The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 19, 1898, Image 8

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MONDAY These Will li#nUimi»*mcn« I Sipoh trig Jutliati, FlftWHftl* CftVftfl* Cheviot. lirtfom Cord, V»u*i «nd Met *•**. Wumtity iifHHl, C«W« »rw! Uwar ; fftOAft Af>4 tofttoftft ; thmcm •«. PJ* W mod mot**** #rf#ct*i lw*e**. •rowm. wit>» N«vy. Myrtb, tun mod Gray. *h* n«w#*t •»- fort*. mt 15,17.50. Id, no. 912. Luxuriant Bath Robas, Handsome Blanket Bath Robes Bath s#td, RutMM, luippy*. H Ankmis. Mai*. Tow#Nb, iite Ifttftat ftningiftH Fancy Vwii, C*ov*». Piltmts, UmuMimt. Nmck* at*r< loonn of ckolcp toncaiU in puim. t>ow*. itrtnfl Tnn siml lirtpftffai* Huwlfpd* of bright mod beautiful artic*ti mr» her# tor your ofix r?fxixoß $14,155.12 IN MONEY ORDERS Us Vakk l«l,e« « tmutn Lam Thai A.) Mull, fl,!■>"!,f tm*M» ■•*•!'*» trMrr Irmm fmt Ptf* wwt Tfcr Best**** 4o»* M»* »*»k *i th* 8 *#«*•* pnaltrfll * til WWIUM O' Tt* e**h'» tamla*** ba* *h»**d “P t«r«*r gtDu thaa that aI »•» >»<**■ erra'h irtiltw TW eoacy aft** basin*#* shows »14I**7J. Th# »«»• brr at doaiweu m*m*y arsara Issued maim Mil, tad th* number at fiwri*.* tfdra, It. fit autt ba»ln*** foo4*d up 91,* Hi Tka Mmh kt <*!• I» tfc* «*<t> fool up Ifth .. *'** . **• ltkt .... 130 , mb « » IMk ...* «• mt T«.l .... »»W Postmaster MtlUtfl ha* received the tallowing Mt** from ihb iraMurjr Aapf'iii. 1 ’ W. H. kulilnta. pnMiMtl.r. Augusta Gs Sir —| am plrtud In advlao you Ihat pour posts I account for the quarter ending September *B. IBM. has this day been fCMiud correct. aa rendered. no baianra Mill du* tbcreoa. either lo or from tka In Had State* Respectfully yonra. Henry A. Caste. Auditor. For Asthma use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT MEMORIAL SERVICES' Maid by Ike knight* of Pythian Were float Excellent. Th» memorial nervier* held by the Knight* of Pylhla* *1 their Castle 11*11 ],it afternoon, The addree* of Mr. Jtueeell, the well known young attor fifty, wti tn fiPfllfnt one. Th** fe* lure* were all that could he dealted. •When the Knight* do anythin* In the v*y of enterlalnlng Ihey alwaya do aut-'h tn excellent atyle. The Central of Georgia Railway will sell tickets. Augusta to Macon and re turn for $2.55, Dec. 18, limited to Dec. 20. return ing account President Mc- Kinley’s visit to that city. For further information call on agent of this com pany^ y*#iey wore baskets, novelties nrd doll* At lowest price*. T. Bchl*.lai#»*L A FEW BURNING. Fire Department Called Out Yesterday Afternoon. The department was called out yes terday afternoon about 3 o'clock to box No. 43 at the corner of Mclntosh and Fenwick. Only a few shingles on the roof burned. Damage about five dol lar*. Place you order for fall ault with R. 9. Henry & Co., popular priced tailor*. G I FT S . i aAnries, Wen’s Ties, thus, Men’s Gloves, Bks j Men's Gowns, w;* he Men’s Umbrellas. E&jjSjjj!; IfiSpl | V “ AT N - SWALkI:R hattlr ATHLETICS AT . OPERA HOUSE Tl# S«Mtm Will Kairrtaia Tkm Tktizli. 