The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 17, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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mSfmirZZ » -«*** *~~* t anrt-.-.f van «• •**►«** ■****• 6g»SH^~ fc j?2S-2?3xt^ *pw mm ***** 99*4 *** ***'^ : mfim mm mm mmw*#. r * ’•** i *»» . jfjjgp in* iw* »«•■— «*» *w» *■»»» mm mitt y-** A R<H <*H DIAMOND. •Hm Hit* gi»—, Mu# > •*• n» *<*•* —p A**B »*♦* -I* IN***#* imum»<*4 gak* *rtuaM* BBd »«"* IMMrf JlJft i % 4—f * *dk 4Mt** _ A #*■* WMri Ai* «•* * •** ***** ApK*« |pt B— WA* ***"*_*** "*** || a*. —• •<■4 (Ad BBbkdbi >*>"'♦ •*ffFAf b»* jw» Im** Bffßbß •'« ,li<f A, r*wl •«—• Ml •«» '** **■• ***** MIMMotMW ••R*A*B I •*•*»"•**•* §£pt 0999099 fw* m* *OO9 •• mh*ir<*** * fM*** ■—****» Hi 4m ¥•• JH* ••• mvm **“» •Ma tMB* I HM** Mil A F*M • fcf 4|* foB OHM—' OMhMlMMlin Hr«t at flMtMbff F*M AfiWb " £, ip »««. t:«a" *A* f** 1 * ■ha i ,m —■* »*—U»M**l» "««»»• j«* p«4 Me** mm. H* iAM*b»b I ptrutfa* aMmil; ■«*•• M f* s OffMa ’ ._ . . "VaM** a ll *—l *d#****r H«l ut“ IM MM Ml MWlf ”1 -—“-‘tr* l<ai * at. Tb* Mt> turn I—#• K»W*rt tip .tartlad Ml «B AM *fc*M Alp- ■* AM ►> MAM *f**^** i * t< | "Rm Mm tol mall* A*** •' a MM AM bmb »ma fika ta**. "• u * MMMMU'MJf . . •*| am Act* mcmmf, ONMA ■• Ann*«At “lAMMnllllaMM •war trrm Imm Mt***- •■* J **‘ 1 i HtAA A *tng !• flllllai t **** * {jail* Ml yrrn PAI lor A« t»*kr#g«a* Thai will Bav# MM" ••§ Aoa'l poaaaaa • (ariAilA •!■ Art * ah# gaf*l*tad, "IA hal la IB* Mai' taa Hm*lli WAjr la It •• Mrtlbly bu#- AMBIT fur yam to kA«a lliaekrou** to ■amt* .. Tbair a»aa »al—b*r* elaar. ami«M •orai aid, hrataM . hla wash and aarroaa "OMhhlU N « -talaf Mlh** at#«t lha haah. W«K“ ha asaarly. "H* »n*t not find »• hara. 1 80, M aroaM oaly •*! M *** hltiar ■M <M hla rrtin Bnt what cawld *ba M ”1 bar* Ilf* lha daaparal* MMhat •Addaolr atclaimad "KUia. Ibla l«n ab-nt lb# laob robbary la Mill asdaalaA Tb# adltor of lb# BUokmor# Tuaaa would jla# yon any na for it ll# 1* aAtarpriaing and alwaja r#ady for aoma tbla# Martlma at Bral band. Thja U oar only chain#, daar. ” Hat F.laia would not a## II In Ibal light for a long, long Uni# I» wa# no* Audi h. r brother bad fully enlarged on the nr* rnwaalty of *h# ease, no* un til be bad forced her to plainly under Maud tb# rooaaqoencia It be did not baa# money al ooce, Ibal «be Anally consented to go to tb« editor of the Blackmor* Ttmea Harold Maitland bad a mart cun Bing tonga# <>» tbia occaabw be bad indeed need it wall. As ba prophesied, tb# adilor literally grabbed at the •*oopy," aup#cially after be bad fairly oonviDced biuuwlf Ibal bia would be the first paper to publish tb# Start ling Sews on the morrow. Elsie wont weari ly borne with the much needed money in her pocket. Harold was waiting m hiding for ber nnd pounced down eager ly on tbe gold. An boor after bia departure their on elo'e manager came to the hooso aud asked to see Elate. When be wa* ad muted into her preaence, be noticed with a fbarp pang bow wan and daso late her little face had grown. Poor child! Such thing* aa the** wero bard for her to hare to bear. How be wished that be could aare her all care and annoyance in the future! For with the whole of hia Mont, loyal heart he loved her. He abowed ber a telegram which he had received from ber uncle. "Hemming at once, ’’ it said. "Keep news of robbery ont of the papers at any price till I see you.” Elsie read tho words, or. rather, they chased each other, tiefore her dirzy, aching eyes. Fhe suddenly tottered for ward and fell in a dead faint. Next morning huge