The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 17, 1898, Image 1

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• hiutiiu. h>i east i 4k VUHML t «aato* tot* .**. Aswamn l'"U t |e-«»—i f*»i* aw ttoffiMMa rut Atutrru juvwg* >AM. aa*g»«e*Mt GEH- GOMEZ REPORTED TO BE DEAD! fctmuut itWfnn *" Hit tt irtrti it t«M %*m «*• **»*■« j F—serf AWS» . |M (Hit M« #l. MM*F tegtslattowi (to*—* TAo* Ml I y fe'ffi IflHHiPi !• «fe* Mm . y ** .tfeilrma pf ?<#• y f y|S |H %k%9 | fe# Mil , . m »* l«y ultrr t» Hi* tain >■ a m*«* tttf J* g*N ■ infcffif- M Mr. in«y : w »•» !nti ti>4 Mr, M#lt«# tfelffe* m( ■ t inll** sstl • #ts#tfe4fe#'4 ftotr <fc' *'-, wlf»“k <B>! Hr Wvß' •b 4 Mr Pljf raUjyr than prolong t(M roktiovrtvi, allMftw m* msi. Th* bouae thru wot Into committee of tbr whole oa tk* Indus MIL AN OIFIC HA T till.l He Robbed Property VV hkfc He H M l.mglox rd to Protect. ColumblM. Ohio Per IT. Jane* Footer of Cleveland a detect ire of the Panhandle railroad. caught too mm robbing a freight car early this morn tag. Hr *** #feoi at twfe#. ,Hr r*« turird fir# but f#t! from l«*i trf titood. An boor latrr frrd I>#rTitt4. a »p#rU! ftoUrrraan. w#ot to Augoat HroKowitei * how#. aufrrtag trim a pistol ahot which passed through the •tomaeh He wa* Ukea to the boapl* Ul, where be died without making a statement. A revolver with three empty chamber# was found on him. Brokowskl e aa afterward arreeted. and e lot erf stoli n good* were found In hl« house ivrrlag *ai 45 veer* t>Sd and previously bore a good reputation. FOR THE SCHOOLS. Thto I* the La»t l»ay of the Qeo-gla Legislature. Special to The Herald Atlanta. Dec. 17» ln the senate to day the amendment to appropriate eight hundred thousand dollar* to the schools was adopted. > This Is the last day of the legisla ture. PREACHING SOCIALISM. Events at the Se*»ion ol the I edera tlon Tills Horning. Kansas City. Mo., Dye. 17.—A forlorn hope nos ne\er bolstered up by more matchless eloquence than the socialists among the delegates to the American Federation of Labor put forth In tie half of the principles which they be lieve offer true relief from the grinding Industrial conditions and oppression of capital at this morning's session. The Federation opposed committing Itself to th*- endorsement of any party, and has voted In each annual convention to this effect. Democrats and republicans have given the theories of government, but the socialists have not; but eaeh year, when the convention meets, they are on huntl. They realise their work would be In vain as far as practical, definite results ore concerned, but they glory in th; agitation of their eauae, and, In fact, they ma'.e converts In secret. The entire morning session was spent along these lines. a* \\ ooten Made Colonel Albany, Ga., Dec .17.—MaJ. Wm. E Wooten of Albany was last night elect ed colonel of the Fourth regiment In fantry, Georgia volunteers, the election being held at Albany, ThomasviUe, Brunswick, Wayrrqps. Valdosta, Daw son. Outhbert and Fort Gaines. Col. J. O. Varnedoe. who formerly commanded |he regiment, was forced to resign on account of holding a ma joi's commission on tne staff of MaJ. Gen. Wilson. Maj. Wooten steps over the heads of h lieutenant colonel and two senior ma jors to assume command of the Fourth Georgia, which has long been regard ed as one or the crack regiments of th* etat*. The new colonel Is one of the most prominent military men in Georgia, md was a major in the FI; at Georgia fitiiej Stat.jv Volunteers, T" o *!ec ti sirs -or fDAiors are soon to b-.