The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 19, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THE IUGUSTI HERALD «M* ff»*R , • * mx mmtm . . . ; Mm * 1 **• •*'* M f%WMMk#P# 41 9mmM* ftj !*•*A IMM* IMMHii fwiaa „...■ """“Wjiai-d ftwMm •mmmmw omt in rnmi mm i ««»»■» ls MM - **« UMt •»»*•»•• n* ... - M(BWHM ' '■'' •M'tSBBSBBI VOti WILE VWD THU MI.RAI.K |« mull If* Itelet Al»g*» •»* ■■K | m h A' tK# Itodtota* tie**t *l4 M *v»* ratal**. .„ I» M«*M> -At Ito «*»»•» H*"*** *•< _ . _ to Ctarariraratora-At ito itotow Hinr* f« Orai«raiM».-At lA* ora** <>*♦»•< to Mew V (•f A tJMf'-- Al It* IW4 to* • | t «»4 rUTto *iiw» M*'t ftarlMM toIHNC l* *a* Yto ((•»•»* •* |„«* et, »*• «|t4 *•!•»'• 4* *lfl • favor *’> tuffs rtf* tto tost to »•*** 11 ■II If* aa oU Ml trm aaytag Ito "H tats laagh* to*t laugh* toal.’ Wtoe I* the to*ta*M mh *to lawgb* hit f Always the mu* wto Vn ms» (Mali to to.ti l amowral to NMCh that |tm tor* tor ton *«r«wig tor total tori If to keep* m ad* rrilnng to'M tov* tto towgh on yam b> and toy In tom*, of (NTH. ><MI are wtm« •hough to to |«*f to g««d ad>rrtUlng at to flora*. y rar la and yarar out Tto aim who tough are alt rraprv aantrd la oar iotana* Jala tkaaa Hail to tha Ctotof Ha* Grass Joined Garda? Dta hot tot (hit week end without a trident* nt of thr mill flueatkm. tagwu't torn ramr Saat all Rood tiinig* aw raanrmd for tto rad. Thr Hi Hit hern Hallway la out with “thr map that tenure* tto president s triait." The Baltimore’- Brooklyn amalgams tad tvsra of thr JUatlnual Iragur ahoulil to A atroat on*. Great effort It bring put forth to In due* Lyman Abbott to remain with Plymouth church. How that thr war U over. Mr* Thu ■avxnnah pro**, tlie millionaire* are gem* bark to Jakyll Island. Hr. Andrew* ha» rumen tad to stay In Chicago with tha full undrmUndlng that he la to be "hoes" of the schools The Macon Telegraph call* It •Hemphfll’s Jubilee." amt say* that Atlanta * "peace show »a* a cheap at fair." . Charleston want* a million amt a half from congress to deepen her chan nel. How about It. Messrs. Estlll and Stovall? Remember tn four purchasea this week to make at least one small heart happy—do not forget the West End CbrUtma* Tree. The predldeuts Christmas present will be the delivering of the pence treaty into hi* hands. It I* expected he will get It on Christmas eve. One little submerged rock In the har bor of New York has done more dam age to the American navy than all the warships of Spain were able to do. Macon Telegraph. That was a new and entlrely-to-be rejolced-at guard of honor- the escort j composed of the Confederate Onrap and the Grand Army of the Republic camp marching together. The New York Times, referring to "the follies ami falsehoods of Christian Science.” and Mrs. Kddy’a relation rhereto. Mils Mns. Livingston Mims a "book agent of that seeress.” The Spaniard* must he mad the Spanish shopkeepers of Algiers throw ing back the gold coins tendered in payment of purchases by the crew of the Helena. Bui how about the twenty millions? Joseph McGee, aged 110 years— which Is vouched for—took out a li cense Saturday to marry a fifty-year uld widow - This is McGee’s fourth ven ture in the matrimonial line, which rectos to agree with him. The exemption of factories from tax es iu Alabama Is a popular measure, according to The Birmingham Age- Herald . It never reduces, in the long run taxable Tallies, bernuse the gain* from the location of factories are great er that the exemptions. • MAMM I Tto* Ik MM flat to tMtodl R*flM**ra [ # *4 fj|g §»*«*«!•!