The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 16, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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4 FRIDAY THE AUGUSTA HERALD — SK " % #*»— «*** **»a ‘" « g,y.<a >«OW»U * v **» . # r«aM•*»•**■>•. *4 N»A •*•■ ’**» %9*fc VHf m | "* HIHAID THOMi*. CHy ***«• -«*•« MM. •**»••■* * mmT MM 1 ■•>*%»>** **• VOL Will WO THH HERALD IM Atlanta—At Mfflal Atnfftol !>«>«»< • _ „ _ . |j3 k* vntton to V »:h* IMM» M y ’** •>4 •* Bansf 1 * **** *•***- la HUM) -Al Hw Humh* ■»<■* ood ( *§•*•! t*M»« . j fa nmli>H» V im « j U<*« ! t« iVlvmM* Al IM tivamg Fealtai la in Y*w* CHr- *« iM M**«l Km p.,, sod rusfc Avwnw M«»a panto* f»Mto* I" MM Tv •*•*•*• M a>«* Ai*4i nod raitrwnd* win f.afw a (nv*w ia regeetiog th* Ami la im win. 111 IMS h i aa #t4 *od ira* sdytog ibad "M »k. touch* last touch* Mil." vho to Ihr huIMM mam aha tough* MM? Alu*)> th« man aha advertise* Via way think he deesa’t amount ta mu.h that you a.# tar too at'oag lor him but ttha heap* oa advertising ha'll ha«a tha laugh on >ou by sad hy j I #!«*». ol couraa, you are »to* aaoagh la do |u*t aa good advarttolag as ha doe*, year to and year out Ike men who laugh arc all rmprt seated la our eolumas. Join them Damrotc! .Tfu the death knell of sectional-' The tateet la the Vlaayan Repub lic, "Thai little man" «M greatly In ft 11m~T. too. In Atlanta, yeaterday. What a thla? The cabinet more har monioua and happier without Bilan? Joe Wheeler on bla native heath la 1 running the president a close sec ond May Jupiter Pluvtua, Old Boreas and , all the others be kind to us on Mon- i d,y Now if the Sandcravlll# den t keep their eyes open, they’ll paij caaahi. Kltzhiigh lye back In Havana and Slgsbee on the way. Verily the Yankee; pigs are a peculiar breed of swine. The returning members of the Washington committee say that Oar cla'a funeral was not impressive. • The Oeorgla assembly knows a pa triotic speech, teeming with fraternal ardors and sentiment, when It hears one The West End Christmas tree Is an assured surras. and many a childish heart will be made glad and joyotta thereby.' Brats knocks are now concealed weapons in Georgia when carried upon the person. The legislature mild so yesterday. The country papers line of the Georgia road say the people can’t s;-t their watches by the schedule the way they used to. Notice comes from Madrid that Spain will publish the full text of the peace treaty In a red book. A blue book would be more appropriate. Tiwes-Uuion. The Filipinos want that twenty mil lion dollars in exchange for their Spanish prisoners, said to number ten thousand. We hardly think they are worth 12,000 apiece. The nnkindeet cut of all: "The Char leston News and Courier wants May or Smythe to catch President McKin ley In Atlanta and carry him to Cnur- K.don. Our understanding is that Char leston is coming to Savannah to see the president.” Savannah Press. .There wilt. 1>« no more horror tales B u the hospital ships. The Missouri sails from Savannah tomorrow well equipped with Ice plants, electric launches, and an x-ray machine, four electric cooking stoves given by Miss Helen Gould, and laden down with medical and hospital supplies for the Seventh army corps in Cuba. 1 »*• a** mm mtu •• ■ »*• Mt I t%m 9MMNN (N» (00(10 9* wmi- *9* } !&* ****** *m| bmmm oi9lfr *099 10 **** 1 i- f | i*.. l,| *.#o mm* | i#i Hfe#f H9w»*s 0* * f| * •*** r | ■9O HMWIIWI 09 wm l N»ti*» , 9» f I fwt* It* Hl* H NM*9 9 •9##* f* f*-♦ t *#• .