The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 19, 1898, Image 3

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MONPAY Athletic Carnival, Grand Opera House, Monday Night, December 19th, 1898 ' Z-Hir.H CLASS SCIENTIFIC CHASTE « FAMILIAR NAMES NO UNKNOWNS -M MEN , Hf^p|TA , BY CAMP MACKENZIE SOLDIERS .********** THREE HOURS OF GENUINE SPORT ' **** FOR BEN THE SOIONS HAVE GONE HOME. JUittfttH* i|» Unit Nl as tit MtaM* •h hMoMd vwMMf UM H»» 'Mr* *1 L*St*Hrti*« a 1 .j. J . »**&** ijA* ‘5» S nflk Ipß-tJltf If#®# •**<*• | irtfi* 9tld .Mft ll* YD* I*l' prwut. but fclft irtia »** •» hour ~r nn>;] Mr. Frffffiin of C'owtii* tm« of FuUon md Mr. Oilt ifi of Hi* h tatad. Tfir- botwr to**d to concur by » dc- Wbcn the anccndrocot the hank* iViubtc taxation w** reached Mr. Freeman of Covrta and u r Kali of Hlbb spoke ixslnst ronrur renre on the part of the hou**. Mr Kl- j lla of Hlbb and Mr. Calvin of Ri« h- I mood advocated concurrence. The! houee refused to concur UMT, Mr. Hall of Bibb moved to recooaider the action of the how*# in concurring in the building and loan amendment. Af ter consider able debate and filibuster ioc. h, withdraw the motion Confer *nre committee* failed to l.rlus tie aerate and house together on the liank amendment. After a long struggle ihe homo re-1 reded from 1U position. The members of the Richmond delegation were pres ent during the coolest* ref. rred to. and watchful ..f their constituents’ interests at every point. There In a great evil attendant upon | the closing days of the legislative se»-| sion absentee ism and Inattention to business. There Is never a bill of im portance to the people that does not ; excite opposition. This opposition! comes at times from corporations or j from selfishness on the part of Individ uals. In this case, with a thin senate or . house, or with listiessness on the part of the members, the slightest opposi-1 tion results In the defeat of measures that would redound to the best inter ests of the people. The greater evil by far is absenteeism. Men are out of their seats in their respec tive houses, when they should be lit them. The record shows that Augusta got her share of local legislation. Mr.| Reynolds waH especially prominent anil diligent in this class of work, while keeping a watchful eye on general leg islation. Mr. Hammond, unfortunately, on ac count of extreme and practical Illness, was denied the privilege of taking an active part in the work of the house. The short time he has been able to be In his place, however, was given to zealous service to the state. The tax rate will be 5.36 for 1899 and 1900, instead of 6.21. For Croup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. Fresh Velvet Molasses Candy at Clark's. Buckskin Gauntlets. A thing that- proves a great comfort and convenience to the soldier boys at this season of the year is gloves and the buckskin gauntlets just received by 1,. Sylvester at 826 Broadway are Just what the soldiers want. Sylvester lias u splendid line of these, just what is Wanted. Head his ad in today’s Her ald. Our prices on suits only two-thirds what others charge. E J. Henry & Co., spot cash tailors. Beautiful line of Mahogany and Wal nut Puits regai liters of profit for cash —Fleming & Bowles. THE REPUBLIC OF THE NEGRO. At ll'fff'iltf \ft trip (tIW r?*A • LlNsl.lfte* 0»«l NMI ink* iumM. j 0 every nnblawHt and tfttetlts *nt t*» 'port of tlo Cap* I’alme- Reporter. I' uiut*i not he Ifujg iifd lh»t this <• «*• of them* big projects that yield a large llvfTV?n*l info tbr lip of ihrrfboktfn Wl«t«Yff may br th# profit* «*’curtn* from Journalistic #nt#rpna# »a ***** European and American markka, tb* j rvault is strangely d fl**mit in thf Went African. ! In t*t*. th# Republic comm .retod the fiftieth year of iu national cxla;- •m. e and with 1899. »hr nineteenth cen- | tury that make* Ihe tinaro In be re- | aardcil as a nu»n. * ill mil away to i usher In the iwenflelh that will find | negro everywhere sens'ble. not simply I Individuality. but of his being a con necting Imk In the great raer "The negro will quietly walk In his ; own plane his developments, and with ! that altruistic spirit, which is Ihe mow animating impulse of lime progress in any rat e he will live as. Indeed, he begins to. a larger, lwtter and more servlrealde life. ...