The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 18, 1898, Image 1

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t*i #•#*••*< In# 4w*44 v aawltee MH «>»'■«t**' Ml f■ »n 4 »>•#-< § hwwltea** MMI petotoMy fIM * VOLUME I. NO. 14. CEH fIIERRITT' IS BACK IN NEffl YORK Jin PniliUm Far ll* TIM' Alain! ()»«•)• Hftlt* la Hr»kr* l»««a u • Until *» Hi* 1 WftM*rfa! « ori I* kitUt Hir-1 W ii Miy I. 1-4*l. fIM t«M MHH *« JK.M. IfMfa to H«M 14* »W|tWi 'X t mmr~‘ «• I iftuMl- *!•*• mM. U • V try riM-AM MtMrt* Ot«N 14* I HflM. - A|* ■ImM« > Cmmplßlßl ANwrt Nm** o< th« Buotv.' N>. Vnrfc. t»v IT.*- Major »ka«»l H#rrtn, t»f* > *mw in >M as Mw* t niM f*a««» for*** m til* PlMttpt4f»** fn** »fclrli pn»l •§•; «b!.N it* l*»rHi ia ftimH till lit Ifnrrn iii 9090rT BMBMMMMMNNI f*t f o• tiltt r||y tMtav AS IwMlr* III# hIypAAMT l.uriall fh>A QlMitltofli Wltlk <|ar ; o* is* MtfHti is* fcrtd**. |**»f g^iyf|»rf Mr* SnrMß WUtlAI*4 •tM Smwmm W141«9W. Jr . of Oi****** ; jll |mi 1 *n *» .i.ff <* 17,* o£l # P**P Tit gtßrrvi ttll <*«mr*r *» tit nNlttarr iHwiiawui of tom rwt. •Hlrfc po.Uk* Hr h»d «h#u b# »»• ordered i. tbe tar east, 11. received a heart* pMlai flam ikw aiwablM *1 lb. f unsrd ltn< * pl.r. a* lb. La* mala *mml. Ihi there Frew lb. *t**mnhip pier tb. Merritt party ww in rarrlaa- * lo lb. WaUtotf-AMnrl* 1 It la ww time ala.. I >ft lb. I’hi.ipiwn.* said General Merrill.’ end alt that I ran nay aboil tb. aßanlto* tbar. when I l.fl la contained la m* ngt, la! report*. «hl.h I mad. in tb. gn' .mm*«< and lb. pm*, waalolo*. ”1 >aa say. however. ibai ib.r. la no f..on*!.iMr«a-fnr lb. tfp" l that Admiral Dtvry i bmllb ba* bmkca dt*n>n a* a result of bla wonderful work ia Ma nila harbor on May 1 laat. H. *»• i An. physk-al .omlltion when I l.ft him and h* warn then imr lb. .train of tb. naval ttabi. "There la another thing 'bat 1 won.d lib. ib. people to kn,-» It t» that tb • climate of ib. Phillpp:o.*» la by no qhu aa It i* Mid to ta. I art a number of European* th»re who lia I U«.n in lb v country for It ymr* or tuorq> and th.y m-ard tbrlvr and bad no serioua complaint* about th. clim ate to make. Th. mortality a non* onr troops *« nt lo pmrrtr order th.r-* would not be aa groat a» *om. would hav. tb. p*-»ple bfUatnr. "Tb. Ortmui in a sort of querr w»* I when I gol there brat. Tb. y were kind nf meddlesome in matter* which I think they should hare let alone. The German officers there made me no ofR rl»; rails until Manila hau fallen, and theh their vlait *as not what might be ter met) friendly. There was no serious! clash, anti I am glad of It. The volun teers behaved nobly during the fight we had. They are good soldiers. ,|o,ooo Soldiers. "As to General Miles' bill to increase the United States army to 100.000. at present I cannot discus sthe proposed measure, for the reason that I have not s en a copy of it. I think it will take about thirty thousand soldiers to hold the islands In case this country desires to keep them —and I see no reason why it should not. “I have no comment to make on the eoca..ed expansion movement which is being discussed pro and con these days. There are many Spaniards on the islands that want to remain there. With fifteen thousand I’nlted Stales soldiers and the remaining fifteen thou son , evenly divided between the Filipinos and the Spaniards, I feel sure the islands could be governed