The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 17, 1898, Image 8

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Saturday The Ready-Mdj That's Got the Twist of Tailor-Made Pick up An OvorcoAt. Look II Ihroufh. i** How lt*» Oono; H'llkcfti Iht fAAHIoo, IN fit. $7,50 to $35, Aceordlnf to likln*. Pick up A Suit. Hold It off At arm's tonpth, •win* It round; tho *HouUJ*r * rtffht; tHo col lar's right { th« hang's right; th« tro*JSor's show thair fashion. It’s nobby clothing for SIO to $25. but It’s sls to $35 kind. IN ASOCIAL WAY x A Christmas Olft. rull ku4 K M I* cbaoa* a gift That's worthfcof my lady's grace. My flrkl* fancy doth but ahtft From gold to g*m*. from silk to loco. Ir* lotied and bunted up and down. And tbwed the work of rv ry clime. And In. there * nought In all the town To aand my fatr at (’hrtotmaa time. AH J»**ls gleam but pale beetde The radiant eyaa of her I love. The ' bartr* that nature doth provide What stiff or aattn can Improve' What ahart 1 tend? My love. I know! I’ll think no more of gold nor pelf. Of Jewel* nor of gema, but go And humbly olfar bar—myself! —RI 'kAKD STILLMAN POWKLL. TBe follow in* telegram haa been for warded Mr*. McKinley, D*Bot<* Hotel, havannab. fia.t Hear Madam. The Croaa Country Bi ding Club, of Augueta, Ga., composed of ladies and gentlemen, moat cordially egtand to the wife of our President and tba ladles of her party their Service* n* a pane in* l escort during their atay in our etty. Respectfully your*. EDW. 8. JOHN HON. President. Augusta. Ga.. Dee 17, IWW. Army and Navy League. The Army and Navy League did It* part handsomely In entertaining the dis ttngulahed guest* of Georgia this week. The following Is the aerount of the re ception given by the League at the home of Mrs. Peel: The reception given by Mrs. William Tates Atkinson and the Army and Na vy League at the residence of Mr. and Ift*. William Lawson Peel, was a nota ble event, at whleh hundred* were en‘- tertatned during the hours of the re ceptlon. The house was beautifully decorated with bamboo vines and cotton boll*, the fries* In the music room luting simply charming. Palm* and rut (lower* fur ther added to the floral decoration*. The artist!* decorations were designed by- Mrs. Julius Brown, and carried out by- Mrs. Thomas Morgan. The Fifth regi ment band. WhicH was present during the early part of the evening. dl»- inursed delightful music, which was greatly enjoyed. Mr*. Atkinson, Mrs. reel, Mrs. Lnulle M. Gordon, Mr*. Thomas Morgan and Mis* Huntley, the officers of the Armv and Navy League, received the guests. Among other prominent ladles, lead er* of the organisation, who assisted in extending the delightful hospitality of the hour were Mrs. Julius. Brown. Mrs. Isaac Boyd, Mrs. J. L. Byers. Miss Junta McKinley. Mrs. James Jackson. Mrs. Heber Reed. Mrs. >< u llam Green Raoul, Mrs. Albert Cox. Mis* Martha Brown. Mrs. Charles Rico. Mrs. Joseph Moody. The gueßts rame In throngs that proved the popularity of the hapov oc casion. From the landing of the stairway, the acene was indeed a striking one. for the whole lower floor could be seen from this point, and the beautifully gowned women, with thetr background of hand some men, both In civilian dress and BEFORE PURCHASING Silver Novelties Call on i.EWIS J. SCHAUL, Popular Priced Jeweler. A Tremendous line and no Broad street rent to pay. Can save you 25 per cent. Jackson Street, Under the Arlington Hotel. [ 4to Stoll ft# c-o#|ttfVNMk. iStg*'* A (It# As slfftat iuacSsow «r»* >sinr#4 Is (So 4i*ins rvmm I ts « Mr? of mu girl# |pd Ws?m a r dt*< nirtsrd • bet. ilr r..