posters appeared from tbe offices of the Blackmore Times, making public tbe robbery. Newsboys shouted it frantically from one street to another. Soon a big crowd had gathered outside the bank, clamoring loudly for the doors to be opened. They wanted their money baok, their bard won earnings, and they meant to get it. That exclnsive news sold by Elsie Maitland on the previoiU evening to the editor of the Blackruhre Times had caused an appalling run on her un cle's bank. < The doors were opened at last. The crowd surged in, presenting checks to the full amount they had peposited in tbe bank. They looked aetdnished when the gold came over the counter in their direction. Ciearly they hafl expected to be turned away penni jess. They thanked their starß for being the fir*. The hank eon Id not go on paying ont'for long, of that they felt sure. At noon Elsie and ber uncle drove np to the front entrance in an open ca, - riage. He had insisted on har accom panying him, despite the fact that she looked wretchedly pale and 111. All the WBy along they bad seen those hideous posters announcing tbe robbery. “How did they get tbe news?” John Biters kept repeating. “Elsie, chjld, bow did thay gat tbe news? It is a mys tery to ms. If only it could here beifn •Hit I ftfMMl **•*« 9M9MMMHH *H ***** IV j It* *m BMw tw4 «m§ ***** *** *H wm* j r ■ ■ - ♦ ■" mrnm 9m m*» *** *** Mg* m *mmmrn ■ **9* if ****** *§*» smms •** . HMM* m9m i«l*i l Ml •• •*•■ \ l*Nl ir«-:* * mm mm 9m m h**»* s*■* mmm H* *9m prnmmtmm mmmmmm 9*Amm fm 99 -m wmm* I mmmm wM ji jIH _ **99*9 ■nmpli i mh#»« * * MNi Wmmmtm ® gg*| t,i jrfttrtft i* **• ******** mm* l * j **%*+ mm* %mm*f i'.ti** **♦ #•' i Yv« ♦ **mm |>ii 9h*4 i# mmmH *H +mm \ l# mmm Bm* i***t *tii 9mm* 9m mtmm* I %*bc- gMMp* }im* t mfp* *9(IU $1 *• mm i mi xgfPm • * *'■* l •s I **9*mm 9*m * | I*tf4 Hi g*4 mm * * ***** Hi *H** ** MM# «i ] fliHiHtljr ttrrTT “ f~ t — m-m* j *hh ** wh* #m*4 A mm** *•**•• iHHfttfir *9 Hgj** ; - •sltii fe# Mbb HbH «*i« t 9999mm*** P 999 Hit Ha* 999*m4 ******* •* HH* •*■* 5 HiHM* 9* Hi* IH* 9*999*9 IH*9* *«*** I* • f*H*f wfl* ** t** (**** 9*9 HM*. ****** CiHH* **9*mHn|. **!*# ft* a* fl*H 9m Ms*i ft* [ **hmmmHNl ** 9*mm* it -• |i, v oAtIA I <aaM t #<#•#■•# a» Mai • Ikm I will, amM <Mk 4e*» aw 4 - ssapA Aim Mas la am 1 I ammA aaa Mm ' NmAwM will aaa* baJ** JmAa Mima# ureal gli*4lf aal. assd ■ BMe woiWM fa HAptAsM FMrfisa la ceaAA In Mt. Twtsa AM salt Bm4» am Bad aakad M* M Bierry AIM; iwlea *Aa Aad ref a—l Ha Waa Ikk. Ml M wa# aim i nAirn UN wtiA Aim n#M fes a , , an Ml ■■■el# aA* la 4 always kH A#*o#lf j I aa# 4i4 Act Is** Mas. tla was #m.M«ob iAsa* ia Heart al law, kimUy rtireaart and Imdrtßß BOM* iiiua i apla-- Mtd vaigas IM #*wa i j| w fgriatrt A* appeal la tAie Assort#> parerAS 1 Iks sasd. UwMChi *M had Wcrfced the Bitar AtsC aad A# Maas IBM II It puaalM* At the #Ad nf aoaUw* •** B«NM At waa Ml 1 1 ns MB nwylklßf—all BAnal bea Arm baa and Aar aailtag Uta : B#wa of lha wbbary to Iba allw Ha IldeAed tB Al««tce BAa humbled herself 1 i<> the dost l»l e* him sad Imftged him I Bed to withdraw hto ax*»ey tnm the Aaak. He entiled qwasaly. ••Tob Iwlea ask#d asa to M roar wife.” aha woond up farerMhly. "aad 1 refused you Would you Mill marry me Mr Fairfax * Oh. du asaw.