**** "We trust that the twentieth een tury will produce more original negro men who are prepared lo regard their interior brethren as helpers in the great race struggle Liberia Is the Egina—the modern eyesore of European powers: and hence the .winters' antipathy for Li beria and her people is brightened by the fact that he still see her” an Inde pendent urges republic op the w<*»t coast of Africa.” >Tr<*work»— big assortment-at T. Dt ilia lareHsi’#- ALL TRAINS CROWDED. The Georgia Train:! Brought in Over 300 Person*. All trains that arrived In the city this morning brought in good crowds. Most of the passengers got off at Washington street. The morning train on the Georgia road brought in over three hundred people. H. A. Tournesley of Chicago is at the Planters. § SISTERS’ HAIR GROWER FOR OYER 14 YEARS This highly moritorioua preparation haa stood at the bead of all hair restoratives. More than 3,000,000 bottles have been used by the American people, and thousands of testimonials bear witness to its excellence, while there were never aoy complaints when direct iona-were followed SI VI M SUTHERLAMO SlßTFftß' SCALP OLEAHfM Is the ouly tiamlruff cure. For sham ftXjUQg, it bas no equal. AH Live Druggists Self H. TH ID JkTJOTTBT-A. HFRALD. INASOCIALWAY /: ,#l{| \ - |Ri fwj \\f7 v-k? 1 \wn£!m Iheafrkal lo*tHwttow« I‘ n Tlk •***! Ike Mas fi lMi at Ik# f Asaisat Hki vajr Jygl -ft, ,* ftlll Hlt.t.’t) - Wa*hlnff!oa ffHaf I uwrlflu* sWt»sff<fii 'll (routing two voting Kttjtfiahwonn*ii in the imtnn#r Hi xrffitrh jtom of »k# [exempt «li9t tb##c i rta hmr alt tin i The* no* t*nvd*ng In A apf* til tir, 111 ted op HO 4# t*» \w a veritable palace OB whcchi. The* fcftv* with them tkclr owl , port era. cr oki* c» *rbiu*ti Anil mnitlii. find their cur bn* a ndMrtorfcfd *r|)f | Kirin §ff Mina chant* and Mias Kmc Robert* Ml** R»rhar*l» ;In th* daughter of C. M. Richard*, ccr.cra! manager of the Dominion twrcf'O Isfvaipooi and it*mfoo. Robert* la bia »l#r# Both girl* ar*» hupdaom*. atylUh and •j- i‘H in «>v*»rvlhlng cd and all thc?r want* arc gratified lit a regal manner Their car U knomn PH, hbiKS r»r ■*. and tic long* to the pmiid’Dl of the Fitchburg railroad The car waa afderdidly fitted ut» and decorated for their line. Muallne cur tains overhang the wind'.**, and Hpnng from JaimncAC Jardiniere# *m narh Hide of the ikxtf le;i«Jing Into the reception drawing-room. A bookcase bold* o complete assortment of hooka on the lotted Slate*, while rug* . over the lenther divan* and gorgech* pillow* are *ca?t**red artlntically about. Charming pictorea hang on *vaM«, *oft cuthlont He on the inviting looking couches, and a raauat glance at the Interior of the car give* one the impression that It I* the temporary home of refined and cultivated women. The young women have already s f »cn everything (hat H to be seen In the East anil are now traveling In Colora do. Afater they have been lo Califor nia they will return to Boston, whence they sail for England.—Chicago Trib une. In the Service of the Red Cross Margaret Astor Chanler. In spite of the entreaties of her relatives, who number many of the wealthiest and most socially prominent persons in the country, has refused to give up the self-sacrificing Red Cross nurse work upon which she engaged In Bor to Rico, and now her health lias bro ken down under the strain. Ihe as sidious labor that.htr liospilal for sol diers exacts proved too much for her strength. She founded the hospita and is 0 nurse of the Red Gross In It. Only ore person, a gentlewoman like herself, aids her. Mlsa Margaret As tor Chanler must remain at her post, even If her Illness he grave. Miss Chanler has an income of $30.