«<£2« i«nr * m» in ft* m* ««f* i .•*.»»». an t «t»* gfft;9ltl:lKtto#f9h f*Wlfilfss(#4 $1 A 1 gh ! Its I tAp" #mi W)t#*»*r *O4 tAmtsssfii Mo»>*«i» •mtdt h svr bom Tory irtufymtf to «torso I h|ef gs « , t# / flk'# flfHlth CoiKrrntac MU« Whsttor. I Miss Anntr Wb##lsr will tor. duhnc! Iths stay of Ihr t*rr*Mriitlil Mrtv In ; Au*ti»i* ttoo #•**• of Ml«o K*'b*H»r Hifof'k sp4 will tor ttor <if STY * [eral distinguish*# •(!•»'ton* from lh» iNUhlm of iko CmhAwi TTio follow Ina Ini of a bright ! Atlanta woman trill bo of Intetwwt to tnanr Augusta friends I All tun world know* of Ml« 0 Anam Whmtnr a hnrotr d*voilon iturln* ibo ro c*nt war. hat only thoa* who hav* **nn her ran appreciate Ibn mal »w*otnoo» of her nature that prompted hnr lo theoe *r»o.l deed* Whe ha* a aympo ihnttr anti «nntln manner and a fare, that nvok*a «' In hnr aitkeortty I In a abort conversation thl* mornlna ] i»hn told the reporter a treat deal more' jihan *hn *uld -that t», of her abiding faith In Providence. her (rent ndelltv |to her frlnnd* and her capacity to auf far and he uncomplaining Her manner [told all these thing* and more plainly 1 than wot dt [ Mica Wheeler aald that the llrat thlnir ehr learned when alie arrived in Cub* [ .it that her yotin* brother «u 111 of [yfllow fevnr, aeven mile* away from her quarter*. She rod# out even* mor- j [nlnt horaebaek on a man'* raddle to' nnron Mm throuch the day and rnturn- j nd at night thn time way: and ihia in| : thn fare of thn fart that It I* eatremnlv dangerous to bn In the aun In Cuba un-1 til one la acclimated. ; After her brother'* recovery he of fered her atrvlra# to the hospital eo pa. «nd Mien Barton put her at the- head of . the hospital at Santiago. Mtaa Wheeler I* not robuet-looklng, but ahe said It I aeemed that she was speelally endowed with strength during that time and [never once was overcome. She took no [special precaution againal yellow fe ver and riuraed » great manv patients. I but with no harm to herself. . She could hardly speak of her young 1 brother for the sharp grief she feel* lover his untimely death. But she shows I that she Is a pure and trusting Chris tian, Iwdlevlng that all the sorrows of this life Will be explained and soothed when we come to see more clearly In the future life. Miss Wheeler said that her great de sire wn* to he of service to mankind, and felt that she was situated to do so much, ir she only knew how . Hh« Is especially Interested In all women who work for thetr living and Is ready to help her sisters In every, possible way. \ Bight Handed Euchre. Yesterday afternoon, Mis. James Mc- Gowan complimented twenty-four friends with an eight-handed euchre party. The games were played after the luncheon was served. The prises, a cut glass candlestick, a cut glass de canter and a hand painted placque were won by Mrs. Robt. Fleming Jr., Mrs. Cecil Cochrane and Mr*. C. A. With ers. Present were Mrs. tV. K. Milter, Mrs. Boykin Wlight, Mrs. M. K. Dugas. Mrs. Stew art Phinlay, Mrs DeS. Ford. Mrs. Csawell, Mrs. Barhot, Mrs. Robt. Fleming, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. With ers, Mrs. Harry King. Mrs. Frank Miller, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Barrett. Mrs. H. U. Alexander. Miss Amne Stovall. Mrs. C. Henry Cohen, Mrs. Burke. Mrs. J. H. Davidson. Mrs. T. W. Al exander, Mrs. St. John Moore, Mrs. Virginia rl'Antlgnac Allen, Mrs. Bee son and others. Miss Madelle Burrows is visiting friends in Macon. THX! jto TTCl , ofe < TJfc HKBAU) LIQUOR DEALERS WANT RIGHTS i TW} Aiki# t mil Tinuhai k i *ap Muitinf otrm i that visa