1 An I araMral Pregraa Ha* IWaa Ar ranged. Tfe# ftcrtifeMf#' a tfe tot to ftklNliGt il tb# ofwni fetwtof (mlskl vtll few of ' . tamh All »feo run. ibfiuld not fall to MM4 Tkey aril b* wall repaid Tka ea tael am me at begin* 1 promptly at • o'clock Tin* program ia aa follow* I. RihlbPkm Wraatttnp M»t#h - Own Millar, Private Tenth Ohio, wiener as ! ten battle* v*. Krneet t 'lift, PrlvaX* Tenth Ohio, a t ‘tßdanatl favorite. [ X Three Hound Hoxlag Ed Boyle. Private Thirty-fifteenth Michigan, well known boxer, vt Jaa. Jokaann. private Thirty-ifth Michigan, sckmtlfte and cl ever X Proftwaioaal Club Snlngtng Trlo from Troop A. If. It Cavalry | 4. Four-Round Clove you teat "Jpgfc* Mcßrldr, Troop A. IT. 8. Carat ;ry, champion feather-weight 11. S. A., v*. Frank tavigue Thirty-Hfth Mich igan. chnmplonahip fealhar-aralght Second army corps X Sack Holing Conteat. tHiirleaqnai I • Pmfranlonal Wrestling Match.— John Sinmcoe, sergeant HHh Ohio. ! champion vrrlterwelght of Ohio, M’ch [gta. Indiana. Kanturky and Virginia, va. “Jack" Millar, aergeanl IT. 8. A , (hamploci welter*weight of Third rav airy and winner of many battle* 7. Four-Round Bclentl«c Olova Kx : hlblOon.— "Jog ‘ Moore. Flrat Mary land. va. Charley O'Hara. Thirty-Bftb Mich. two feather-weight* of more than loral reputation X Ball# Royal. Open to all comer*, with or without science. The more rough and tumble the merrier. No rule*. Everybody for himself a*id the medal. 9 Orand Final*.—Ten-Round Olove Contest for Sclentlfle Point* —James Wild. Troop D, 0. 8. cavalry, favorite of the Third cavalry, va. "Tom” Wil son ("Shtrkey II”). Eighth Pennsyl vania. favorite of hi* regiment Admlaaton to Firework* tonight 25 and BO cent*. Be*erva your *e»t» »t Thom** * Barton *. We have the best large type Bibles in flexible bind ings in the city. Our price only $ l .50, others charge $2.50 and $3.00. At Richards & Shaver’s. Notice Change In Business The sick and accident society known as the Augusta Indemnity Society of Augusta, tin., having discontinued bu siness, all the member* will be trans ferred to the Industrial Aid Associa tion. This step Is taken for the protec tion of the member* of tbe Augusta Indemnity Society, and they oan rest assured thnt they will ho well cared for l, v the Industrial Aid Aisortattoo.which number* its friends and policy holders In our city by the thousands. OAftTOIIIA. *«"• tf>» -J 11,1 *"" 1 Hsw A! * a,s rr Fresh Crystallxed FYult* at Clark's. H*MJC AUOOBTA. BX-BAf-D THE fIIAJOR IN fIIACON THIS ». HI. laavitC IffffiM 111 Vrvdftgl iMltav th* trwwp* that F—aad th trvh* MaewW «*•, thw th Th* Frvw'm > t -® ppff t #*'■?'* UA fe fefe 9b /%Htf A UMB IMwNWNWR BiXt fi*B( Nfe A • Wti B w gfwfi A M A IIW BUIIWIB rtfep BNMI fejT t.HH Bp Afeftßfe Ifeß ***#*■ «•»* IfepbNbflilli Wibßlffe, Ife# Wnt/m cfelltßßß BNkil ! fag • vtvhl awHtfhM thpag** th* hag and fWaat# that pawvattad. After drtv - tag ihmagh <h» «**n#4a th* FrvMdrai. tank Ma place a* tka lavtawthg autad aad aw am» aM» at the dkf «mr»- Ova ahsad Oaw Wllwa aad «m tha other Oaw Mata* A* tha hatgade* paaaad. that# uwariit* tammaadar* toad their pmr*d ad the *4 aad with tk* prvaadewttat party | fiaaptte tha poor weather a targe and aathaalaart* crowd waa aa haad The irwop* pwmed the rartww la thM aider I Third aamtweer* tra4«mr»*rt Hvvamd Okie i* fa arc v t volualeer t, (Seventh volunteer Infantry Tenth volunteer infantry Third North Carolina