The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 17, 1898, Image 5

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RATURDAY CHEAPNESS ECONOMY IK* cttw-MaYirwdlShaw. TUtoimttte tw M whidK *Ktp hftkte** « « •*» ******* ** R 9 LutlTgytfa f„ P*J ff fOO fvsvAg* tt ** md OUR fg™* G<vt rn*d umimctmrn Th, nom<ni a min Han wn| <****§(* I* ttMi »* *®* ■ hto mrtirtir r? tilt fcftvict w ** I* 1 m#n‘» And w« keep i. Our twl ffmim hrmly roaud to the minds d our p*m*u Ukt s grtm cum In s desert of bralum promises. AIJL AW Hv nU Kir * ___ DR. HENRY J. GODIN, OKf*. i ft #4 4#lf #f*tem, Utmmi Mreet. **» 4mm »*»t* Fta***'**' K«M. OPPOSED TO CHURCH RAFFLES Addl Print Cmhm i Imhllm to lo» a. Part Mi* !*>»•. Bar. IT,—Tor Ita wno«4 tin* In Half W*»***T m*mb*t* nf lb. tslfc.'lk r,«iw*»ll«l her* hAV# rat llwati>lw t» direct 'Watti'* *•’ tike rkanh tatkarltt placed aw there. Ram time 9m* A* It**. r*ih*r Murk* fM**rl* pastor of the mllHral at Dabuqu- kat now prteet at one **f the MtHh pariah.« In IMa 'Hr. formed plana Tor a haaaar In order In talar money to malt'- certala repairs on the rhareh. Tba estimated amount of aiaary a*et>4 la M.m aad he am oat to rataa thla t>y arndlu the women and rhlMren of the tten ta l anvaaa the different tmalneaa houaaa of the city. arlllng <han<*s aad tlrheta on dtffrrrnl article# to l>e raf fled off durtnc the tkubtlng of tho bet aar. Teat>*rdajr the men of the tea (ngitlon took atrp# la opposition to thla and Banned e»aototk»n» eondemn tnft the haaaar method of ratain* mon ey a* feeing an tmpoaitton on tba bual nena men .of the eltjr. an belay in viola tion of the atate statute* against lot terteo and an being beneath the dignity of a prieet. At the aame time a committee »M appointed to take fall rharjre of the finance# u| the church and to raiae the money by some other meaaa. The com mittee teas given full power la all fin ancial matter#. The ftov father Burke refused to recotrnlae the orm mlttee'n authority, for the rcaa< n that they had designed and were Instructed to pay their prleat a atated aalanr and the committee tahe chnnre of all nourr •a of revenue. The paator will n f >t re l.nqulsh hli claim upon the rent of pew* and he and hla people ere In a deadlock The member# of the congre gation refuee to give the baxaar any support In any event and will not ml*e tfec money In any other way union* their paator will turn over to the oom pn:te« all aourcen of revenue. Thla la the aame congregation that carried the light against the divlnl in cl its pariah by Arrhbisjiop Hcrnneesy at Washington, making a teal cane of the power of a biahop In a mission field, such aa the United States has been declared to be. Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SAI.VE in the world for Tut*. Bruises. Sore#, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Pores. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively core# Piles, or no pay required It Is guaranteed to give perfect satlsiaetloo or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOn BALE BY HOWARD & WILLKT. Art Squares from 14.50 to 915.00 at Fleming A Bowles. S Jeweler NOVELTIES New goods arriving daily w j|| b e j us t the things OF ' for Xmas Presents. Come see what we are doing. See what prices we are making KINDS on Diamonds and Watches. • It will surprise you. fi. Sclweiprt & Co., Jewelers .UUiJMI THE CuRNt ; A uawf C«m ta ttat tat* laa C#4K§# ; W ft ft it rit tte* thnly tf*«m 9000 #Jl4«rfl#te<T Ih* 414 miss im irt tk» t*w ttteftli sm*~ ! iiliVt |lm| m • €oo* Itkf tMI Iter I** | ««vA mu rmm W T#fcr# |*» # m*4R*< Hd !Ij fm 4§|t49r'4 