properly and with credit to this country. "I did not meet Aguinntdo, but I am satisfied he is a very shrewd man. I did not recognize the Insurgents, fear ing complications. Admiral Dewey, af ter my arrival, pursu'd the same course. What was said or done,before my arrival i cannot state. I did not. recognize Aguinaldo nor his troops.nor use them in any way. I had been there t, n days before Aguinaldo asked to se? me and then I was too busy. ■Talking with leading Filipinos, I tohi them the I’nited States -had no promises to make, but they might be assured that the government and the people of this country would treat them fairly. "Purposely, we did not give the in surgents notice o* our attacks on Ma nila' because we did not need their co op-ration and did not propose to have It w<? were moved by fear that they might loot and plunder and possibly murder. Conversing with American officers Aguinaldo’s subordinate lead ers frequently said that they intend ed to cut the throats of all the Span iards in Manila. A Hard Task. "Aguinaldo himself wrote a com plaining letter, saying that. the. Inpur --gvittV had been denied their share Of "the booty,' whatever he /nay ■ have, meant bv that. I took'Bp notice of thisi -tui nor do I think the coapittinta: of the Filipinos is & matter for Sis- ■ cu"=ioa between Arainaldo and any! representative of the American gov ernment. "Tiie American p<ac<- commissioners | THE AUGUSTA SUNDAY HERALD. teagsaraawg ‘*# MftM *•¥»** lit* * *» •** *** i 1 pt «M»* 4*M *t «MU *«H ***** ’ : —■ - ■— ■* « th* | _*«a* t>v M'ASr.b i I i ****** , WILLIAM X «ut> A*. AM A* My* A 14* 4mm» Mw» I4e IVogt* yarn Tart IV IT.—TW WoHAttMl fiiMiiwfnt (whH»t 14a 4riiwim I WHIM I. ttryaa 4la lowa. H* I Mr*# ft'***4 MM 9*** [•*# iMlft C*3***9 Rrn* *l# .« '«rr4 tkhPMtf rn **** 1 fr*f>rtil oC I*# p&lhef' fit p**»*i*. H«* •*** * ** It *k to* oftftf *1 M*i r I o4tf | ran* party gaMtht* far 14* wv-yhy* <A t«M hat I ibtak *4e latara the* will Ib» free tflto MttMHpMaiM. aatl latgertaHMl *n4 the right* of ta4n*. *'t here nirengv eygcrweel a>t«etf laastant latperialtnai m 4 tarrltortal »*- paanioa. The prnf*m*t to ndopt the rotoalnl td*« of Barttgeaa nniloae to fraught with 14* gf«a:*M dnaget I ** *Wlmi *11) hn the fata of (4* treaty 'la the asagte I d>> wot rare to ynttkl. White t woe ia tVneh'ngtoa I aoagbt "all the iafnrmetln I could get I raa ,.nt us that I ieetaed MtSrkwit to war -1 mat air ta etaorMinc a poottl*e oyifw j • Ua I thiah free stiver will Iw »a ;mm ta .gaa* Ceruialy. It «*l» ► "lM MMia gaeetlna Mow about the la bnr problem * I am aot prepared to msver that quesiion * IV S t,()’U / 1)1 Ml Caafradtitarv Rgport* Caair la t aat N|*4l. Mrdri-I. Dae. It —A report ha* been rv< cited here from Havana that Geo. Maximo \» <Jw4 . HavAQs. IVs n,--Tlif r*port thit (ieu Max!ino Gobi** Hi iH*4 wh)i<*h. i*«Ton)lßf( to > ritiputrh from Mwtrlit waa rtNtivfd tiff* from H»v*iia. mn- Qot b#» ronllrm#**t her#, though the w* mrr of liU dtaib bwo Hi Hrcotn t tun In till * aijr for nvt nl Ao* p*ot. In roßiriflUoß of Hi report t» •*- ilhfr ta l|f iffM dftt Cm. Gomrr. >eft 44a «-unp at >aguaiay. province of Santa Clita. ntoi with bU muln forces .went lain ramp m the fiiguaooa moun tains. ia the same province, hut that, accompanied by n .suii escort, he loft the camp three days atacc. moving MM*tward. and ta now user Cfuti*. Santa