- held in the Fourth Georgia NURSE WANTED—COMPETENT " middle-aged white woman, capable of <ar i,* for infant Men b- well rec ommended. H -i.ry to K care this fi cC . s?ai sun nt«*n Its iIM» a 11 k THE AUGUSTA HERALD. im i Mt- a n. TOLBERT IS OESPONOENT lit Nn Till Hi Vi 9 1m Ht» Hi* MHMMNMNi AlmMm# 14*1 Mi M N ] pMiM «t *MNM» IMP #%*4M*#4 NHH **• | Mf'ilMf tfe* f*fef)#9kt f . 44#fe144 Ifetf* MN *##4l Hi M** feMtaife IliiMMHw ()fprnWcmHhS hm* *4 1 *«* mM-lml V* V H K ul i*mm W, fMMtt •It m («l Mm H . heft it i«i mh*r* it# <«•*• 1 tt mH TiNHMiv TofHtVf Ht* f»* jottMl iHn tMvf, T*it» t«4in j l*h «rr \ Att A U K 4 yti wU Ult# tfdft Mvf lly# Totkt'ft* t M i H#*r I»rm4nc art !• *** tK>(M Ur TgILiFI‘ fjff ft|jgf a liliH lw> I* wt to vilffc Hi loi#r* HU. tluM k# trill lot# t arts! 4ttl ul ■NHMr? It stet« tipf** Httll tflnn* ftx*m lilt rrofM. It *h# eo®p*t of ttv msaiU tot wtl4 bt r#tttd l»n*i to • of vblti ro*fi. Ht l»tt t«~ Vftyi fntifu along yikaiiilly tntt tton. Wb* n ani**«f nhy It 9M tbit iarb Tolbert had a aaparate v oUag pm*. ft. h« aald that they lived at some die tanee from each other. Ha votea at Niuaty-Sis. and has altmya done so. Hie father voted at Bradley a, where he baa been mating hi* vote for a lung lime. R. R. Tolbert la a resident of Abbeville county. Tom Tolbert voted nt Phoenix because it waa convenient The bo* at Phoenix was dispensed with jusi exactly thirty yedra ago. In ISSA. when General Grant was a can dldat? for president Col. John R Tol bert cast hia vote at that box. There was on that day a riot and the ts>x was discontinued until last winter, when It waa restored by the legislature along with New Market, Gaines. Kin ard's school house, Epworth and Lyon. STEArtERS IN COLLISION Both Damaged and Twenty ;Persons are Drowned. New Caatle. Tyne, Dec. 17. Tire British steamer Pleremont, which arrived here December sth. and subse<)uently sailed for the Mediterranean, has te-es. In collision with the British steamer lllna.whlch arrived here Decemlier tilt, and which also sailed for the Mediterranean. The collision took place on the North yea under conditions not explained. The llios foundered, and the Pleremont was badly damaged. It is believed twenty persona are drowned. ALLEGED DESERTER Private Theo. Schomberg Taken Into Custody in Huntsville. Huntsville, Ala., Dec. 17. Private Theo. Schomberg. an alleged deserter from troop A. Second cavalry, has been arrested and is held at Moulton, Ala. The deaths of Private .James E. Smith, Co. M. sth infantry, from pneu monia. and Private Est.Hl, Co. E, 16th infantry, from malaria, are announced today. COMPROMISING Documents Found in the Home of an Artillery Han. 1 Haris, Dec. 17. The Journal an nounces a case of espionage discovered in Nimes, capital of the department guard, where a search of the house of the father of an ex-artillerymun named Tetrion revealed the fact that he had In his possession a number of compro mising war office documents. FOUNDERED AT SEA The British Steamer Gone—Her Crew baved. London, Dec. 17. Ihe Danish steamer Thingvalla, from New York f w r Christiana pansd Dun net Head to day, and tignulied that she