I|a«*l. Mul IRf Wwj> l“l#4f f te#fteMi te# te#4 ill# 000*0 rtgte* t«* #**4 9to# t irtitifr nr ils# fomtut. ||# r*fte *4 T Iter ******NT 000m r#4 •*m *4 nrfrlrsJii ia4 t**4l tte** I* A Hi*' ! us4#ftAk*rf, Th# n*i4*’Fl*te' i, f‘ 4*rteff* ill# will teivn tete rtKlrl I** ite* t**4jp ialiUiM In ravrt. *»4 tt»»« I- *lB fi* tHr rtril aiidrYlakFr f** Isniifll. sfeskc Ills Tnt Sl«m Altan a Ftmt-Raa*. a powder foe the feet. It cure* painful, swollen, ■matt ing. nervous feet and Instantly take* th* sting oat of corns and bunions It's the greateot comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Base make* tight «r new shoes feed easy. It Is a csrtaln cure for awentlng. colioua and ante, tired, aching faet. Try M today. Bold by all druggist# and abet aloran. Hy mail for IS cents in stamps Trial pa< hage KItKK Address. AHen H. I Um*ted. Is* Hoy, S. f. We have th# best s#- lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames at popular pricasat Richards A Shaver’s. SGLD Ton CATS. An Italian In Kanaa* City sold Fglltws For Rabbits. Kanes* City. Mo.. Dee. 17,—Domin ick Slumber, an Italian produce dealer, wa* arre*t»d today f«r soiling rata for rabbits. Mit. James Johnwm Informed Health Officer Shirk that "he had rea son to believe Chamber had duped her when he Sold her what purported to be a cotton tall. Bhe produced the ani mal which she had purchased aa a rab bit. and It proved to Is An old-faahlon ed tomcat. The head and tall had been removed, but Shirk killed a cat, and by comparlaon with Mrs. John son's purchase decided that the latter belonged to the feline tribe. Shamber wa# promptly arrested, and will be tried tomorrow. A* Shamber h** been engaged In selling supposed rabbits for several month*, there la no telling how many tabby* and tommies have been devoured by th# Italian's customers under the supposition that they were eating cotton tails. For Xmas we have Fancy Rockers Oold Chairs, Table", Lamps. Rugs ana Desits. Must be Bold. Fleming A Bowles. Our line of Japanese no velties is unsurpassed from 25 cents up. At Richards & Shavers’. THU AUOUiTA HITHAX*D. ttakßtuU* OF l»,#niiii—i t#a FtMMtaß I ass IH Ate gams IdHfth •9*4 ************ kte* 1 te*t 4 'RprHiatXN* m* *tepH*4l m**mm #• ilift l M—•. tte* W* 11. te*R*te*# m | ftftft* Y dta% 9«444*m»4 jAOm 9ft tft Itll ••• f W ItelijiF'ftiia Hwr W,ite* p*f Uses’ •tssliit-ftftl ftft ite* It I Jt««# mi * ****** tte* I IM‘*4 ******* t»A« «i tte* llAi’*te4ll'"*"«t *^•4 It# iwmAf# pftttit* <M*w §•***» |f||l# f tuff• f Lb-41 1 1fkft CM* ft !• s’wF j 4f N»ri4 rUffi l *4 ll* 4r*m j est -.## *4 n 4te**ft**fc**s I*"*T9 Hi . ! Ml9# i ** A *••*** tel* <tef * <in ft | <*tlMP9 4teY »*•! —l4. "f 9HMW • 9»4lte w (Hat o*ol4 IMH •ftlV* ,, * * HH4lYft* • #▼•#. Th* child rest assy get dM# whea w» I tteset get the doet'** gutch epouep, t trs the medtetp# JW «ril hf mump ' ] ||e alluded te ntamkeetatn e C»ugh ’ Remedy i»4 bought a bottle before he left the Far sale by Alegander > Drug and Aa** TV- C. It- **»rr a# Med I To**** tirif C*. END OF TMlTvk om.O. Italy Rotters -bay the lad al llseth Is Ntar. Bingbamtotv >f. T., Dee. IT Th* 1 people as Oefteva and Uutarto county j are t» e elate of rantemeat reused bw •a religious sect known as the "M«HV I Rollers.'’ who have predieted that the | .-ad of the world will tew during the > week be twee* Cbrtatma* and New i Year's, on the drat week In January. The head «f the •**"* ** Henry L Adams, a fanner attorney In Chicago end Cleveland. It has been In ealsience I for three yearn and during that perk'd every effort has been pointed to one ; end—the .'