taaMMis ArMsfc Thai Begad m Dseteaf*« dMie igMM) LaM < '•ranoqy, at# th— j ■ i*»e of tha WtgMfftiMla isal A### I A* iSt W Sam mMtossa a lih* Mr N*f»*t lean wS tha fa*rfrt»> I la# gOatgwmt ha a llaauhl pspuatof 'a«a waaiessi Ms sdlwi a MM tor #w#a j hwaa# at my #laaa hi harta am ta th* I -My hrathar saaa atnpgad hr a #***A I who bald Mai aatil the eaytaia <•»-» > Tha ragtis tsM him that taaaaswi i m ha «m i imharsiag a place f<t» tha 1 ' sake of IMpiir tear tha pm»emaw gi r**-c* ■ r**u<>* ha waa •»« gniag to ol*«w | him la <tum lha guvaraamat loads I aay mor* aad if ha avar *a«ght him , aefwaa lha imaa agaia ha tawaid kn«wh Ida head off At tha oam* U»* *h* ykffff Hf4##to tos tto# #to#f 4 *to#J j If limy r aught him agala oa tha pov eramn-* land to Vwh him a#, regaed j |**a of what hfo hnaagag* *a» and If j Ihr eafuo*# lo go. I* tab# hi* Ith- i guard et gua aad bit him HM h* did I "Hrl f Pt>«l § O'<’ isst 9 riUttot. rmHUmt hi u*# ***¥> . atapnol Into my place Of b«*la-M mi pwvbaasd turn quart* «f nils'. N • | which ha raid an Ha hamlal one [quart to a hoy srd pm tha other Ms hi* » pocket Ha steal not through m» hark I door MM to hi* er 1 • fort un# was ac’ed . by lha ttaatanaai of tha Flftasulh M n j ream* oa guard who aaai a enrporjl , of lha guard t»oer vmm tha atieel to j arreat • i,e maw on my property TV mat threw bta liquor assay before the : goj-il reached him Tha hoc. not kaosetag auy heller he'd on to Me hot- Ihe bo; 1 pul Ip tha roverrmcm larku,. aver r *bt. I 'A litlla later for *be purpoac «fi aadoarcring to aarerfaln what right* | we Hv e, hi the opinion of the a-tr» of- : fltaq n > hp I her went to the tout ot | the capiala of the gnsrd belonglu* to the Fifteenth Mloneaota. on provnot ; guard and aakad for admittance at hi* j tent, A« aooa a* •** entered the cap tain not giving him a chane* to ex plain htmeelf or to talk, using the j Marshes' of term*, ordered him out at | once and told him be would lock np ! the man who allowed him to come near hta tent ; "i pay federal, state and county and j village of dummorvllle licensee to do hualnee* I cater to the citlacna' trad*- ; _ritlren* who yteK camp—alnce I hav« j [ iie-w told I cannot do buslnesa with soldiers. I find that cliitena are tlmH j [shout go’ng into my place because of | the arm-d guard a-oupd at all time# altd berai*" of the knowledge that they i ore likely to he searched when they j come out and bcetiuse of the knowl- j edge that when their vehicles are left outetde In the road these vehicles will j be" scare tied If any man comes oui of my place with a bottle or flask of whiskey he Is liable to be arreated and i thrown into the army guard house, whether he wants the whiskey for j himself or other purpose. Mr. Smith says he has suffered like annoyances and hurts to his trade. "The other night l was walking along the Wrlghtsboro road >o see about my horse end buggy. A lieu tenant of the guard Inquired If the buggy was mine. The had arreated the buggy and found in it liquor which T was delivering to a man up the road, who had purchased the liquor. This man did not live on the army rmerw- Uon. They rarrieA the mess tent, kept me there two hrttirs and a half, under guard and then sent me to town when I was released." Mr. Smith te!U of threats mad« against him. and Mr. Heyman s brother saya Instructions have been given gtmrds to strike him down with ihelr guns If he Is found across the lines. These liquor sellers are duly licensed. They say they have equipped ■them selves for the city trade—to catch . the trade of visitor to ramp—aud hold that their rights are violated by business of all kinds being frightened from by what they maintain Is the tyran nical rule of the nrmy officers. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT Fresh Crystalised Fruits at Clark s. Xmas Presents. Silk Suspenders in Boxes at 50 cents. Gents' fine Neckwear at ~K> and 6U cents. Radies and Gent's Silk Guitars at and 5 0 cents. Radies and Gents line Silk Handkerchiefs from 25 cents to *2. Radies and Gents' Silk Umbrellas from *1.25 up. Fine R'alßin* canes from -R a*m* up. Oant*' tine Gloves or all kings, main uml fancy Socks. Shirts and tfnderwear and all other things not mentioned at leasonable price’, *F c: Mcmtii, ihe Tailor and Gent * Fl|f • matter, opposite Planters Hotel. Flat* aud decorations of all kinds at T. gi'hlkitabesrl’a. AUGUSTA LYCEUM, ifttoMttfitl 1 Ha (M v PROF* I* l> MORII' I Stofe fMk tMtojMto 0 toftipili , i ms' -m** | tom. M -* Itiitofi ««l IjrMpAlli ** #»'»s>» * tn # m in* %# i%s at) tttotoS totoNMftoti th ******** Y#* j < |a # «4H «#• n|wsl lit tto* AH MMitot* t# to# i !«H 9 stm tto* wrfijhwhi to*totto # * ••* to** T|a Mtotoitol to* tto# pHMNfIMf #f tto# !#*•» tot !«*##• Mxaa * I SP« M Hffl t«IW AHt*## 49 ! I t|#>flirflr Wrenrtm AUftto it Ktott** A# H ! Ivtofr Vlfttotot I*49* N tj hf j I KtoittoM # Tv ttailMWto# tot Ktoltotoi A- I. MtorrUf. | HtttotTF- A# 49mm 1*49» tof Kllli* [ tof Killtoi A H . tof*#!r., iMVrtvhftUl M#rtto, toy toil** I *t*towsfr < 'tourtif tof O#* «rs. Mtotto". ttoul Jtlfftoi; Iff . i Hmllf *1 I*49* It &9999t14f* To» ! flMMMfttof Tto# pmr t ni tto# 1$ Hi tl* to*to4# *1 tl# CtoftfT* A# *to|of#tol* IH»# I*# h* mpMIM toy | *n wit* [/ jmLL HAIIT TIU KKi 1 Trvtoto rtortßCf. Hi Wt«9* j Onyx T#bi«* at priest (hat wilt turpriM* you- Jutt th« thins for a sift. At Richard* A Shaver’*. I A NOTHBR *OO > SMINER Caught by U. S Author Ilia* and Bound (hat There was another port) ntlH, moon shine without ■ licetiae glv—n a hear ng before Uotumiraumer Calvin at t this np ralnc, The party I* Chari—* 1-atnh of Kmaa- j uei roonty. who has been conducting a a,m on the quiet, and who was caught by the United State* authorities He rang hound over on a one hundred dol lar bond e Our prices on suits only two-third* whet others charge K J. Henry A Co . spot cash tailors. THANKS HEIIRNED Fur Liberal sod Generous Dona time to Wcat Kmf thrKtma* Tree The promoters of the Wrd End Christmas Tree extend very cordial i thanks to the following v-ry generous cash contributor*- L. H. Graham. New York city; E. J Lyon. 3. T. Wmis. W. O. Bohlar. W. C. Stoy. B. F. Mclntyre. F, E. Obcnaugh. Judge A .red T. Murphy, llenry Saxon and Mlaa Annie Kelly. Also to the fol lowing merchants for their contribu t ion * of fruit: Keenan. 100 bananas; srdt. one peck apples, two doz. reaag -i; Lampklo. ope-fialf bushel of applet: Vail, two hunches of bananas, Force A Chi one Uuvftel of applet. 100 ornrges: Hill & Merry, one-half bar rel of apples, one ho* oranges; Oeorge Cochakos A Co., one dollars worth of mlged nuts. Also to little Miss Irene Master Chester VonCnmp for twenty pounds of randy. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought The hund-palnted novelties at Alex ander Drug Store are prettier and cheaper than ever this year. RECEPTION AT Y. M. C. A. A Delightful Affair Promised For January j. On the night of the third of Janu ary there will be given at the Y. M. C. A. hall an entertainment that pro mises to be most delightful. Invita tions will shortly be sent nut to a number of young men and ladies in the city. A delightful sapper will be served and a musical program rendered. The reception will last from six to ten in the evening. The concert will be from 8 to \O. .These entertainments have been an nual affairs of the Y. M. C. A., but for some reason or other there was cone given last year. The decorations for the hall on the occasion were re ceived at the rooms of the Y. M. C. A. today. All who attend are assured of a most pleasant evening. OASTOHIA. Bmi* the gill Kind You Hava Always Bought T" SOLID POPULARITY. •nd justly deserved, too. is the beauti fully put up Belle Lisaette Cologne at Alexander Drug Bt*r*. No doubt as Its being the best in the vety and 4 gift of this is always appreciated They Jell hundreds of bottles evtSTV Chnstms: Naples walnuts. Ivies" almonds. Va lencia raisin-. Malaga gpepes. currants raisins, etc.: also line fancy baske;a at Gibvani's, ti::t Broad sttuot. THE JAILER OVERPOWERED I Flf • totiv* (adt ill In tto ■ fbe Baa■#!>■# IMM H#* AaM tt»* ms ad at MtaaaMMMl i I*l Vs J w, Mtol dsffar qpar'! 1 ItoM# t *tt#t 99 to!# IWMMtoI. #s»><! tto* j •i«p» tt*m tto# ##lt» 994 pAttoM im j tr## to##to#As O# Ml# 4999 ## ’ mss tmr*4m to# to#4 H##ip WtoH#. A i MflTn r#>fj|ii< N 9*mnm to tonto*. ftotof. tto* oitofffi N fti |$ ##i|# Itoit toto I tar (I Ml ifk ll# M|t tfy* f» ■?-' Jorf * » f H 1 Atoi tintr* hfY»nsbf frvA* tto# C#ils «N» tto# fkwar *#4 tto#««*4 of ttolMto# Ito# —l#*# ( *#irn. |«toip#4 #1 JtoH#r M<t'to«4#to- I '#rtosr»iupnto tour <#to#f ra#to#4 \ <Mff #to4 to»4» «to#tf fNMrtoto# ttoftototoli tto# Tto# 9**h9* *Fto tot A4MMRML. i*titt | ftof tft#l sos fm*r#Pf to*lto UrOftof. • WUJ I*9*9. 9mm K«toKtotf WtoM# «#« Hr Meraa'aq. after fr^Jftd from the ambraee at WkMe. Brad three aMnre at the ear apt tm read*. Tam •tuck iq tbe dear frame, aad the other. [ it la ttoatlt. lodged ta the rarrasa of K>ato**s* f|#jsnrt toto# ft tilt tiwitoni tto Hi* «MP4i*t#ty lo toto*# * 9*w t#t#«>tooto# •*»- I ttotni Stott i$ tl# tw*ctoto*ftf ttotot will Rleaaat Uae bond HaboaMg aod nak t**ak from H H to Bi.B-rva -STHI CK MW. WMELESS. A Sotdßrr Hit* a Wrporter of Oae of Ihr CM> Paper*. u Thu radsv evening about It or lock a j rtllllrtiHy offVfrfit on KlUa ftirtt d#a« ' tto# 1 rGriiAr cf SfeltotGcli t»#«w#*a $ Bav»|#par m#o Mi to #f>l«J>r ot tti* T«nfb OtoSo, Til# dtotiaft!* of III# ilS#t to« to##rif if fottldl s*# foti*n nr# toto fof* |o%s. Hr. Wallace Whelnaa of ihr Chronl- F* and another neWrpap'r man arer* talking to two volon.’aer aoldtcra. eh*a lha rohjerl of North and 8001 k was ibrought up. Mr. Wbeteaa made sev eral remarks tkal a member of the Tenth Ohio thought were uncalled Tor and raaented them by slapping at Mr Wbeteaa. Mr. Wbelete etcher stumbled la dodging the Wow and fell or was slapped down, and da he attempted to , rise he was again slapped. The two sold,err then turned and walked away. No further development* have ocpurred A’tend the Auction Sale of BICYCLES tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock at 556 Broad Street. I Why nut tend your ft lend a box »f fftr fine 1# and 1* cent# cigars from Alexander Drug Store? Pot op In b, xcs (i| s>. BACK FROn COUJHBUS Supt Evans Has Returned From South Georgia. Superintenden Lawton B. Evans re turned this morning from Columbus.; Ga,, where he bad been attending a meeting of Georgia school superinten dents. The visiting superintendents were given a carriage drive yesterday after-, noon. The party took In North High-, lands and the camp and were tnter st ed in what they saw. The superin tendents expressed themselves as be ing delighted with the manner in which the program was carried out. The carriage drive was tendered by