Data peovloie. vn route to H*- vaMa. whither he will go vig Mataa ass Th* report hut It that Gen. Go max is in good health. OEM. n. C- Bt TI-ER. He Arrived at Havana i.aat Mght on the Mascotte. Havana. Dec. IT. -Taptalu General raatcllunoa Issued irri 'r* this evening for the seizure of the printing outfits ind the editions of certain clandestine Ctbao publication* which circulate in i the city, aud which tend to provoke 1 trouble and ratine lUnordtr*. The de jeree will prolmbly be enforced tonight. The Cuban Hrigedler General Rogedo Caatlllo died tonight from pneumonia at Guanabaeoa. j The United States battleahlp Texas 1 arrived this afternoon, j oen. M. C. Butler, of the American evacuation commisalcn. arrived hero t tonight on the steamer Mascotte. i Gen. Lee tonight called upon Gov 'ernor General Castellanos, who in the (course of their conversation, said he ibad always greatly admired Gen. Roll*. E. Lee. Gen. la-e and Gen. Castella nos exchanged compliments. Senor Fernandez de Castro, the civil governor, will shortly issue a decree i prohibiting gambling. The decree tn i eludes social clubs In its provisions. I Governor General Castellanos Is about I to issue a decree direr; ing the absolute ! suspensions of the lottery drawings. I SOCIALISTS BEATEN OUT. * American Federation Runs Out Poli tics and Religion Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 17. Though the convention of American Federation of Labor has extended over six days, fully two-thirds of the business mapped out for the delegates remains un touched. I* has been six days of talk. The result has been an utter rout of the Socialists, the'.r resolutions boing buried by o vote of 4V4 to t. FIRE ! Not pillars of fire. Just pillows on fire. Yesterday, at 810 Broadway—Mai au lay & Co.'s—at about 12 o'clock in., th*- cry of fire! fire!! fire!! was heard, and the proprietors and clerks rushed to the front of th ■ store, and found Fire Chief Roulett and several private cit izens busily engaged in extinguishing about two dozen so‘‘a pillows which had been ignited by the 'carelessness of a cigarette smo :r-r, who carelessly threw his unfinished "butt" amongst a large pile of pillows stacked at the front en trance. Soldiers from the Pennsylva nia and Ohio regiments did valiaiu sgfe vice and prevented what might h'fip| been a very serious conflagration. WW Military Governor. N'wf for*,, -bet 17 —Major tielitiui Wxc 'Ludlow recently appointed mill i&Ty governor of Hflvana. left for that city today cn the *,Vard !!h<?r City of 'Vex 1 liner tn. Captain P-iabody and thi - -.. clerks accompanied the general. AUGUSTA, GA.. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER I a 1898 NO SECTION HENCEFORTH TO BE KNOWN Tl« HtvUfv.y«lu»; Uj4( •( tb* PmMral u tkr Smilmbi mi* «*4 lu EIkI-Om W|.i W»» SHih r.lvf* Hiv Dptaiai •« U lu T4# Vary Ahr N4M4 I’MfM »*w» mml 14m »Mt Vft c* Agato hr • IH.ttmt Nwrth wd hwik P»i rtnltom m * iiwtortof w ll I* todte dDaotiiMr - M*|*M|*M Uitßw Ml I *.s|oc MiMahy’i Trim#**! low Im (tor tovttow. rt>ll*i4>lt>4la, D*v. tT . Unrt In hi* I pvsl** of hot,l hern h.»|>U»t!iT tut**- I»IIJr, VR l tHr Mlßllrfßi <lll4|»l4»t *f Hi **ftlr«l*r. Umfm War wkk fTm* Alltßtx. 04. I [ p«*r» |uhi**** m itifh Gfuffta ra*ttßi, •Tfca*c w»* ln*iort Bx*4li»* j Tlk tpff mr NtiHtM wMli fmf II Mil*. «b 4 ik) *«q. 9r*m*n or HMM ! «H) 4i(Rrx«N til* IfrMNQflou* 4«*| jiiQiiriUfla, Wilt (tnf •xa!|) |*#*j|4f*xr (Hit t|#rc Is rnirli s thins 9m s distinct North or Hondi H«m grtod. atij# tlr, in**irißs H»r on lilsuirlr *Rrotmij, ih#rr • rstnmns C!)• lNiillr«Rrtnri fcpft*** of j lohsitofi slid Iku4 nil polltlrs. sit ! r fwrfp. sit nets forfottro, mr-rs*! In Ibr wrh ntid woof of pit* motion, •• wonderful •• It Is iMitlsvol | ’ I'rolikiit McKinley In these few ; short days did mare toward the nntfi eatloa of this great nation than any mao or set of men baa eve* done Imv MR. YANCEY HARRIS Brother so Mr. Hugh Harris of herald. Honored At a meeting of th# board of direc tor* of the Athens Saving* bank yes terday Mr. Vi nr*jr Harris was elected to the responsible position of book keeperj»f the bank, say* the A then* Bantupf *TMFreslgnEHuu otoMr. tomnh JJp»- etaan a, tsmkkeeper was acceptort to take effect January Ist. and the an nouuceiuelh of Mt. Lipscomb's resig nation vaa published a couple nf weeks ago. When the lgaud of director* ne t yes- ■ terdsy there were about forty appll-1 cants for the place, and < of the appueatlons war. uccompajftd byv strong endorsements. Sofle of the best business men In Athens applied for tbepoaltion, which Is a lucrative onp. and In thp selection of Mr. H#t- f rls a very high compliment is paid hftu. The hoard of director* was In ses sion nearly the entire attprnoon, and each application was carefully consid ered. V „J Mr. Harris was among the first, to apply for tbe place. His endorsements were gilt edge, and many of tbe best j patrons of the bank gave him their nn-1 CAPT. WILLIAM L, MERRY, U. S. Minister to Central America. I , tt*d MMttn** 4 * * - 4*»4* 90 Hnr i *l« «M |Nlfl| * 4 II *i* ss*lir <H*f>« s*d Yom*+* )U(D« fmmmmmm | TUB WHRAt M HKNATIt 14a »V—»dawt • W »n4aaH 14a Inst, to 14M Itodv tv*.«tadta«, hi t . |v» ;7e Tb to mi ton* mill «*hmti t 4» h*w«> *t*n \t to t4a aaimta dirlnc »4# h**—n« Minton. 1 Hat me~lt ha* beet, 4*lt>it,lt •teter*ntn*d «4ton Th# »*«t hi atlll Uvh. lug here. mu| aa the mmnMaakmer* have tot «toMtoM n>on*>r to cwtraat the .to. *meat to 4* *•»** 4 will Md rewen • U a.kiMtata fcOv want fiaturda* Al -1 tlMwfl dnalfJ*s wf run ms H HforK * ilh» j§■**<» it flm i ti# I*r*i4i|S will *«t St *N» In d<» •* i fm • vMi ifl**r Its tot is# ' >e*ann that <www*«« wtli then te In , hidldny tutu. Mean*kite the treat* ' will not tm gtv-o to the public. luwi prraaure ua* t,ee* brought to beer al ! ready to <.NhA>>« r tbta *rciato* bit a | Mild o»iaaf*a a.e of tbe evtahitebed ! |* order l* avoid exciting uteleaa an mtoir in Mtrh r*a*w will be followed ' tmoatiy aggto*t the tra*t* <*» the part i of Mklhtf tor the oberrvabro ~f the j cmirteav ,t*e the eerate. 1.03 T s,i,n»n Scar* l.waa Sovtaioed by a lodv In 1 hi* Cl tv >**te*d*>. Mr*. M**|r lluterfl of lobmuni H C. Had thg mlafnrtune to to*r nulte a ,rg» aim *1 money trhtlr ahopptn* In th* city taat, M e Hut welt ha| In Her |i**l(«*thOok fie* fn caeh end two .H. <-hn. awe for I'Ai and «»r for ): V« She had made —weal put tiaaee ,nd at a boat t o'. Inch min.' her '.Ktrhettsvoil. Phe doe not know whether »h" di*>;ied It on the at trot or hud It . etidvb bar Mhr mad, dilicnt •ekr-h for I* tn the never*! pi**.'* thut she hud visited hut failed t<a*)ia.o\rr her more, . y*lttmit,ly th* - . hr--ka wi.l not he of any toe* to her. -a* the :.