Infantry, math Viral*'* infantry Herwuth cavalry t regular 1 A mawmrtal nddrwa* wa# Pt,sealed lo tha Freeident hy lha ftaldtW* let erne* Tha »«*w famav* whnwrc i "To lilt (Nf (It Hb til# fyiifelfi* * Altfeßtß Mi t j'fjupjqt j| # Vlßtf** •fOBAfe fecwbfb #n4 *>i#r#4 m tt»# |m4cKal of tfeo Con* , fnOiiritr aintMHXM m h«* There I* IN* Thar* I* Hape. | WAN wttti ftltrfN, WXM neither taste nor atnell and could he*) but in tie Rty'a Cream Hatm raced it I Mart-ua ft. (fhaula. Itahway. N. J TttK HAI.M reached me anfely aavd •he eNect la aurprtaing My *OO way* ■he ffrel application guv* decided re tlaf Reapaetfullv. Me*. Franklin Free man Dover. S. M. A l*c trial etae >w the Mr alae of IB* a Cream Balm w«l be mailed Kept by drugitet*. «* BroUmra. M Warren 81.. K T. CITIZEN* OF AUGUSTA Asked to Remember Ihe Widow* »* This Happy The Dtrwtor* of the Widow'* Home ask (hat the Ms hearted clllwn* of A a- ( gueta do not forget the eWoei tht» winter. In the Home are tweoty-eeven wtit- , owe. all of whom have seen better day* j —and a v#(f cheerless t'brlatmas will i be spent by them If their kind friend* ' who have hitherto remembered them at I this glad aeanon do not again send, their this year. The mer- ' rbanta and grocer* are asked to con tribute to thl* worthy cause and any who hate not time to send order* to their grocer* can send a check to any of the director*, who will Invert It to the beat poailbl# advantage. The com-1 mlttee will meet Friday morning at the Home, and any donation* *ent will be distributed by them the. Donation* can be »ent to any of the following la dle*: Mr*, L. A. Dugan. Mrs. J. H. Alexander. Mr*. Geo. M. Hood. Mr*. J. W. Wallace. Mr*. C. A. Rowland. Mr*. J»*. M. BothwelU Mrs. F. M. Stoeall. Mrs. C. H. Oetjen. Mis. Wm. Mulherln. Mr*. Joseph Meyers. Mrs. John J. Cohen. Miss Boggs. Mis* Este*. Fancy French candle* and erystal- Ised fruits at T. Bchladareaat’a. TRAINS TO BE HELD. To Give All a Chance to See the Show. For the benefit of our neighbors the Charleston and Western Carolina rail road will hold all trains leaving the city. The Port Royal division "fill not leave until 6 p. m. The Anderson di vision will leave at 5:40 p. m. The extra on the Spartanburg will leave at 7 o'clock. This will allow all to see the parade. WHAT IS SHILOH? A grand old remedy for Cough. Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century, has cured Innumerable cases of Indolent con sumption and relieved many in advanc ed stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 20 els., 50 cts. and *I.OO. Sold by —Retailers. T. A. Buxton. Anderson's Drug Store. Alexander's Drug Store, West End Pharmacy. The King Phar macy; Retailers, Davenpart & Phlnl iy. See McKinley's and Dewey’s portraits at Fireworks. Baseball Park, tonight. A Big Discount on Toys. T. Schladaressl will give during this week a discount of 25 per cent on all purchases of toys for Christmas trees Ho has the largest stock of toys of all kinds ever seen In Augusta. If you in tend purchasing anything in this line for VOUI Sunday school, you "111 con sult your best interest by going to his veil known toy and fruit store at once. 720 Bread street. You can get a One suit cheap for cash at E. J. Henry 