- ***•* f mMfcitll 00*t* (9* 9# *•*<**• f 1991 00#l*t909<* 00# I* A tfT9#«# I L Ataenaaa eahu Awl ahita eto* I I them M***o **** maw, •* 4W#*i< •M*<r g►»•«! th* futaru *** law gsrvsea- * asset, Ms* dtdatewms am toog age j aetftod hy th* athueawua* at sewn- J aag the Ug|o has a»u *ma* hi the I asalWtoa at HNMI oad tosiwtg. aa. | day the gywtWMMg a* flu* ta lha •Mrlt of f»ot*mliy tss ahmitd ahar* •tth yao to th* ram us th* grasa* at the Omlhnu aaldtom * The atom* •unto. Mtmsg hf a ktoa- I [ tdoat at tha fatted g>a«*» a awn aha . [ team ego had htaght *aotoat oa j I should thrfll th* heart at th* Mmth J I sad rm/ftt ptowor* aod ye'd* *° *Wa j i «stars a* aim aw* th* gray And twitlaolag th* P»*oldeal, If 1 i amt fhrtMe toaMMathta to »»»d*d. N J [la found •« lha aaM*M Mt»<iy ta lh* gag o’htoh haa Just baea aa nua*W«u naaty shoos hy th* arm* nod gt soitawi* of thus* haeotr dead. la hi* sgtorh of ysstrrday. th* •tow tdaat ***** gt*ro tuht to osaitia*aia i*aar«tisa <h* Ntare. sgoally thrlPSag with the tea dor rofsesarro ta the yt« j Through the setov of oar arms, th* j old dag of agottoea told* sad Itdrnii* , alar* th* sywhol of Ithvaty sad too, j gear* and has hrea gtoal*>t ila ttso b>n>!«j»t»f w* mm there It to j main* ~Whe wilt elihdrew It from the yen yla oyer ahum It goat* He prottrt tag I foidat Who will hen I It tfowsT* And we* that we has* an far done > oar duty, w* wuet not turn aaakly away front the duties imyoerd through j our deeds. The Praaldagt of the fatted State* 1 would bare been hnlrouir In Augusta before, hut alaee hi* Atlanta aprerhen. Hr M< Kinlry will be goubly wrsiengse. We trust, oh Monday, to hewr further and ataillar words from him. m HIIALD'I CRKIITIUt Til*. The Herald'* Christmaa trtee grows ‘ apace. | Its height la cllmbtnc and It* branehea spreading, yet H 1* strong and | sturdy, and can bear a generous bur- I dan. j On next Friday night, ablase with rayrlada of light*. Ha green boughs lit with the gleam and glitter of Unael, with festoons of gold, silver and bright hued paper, loaded and weighted down \ with good thing* -there will be a sight ; to make glad the Weat End's children's j hearts Small eyes will become big with wonderment and happy anticipation. Think of this, you who are bountl- I fully blessed with this world's goods. Think of the Joy and happiness that yonr contribution, however small In j your estimation, will bring to the children of the poor. You whose hearts lore wnird and callous whh the yeara and contact with the world, go hack to the long ago and plrtnre the acenea of childhood once again. , Think of the hour at the mother’s knee when was told the wondrous tale of He who was born in the manger nineteen hundred yeara ago and of what His coming meant. Think of the One who loved the cheerful giver and from your abundance remember tho little ones of the Augusta mill dis trict. Remember the dreariness and want, should there be a gepernl shut down; remember the eold, cheerleseness and possibly hunger to roroi and give the little ones one night of warmth, en joyment and good cheer. The Herald * project is n worthy one and we earnestly bespeak Its full sue ce*». In contributing your share it will but enhance your own enjoyment of the day. IgA the children have one uight of jollity and rejoicing. From your homes of plenty on this splendid day, remember the anniversary of the Sa vior’s birth and His Injunction,—do your share ut least., to brighten one page in "the short and simple annuls of the poor.” THE SMALL VOTE IN THE SOUTH Apart from municipal elections and such scenes as recently shocked Au gusta; apart from a loeal contest where the victorious candidate comes out ahead by such a small margin that every vote counts, ns was the case in our Fifth ward, it is a