The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 17, 1898, Image 2

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HATUWPAV j 1 I '%r\4 Here's Hi Giiu? f§ Oft i COT, it i XittftM, m |m)m a MhH*! tMIfMML r, 4A. It*** HOO # Ill® l\ &A. (Huh • OOts#tLOi» IbIMW IM> !• Hft tit in ITS It W*ft tMla* Wt It Iti Pnj» l.f* It Si.oo AfWtfAitt* AOf It &«• ftr . Iff., If , Iff. Ewjiliif in Music Thomas & Barton 710 Btoadway, Augusta. Caorfin HAVANA POUCH CHIEF. Cal. MmHm, <* BMiso**. W HI o*4 M Hkim o*r. IT. «- Got, Moo Hop of (l» hiniMl Iltlnol* *lll. K te hlmv(i»< <* ll • urn maul of tt»< H*nr.> folk*-. G**#ral Ure#o. II I* Ifgnrlad vttl to l*nHfT AiK'i Um ha ip*fc- lb* w»*w « r ' ftr CM, HooK.m arrtvaA hare v#*terrt*v Md John MrOllarh. former rfcirf of poilc* of New York Oty, arrived t<> dti Thia afxarrwoo. (Maaol M-.wl ton Qriwnl lirtM. Hr IkOiillifh. gamer fmwnfH d# Caatro, NimiiM rtali fmvfVOf of Havana, and Ike gpgnt.h i-blrf of pollr* Jusilanl. bad a k>na it ad* *aw ahowa over the p»ll« * court* and Hts prlaon*. and had the ivdMtt rxfttaH to them Mr. tit * j f’tilSaah, *hua exact offi> la I position Men, to be undefined *#?» hr yet formulate a plan I»f poller organl > gallon. a* be tnnat arnmnlatc data rtf yard'ng local condition* and ll»e local ti. Al«' r hi». Col Mm.lion and Mr. MH’ullxgh wilt often their olltcea in a few day*, tenor Canol a election a* president of the Havana bar aaaoclatlon war an nounced today. For LaGripp* and Influ enza use CHENEY’S EX PECTORANT. DIPHTHERIA HITS PRINCETON. The Disease Is Aald to Be Epidemic at That College. Princeton. N. J.. Dec. 17. Prince ton I* threatened with an epidemic of dlpblherla and there la ttoaslblHty that the Chrlatmaa holiday* *lll he extend-1 e.l Iteyond the cuatomary two week*. 1 The flrat reported case waa that of K. C. Qoldaborough. ’99,' n member of tlte club. He wa* Immediately transferred to the Infirmary and nil the member* oT the club were forthwith quarantined. They apent laid night in the clubhouse and were bundled out of town this morning by the faculty, three men be ing held aa auapect*. There are sev eral cases of diphtheria and gore throat in and about the college, and the faculty la employing every mean* in Ita power to isolate the cases of sickness. Traylor’s 1* the place to order fish and oyster* for Chrlatmaa. Will have a fine assort ment of shad. Spanish Mackerel, Pom pano, Trout, Hreum, etc. THAT LAIR’S. Cor. Jackson and Rill*. HeU Phone 210. dec IS V 21 H HAVANA CAR LINES. A Canadian Syndicate I* After the Franchise, Toronto. Ont., Dec. 17. Toronto Interests In street railways ore after the franchise In Havana, and have made an offer of nearly *1.500.000 for the present service in the Cuban city. |t la claimed here that a Canadian syndicate ontmuneuvred an American company that was after the railway in Cuba. The same Canadian syndicate already operates street railways in Montreal, Toronto, London (Ont.), iVinnopeg. Kingston. Jamaica and Sirmingham, England. To Cure a Cold in One Day rake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggist* refund the money if it ■ails to cure. 26c. The genuine ha* L. tj q. on each