-r I It I mid 'ysA.' would you still marry ma»” Tbe smile hroadeoed “Ami to uodawtaod that yow era pr><l»*ing to me. Mis# Maillaodr' ha aakesL •‘Don't seek to bumble roe any more: don't, don't'" She cried. “Iha*#fallen far eoaaghl” ••yea." Is* said. "It must indeed be a terrible fall for the proud Mias Malt luodln offer Ixnarlf to me I Too offer to become my wife it 1 will <mly lease my money In your ancle # bank. Oun sideting that I lore you—and that yon lore amine one elm it la rather hard on me, ien't ItF* "Ob, don't, don't! If you only knew how I loathe myaelf tor haring mid all this to yon! You are quite right to re fuse iss, How dare I a«k you—or any man—to take me under such conditions? You are quite right to refuae me." “I don't know," he answered slowly. I "If yon did not lore another man al ready, it might hare been different. Bnt ax it i»—yea. I certainly won’t marry you. .Mina Malt land. Ton har# humbled youraslf to me uuneceaMrily. You cannot know me very well when yon imagine that I had com# to withdraw my sup port from your uncle at such a time as this Inst tad, 1 bad merely come to place the further sum of $50,000 to my ac count. Tbe public knows it already, aud the paying into the bank of such a large eum ha* restored confidence. ” Ere she bad time to speak ho was gone. But tbe bauk was saved I The bank w»a saved! A man she hud always de spised in her heart had come forward and saved it. Why—why had she never been able before to see the fluo nature which lurked beueaih a somewhat boor ish exterior? The excitement of that day was fol lowed by a long illnesa for her. When she returned to life once more it was to find her uncle in better spirits than she conld ever remsmher him. "All the doing of Reginald Fairfax, Elsie, my girl!" the old banker said gleefully. "He stuck to me right through, child, when every one else failed me, and his example saved the bank. ” He had further persuaded old John Bivors to make a partner of hia long trusted manager. He was therefore in a position at last to ask Elsie’s hand in marriage. When he asked her she an swered, “Yes.” Some months after tholr marriage Elsie received another visit from her brother Harold. He was altogether a different persoD. He was going to Amer ica, and had come to make a confession to ber. He bad sold bis knowledge of their uncle arid the hank to a certain gang of thieves for a largo snra of money, bnt he had never known a happy minute since, and he had never touched a far thing of the ill gotten cash. Ho was going to America now to start life in earnest, and when his sister asked him where he had found the necessary funds be told her that the donor was Reginald Fairfax.—Chicago Herald. He Kir# How. “Pgddy, do yea know howto drive?" said a traveler f 6 the owner of a jaunt ing oar. "Sure I do,” was the answer. “Wasn't it I upset yer honor in a ditch two years ago*- --I.unden Tit-Bits. THHJ A.UOtTBTA TXIBTT-A T-T3 V*l4k«**M«*n | Yiiu -ha IW **.■*«« it «*r# tmmmm* 9*999* 99 *** | 9*m*m t* Hf 9m * *99 * mmm ****** *. **m-. •NmM* * 90* *999*- ■99**9f9** 9099999 99 f ! *Hp «**# *999 tl* 99* ******99 **♦ I * NHI ***** 90990*99 99909 999 9m H*tj *999990 <H H* 99 HHHHrf* *o99* 90999* - j : #**'o*9 M 99 9*990*9* wm* ifHi'w: m 090* m** 90 «•* m**oo 0090 | 0*099 0909*0 m '9099 90 90* 909990 ***f| I ** ******* W99*9*** 9099099 999*0 *9* I !