subject of comment throughout the South that ia recent state elections, the vote cast was very light. The Richmond Times refers to the fact in the following: "The ridiculously small vote polled In most of the Southern atatea in the late election is o matter that must en gage the serious attention of the peo ple of this section. In the state of South Carolina the whol* vote cast for Ellerbe was only 38.225. which t* about one-fifth of the white vote of the state. In Louisiana flic total vote cast was TBS A'DG'CrSTA .fiCKTLA-I-D •UHL -nr— hmAA* to tgo »*»»*•»• . 4 uMi iii fi'ifioiWL is* mai Umi 00* mm BjiifiM# tmm *0 [ 04# #otw> 111 K fc* * # ■ \m m mtfmm* p##tt in ii m 09010 0# [if ORO. fNI pi#oo* irt*l Urn# j ffiWiii *0#0001ft•* 10 §0 0m 900 ti m ' | Ipo pftHt *OOOI *4# I* 0 AoPoofeoo 000 ; j 0 #*O4A-#«di **-.*s» ol* •> :»0 #?••• • ! lit 0# •H 9 lIN I *"d>tfß 000 if# Mr M Ms |#o M 4 104 oM|uttl| |0 «9M0% '* I Thaw are «*to a doyna htryeH* »• Haeoa - aeartta « I* the taa its targa tit OlffllA NIW A Me»>e T»***r*W» Atsd AH Ifrsaa do** aw egyaM to ga with tar ta (to h* Hoi Oat. Hoh Dartwr to go I'** (*0 * fttftftllls fivinnffit Y%# UOO 00C iVUIf ftftlttdf 0000 N I# 9 9»- 4 * yitt f |M oM»it* 10# fiTM «»if ‘#tMool9 * 1 100, I Wayrraia Herald: Ahalo yreteadof 1 that she was aorry la get rid of the, fhfltygia**, wh*a to fwalHy that to, what she waat*4 - Attest* foaaiHatkia It wilt he with ysrotler feellage that Awerinan* la stoHlag Ha* ana. twill find that th* j dreaded yaaagott will aa laager he d*- ’ Thntoaatlil* Ttaa**-Kntrrpr o If Thnwttlll ta ta rogata her lost greo tigs, we tenet has* a united yroyl* Any further dlriatoaa will he ralwm* I Thi* I* ylala Columbus Knqulrsr Sun The legto laluw a roosrlenre a yews to trouble It l as s«o* aa It starts to do something H should do. Itor laataaw. see how 1 qulrkly It rwonldrr.d aa effort to rwt | down the pen*um roll. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Arp of darl*r*- 1 rill*, will tetobrato their golden • ed it lag on Marrh the neeeath. Iff* They bare already received soma wedding pisaenu Their ala son* and tour daughter* will be with them oa tbta osaatoa. The Albans Banner puts It this way The sweetest social event of tbs ysar will be puilnd off tonight when the reception and dance given under the auspices of the mil iary oflkera sta tioned bore complimentary to- their j friends occurs. Mr» Sarah Hlrkaoa died fluuday night at the home of her eon. Mr. J. ;A. Hickson, At Elko, (the would have heea eighty-three years old In January She was an estimable Christian woman. Her remains were Interred In Ihe cemetery nt Perry on Monday. A serious (booting affray ocurred it Sycamore on Saturday evening when Marshal Rape attempted to arrest G. ; W. Young, a eltlaen of that place., Young was motor the influence of whiskey and resitted arrest, where upon tba marshal shot Young in tbe| stomach. Uoctora say Young cannot racover. A hale of cotlon has been kept at a gin near Sandertvllle for the past ten years. The owner then said he would taken ten cents per pound or nothing. The bagging hat rotted from ekpostiye to the weather and the lint it now being scattered by the wind. The owner could not get ten rents and hat acepted nothing. Tbotmuftllo Tlmet-Enierprlte: Ou the ttretcher in the baggage car of train No. 36, Monday afternoon, lay a white boy apparently about fifteen years old, with one leg mashed entirely! In two, the dismembered foot lying at the foot of lh* stretcher. , He was helng taken to the Plynnt System hos pital at Wayrross for treatment. In quiry of the railroad people developed the story that the boy was