tablet. Beautiful line of Mahogauy and Wn'- *ut Suit* regardless of profit fm cash -Fleming ft Bowie*. LOST JEWELS IT JUBILEE lift. A IliWffiWMtl Hb4 H*> Tret! lalffl It Aitoimi IJ**» #4* y mM ftMo#** * fftlftft t>9—*#§ 9ft# ftftMMft'#. ftflpftft tft* (ftftrfftpftt Iftift# Tw##"'- ' ; gtttftprirtrrt* ##»% (ftp ft# vftti I mmtt ii **4 mil m%*» \ mmt* Nat #r»tift*ft> %tm p»g|il«»ltii j |ln AllNfel* UNft <&#f '**4 ft** ft# 1 iim up#! Mtiif*’ pnhi*'#**<» if**# *#N«t c MMk #f* fIMMV imititTT *ftt ftiftft# !•••** ; }Hj» I n fbf-Mfc-flt (MwS it tNkttft MM# : ll uwUff-Ti ifm| HHf «d! y-|irrgt lli Ipi ll ill lilt In IffWh# it HI j mmd AxtuHl Hi Al & | • >«#«« • %|«4|caf • Hln|l| l||# t»f* M ' Hi Imp m 9*»*rp tout**** f»# «i* | TW tmtmwmiU* I— H TH MitM Umh hi pmwm* I tli# | it* flu li Alkali i#ft j I roitiri n 4 HIT irlie »•«#* - • I fhaa tlutr bmmm ikAl* ilMf ! I ihitfiT Imlllg It tl#' t»r#»r> iit«H | Mn J i HoiHapa»nA «*# iMi tnt j 1 aril ft rHit Of It u»» 4tiHtft !»Mk» i «mi «rrtt«4 ta»t unit. Win* | 1j„ At aal# «b* fftoftprl »HI nlittm j ! »»4 m tin ftftftfum of tin W» j 1 ffpijm Iffft Hnthififtrffih iat 11#! j ynllfff# If ft# Ml «*tt t« t)«« Ik# | Wtwu they reached ho«* after the _ | aarit# t,ka*f foMirt tint tk# k*>*## int. t4#n rtitrvt ut (to trmkft bfokift nftrft on, of 1 base trunk* belonged to Mr* ttotllngewortb and from It beat been stolen mm Jewelry and money No 1 l.ilbing waa tafcaa. Valuable# from i,iher trunk# war* aim taken Mam idbar bonaa* war* *ai»fa4 at the aam lime and booty aernrad , Augwatan* should ba #ure and lurk thatr homes up aernrely whew they lew*# their house. J rart Monday to aa# th# MrKiaiay pn* I reraloa. Th# rity will be full of panie* wh. j think nothing of making a sail naaa nottnerd and taklag off alth them a aouvenir or ao of their *lalt While watrhlag th# prormalon he#*- your band on your porket Im<4i POCKBTmooKa. PUMU9L loteat atylea p<y»l*r prices Augusta Trunk Factory, Ml Broad. CLEVI R ‘PCCIALTIES Ulvao at fly rkk-Harder Performance Lost Night. The Buckeye, presented by th* Myr k le-Harder company at the opera house, last night, waa very cieverty put on. The apeeialtlm were enjoy ed and Indeed II seemed for awhile Ul»l th# ntidienea wanted nothing elee bul the vaudeville feature*. Mia# Myrki* and Mr. Harder were forced to res pond time after time to the repeated enrore*. Tonight there will be twenty dollar* given away at the performance to the lucky ticket holder. WINE OF CARDUI, HOW TO CURE WHITES.—^ Sr. Lotus, Mo., Nov. 15. My wife ha* been a sufferer . -.r“*r , - J _ from Whites for many month*. She had severe headache* 1 V 'V," 9 A, and pains in the back, ac companied with dizziness ot U- nWH/ \\ fainting spells, until she would J[ | Y ]\ fall on the floor and have to jT S 'V h go to bed. Nothing relieved R her until we tried Wine of x -JV ** Cardui. That made her 100 \ „ per cent better. W. G. Medley. WaeTßidS 1 When a woman growt pale, languid, dizzy and hysterical— when suffering is written plainly on her face—it is not difficult to trace the cause. Usually it is that offensive and debilitating disease known as Leucorrhoea or whites. There art so many things which