had. on board the ciew of the British steamer Govlnci which foundered at a a Dec. 11. fne OoVino. OlTpt Dickinson. ■ aileil from Iffdth on yjpvembdrjo for Baltimore. ' rKINIiEY DOWN IN SAVANNAH I |gtg || ||i I'lfxl tHI idM 9 f Ilf *ni| * A Rat at toafc«M»t M Hm M*u (M SmpvIIMNNI iH) *. m iKtaiiil Clurr I*. m U*t*n ******* • «*4 i mnt •** hf * [ I Ip* «f %itm lltiiijli Tin* |Tt*l 4** iiiiAft rim tmr rmp* >*« mil* 1 of ||pM l®4 ’ tHm» tliim u \ «(M I .atvft* artillery mm*rr ««im»4 «rs Mnt« 14# ncmo#iii Tlh# pr*wr**m Inf ill# da? MirliMl## • tflfi il* fNifiy til N«t J. H ffetUt m» tfcM !•* I * •cfttH fH*c, * rnirt |T* «k«| t«iftQU* t t«*t«ht ||i PNNH4<*#I Mfpti mt fjKtjl*! Hill 1 HIN ARE Ml M TIM Cummlaalonara tt aaM Not (Ma caw* the Paa*e treaty i« Yuih#m(>t »«i K*mtan4. . U,wT« ifitpfTirvfr* *h« !**• #t#c*"4 ill*' .% m#trlrM ##wiwilp* ■tow*!* tu<)iiy it**'!* millnnl far .Von Yorfc «n h#«r4 tl»# Am* . rtr««! Un#r ftf l/mtl. Inf” «tw»- »»iln*4ni»#r* m>!4 ili#v m»t 4MTUMI lb# i#nw <*t til# «r*'tl %* «*f pM*r# tt till ftpnlxi. Mr. Wlitt#law R*l4 #i>4 I Jtulff# Dty mu* ti <<l in tb# Inttnlfir «»f tb# Mb* | nlln pwrtfrn^til of th«* A#*t»* j Hml#4 l*i*‘**» wMli A4ml ml IV** py, i»ui would not 4t#rtmn #itl»#r ibtt matter as the nitd** i»> AmHilo. judt» Day Mid lb# lr#my of pimm would probihi) be 4*ll v ,-r#4 to I*r##l4#nt HrKtnl#?. T>pr«(bb#r 24. "But.** Il»* *44#4. •’lt I# Imjtowwiht* to my wh#th -1 #r It will b# pnwni»*l to th# f*™>**M P*nnte* or thnt whlih » om#j» Into offto# on M»r* h ft#xt. I Thl# »« • mattor which th# Pro*- 14#ut will decide.** WORK OF THE FLAHES. Property of fir. J. C. l anhaa at Roger*. 5. C., Destroyed. Ape* ial to The Herald. Kdgrfield. A. C.. De> . 17. At five o'clock this morning the barn and oth er outbuildings on the place of Mr. J. C. Lanhatn at Roper'a. 8. C, a smell hamlet not far from Edgefield, were totally destroyed by fire. The origin e.f the fire Is unknown, but It is supposed to be the work of im Incen diary. The lose Is Vi bales of cotton. 450 bushels of oats, a new buggy and a lot of farming implements. Beside* the aiiove. a fine horse perished In the flames. An attempt was made, to gat the an imal out of the burning building, but the flames had gained too much head way to allow such to be done.. The loss in money value is about twi-nty flve hundred dollars. A lOROERY Was Attempted on Hr. Asbury Hull at Neon. Elbert Thomas, a colored mao. was nrr .stcd by Officer Tinsley at the in stance of Mr. Asbury Hull, at noon to ' day. \ Thomas attempted lo pass u forged check ou Mr. Hull. The check had the forged signature of an Edgefield merchant on It. Mr. Hull detected the fraud, questioned the negro a little bit, and soon saw that the check was bo gus. He called Officer Tinsley and had Thomas taken to police station and from there to jail. GOLD DISCOVERED One Town Half Deserted--Another Springs Up. Cannon City. Colo., Dec. 17. The discovery of gold five miles southwest i of this city has caused a new town to spring up iu a night. Half of the able able bodied men of this tWn have gone to the scene of the discovery, and over a thousand rlaims have already been staked. It was a matter of sincere regret to many that the tine voice of Private Bol> Kccles, orderly at Sdfcond Army hcad <markers*, was not heard last evening at the fair In "Our Country'* Martyrs." a* tv as anticipated. This song, the Words of which wet* written by J B Matthew* and mult*, by ’ Leslie R Tomes,- both of Stamford. 