The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 16, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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SMUGGLER'S RIDE, SMMM Hunt* «f • kmm Mm umhHo Nut mm nm> **«*# Nwh ** ***• , Ms «tM*t ft** **• ***** >•>4 tmiMi (hrekk lk> IM> ♦*** **• mm*- ••** **" ♦./-,* *• j Usmnmmmm »•►*«"< »«*fc *•**■■**• **# i iwii liin w w fmAm m *•# <*—» * *4 FW* *r» tfc* j W ••»« ■«»«<»••* Hi •*-• ■»#•»»*•# * ***** , DH, in* |pt<Mn** ItfflWl W**' 1 •{ m W **» m* **t ft# **•* mmmmnmrn •<«M mhm *••»» **»_**« r «M t*#* ' —**#<» •#*** ’4 «■#•#» g* If#,** *Mfct INM ImW'l** ,f *4* , t» »*,-* in* c A#<*«» i ■-* - «•-»• to ♦«■> ftkrt «*SM ** * *****: «#• f’mwtw < mm*** tP*** *4 ■»■*' ■ oHo O 1 •Hfct »•’>’ »• j to tfco I Moo tip# RwAmm * »•» j rt M 4 *m<mßs «'•*•■•»• '** ***** Olttl *■*»«#• W *••»"• •** '*’ ' fto* S t an. aft*#*—* *■#* ** ,«**•* «f «M*lf ft^Wl oMk M 4 wt «#—skklMM *** ****** I TfM-j- tft** ft# ••fi'ii ftMW’i 9** wiiim.Nl ***** t**mg*»w tft* *#ar* jto ; ri: ti-"tii 4mha imm #'"■*<>• •*•»!• la *** s 'sagauM etf Mb* »*»•*« «•*•• **" j ■ trf fit UNtWtt** <’*•*•■* «• Ik* *"* ***" ’ wwwt for ••* *M H*****^y WnirMt «t •** ••* —' ■«■*#• «•*<• »h» *»***•#•* J**H*##»"# oo*o too »<»»«-*> r*«H, •*■ ** **! •MOM »*►*•» *• ?•**’? m liootr < tH#» *»*• *** ** ’ ■ !•*.„ ikMi. t*» Urn iwrwwy *«! lltt tor*• MWM M lk* •*! •Mir rt%«r m um> M •» * •** QLitHtH < —fill— TM» M 4 •'•mm tlootr rrrtitooHl If o Wlttolfoit n '* tto |ott **D* ** *** r ««• «• iMRf tlMtt ••*! *HMtrt Mil ( mmm*y tNmimmW iWiil •M MO •• mm* 0 ¥m* mm* : •im im ffMi *Mo»» mmmm —* %>*&. «k> mm wmrnmghm*** <* •** j ttlMrir ttotrro Mool •* tlio*#* tto f* M 4 m mmnm* «M »** Hi MjpffaMrli * fclftP* "J* 11 * «*M«fN| «Mt« *M tM»** |*n»*<M»ny itrM tMf m»^f uftf |fM*r ••• r#, * w M«>4»*. RM **• *»* ,Ww *- •** |||gl f ■ ■ ?*rti UTI'rI jttfMi, IWM9f*SP •**’ IWT <r«f* I null ■ 1 ini Ml IMr «l 'Mo i|tOH t W# * l " •f'l l»#M»ti IMr f rot tloa of • I'M. •ttli IMI nom* J F'Wl s*' lr**4 •I* 0 "* •km t Mil* ffnMWf »*«** • 1,1,1 •* •r l *** u|> twiiW I* IM Ml Wn *r jkftiorlt*#MW ftiim RRi'tllollo ■ JiWMMMIMo art t*4 •!«•»» Mr* Moo* a *T If’' i4* tHMawduna Mwi I® Ma aotit i** tWrlr «fclr»«. *•*> » ***_*f' M T' mrmio aalHlo kwwii !»• ornii«*<' m *kuk> it altair It. TM lk|!K>f »»• par- MaoM la Fort Mrtil«a f*ir a«i a*»f* than M a trail"* ao4 t«M I" J rort •"* land for M ftnll a <trwiM. 13 a Wilt. t »S a gallo* A ail »a«M »*• ,hr thlr»t nf th* toaa that. illh"U*ti ■ atn-am of tarnMa war alwajra oa tho trail. I* vii vi#wf •fittAffM Kmr\y In tH# • to*w mm* Girted at tlw «>*i Irnulii. mmi i^ l ** wridf. «»wl tlm ft«M of «|«ntM tt* fli«* wbtiky imuffglN *ll br A4eu«l- , Uqu r w»» m*o tmk*n Into Vmlgmry j and othrr pla<<a further nnrth aUoi* tfeo root* of lMr Canadian IMn lßi- rail way. Malnon* and hotola advrrtlord In IM* local paprra that a "atoctr of the I'holrcot aoft drlaka la aiwara un hand ' All of ikrrn. howmar. kepi « •took «f whlaky, which waa generally hurled In the ground near by, anil ihe ruatnaiera In Ihe ealoon drank from a bottle which the proprietor carried ate ul In hte pockel. Rack town, 100, j had one or more brewerlaa. The deeoe lion turned out not a malt brew, hope, retain* and *u«ar being the main and know n Ingredienta, but a email, numW of IwtUea of It would create a large Jag. the effect* of which were aumethlng to be remembered. In theae prohibition daya II domed the height of every ona'e ambition to lie able to keep a keg of whlaky on hand and to get frequent drtnka. ■ When one man gtarted in to drink he waa not satlafled to go It alone, but: muet call In all hie friend*; conac- , quently at tlmea the whole town got j drunk together and everything In, •Igbt waa drunk op. When she whlaky ran out the Jamaica ginger *«« tack- j led. next Florida water and cologne and eometlmea the extract of vanilla and lemons. It must not Itf* Inferred that th«* | mounted police did not try to atop the smuggling of whisky from aero** the line and the Illicit trade In the towns, ■phey were always on the lookout and i aught many offenders. In ihe Bum mer time they camped out and rode the line, haultlng all travalers ujid ex amining their baggage. Winter and summer they patrolled the towns day and night, but In spite of their vigil ance the people generally had plenty to drink. The Smugglers The smugglers were mostly men who had been In the Indian whisky trade before the police came and knew tho country thoroughly. They would cross the line In the evening and travel until nearly daylight, when they would* cache their load by burying it or throwing It In the brush along a stream and then move off o mile or two and camp during the day. Then, if everything waa favorable, they would reload In the evening and tfavel on. The penalty for smuggling was for the first offense confiscation of outfit and 1300 fine; for the third, three years In the penitentiary. The penalty for Belling liquor to the Indians was a long term In the penitentiary. One of the most noted of the old time smugglers was a man named E. Ornom. He had been In the business a long time, and In spite of the utmost efforts of the police had never been caught. In the fall cf HB6 Ornom crossed the hne one night hW K al " lons of liquor loaded on pack horses, ten gallons to the animal- He traveled aver the prarie all night and when near Belly river one of the horses 'ell and broke a leg, and another Went so lame he could not go on. By rriakb g a double trip from the place of the ac cident to the river. OfnoaJ managed to get all the whisky cached in the brush by daylight, and then turning out hi* pack animals to graze, he rode down to the Blood Indian camp several miles below to try to purchase two fresh ponies. Ho had only *l2 in cash Win. him. and the Indian lie wo-- trying !*(* Mat Mm MW* ***** *MH IMI *tt #*,a *>*♦' * j waa <h** •** <*►« *M*k ****** »« **»•» MM of MM ***»■« i „«m Ma» *• mi .-. *«**- *•<* a* *>« I i V'. #tfe e-#* liP pflkt% : »4pl 9*l 9 ! -1 T“- Ip *m4 *+* ***** Imm I*. *» * n “iia* a•* Ma* tadia*' •tm MnwMlk mm m* that ha * -***4 IMI a # - «Nk §§l* ■*> ■■■ M IN: P«*Np** 4NM§ »* * . « tmrnrnm ilpp fIMNNI §*jf §§ pm i§*» *%** *• ii* #P§ l*§* «M §1 1 PPPfP*' Ip§, vw l*N§» IPPIIK# I*** t* §MM* *** §MNNi WN9I |«i % #«**.*Mk smm% #i **m§ *•* * mw* Up (IMMMPP... ; H.«-m |§p m* 4c »P 4 PNfl It** I)h <k|<M «mp»* >t imi m mrntmm #***M ms»**m*#*« ****** ** «*» <* f # *• ******* •** ***** ***** Ml *P* I *»#%'«■ t**if flip §fN> Ti**i pN4tP'*MMI9 »• * : s*;* t■■ 9HW9 9PP*f 4*t *P4 IP N*l I 949 **■ tm* m*M*f 9MPH9 !