«>»%«• ft ll* 0* *l l— Ml 90 9999 99*9 990*90 9*o I 9*9*%sm * ||H* o*o'* 9090% 9*v-* 9m o*o= I **n M start ai*B**»rt tm *M »•*■ ‘ [ 99*99* 90 909* 00*099 H 090 09999 *999 ■ | * fMt* 909*9* 90*99 09999 9*9*9 ** | I f9*099**090 0990 *H* om9oom IMH- h *9*o*9 > I 090 00999*. A MaaaasMMs taaßffp. TA* lad baa «a*t |i***t Mat Mas * AxgA MM M had a m*aai»AMi «♦* «» 1 I • pa» Bf #•• h«M Mast* Afckrß tnmß> • - aa if tMa Md l**B os* tm *#*•## her ■ i a giaai abba Th# WasMAgl a mat j i T%a m*» «»Ms ms* S#eisa tse • m .Aa! aetANMsMmd *B gw#*##asm-* 1 |MdBS«A Awt Moßpsd Al# Mata* at th# s MB AedßA IB amh# mm* ibabMAm a* j m IB* i g#- |M M*ix«l**vrt tA# fa# ! ‘ xiMVAIdNI VWA th# pttn*W*| Biff'MW. j ' WAstn tarn BAB*#, asa tttfM Sana' gtavttr aaA Ba#*w* I •’lartgt Ham- j ‘WA* Mar Mbs haw ysa *mt a 1 * atatMm the A** t#t4l*4 "AMaat fiaAf "At* fma th# B#ad #f tß# tarn-tv 1 H#‘a migAtff m«*d to mam. Mar*m a j “At* tA#f* BBg BWt* dMAlßffmlafead j people •• ytmr *“d th» l»- i toßtaAad tdveager ”1 doat BB«t# aa ! I Ary at* so antics 4l#tUtg*>i#A#d l*"t , iM# i Admiral Mawkla# and Ft*dm# | i •#■# H#arkta# la Ik# A*#*## •**#* j ' "TA#y- iA« » are apeading a Util# tMi’, al Aom#, af* lfc#g *" “Y#b Th#f*v#j , got to TA#y ala‘l hig #a«»gA to Ad 7 to ! work yat. Admiral # oaly fossr yoora j old and Prrhw la |u«t tultla* At# loot A " * Wkaft ytasr DtVt't mb#” , • p»« • Hl# mam#a Jim. Y«» Bf# ! Aa towed A# •s»B't anlag to let AUt iioya g«* through Hf# arltkoot th# art vantag## h# had here deprived of Ala ! self. But at the mtaa time «• want j going to glva np «•> money An lA# rol l#ge# tkt A# look lime by tk# fore lock and gave mi oar asm#* when w# was baptised, whl*h I reebnn fa aboot •e blndin' #a‘ lawful as anyihlaa you ,-onld fit. Few's about ike moat pm ' .irnteet man la th# whole eouuirr paw j ia.’* Two I'olnted Qoaallotlt Answered. What la th* uo# of making a better lortk-l# than your competitor If you tan inot tret a better prlcr for It? Ana —As tbera ia no difference In th# Iptlr# the puhll. will buy only th* b#t ! tar. So that while our profit* may b# ; smaller on a ainal* sal# they will fa# j mu! h greater lu the »##*'•#»!*• How can res get the public to know your make I* the beet? If t« th article* are brought promin ently before the public lioth are rertota !to be tried ami the public will very >iub kly pa** Judgment on them aetd ! u «e only the te tter nn». This explain* the large sate on dtp*** i lierlaln'* Ciatgli Remedy. Th. |<*esle have tw*-n u*tng I* for year* nnd Him* found thnt It »*n *tw*y* b# depended upon. They m*y oecaalafially take up with *nm* faahlonable novelty pul forth with exaggerated claim*, hut are .-#r taln to return to the one remedy thnt they know to be reliable, and for ,„ugh*. cold* and croup them I* no thing equal to Chamberlaln'a Cough Remedy. For sale hy Alexander Drug A Weed Co., C. It. l’arr of Bell Tower Drug Co. A Killing. A negro boy named Avers, about 20 years of age. met death at tbe hands of I another negro, named Al Appling, npar Harlem, a few days since. It seonia that the latter owed Aver* the amount of ten cents and had asked Appling for payment of the debt, which became of fensive to him. He warned Avera to not again ask for It and said If he dlrl he would kill him. Avers took occa sion to ask Avers for the money, whereupon he borrowed a knife front another negro In the crowd nnd pro ceeded to carry out his threat by cut ting Avers *o badly that he died In a short while. Appling and the negro who let him have the knife were arrested aud lodg ed In Jail. Monday a preliminary hearing waa held and resulted In com mitting Appling to Jail to await trial by the superior coui*t, while the negro from whom he borrowed the knife was released. How to Look Good, Good looks* are really more than skin deep, depending entirely ori a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the liver Is Inactive, you h»ve a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered, you have « dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters” Is a good alterative and tonic. Acta di rectly on th# stomach, liver and kid ney* pttrlfie* the blood, cure* pimples, hl#t*he» and b*ll* and give* a go#d «*msi*xlon. ffvery bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard A Wlllit's drur store. 