*p*nn IhidltMt them w ill rvA hr aide to 1 grr.ib' Oi.•caahed, hut *he I* out title The . her|i* wrf« drawn on the John ■ton hank The potter have Ih*» n notl < fie I of her lues and will do all that thrv can to art b<*r money hack, bill it seem* rather a diSicult matte* Mi*. Mu<i4«lt i* more hultp'd to t»— 'Here that »b*» dropped th<» fsK-kcttwmk than that it wum stolen from her. MORE INDICTED. OtNtr I’rooiint at Cttltan* Accused of Complicity In Fraud. Muskogee, I. T.. Dec. IT.—T«» mm prominent citizens of the territory have been indicted for cnitipllcltv In j Ih* Creek frauds by which over 170.00 U , was oldalncd. C. H. Wurth, former cashier of the First National Bank of Muskogee, and 8, B. CAUahsn. fnrm -r private secretary of Ghgf Isparhe,-her. are th.r culprits, the federal grand Jury having returned ludioingmls against them. Looking After the Flab, ' Norfolk. Va., Dec. 17.-The United States Fish Hawk, of ttp> governfnrnt fish commission, sailed today for I’orto Rico, having on hoard representatives of the commission to Investigate the fishing Interests of the Island, and the United steamship Sylvia’salfi-d todav for Baltimore, where she wtll be turned over to the Maryland naval reserve, THAT WHICH HURT HIM THE (DOST! SMK* Kin* SUlrgMhl I* M. # Bkmlu. (k» hrt* < nfitofaMtai •f (W I.mmUb Tiat*. at Mr Kit- Iti't AllutM i* tkr VaiM‘«] (ttotrvrilM !• tiaviu HirWr. The Oder thhfcb th* Hwoteh tew mtaetooeea Mad* t* th* A inert, a* C omaatsiilnner* and kM>4 tttow ta fowttlv* la|. M«hisi*v had tte«* Hero vogotraol at Before He l*ro naut gated Hl* Mewaggr to COO* grew*. Iroodoo. Hoc. IT,— thmor hunltte Rio*, p raw Ideal of the Aptiidl pear* nnaniMios. fa 41a laietrlew *ll4 M 4< tllmrits, lhe Parts corraapo*deot of the Liad* Time* ta port mo of which wea raided 4* 14* AaanrkMed tow llant alabi I bad the folio*log to any ta | [FM „, | S |he Maine' "lit,; *4al moat pain* me la that in iht* great * kirloind M which we hav* [ lost all, teat our loat Armada, there I has hero a* attempt tn deprive us of I nwr honor aa well. On December 1 I propoeed to the liner Icons to ap point a technical mmmitatop to ex amlnr the goeatio* of the Maine W» Mid America ni l appoint an Ameri» cow. an Englishman and a Frenchman, and we will appoint a ttpaniard. an En gl shman and a Frenchman, all *p— etallat*. and that the commission for the two governments appoint n Ger man and that these seven me. bring in a verd ct “If they declare Spain innocent the f’rrairtcnt of the United State* will ad dress a message to the **nate declaring the Spanish Itomr intact and that Spain was false!) aernaed of having be trayed the laws of hospitality by blow ing up a vessel at anchor tn one of her porta. If Spain la declared guilty a Spanish ship will go lo America, aa ime the Anv' flag and Spain trill pay the coals. ''Tliia I* th*' proposal o made on Deceaahar 1. I; could have been and meal have been telcgmphe.l. for It could be put Into two hundred words. On Dee. fi. in hi* measagr to congress, president made no allualoa of our riJiioMaT. I>ut describeij the blowing op |of the Maine as a aoapirloua event. "On December G the Atiurican com missioners declared they refused to discuss this matter. This ia what es pecially irritates use We hovp great defects; hot temper and i ruelles even. But, onr national honor Is dear to us. Yet at that honor the Americans wish es! lo