trying to climb on the rodß of a freight traTn at Cairo when he fell and the wheels passed over his leg. The boy Uvad In Pensacola and said hie name was Smith. Tifton Gazette: The Gazette has re marked before that this is potato year. Whether caused by tpe finan cial pressure, war score or hard times, the tubers have just fairly humped themselves in producing freaks. The latest and queerest was brought, to this office Monday by O. E. Gay, a lumu soma and clever young farmer from Brookfield neighborhood The potato has a set of natural teeth, firmly em bedded where Its jaws woujd have been had It been an animal. The teeth were evidently once those of a cow, but are now firmly grown, by Borne strange freak of nature, fully a half inch into the side of the potato. The freak Is on exhibition at this office and all doubters are Invited to call and in spect It. Two Failures Two men set out on life's highway To reach a certain place. And one was "slow but sure,” and one Went at a lively pace. The man who rushed with all his might Along the rocky way Soon left his friend behind, but fell Beside the road one day. The other, who was "slow but sure,” Kept plodding on and on. And reached the end. at last, to find That "Sun he sought was gone. -S. E. KISER. In Cleveland Leader. LtMtUMAI t. MMApIAUtV f. WMMMBW - i I 1 iiio t#i #o9| mm 09###* «# Mil'■»' l |Nf 1 #.t ##** 010# 0H» ISi MoP*# *P* l* omm 19000 mm m jf# »t»OM4 I^P 5 Mm * * A* 0w i M“ WNrMwpy# I i 90N9 99r0 Pi t#9» 9 90 10# w-iM-f* mi *IN» ; 10#»i00'» *0 09 I0a» <oli»r9gHw»to*B Ml 99# 90# 1 1# «#«00 ip# 000## o#* 90 OM? H9MOO i.OO tWP* •#•‘o 990MHN I '*e* H tow tsp» t*. ««* hwtto of th* wugss. and <h* -ms*** heu. at. 990 Mft 0 0l«H0ft PI 90# 18900. 1010 01001 1 rPet ratma essp tsesed. ery <d, ftoe eehintsig thweigh HP* *MH *tgh4> j ait ffvsey heors *p>wi ag H***y **< I was etretoeg ta h*gv. la mivi he* i aod hvon ***»:h*t e*#*«#* the skdtoot islgoel i»ao. eattt "ffvsa* dr*' Be* ’ re* | io-aad* tht* ughnai MO o*oa H*«* i»| jrf eg tag «ad i-tetad* as* grtag ah aaah-: , petto* fwotod*. | Th* !»«**"•#*■« 09'90 y hob and gtwhtei jdeayea* MMpp . hwpS until at to*t thej i telilor Saoppo aeeto isapfag hang*tty 1 jet the aery- »<***, * 1 The Hueh*t tSetsaW weogerty aeov- ( ;ed and lapifn tly gan »**t»d. taro* not. I •n* tm th* atltiwpetss* at th* van-• igoarO tto th* disay nwfa. are sol lined ’ •aalnel the ehy - ruasdag. ehuattng. j I »p• Mag aH ***4 with eaeStewat. | tm* after saothev lh* Mg ftamei | MK (999 To*f# 01 0 C’V‘99o, : #9O #9O 9ft m>t «•!> OMI9 9##9 19 09 ; \ 9*9oi**f*o» *»f 9f# , Toa 090MMH fOM» 9t#H { |9r, 990 0 V#iHW *«# i# o*mm 09* ifMritfMi u# 904? dry 01909099. To# j ##• otl#o Mi ft 0 9 «ti f|v'-9 9f i ttoMAj9»w|Ht4NA-- f-*.919091* 990 9»Ml99#'?# f i09099Mi 990 plll##9 0099 19 99# 9MO * l«uH#9 blftl» ** YO»9 t9# g#99lo#f<9gr mwtbmfp, 119# 0 * 10U90VM0 « 99#f*0r##. 9)90 9#99V# o|*9. «lfy 9#9fi9#l9 WUffilK 9# 990 ffo 9ft• i : til 10# |*<*f s»lg* m«fnlßf (MfMMfM# u# #%■## 1 110# #9999091 990 9Mft9 «0f«>990 •9# f Jt* | t#f| |(iy 19991. Th*»9 0991919 990 I*l* .#9lo9## 9(|JNi9t«o9s f< 9 ft W W#4ol# i*»9» 9 0# 90# lfP9 st »l>i<r intHittiu * VoM9ti llkr frum 10# 10m, #t 09## | f 1999 90919/* V( 091 r#9##o I# 0# 9 mitt## <’t Mr* ! |yrt## to m# lhit AuffUft# rerva t*« %|f j «P#r#. f m##t h#r ti n9# fnrm or ift* otN## 9ro#r###r I Si. MHm 099 t it Mi99mlli oft P#tu»*t9jr aril i typtail HMlfWf, 190 # tn# In i miof .