50 cant* per bottle. Games and toys. Our stock is enormous. A splendid selection, 5 cents up Call and see at Richards & Shaver’s. m-. 1 ; H\i|tkW> lA*y mwftdafcfiA- I I auMU'w-rt Art ««! ~-«tU«Y«M i< ij hag a# 51 aßi»#aitw»hii< jj l‘ tVf*n** » lM*r*K«vi te*«f*4 j Hr V# *»rol iVwi feVBtAMU AT Wag ; | y£ur Hau t> t ic*. | MwVdfF \o*rut»M* l» JSk' ) v SEf' l I ScA* b. ( ■mMv 1 Bit ; Arovfcvtlkarwvlv totC M»*t«e» ( ftofi \aMl fliHiik h | Warm*.l i«miiui>a* f#»«ixh I, IMHM dM L«M!» OV HUM’ Tar A.—M A###«*h*»* twev t«#r O# unAITMi The “Maine” Album! A^UP^RB Genera B anco and lnt#r#.tln* «c#n#a aasoclatol with tha <J«.tructlon of our Giant Bat ehlp and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! mand for a pictorial hlxtory " f .. , 1 nn ,i (ncludlng Its a#*aa fact everything In *‘‘V* r ««d e m th?a xv##k a beautiful Mat..* Altmin"or "portf oHo!**thc^n,tiotn 1111 - 1 h photographic record imubd upon Urn subject, embracin* aplendid photo* ot The Martyrs Which Is now ready for rlollwry n. ” r '2 m “ U f °‘‘ T ° n Cent "’ CONTENTS OF MAINE EAJiu M. MR. CM. D. <=*"•'■' om ''" FiUhugh Lee. * Wardroom of the Maine. The Baltlcfthip Maine. .pi, n court of Inquiry in Session. The Destruction of the Maine. Funeral of ihe Victims of the Maine. Havana Hurbor and the Main* An- j,ua«ter. chorage A- Fruit Vcn,,cr ,n H ® vana ' Ml,k De * Ma.r flna ‘ — - Ha vir.t.H of the Maine’s Crew off Duty. vana. ctZtXvZ?* Malne - = r=> - p IPaSP noflye the Maine Album above advertised Is one of » ''^*" lr the war, or the heroic death of p Jl nt , 0 f the war, such as tho 'Zi grUe; b.inb.idm.nt #f; CU Thtn l^«kiraA C cin-.utlv. . rder win.xpearth.foll.wlngi THE DEWEY NUMBER—Th# Htr# and Uttl# «t Mkn lb. THE SAMPSON H UMBER—Bern bardmeht of San Jubß »bd Morra Cb tle HOBSON AND THE MERRIMAC-Nlth addllionbl bpteiil ftbturn . and af Sbntlaga, . OEyKRAL* MILES AND MERRITT-Army Operations .A Pbrto RIC 9 • na ,rr.r, get each nun mi ll* s<mv*nlr series while you have an oDDortunlty, and advise your friends to do the same thing- CISTIRIA re»f lofnpta and ChiMfe. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' Bean, the / « I Signature /A\f - w ft Jp l The V/i You Have Always Bought. min a—a aam#*v •BBlSi MB Bl* Ms «B IBM 9***. SUNDAH HERALD "A Newspaper For Newspaper Readers." Something About Sunday’s Herald. More News Better News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial. 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta, Ga. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD. A /\ WnwnßßwS f ’ vy\ / \ / \ / \,9 pwaWßßy i I Y \ KKkfr (!), 1 / il/ V’^A < Y , \ c *W3*!tA ,j 4 ■; £• v*’^-- n, \ | \ f? I g ht_Tv. ift liM A NEW BOOK 4 ON BILLIARDS ; • tea* a xuarcH** ( fitlniftr. trcfio* u. 4 lu the i #autf uwiowt OF INTEREST TO EVERY EILUARU PL*! YER < -•■ »«ax»i coNTr.Nt#. 4 100 OlAOßAftlfc 0# «.CUSHIOI! SHOT*. SCHfteSES'3 STRAIGHT SAIL SUSS*. X SVSSY *TVL« C# SAIK-LIN, OAM*. ALL HURSISO POSITIONS. * SA«NOH OORHSR GAMS. • TOST 0# OMAMPIOHSH’S GAMtn ASO X IKTXANATICSAI CCSTESTB. i AM.TOS OMAMPIOSS CP AMSIOCAAND - tou#m,,v«s- ofccnor,, eto. . The Bather vtrri miny v«!i:»M* •asxcetloD. ts Dtivtc** eMen «*rvs to 4 < HOW TO PLAY 4 £!»th, 7S cents. 4 Flexible Leather, 51.00. H4ro*M. SI2O, !»:«inches. ? S#nt, prepAia, to *nr, niAren on l receipt ot price. iiDsta Emit: Mil • 7