*• **9 i 4<a«i n **m ijifimi Pm §• *m***w*#* llilttt p IP ***** it# r§ *o* §1 *NM9 . 91 ?** ppC **■* tlMkt I *-** ** ****** IP* 5 mm* !*>*•• § |r "Plv N§n« . ««■•** 1* «***** §* m*mm*«* ** I jinM»| <ipt 9PMNN ikP'l MfP(§ **PI UNI l ******* pN§PW# flip ••• i mNittip «m **** f pp r^*N !pp4,ilp* IMn* *m •« ip *rp*M»tM ll**, # ni)4 *- i v t*.4Nnjr*9§ li*4f f mm,+m IN |4MI I*n4 • ***** 1 »»1 t..<m IP k*« r* nlP<l fmiiM 9»P | «t*|. m *r#a «m 4 mii4 Mf«|' mm** ' €*-• : f mP4 *§* §PPi*NI HP **, iwi^.PlirNMMllf' j M)«« %m** «ipp* M* *lPN*i4i»t •« 1 * UP tt*4P»«t *>*• MP»l9tf MN. t§l ;I|m* 9P4M PMI * «*."!**«*'* I 4*»«1» flp I tpftll tltftPKPfc *■§» P9«li A§H9**l *• IHP fifN. t*Npwm P*MM HP *a§m *M §*4 P*it| Ni*M P‘ Wwi ! tHP %m* Pni4 * PHH * 4*NM<9t fpNPNNP f * , ; fw***mis Un «MH ; • >im mp| ovNp4 ii* I* Ipwr *f> Iw p|4« A* |pi P 4 IP Ip rfflii* I fil l »li4 lift * fftfti »«»»«»« * IftftMl | «k#ft 4ft twm m|*. *tm IN|*ftt Nmi4P4 I*i« N. : .A# 144 I « )Pttkl tip H"*P. ftiftl IP j >**mtr*4» fiifiM for §Wt MpN«4, ipy rvNP aPif H# w*m ftpfft (PI IP l*4p* P 4 PtraH Him a«4 HPI* : |(ftffp4 ftpftf I* tip |mti*T IP |p* *»f ’ m feiftli f r Tlp i * nM< «»tlftry «tp4 hiw I* tip Nf HP * •§**** N 4 4IMMH 4 him «fi4 Naw-4 * §*ir .4 j ««n in trials Hut Ip mm* ran Ip tk*4 tip r«*iPi Pnrtr. ia4 ftcwMPr than hr i 4rfpu«i nt HP frw4«m Ip 4e«fttntltp4 | it* «tfr i ita r tit nr nn4 map a twr»k | fop || flu* Ip r**4*» at* nf Pith tip §P“ ' Ip* MtP aftrr niilf, ita 4#ft4 P*n. aa If Ip «a« ihi*<«yfhly diiPtrtvnft) tlut j• II tip timr Ip vii vatchtAf thru* oat ] |«if t§* rvTtPfft «f tip ryrt, »n 4 || Ptt I J vrlpn 'h'") Pf>pnM to P in cm# H4* j inf at Ha Pft, Ip iu44**al)r *ug Hi pur* Itln tip imrftr p 4 ft till ft l*nun ( | ihr animal Ipp4 nut of tip trull »n 4 • fairly rt« w *»%rr (Ip §*rj»rP. IIP naf»- tftfft took ftftrr film ft# fftvt la Ipf « .ul«1 ft*. Tlp* vhoutNi to Orti«>m to j halt, hut Nf* only pj>i% vaa to dig tip f *l*ra .tin hardrr Into hi* fcorM'Mj flunk#, ftnd Ip Non ty l*uf vurrljr Ip* j rrrftPsf tip 4ifttJfetP«* Pivo n ttPfn, ftt! riPpt Op, ft h * ftrrmrd to hr mountrd on ft very •» ift horoe htmplf. It's ft I thine to aioot ft man, evmt If < he to tryiM t« <mtap from the duuP* of the Urn] and. nroptln# mp man; thror policemen preferred to let Ornom Ito. But thla eirrptlon ft a* » man **f different «-hara< ter- He vaa ambltloua, I Mid a human life waa nothing: to him , if he could tain th** promotion he dr- j wired. When he taw then that eveh . hto swift hofftr waa no match for the j •••toping p* to. * net* a hr drew hi* gun . and began firing at the dim*form v#fl* , irhing In the daiknesa. His fourth shot j aaa a aura one. for it struck the fugl jtlve In the thigh, and he tumbled from his horse. Not satisfied ft ItN hli work. 1 this man got down from his burs* and kicked the d#fenaeb*»# and wounded ( prisoner until hto companions canto up !**nd made him desist* i When th«* physician at the Fort Mac-' !cod barracks examine*d tho prisoner» jhe found that no bones were broken. I The bullet had simply made a bad j wound in the flesh. Ornom complained j jof much pain and weakness from loss' of blood, and was placed in the hospi | tat, ft'here he ft as Wftll cared for. Here ! he lay fur several weeks, and thre« times a day had the pleasure of seeing > ?hls horse led to water from the stable j j Just opposite. Jt*s a mystery which ' ! will never be explained, but the fart j remains that one evening w hen the po* j .lice were at supper Ornom's horse was; ;saddled and bridled snd tied outside! | the door, and somehow or other the * prisoner was placed on him and rode | ! swiftly out of the yard and through, [the streets of the town southward out j on'to the Brown prarie. The police rushed from their mess j tables at the sound of the leaping! i horse, Just In time to see the half-clad rider pass through the open gate and vanish down the street. They lost no (time In mounting and following, hut their pursuit was hopeless from the' beginning. Ornom had several miles start on them, and ere long they lost j all trare of him in the darkness of the ; night. Just at daybreak the next j morning he rode up to a trapper's ca bln seven mile* south of the line and j rolled off his horse in a faint. Several years after this adventure Ornom concluded to make (xne more . trip with whisky Into the Canadian country. Police, as usual, were sta • tinned all along the line and in the town of Lethbridge, his objective point, ; but he thought that he was not likely; j to stop at any of those stations at Fort j | Maeltod who knew him. This time he I took a four-horse team and wagon, and | his cargo was twelve kegs—about 300 . 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ HAIR GROWER FOR OVER 14 YEARS Thi. highly rooritoriou. preparation has rtool at the hrad of all hair rwteratiros. Mnre than bottte. hare be.n need by the American people, and thoneands of teetimonials bear witnew to Its .xealleneo, while there wor. n.eer any complaint, when direction, were foUowed. SEVER SUTHERLARO SISTERS’ SCALP CLEARER la the only dnndmf! cure. For sham pooing, Itbas no equal. All Uv* Orojafsf. Sell If. THE AXrOTTSTA HERALD >»n— it* ***** mm 4 *•••*» -. »♦* t *.#% 4 ft ftwftft fa 4f§§§ Hto- **** ft§4 iMNft-' wit m*» ***** m §99 «4§ N 4 ** Hto aAvftftftft gms *4 ftiM W4MM * f Hto §ito #toft»t M»> W§ to . Iks to rtiiilffift §9* at mm toito* eato *4 < IN» ftttfiii ft#'*# fttoi Ftol :§to s *§§*4 5 A: §•* ft to I§toto4§ Hto Ntoft J ft.:,* -t ft !-.* lift ft® lift#* ft P**‘ , •fttol **tto* ft left totoft *4 #tto to*to to* , N a 4«>M9 tol tto §Mto* ****■• W 4* 9•« * to* ft ft# ft**** ft iftla ffta to'94 m* ft | xto lift ift* a, *MMI ft#* mm ift# | ftiftft ftyafta wf a fttoaftft-f wtoft wmm* l «|m tto ftoifft tototo ft** ft s9»*et f*#4 «,ft4 Hrto A 9 Ito ewtoftftftl ifttMtttoft *4 §9** tftft' toft t■' ■*'' aft! ** ft ft# : §l*4 ftt* *.< • > *a*<4 H*M I—•»• ••!«•* *«.* tfc» ft ;,(M# m toft ft! 1 # a 4**toft ** 4 ft*eft fttoft to*"#* to efttof Ift# gate aa4 a§ ! l«eaa#4 lift Itoftto. ft»*tl*toa 4*aftt*<4 j i arto" aa **»N «hi kta *» **i» aaft : \ m*m* ito «» Iruatft tfttfta ftft to ftteefttol ■ will! tto fn* «*f tofttto to *** j . «to ffttoifty aa arsft.. tftwftgft* Iftay ' aft** toftt. a§4 oft** 4*to *« tog m*m* i aoafttti '#9l4 a*wa»tog at tto ftVMtoft •**•■ ■ fftrtoftM* Itof fa4a »wa* agala | **A atom rail, fftttoto mM tto | r 't oft 'iotol toy aa*** §** mtoftto, * aaaatto tofifti a«4 Itot tosgto toft* f tow otoft ft* t*4itog tto toto **at tot* i (ft# iifeftr/* I "Tto a totot*** §twftao4 tto teftto* alto, fftf’lar Aaftto t wa* all*** aftt | at hftto a tot If t atay wt*§ it tftta ftw 1 *m%9* *• frttv to to eoiMfftl*^ Tto w***n* ran* iftot tiigftt at 19 I a'etoi. amt a# as**a aa It •wtof#4 •tow* s ft# ft**l soft tft# team ft aa • »*fc * t up. fftr H4O * t«■ b*o4«*i sa4 iftry atari * *4. A toast flt%ft ft*if*a ftwto I**4 ftele ito na4 f *tk#, but tft*** » Hfon - ’ hr* met Agata ***** mtteo tto f *ntft#r *»C tto cwatto. fkrtwmi in* la tato tto Hgftt‘ftan4 fort, but a* to waa a*»m*' ItMAsr* aftrad ilia ! 4rfi«f ow nag lata tft* left-ftoa4 ns# | CHftssto kepi ftft, ftoftever. *»H (**••* ng • i M i Him iraii« Waft IfttiitWltig him •n 4 mb** ft* roartod tin tft nk 4 tto tftftk tft* wae§ trac a aw*i we t n pad tfte team lia4 takaa tto **ttor 4m to kept mambling tft ftlmaetl A Ji.»*r‘ A fW'IMT Jouvrr' H i»fWP». 1f,., t « nn Rn ntorv ,6vrtilßn* that 'night. *n4 )uat •« the »wn «•» rt«ln« ! tntlw4 up In ■ frt«>nd'B ran* h. aavan j mtira from and Uurtr-d th" IHuor l» hla garden, not mnttllng In draw arvoral gallon. fn*nt on. nf lh« | lioga for th" rancher . lit", j And now th" h'Ml dang"mu# and dlf* ! rt. ult I>«rt at th# trip t»aa In r«ini#— ih" mlllng of th" whlrlty. Th" rancher : mad# a trip to town and f'-unit two flint, willing In buy It at til » gallon. ! i||" liquor to bo d.llV.rrd and plai-cd | In th"lr oollara. Ornom th"n tnov#d Into town, and rvvry nlaht tho t»-am «t#r pa* hod four k"ga on horaoa to th* i railway track ditch near tho atatlon. 'and n««r morning wtwn th# town wi« | apparently aaloop. Ornom ahouldcrcd 'them on# by on# and carried them to lbn reliant of hla cuatomcra. A detail .of police wa# auppoacd to patrol the atroot# nightly, but they muat have ' #!ept part nf th# lime, for th. laat keg Of the atoek waa aafely delivered. Bright and early on# morning tho j amuggler and hla outfit atartod for home, hut before leaving h" wrote a | net* w hich h" aaked the rancher to mall that evening. The neat morning th# commanding olflcera found the fol lowing rpletle In hla mall: Lethbridge. June It, I**—Mil. ('ommandlng Officer h. W. M. P, (Lethbridge. Proy, Alberta. Canada—Blr ! | have cold one hundred gallon! nf lln ; unr In yuur pretty little town. There IMt'l-or waan’t a drop of water In 11, and I advlae you to aample It. 1 | leave thl# morning for free Montana | and take with me s2,tt«' worth of your lutle green *-urreney. I’lcaße catch me ! If you can.” —"Ornom. flow to Look flood. flood look, are really more than akin | deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organa. If the . liver la Inartlvd you have a bllloui look: If your atomach la disordered, you I have a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys i are affected, you have a pint-bed look. Hocure good health and you will iturely have good look*. "Electric Blttere- Ih j a good alterative and tonlo, Acta dl -1 rectiy on the atomach, liver and kid neys. purifies the blood, cures pimple., blotches and boll# and gives a good I complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. I Hold at Howard & Wlllet'a drug atore. GO cents per bottle. The Boston music commissioners mobollsed all the street musicians in the city at North End park Thursday morning for a play out, the plan being to weed out ail discordant Instruments, 1 and grant no license hereafter to | those not In tune.. It was the first oe : raalon of the kind in the United Htates and Little Italy was stirred up to a pitch of great excitement. The muss- I dans poured out on the streets from 1 all directions, and Individual tests were over in a moment. A snatch of a march, a bar or two of a waltz, anil a commissioner said, ‘‘All right, move along," and the pianist moved away with joy in hi» soul. As each piano was ' brought up for Judgment the men or women owning the other instruments : crowded about breathlessly until the playing was over, when they gave free i vent to their opinions. Sometimes j they looked grave, as some parti cu -1 larly good toned Instrument was heard. One member of the commission got so Interested that he forgot his official dignity and laughed heartily after each performance. When the Bttrring march (set all feet to dancing he found him self Involuntarily hopping up- and j down. When the pianos had been | heard the commission called for hand ! organs, andi then came the real fun. i The piano man scorned the organ J man. while the ‘organ man professed I contempt, for the piano man, and the I Italian vocabulary was stretched to I tht utmost. The German street baud ! will play before the commissioners in ! a hall later. Games and toys. Our stock is enormous. A splendid selection, 6 cents up Call and see at Richards & Shaver’s. SHOES’ THAT ARE KNOWN I s .. s'. ■ Everything that is sty lish. artistic and com fortable. combined with the best of workman ship will he found in Hanan & Sons Shoes, CASHIN. GOULET l VAUGHAN. 808 Bro „ Street. AMNtI PON HANAN ft MIN. ■ AS, • The “Maine” Album! ~ A SUPERB Photographic ■1 History Devoted CHARLES 0. SIOS.EE iGDBTS i ! 3QC 0 and Interestin* scenes assoelatsd with the dastructlon of our Otant B*t shlp and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few Incidents of American hlstiry have been attended by such public excitement and national Indignation as that which followed quickly upon the destruction nf the Battleship Maine. In response to the universal de mand for a pictorial history of the ill-fated warship, IU captaincy and in everythlng In collection with It leading up to and Including Its »■»“*- smatlon we hLe secured and offer our readers thla week a beautiful M. no Album or Portfolio, the moat complete photographic record issued upon the subject, embracing splendid photoe of The Martyrs Which Is noW ready for delivery at our office, or by mall for Ten Cents. CONTEXTS OF "MAINE" LABUM. Captain Chas. D, Sigshee. General FI lzb ugh Lee. The Battleship Maine. The Destruction of the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Maine An chorage. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner’s Gang of the Maine. Views of the Maine’s Crew off Duty. A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship’s Company of the Maine. » Please notice the Maine Album above advertised is one of a, Series" of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Aeh '<;Vements of the Spanish-American War, each portfolio being a special number devoted to a g:eat an.: principal event. Sacrifice of Next tvr-c No. 2 will be offered as a Memorial of the I irst Sacrifice or the win or the heroic death of Ensign Bagley and his companions, inclu ding many other special £< atures of the early events of the war. sucdi as the vest- -I that fired jhe first shot; the first prize; bombardment of Matanzas, 1 Then ill weekly and consecutive order will appear the following: THE DEWldf NUMBER—The Hero and battle of Manila. THE NUMBER—Bom bartSpicnt pf Sgn Juan ar ?d M9ITO CM- ( U * 'HOBSON AN& THE-MERRIMAC -with additional special features. ADMIRAL S(*HLEY-Tfee Destruction ot ' ' TtIK SHAFTER NUMBER —The Siege* and CaPtUre Of IBairHaco. GENBF.ALS MILES AND MERRITT—Army Uperat.ons In Fprto RWO Vct each number of this souvenir reries while you have an opportunity, and advise yout friends to do the same thin*. Known from Maine to California as the BEST that material and good workmanship can pro*, dues. as ron sttli immiiin Oir irraj if liutu; OfTerlut ha# oa* 1 #? to#* •*» %*tV4 to j all Ito toaay M*?tta# ttlrrt arttoftft far ; tto t«>it# i t ant 4t*ftftto. to la Ift# 4#fttif* ! and rftaaisll# nxniftnattntii u( lrft<4* in n«ir aaft*#i* attar ft *4 J#W'Hfft< <#Vf I atnrft lartatoa arairtoa, rl**« fta, tftal*- and tv«ry aHtol* la a §*••» |n Its §«*«* n|g| _ * i<.l*l i* A**’ i*lm#i» hat. A M. to A. ji RENKL, Jrtvalrr, 991 Broad IK. A Groun of Junior Officers ot the Maine. Wardroom of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry In Session. Funeral of the Victims of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender In Havana. Milk De livery in lluvuna. The Captain General’s Palace la Ha vana. General Blanco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prado, Havana. SUNDRI'S HERALD "A Newspaper For Newspaper Readers' Something About Sunday’s Herald. More News Better New'S Quicker News All the New* Exclusive Nov* The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial. 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months, 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months- Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad# dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta, Ga. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD, •y-—: • - --■/ TV '"A f" a ' nk c , *k6 / \ / \ fimotit / \ / A \ 9.Cushion i f Y \ 6to/ 1 \ / YPo<*7bTe\ \ \ / \only to a V \ Y's \h»rd Hitter\ i Y VCentre 8«lt\ f \ \Veryflne\ | \ i A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS Br JOHN A. TH^TCHC* Cushion Carum Ctamnlnji of Ohto’hi *B3, winner of Bt. Louis Hautftcuy ’»/, flip longest touinauuut oa ratvrC and the culy idsyrr who mi M gc.huafarf hioafoo, aud ivu If- u« Miiuu tourDsiurot. OF INTEREST TO EVER' BILUARf PLAYER ##nriAr. CONTEN "tv 100 tJIAO*AMO 0»’ 0 -Oil«« »/•» M •CHA»Fra*6 gip/iiuHr ‘<mWs l-VUV/KTYLf C 5 t\M\\ ALL ftUfftlKtt I'StIVUUi. <PtrNCH CC#v»'r. OAV.", OTOAY OF OWAMPK hM\* Ct.Wst A’P • NTBAHATIOM.iI. CCNtft tliT Of* OHAMPIONIf <y* AMfcHinA ANC TOUnNAMEN-’’ M U. 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