<0 «l##r #lO Ho#ii9ti>«i#'# lift*#: j WWi>r hi# trtvfM ltf#'i full r*>u9o « Whrrw *r hi# footitrji may hi##, b#on, Ma# it«h to think 9# fUtt hit found . fill vtfniiM 91 in inn." I M Y«u nr# fmm Aniuitn,** 0# mI4 to, m#, o##r th# r.iffet*pot * "To-” I "Dear old town! I was married there, thirty years ago by the pott-prlest, f»- j ther Kyaa." And then If all became clear why he I Mas a born ftonlfnce. tte Inherited his genius from his evvi-affable nephew, Howard Murphy, of the Arlington. i Mr. and Mrs. fangitmi »er- In Au- j I gusts a few months ago. The lobby of the Bt. Charles hotel on ' Bundiiy morning might easily have been taken for the lobby of lb,. Arlington, by tope »*y Mr W, J. Ib.llerd wa* I here waiting to take the Bunsel Limit ed for California, where he Is now per tnaneatly located. He hM* not been in, the >oet of health, and It is hoped that he all) soon Improve In that land of sunalilne and tlowera, . Th»n there waa that hustling and’ prolperou* young business man. Mr. j laiuls Sutcliffe, uhu won hi* spur*, j along with a world of friends. In Au- K'let* He reports a larger bualnesa du ring tfla past month than ever before In the history of his firm. He deserves at) the *ueee»# that haa come to him— and, In commercial parlance, a contin uation of the same. Mr. Mike Gray tvalked In a few moments later. He Is representing sev eral Augusta rottnn mills, and In their Interest has Just made a tour extend ing as far as San Antonio. The season of French opera is at It* height. Never before in the history of the quaint old opera house has there lieen such an array of artlsls. They have eome here flushed with the tri umph of a successful season at the Urunil Opera House in Paris. 1 thought t had seen ovations, but never anything like the '‘bravos'’ and ap plause which greeted the stars In “Les Huguenots.” It veritably Bee mo l that suttlclent order could never be restor ed for the opera to go on. And then Inst night came “Faust.” I have heard the memorable Score —a score of times or morjc, perhaps—but Its Interest Is perennial, and never have X beard it sung as last night—the diaboli cal fascination of Mephlsto. the grace, the ardor and the grief of the hero, the tender innocence of Marguerite—all rendered with a power too deep for words. My tear-ducts are not particu larly large or fluent, but that last scene has always been too much for me, un less so liadly rendered us to make It comical. So I quietly withdrew as It approached, but ns I walked away I could fancy the fervor and remorse, the tremor tn the vofee of the pleading “Faust,” as the words struggled through the broken sobs: Forgive me. Marguerite!" And then that Immortal answer wherein lies the essence of all that Is noblest and darkest in human passion: ■Forgive you? Why, I loved you, Faust!” It was but an echo of the words of Christ, as the Magdalen knelt at his feet: "Her sins, which are many, are all forgiven, for she hath loved much.' CHARLES J. BAYNE. Mamma Bessie f how many aisters has your new playmate? Bessie —He has one, mamma. He tried to fool me by saying that he had two half-sisters, but he didn't know that I’ve studied arithmetic. —TBfomn Ledger. CM MfGGESTIORS. OOftrt’9 DOER'S # 80019 (|i| #9# 9% m §o99k ** 90M901001 1090900 I w«9o#tt *** ***** Hn #f9 m Chmi 0«9t991f9. H9Col9l#9o## j “Good Tote Apparel." DORR'S ! * 718 BROADWAY 718 Everything To Pick From DnPt9o lh# ClMMlrtg ***fc 9# ll.i o*4 #9 #9O Wit Christmas Gifts, Among which ws will have umeat'ly dainty pattern*. ,|i«|a .*tU visre ><f esqutslto band |>sto #d not* tto# pet tier ikea tvet l*(uf*. rtf 1 estb.f I olisf sad r«ff i. ih, Hand Ps ated Tettot Po 1... at it Balt Trtvlur.g beta Stoning Kilter I'se f.nta Inetl Evirstte in lutes al every dteten. Oat Hetle 11/seti* On luge». Nan nsily'a (to* Caodtee. 