Mr. R. A. Carson, president of the board or trustees, being complimenta ry to the visiting superintendents and the school board. Free for every soldier and citizen to : see a cartridge box from the battleship Stain* after she was Mown up in Ha vana harbor. This is good for 15 cents, reduction on a 50 cent bangle ring.war ranted to wear two year* at Miss Kinohley'* millinery store, M 4 Broad way. GAME POSTPONED • Football Contest Between Soldiers Occurs Next Week The football game between the 35th Michigan and the 13th Pennsylvania, which was to have been played this af ternoon. has been postponed until next. Saturday. The final arrangements were not completed until yesterday and the boys have noi had time to advertise sufficientlly. Fancy French candles and crystal led fruits at T. Sehiadaressis. P. D Horkan & Co The above firm have an Immense stock of dry goods which they offer at the very lowest possible prices. Be sure to see them whether your purse is large or small. CASTOHXA. Bears the h* Kind Yuu Had lift#; Bought Big altar* S7K Da yuu want an -vergreer, Ivedga plant? \T* have wliat you Want in Ar nsbur River Privet. Til.- Huss Floral TRtm„\ MAKE MWtCTKJY AND BtUMCTIOh IS NO TtHHt ** £>**> mb* ffntgi «( fob NuUosw m wqMH a»nfcba« * *<*» apyawy*M bfffo b «aumfo**4 Ml Mkl «fo*H lb sanab partai foan • foa n aajii tin qf ww pgufonfo «f Tha tog Iwwfoaa Cxfopfop- CHAN I OtLCN Mgngggf /T A ibwaanaaMal ktafowi & THE Wt AtMfcW fie. I tabes 1 brake There tl*N Ilk Heat be* Han day AHaetraaa 7 * w9f 3$ Bhw### < aAMI# * 9* $$ , i WtotofeMMtoiKl totoNw'to#! smr ##4 r«! -'ll tori M M tto# to#«l 21 9*mr* I Tto# to«t«l iiitoßir* to #«M t« m?9** SilrtoltoM to»4 *9* M49** t rr*mmr* mm ito# iifff Miß AtMto mm mmm* Hum *«wi ftoputotopflrtat #NMMtoft ###• in# tot INilrs!<> Ibr r#n)9ll toNNPIw totot toto## ftofftt ###r tto# r#«f #€ ito# tototototoff* n## *#♦#• mm #l • tofl# mown!*## #f toKilJ«i<* ttrmo ######! ic#Hr#t#ato# tl t# |'f***A- I IKE BKANDS Applied to aa tlblo tAoaraa'n H*ah by Her Husband. [ rbliUrocbt, O. Dee It—The lor twrea of the llpqblsti iaqatsUkra could not bate been greater than tho#-* He uae our beat aflorte to make yortr puttha*e» coltrvly aatlafactory. MAHONEY & ARMSTRONG COAL AND WOOD. Stronger 'Phone ..... >*l Belt *7*o Olflce and Yard No. • McCartan Street which Mrs. Virginia Rossiter. a wetl kntwn resident of Coleraine Town [sblp. alleges that ahe has suffered at the bauds of her husband. Unlay Ro*- 1 alter, in a eetlilon for divorce which she tiled today. She claim* that on eeverat oecaairm* brr husband w«mld place pine Urance* in the Are rnd when they were ail alight, w void apply the blaxing end in her bare flesh, canring her exrrntiMing [agony. Thia was only one of the tcr -1 lures to which he wsa In the habit of subjecting her. »o ahe says, and ahe was Anally compelled to leave him last June. Absolute divorce ia asked. 1 immense slock of toys; too meny in I fact. will dose out cheap. T. Sehiada [redd. 808 BREWER DIES IN JAIL Desperado Passes Away in Jesup's Jail Today. ' Jesup. Ga.. Dee. 17. —Bob Brewer, the famous criminal who was captured as- I ter so desperate a light by Sheriff Ly ons and poeae on the night of the Ilth insl.. at Johnston station, died yester day morning about 10:30 o'clock In the county jail at Jesup. from tne effects of the wounds received on that night. Hi* remains will he turned over to tils friends for Interment. Once more the victims of the Jesup [riot of 18S9 are avenged. ■ Free for everybody to see that pretty jewelry window: solid gold rings, all designs, brooches, ear drops, studs and stick pins and numerous other goods. Bring this with you—good for a 13 cents reduction on 50 cent bangle ring, war ranted to wear two year* at Miss Kinrhley's millinery store. 