42 Co.'s, 21fi and 21* Campbell street. AUGUSTA leYCSUM, Ha» » PROF, L. ft. MORftE. $Ma» tfeHKk If 11M— jxuft Bl|Hft| i#»| In# «HMft i-***mm |» t.4Np*#w. B 1 in \ m **9*m %m * MIMIMI felt:* ffed*. fepffllifepl tm mRHMm NN 4* j TfeßMHfei JNNubP# ft rxf ilMBi *» m ] f fll fMn fef fei ** Ifeß | A»Mfi4B - A.ffeMlrtfeßß IfeiiF Wrhißii «*# 9mm fnxfera m *’ ■ W W . MAMlfeßfftß mt At|*a*# a# •« i I w n i«wp#»w ©f ifeoßi*. Mu it k | I jtftllft <|f tlfift ©| CAft., |ft ftl i Hi i wrtifi fr* mt Waiftßwtuwn. fe i [ftl Ife* A r Ttftfirn J II mt tTDfthtr MftßfifePß <k j ia ii tn fiBBiBPi I Hr. V V la**tftr«K*B of tfiwlteHl. V« , j If ft| |fe# ArtfßgMMle It A- Umm, few mt CMMi Ift ftl ttfeft AHI Bit Oft * Mr ftftf Mfft 11. K WWtft of l|W-1 i © no it lA* Arfliftai T, ft ll*Bfttr»Br ftM W O. NUrh*rA j #BB of %*w Tori ftfft »l Mm AfltM j IJNbbii W. ffeltftrA I ffellftof ftifef |5 (HrbftU mt Tolwln, O * ftp# ft( . ! tfe# rfeMiffttm W. A* WilfeHAft ft&4 Dr. ftftf Mib ’ ! A. Cl. WMlftfk«B4l of WAfiftolaoftn ftffti •I tn* Arltiitoi. Mr. 11. A- Kiftffift. PfrMftftUii Uifti (7tf*koo4 jifff Ift. IB fe#P# wMll lllft tlßft oft Miftfeo. Up ftoof life* lo Mt# ! all Interested tn wheel* rail between * is m. aad 4pm tomorrow, and nee I th* tine He I* at their ag*at». Ki< tftrdft tk Nh»*#f. Malflftrdft Kti iim loN Cooktif tCV# olfttft It CUffe'l -50(.0ieR5 IN CONGRESS. Three 'miter* hi th* Army Are Also Kepr*** static*,. AproW» <d the vi»H Oeneral | Wbeeier. who ts In Augtwta today, th«| fullmla* will be read ultb |*culi*r In-1 tereat: Washington Hpeclal CSlengn t*hrou-j let#; There are three member* of Ibe [ preeeni rtugrcia oho nr* in th# volim- j teer arrfiy: Wh-eler of Alabama la a^ ■ Iwlgadier general; Camobetl of llltooiaj |la a rnh.nei, and «>4«»o of Kroiurhy i la alao a ivdonet N",.nelh»« pari I* ipat‘*d In the prw-redlnga at the bonne alnce j j they accepted a military cnmmlaalon j I Wheeler bn* declined tn drmw hi# *al- j I ary aa a member trf congreaa. bot ha* 1 | taken hi* pay •• • brigadier general. j I I'ampbell ba* drnnn pay *a colonel.' | hut ha* not ra*h*d th* voucher* l»#u*d ‘ ito him for hi* i ongre*«|cm*l *»lar> I'olaon ha* received hi* pay regular- J ly aa a member of eongreu*. but ha* declined to draw hta salary aa a Colo nel of volunteer*. When the voucher I* ! prepared for Colson # oongreaalonal *»1- 1 |ary tht* month It aim have to b# *ul>- , imltted ip, the speaker. f»r hi* ap|ic*o»*l 111 will the nbe hi* duty lo deride (whether or not Colonel Coloon I* en | titled to receive pay a* a member of jeongre**. A beautiful decorated toilet atomUer j at Gardclte'a for 60 cent*. The January number of The Dellnea- 1 tor I* called the holiday number, and \ herald* the magazine'* 27th year of ex- j istenee as the most accurate and root-! plete Index of the requirement* of fashion and medium of household and ; social- Information. The high literary , character of the publication is typified: in this issue by a number of features of marked excellence. The first of a series of six palters on The Develop ment of a Boy. by Mrs. Alice Mejmell. treats In a delightful way of early evi dences of consciousness. An Extra ordinary Legacy, by Anna Robeson Brown, and A Bachelor of