4c.. 4 , Keep Your Appointments A 94 biff jrotir lor-l l«t9* st uur «iur9. ( Mitt iof Itoliciou# Hoi r#fr##tituic drittU Owitiott 911990900 k Alemder Dm Cmpas? X« BKOAD 81. oa your PreMwlptloni to 611. For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ffices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 it 2 Library Building. 22] C9th) CAMPBELL STREET. E. W. IDOIDGKE Rubber Stamps. Seals. Brants, ic. 221 !>th St., Next to Holman’s Meat Marke AUGUSTA, GA. EACH DAY HE* fHt~ HERALD < i ROW Calendar. [SUN iWONiTue IWBPI THu! fkl ]i*T TTS err sTTsT 10 IT 4 14 15116 17 i¥ L 9 go a i M 2e t gyj aST2»|3OI3I Christmas I Opening PENDLETON’S I iiTglgX^ |?V Wjjh^^k Sj/AWsi! Wn9 00 %mm * tp**«#999 99 09#9lMpl0 #f 10# £*####' * IMKO 9»I0 19# PENDLETON HOLIDAY GOODS 1Kii1999 few # t ###t# 990 #%*4tu #• 9l BOOKS kss r»*v»» k»*a aorjtomed to #to eftf. LAMPS AND TABLES BeaottfW to dsakgo sad low to (toot. WAVE CREST GOODS &4CO Ml ! Et#fr«of ‘9 o#*to9s Sllftr IfPtk Ptclet Bart*. Ctr j‘ms firt atl B.ttiut (tamei Juvenile trd Toy BcoVs tASTMAN KODAKS. Photographic Supplies 9# »T«rjf kiiid i«4 4f9eri|4«o9 M Lowest Prices. PORTNER’S HOI BPAU and VIENNA CABINET BRANDSOF Export Beers ARE THE BEST At-K IOU THEM. CLOSING OUT SHE In order to close out my entire stock of woolens by the first of February, by the pattern or made to order, i will sell at and below cost. TERMS CASH. WM.E. BENSON Merchant Taller, T 43 J’road Si. b BRASS HAND OUTFITS \ PIANOS, ORGANS and 90a\; ) MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. /7m. Everything New tn SHEET nusic THOMAS & BARTON, Augusta, Ha. JOHN H. FEAREY The Reliable Jeweler Can be found at 21 1 Campbell btreet, first door from Broad. Best Goo 3at lowest prices. yjlSjaS FOE IRON FENDING CALL OX AUGUSTA FENCE CO.. 810 10tb Straei, Augusta, Oa. tp*to.Out of Town Work Solieited-dff* DECEMBER 16 THE LATEST STYLES I::i ltd I:::bS BAKDKEKGDIEF NECKTIE BOIES At Gardelle's Violet# of Scicily 60c. ounc# Gardoli# #• Cuff# and Collar Boxa# Beautiful Line. GARDELLE'S. PROF. P. a WHITMAN, *O9 7tk St. Asetsta. Oa mi nrr nm *» an *•<• • ogk 1 . i".o to. pe»*sr *!■■■•■ warn mam mam* >a*m I.rase» tel tot* vow An*, etuk yarn vut FRFE OF CNARUE. . torw COAL and WOOD —-rKukl THE North Anpu»t* Coal k Supply Co sc4 tuStf lionuloi P W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Kell Fbiio* *P4 btruwgsr M Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can I supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Shaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. t(>AJ M If SIGN W KUCHA NTS. 803 Feyioids .jv j lmtir Leased V« ire* Direct to New York Chicago sud New Orleans. Order* executed over our wire* for Cotton, Stocks, Bond*. Grain and Pro. j visions for rash or on margins. Lewol securities bought and sold. Reference* —National Exchange Bank of or Mercantile Agencies. FOR SALE. Number 12 Telfair street—Four room house —Lot <oxl6o feet. Ten acres of land on the Sand Hills, near Hotel Bon-Alr. Dwelling of 1* rooms, stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three small houses and lots on Sand Hills. Will sell separately or all. at a bargain. 87 Acres of land near Wrightsboro road. on*, mile above city's new water basins. £0 acre* of land near Mllledgevllle road, seven miles from court house. ——APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Brcnd Street. NEXT! parr beg to notify ray friends and customers .oat I have a did another chair to toy Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers, and I hope to accommodate my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 .V 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL.