The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 19, 1898, Image 1

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TVS a 6AYIKUS MM ***i*)#* *MNNOH •*»**»* iiigm# im***mm «*«•»**• as. ****• «• r»®fc \ '•>% " t !I3H * ' > % *> w MAj. GEN. JOSEPH VHEEI-EF. U. S. V. CA ALPY. HAJ. WM. n'KINLEY COMES TO AUGUSTA The President and His Party the Guests of the City of Augusta This Afternoon— Welcome Ad dress by J. C. C. Black-Recep tion at the Club. Major M. Kialf) Sp*at Yesterday la Sninnati aad l»ave the Hoars to Macoa-Ha Leates Ma roa for AugksU aad Arrives at Wbeiess il«. tbe Georgia Failroad at 4.30 O'clock-Coelog to the City in Carriage*. Escorted by tbe Third Kegimcnl of Hegolar Cavalry and Conclave of Citizeas. vharis- anoar niota- President William M<Kin!«>y and bis party are (be guests of the cKy of Au gusta this afternoon. They arrive at Wheiea* about 4: SO and will be driven to the rity and through ramp Macken zie, escorted by the Third cavalry and a concourse of citizens of Augusta it> carriages and on horseback. The address of welcome occurs at the Commercial Club this evening After a brief lunch eon and reception to the people by the president. Major McKinley and his party boards bin special train and goes direct to Washington, where he will •rrivo in the morning, and where sev eral matters of the greatest Importance await bis attention. Committees representing Augusta have already Joined tbc presidential party. D. G. Fogarty, Esq., wen: down to Savannah Saturday night an<> spent yesterday with the excursionists. He went over to Macon with them last GENTiiENEH WHO ARE WITH ftC&fc&LL A. ALGETS. TP* <rw?» A *Wk THE AUGUSTA 11 EH A LI). mimr vt ni*h». Mmn. J, R. Latnar, Jacob Pbln.iy, C. Henry ('<>bm. W. J. Crtld and M. »’. Walsh are with Mr. Fogarty this morntag. They alao joined tbe pmtdenoa! part) this morning aod ar rive with the geotlemea this afternoon. The purpoae to showing tfalor Ma- Kiulr) • party the <»mp here it appar ent, The alrongwn hind of effort la be Hut made to aeeur* a permanent ar my poat for Autumn and inapertion of the location that ran be offered la part of the Inducement to be held out. The prealttent a party la the Preal dent and wile. Secretary and Mra Gap l . Secretary and Mra. Alger. Po*t maater General and Mra. Smith, Sec retary and Mra. Ix»n» Mlsa U>ng, Sec retary WHatm. Mia* Wllaon, Secretary and Mra. Porter. Assistant Secretary C’ortlyon. Maj*- General Joseph Wheel er. Mia* Wheeler. General W. 11. (j»w ton, Mr* Iwwton, General W. K. Shat ter. Major G. C. Webb. Captain E. O. itchier, Mr. A. Hay. Mr. B. F. Brigg* and other* making forty-four In the pnrty. The routn of the President's ride In to the city haa already been announced. At Wheleaa the party will he tran*- ferred to carriages and will be taken along the XVheiesa road between the ranka of the infantry dlviaion, afford ing the President and hll party oppor tunity to view the camp attd Judge Ita merit. The party then goes down the Wrlghtaboro road to the division hos pital. then north on John* street (Summerville! to the Arsenal, down Waiton W r ay to Telfair atreet, in front of corps headquarters, then east In front of the engineer camp, then along XVallon Way to Crawford avenue to Broadway, down Broadway to Mar- Vmr.v or Twelfth Street, sou'll N Mar bury to the north side of Greene, down Greene to Elbert, north on Elbert to the north side of Broad, up Broad to the Commereiat Club, where the Pres ident and party will be tendered a re ception and where an address of wel come will be made by Hon. J. C. C. Black, to which a response by the President Is hoped for. The addresses .' JolP t ! m GOVEBKOK JOHN W. G8166E I Hp nafcpw MM AMtmp <* *•*<•«• •111 tw trum tbe Camwwvtwl o* b*' • I uwf. tbwa m»kttM bM **tlP*b* l« mm ' aad brae the PrewMMWK. Tbe piea.dewt I nm hie route wilt be •wrwied by the - Thud tngthtti «T envhiry. ••• *w •*»- | bar, aad by a.lafffe party of citlaatMy ' tw carrtagr* anil r>a hwraeb*. h j The gcwa4e*t Mud of greethlg »«* j awi to Major McKinley. Hi* hirtwry- The Twenty-fifth President of the Republic. making visit to the South has en deared him to us. As Mayor Warwick, of Philadelphia, says: 'President Mc- Kinley In these few short days did more toward the unification of this great nation than any man or set of men has ever done before.” THE PHESIDENTIAIi PARTY COUNT-Lir.' X. BLISS. wm fourm- Mti! AUOUIT4 «4 Majwr Mrglt'n * abMtahewt. pwhto |lf WMM t|M» 90 Ifc* I