** At Ife* |'«*M tt*N* ! HmMKI.. I MMMt «#4 kmuw4 A 4*f MMfM **«* A i L» Mtota to to mm. j AagwM* Mto t|M fffraatarat ••»*<Kto j tar Mk* taw atari tow** to I* ta to *Mta *m goal ton tag, ta MWMto fto tratraa j ito wmmmmm <* *» •«wm*w ta* *to total Mwi tawwtol to* Oto* j nti toffrff'tto tin Tto ftototort tow *Mk«. ***«. an* .Mpwfto wtM mm to to tto war I taw* ta WiAMM town Aaffwata. tt.ii bit Imm ta«w a ffnwwtal an* • Wa *»«i«r# tto kaMrtmn *tot Mr. UrtUftry h«* mm* •» ik* (►*** •wl ta Intmtol Wtatof tk 'to wdaeta aa* affarUto* nf Ito AowMi by tat* tparrlr n Mta tatarttall word* A»ltv*r*4 I tar* ta fw*. than could tak*e taea tarn* !* votuaw* of *t*te totor* •••* ***klr I ruaa'nl yrltoe* ptok*»». M* to* I graapM* out kawitr and look Ink ta oar |ay*a. tour imm) m that tto word* | itw oia. fnat tala tod H*> || ii As hitw rr4 iw>, itaai tat* taaa Jroao from Ito rank* of Ito ratM ar jmr a* a private, aa* to* *'»ay» toe* I* Htgrtiblteoa of Ito Rrytklkto. I Bv H rrawoatored ttaal no* of klv lasnat *arbn*l**<lc o*li no»M waa |lwa lundor Ito Home of tto Coofmtoary’c I grot cayritol at Mn*t«om*rr and ottb !in ito abadow nf tto monument dedlra | ted tot laat w**k to Ito fallen hero** [of tta* U»t Cauae. Tto Prvaldoat'a week ta tto Booth baa been fruitful of good, of much He ha* aouorled "tto deolb knell of tretlonaSiam " It ta Indeed a gioriou* rbonght th.rt hereafter on oto and tto naroa day throughout tha broad Republic jibe grave* nf both North and Mouth, of Cntoo and Coafrdernle, may be atrevrn with flower* by Hvliia hand*, commemorative also of n reunited and henceforth Indtnaolnble country. Wr are brother* again, marching to gether with com men rauae. with even and rad*t lea* tread to a glortnua fu ture tn tta* nation* of the world. J'row the I-ato* to the Gulf the map ta restored and complete—“aectlonal lima* no longer mar tta tar*." All AOOUITA IfICIDItIT Chnrlr* Hoyta famoua play. “A Texaa Steer." «u presented at the op era bouRM the other night and an tn jeldent occurred. Illuatrallng that on the territorial expansion quention. the ! soldi*-* of Camp Ma< krnaie are unant | mon*. A* moat of us know, the arene of the play la on the Texas frontier and two I t’nlted State* ofllcer* were fastening I the national flag over the entrance to I the fort. One of theae ofllcer* remark led to a Mexican that there was a power In the star-spangled banner, adding: "If you don’t believe It Juat try to haul R down " The effect was electrical. Coming upon the heel* of the Presi dent's Atlanta speech, telegraphed The Herald that afternoon, the word* re ceived double significant*. The Pres iden hud uttered at Piedmont Park these words about the flag: “Who will withdraw from the people over whom It floats Its protecting folds? Who will haul It down?" The aoidiers in the gallery yelled and a cheer broke from the audience. If the sentiment at the opera house, under the excite ment of the aetor’s hit, could have been measured. It would have been in favor of annexing the Philippines. Mexico end everything In sight. It was a happy hit of the actor and lie brought down the house by taking ad vantage of the report of the President’s speech in The Herald. Since the Augusta performance the same acetic has been enacted tn Sa vannnh. the presence of the Texas sol diers and ofllcer* quartered there, mak ing a wildJy demonstrative few mo menta at the old Savannah theatre. Texas. It will be remembered, was one of the colonies that fought her way in to the Union. the negro problem settled. The latest scheme of chimera chas ing philanthropists, mainly residents of Kansas—where, by the way. ttie governor bns Jud railed a special ses sion of the Legislature to deal with in ternal affairs —t* to ask Congress for an upproprlatlou of JUtt.WW.OtHI, where with to establish negro colonies in Cu ha. Porto Rico and Hawaii This petition will probably reach Washington today. Thomas Jefferson, years ago. gave TTR 3C HERALD itt* g- «$» pt • mS y*b , «4k ,| » ■tyjnßtatff'W it**- (pMi !?