- 000 a year. The gray stone mansion at 317 West Seventy-fourth street, New York, that everyone admires, is hers. She has an ancestral county seat, at Rokeby. near Tarrytown. N. Y. The ! Brcvoorts. Winthropn, Rutherfords, Stuyvesants and Livingstons ate her relatives. She Is the great-great-gvacdfVmghter of the original John Jacob Astor. She is the great-granddaughter of William B. Astor. William Waldorf Astor, John Jacob Astor, F. Marion Craw ford, Mrs. Haig, Mrs. Dime Wilson, Miss Van Alen. Miss Marion Langdon. Miss Maude Howe Elliott and Colonel Delancey Kane are her cousins. She is the granddaughter of Sam Ward, who had wit. classical learning and exquisite taste. She is the grand • laughter of Julia Ward Howe, of Ter ry, t Ue sculptor John Armstrong Chanler and William Astor Chanler a:e her cousins. A Georgia Christmas Dinner Those who remember his intense j IWjNwRp I® fy*a .%£ ii ■ '•**l## ****%# kia m*f m A«i«M*a tut ** • • AIA# ■ * *■ : *ga f 'ig |# Ik* ! .iviawig w#l-. # #* ik# iasA p- •-»*.-#» #t 1 iw fi W M*4t**i I |i*i klwmii* • crgC'kl *»g krtaial i <«#*># «•»# |c rtf' ft# I*4 *kN»*. {•* cftcrcd «Rk ca»# *tfx> A New Miffrff ih •> (• 0 w#w akin f»*f Ikna# tako I will *«M*f U It I# ac#ml##a At lh* | r**Mfi#t itig ll oiJof I# lv*t of Ike • *»4*a. k*t •#* « Hi fk* f#A* I . , . . m ej, tfl* V Chat ioc IN h Marlv VNctcn* at a chafing diab parly with I Mr* Wright. , Mrs. pkHrfYon It*. it* ,* •, \.|s, ii*, yp Ml" Wrfsht. Ml** Taylor M.** il.t, s*i(»rlbfirg M Meade. 14 INafTtng* I {op n r Ki iipc Vottb Mr Tim Tay* « n| || r \Va’N«V Whcl. jM Mr. Walker ’ Wat face. Mr. dc Ro**ctt aad Dr. Il“»* Vtrdcrv Made Club. \lt the rcralMi In the VeHcry Mu- I *lf * *s|||w f [ <q«| ... ,j to meet M*“« j Willard at tbc V M. F A. Tue* lay j 1 1| „,r* t tc|v vd« m the attendance at Itance st the Arsenal Mr. Charles J. Havne its* returned from an extruded lecture lour through the West He was received et."i> where »lib enthusiasm and has won numberless mw friends and ndtnlrejs. Mr. ami Mrs. 8 H. Whhney’s sons will ail return from college and from Bortoti to tpend’lbe Christmas hole i|ays at home. There will fa; a big family reunion anil dinner. Miss Collin* of Macon, pleasantly re membeied us Ihe guest of Miss Mattie la-e Both well, will spend psrt of the Christmas holidays with Miss Mattie d’Antiguar- Miss Marlon Oates, who will spend the holidays at home, will compliment her friends with n dancing party on the evening of the twenty-eighth. Mr. David Jordan and Mr George Howard, who are attending the Tech nlloglcal school In Atlanta, will come down Friday for the holidays. Miss Mary Emily Wrfght and Miss Margaret Jordan have returned from a visit to Mrs. Patello, in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. H. <’. Roberts nnd children, of Maeon, will spend Christ mas with Mrs. 0. F. Agrell. Miss Sarah Harper will eorae ilown from Atlanta on Thursday to spend the holidays at home. The Misses Wright of Beeeh Island are the guests of Mrs. Hickman on the Hill. Miss Merial Black (ms returned from a visit to Mrs. Spalding in Atlanta. Miss Ethel Heggte Is spending the holidays at home. SUPERB [IRE OF Christmas Goods! Suitable and elegrant pre sents for everybody. The most elegant Stationery in the South. Toys of every imaginable kind Call eariy and avoid the rush. , DUNBAR & WILLIAMS MM M Mill SalE Bitlittiti The day Chrittma* wa b««ln to take Inventory t^i! r ?mali aight <8) tni*in«»** d#y» naw Aid a* *urt tomor- whS^u* *oWa right at th. hljh tid« of winter filing, riaht h*rc In tha JjWJ oMJKv!S»- harvaat. wf open thii rnduclng-cleanlng-cui i i. >« »oir* 11 ® e „ tory sal* on the most nece»*ary winter good*. It •l r JJ3Jm°iS winter In the next e.ght day* a great many