cause this “female trouble” that very few women escape it at some period of their lives. Doctors treat it locally. Sometimes they help a little. Often their treatment does no good whatever. There is really but one cure—but one single medicine which never fails to relieve. It is Wine of Cardui. In ordinary cases, complete restoration of the womanly organs to perfect health follows its use. In severe and complicated cases. special advice is given free, ladies' advisory DEPARTMENT. , if the sufferers will write to For katico in cuii requiring »p»- the manufacturers of Wine of !;K«CK: Cardui. See reference to : ‘ ° Ladies Advisory Department. ! cure themselves at home, free from obnoxious local examinations. UkROE bottles of wine OP CARDUI 91.00 at druggists. WINE OF CARDUI J<‘ DOUrTA HFHALD. I< | uwl ease M *a*a JtaMitt l # (*<M it Ml *>** ae *•*• M # 9 M»* ••♦**•*» •* »#♦*••** 9 0 tax Mad #•»*** •*»* eat Ms # #**••* ' i # fSSia- j t MMNTV 9*9*9 fb WMI. »»#%%#%%#%' Mb A TtAfiNtfT. A Me.* ad Mid *a# 9«*■■»»< 1«• MmP* fct #. »f #*#9 « f f fl fllf tWMfft 9|99Mi t# kH ks 1 MflM» Wktl# tiftftft?»i ft »#**# ««f Halt 1 mmms jUii pm»i9 n ifc* dint ini iktfk *k# t*- y * 1 ««t m# iturtfi ftm#rT •*• ImmhnmoiA crrvtM tk# tpukr it tk# mm**** k* kOftOMP# ftlHf k#4 to tk# IftftllOt, Th« Ontral of G#or*i»t Rnllwny will tfcM9t«. Aufruul* to M*roo and re turn for 02.08. One. 18.' Ilmit9d to Dpc. 20. rtiturn ln« Mccount Prtaldtnt Me- Klnlty'lviiH to that city.' For furthor information j call on mgmni of thi» com pany. I ’ ITU Vi f .tr ■ tfllMil# | . 9 4 s»r. • -t* u ft* l#i#tft r*mn* f«»rf«fi»* b#t9 it <it*%*ara. m k #4 We htivo the best l«r*re type Bibles in fiex*b 9 bind ings in ths city. Our price only others charye $2.50 and $3.00. At RichArd* A Shavsr’s. Nunnady * eandf la a p«d thing m i send Alexand-r f»rag A tore are agent*. Ah noting Hrrwarba A email negro boy. Aiephen Jatkamt. waa charged with rioiatlng the tolth section *b<K>nn« firework*. If* wa* arraaied la*l night al the comer of Campbell and Broad atreMa. Though not more than It year* old he put up a plea In hi* own tohalf that would hava done credit to a lawyer, bul It wa* not quite strung enough. lie wna fined. t*.M. OAMTOnXA. Math t i Fancy work hadteta, novettlen nrd dutia st lowest prices. T. Schta la.eaai. j Concealed Weapons. Will Gamble, a while man. waa up before the recorder ibis morning, charged with violating the 414th sec tion shooting firearm* In the city j limit*. Tbl* caa* wa* reported to the officer and when he made the arrest he i found a platol eoncealed. Judge Bax ter dismissed the flrat caae and liouml him over to the city court on *IOO bond. STRIKERS' STILL STILL FIRM 4p9 On lib* ly Igfe #La ftr| Ift II - M • k ftiMwftft# Iftft# m Ik# K«IM Cftftk* M flt Ikft Mkttii fcftikfti-ft ft*4 Ift* P If# f* v arfiMif fiftf * ■ Hft* ks» 4* ClkftftftkP I kii A lift t#ftft* | Mtaa KMM Pwcbtaa* ft te stated that ana*b»* eaea wa* , tabaw at (Aa ball mm tA# qwaartwn a# re , toei.g t* wavb Tb* eawuli wa* th* | saw** aa lb in* teem-*** Maeeib*. 1 ftkifsttf mftt Ipm fMftki mkmrni ##ftk ft### [ftft fk# |k#ft pf tk# ftftHNTfttftVftft. t k#f* tft f Drift* tftihft ##f*tftlft tk# t #»’• Ii i ft!