'Cc'rsn was dedicated to "Private Upclts, and Is pat 11 - uJar 1 y - aired to bis vales. It v, ae i,,,,*! enthif&idSlletillv I'-eir.* on*' niclit last work at life lair. j tarn rnftgrifT *B«ts »r huh AlUt M -V CIA. XMAS TREE AT THE PLATZ Tt* to tto IU4 it (to IVi. tb* tMMwn AaM* *a INvimr* |M H Ma Man AwMa* iba< tor m*n (MH'» m#*is glvavi gratia, tk* MB k* k»*g» aw* wann» mi* will r*» l» k«4gdbl> iM I*MM« «* cbildrwa V'S* win ■< t* ant aw* a law at- Mtw twit Mg Ml im wan* TV nerj* alwHum a** |gipi miiiiiag Itoat* TV laMirtiiaia w# iV*4ty V»* M*» »t)t a* w*iuw tw tM *t AnwniMMta an* many - -at r• Ml tins M sum r Wava Mww m TV MW Vi** waa iwtasva* by TV NwsM twgat; newt IN* W ttoagNUl Mwwa* t **yx i a*ay MwVab. X agwela. Camp W<* (Mr 11. I*M To IV (VgggtMaO la Cktri* H»*»M iTtlggii TV. ikiibNH Having rwn* •** TV HtnM tbat yam gcogoar lo ba«* a Christ—ft in* tor IV mill children I Mg Inm to —k* (V tolinwtng in— towmn# Mto V «—M of tor ttolr MmAL Will also any thot I am guild • rfr ovnicwof Ctonaißma ****** an* about* ywn n**M nny a—iane* wba*- «*#r vow wowto «Mi*w nm iwv mwb : by ending on Your* wit w—tfiHf, FRISD WALTKR Hwvlirlu Clark Ftr*i Dlvlaton Ho*bital. Camp Mack* Ml*. Ga. TV WIM »* aprr*ci»ted equally ** nuK'l aa tbe H»V» »kich »■ mni»«W H and wbleb will make *e»*rnl IHlI* Maria hapgb . For greater r.mvettietice In Hu number of . hlldrao u-e Marv t«, tm coutvn* lib- the following *lll hm run In tb* t»|W for several Altai> # * ••• ••«*«*•• Jf Am# ***•«*»** ** " • ** ** •*••*** Add!### lilP#4 #n4 numl#fL.*M*" .*.....»»•;*•« if •u-u”.- i.; Parent* *'' * ~ unon •ei M , ||,.iabl uffli*. give to Herald ear* . Fill out and have this coupon av in. rler* or leave V th- follnwmg places In West Mwl rten* tw ; 27 n, gmlih's Drug Store. Xl>*. Hick* ; Lahevlew «Y<; End Pharma**. tie. rwniin » < ittufi wk c R IS- l« Iffuirma' > . cere child In the mill dlslir t between the age# of * and It I* hup*- nr> a (Sapoo , mi |« out and toawe at any .d the sperlfte.l - ladles In '"'lit eveix Cblbl immediately secure a luupon and it. *o that tlck ,»g Vo the tree .an be made out and delivered. INDOOR BA‘OBALI- Ibc Red Hot Game at the Armory Last Night. The deciding game Of th« flrst reries lirtween the C L. A and the Tenth Ohio wan p'ayetl !a*t tiiglit at the Ar mory Hall before a very lag* .'".'l en thu.iai.Bc ntitktence. The excitement at times was lk» in* tetifto that th<. game had to be called for a b w nunntea to allow the rooters to give vent to their feelings Th gam" waa very close tip t*» the seventh inning when tho C. L. A.'s, owing to want of practice of several new members who made several cost ly errors which allowed their oppo nents a lead that could not bo over come. Consequently the soldiery won the gam* and the first series. Arrangements are bolng made for g«m<s next woek between the Th'r -1 irent!) Pennsylvania, the First Marjr ! land, the Tenth Ohio and the C. L. A., which will no lioubt call out a packed . bouse. Those who were fortunate enough to arrive early last evening enjoyed a de lightful concert by the Tenth Ohio; band. The following Is the official score: ‘ r ~<\ 1,. A~ II 2(314,5.6 7 1 H O SalvoT ' n 11 ' Barksvltle, fib * ..