thou.andtofcMlarsm wm*e good* at les* than our regular price*, and it wM be good dnrt°ne y loyou to como ami buy. Read cloaely some prices which tollow . $2.45 Men's Tan box calf, calf lined shoes, heavy soles and up-to-date toes, the kind other dealers ask you #3.00 for, The ebove is our ptice. $2.95 Men’s T * n cal * ,in * d Shoes for above figure- This shoe is made of fine box calf and very stylish. Hand Sewed and considered cheap at *3.50. $3-50 You know what other dealers ask you for a nice hand sewed Tan willow calf shoe. "Golf style,” made as near per-, feet ion as a shoe can be. $5 is their price, the above is our figure. $1.35 We can give you for above figure the best Youths' spring heel shoe on eorth- Don’t fail to try a pair of them. They make your shoe bill just ha.t. y Low Prices / C Creates Big / L Business^ JUST RECLIVLI) Reclaim Army Gantlets BictstinGlm WOOLEN GLOVES and Every Kind of HH FOR THE SOLDIERS And a New Line of Stylish NECKWEAR. L. SYLVESTER 826 Broadway. A decided novelty in the way of newspaper enterprise is announced from 1-upland. It Is written upon a single sheet Of paper and is published every Sunday at a town with an unpro nounceable name. Ip to the present ihe journal has only a hall' dozen sub serf hers and every isJue is well filled with loud applalise A splendid assort ment of j of fashionable Pocket; Books and Card Cases in best leathers for men and women at Richards & Shaver’s. John W. Hadeit of Atlanta is at the Planter*. , Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co. TWO 834 Broad St., name across sidawalk TWO STORES 722 Broad St., opposite Monument STORES ■ ~ PARLOR MARKET, " T V ' 95J Broad Street. BBI.O PHONE 40». X h'jk&'S YOUR CHRISTMAS TURKEY should hi- fat. Juicy, tender and I'flt K’ 0 succulent, and unjnint at the first ii J~s j* ,** touch of the knife. A war with ' Turkey can be avoided it you MjPERJJT choose your bird from the choice s'ftJjyrlJßi lot that are being fattened for our market. We will have them In all W Hiaeji. and nurtured like Spain’s ITTH ■ ' w»*ukilns Kln«, till we are ready S lin'il 1 for them A turkey or suckling pi* •JXJ.L. t.s, f r om our stock means a feast. morphine voHSHIK.t tPA* NUUS I HOME New Ye*. FRESHEST AND FINEST HEATS DRESSED POULTRY OF ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. v_ HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR CALVES— N ROBERTS’ MEAT MARKET Strowger’Phone 824 - Bell ’Phone 433 FOB Wt, FENCING - CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 810 10th Street, Augusta, Bit. XML-'hit of Town Work Solicited*^® Two Visits. Thirty-four years ago Major McKlp ley paid a vlsli to the city of Atlanta. He was received with a perfetl mi nunade. Atlanta Constitution. AU ovation to McKinley—People of Atlanta go wild over the President's speech.—New York Sun. Hat Racks, finest Unhand lowest pr 1,068 ,068 in city at Fleming & Bowie*. | $1.95 Ladias* fina Dongola hand watt button shoos, flexible extension solos. Theso shoos are regular S 3 valuos. but wo intond to lot thorn go at abova figure. $1.50 For above price wa will sail you tha best Ladies’ kid button or lace shoa. patent tip or tip same, that Is sold anywhara. Has much ’’get-up** and sty la as any snoe sold in this city for $2. $1.25 We have an odd lot of Misses’ Spring heel button shoes, patent tip A plain toes, all popular makes. No shoo in the lot sells for less than $ 1.75. Sizes I 2 to I. Will close out at above figure SI.OO Misses’ Spring heel Dongola kid shoes, patent tips, sell regularly for SI.RO, and are good values at that Will close them out at above figure. JOHN H. FEAREY The K' liable Jeweler Can be found at 2 1 1 Campbeil Street, first door from Broad. Best Goods at lowest prices. 1 1, SlltS. yiM Place your order at once and avoid rush, ihinds cheaper than ever. K. J. Henry * Co., popular priced tailors, 216 ami 21S Campbell street. „ DICIMAIA fk-