The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 16, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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FRIDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL WMiU MI I- ANtl M ; All MAII HI H#«l A ill J#illCO HiiM> Gtofi J*> «eo #»*»♦* rn<**♦»• P»t md Nut tw> F6i**»* I • • toato W *••• CITY ICE COMPANY. AlAillTA flAMtllß C»**<pft>«~l (M*f **■* <#••*** •“*« Ml AuM **l*« ► mt. flftif #*» »»»i» M .. »• • - H* rut im A*ft> fStoiflfimT riwiiHH « p#Mt<ma. trtaP, >-*«• .... ** •* blkM ##(l<»W, ka#»«4 .* .. >' M Citato#*, #•* IHMiM • .. .. It **Ml 1* IMh* p#4 *+»4 n « ftft •« •< *•* :< riimm h c., i«m< * * *•* & MMU, Vir»l»»a pmrnitS . A 1-B*6 I'l ImmM B*4. «M>* n .. .. .. . 4* H* SAMWHM* Ift*. f«,....w •• .. ** ** Cft****** Ml. Pkartta A Wlt *• e» *4 ■ »«*•* •* «•• *'• ■•MM* ***** *J wtswlMtota a, h ,» ... **■>• CfctrfcMk. tnaa «••«•••••••• ***** Him** § •• •• ••##(*,•*•*••***•* 3j m #, m .. .. .. .. • UVI (TOCR MARK** f|**«4 fnnwa ia •*»r* 17k -IIP M«a*r #*h iniftlft ■»*•* .. .. l*-l* Dali.*<a. •*<•«»•* *» * I" DM»»»» iffttftfft «»)*i h« •••■ **-*•• R*44»ft*. aaftawi— la aura .... 78 18* Chaafea #*»rap* *•*«# •*- '* . "?.?• "•"■‘..t* - * m . »«*-*» M*t,k la am a*ar **• aatfta .... ftft*—«a Ikt IftlMft .. .. .. Ik - #» Raiftft || i-l Msftft fa't tana» .. R-R dun. U feaaAa fall >***•• ... •*—**• WO'MftWAllto || 89, ta>» (keep raAir, B pa. 4a*.* (rtsckeft*. two Root*. O. O . B« Ina. » T». tfcra* to*#p. c*Pa*. ■ »*“• • It.**, wan #*-*»'* ** J* i* ** D»T GOOD# •man Rffllfft fta* Sh*-t#>*a O-antlavili*. H •fctrrin# . .. .. ..t *•* ofa4*ia» ts'» inn *lUrri*« .. •• * * * OraOi'aatll* til K % ahaa'lOf .. 4 I * Prill* ••*■ * * M PkAlftllaatlla ft—4 H H H .* ft. * John P Kin* Hi* *hlrri*« .. *«* J(4a P. Kin# a lack R C .... » >-* •POOL BILK. CMlealli M* rta •# 4<»l. P»r <B<tt « 14 »4a la #p#ml, P-r 4o». ft* BLEACHING* H maßa»Anc»>ua nratul* .. to it WIG-1 AN Fruit es Ilka loam. *• Inchae .. .. * 1-8 prun of lha taom. 7-4 Inchaa .. .. « 8-4 fa hat. *-» Inch** .. ‘ Caßoi. ft** .• •• •• •• •• •• * Alpm« «<•#*. 4-0 ** Prldft at |ha « I’J jne. p. Kin# 7-4 R R ahlrlln# .. I »-» J»o. P Kin# 4*4 A A abratlnf .. 4 »-* Laaatal* ft * *'* t bo P. King, »*-mch Oa..f«t* .. •• «* » iaa. P KIRA. M ircß K C *•* * *'* Ann. P. Kin*. »* N*cß K* aa* laland •• f *'* Ana. P- Kin# M l«rh JMIINTiI AmarlcaA ahtfllnaa tft«#4 • 1-4 Merrimack ahlrtlAta. »ft*«4 -.. * *-« Cfeartftr Oaak 4r»a« atjrlea to*4o .. I 1-t WathiogtuA Oil# ifan.’O •• •• •• •• * Allan * l**»cy) *• * •** Plm|>a «j’ *•« parcale# * Caatra Bpool c<'tl r n, par doi .. .. ftl American Indl«o W«*». «***4 .. * *-* fSlairr Oil* (Milltl *!**♦ .... ..4 Amartran In4l#a bluaa 41*44 .. .. 4 Iniarnattanal black* 41*44 .. .. 4 Allen * cardinal* 41**4 .. .. •• •• 4 Allan'* Latonas 44 *44 J India 4 I-ft India blue * Rlinttanl'e 4ft*4ft * Martha Wa»hl«i«ton 54*40 8 S-4 IJarner'a radlania 41*44 .. .. "4 Charter Oak». »»*4O .* .. * 1-8 TICKS. Hampshire | J’J AmoxkeaH AC A •• *'* Amoakea# A *? Ameekra* J ■'* PLATO HOMEBPUNF City * *'* Four good S 2 inch .a *• a. 4 S-4 Lodi ahlrtlnis 54x54 * 1-4 Lodt drcaa alylaa 66x40 8 1-4 •t. Clair drt-ae atylca 4 Ocaan aolld* * *"* Marti* Waah!r« fancieo .. .. 8 8-4 Htscallanaou* bran Ah. light weight 18 l-!aift 1-S laaatta 4 yarde plain * t-8 Thorndike >• •• * 8-4 Hercules .. 7 i’ 4 Creaaeat .... - 7 *-* Palbam, 82 bat 110 bn* .. .. .. .. 16 jr. q. {..80 balla to bn* .. .. ~ 16 E. O. P.. tO ball* to 1b..,. .. .. 17 t-2 ‘ Muscogee B 8 1-1 t; Inch ft 1-3 yd. plald-ft, beat make • •• a* •• •• *• •• •• •• 4 S-4 Plmpson silk fluiah tuularda 6ftx B Ptcitlc mourning# 64x64 4 1-8 China silks 44x64 .. .. 