**%* <.-*m a-f fft A a .MkHi ftufji tv <|r lip s*-tmm m nso mm imm *0 I i mi #mnpi. mmma Imi • #m MMI MMlfrti IlN'4 #4V fM# MM*# Ml I Ito A tap* arriim* mms It tfIMMN by j fktfl INMVC A. #*m4 >'f >M Mw»4i Ml i AMf KMv t>M»l *• • mMMWWt HMMI Mh j Mmmmim mml »Mt|if fr»MM i MMMitiMI Mi IMM Mtill Mat tMt* prarikes to lb* tato* to toa ra* Rto Am Mm Kaaato aabtokHMlMi nto wa* m* Mm k■>*«»* taiitkto*. mm jr* yitlifrM I ■MMfMMMI'nM# «|M Mi ill. ifeilfl Miifi. InM j vIMmM loti, KIMTOfttAI. bOfIWfBSHIJMMSNCIi Oa-abu-Truta. Ita* M.—taf rauaa* I lam uc4 «m tto traw, fto tto fra* , I erayAlc*t t'Mtor Mi awlaaaa caaetav» .naa grnutoa* agstaat my arrtttag »*• |mun> tetters Tn tta* trata “ They jawtai nut tbit Ito Bgjrfgtoa taMkara Inf my MrftMftkkt tat t»** dawae fennuab wit brawl amnavatlua N w*tk tto lullaby DM Ml ilgkratag eiyrese | Hut I am anmawbera I am awra «f 1 1tart—toaatat* m mm aid* by tto laat tiwta »«* <m tto tobto by tto bet' 1 1 thlak H ua* Mydaej Smith she sot* to a eg ebrate* JwkaMar* that | ihi# -tamtair'" rs#o* wa* ta bi* toa* If you draw t aa* tto jatot. aettd for tto •tractor. ft Mi aa aaaiomiral yua. At awy fkta. thta la tto tumtoc rw | gkta to Mlaataaiiml. Ttarougbout aa arwa MR mlltw Imi aa* Tk ml'ea wot- ( > rrrvikina t lueltotag tto tab pmet I bows to tto lam ber banoat Tto dol lars, Ilk* tto dolls, ant made of sow- j iilwat. Tto clfiular wbleb chiefly tta ‘ rutate here are riruelar aawa taut there is "thrMl. thrift, Horatio, ' an* {beyoa* that, eai tamo? And speaking of thrift raatnU tar i that so we to our Georgia town* might ; well learnt a valuable leaanaa fv-ur the ! progress and enterprise of tto Ittl# Inti#* of Mississippi There M llatllvf bnrg. for tastawc*—* piacu to i.tom in habitant*, And yet she ha* ull ths 1 luxuries und convvniepcluu of a city. iTto magnificent school building- a monument to the enterprise of Pro*, f F. PbtlUpu—la aa big as the Richmond county court house (architectural!* i streaking, of eouraef 1 and I well ra ' member a at ranger asking me. several I year* years ago. If that waa not the :Georgia state house. Everything Mae 11a Id keeping water work*, elertric j lights, cotton, culture and turpentine It it really a delightful place, and one of ito moat enterprising in Ml* siaalppl. It wa* under tha auspice* of tto La mar Literary Huctcty that I had the [pleasure of speaking there—and what a host nf memories that magic nnm* awakened! l-amar--the dreamer and the atatmumn. tto kindliest, gentle*', strongest son of the Houth who evrr *at In Senate or cabinet. How proud I have always been to recall that he wa* a native Georgian, and when ev ery other tie I* sundered between ths Umpire state of the Booth and the state |of the Father of Water*, the nam* of Lucius Quintus Circlneatu* Lamar will keep them, ta* Shakespeare saysi. ’’Like a double cherry, Seeming parted.” Evan as l write T recall that dell lous story they tell of him—so typical of his genial, easy-going nature, so careless of tinunrlsl affairs. He had Just been chosen by hla warm friend and life-long admirer, Grover Cleve land, for a place in cabinet. The new secretary of thr Interior