|o| I-,- 1 |o| |0 | Daly, lb • 0 ! i 0! I*l i o ' ! Armstrong, r. ss I l-l I I Costello. 2b | |o|o| !•! j-l I I O'Donnell, r. f I .o|oj |oj | | | I 'Poland, 1. f I I I l-i I i°! 1° Sheahan, I. ss j |o| jOIOj j | |0 Stokes, p | ! M-!0| 101 |0 -Total ; "~"r~TTjoji|2|dii ;o; i|Q : '> Tenth Ohio. |l|2|»|4|s|6|X|l|* Llllirop. rTss |-| |oioj |o| j.| Dc Wald, 1. «s |.| l-i |o|o|.|o| Zoller, capt.. lb 0; 0; M-|o| | Pearson, fill I®l l® ; ®M'I®I Belcher, <•. .. I®l II• I I-l■. i Harmon, I• f (, l f,, o>. iOI j Metis, fib II I M l ; M i Ferguson, r. f ® -®: l*i®| I Dc Hart. mgr., p |o| °i *1 i® Total :rT7:Tr7r::f2.o 1219410 Umpire. Mayers and Porter. 1 : 2,3 4 5 8;7 fi 9 r 1 \ ....... 0il!2i410100 9 Ohio Ohi'S 2;0 P 2 1 9 4 1 x -20 1 The Mayor Is Sick. Mayoi Walsh leiuruea this mwmiug ttc - n St»'York He spent an tour at hi* office, and went home, a* be ruling very badly. Ir is hoped Mr. rfTjeti Will lie idl y recovered by Mon day. ARRANGING TO RECEIVE DI'KINkEY Etmtliftc HtUu iituta to Im4i> TV RsuapHM tinnlbi to IM »F pa— * * IM* l.a—i TV >inwa* i*i rr» tor IM Pmm —i • *#* 9MI *<4o4 MiMiliv Ti# f#*f*«to4 #IOO4 |wto-*#o Mw fH ## I 1*0114104 •#4 like l*|MhK»t I~iiit4t|>4 to ; OtoflV > l #4Oottoi#4 •#4 04! O* 4e-«rml*4 1 • Oootloo li#o4ot. Titoto *r*-»l §4#o Oo* Imoo to tok4v*ine4 Y4# IOO# •# iOO toOtotoi HI OttocO l«i ###*4 ' 40 Otv II tMt «if>pl4 4# ok4v# lo 10# j if>i mil n to# IllOf# • 111 io Ho Of#% It *g aaflMel TM »•* <rf —» baa **t m*l Mont girl*** on. Un M W paw*- EaM* mat im** wMI M tarn pua4** «ma M IM miming an* <— In tM as . TV t*«*— will m*N fftom Ma lian a haul • U »'r**n k aa* M mat b* aa <a*»*rt fm* IM cavalry TV Prm- Nbwit wNI inapnct tM ramp an* am** In iM city at II W'ltndl M» wilt t*w 4ft*e«t ill to *«Hif OOfOe rtoi tttoXtp TOf‘**WpO lll#’ fßlfwlitol tot reel to Mn 4 to 10# f##t#o • MTto nttoiri torlwf# fee Oftl vt#W I fee f** ■ [ i t#4e oo# <»»*< ifeoto# of tfe# !*r*oiA»' f** ' e TfFr-| «if| |He fi* **4 After tfe# mO* «fe# lt#*l4toOt oil! l«e l#o4#t#4 m fert#f rerepuoo Ol tfe# I i'odtmervlol ciofe. A five tin to of !fe# 41* [rtartom «f tfe# •!#**# chlfe **• NI4 of 2 u'rbrk to ofrototo# mo Met* Tfe# tfe* iFftar of Ife# Wtife fewitof tUI fe# l«eoo* n ull> 4##**»to|#4 The f*r##!4oo! oil! leor# Ife# Hty tolM>at LB o-r»o#fe on H0n40% msfei. Mr# f*mm Mmyn of Tfeomtotorlil# lo vto il log ||r« Cfeort#* Phiiiti) Bl HI TUESDAY NIGHT. Will Be an Excellent Amateur At traction U you min seeing 111 HI. Tuesday ! mgiit.' you will roles seeing the most i artistic and beautiful amateur perfor mance ever *»-en In Augusta. The cast of Bl Bl to a strong one and very clev er in their parts, and the next few days will he devoted to putting the finishing touehee on the different sets, and by Tuesday night they will pre sent this beautiful play in a manner that will highly eutertaln their friends and win new laurels for Augusta ama teurs. This play has only been given In two cities in the south. Savannah and Co lumbia. It is to be repeated with the same cast In Savannah in about two weeks. Local talent In Columbia played to a packed house at three performances. The cause for which Bl Bi to given in Augusta to a moat worth, one and has tho hearty support of every dtixen. The Hebrew Ladies’ Society desire to furnish p suit of rooms in the Augusta JMtopital. and it is for this noble cause , that* this beautiful entertainment to !