4 1-4 8 Rockport .. .. .. .. • 1-8 Slater 64x64 1 8 1-2 Concord, 8 1-* Rome 66x40 5 1-* Edward* 1 I‘ 2 Kayatune * 1-2 I'tlt! Avenue * *-4 kmarbet s. Heavy Columbia, i.»*vy Kearsey S 1-4 Kincaid and others 8 1-4 LIME, CE.Ub.NT AND PLASTER. Lime ™»B6 Jloaendala eament 11-45 cement 88.76 to 8.26 Loulavllla cement in paper sacks ..11.00 Plaster to bbla 81.76 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per doa IJ.OO Painted buckets, per do* 81.10 £ H B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. 11.75 S H B B cedar palls, per dnx .. .. }2.00 Tubs painted, per neat 81.7 J Hope, Manila, per pound 1> 1-3 Rope, Slsul, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcnllc N'alls. Wire 8 1 - 75 bate Nalls, cut g,.ovals. Am**, per do* .. .. Uialll -u ghovels, diamond, par o°r •• * 7 -®0 Sltovala. rtvatad buck, par do*. .. tft.7s Plow blade* .. ... ... * !* 3 h **« ftlatres, red top, par do* 8-.*5 Xante, red top root, par do* .. ..8-50 IHS ftgsT GfiAOCS OP —COAL— AT IHW lO* T>T PlHCl**' |Ha ms R**w aaa*. pa* #«• m •<(B (• I »*..>.* Ma>«. •*# «B .... m.. » M 1 4*4 trtft4Mft 4*4 8R »« #« *• ftftftftftft 9 1 8 I M«ra* #»•♦*. pat Rap »* w *» « 8l *4 ’ Mai* aßawa p** k«g m i ft*, >,<•*■» aakßUft fa* la *■ .1 ~ ,* MB tea** ftkiitt *•* dag tea t* •-•* * Ham* jft'Tig- pa# gT at „ ~ 4i Ida* 4a It,pa l uakft V* 8 P*t RM ft. ft* *R I.** <aad t*M> .... •* CPMRB .at4a pa* dap ...BB * At- Asad*** Wa. I ga* * Aaa eaadta* Na t, pa* da* .* »* *8 Aaa haadt** R»* A pae #«• ** ** M Aaaaft Rea* gaalny, pa* Pag ~•« 14*4* w*>| agHMssa patvaaiaa* aaa IR «... 4a MrtMrtk p4a*. »< It Ik t 4 M. I, t.M pi»Y AY F Jgr f%|l 1 OtMilNt. Ptaehft and h mU fufal.R •4 ay l*Ra W tßepay Rkd A*a»d o.we#to if. tPM .. IM ... I ..aatgta I l*r*, t*ll .. .. .. IU •w«ia 4i r* i«a ...... »» t • OasM-gto 3MI tBMB ~•«»• .* 144 ... rtac-ryla B IT* tail . .••«»« IM ... . Paalk Carolt»* • I IP* Ul IU errr romdp lUtMI 7 a IBM .. *. *. .• «* 88* .»• ■ A«»•»*»» **. UP* .* .. .. .. IM ... Astasia P* IM IM ••• Aaaaata 4 IP# IBM .. .. .. IM Asiseti Ta 1457 .* .... .a.. IM ... j Atlanta Pa. *4l* .» •• .. .. IU ••• A'lanis r* IM* ~ IM ... A lan's Pa IMB .. •* .* •. •• 81* ... Atlanta * 1-Pa. IBS* .. .. .. IM Ana*'* Pa IW ........ IM | e.ftannak p* l*M .. .. .. 11l ... Navsnnnß Pa. IBU •• M .. L 111 ••• Bon* 4ft tail ~ .. m .. »• IM ••» (Vlnmhaa •**. B*M .. IM ... j r-vltimbu* 4 t-P*. 1457 .. .. I*4 ... • Macon 4 1-T*. lIM IM ... ' Maces Pa. 1414 IU -ft •rv.lumhl* p* 4'4 .« •* M —• Chartastop Pa. MM .. .. .. .. 91 *—Qradad RA!Lr«OAD BOHTIB Cciryla R. R. A Rk« On. Pa, IBM IU ... Omtlli R. R. A Rk# Co. I'a. 118 IM Cm riot t*. Colambla A An j #ii*i*. Ist Pa. IBM I«l ... j Chorlotla. Cotumb'a A An i (usta. Id r*. I*l* 117 AtllCHaia 80. R R . P*. 1424.. ... 8* C. H R. Rankin# Co. C-kUnt real TrWM I*o 14*7 .. „ ~*J M Poutbarn Railway B‘*. TBM ... *5 M C fti trai of riaorgla Railway, Ist consol n»ort. Pa. 1848 .... M 4* C of Q. I*l pr*f to ...... 8* 4* Coe Hal of (laorcla Railway, Id praf lecomaa, 1214 .. .. .. 13 14 C. at a lal pref la I*«* .. .. I 4 (1, ft IP, Ist m. la. 141* .. IM I*7 S ,uth Oe -ryto and Ihortda. 2d r*. 1»» I*3 Poulb riftorgtn and Florida 2d r*. Its* IM ... Ocean Steamship Co., Ist I'a M P*. IBM I*4 ... Emerprla* Mf# Co., Ist 4’a, IPI ~ „ „ „ jnj ... Plhley Mf*. Co . I*l Pa, 1482 . 104 ... I Plblay Ms«. Cr . let f a. I*ol .100 ... (la. R. R. A B. Co. atefrk .. I*7 200 Bouthwefttern It. It. Block *4 hlO Augusta and Bavannah stock , 44 100 CRAIN AND PROVISIONS. rials, whit*, ascki-d .. (8 ! Ousts, mixed, sacked 3$ ' Corn, white, sacked 62 Corn, mixed .. 41 . Meal, bulled, per bushel 47u P our, common .. 3.60 Plour, fancy extra 3.76 Flour, second patent 4.00 Flour, standard patent .. .. ~ .. 4.36 Plour. fancy patent 4.76 Wheat bran, too-lb sacks 40 Pin# feed, 100-lb aacka *0 Hay—native, per ton 12.00 Hay—Timothy, ton .. .. ~ IS 00 Hay—choice, p*r ton 14.00 Home choice Sugar cured .. ~ lOallVt | Smoked rib aldea 4 1-3 Dry aal riba 6 3-4 Lard, pur* leaf. In tierce* 686 SOI TH CARO IN V MASONS. Sever Connection With VVi'hlntton State itccause of Color Line. Charleston. S. C.. Dec.—The grand ! lodge, A. and F. M., of South Caro lina, eloged ha annual session here to day. The ofllrera ejected for the ensuing year wero: Grand Ma-ter B. J. With erspoon. T.nfiraater, S. 0.; Deputy (.r.xrrt Muster Orlando Sheppard. Edge j (told. S. C.; Senior Grand Warden W. .M. Wh teh nd. Charleaton, S. o.‘: Ju- I nlor Grnr.d Warden Rev. Byron Holley, Greenville: Grand Treasurer Zlmmer tn-jp Dnvlf. Chnrleston. S. C.: Grand i Secretary Charles Inglesby, Charleston, fl. C.: Grand Chaplain Rev. S. P. H. Klwell, Charleston, a. C. . At a late hour last night the g/and lodee unanimously adopted a /report severtap connection with the Grand of the stnte of Wrashlngton. which had accorded recognition to members of certain clandestine nogro lodges. This aetton Is In line with that i adopted by the grand lodges In New Yor';, Maryland, and other states. Dur ing the afternoon the members of the grand lodge went on an excursion to the Isle of Palms, and had dinner there. Try Mien’s Foot Ease. A powder to b« shaken into the shoes. At this season your feet feel swollen. ■ nervous nntl damp, and get tired easily, i It' vou have feet or tight • Shore, - v Mien's Foot-Ease. It rest* I the f >rt and make? walking easv. Curaa swollen and sweating feat, bllatara and callous spots Balievas corns and bun ions of ail DOin and gsve* rest and comfort. Try it today Sold by aU , druggists and iboe «torse for JS cants, Tried paokape FJIEI. Address. Allan, it. Olmsted, Le Roy. NT -T. THE ATTOT76TA HEBALD IMb Ift Al bP«4 AI-.AIMP M# ft wnaaßft# IR* t W4*ft» 4MMMNM M C#RHM ARM*4I ■ lIKWV YnWwwihf I f *« mu ****** mm *»«!•## 4•'Mil #■ |MMI *#*♦■** **4 UNI | immicmi nf §mos ssf ¥■ J oil##., ##6 fBAUB tserf •mh# f Ml UMF • p’MtMt «MI MlVfVlMMni I’M**- i -nil I Mi im Mffwt i# Higrt i : p|k -* *" 4 *ip« * Wit i» i 1 §*■■* * Ihm4 lUMi in# • Ms M#l%MwSPs Hi IMM # HmNto MMMI Ms MMmMMMI MHPNfHiM MMM M»MFi • MUMt'Y TlMf'i MMI Ml tM# flw #•*■**#* MM Hi MWM’fl' M#*if Imp iIMNIiMI PM MMI M Mil'i-Mf .■ MM MM M#i if*#* fpHeMM iff MMMiPPMI mM i ImH «hmi&#M ifef FlPM<i Mini IMmHIMM HI mM4i !-*•' *M t vmmM mum Im Mp Ms **t ifW MMi HPM MMMmImHM * •Mi Hi. CMfMMfcM*. IMm MMp C*ti tint** MMM itrMMMMM MflM IM# OMM** mM'§ mm*MitlfMPMf ***** tM* MmDMIMI •Mm liMffMiiM fMltfMil f mmml Mom* f * *'g«MltMMll|tM Mi CHI: Hnt-MT* Fi' : ‘ MMMMI- *• 4**M MM M fUMMlt**! f*Ml flW* MM»«M MM MiM«MM MMft ffinnuM IMimmlmlm Im t*vt M* mmm pototri u* m* m • *Mmm mM» »m if Miff IM #t*n • fl*M Ms MM'f tl*M#, M 4 IP# Qarata* tpt*n thaat Ip o»#*#w-»'A p#gvtoa »|« 4* WIIR I—ftl 4»»|a»r| at k<* lorppftcal aßillty ** an *n tilerymae. What MwRpPI Plpi W OPataaiala C If t <<>«l4al l«#ra. bat I (ihaTvad th*4 ; b* was n* gar* IktoMty 4*#pm rhp • m rater low* ckaraetar kawarc aadpt. OTtr’aO A wb<fti* Raop could P# *• 1- tap abou4 Ilk# rpptßla. aad I «»**»- j riaed tPol RieParA Hardin# Havlo pwl k m la oaa of hi* Roaalo- 'PoMlar* of rortoc#' ll# waa a anrt of ##*f»iarioß l>rnmol*e and ortrnl a# *#*ol fur poo ilame# who wasted to ##•** #ovara• mania It wa* a* opaw at#«o« tpgl P# stood ready lo Booply ar«# «4 bbwiil • io»# foe ■ retdfsfttk* and I **• told hy Inralga oHoera who waav ow IP# toald# that P* actod a* a #o-h*> | twee a and arrßii#ed (Plata wIA utaior# of Pari* or.d alaewhere who habltnally haePed ravoloiloaary v#a-; iiaraa. It 1* potaTiona la Cwatral Am erica ih*i e#orly all tP# parfc»dicai «*- rl*la#a are emlnwenl n» Samton money, and O'Brien wa* oaa of *ha J r irons# urdergruund a®l*aartaa who did lh» actual work on ih# rroutd. 1 Pamorai'y he wa* a vary affabl*. «a- | gaging Ir 1 eh man with a military swap- , iger and a rich hfbgnw H* lao#hin«- '|y dladaltaed hla rapatafloa and lo slatad ha waa a mace travalor, but I I pave reason in knoW h# wa* a vary | Imrortaat flfwre ta at least two ravolu tlons. "Thera waa a eaf* la Oaulamala CHy at th# time, and may h# there yet. that wa* a great ren detv one for rewolotloo batrher*. and II wa* said that Are oi six govemmenfa had been overthrown la a certain hr,rk rs<a*. Regaledo fre quented the place with front openoeos. ■ cone' *erta# Ihe fart that he was an army offlrer of Salvador and suspected of being a malcontent "But Central America la a queer country. There are certain mllltvw i leader* there who are known by every- ■ body to he continually plotting treason, j but they retain tbe*r place* hy their hold on the army. The existing *ov- ■ emment* all h»y* 'cabined* nolP or ee- | 'rret detectlyc bureau* and keep a clone watch on thee* gentlemen. If * preal- j dent see* thnt a revolutionary scheme j baa gone too far to he nlnoed. he quiet ly skip* out Just an Outlerrea did in j Salvador Ihe other day. They usually j take along everything they ran well lay Ihelr hand* on and make a bee line j for Darla, where they spend the hal- ; anre of their days In pere> and lux- 1 ury. There must be at least a score of | ex-prenldenta living on the fat of the land in Part* at this moment. "To return to Reeaiado, I made his acquaintance and found him » very charming fellow. Pome little time la ter I made a trip to San Salvador and met him agnln with his regtment It was the corps d'elHe of the army and was thoroughly up-to-date tn the mat ter of equipment and d'scipllne. They i had several modern serene guns and ! I am ftat’sßed could have easily llelfd everything else combined in that part of the coutry. The balance of the army wa* a ragged, snlrltlees looking cm? and It was evident Regalado pinned his faith entirely to his persona! com mand. I was not at all surprised when I heard that he had upset the Fzeta government. 1 was In Rellxe at the, time and rumora had reached there some weeks before that the row was about to occur. Regalado put Gutler rc* In the president’s chair merely to meet the assertion that he was try’UK to establish a military de«not!sm wlih th* Intention of making himself 'icta tor. It was understood perfectly well that he was the real boss all alone. "Knowing the men as I do and be ing famUsr w'lb the general run of politics down there. I site up the Sal vador revolution In about this way: Gutierrex got tired of being e mere puppet In ihe hands of Raealado and embraced the federation eeheme as n good chafiee to get rid of him. He fig ured quite naturally that with the as sistance of Ze'avo In Nicaragua and Bonilla In Honduras he could be able to defy his master and run.him out of th# country. Accordingly he went in to the combine, and now comes a cu rious Uttle chain of circumstances in which I do a good deal of read’ng he tweon the line*. Reeaiado began to get ready to make trouble, and the i country was full of rumors of an un rislh# on the eve of the election. Gut ■ Isrre2 thereupon rushes, over to Hon duras to **t h#)o from that govei-n --■ meet and Nicaragua tn putting 4own the trouble. One would exu:rally sup l : pas# \-4mu he *©«d It. but, at rungs to say. he didn't. No whit was scut, rooD «AKW?OWDER IS Till BtST ■prfi m »* * 2 : .TPt/ftNTA. QA AStter'sWnls j TOILKTLIST. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmm Okßkha. Hair Bout'* Tm*P Brash*#. a>*rm IMtovtap MUTuru, Mttuary Braataea #a*»u# Brv*f»*» Raapepaory Baa da##*- ta'k>*k Bfioai. SAtoa fhk !#R*7W Tooth fowAer*. lol ( fft'k El(. MEDICINE LIST! Dll GILDER A LIVBR PILtA. Hk Pot TR* mam r*t«a*i»#By u**l PRatbeta pIH. Ho pHpea. Na ate take** WILD rtfCRRT COrOH fTRB. He. Rot lie. The bert oa earth * 4 LANDS HEADACHE CAMIUH.T for hr.; U. W B»s Ho w rphlit*. ao atktlpyrfp. w* r ** hcadarhr* Copra, too. tha after tprvr bust head iy, K. W., Mr Atk*#teraal goßorrhoea cur* Cura* m once. Ip'jirrEßß SDECIfIC. Me. Aa la <T tern*! e«r# for gouorrhoca Im j car*. TLe Eowari l Vi et \m Cdim IIS Broad Street. Augusta. hut on th# contrary Regalado waa per mitted to go ahead and aetio Salvador. (Now, my Inference !i simply that Out* j .err#* was th* ytctlin of a eharae'eri »- ' tic Central American bunco game, ami (bat for reason* of their own Houduns and Nicaragua preferred to do f>u*lo*»* with Rcgaladc. Tbia review A strengthened by th* late report from i Central America that Gutierm* wa* a | secret enemy of th# federation, whlla K*#ata<fc< »•** it» friend and that tne dcel may yW be consummated. "I hnv* no conflft'ore In the fader atton at rXla# together." sa d Mr. C*r |nahan 'n concUk»lop f ''unill they 4e«t!re the coo' era lon of Oautemala and Coe !ta Rica Those two rountrle* are \ mueh more noworfß! and In a better condition generelly than their three «- ifermediate nelghluta* and altogether 'they would make a formidable combin lat tan-extending !tom the letbmus [ clear up to Yucatan It 1* a pretty , dream of empire and need# some verv big roan to take hold of It and put ta Into execution." An En’erprlslng Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard A Wll let. who spare no pains to aeeur* the heat of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Conaum; tion. Cough* end Colds. This la the wonderful rem edy that la producing such a furor all over the country by ita many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma. Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all affec tions of the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for lOr. or a regular e ve for 60 e-nts and 11.00, Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. WEDDING IN A'IFRICL'S. Daughter of Fx-Sena'or Crisp Weds Mr. Carr S Glover Americas, Ga.. Dec. 15.—The mar riage of Mr Carr Sullivan Glover an 1 Miss Berta Crisp, youngest daughter of the late ex-Speaker Charles F. Crisp, was solemnized at high noon today at the Crisp mansion on Taylor street. A company of 100 guests witnessed the ceremony. Impressively performed by Rev. Samuel Dean, pastor of the Bap tist church. Many handsome floral decorations added to the brilliancy of the scene. After the serving of an ele gant collation. Mr. and Mrs. Glover left on an extended bridal trip to Flor ida. While There Is Life There Is Hope. I WAS afflicted with catarrh: could neither tast# nor smell and could hear but little. Ely’s Cream Balm cured it. —Marcus G. Shautx, Rahway. X. J. THE BALM reached me safely and the effect is surprising. My son sqy« the first applleation gave decided re lief. Rsrpeetfully. Mrs. Franklin Free man, Dover. N. H. ■ , A 30c trial sUe or the 50c site or Elv i Cream Bairn wtll hi mailed. Kept: by drupgiaw- Ely Brothers 56 Warren St., X. Y. hj Hat Racks, finest'line and lowest pri ces in city at Firming it Bowles. CALL PO* lufusta Erfw ng Co s » XtH’MT Ms KH belle o id g h: o tt g i a S’ I rM -1 * . i Ik v ■ .1 •jf&l #• Our Draught B?er Has Kone Superior. —rax for— AUGUSTA BEER. PIT ¥HI In any sums desired from SfSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years t me. or on lOytoarsttme. payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting th* money. Alßiender&JoiiQSOQ Agan'sSr Irish American Mortgage CMRpoay, 705 Froad St IF YOU WANT ~ TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN 1 li II |L H, M ITCIi ELL, AI KX WeDONALD o. CJoBa A ti*u. .Lgr. Augusta Electric & Construction company 312 Jlcliiuaii bee#*. EJeciric Snppi.n— ptekuig 1 u■■ •», eta. ate. R i *ir# ta all ft ta rical ipt»ru us. EwrtriCUglftl Wiring* Pei, ’Ph >u« UW I - - - biy viiei 6,9. 1 j Andverr I/)W PRI"E? t*rg« s«*-k. Also rif” VAi,'rn —d piTTisn-*. *x fftlvEft. BOH »'lXnaad Kr.PATIW. Lombard Iror Wn-ks * Supply Co., A rTQrXTA. GA Itliili COES INTO EVERY HOME IN AUGUSTA. - Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct 2nd. ISSB. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a m.| 521 p. m. Lv. fcamleißville , 1:18 r- tn.| 9:09 p. n». Ar. Tennille .. .. l:3v p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 8:45 p m.| 3:55 a. iu. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin '10:00 a- m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:3S p. m.|U:65 a m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. SandersviSle. 6:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. Ul. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. j Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennn I’a with Central R. R. for Macon, anil wl h WrlghtavUl# and Tennille R. R. for Dublin and Eawkmvilic. C. W, JACKSON. Gan. Fgt, Pasa. Agb ' James T. T Jackson, Joseph H Sands, Recelv-TS. Bail Pl<*|| *DR»t»fI.M | Charlikton IW Carolina ah* (Rap » • #• wa#** *4* *•**•• »|M» fiPMfiMpM Ml M*Mm# IMmm MMM • flnPSfct,, i I mt iMMaMMMMaMNhvwB* *•*jM 1 wsJP** I * li! BBfftirMß._ t- ■ I MKINM ’r> mwm» " v, ..L 11 ii OPMmVi I IMMM I Kmmr-a Mu-#** •sr*. * ttr I .A *M ts^M* 1 * MmAmb Mmh—lE hgj, ■ —M» B»t ■ i 44BB#4*#*Y 1 j >»♦ » j I MMM fli If I -ft 4 BUhtrtti j I f rjlfci'fl «*• *4* »M»« al' MM * r I * MfMfMMMMMI trtiw m MMI-MMmm MMA« mi j I ' - *•!**—' I *<■ *. *««•#■>- • I iff 1 * ***&*& | fpiniwa*.. ft. j W».4Rf *B»<a I * ImMimm. •»«•«. ..**,j MmmimmM •*#*« *ms i .*»* I I if MMvMVMI ««* > •** ■■■ IM-M*. j ! m • t'«*a r*#a * mm *—**■•+* 1 I a* «4I4«*4MM s If f *m- #«*««•• wmmmm ••***« *•*? *. f >•*«««»« I IhMMatr , »»»« j « # itjPM j II ♦ A****»•» M 4 L'ilM j fa* a MMftt’•••••* *»•*• **•«••*! A •Mr I I * 4**B lkf«pw] 111 IMM. , BBa • »ft «a a ’• Ml Mil 1 B«*n ftort ihft4 #*e| I By*# j I*p4 Vtapak.,,, ..... t a•# ■ 8 j f» n#«ww* a i mA j “ »#ft»q«aßft,T.. .j I »3. rt T sai ..I l j j. 4 t MHa#i 7B*i# ] I fiaa its. !8 a# at) taa <#! T| i,i t #in j 3 4 t«* A*»ia ] I *#• (MB*• - • •••••. »••••• ift.ftftftftft-1 Ts saj I * A'i**wt»ta..». Iftftftft . »>•*• j Aft ARr»w»# . I. .. >* «Nkta »**!*► »»#• 4h* #*»*»•* 4t*ftk*a j «*« ft..--. * #««*(*, ** 4*44 144 *44 |ft**4 1 ! *4l 4. A, L. 4 R*k **#4k*#rt»*4 #« 4.t*»*4*«A R# *; - f*4. •• •* 4. A, f. Ilf 1.4* P4*t way* spa 4«*••#*law# •Rk Baf<*#P j left #»y I** n» • 4»**4.** I* R*Prt# j i an* wtftftt* *# am. Row J4.f. » Pa 144. 4m Ask. B. pt*rt H, kftVWft-4#. Aak fl, UIBKK URN Hi#*#** A kftWft 44a. BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. ■ c. BBATTIB. Baea**#* } Pa*ie «a 4 W*aißaw r **« p** # # pi-aft a** 4 CMtoa ciaaa 8C Ciaa* <t**a Mill 2*8«4 rty. Dip. s Malta*. Dtp I*/, i N» 18 No 4 5 ***** *“* API PB4 I !A»Tlr#. (saw 'PH-IAIP. i* Ik BPH mZ. Aaharaaa ..a »:PPH DM! I*• 1i.... D***#» .*..ft * 4811 8* M Hi I J* !♦ Aataa .....D 8 I*ll > •M' 4 14 14 ... Partwap* 1:4#! 3 ** 84, CR«-ry Craoap t 4.#4H kl BSPSI 3:4* It AfLdSt'* CrmT# f) 4:14 It •• , # 3»i t Ik Hi. ■ IRK AC A ..ftp 4>!B* »ait it 1 **3 4 4M am. W**tl Dntap .4 •», • :H( Mi... WaKMNa ...*» 6:171 AM DM.I Uftsak* ArrtyeiPM PM. : Nik.l3 Ma i _ ___ Ha-»8 Ha.» P Hafulxr Ptailox. P. Pka# PUttea All r*« uai tram* tvorn Aa4#r#o# (a WalhaUa fcav# right ta track ever irains <4 (4k* sam* eta#* mavln# l* «P* poait* d ro ties, uni.** a(Ra< wuw aa»c iftod by ira a ar#*ra. Will aiao atop at follow tag atari »a# In tali* on o» tat o« Hit cry's. Jam** an# Paady Mprmga. No U (ftscaact* wltß Poulfc*m rwll wap No. 13 at Altar son. No*. 6 and 4 ccrai»U wit* Pont Ret . (#ll stay No#. U and 17 at tawnr*. • j. R. ANDEKPON. Supar'aientaß*. ItTintic coist line •HOKTEPT AND 9CICREPT ROUTB TO THE KADI AND NORTH. 3:Mpq»j Lv. Augista. Ga. Ar I ! ton 3.42 pm: Lv Aiken Ar j 7 14*m 4:l7pm! Ly....DHim*rk....Ar I #:l7pra 4:60pml L#....0n Bgl '#.... Ar j 4:44ara ; C'Otpmj L*..Sumi tr, k. C... Ar j 4.24 am | 4:36pm! LV....FL rso(#....Ar j > 25»m |4:BJn*r<[ Lv.. .Psyrttavllla,. Ar ( |:l4pm I t:2lam{ Ar.P*trr*bnrg.V#.Lv ! * I2pra • «:00ami Ar....Richmond.,..Lv j * '2pm 7:4lam| Ar..Wa*hmgtoß..Lv B:l6pm 4:62a mi Ar.... Baltimore..l.y | 2 2ipm II Horn’ Ar.-Philade'chla .V* 't2:o»pm I:<i3pmi Ar.... New York....Lv | 9:Boam BEL Zj HI OB’ GKORGIA Pullman palace buffet sloe.Mr.# cai* from Macon and Auiuata to N«w Tork p-iinout change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt., 723 Broad fit.. Aagusta. Oa T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H M EMERUBN. On. P*—- *#t. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. 1483. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah I:2# P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta *:4O P. M. No. 8 For Macon. Atlanta, ard Wny.Stations .. 8:20 A. M. No. 62 For Macon. Atlanta. an Way Stations . 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. .. I:4# P. M. No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta . 6:35 A. M. No. 6 From Macon. Atlanta. a,id Way Stations .. 6:50 P. M. No 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations 6:30 P. M. Nos. 1. 2. s and 4 dally. No*. 6 and 6. dally except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 58. Sunday only. Sleeping core on night trains Between Millen, Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and S.ivannah. For fur ther information aa to schedules, etc., apply t> M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBKS, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. i ————— A 50LDIEP after the spree needs (LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 36 out of 37 headaches. I 2 for Ec., 25c. ooe box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. AUGUSTA STEAM CANDY FACTORY U maktaz the PRETTIEST, PUREST, WHITEST CANDIES in the market.' When In need of Stick, Pea Nut, Broken Hixiure Taffy Ccndirs Tele phone Bell ’Phone No. asyt*. DECEMBER 10 N a t| r cl Af> a«t**i* *-|hUßw S. C It ffllhl! CO ttm iNr % It rt~ J H>i • 90i !«#.%• % mm ’ r'Ht#- l e* A #pf A 1 <B«4h = • hLr. f ** m [o* % 4# ti #■*•(►»•» * MhfMl • # • Imp* *'#» *#*•• #4 *-«Bff| tlfMi «*•* * U' &Wl #• ft fumy’ 9M|4y' i♦ I tNH^pM^.Mi|NMI i 4 f * ftgar' -'#4| r -<Mk ta ■* f A *» #.fmj : U ’"TB t#II * • » %4»4 % M mm* t**- ■ M ft t , r « fM 11*# m Mi"**' *** ■*% m fig #**• immbi A* Am - * 7 4R4h%i 4m M m # mm A AA. ft At % *lMmv 9***m IMmAny i I * r 0100m- ' A m*m> M AUI #•*•« AIMMA j As I AhAfli A Ml* iH l>4 # * e. *** 1 TI IW jl !**•«•» Im A| f •** II *iu ti I* : s*%m T • 'V mm A» A^••**** 4L»Mnf U few f*. M M 8 11 At A##Ml A* lm»4 4 A# im‘i« jMmm A* A il»t ' *mm A*« V«%s At AMwNMAft »4^«»m I —*+*'•“ §4 I !"•* -At •> #%*A %*m Y«k * 4*a*moi Aim •*M ♦‘i—m* ms /•'ifHNftf 0 I • if* Amt A«am « «• <!• it.. «a«a nm h mm —m m*m—m m AH KLiflKli* I f*. •AMl** !.| 9mpm Hammha twiii»pi r k. • • Ar # SOUTHERN RAILWAY. oir; |BB*>M* tijißßiMHi IM 11 li i•m * « imrßh m— mNAt PBtaPlaß ik:f A. W ' wm—m— *vw.* % 11 R*‘““ laws#-! totals. .;s; a* Swm . ■ 1 4**#! «*** fc -5:1 5: iV . _ kMplkilt!l Rtok AA • M*' ”to • At *mr—*9* |C # t •• if A4f«uA -ft ****** ■. *■ W £T«.,*-'*■* ka tog- • ill ill e.gSSB.y. jsfiij: : &£ ill is: Lt ■ * LL* - - "• . •- illWA| IMs T.7.T.T. j <»f As *S2I • | }L* i # • KtoTfli I DMf • ton liltilippni !**■ Mt fto- A# U«il> U»itf N*w York. F»- iIL . .... f |W y| IR Hal f M to.M-.J-W* I lAp • Miunort ..........I iitp; * s*i • %m waA ioi. Ao. R j | lv 41 ri U li« Cl' MMfcmrtoßd -.* !TTniiAA| I* Atm O DmivUl* i &19 ftj A lip L*" horfo.k a.,-..a**...J AAm .. Ar AfMßiUini 64fli ..... Lt Oftombofo ..... j :Us • fXp ClMffel!* . »»• KiAf • Aascii MiU .. Ju -taß lIMy • (iMtir io .’A• li arp • WUuktoW'o- 11 4! • If 9»l er Co! him Ri«»i f tot n tfmm . Is: • p( V.M.rbito fn-ltopu tUp 4 m * Mnaioßt. .... ....j |M|B| Ao»* • . I * At> A * GrttiipnlA . JI Aj 7 »*• Ar AuynMtt,, . .... I * 4ij»| »Myth t«r. AithtoPiU# , ... . j TltAf A ®Ap hr. Apart •Himrf .... ; II fua; <1 i*p U. OoIMb, BX.MJI.. t pj :umr Ar CiVAtua .... JA 4b j»f H <*’ h Dr 00l Uft. g c aPKy . 1'"...i II"» 01447 • *• Sb .. 44; p IRna Jxslnoytim . __ ®li p 11> • si.kpPTvS f 4« ftiKtu ( T"" K. -lien) fttaiiy p*-*B«*r mrvfte* Utww Florid* Mil bftW y.,> k- Aoa. K and,»—» ft-biaftoaand HowSkwo* »,n Llo nod build Vtatibnled trmla with dininx •*>- oik! first ojo#h ixoohftft n rth of C%*rkd - * Fnilmon dr»» mg r onwi oieeuin* «r» b*t weea Taioiw JoekftonyUta, H*«*ao*a. W**kla«u>a *ab Now York. j 6v.lni*o - ecpin# C*t* Votwooa ClMwlotta •Jivi Hichmoud Pulltaaa drawtarmo«n .looping e«u* *» tweet. Gr#euobtrt-o oad Norfolk Clift- unot. Moo Oft Norfolk tor OLD POINT COMPOBT. among iher, to tint* fur brmkfaot, g. ,11(1 traio with Portor ear*, brtwoe* Chnrlesftao ftli-i Ashrtrille. boalkaod ,#-r. 8. Past Mail- Tkroiutn Poi n on d-aonoK room on#*t - eej-ia* can* wo tv eon .10.-konoftrli!* end New V<«k *“d Pull Bioo sieotuu-* ears to ween Au/r ofto oed Chor loti# Pullmao s.ioi in* ears lolween Jaek fmrille anil (MuiaMa, *n rout* dally bet woo* seksfiovlUe nod C: urlnnoti, no AebaoUl*. KAN K o. OASNON. J. 34. t LLP. Tnli-'t VP. i! »*o. Mgr. T M.. V tahlaatoa 1 W.A.TCKK, S H HAKUIVI' K. ■ a. P. A . Wa-dUactOB _ <4 1‘ A.. Auanaa. GEORGIA • • RAILROAD. twin sottldlau Itm.i Ecbeaule ESscttv* April 24. IMI Tuiiiuau Olftwnort Dot wore Macoa aift# N»w Tork. Through Pullman Siaepara botwaan An. yustn and Bt. Lou la. 1 Lv Augusta ..I 7 Obami 8:20pm|l«:10p!n Ar Ailania ...’l2:Bspm! »:20pm! 6:ooam Ar Macon .... jll :160rn|.... ....| t:46um Ar Athena !U:l6pm! 7:JOpmL. |Ar Gainetville l, 3:46pm| I —• ; Ar W hite r; a *1 OCjmi ! Ar Mill iw ie ICaml I 4:3oam Ar W xsh’ton • i«:lnam| 7:lopm| - Pleayune train leaves Augusta dally exe- pt Sul, day at 6:15 p. m y and ar rives at Mi'.'ftdgeville at 4:10 p. m Train# anivq at Augusta 6:16 n. "V. 7:46 a. en,, 1-«fi o s,> “"d *:!6 P ns. A. G. JACKSON. O. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule in Effect. March 6 1438. Eastern Time Standard. Leav*~Au#ust#.'southern Hy.. 8 30 P Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:14 a m. 1 Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:43 n.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & X. W Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. 'Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. ?:p0 P B>. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stag# 7:40 p it,. c~~w harper! c t. harper, Prceident. G. P. A.