waa looking around, to company with his estimable wife, for a residence which would bs eome the social statue imposed by the new position. At last the good lady found one. on Dupont circle. I think—at any rate ;u that neighborhood. The absurd salary of a cabinet okl eer. tb<n, us now. was SB,OOO a year "What Is the rent of h* house, dear?” asked the gentle sage of Ox ford. "Seven thrusand live hundred dol lars a year," replied Mrs. Lamnr. The Judge walked to the window nnd for a long time stood gar-lng out in that abstract way which always rnork <d him. The minutes passed, and multiplied, hut S ill he did not arouse frirn his reverie. At lust the good lady approached him and said: "What are you think ing of. dear?" • I was just wondering,” replied the judge, “what we would do with that other sr.oo a year!” He was indeed’’the Xnightlieet of the knightly race,” for there was a stem, as well as a gentle, side to his nature, and the student of congressional his tory is not likely to forget his excoria tion of Conkllng: "Those are severe words,” said the President of the Satiate, deferentially calling the senator from Mississippi to order. ' They are severe." fie replied. "Thoy are word* which no good man would deservov-and no brave mau would bear! ” There has never been such a mnment T:i ■ | • IN* «*••*• nf >N» ta> ' * *•>*'•* its*-* mim total f*i>Nto t ts mm yww fl*N 4MM Nf MM ■«**<% Ito* MMA ta*-' 4rhmnMNim **• pf'yMwwMii M| 1 •to *# im wm% M I h i 1 <1 mm ti Ntass'u mmMMMMa # Mml imi ft t f omo ***** j | « 1 Ms * **oo I r>kfi4« $ Imm j f ?*; JlfNl itataMi MM MbfMlMi M4MM f ling ttf-ill Mfif j l i*|mijMrmM m *Mm I Mi |i««4«Mi MMM m mmmm I tofitalkiMlinr ##M : *H jfm#i -f Mi IMm li tnTUT Iw< MMmI t<s %m M* '**-*4 Mi MMm^ 1 jitMMi Ml <*4* UmpMiMNI HmmmMmU. MM4 immnmmm Mm Mm# Immm f »iMM> i Mi I ?«* r« mmmi Mmm Mmmm mnnmml Mi \mm | [ |i «kmMk4M4 jf iliMi ii ~ MMiiMMMMMM* Imi M*Mf m* m ****** I MrilltMM § M»NM M'M'M MMMfV Mi j than aaytbto* aftato (to *•»* to •tataktopaiat* aN* ar *b* MMto ((to* a 4rsm* amsto totoktob total toftkkMl star* MtoHm atotaf aNtoNfl *to ftoto to OmHmnM ttat m a all WtM? I tor* grata* (tomato bi* awtatofral htaNb- fbtti"“*?r tr«N**»te* to (to Lai* karanta* Nbrato, rata* ! k**g mM rar * [hai ta (to mssirar 4n>mtatto aa* flato j [to NMtora imnn* than mtm a *aaaa rtrwaaUa MUM I [tl«flikto |mmt h*fM **>* iMMuMI **9 • 4hMMM tnaaifraafaMrara* ml tba mm tokmra* (* tbrita*. abrartoa (to tograMas toco | ttomtato ta tor* to a M* ■«■*» fftoav oraaty. totoMTN(toy framlato* torata# aa* gaartraa la (to Wl lkrto toy Iwboai K<>**•< in*** aa* to** (to grito ! -poor pet** (toato M to?— of rraaMa- j lag (bat M la Ito anal- Uyvraraa's aoral j infuato lata tto *atL wbleb Rosas* | ratify tavraa, •I'ksat »ra»p*et(rag (to j - rrawairartvit. Ttoa oa raatil Ito atoraat- | sal death ar*a> tatoa Raaaa* ta*» . (bto H waa Cyfaao otto sraggHv* th* j baby-tow* rkrttotaa with tto fla* ] •oris abtrb s***a tor. j Aa* ttoa #a*b potory: "A fctaa— A nas tot oa tto T* as adortaioa - I A aerret that to airatk araf aar, I* j wbltofcra*— Hrraah of a to*'a wtag. (tot mmkmm Maw rt»ra*l m Roar, awaggvrttol. gtße*. aobl* Cy Iraaat [ | should Ilk* u aaa that pollabv* poltlsrng. that caliutw* ta*. Dick Manaflcid. taterpral him (’HARLEM J. BAYNE Tto Mara W ho Walk* Uk* a Bear If* • very large ssorl* thrat w*’re living to. wtrh room rami vworagk t*, sraaira: An* itor*’* noshing at alt to or*vent a ! man from liking wtast’a to bis laat*. Bom* turn to baltla an* It* alarms for tto music that suits ttom tost. Their muse* wait