed Candies. Cho-' co'ates and Cocoas, Cnase & Sanborn’s Fine Teas and Coffees always on hand. Come at once and give us your order so as to avoid the rush. SHEWMAKES’ Col. Robert W. Banks. ,001. o*o. W. Oundir. Col. Tbomas J. Smith. Col. B. D. Spillman. Col. Myron H. McCord. Co!. Wm. Chaffee. Col. Wm. A. Pest. Jv LI. Col. Clarence L. Smitii IX. Col. Jonett Hen ref .Lt. Col. Wm. Stafford. Major Phil A. Shaffer. Major L. C. Harter. Major Gno. C. Staffmanr. Major F. G. Rue ell Major J. C. Bryant. Major H. Mitchell. ' Major Philip Motheraill. Major Jefferson Da via Griff i'h-. . j Major Thomas Cruse Major Samuel W. Hay. Major W. H. Flanks. Major W. H. Lyons. Major John Barkman Major Robert L. Crook, jr. Capt. Wilson I. Davenny. Capt. Joseph R. Harrison. Capt. F. J. Kountz. Capt. Chas. A. Sharp. Capt. Benjamin Johnaon. Capt. Allen B. Fall Capt. Brlnton B. Davis. Capt. Davenny say* of ihc organiza tion; •Th’ Grand Army of the Republic tor more than a generation has kept, alive the love for the flag, and the mu sic of the union has been playing ever since the men came marching home in •«5. The confederate veterans, too, have their campfire*, and in memory have lived over again the hardship* of their campaigns. But the latitude of birth is no-v forgotten and the soldier* of the north and of the south are Join ed in a common song of triumph over tyranny. •'lt is therefore fitting and proper that the feeling of fraternity so happi ly horn should be given substantial expression and moulded into perma nent form. And it is to this end that the society to be known as The Service Men of the Spanish War is organiz ed . •‘lts purposes are purely social and patriotic, to cement the friendship be gun in the service and foste- fealty to our institutions. To weld into new brotherhood the young men as well as the older ones who hurt, s'.ood togeth er for human liberty under the Stars and Stripe* in the glorious dawn of a pew century. You can get a fine suit cheap for cash at E, .1. Henry '& Co.'s, 210 and 218 Campbell street. jvxjo-xjsta herald INASOCIALWAY d ; I/.' , c j i v V » " '^r/ ' ‘lt®* M** Atl*«*ti • M*r*l Nn4r T4* -I*4ll** rtovw! s*4*w«t t«M»t 4©* ; pffmirm i«f Alt** 1 * * plfwli TTf4*rilm i+iM! fntwlfl *t TftftlO < 4*f*4> It f*i IT tint nt t*‘4lt*4*ll. ' A l*4**Ml. ItftWMl **4 llarMV*. 4*4Mw4 tt-*«wfu«l* u*4*r 14© «|4*w4t4 Ar*4 of ■ fr)q*n|i t»4 Ihrtt *lofi© **ll'* 4***w* • - F»*r4tr** *4 **4 flwwilf n**©*4 m 4 iTiwirnl Mart rr**l4*Wi f IrV •*4 14© 4i»tl*ft)!#tK4 R i|, i**l* w4o , *P*f*4 OW ill* ft vi#\« if) * «t*o4 at «4* JwftrtM* of hw 4trw* *f%4 »%wr« A* t4* 4cof*lf4 vrbk I** w*»t bv 14* «t**4 9Voi.t4©*t M< *tji*4i*4 *t 14© fmwt of (4* j_ a 5 t 4i wm jtiufM in 4 40w«4 to t4* j and itft*4 kl« fe*t to tb* fair I (KtupcAta of HMrb rarrlifA a*4 w*• 4**t4 to Ms Ttilft t* cwrulolf b**t* !t if ill and in i» rv «t* fffflfpl * f hiflft* I Inc ftfitl " Tha wealth and culture of AllauM j «aa out yeeinday and the floral pa : rade was ■ dladurt awceaaa The day I wma naKaUicamt. th«* airarta ware I. rowded. (Tory vehicle waa a work of I * rt Ik dllUkkltoO. and the J?"* ItinguUbed gathering of Botablea which i has ever viewed a procession in At lanta occupied the reviewing stand and enjoyed the pretty feature of the peace Jubilee. The Parade Begins At the head of the floral parade was a battalion of Atlanta polio*, mounted, and following them came the Fifth regiment band, which rendered enjoy able music al} during the procession, and serenaded the president when the reviewing stand wa* reached. Then ' nine the display of the Atlanta fire 1 department, a large fire wagon cover ed with roses. From the rmse-covercd canopy waa suspended the fire bell, made of rose*, and a large ebrysanthe- I mum formed the clapper. In the wag aet a Start On Catarrh And Save Endless Suf fering which Winter Brings. The most offensive of all dis eases becomes more intense as cold • dither approaches. in tact, many who have been under treat ment for so long,' aud during tho ummer feel little discomfort from tho disease, are almost persuaded that they have been cured. But the first chilling blast of winter proves that the disease is still with them, and as the winter advances, iheir Catarrh grows in severity. ,'hose who have felt only a alight, iouch of Catarrh may be sure that in [v cold weather is needed to de velop the disc;: What appears to be only a bad cold will prove more ciflioult to cure than for merly, aud will return with more frequency, until before loug the disease is fully developed. •‘For years 1 suffered from a severe ■ i.,e of Catarrh, and took several kinds ,;• medicine- and used various local ap-! [mention*, but they had no effect what •V'r I was induced to try S, S. 8. ; • will's Specific; and after two months 1 yvr.3 perfectly well anti have never felt any effects of the disease sinee. “B. P. McAIUIWR, “Harrcdsbarg, Ky [t is easy to tit* importance' of prompt treatment for (’fctarrh.,. »«*i <4© f #%* ipaiiffi 4* tom f m**" < #**©*4 4 or©*® # 111 14© 9WMM* *■**•*' Mt* tt i|i Mil©© «4*** n, o*© *4 14© flcwwi fW-' [ -'*4© twliwwtw Ml © 4wtiMM ** *"•© [ *An| ©*fill44 t* IlN* IMffltttt tttt* Mr# Ml©*f ©** Mr* FVW4 tt«W 4W., | ««4 *4© «<•» I*4•©* *44 t4*#r tWfWWWt* ) on** 14© ©OTtfiirflt of «o«#r 4 fifWlYMfl* T4© 4*ft4k4© w4l*4 W©* *vmM©i| til© | | «***MMl IMtfl© ©M4* 4©M 14 t4* |WlO'©* ■ 4tsow t I© || t*wf© MNttoA Mm© My* i Nutin «r.| Ml** t % *i4* J***©*© *44 | 1.4© fOfft*W» W4i 4 tn©— of YrtcO© .H * i r** 414»t* * *t*' w4ll* * c4fT**4t4* ii | OKU* I*© rout 4«M» MMllt* 4 |W*tl| rtf* T4© 14194 fWli© Wt44*t Nklt«4. 444: Im it of**© Mr©. tt*i)li© It©©a4 ft*4 Mr* i |*f of M©*©4 T4i* •*© * ■ Y*T* rr4l9 *49914©* 444 W»ft 4©mmt#4 wit 4 4i4*ttfW4 tt©**lf fw*p*. W4k*4 foort * flrftrtnf folil, Mr. *44 Mr*. A44f©w P Otrt*f rod* t© a *4ft fftflol Wtt4 Millftt ft*4 9*44 ft*© «Air b *ttrwrt«i 4»«kA litwlioi. «44 Mfi. H©49? P, Tnaipki** w4o wo© flrtt orttft. follow**! 14 © ilHorlt 4*wu ilftttlfr 4*©bKW©4 wit A wAlt© *4ty*A© «Aron»*4« A 44 rlt4an®ft. CH*f t4© **r ft©** *©4t Miwrt ©ttTrwl ptmtf ©rr4 i#© rt t4* ©aim© 4ft©iff* Aito Mr* Tom© AIM ©off Mr* Mt!l©r TAo©o of Mo All©, ft bo ns4© wit© 4*r. w #*© ©k*W» Urtf ffOWO©4 *44 I Aft? 444 tA* 1494 out wo© m*jr A iiMiMt. TA© Aor**ft wftfft i|o ofiu* «tth i br***4tAoftiftwi Vary Prdly I awfpagc Mlaa Martoo May and Vliaa Ethel j May rode in the trap of M.a EYaoW Mewart. and tbH equipage non fre qnaot applauae. It waa prettily We * orated m vtnleta and created a Ceat deal of favorable mmmeni from ever* - 00© It waa unutually faahtonably and tastefully dealant4. and waa one of (he • prettiest In the entire proctaatnu {Mr. and Mr*. WllUam lass's Peel nppmred to advantage io a handaome ; victoria decorated with piak ctwy» ant hr minis aad the next carriage. ' containing Mlaa Utf .ftwease and 1 Miaa Glover, waa designed In holly, bamboo aod smliax. Mrs. It . R j Joyner followed In a carriage of pink roao which were well arranged ami I very pretty. Mlaa Janet Itnln excited admiration 'ln Nr charming toilet and vehicle i eoie«wri wgih purple chryaanthemum'. » Tha r*w cast of Mr*. Joseph Thompson was Iteontirtilly designed In white and purple fleur de lla. and Mist Toon)ha. Miss Thompson and Miaa Colley, who I rode with her. added much to the de sign. In U»e next carriage were Mr. au.l Mrs. Charles A. Conklin and wits Ja | nla Speer and the effect was very pleating. The yellow chryignUtewMßM victo ria of Mlaa Sallle Maud Jones >«k clgboratoly designed and unique and. pretty. A very pretty eqnipuge was that of 1 the Misses Hemphill. It was covered with h f-d poppies, which were origin ally arranged, and the turnout created. much applause. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Anderson' rode in a victoria decorated In white pond lilies, which was unusually handsome. Miss Myrtle Everett, in her carriage designed tn yellow chrysanthemums, was the recipient of much favorable comment. This marked the end of the pretty floral parade, which wus the prettiest occasion in which the fashion of At lanta has appeared. 'Those who get a start on the dis ease before the cold and disagree • able weather aggravates it, wil j find a cur* less difficult. Catarrh ! increases in severity year by year land becomes o(,e <if the most ob stinute and de-p-seffted troubles But it is equally important tha the right remedy be given. All local" applications of sprays, washes, inhalations, etc., oj.ii never cure Catarrh, for they do not reach the dis ease . Catarrh is in the blood, aud only a blood remedy can cure ii. Local appli cations only resvchlheirritated surface; the right 1 remedy must he taken internally. Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) is th<- right remedy for Catarrh. 1 ! cures the most obstinate cases b . i going direct to the cause of th I trouble —the blood—and fore in lout th* disease. Those who have j met with so mg<?h disappointxumt from local treatment should thro?, aside their spmys. washes aad in haling mixtures' and take S. S. S. A cure will res Wit. Send for free 'hooks. Address Swift Specific (!orn.’i?'iv. Ariunta., Gwia. HqibMl M dim Sale fielore Idieide The day ftftm* CHrintmmi w« begin to taku ilWftfltOiy— lh*fft Af* flight 18) buftinnftft days bfttw««n now and th*n. So «• to hnvn as »mftU a stock at po««iblft to count and maasura and invoice, wo fttart tomor row a tight Dayi* Homo Stretch Cashing Sala. It's tha daad of winter. Rftroly da wo over have ftavorar weather than thi§, even in January. Right now when you need theso winter goods to sorely, right at the high tide of winter selling, right here in the midst of the winter s business harvest, we open this roducing-cieaning-cut before-inven tory sale on tho most necessary winter goods, It's money to us to sell in the next eight days a great many thousands of dollars in winter goods at loss than our regular prices, and it will be good money to you to come and buy. Rend closely some prices which follow : $2.45 Men’s Tsn box c* f . calf lined those, heavy sole* and up-to-date toe*, the kind other deaiers eek you $3.00 for. The above l» our price. $2.95 Men’s dark Tan calf Mned Shoeai ftor above figure. This shoe is made of fine box calf and very stylish. Hand Sewed and considered cheap at, $3.50. $3-50 k You know what other dealers ask you for a nice hand sewed Tan willow calf shoe. “Golf style.” made ** n r mr De fection as a shoe can be. is their price, the above is our figure. $1.25 T?!ey "rnake'ycnlr ’shew I Low Prices Creates Big Busine: The event was carefully marshaled J 'ey Mr. R. F. Maddox. Jr., Mr. C. C. McGhee, jr., Mr. Frank Inman. Mr. 1 W. H. Kiser. Mr. Will Martin. Mr. Quill Orm*. and Mr. Marion Jackson, who looked unusually handeome on, horseback. Tho follow ing committee was in j charge of the floral parade: Mrs, W. H. Ktger. chairman . Miss Joan Clark, | MisH Jennie F-nglisb. Miss Annie Nash, Mine Belle Newman, Mias Julian Hat-; ris. Mrs. Wilmer Moore. Mrs. Robert Maddox and Mrs. Hugh Richardson. Mrs. Fleming tintertalns Mrs. Robert. Fleming complimented :l number of friends with an elegant eight handed euchre party yesterday. j Among tlioso present were: Mrs. .las. McGowan, Mm. Beeson. Mrs. Casa well. Mrs. Lnmlon Thomas. Mrs. C. A. Withers. Mr*. Thomas Barrett. Vtrß. Henry Cohen, Mrs. Willie Miller. Mrs. Stuart Phlnizy, Mrs. J. O, Ma thewaon, Mrs. Albert Doughty, Miss Doughty, Miss. Marie Allen, Miss Ger trude Crane, Mrs. Steiner Dunbar, Mrs. Wingfield, Mrs. George Dames, Mrs. V d'A. Alien, Mrs. J. E. Camp bell. Mrs. W. B. Whito, Mrs. K. B. I Baxter. Mrs. Cecil Cochrane, Mrs. St, John Moore, and Mrs. Margaret Bar rett Dugas. The prizes, a plate, a picture aud a jardlennicrre, were won by Mrs. Co hen. Miss Allen and, Mrs. Caswell. The consolation wns won by Mrs. Fiiinizy. and the booby by Mrs. Thomas. Presbyterian Church I uncheon. The luncheon rooms opened by the ladies of the First Presbyterian church on Broad street are greatly appreciated and liberally patronizc-d. A delightful menu is served from 11 in the morn ing until midnight. Manimond-Mackie. At the home of Mr. James E. Ham mond, “Pleasant Home,” in North Au