deal the rudest blow." SENSATIONAL I.YNCHINfi. Newt Gaines Shot Dead W’hild Under Arrest. Texarkana, Ark., Dec. 17. About a year ago. n negro woman was killed by a negro in this county. Newt Gaines wag suspected and officers have kept a quiet lookout for him. Yesterday Dep uty Sheriff Ed Lynch of New Boston I ,*«M that u. »«* w*a to ttoftato **4 «Ht| j> : -f|* Tm4(XV I v f «4« lb tMN|k9 ult** %191 I | #94 lAfctftft 9090 fl'iiM |4II 9tm9A | 1 til .WR*»RMrH 009900 in ItN) Hi* •* j (ImAi** W|XHP %#Wf% #M 9*Wo&*o* o*9o iM ill# f»ii(Wlil 0909000 9 W 9 90 *o* I«MM m*m 909*000*4 «t 90990 i *9O tfw9o Uml H1%«4 9*ofo IIMN» llpKaH* *ln4 tW#M>ihAr4 %0m f0%00009 9im diUi MMH • 9900 *OO 009 m * 11 fg|M 111 4040909 til •PH****'^. | who 0 oo9mo ft# ! a gnn snd *4ww#«l light Th* awd. then I •wfftftiHHtM! <l* •lAHnn flttni IRNWMI 0 : fnHnir o»r*>4»fh *%9 09090009 (Silfcf* I isag* nas wnh hwtteto the nf iig«f« tiitTtt K>«in>iiff» 94tm •Im* tmar I ,nd thwa *av*4 their n«to »**• The | I hft 4ilMlf|Pßi9>N| THR I*LAO* 13 IV. .Mar* and Mrtpe* lab# the Wn»e a* lb* *pe*t*4 Cntors. tlavsno tv- 17.> The fAsitws). a aw* herb, evsrwate* i«*» b» »he itpeniant* Tb* etai* and stripe* «*e* | twiUled ever mnny of Ik* ha**** A tie l |4ac* while fv**B "tier wf lb» tmlMto** I iViSan thine wwtw gtsptayed I Mall and leteerwpbv rwwiwuwi atom I between itonnatipon. UiJMMt Asa Ml-j ’ ,ud and Hwcarnwsa. whb-4 ha* been tn,«*riuf*ed fur nsetw thn a pair, ha* | I r - r -«httrh— *. TVs* mint- >«ni | | ewnnrtl ha# antwaved the 4! •• **s ! are etwee and pa*to* prw»«c| «>f M J. , tmti> (ii# AnwfteMi •’••li'wlN' U L*rh i«dai attach* the cmnnvtl j I fur Its art** tn the matter, alleging ■ Hal improper ln«R|4re» »*ra btrmghi | lln hear tn emit* ItohaptwnVMl of the I < '‘unciiin^n j A detsrhnwnt of rtihnn trunp* ha*. I,w • -opted ('vnlena* and hoisted Amerl- I Lan tunl Cuban flag* over the town. RAILWAY CRASH lit Ideal a* the Southern ltd Mght Near West I'otnt. nta*. West Point, Misa , Dee 77 westbound passenger tram on the Sou then, railway collided with a Mobile and Ohio freight edrly tonight at the rroa# ng of the two road*, comptotelv demouahing the rear nnn«'h and severe ly Injorm* a number of pa**e*>« , “ r * The .njured are ; Henry Watsou. Hhouhler broken and injured Inlet Hal ly, probably fatal; Mias Minnie Gilson, chest Injured: Mis* Ida May low#, head severely rut; all of West Point. Mr tla.kar. a traveling man badly bruised; W. A. dialling*, manager of the t’ovtsl Telegraph company Colum bus. two rib* broken. AITE^ALirKiriHT. The United States and Germany Peaceable Berlin. Dec. 17. -The eemi-olheial Post tonight publishes sn inspired ar ticle saying "It is en enjoyable fart that the United States Has resolved to favor as much as possible German 8 I commercial interests in reorganizing the affairs of the Philippines. There I* no doubt that a modus vlvendl will be found satisfactory for a mftghrr of years to both notions.” JURY FOR ACQUITTAL. I United .States Senator on Trial for Robbing a Rank. j Wilmington, Del.. Dei-. 17.-Tbe jury ‘in the case us United States Senator ! k Kanny. cliargad with conspiracy to roll a bank, i* still out. At 6:20 they were locked up for the night. It is be lioveil Judge Bradford villi keep them confined for several days in the hopes j of reaching a verdict. The Jury. It is understood, stands 10 to 2 tor acquittal. SPANISH COnniSSIONERS. I They Arrived at Madrid l ast Nighl From Paris Madrid, Dec. 17.