ran the posenlats, tto man with tto kingly creat. And they give ua fable* in forms aus tere. you troubl* a bit an* stgh When vs emits* tto tvrrtflr things that their maaartaf word* Imply: ; I I’d rasher skip all tto •tatmman*hla j when tto prophets exetatm "Be- i ware!" And turn with relief to Tommy* Da*. J tto man who walk* like a toar.! i A imnitl. fallow, hi run» , +r*rf nUrht In frtrt | Th# fi*t h*‘r * hoi# *t*f» tii ran r*c*wnl*e a hnlf i block U 4» the utrtit. ’ And both are a bit world-weary sflth j the trouble* of tto day; I Each svetcogge* tto chum aa to sees! him come for tto evening’* ius-j tamed play. I It’* after tea that the fun you’ll see. a*, i crouching upon all four*. Thta tieast which In vain Tommy’# tried j to train stalks viciously round and roars. 'And the sofa pillow* are none too fine to fashion a fitting lair i In the library for Tommy’s Dad, the man who wstks like a bear. And It's sweet to feel 'mi* the clang of i steel an* the murmuring threats of atrlfe iThat the mtui who will msy be happy still In a quiet and placid life It la pleasant to stray far, far away j from the motives that broil and mix, For, fter all. there’s a lot in life to- j sides fighting and polities j Afar from marbles and stately wall* dwells the simple average man. Yet to. and his kind, are th* keystone in the arch of the nation’s plan. So let’s take time for a simple rhyme, it isn’t so much to dare, !Of salutation to Tommy’s Dad, the man who walks Mke a bear. —WASHINGTON POST. New Poem by Ktppltng. London Cable to the New York Sun: The Times publishes a poem try liud yard Kipling entitled “Kitchener's School.” purporting to tie a translation of the song of an Indian Mahomedan addressed to the Hubshees of Soudan ese. The following three stanzas are typical of the whole: Knowing that ye are foreflt by battle and have no right to live. He begs for money to bring you learn ing and all the Knfclish give. It is (heir treasure, it is their pleasure. thus are their hearts inclined, For Allsr created the English mad, the maddest of ail mankind. They do not consider the meaning of things, they consult not creed or clan. Behold, they clap the slave on the hark and. behold, he becometh a man. They terribly carpet the earth with dead, and before their cannon cool They walk unarmed by twos and threes to call the living to school. Certainly they were mad from of old, but I think one new tiling That the magic whereby they Work their magic, wherefrom their for tunes spring, Msy be that they show all people their magic ana ask no price in return Wherefore, since ye ar* bound to that magic, O hubshee make haste and learn. ODR SUGGESTIONS DORM'S DORR'S * IwMiPMm" jmsmmMS j t lll|tl’ II * d-taMMNfe 41 Mhws * m MJMmM* 1 I'lMfiMSilMl- I4NMMS m WmIMMMI tfetteM** (H»fMM I * %m*tm*m* * I z ******* * Wfjsy, * (MM K*4i «IM I * immntuM*** »*** ** t******* Hm4MMS m Hmm HmMsm * *• MMMM Utatat* ** MMMM MU f-#*■#% * ss*** m t**4h U*t* m tMtaiffMl C*o* m |mmm Mi'Mi Mr* > m H*» IMnhMmrm m CNmsmmMMM * < SMttaM) sh» '(him, m §mkm * Mi o*o*9 m NMM Mi ll Mir " (NilKrp— * OS** Jm# M#**. * s«r Mu**. - mmmm Mwtamr • Ctotam ** mini Mn 99* * €%** I • ImUtirm INMIVMItftfMv 11-Ms “Good T«s*« Apparel." DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 221 ,9tbl CAMPBELL STREET. EL W. IDCXDGKE RQhfier Stamps. Seals, Brands, sc. 221 t<th St., Next to Holman s Meat Marks AUGUSTA, GA. ‘EACnWjtti THE HEIULD < t ROW ICsj ijgisiig I I 112 r i-5T I4IS 16J7 Christmas ! Opening PENDLETONS W Mli M*M4 9 MM IrIMRNMaMViM I*4 MNI ***9%99* **4 ( taflto i