•welueton of all thtaga the last week In !***. The name given believers In thla creed Is the result of thetr strange rerrmontea They mil about on the floor or ground, ahoutlog and some times bite the earth. Well-to-do, In-’ teUtgent men refuse to buy or sell, and business ta at a standstill. In Ihe vil lage of Naples moat us tin- store# are closed. For Ih# pn*t three years adherent* of the faith have refused to take a mort gage for more than three years or sign a paper for a longer period, and grad ually they have diminished the time, until now It ta Impuastbla to transact business. Adam* says th# the statement thm the world would end on thl# date waa revealed to him In a vision. For Croup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. GOOD NUOOET FOR M’KINLEY. Such Presented Him by Trustees of Dahlonega College. I The trustee# of the North Georgia 1 agricultural collage, through their pre sident. H<m. W. P. Brice, presented President ‘McKinley with a solid gold nugget from a mine near Dahlonegu. as a token of friendship and esteem. Wednesday evening. The presentation waa made in the private apartment* of President Mc- Kinley at the Kimball house. The ev -nt waa the revival of an ancient In dian custom. The Cherokee Indians when in Georgia years ago wen- the owner* of the mines around Dahlone ga, and they made It a ruin to present every visiting chief a gold nugget as an evidence of the parity of .tlielr friendship. When the trustees of th'’ college learned that President AlrKln |ey was coming here, they determined to revive the old Indian custom. Several members of the presidential party were present during the presen tation. Oysters ! Oysters I Mobile. Plants, Norfolk* and Savan nah—the finest. Give us your Christ mas order*. Free delivery in the city, Summerville and Camp. TRAYLOR & CO., Corner Jackson and Bills: 'Phone 210. Deo. 15,1»,21,22. A splendid assortment of of fashionable Pocket Books and Card Cases in best leathers for men and women at Richards & Shaver’s. J. H. Smith, caloratl, has sarmed ;io tied that h* will contest the seat in congress of Hon. J. M. Grigga of the second congressional district. He Is re lying on the republican majority to il . something tor him. Royal a WEST END IAS TREE. Where the Contributions Should Be Sent. •i ta Iteaft ite Cm #||l te* IHttY I 444 rktteffi fte* flftl— gf • M« IS » M» 4mrm. »ut h— m omm**# «•*«» f>» ■ _ 1 prtmp'ram rhtMee* M><t groww fatka «f th* tadfc# ■»••> _M Mtunat* ta Ih* Yet (tad (IwtaUM* Twa .. | tatlig Ih the d 1 f Mb. wtth themeande of f*tj«tUw» and <Wtld*«i sal ft pta>» t urn* wMh the nthag mitt* fwMRM M ra'kwwd wggga mm* with Hu past g getwgft etatt down l* aN Hi* iklHa <*> ChGaftnaa Keg th* rWMHaa* llta* AtawtM tS* taW •* Atftwata bftta omt ft* •a# jkrrflTrr and i fft~- ocwudwA *M« *»• mrnm Iwta H»* «*•• ft «> | Mli , i, (j itilitrrm «te>. M*t Hi oitiltefT 11—. Hue— liHte of tte# v m infill ting# iHftl I# •Htf»«l*nt H|MH| tte# f—tetefltHH ft 4 Up# Ctertel Cteite'* MMtWf. . . .a s r ||_ gs jftiftßsli thA ftrl«ite#4 to h4i* (tete rHftet f t * r HU4f#4. happy for itermarhiw la ibr ft— of COilfUHlAei w a fonifiimtkrn of I or 14 rrnfa oiran* nothin* to tte# v tofll fr-4 ,i,4 tmf rklMrte of wHMo-do parmli. hot It •!