# f *mi | They As bb* cow seat to mA Aw a I cowipeuaula* That request tba requrter [to (gat* that aayow* effiartag tw eoaa i prime iea tb* Matter baa wo gwtborttv tram ibatu Tba wi«pMtl*am wbleb I bars b**n amt tsgt tbeowgh lb* di#*f * ; awt part nf tba r4ty to gwßcft eIA for I tba atnkaca claim fair tenew I the at a.path? of tba tuople of Angwata |p> twcialnly wltb tbawefbara Tbl* fact 11* eartalaly d.wioaatraHxg Itself ta a Iffaeticsl way *v*ry> day Mr. Gay tout a* that b* waa bsvtwg wore awe- Irraa with tba atoehb#ldara of tba mui* than with aay other* people I "They talk foot 'hi# way to tn».“ •aid be. "Now. on# maa aald to me that be bad other iMeeeala In Angua 11* twaldaa those be bad to the Mill*, ill tba oparnlire* wages ara r*du* -d bta Imaineaa Intracata will suffer Bin* than the lew of a div Mead from the mills. We certainly bar* a« reason to eompiaia at the gawaroalty of the peo ple of Augusta. We hare pntten aid frritn source* we never dreamed of Th* meet Inga of last afternoon have strengthened lb* people In their deter -ruination Tby pe<»ple of Augusta are standing hy n* and see hallere tbay will continue to do so.” Ashed what the prolurbillty of elart ing up Monday or Tuesday wa*. Mr. William Keel said: ’’None whatever, exrrpt at the old ae ale. No. I hare no more tw ray Mr. King’* proposition? lie plainly state* that he Is unable to ;do anything, and we can't expert any thing from ihxt aotirr*. We appreciate Mr. King a poaltloa. and wIMi we could deal with him aa president of one of the mills,” Mr. Ivey aaye ha do## not rare to talk for publication. Talking of the situation on* of th# gentlemen identified with the etrtke said: Everything seemed to take on new life yesterday, and today it look* like a long, hitter light. The talk of rloa glviug the operatives of the mills ing down the oiher mill* aeema to be Inoperative Juat what they want. As one of them puts It: "We don't care a snap; we expected aa much. I-ook how they acted about the raise they promised us In the other strike. We ain’t forgot that yet Can you blame ua for our action now* Suppose some of the mill authorities try to live on «0 and 80 cents a day—buy grub, pay house rent, wash bill, clothe* bill, wood bill—how do you suppose they would stand st the end of the month? Ouesa they'd kick out of harness, too.” It Is tireless to further elaborate on the situation. It ia critical. Both aides are aggressive. The battle ia pitched and It la a question of which side has the fcsost endurance. lathe meantime the people are leav tftgAhnd the leaders a# advising a* nmn# to get away from Augusta as ran. It is said that n number will leave for Fort Mill. S. C.. on Monday, and others will go' to Charlotte on Wednesday, or ns soon after as trana | portation arrives. Mr Marion Ivey come to The Her ald office this morning and stated that Jte hud been told that certain parties were spreading the report that he was J contemplating playing the role of a I traitor to the cause of the mill opera tives and intended turning them over to the enemy. Mr. Ivey said: “Such | a statement as tbaj is calculated to do ■me a