>e ingl given. During the third act of HI Bi there ! will be a number of specialties intro duced. including some choice vocal se lection* by Miss Rosenfleld, Mr. Rus sell and others. Some beautiful fan cy dancing by some of Augusta's beat (lancets will be given. Also a comic recitation by Mr. Russell. In Bl 81. there will be no waiting or dragging, as to customary in amateur ijla.vs. Bi Iti w ill go off with as much snap as a professional play. At Y. n. C A. Tomorrow The meeting for men nt. the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon at 3:fio o’clock will be addressed by Rev. Chas. A. Powell, of Kentucky, who will speak on ‘‘True Greatness." Rev. Pow ell is one of the most, polished young pulpit speakers in the South, and his address tomorfow will be a most ex cellent one. The music will be good, and the meeting will be Interesting from beginning to end. An Invitation is extended to all men , to be present. Special invitation to the soldiers. The regular meeting for boys will !)c : held at five o'clock, nnd will be In tbe hands of Mr. Jameson nnd Prof. But- , tor. All boys invited. Multl-Mllllonalre Dead Nile-; vhclu Dec 17. - Henry A. Cn&pin. the tnulU-milUonaire mine owner, und Uie richest man H» Mlebl- , gan, died tost night. He'was *0 years > old. He was worth front ten to thirty millions. HtTMilllll A TF*« sill mm ut\. 11 iAgA THE SESSION DF THE ASSEMBLY St HtotoOtoi to KxlfbbNtbhti I #th Ml lag W Mtogat vaginal ** a* Hw galMM* ~i ppi agi 11>| lii ■ ApaattM Ml tM **ntg Atlanta Oa. (V* If —TV pr*amM •amtwn a* tM tlmati Anwnthu n*. mm baaa prwtigr w wanWaM tw of nny •gitosgtMnnry lagiabMlnn TV (Mggawt I*ll mam ibat trfelgb mwaivw* |V gßptogamiWNi tor ng man wMwiM TM aaMawnvwn wag*. **t to m v V litait t* tv mwi* * 4.<w»< gpgMgpmiag tv |Laan,sng man non ant an IV t**n aga bnaU. m tb* t? Mt**n mm. m* by iba ata*» mcMml cammimbtnar aV ana grglvwlv wawVag tV *<hat* 'g ib* *ang*n. »*- P*rl In wig aat lM» IV Nmn mat rggrar nr iba nmn m •• n* tn g ann> I* finai« mnniut* g(* bna4in* tbnwa nn*. aMb wbat lb* **M* apprcpngi *a from otw annrma, making gaMg II * Manas will raw <V —bend a gwm mnaiba an* that la tMagh. If tv rwnnttsa tram n largwr larm. kM ib*m «arb tax iVmmlv** aa Rwlnait an* Bibb <h. V kill an* paaav* a* *nr at *ai * ns * oa IV Mock law or g» Vm* gaa*- Han Huh will Inaagarat# a r*«<rfa* as ft paapcMM* ibat bmaaMar If a IbifM (anial** a ao-fence roast> l rot* far “no fane*’’ ft «ball alibis MX nmniV fence itaaif In an* construct tbs nacea aary gatea acton* public mad* or tb* election will no* mil Cal. Hartiaaii t* Qutlmau. advnenting tb* bill, anid tins** bad rbange* aintc "no fans*" •w*pt Iba atat* 4 rent cotton would ant do., and tb* p*npl* will b* muM to ,*m ph to d!v*r*i boat 100 of c rops sod to ball!* raising ss In tV older day*. Thl* m*scs that it to batter to fane* iba crop* with air*, ribbon or barb rd and let ibeatorkrun nut. North and Bowth*m Georgia sew to be favorable to tbto ibought, tgyway. the bill, de feated In IS*/, pawn) by a large vote this Utn« Tb* content over Mr. Reynold*' bill lo amend Ife* poll## COMBtIIkNI •#* w as to render a roMWlaatonrr ineligible after one t*r» excited MM inter**! a* th* delegation was divided—Mesar*. Calvin and Hammond being oppoeed to lb* bill cm Hi* idea generally ttuH it was wiser to leave