tab# **9 •■■-tM *M# I ***** 4 |MM PENDLETON Ra* k*»a«bt *ai a oarark gs HOLIDAY GOODS fmuMTt fc* mM *m*9 **4 <*m&u nw «t ■mm a*4 <44i4iwi. On «M*"M Ml BOOKS hm ***** Mmm wyMitM Ml IMfet riff. LAMPS AND TABLES Itoabful ta (totaa aa* low ta grins. WAVE CREST GOODS Rich aa* Ktograrat la dwtga. st;w id'tM Picket mi Cimits r tm iH Bnkiets Oamcs. Juvenile and Toy Books EASTMAN KODAKS. Nta Photographic Supplies of awry klo* an* dmeri ptiora al Lowest Prices. > PORTNBR’S < C HOKBRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF / j Export \ ? Beers j ? ARE THE BEST C T ASK KOR THKM. / For Rent Farm of thirty acres just [ below city. Dwellings, stores and ffices in ail sections of the city. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 & 2 Library Building. EiDSIKE OUT SALE In order to close out my entire stock of woolens by the lirat of February, by the pattern or made to order, I will sell at and below cost. TERMS CASH. WM. E. BENSON Merchant Tailor, 74S Broad Bt. Xmas Presents. Silk Suspenders in Boxes at 50 cents. Gents' tine Neckwear al 25 and 50 cents. Ladies and Gent's Silk Gariars at 25 and SO cents. Ladies and Gents’ fine Silk Handkerchiefs froth 25 cents to J 2. Ladies and Gents' Silk Umbrellas from J 1.25 up. Flhe Walking canes from 25 yent9 ud Gents' fine Oloves of all kinds Plain and fancy Socks, Shirts and Underwear -and all other thing* not mentioned at reasonable prices. F. G. Mertins. the Tailor and Gent's Fur nisher. opposite Planters Hotel. DECEMBER >€ SwtGaiil's TN Ed Ur* (tn* of tXMluti* fill hotMSoy rtovotlMM* A 4 out on tflQiffi in t»fttaf of Door. Ivflrythlrtf mark*d in P'flin f (urw to INI you con IN ortcota B**u* Itful ToMtat DfCOfflltd Ato* m *«r» for OOc. Hundrod* of botilot of ColoinM And liirflcu. ond a bon with bottio of CxtrActa and coho of Soap for 20c. Bo cor lain to too my lino. L. k GARDELLE, •- ■ ; PROF. P. M WHITMAN, *O9 7H M . AlftO. Go IrtnfßimTltTttatlataaa •, *• «*• **■»■ i oa* oaJta Laasa* e«l raara yrarav tom* ratal, yew aao FREE OF CKAR&E, ■■■■oipu ior# COAL and WOOD FROM TUB North AninflU Cool A Supply Co Quaattty aa* QraalMg Usavasitta A F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bail 'Ftaara* (Ml asrvar M Eastman’s KODAKS. \ \ j ( ) BimmJ We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Sharer, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. (OMMIHHOK MKUCHANTb -803 Feyiolis st^TeleDhone; 1 rival* Lvsm* (Virts Lure! to New York Chicago and .'«» Ortoaa*. Orders execute* over our wire for Cotton. Stock*. Bouda. Grain an* Pro. visions fur cwsh or on margins Local sscurittss bought an* aol* Refurvncse -National Exchange Bank of Auguatta or UercaiUUs Ageuclera. FOK SALE. Number SI Telfair street—Four room house —1.0-t 40x150 feet. Ten acres of land on tto Sand Hill*, near Hotel Bon-Air. Dwelling of 13 rooms, stable, barn and servant house. Win sell at a sacrifice. Three small houses and lota on Sand Hills. Will sell separately or all. at • bargain. *7 Acre# of land near Wrightiboro road one mile above city's new water basins. 50 seres of land near Miltedgevllle road, seven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. KTBXT! IMF-T beg to notify my friends and customers that 1 have added another chair to my Barber Shop, making six first-claes Barbers, and I hope to accommodate my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 A 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL. ft BRASS BAND OUTFITS SsftTN PIANOS. ORGANS and rfr* MUSICAL INSTRUHENTS. Everything New In OP SHEET rtUSIC THOMAS it BARTON, Augusta,Gi.