gross injustice. I denounce it ns j Infamously untrue and I wish to state i through the columns of the Augusta | nress that the party or parties who are ! making these unjust statements will jbe made to suffer to the fullest extent |of the law when their Identity Is dis closed. Those who know me best do jnot for a moment enteYtain such .thoughts an<9they know that X am sin jeere and faithful to our mutual cause, j I fully realize that the rttuse' of one | is the concern of ell, and anyone who spreads such sentiments as above re ferred to la really the gullGT party, for they are sowing seeds offtscord wfth a purpose, knowing that harmony is an essential quality to our success." JPTJL * ftfe ftft ft ft ft WYtti ftHtft - ftft II HlM*’ ••ft fßftft #••* Wftftlt ft**** 3 * SITUATION WANT ED :>l qjeOfli tlllM tvp TffffMfflMT “help wanted™ kftftftTftft 9* All 11.. J *<• MTHir) A'. i •> -##■# 9> mi #ftft# l| l’s* #»'##. kftftMNl ■ ; ir i aft*. * ft# m Mr# Hrtififftai ml ftfy _ - ft|« m tffciq TO RENT __ ‘ jxn t.err two namgaomb txH'm.R -a. rx. 9 t*l pav raetb qtt ■> lagara | eawaiitraera. UmmN t-bHUae, TK 111**14 at*—*4. Case 9 FOR SALE 1 Folk PA 1,9-4* HIUH <»RAI>R AST* lira to the hlghcwl MAdace. tbta av«Mwg sff 9 aw 4 Mods* morAtng at I* 9al ig lims l rirwt hy C. V, Walks*, lb* at> vft ft .hhn#.' r» N**w I# ft*mft ? tin ,IW r (0 buy i* hiryet*. 4*c t? CftgA II (RUM AT M JACKSON *T. r<»« uuk-panffi n»« what i'lNO pwiasw. Chaw past la ally • .aa real a pnwad. A rate at MaraM aAces Itnih vklt* and aasa-papar. H»* I TOR IXLC- t«te A<”M* FARM. ON9 mU* ft rat city limit*, a bareala. Ap ply W. C. Juaaa. M*. U« Jatkaoa •». Oat 1 CHEAP—FAPffR FOR WRAPPING partmaaa I* raata a hundred ..Id **- rhaaeaa. Wblt* papar t aaal a pound. Nov 1 FOR SAI.K IW ORF.KNK PTKEICT. with a little outlay can be wuut<- Into a handsome and modem rratdvnca. fTerms li ed* cash, balance, three year* i wltb aeven per cent Interest. At,ply to l K. Hhechan. Manager. Roht. Partner j Brewing compaay. dec U ts LOST AND FOUND.” I.ORT A KBTTKR BITCH. WHITE and brown spots suit aids reward fur her Return to Win. Boyle, *OJ Jack* sen'street till Sat Indu S9HAYEIV-A DARK ItKD BltlNr-t.E '§■>9, marked on right hip with tar. fff l». leivell, 59? Tampbell. dee 17 LOST-A SMALL BOOTTH TERRIER btti h. Anawer to the name of Babe. A i reward will be paid for her return to Dr. J. E. Allen. *!* Greene street, dec 17 M ISC ELLA N E OUS NOTICE—THE BICTCUi* TO BE sold a* auction this evening at 7:JO and Monday morning at IO:SO. at 559 j Broad Klreet, by C. V. Walker, the auctioneer are high grade and well known bicycle#, but being overstocked, and money being demanded, they muat be sold at auction, now la your chance, dec 17 JOHN PRACTI CAL, gardener, announce* to the pub lic that he ta prepared to trim roses and other shrubbery at short notlce i and very cheap. Orders can be left with my uncle, Joseph Trommerhauser. at police headquarters. dec 16 PIANO TEACHER—NEW METHOD— Mrs. B. L. Horton, 937 Broad, dec If A F»W TABLE BOARDERS CAN* get good hoard, reasonable price, cen trally located: apply at once, C. A., care Mbnld. dec 17 Special Notices: Special Notice. The National Exchange Bank of Au gusta, Augusta, Ga., Dec. 9, 1898. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of this Bank will be held at Its Banking House on TUES DAY, January 10th, 1899, between the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock p. m., for the election of seven directors to serve for the ensuing year. PERCY* E. MAY. Cashier. Installment Notice. Office of Augusta Real Estate and Im provement Company, Augusta, Ga., Dec. 17 and 18. 1898, THE REGULAR MONTHLY INSTAL MENT of this company is due and payable at this office on MONDAI December 19tU. W U T©CN®. President. W. C. Jones. Secretary. Lamps, both Banquet and Library, In beautiful ! designs at Richards & Shaver's. Bn! Hie! Fn the Mililm AT MANUFACTURERS HhIUL*. #5 % J! Tntnkb. Hipy. Hyu Suit Ot»9», Podffl Book*. Punff«, Etc. ftgkft9.f ftfti* .IU4IMI ft% iiiftlft t%T HI fftft «ity »■■■■■■■ Aogesia TnitFaciflry.^afEJgg” 1 ' Toys! Toys! Th 9 lururst stock of Toy* #v#r brought to Autruata. The* pr c»t iir9 lh# low9«t #v#r f»ut upon similar goods. Do not fortst my pi**# when ptirchatlns for th*» link* onet. My 9*«M>rtm#nt of Cakii i« such that you ihouid b#«r it In mind. Pound Cako, Fruit C«k9 and Lady Flngors are my *p«cialti9§. H. H. CLAUSSEN. 1002 Broad St. a PARLOR MARKfcT, 05 I Broad Street. ONI: OF Ol'R LCJCLOOS I POWELL & ngNik The New Year is Approaching lA' ‘'s wra ami I (Mil aoaey t« settle my <dd yrar'e nhugw- Ufa* I will sell my large smite stock el Kicaty *JM k Monumems,Headstones, Etc. I »<» «® bend at tie IGWHrT POMWLK I'Kl' W. UHI CF - KOHLRUSS Corner Washinßton & Ellit Sts., " * AUGUSTA, CA Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition this fall in regard to business and that is a most healthy one, and those who are preparing for it are the people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are ours to own at right prices if you buy them. BUSH’S CRYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and good Cheer It bums through and through and leaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. * OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled for cleanliness, heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily by their use. Egg. Nut and steam Coals of best Grades and at Lowest Prices Telephones- i FRASER & CUMMINO, Lessees, Strowger cn.OPERATIVE COAL SUPPLY CO., 1041 Jackson St. 7*j? "On Arraj ofllrislias Offeriiis all the many sterling silver articles for ffjglKCe'L- X'K the toilet and. dresser, or in the design and exquisite combinations of Jewels fflPhWMnn > n our »uPcrb stock of Jewelry. Our * r J’Ju ,m 4 stock Includes watches, clocks, chate lalnes, silver novelties, table silver, onyx tables, lamps and souvenir goods, and every article is a gem in Its fine X r : y.T % - workmanship and rich and claborat de- Gold pen in fine plush box, *I.OO. Sea v our Camp Mackenzie Souvenir Spoon. A. J. RENKL. Jr ' Jeweler, »-» Broad St. MORPHINE r ,_ T nui tppaTMS\‘T will b« »ent to any one addicted to the meoi OPICM, Eo^lhiV*LAUDANt’lr<KoXr PAINLESS HOMS TREATMENT. Mtion ivf PHYSICIIANS «wli ;'M lmmediate relief given. Correspondence ab*o. HOME TBEATMIHT CO.. TraU* Coen. X«w IT