9H Broad way. Miss Callaway of Macon has returned ! home" after a visit to Mrs. Llewellyn Doughty. Wedding invitations executed in the most correct style at Dunbar & Wil liams. Maillard's Eating and Cooking Choc olate at Claries. CLARK MILLING CO.’S WHOLE WHEVT FLOUR I Cooks white and bakes equal |b patent. Most nutri tious Flour made. StronglyJr-ecommended lor oys j 6PtiCS ' IPX,OTJEI ; for batter cakes fuily as gvod as Buckwheat. Give jit a trial. Ask your grocer par these goods. OfcCtJHtofc* IT Htto OH‘ *T I A s9mmk > s|tstn tto## * f*stl mi ttHotototo C'to!Uto«2to* O. (tor |f tto |#| <44 H to Cl 4 W #toto-«i# If? to#tto to##m «4itoß|##tf to# CTto# f lntoil *** to# # *l4l I Mto ito# |«toto 4mhMk Tto# #***#• to# I • t*®if to#to^ # tototttoff ito! to## hmrn ' **- w#rto#tol# totototort *M to## kmm r*##l#* Ator«i< #r* r«#m mmo M *9*4 #f | li#to#to»i. cto# 994094 »itoto(M tor 99994 'tti tto# ###t»##f litototon t*«- s!#b #■#» toto %«i *#•»’ #$ #4j#<YtM vNfttto* to# 14 #to4 ifMrtamtT IJ4N*# Tto# 1 <'"to#>l## | A f tto# 4 i«tto#r#4 op *»4 toftiPQtotll t# tilt# rtf#. #1 to### t torv sr#f# tot#r#4 tto tto# ' w tooto«irtor4.'* *W94 wu% A stocft tl### t#i#v. tto# K##t K#4 •#• 1 1#rritoto# toy # tto#t tto# 99094 *9* to#toto t'*! AH ftogltotr# **#<* to#4 rr##o#4 Mtoytri * #fi#r t >|b! 4#* * Urtol ttotot to# to#4 ###to tto# #l4 ###.!#• fo#V totttt## #1 tto# f wf« * 1 ## ##*toftoi 94 m n Hut (too## mbo t.># «#tor ito# pU## so a# for $ *ttto# w ptopff l#r CTod Win accompany the *sgin* ta fmctnMJ Btlng thw with you It t* g(m4 ?•'* , ,ng a!id'*tli gtva a aba Hollar Mil for . vary ring iTuughi i-a< k that <l<e# not i $( MM# Kl»* iil#y to WIHI 11*** w iotorv. all Broadway, city. OFFICEKto con TO BLOWS. Lieutenant Colonel »Itbrow OvU* Badly B aten Up 1 Macon Telegraph f There was a atttaatinnal diraculty between an ex-otßcer of the Tenth im miiba aad I.leut. Col Withrow late Sunday afternoon. The matter bee been kept a secret and very f«w of ibe mm of vbe regiment knew of the or rurimre a hen a Telegraph reporter ' went out to get the (acta yeattriiy. Thos* * )-) did were afraid to talk and the clf era ahaolutely refuted tu aay anyihtnr of the occnrrenrc until It had Mnn cfficirliy reported to headquai tera. The facts to the caac. an far aa tbev could be secured: were that Col. With row was assaulted by an ex-Maj. Fu qua of the regiment. Col. Witbryw was In hta tent when he waa assaulted and was badly beaten pver tha heed with som* Instrument In the hards of the discharged officer. Some time age Maj. Fuqoa wa» tried before a ccurtmartTa! cn charge* of lie havtor unbecoming aa cfficer. The court mart ial recommended that Maj. Fuqua be discharged from the service, and It ia said tha* hi* disebarg’ »** ordered on evidence ch.efly given by j Col. Withrow. ! Sunday afternoon Maj. Fuqua went Into Col. Withrow's tent and> what took place between the two mea la un ! known, except that a difficulty ensued. Mn which Col. Withrow was badly in ! jii re d. The guard was called out and Maj. Fuqua was put out of the camp. The matter ha* not yet been reported |at corps headquarters. [ Roses: are you disappointed In what ( you have, or do you want the l»e*t, then sec u*. Ready to plant now yr later, j The Hues Floral Nursery ■ For Rent Farm of thirty acres just b«iow city. Dwellings, stores and ffices in all sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 J- 2 Library Building.