The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 19, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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WEST END XIS TREE. Where the Contributions Should Be Sent. || I* a atu» >u % UnM Hitt wWt to Mt I*■ sMXftn* Wl«M« Ito **»-• •f 1 Mi II Ik lk> OMfl #to» **. •%" »»« M CtoWitoS **'«• *• Mai *m mim pmp«w «to>toto Mi *»«••?«*%» <4 tv ««# •*»> 10t>n *-» idtUlMto »# IM Chl «»« fIUHH Tm VTtttl ‘##•■4l4 BSiJl* Hi |lift ««, s#4. Him I#)*****## fnß#M*S #*4 lits 1-1 «MM #4 mi Kil ||«|t Hull m* *94#» 49 ft 4 tn44* M•* 49M4* MMI Hlfll 14# MMMHH4 «# # gw n#'**t #4*9 #*•* 111 fttt 14# Milt# Ml * %f* • ft##* i4# rti niHl##> llm# IMHMMi §4# iMlt rt 4 j lit > #f An#*#9* 4*N4 W* MM H«HI r%r»Ttriir on# HUM *#*•#• 4 UMM 4*# ifft <Hi» i«o ffc# Hw* #f Mtf 111 111-* 4 MUimi •#. MM *» M#Mlt «M In* Wfl* 4#• I'Mwa aM jny Mi kpitM tto* I* M*Ml MM ito MBWMlliti at da (mix taM M«rr (4MMI IS lit* tttr <4 HatMtl »kn t#M M Sisk* IkS (Vw ■s* • tu»rr T *** Mr otto* rtwiif**. kaitr Mr ilmmKm Is IV MMrinm mm <4 lustriSstlM I* *»«*to»'» If »«'**—. r»n■ lor IV W«M Bs4 nuatsta hw A «MtniMtiss of lor li mla snaa aatllai to tv v#l! M Mi mm iStMtoa of vall'tr# Sstrsto. toil II rtll isms • sir* stMsai s toil <4 rssir s toy, « tto-totsa till ssm CbrlstSM* to Ito AMi toast. If ros ossl srsi a «Sf It smr insatlM. In rrrrr rtoW to MSS" »to** to nally M)or w to* Chrtatmss n isrtstot tto Win Bad imV ossa svfc s toy. s kit sf halt. or asaMMlss as iksi asmre Mim Jails Moor*, si Tto HrrsM oMrr, la irrsaurrr tor !*><• tosi. Mr ,111 fMft ssi salt«Mjr srhsoaitoicr receipts of memty donstloM. - i nafrrtlnas Mould os srot to Mrs. K B. liatl*r. M* q t>nir Mrari abo will rwrftrl ssi srraaf* prrossl* of tVaf ktnda tor Ito lilt t* (MM. Ths Horsli will to th* depot for tor* <4 all kin da sod tutor arttrlaa VtllM II la Seal red ’o contnhuts. Tbs Herald will tee tbs I all sorb presrsta are placsd is Ibe possMslt* <4 Ito proper distributixf •j SIFTINGS. Ybere are nearlv three thotsasnd stitch** In a pair of hand-aewß boots. The present population of New Mti |eo la wtlmated at 2*3,000, Including India us \h* nutaix r of laborers at work on Ito Simplon railway tunssl Is tine band red anil eight y-oae. Of about thirty rerognltei coaling stations In ths Pacific. Orest Britain owns at least twelve and the United State a six. Italy exported last year 21.000 an cient and modern work* of art, valued at tson.oto. More than one-half of them went to Germany. !,emon baths are popular In the Weat Indies. Three or four lemon* are cut up and left to soak In water for half an hour. The bath l» very refreshing. Jerusalem la now nothing hut n shadow of the magnificent city of an cient time*. It is about three miles In circumference and la situated on a rocky mountain. ,A great fear of some impending dis aster seems to have fkllen over Pekin, and numbers of houses now have the word* "Speak not of state affairs ’ written on slips of red paper posted over the lintels of each household. By the latest extensions of the long-distance telephones, it Is announ ced that the merchant whom a tardy vacation keeps in his bougo at Bar Harbor will lie able to converse with bis agent in Austin, the capital of Texas, by the banks of the Colorado, 2,000 miles away. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. We felicitate the Hon. William Mc- Kinley in having so deeply stirred the sympathies of the Georgian heart, not withstanding it la moraly certain that Oeorgia will vote resolutely against the political principles he represents when the republican party meets Bry auism again less than two years hence. —New York Sun. Pains In the chest when a person has a Gold Indicate a tendency toward pneu monia A niece of tiannel dampened wiih Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the chest over the seat of pain v. ill promptly relieve *he pain and prevent tpe threatened attack of pneu monia ; hi- same treatment will cure a lame VaeiPtP a few hours. Sold by Al exander Dll.: a d Seed Co ,C. K. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Games and toys. Our stock is enormous. A splendid selection, 5 cents up- Call and see at Richards & Shaver’s. BRIGHT BITS. As everyday man la not necessarily | weakmtnded j Advice to Pug! I lata—When In doubt, j put on the glove*. Some people attempt to do other* that they are dunned by. No matter what you say to a let, to always has a retort. Honesty, like other policies, often runs out the day before the fir*. Health la better than wealth, but the latter la always an Interesting in valid. Talk la cheap. That Is why barbers are prone to give It away with every shave. The man who Is fearless can go through twice aa much trouble a* a coward. When old age come*, accept It grace fully. and never try to disguise or dis own it. "M” stands for matrimony; Invert it and we have "W,” which stands for war. Enough said. Paragiaphers' sentences are always snort. Perhaps it la because the Judge feels sorry for them. When a young man Is Intoxicated he has his own ideas as to what makes the world go round. .We meet people every day who ask questions merely for the sake of get ting a chance to answer them. Truth is mighty and will prevail. Of course it will Just as long as that which prevails is labelled the truth. The woman who goes upon the lec ture platform to air her rights usually leaves a husband at home nuraing the wrongs. —Chicago News. SICK HEADACHES. The curse of overworked womankind are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood puri fier and tissue builder. Money refund ed If not satisfactory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by— Retailers, T. A. Bux ton, Anderson's Drug Store, Alexand er’s Drug Store, West End Pharmacy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers. Da venport & Phinlzy. Northern factories and trade are booming. Southern men should study the methods of successful northern manufacturers. They will find the big concern of today was once a small afTair, and that industry, economy and lntfligence have made it what It is. Let Augusta, in the year that is most here, do al she can for the smal man ufacturer. Augusta will grow, with the factories. *r±J-H2 AUtiUtfiA * OHM <4 Mw tomtosisn*' 4#>4 I%#' •(►•WIH tof ll# IP***'** * "" ■# ***** f##*P i#*#4 *tt4 Itt* ♦-*s#•#“**#* * *m , piterifcfMNHfffti ** j IN null Nh** »** w*- At»i In* hi— hi# Ni* •**■* •# j |Mfr#r #«m| Up* *t| Hl# t«M 9#H# ms ; 1 t%«H m *l*h4 INhi tit* #»«#»* *fwHK t*%» j 4fe Wf t*«*f . ] A-iMV HlHii lib* «ilf tm I 4<M mmmf tin* h*** #t( Him «tH HUN# •#***f. Ap4 ##Hlf llwp fiHNb *t #**H IN’ j IANT #*#• Ht# • *4 4***H I «N tt# ** IlMil n#*- t»#» **• tinhn#‘ t#t. iHfM in *«M I*4* * T4i ii ii 44 *4# »hii4i* I4* mwmi*’ «4 m \omm 44*4M #**••» «4 4 144 i «f 4*a»<4 \Tm 14* »#«»**• H*#i •*l4#f ««4 iffwHi til $#T I* 14«4t («• Ml* I4M 4*4 4«*» tMf •''■ftH*' *•*# Ilf** 14*4 4*# jrH4#*4 14*44 4P**t4« * [ T4** 14# ***• *-«*! I* ti4# * #rw*f*. I •*4 14# #4*»fv tMb* iHffbl ffw*4 | «4# A*# 14# #••#* •* «4#f wslfM [ l4t#*M#l 94# fra*## ##w * v4*fM4' | |«wi f4# 14#* at |4p #•« 14 •### |4# Hi #4*# v 4 *Mb# 14*1 4*4 I f4# *#*# let i4#9# i###* I Uwsi »mmsl p»* w> ««b »toi? I of##* *4# til# *B*tt** at f 1 r-vt* I b»4 torn.. J AN 4rrr In V4# tflaHi***. vnin, 94# I r*n»«* Isjr. An# 4# 9mlli 4lcn • rttr t* #**-0 In] •n* 9#ffi|##a «t fftm 4* ON: l<# Alt## It Vtf 4 *n4 4r*ot?. kin il*il Mplfnl tu 14# *4>. W4II# 94# ##•# t»r l#*B It *•*] f#«hion. .1 Uy un«Ki 14* fnmn4 J SA- f v | t . I inat w ww. H, •rwhe) Pm grvst Xs.ure tor 4# n*m#A - ft# wrtcPN t4* m an# m*#«rN tb#tr I nrMti. 4# 4*#P*a»r<l th# h»»rar# of I #cmn i M# cftttva# 94# llthinlw* of ti#av#f>. | An# ###r th# w**n##r amaa## him a», on# that anak#« from a #r#om. I Hut ui>4rr th# atr##ta an# th# mar4#ta ; th# hank# an# th# t#mnl#* of pm*. Wktvt humanity labor## and plott##. or hivrd nlth on fhafinct Alt In#. pc#p <lon n In th# #ll#n«*# and *loom of t4# **rth that had shroud## thi ll) thrr# I \Wr*» th# foaoll mnaiim of a akull an# th# booea of nhat own »M * aplna. ■lnfolded In dsrkuvs* forever, untouch ed by the chnnge* above. , And mingled as rlny with the else which the hands of the age. had brought. Were the heart* In whose furnace of anguish wan smelted the gold of our love. And the brains from whose twilight of Instinct has risen the dawn of our thought. | But the law, that was the victor of old with It* heal on the neck of the brute, Haiti trample* our hearts In the dark ness, still grinds down our face In the dust; W# are sown tn corruption and anguish —whose fingers will gather the 1 fruit? Our life I* but lent for a season—for whom do we hold It In trust? In the vault of the sky overhead, In th* gulfs that lie under our feet. The wheels of toe universe turn and the law* of the unlversa blend: tTho pulse of our life I* In tun. with the ryth of forces that beat In the surf of the furthest star’s sea. and are spent and regatbered to spend. a Yet we trust In the will of the Being Whose fingers have spangled tho night With the dust of a myriad worlds.und who speaks in the thunders of Tbo’ we see not the start or the finish, tho’ vainly wc cry for the light Let US mount In the glory of man hood and meet the God-Man fac to face. -FREDERICK GEORGE SCOTT. How to Look Good. Good looks arc really more than Rkin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the liver is Inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Electric- Bitters” Is a good alterative and tonic. Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid neys. purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and holla and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard A Willet’s drug store. 50 cents per bottle. The recent killing of a big elk In a game preserve In Pennsylvania brings out the following lines about the time when game was plentiful: Do we want wild meat? then we kill Elk. (leer or bear, and eat our fill. Sometimes we've foul and sometimes flab, But rarely meet an empty dish. , Inin #44 Onyx Tables at prices that will surprise you. Just the thing for a gift. At Richards & Shaver’s. SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN ! \ v * Known from Maine to |M|L California as tf)e BEST •v I *hat material and good workmanship can pro* Everything that b My- HI § o* _ j Itsti. jrtiMic and com- W fnrlxh!/* nrnhine.l xxilh 4t4# H'liariv. tonu'ificu wiiu -j* 4.<p ■ the best )bf *or k nun- * ship will lv found in ttanan fk S<mis Shoes. CISHIN, GOULET l VAUGHAN. 