« *»*’•(» n |r# prrfttnt • te>« of ratoity. • toy. »o«nrtteln* item «#—»> Ctertalmaa to ..... * as yntt rato‘l ftn4 n tmitl RiofleT donation. I#t #r#l*y fhll4 tte# 4—Mte B—l »■ I* • * ' ft Augu»ta who w I shea to family e*)oy (H* or Her Christmas the Wwat End HHl# o«ea with a toy. a bit of or aomeftftg of that natore. Ml** Jolla Moorr at The Herald office, la treasurer for the fund She will receive and wtlt.hly acknowledge receipt* of mosiey -I,.nations. Fruit* Mid ro«feetlo®» should o» *enl to Mr*. K. B. B«*t«w, »3n Greetie street, who will receive and arrange preaenU ft fteae kind* for Ihe little one*. Tho Herald will be the depot tor toy* of all kind* and other artlelea wkkh II la desired to roatrlbute. The Hereld will aee that all anrh prraenta are placed In Ike poaaeaalow of Ihe proper dlrtrltmtiog committee. VETS SENDS THANKS. Chicago Cooled Survivor* Send Tele gram to McMlnley. tTvlcngo. Ike It —Vaterana »f the confederacy living In Chicago «!'• fry enthusiaatie over the auggeatb® «f Pr.wident MeKlnley made In a speech at Atlanta that the nailonal govern ment should assist In caring for the graves of Ihe confederate 'lend. A telegram heartily thanking the preal dent for th# step* he ha* taken In that direction and Indorsing hla statement* waa sent to Atlanta by poat 8 of the l'nlled Confederate Veteran*' Aaaoclm- MnJ. Geo. Forrester, who wa* with Morgan* •‘Raider*.’’ anid: • We confederate velerana think the president ha. aounded ll>* keynote for permanent peace Is-tween the north and the aouth. Nearly f.OoO confed erate veteran* are buried In Oakwood cemetery, near Chicago. The plot of gmund wa* given by the government but has always Iwen taken care of hy ih** Chicap conf#4#F4t# v#ter#»ft. Tn*' cemetery contain* a monument erected by the confederate association, but not fine of Itw graves had a headstone and If the government takes the steps sug gested by Ihe president, congress will lie asked for enough money for these small tribute* of respect and honor.” To Cuba and the West Indies, Via. Central ol Oeorgia Railway Both one way and excursion ticket* can lie purchased, through to Havana', via Port Tampa and Miami. Steamer* of the Plant Steamship company leave Port Tampa Mondays, Tliurwriyn and Saturdays t .aeh week for Key West and Havana. Steamers of tho Florida Hast Coast steamship company lev Miami on Sundays, Wednesdays of each week for Havana. Close collection at Port Tampa and Miami may be had by tak ing the Centra! of Georgia Rallwy. For schedules, rates, reservations and other information call on J. W. Nall, Com mercial Agent, 737 Broad street, Augus ta. Ga. A. C. L. EXTENSION. Work Was Begun on the Line Wednesday. Woik on the Atlantic Coa*t Line ex tension from Denmark to Robbins, on the Port Hoy a I t. Augusta Railraad. was begun #n WcAnesAay. Sixteen oarloads of laborers arrived frem Mont gomery, Ala., “and were put right to work. The road is fifty milts long, and will open up a MW territory, and when completed will enable the Coast Line to get into Augusta over its own tracks Biggest stock nf fruits in Augusta at T, SthiadaresHl’s. A CURE For Consumption Said to Be INa covered. Berlin. Dee. 17. lTuf. Lautlerer of Stuttgart baa Just published bis dis covery of what he believes to be a cure for tuberculosis In Its first stages, together with the results of fifteen years of hi* special treatment of the diteu#. His method of treatment, calls for subcutaneous and Intravenous injec tions of cinnamic acid> and Its deriva tives, hetol and hetokresol. Tho treat ment baa been abundantly tested lu the Karl and Olga hospital, Stuttgart, notes show that tuberculosis, taken In Its /irat stages, was Invariably cured by the cinnamic aid treatment, with the aid of dietetic and hygienic meas ures, continued for a period of several months, while In the case of those in whom Ihe disease had advanced lo the second stages, 70 per cent were cured. The Injected drugs act directly on the diseased tissues. .Several specialists on lung diseases who have been seen express the opinion that the discovery Is most Important nud well supported hy experiment. SPECIAL LOW RATES VIA THE SOUTHBRN RAILWAY. Account of Presidential visit and re vi a of troops, the Southern Hallway announces sale of very low rate excur sion tickets from Chester. Newberry, Columbia, S. C., and all intermediate points to Augusta. Tickets sold Dec. l«th and for morning I rains of 15th lim iter! to return Dec. 20th. Place you order for fall suit with 19. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. M. E. MACAULAY J. A. MULLARKY P-lP- SULLIVAN Macaulay & Co. __ « /-y y rr-4 Special for the Holidays. We II 1 111 1 IV sell nothing but Guaranteed IV ILf VJ JLftV/ ▼ I—rf*— 7 Gloves and are local agents for J Roeckl, world-renown manufacturer. Buying direct from head quarters, have fresh stock and largest assortment in the city at $ 1.00 Pef "ln a ßutton and Clasp, Black and self : colored Embroidery, Black, Browns, Tans, Modes, Yellows, Ox-blooas, Navy Blue, Greens, Bea vers Grays, Pearls and Whites at $1.50 per pair. All the Leading Shades and the best values in America. The City is Talking amuui cum touecKHsruL, WONDERFUL SALE Yr H#Wf o%oot 4H 449 44# 4ftf #• •-■ As*i ]l#«#«<ftftf * %#4 teHt * !•##•**«» ftr# Hl—4 *44, ten##* |t#4r- !##• H» < H > fftl4 nf **mm •• n#pto*#Hl#• »*«# tmf #l4 *n#4# #1 #» #f© ftvfKHfe* M4f» c** T.slk ft cm tat# ft! #f i* «2 o*oo ft"*» I iMklll# 00*00 & *"#00004 #4444* f * 14 f ftfto MitilCft il#-# t iflHftNitfwl i 'o*o* *'••! ftH4 ft#9l# for 412 9ft* ##4 111 riH* mtfl ft#4 Hitt* K#fft*f fl* **««#!* fte Ift .fM ##4 414 #4! Hnfft IhikhM Al|*W«tet f‘*te#YH4 ittlla fttt |1 H, M## * 1 * mlnftol WtelHl *»4 CteHM 19— dtein# for fti ##4 U (00 It# Unff* 91l 9«l Kn— f*#4tft teftr H imm«. Uteri Unite ft#4 fte4ft Hite HmrlH fm S 4 ##4 H <•'— H# , rtte—i |N#ntlt<tl H«ttK#*lN#F 09*4 Ks ’mi it# IH# §l2 #44 §l4 44? ##4 tteltei of It* H< # # All Wcnr* f*te##H4 Hh*lh««# 4*4 (9 4#it# sos §ft 44* 4#4 hotelof otte#f IMift of 090000 tte#f toll! (#te|H f*vs Co tettf # «M# frtftkf # #*»f»#!f * 4##tel#o A | #|t I AH# Of ('4l ft<4<« ,N ‘it«flte>#* l B. WHITE i CO, CloihiDg Deparnpept SriooßS Sash and Bun Ds W MILIV/ORK g * OF CVERY D* 'OJPTiON. YELLOW PINI LUMBER f*CTO#V ANDS*W Mill (QUIPPfO vyiTN UT(ST i||POj)V(HtYTI AND tIfICANiJATION IHOOOUfH 'N IVtBY OtPARTMENT. FUU LINE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED I --are- FBICfS.CATAIOauf l tTC-ftOtl AtaUCATION. ft t Perkins Manufacturing Co AucustvGa ■ * if I : X : '&gr, J[ NO BETTER 5c CIGAR ON THE MARKET R. C. NORRELL & CO., Wkiloale Mr. WcHiaMndUM Thai ffeffant to Get Out of tie Way. (4 Clevelands at SI2, $ 14, sls,s 17. One of these is a Ladies. I Gendrom at $1 7.50. I Raycycle at $ 14. One Steam’s Special at $ 18. 4 Models 40 Columbias at s2l. $22, $23. $24. I Cresant at S2O. 2 Credendas at $ I 5.00. I Victoria at $24. 2 Ladies’ Fentons at sls and S2O. 1 Man’s Victor at $20.) DEVENEY,HOOD&CO. BICYCLE DEPARTMENT. Hen’s Suits, Fancy Cheviots, Fancy Worsteds, Fancy Cassimeres. There’s a Reason for the Under Prices. Each one of these suits could tell of a maker who manufactured well, but not wisely. Makers are always in advance of the retail selling season. They have to guess ahead as to trade conditions _anct hope. We tell today o such hopes not realized by a celebrated mak- r, and his products find new owners, through u decause of the business necessities of the i who looked ahead wrong. A chance for m ?y-saving that seldom comes just before Christmas. 11 levts m k cb. OtCtMagß 17