tbe servlcea of * mun at the command of the council and the people Juai a* lung a* he la willing to r*rve and they desire bis ser vices. When put to a vote, tbe ayas— yea and nay vote —were 42: tb* naya 61—total vote cast. 107 --a pretty full Hens*, you sm A cummbsion of senator* nod rep reac ntatives will be appoinied to study teno report on tnx reform or tax revis ion at the session cf IkBS This la a capital Id's and will rtsult in great good to the people, if th* committee mm named arc workers. HOF. DIG URL IN BAMBERG. Delk's Wagon and Carriage Works Destroyed Bamberg. Dec. 17.—The carriage and wagon works or D. J. Delk. a smull dwelling house owned by T. A. Green, and tl.e barn and stables of Dr. J. P. Ott were destroyed by ilrc lust night. The origin of the lire is not known. When Git- blux* was discovered too much progress had been made to save the buildings. It originated In the buil ding owned by T. A. Green and occu pied by D. J. Delk as a carriage man ufactory, and rapidly spread to the ad joining dwelling and stables. The losses are pretty well covered by Insurance in the agency of G. Move Dickinson. The losses and Insurance are about as follows; Stock and tools owned by D. J.' Delk. loss *1.250 .Insurance *1,000; two buildings, owned by T. A. Green, loss SI,OOO insurance T 600: burn, stables and contents, owned by Dr. J. P. Ott, Insurance, if any, not known. Calhoufl Brabham also lost a horse anil a lot of teed In the stables of Dr. Ott. The building ami large stables of O F. Bamberg were also In much dan ger and slightly damaged by lire and water. The small dwelling destroyed was oc cupied by John Thomas, who had no Insurance, but succeded In saving most of his household goods. The dwelling and furniture "f Dr. Ott was considerably Injured by fire and water, and was saved only by the efforts of those In charge of the fire works of the Bamberg Cotton mills, an almost continual stream of water being turned on said building. GREAT MAN NO HORE Baron .lames De Rotchachild Dead In England London, Dec. 17.—Baron Jas. lie Rothschild. M. P.. to dead. From Trichinosis- Hillsboro, U, .Dec 17. Two girls have died ana the remainder of tbe family of eight are suffering and are expected- to die from trichinosis con- Trar.ted by eat inr, pork the lamlly had killed. •=ffl Ijf ttifMtPli to i • «•# PLANTS** LOAN AND HAVINGS HANK M«M» * •«•# »>•• ** GEN. MERRITT ARRIVES AT NEW YORK i * tot ll* Hi* to tot Itott Hi ftMIItJRIPt , »m* Mm am Mt(M m • *«ry May Mi km VrtW IfNtot MmM j N*t» tail Ib* t? <«*• Mraamr j Maeettt mm <mipi>M «f tv Itotto* | Mate* WUMMt kwtt I* tv f%MIM I i4t*e i staaA*. team eg < a pNM M waff ■» ;*4 tp *Nmi# i* immli *uk IV Am* past* i*aa««M o* Md IV all MwMy Imp ifiirt an mm a WtiM |<to* Ibtfft* wave bta bfiiM mml beg , MNtV* He ail ret am* rsMMkf trf tV mi It * hat* AtpartgMnt «rs <M mat “It to com* ttma at Mm t toll list j iMiitppta* -i4«a toi." aall Gam Merritt, I aM all I ran aa* atom« *V *■ aat bam ’'bare ttMn I left 1 told M aa ntoelat **• pnfft made to IV r.waaut mag tV Ipeaea rimaMlaatoa t cam aav. botaeaat, ’bit tbata la am faaaflita, Mr IM r*- nori that Admit*' ftovrey to btoiam , doana aa IV nmah of M* - Jadmfmt tanrk at M»*<to <m Ms* I Ha rw Im bna phratcal comalMiam a Mm I tad him, U*4 m aa tb»a met tV atratm as IV • nitil ntofc* IV |Mpk im u-* ;■ to that *v *»• la mol b* at y means as It to *tl4 to M. \ I me. a aamiber of Kumpamma tbetm voar* or a. or. and t be* wvmtf to thrive and bad no roMptolmt mbont the ItllBMl!