808 Broad Street AltttMA MM HUNAN « JON. It WILL MAM’ Toil | EI.L KanSkar. #■•»*• •*** *•»■ ’f*4*»tw# The “Maine” Album! A SUPERB GBD6F3 1 3DCD and Interesting scenes associated with the destruction of our Giant Bat ship and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few Incidents of American history have been attended by such pulillo excitement and national Indignation as that which tullowed quickly upon the destruction <>f the Battleship Maine. In response to the universal de mand fora pictorial history of the 111-fated warship, l, j , I r *‘'tancy «nd in fact ev.-rythlOK In connection with It leading up to and Including It* assas sination, WC have secured and offer our readers this week a beautiful Maine Album or Portfolio, the most complete photographic record issued upon the subject, embracing splendid photos of The Martyrs Which k i now ready for dolivory.ol r,ur or *>y niuii for Ten Cents. CONTENTS OF “ MAINE” LABUM. Captain Cha*. D. Sigxbee. General Fitzhugh Leo. The Battleship Maine. The Destruction of the Maine. Havana liurbor and the Maine An chorage. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner’s Gang of the Maine. Views of the Maine’s Crew off Duty. A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship’s Company of the Maine. Please notice the Maine Album a hove advertised Is one of a "Souvenir Perles" of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Spanish-Amerlcan War, each portfolio being a special number devoted to a great and principal event. „ , Next week No. 2 will he offered as a Memorial of the First Sacrifice of the war, or the heroic death of Ensign Bagley and his companions, inclu ding many.other special features of the early events of the war such as the vessel that, fired the first shot; the first prize; bombardment of Mulanzas: cutting of the cables, etc., etc. Than in weekly and consecutive order will appear the following. THK DRWKY NHMRKH —The Hero and battle of Manila. THE FATStPSON NUMBER—Bom bardinem of San J‘»an »nd Morr o Ca«- t le HOBSON AND THE MERRIMAC—With additional special features. ADMIRAL SCHLEY—The Destruction of Cervera’s Fleet. THE SHAFTER MEMBER—The Siege and Capture of Santiago. GENERA LS MILES AND MERR ITT—Army Operations Ut Porto Rico an %V\suio Bud get each number of this souvenir series while you have an opportunity, and advise yaur friends to do the same thin ...... gu. '‘i>« A Group of Junior Officers of ths Maine. Wardroom of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry in Session. Funeral of tho Victims of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender In Havana. Milk De livery In Havana. The Captain General’s Palace In Ha vana . General BJanco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prado, Havana. SUNDAY’S HERALD "A Newspaper For Newspaper Readers.” Something About Sunday’s Herald. More News Better News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a triaL 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad« dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday. Herald. Augusta. Ca. To the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name ■ - You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD. f ~ ■ «■ J z 7\ 7\ ntwwtjvE#'’/ J / \ / \ (rum®* j - / \ / VtfOtwWJ®, r V \ - /\*.A !' y • > yCsntw BsB.V ' G ' \ llfjrflS* \ ( \, Ri n btTwislJt A NEW BOOK BILLIARDS ■ V JOHN A. THATCHES Coltilon Carom ttbamplon of Ohio***- •-5 wlnni-r of St. Posts Handlcsp 87, th* loasmt on reeord, and CUr ouly |.l«yrr wbo rvcr l,r», 6cb»efcr. Slow on, aud It#i tn uie *aaj» lOUfOUIDI’UL Or INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENT*. 100 DIAGRAMS OF a-CUSHION SHOTS. ICHAEFfcAS STPAIQHT RAIL NURSE. EVERY STYLE OF BALK-UNI GAME. ALL NOR£»Wa POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTEST** l IliT Or CHAMPION 6 OF . . . c N. !<t OURCj|g||W^ jsk C t ! \ -’/j 7