—The Spanish peace commissioners arrived here this even- j Ing on their return from Paris. Bettor j Gainazo, the leader o:“ the dissenting liberals, with many politicians and high officials, met the •commissioners whose home-coming was marked h.v no special Incident. To the Naval Reserves. Norfolk. Vn., Dee. 17. Thirty-live naval reserves "rom Wilmington. N. r., arc here to take the converted yacht Hornet lo North Carolina wated*. the navy department having assigned her to the naval reserves ot thftt state. The vessel Is undergoing repairs at th navy yard and may be ready for ifi - partur- Monday evenin'.-. Hear Dr Powell. Rev. Dr. Powell, of Kentucky, will conduct the Y. M. 0. A. men's meet ing al 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. All men invited. Special invitation to sol diers. Subject- "True Greatness.” Be there. Falling in Decay. Tlie old North Church. Boston, is fal ling into decay, and the vestry bus made an appeal to the public tb assist in its preservation. Money is needed to paint tile building and repair the old steeple from which was hung the light which start'll Paul Revere on his fa mous ride. Tlie church was built In 1723. and is therefore even older than the (Jld South Church. Caught by the Thousands Along the Adriatic sea, swallows and oilier migratory birds are caught evety year I<V the hundreds of thousands, and eaten i.y the Italians who spread nets uj which as many as three to -five h\J»- dred of the tiled birds are .aught at once Tt Is difficult to stop this whole sal-- mar-lei:,.because,on wight of an.offl clat vjh<\ hinder*’ -spies give a shr.ii • wJtlsiie hii-t tb- nets disappear- 16 Pigis-Sactiflil 3 CENTS A COPY MR. ESTES , ON THE Hllltli SITUATION lit NH Tkfff Will W • Unitil *( X*n •> ym at YiftrlMi "f»’ UtH (• Raa all Th»tf Vim Me aift Tlrtf WlllUlKtHn ta •>« In Wark. H*Hae«i VMakalfen «UM* 4# Abte to Man I p 4ifa*w lb* Motto#> *»aaaa w U.« M« Aabaa * Qwato tton rre* a* t ittrswi utoM to He. r*f,»i ik, 11* Wtt4is| to M> to 14a P*» an* IA ark to Aw ««*U Tto dfwMhn. IIm*» Chiflff K*i#* 090 mt Ua*t • ftlvftlil r*pt*f9m* m 4 1 1 |(Vn» mill* *4t» («4i| In «t«tl wnHlttMl I *• TAamnelfi». 99. In M«* «ti 4 m«l 9m c»«om*«R M 4 bmm Iwnii t*> n*to mu 1 lutMtiiM (tun 9091+ j* nowim *»I (tor «((**• M 4 ilcml * M»imc ,iMr «iiM«Mm»iR» «<* I **» 0090 HhcltoA-f 7 |hp hrtt 1000 \n (.• t|» «t (h* Ml (Nil rt(i| Uut J K -f | g-_.pi Wen „ |, f )A|- j j If. ottm*%rr. 0 fmffhMftt n«i»Mr Mfn ’* » |Hi( «i ft|touiUtifi »I* (hr *NntCtn th** (i3i4 m »NMHD w that uk •nitu mill »Urt u|» aiwul lilt llrm of j 7»«*m «Mt Httl II iMpNittol to Mi. Itttfi (hat II (tor* HnMld »*« 1 l>» a« irad diM nufßv if’ii' n «»f tmv»4« to f»«*t all ihr mtlka in Ofm rotinfi, TV bollfifa jaft dhl «a gtind tiffin fn |at hanfa lo *n I m «ork- Ms. I'Maa Im nf tb# opinion !ih i( It tn*y l# ill# aacotul wooti In larftar# Ih# mill* hA\« aarttwl Hu* u< nMmii h**ii» to atari us» TJia* pulait* »##i»: to ibinlt. «*»>nllnmNl ; Mr. Ealnt, (hat !bu o|»#rallVM In to#* AuguiHi dttirM mllU Hiv# !*##«» and at<* poorly i*fiid Thin, hr malntilua. I* M .tllMtlftl*’ In f»‘l. mv# M*. ! th»’ nnm*o yarnl In f)N Attftott ilatrlft hnvr t**n and or** * a* - ’nti allh 7riK#a 'Hiinklf llllf* fjla* - trlct. ' “Txkr nrlniKta. yumif arliln. 