# Vo Alii TV mortmlMi amona tbe troops ‘seat lo preserve ordet as* not as great a* some would have the people belt***, TV Germabt acted a tit!!# qarer *h*n I gut that* fleet They »er» ktofl of merit!lesom< m miattrrs ablli I lhlak they should have tot alone. TV Ger man officer* there made me oo .'•rial • all uutil Manila had falirm. and their visit as* not ahat might h» termed friendly There au no ser'om* clash and I an* glad of H. The vo.unteera behaved nohly dm me the #*ht we had The* are good soldlres.'' FIRE AT DUBLIN. Cotton s*ed W srehouse Destrayod. Loss Small. Dublin. Ga . Dae. If.—Fire last night destroyed the cotton seed » nr* bouts of Smith. Kellsui * William* The loss la 1 -mall Thu luisinesa part of tbr- little nan erf Dexter, -about ten mile# fioni Dublin. | was almost destroyed by Are Thutadnv , tttgbt. The blaxe was first discovered In * j vacant storehouse he longing to Mr. W. !J. Wood and from there It euught th« .drug store of W. K, tlruhha, tn which j was the postoffice. A small store house occupied by Toni I flegtotcr as a grocery was next to i liurn, and then the commissary of W« |A. Shank went up In smoke. Adjoin ing this was the general inerchandlso store of w. L. Curimll. which was de stroyed Mr. Carroll's stock was worth jllf.MHi. with mime Insurance. Mr. 'shank’s loss Is about »70*». with *SOO ln suranee. The other losses are small. The origin of the tire Is unknown. Mr. John B. Fordbam nnd Miss Em ma Hobbs were married at Poplar Spring Church last Tuesday. They aro members of two of the most prominent rnmllles of this county. Prof. Kit Ballard of this city wag married Wednesday to -Miss Julia Pres cott at the home of her parents 111 Johnson county Prof. XV. E. Thompson, principal ul the Dublin public schools, lias been of fered u professorship nt Emory college, and may accept It next year. He I* a Leached of acknowledged ability, and the people of Dublin will do all they can to get him to stay here. The Oomlnlon Treaty Washington, Dec. 17. When thd Canadian Joint High Commission ad journed today, it was understood that ilio meeting here Monday would be tho last before tbe return of the dominion officials to Canada. The date for the re assembling of the commission til Washington, tt is said, will be definite ly set atVMomluy's meeting for Janu ary 5, and that less than two weeks thereafter, whatever measures may be agreed upon will be drafted In tho treaty now ready for signature. Funeral Today New York. Dec. 17. The funeral of ex-Senaior Calvin S. Brice of Ohio took place today at the Fifth avenue Presbyterian church. The church was crowded with a large number of persons prominent in society and pub lic life. Wintering in ThomasviUe. ThomasviUe, Ga.. Dec. 17.—Mrs. Gen. I'allxto Garcia, accompanied by her 16- venr-ot 1 daughter, Mercedes, her son. Mario, and the general's private secre tury. Meyer sUcrn, are spending 'the whiter here principally for the bcnqilt or Miss Mercedes, who is an n.valid. Capt. Julio Garcia arrived from Wash ington today and Joined hl3 bjffthtr Mrs. Geortf* 3»1 PullmHti r, f Onlcft# l -' has engaged a large suite < t room# at Die I'iicy Woods hotel i'"' m* sea soli.