m**m* * p"•****( «#*#, h*b •** hi *mm*m m * mi* vmwmtom *mwmu* IHf iHm n 'nff ?m1 hi 1 ’■*** Imi* fut# •* : t«|S •• IInMI INtH f«** ' *lnp m***m!l*m *H* • **«*nel V'Vl'fHf ttf fih! VCNiUlfll*tiftwH *• H>4*HhP«l Hi IH* fUfll cif t (NpH wlNPMuft H# iMMi ffHtMiiaiA *1)1 I Imp • fpftrtt h Hi tMHH*** ll *** ilmf H# till ftf* hi iH 99m tilt* *#4 mill |p* In H. m. tli* fUfpy Hi tH* #»** THlt *#* # fttfUl Uplwr t*f ppuftlff 1 m In* fif* Hi •»%*#** The preeidctrt’a Wlfr. to see the noted cavalryman ns they are to see the president. Geo. Wheeler was born In Augusta end is dear to Augustans for this reason, as well as for tlip reason of his heroism in the civil war and the Spanißh-Americau war. fcTMAX' 1. GAQE. I I H *V she Maywr el tbe CMy Mbit* there are »r number a* m ■ «ho 4o hot rate a tmap bbtutt «Mh*» •lltatrM* Mil* tiHtti i***i m+k**m* «ll* 09 (rteadeh p betweea the l»« **' gllah-epeahlbg aatlow*. »•* 1 " ' * be a warm welcome here tar hr* ' of Plate wh«*. a* thktoteat * GEN S. M. B. YOUNG REVIEWS THE TROOPS. gland, won so many golden opinions. There Is, too, a grand welcome for Mrs. McKinley. It has been said that Major McKinley's devotion to his lov able wire, who a short time back was an invalid, won for him a sympathy and support when he was Itefore the people for election. NOW ARRIVIHG HO*. JAMKS WILSON. PIVfIMUAI* A Tf»* HoMtAV. OUC dpi * ** ' . i # n * Ji^^ AMfIXAAAIHIK JOHN MIX The Grand Pageant on Beautifu 1 Broadway Today—Military Dis play on the Magnificent Penn sylvania Avenue of the South. Scene From Reviewing Stand. The mn«t Imposing pageant that Au gusta ha* ever arcn waa the review today of the troop* by (Jen. 8. M B. Young, ope of the beror* of Santiago, commander of the Sccoud rorp* and the Idol of his Troop*. The review was the feature of the morning and at an early hour all (be people us August* as well as the thou sand* who had tome lit Trom the sur rounding country, were on the qul vive for the great event. Tbe reviewing stand, capable of hold log 1 Ikl people, was erected on the north side of Broad atreet. at the In t resect lon of Jackson, ami »»» hrl l * Mlarit with the escort of Gen. Young and hi* guests. It was the one centre of Intercs throughout the city during the morn log hour*, and II I* a high compllnu to tho»e in charge that there was n a hitch to mar the clock-llke regular . of the movement of the great ocoasb At the ramp elaborate preparatio had been made. There was not a tat nish on the sabre* of the cavalrymen, nor on the gt.ns of the volunteer*. The gray dawn bad given way to morning when the soldier bovx turned out of their rot*. At the ap pointed hour they were ready, to move and on they tiled down the Wngbts l.oro road amt on Into the city. It seemed that there was literally no end to the long line of soldiers, who rode, every officer with the grace of Prince Rupert, and every Infantryman marching with the measured tread of veteran# of a hundred wars. Crowds thronged ihe windows mid balconies along the line of march, and d* they passed the endless column was greeted here nnd there <vlth enthusi astic applause. From several windows thn enthusiasm of the fair admirers reached such a pitch that the soldier boys were showered with flowers and their pathway became literally a bed of roses. . But the grandeur of the scene reach ed Its climax when tbe troops reach'd Broad street. t Right thousand soldiers In Ini** Never before has such a scene been witnessed ip Augusta. It stirred mar- TO BE THE f vfi jonv tr wyo. planter* LOAN AND HAVING* BANK •<»*** t »**•••>* I mp+ I t,l* M.*»%o*Uo A < »*•#•*• 1 • aaM*» The Mamh of ibf Troops lole ibf Ciix- The Koulf Which They Took -Mussing in Town and l.uiching Herf--Thf Honurftl Ilf re nr Soniiogo Theerfd tad Com plimfniftl by Every I'oiot-Thou* "»nds of People Witnoss the Sight. \ Brilliaot Event Long to Be Benieniltered. f< / GKNRtUt S H. M. YIM >•. llal ardor in the bosom of every ob server and more than once tbe crowd which lined the streets broke out In enthusiastic cheers. It was a rare sight to see so many men in line, anti the people seemed to appreciate the fact. The crowd was densest between Campbell and Mclntosh stmels. It was well nigh impossible to thread ones wav through the masses of humanity. It seemed that all the world and his wife was there! Citizens of Augusta, representing all walks of life, were present—the aris-^ (See Next Page.) CITY’S GUESTS. - tip" i ft ) WkiSbL <=CC=ej RICHMOND I»KAKi*ON