gusta, Miss Annie Lee Mae kb' was married last evening, to Mr. D. B. Hammond, the Rev. Mr. Dolphin ofti clating. Hiss Foster to Pintertain. Miss Annie Foster, who wiil return from Notre Dnme for tho holidays, will compliment her friends with a german on the 23rd. The engagement ©f Miss Wuis* l>a- Bose oi this city, to Lt. Chics. Prestan Nelson., of the Lnlied States navy, has bean announced The date of lb - marriage of these two popular vr.ung peotde has not geen announced Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co. TWO 834 Broad St., name across aid*walk TWO STORES 722 Broad St., opposite Monument STORES ANOTHER BIG CUT IN PRICES We are always first to cut the price of Groceries, and every article guaranteed to be as represented or money refunded. First patent (lour 5Ur Hack; *4 bbl. i Second patent flour. 4rte *k.: 13.20 bid. Sugar cured bams (not 9e pbnkw) 10c II) ! a l akes of 1" ounce aoap for r,e. Apples. Oranges, Nuts, Raisins. &c., in great quan tities. See us before buying your Xmas Turkeys. We will save you money. Him & PILCREH 354 Bull Street, BIRTHPLACE OF LOW PRICES, x us yet. Migw Dußosc is one of the Cluhmc City’* moat accomplished and beautiful daughters, and the announce ment of her engagement will lie lead with interest by her many friends In Atheus aud throughout the state. Lt. Nelson i» a native of Massachu setts and comes from a family who tor generations have added lustre to the fame of the American navy . Lt. Nel son’s father is a retired naval officer, who for the greater part of his life served with distinction In the Ameri can navy. ■ Nelson is one of the most popular young officers on the U. S. cruiser Buffalo, and is one of the most talented officer* In the navy. AthenA Banner . Miss Du Bose lias « number or friends in Augusta, won during several visits to Mr. B. 0. Miller, who wih her all manner of happiness in her now life. Dance Postponed. The dance to have boen given by the officers complimentary to their lady friends, lasi evening, has been post poned. Young Men’s German Club The next german of the Young Men’s German club will lie given on the eve ning of the 29th. Hrs rirtiowsn Entertains. Mrs. McGowan entertains at cards today and tomorrow Mise Muriel Black wiit letuni fiota Atlanta tomorrow Mrs. Barksdale is visiting friends in Washington, Ga. ' 1 DFCFMBFR 16 $1.95 Ladles’ fine Dongola hand welt button shoes, flexible extens on soles. These shoes are regular $3 va ues. but we intend to let them go at above figure. $1.50 For above price we will se'l you the best Ladies’ kid button or lace shoe, patent tip or tip same, that is sold anywhere- Has much ’’get-up” and style as any shoe sold in this city for $2. $1.25 We have an odd lot of Misses’ Spring heel button shoes, patent tip A pia>n toes, all popular makes. No shoe in the lot sells for less than $ 1.75. Sizes I 2 to I. Will close out at above figure SI.OO Misses* Spring heel Dongola kid shoes, patent tips, sell regularly for $1.50, and are good values at that. Will close them out at above figure. U !h cun tuinitueff 7 I-2c*. 2 !b tan tomato**, !»<*. Fine coffee, ©c. Table butter. SOe. gUPERB [INE v —OF - Christmas Goods! Suitable and elegant pre sents for everybody. The | most elegant Stationery in | the South. Toys of every imaginable kind. Call early and avoid the rush. DUNBAR & WILLIAMS x iVi V 'll . The Kansas City Times says that tho whites who used the negroes "to gain political ends" are far more dangerous I to the peace and welfare to the eotn ; inanity that their black tools, and that | the best solution of the race problem is to commence on the whites first. "If negroes could get it into their heads," says The Times, “that they aru disgraced by association with white men who are satisfied with such asso ciation, they would know a good deal more about solving their side of tho problem " This sort of advice, says The Charleston' News and Courier, ; will not make a favorable impression I upon the white men in this section, ] who have been consorting with the ne j groes.