1114. »M«sr, II yrara of Thry an miik**, «! th** 90 w i*A lw*dut**. 60 «**'ii(ft i>#i* «lav—and rr.itft p#r d*y- TTxwm- w h>? fttl md lo nix «W i* *M 0* < f*ntft. Tlilh. ytHl-win »»ro. tor TOO n wcfc* n»* «|ft>*. would give them In oumlng* S|HO ftmi allow twrlvo h«»IUUv4. Th**rt* mv ft jw»rtion of (hr hand* |Vjg»o mftkr full (Imr. Imt thr Mmutir |K*rt»on only mak# from thr*v* Miuiflw lo two-third lira#*. Till* »* m »Mr own volition. Afirr anxiyiitti '■uf o«r i»ayt-**llft I find that TgS of ihr employ:*r «»ut of ovrr I.lkk* ‘Oily ftv* < ragr 7 1-10 dftya «»ul of If dftya. Thla Ib Him ply ix«’AUtf«‘ thry do not nrftnt to work. Some pwpl# mny think thftt thi? rejiaoii i|m*o|>l<’ do no? work •t#,ail 11| y ih Ijrtauar of over work or nkknv*MP. Any one who will lake the trouble to Inquire of the phyeleianH who practhe In the mill | tllHtilcc will learn that the mill em- I ployeft are an healthy an any clftM of lH.*ople in the city.” Mr. Katen ahowetf to Thi* Herald the Mtenngrapher’a report of the in€*etlns: held 801TU* time 11*0 between ft rornmlt tec* of the operative* and the mill prea ideiita (Nov sz. 10. M» a. m.) from which the following l» an extract: 'M**. Gay (Mr Forest Oay) slated: He had HtuUied the situation thorough ly and knew that the Carolina mills I outside of th * Augusta district paid • very mu<*h lower wages, even aftei tftk ling living expenses into consideration. I This shows." said Mr. Kstes, "that the hands can do better hart than any ! where else in this se« tlon. tven under the revised scnle.” 1 Mr. Kates said he had nothing fur ! ther to give to the press at this time. Roll of Honor Si. Patrick's Commercial Institute. Dec. 17. ISM. First Class -J. J. Collins, P. Mn- | r „. j. p. Hartley. A. M. Shealian. S.-mnil Class—C. A. Juwursky. G. A. . Itula-usteln. .1. P. McAuliffe. \V. A. Lyons, .1. M. Maher, C. O. Carroll, J. ir. Campbell, E. C. Moore. J. K. Col lilu*#, E. J. Cosgrove, L. K. Hynn. 1 • K. Boyle. L. F. cotter. Thin! Class.—W. J. O'Connell. J. J. Bh-altao. J- P- 7X»yl«. F. A. Kennedy. W, s. Mahoney, K. A. Hreinlel, K. J - O'Connor. M. J. sheroii, P. W. 8011-1, 1, u V. .1 Bennett. C. A. Uimbert, L. A K-.-nkl. W. L. McAuliffe, VV. J. Shoehnn. J. H- Bullivan, S. B. Kerr. Fourth Class—H. L. Hiiliensteln, A. U. McAuliffe, C- Swlencey, A M. Bat \(.y j. 1.. Bussey, C. Pnaftfttt* U. O'Connell. D- E- Scully, w. «. Horkien. .j C Maguiahan, J- Hogan, E. Sullivan, J- Atchison, C. A. Hooper, VS . Singleton, T. T. Thomas- Fifth (Mass Marlon Silver, John Kmick. W McCarthy. Paul Cosgrove, I i Mnher Arthur O'Connor, J. C. i s. Thomas Grltfin, Joseph Silver, i schnimeek, WUUam O’Connor, Wll- Goodwin, Thomas O'Connor. Oregors Weigh-, Charles Kignon, Her ton Heekey, L. Hoop per, Foster Kale. James Magarahan. (Charles Graham, Bryan Maher. IIP.O. ODUN, Principal Rev L. B. Maxwell. u,-v. l„ IT. Maxwell, D. D.. superin tenijent of th-' field work of the Inter national Sunday school convention, n veiy distinguished colored minister, is visiting hi Augusta. He will preach this np-rnin'-r at the Haines Institute, and will address a special meeting of young people this afternoon at five o'clock at ih,' colored Presbyterian church. Tonight at * o'clock he will i»re««n at Tabernacle Baptfsi church At the First Christian. Mrs. Thus- A. Burke will sing at the U ~'eloek service at the First Christian ehureh.