Arts, by Jeanfe Drake, two charming short sto ries, have clever holiday flavor. In the series on Photography for Amateurs, Sharlot M. Hail presents formulas a knowledge of which is easeutlal to the best work. A Watch Night Enter tainment, by Grace Gallatin Thomp son, will provide material for a unique house party. Club Women and Club IJfe, by Helen M. Winslow, dealing principally with state matters, and The Chatty Girl s Interests and Ocupatlons. by Idifayettc Me Laws, will be turned to with the usual attention. The ar ticle an Church Banners, by Emma Haywood, and those on the holiday displays and holiday books arc as val uable as timely; and the regular de partments—Social Observances. The' Dressmaker, Millinery. Lace Making, Crocheting, Tattling, Knitting, etc. are of the usual high order of merit. Don't fail to see Fireworks tonight. Admission only 25 and 50 cents. Busy Fortifying. Auckland, N. 7... Dec. 19.--Steamers which have just arrived here report the French actively engaged in fortify ing Tahiti, the principal island of the Society group tinder the 'control of France - j W. O. Stoy says Dai*. Kerr will he the next mayor of Aug}**ta, Mr. Charles J. last night from a successfuhieetui lug tour in Mississippi and i-uuSiaua. U Art Squares from to *15.01) at Fleming 42 Bowles. * PERFECT ORDER FOR THE Dir th*** Wa# Mb* a fkh*li a* Adgrny*, no** aI Ad | htwd Wfeftft (lift ilflftftHftl »bA fertftpinfr mm+t* ■ ftßftf PftcfAßft, mt ftftftl f pHßfttfef# Mfewf * ; Tfeß * fw#4< mm iUft #i fepud tfeift Tabiw th* Wdlh# abaataMdF clewrod of every : |ft«ftftit*Aw ftlMitrftCilfftt IrtJPlftPtfeftftft tftft y iid f ftMytlr # CNR' tOfm 9ft# t* I ftftftft th# ftßtlfft fWfttft “t ft tfeft WWfßlftftl ftft4 ftll feßlftft. fttftßßft. I #tf _ tftpftp# ftiflMV (ftH Iftßfexftft* mm Bftfft. ppfpßftlMl |ft tfeft Iftftftf ftftNi mt 188 ftWIF* tftfe fit* ft ftnftft CffMßMNfi tfeft fetßßAftftftft*' ■ttftot. Bfetift tfeft irnnfft BBT© cftTftfftin It feft FftVllNfta ft® . A „ Ms raut TBft arftt Gtfef'ftV# fefttft Iftfeftß «■ rßilftß »-» <■*mm pi I iftfttrt i fe# i chief of potted and the «**<* IdTO* Tha order ma ntalnod, they any. wa* Ida bast they ba** **•* a<wa. 'Th*! rlttarn* will ash Oawaral Voaai I bmt." aald aa odhwr thin aftermww, j ••that ta »law of th# rmluv weather aa other View he given tha etty of Augue | (ft. If tfeift jrcmiil rfflfft fel nrdrffti ftthft feftftft ftO fefftß Blffe ©ftft| ft# ©tilt kx>k fomH u> i ft 4 * fftftt tfett tfeft bmt mt grant »» lo to m#l» mtift4 Rtf-rx ol»fty >• tfeft ’ Bill Jolll Bltll Bto la Nftin tfegt tfeft? i ©AY# #tur *ftfti» MT *• tfeift llttft. It mmM ftiaxAt • trtßß?# tor j AugßftU. Til# fwiltoft feprtMl must ha** given the matter a great deal of thought. f congratulate An*j gueia 1 am ante Oenernl Young will do the same. The rata may have da tractfd aomewhat fr-an the sight, hui ; the orderly manner ia whlrh erery- i thing pa need nff, made up for the wea-j ther .oadltmw*. It waa simply great * Clttaeas bar# also a lie* led to ■pleadld work of th# policemen and i guard. Firework* Raeeloli Park; Ftroworh* at > o'clocX over l;h p m. St. John Church (dirge coagregatlon* worahlpjved at Bt. John's church yesterday, morning and evening. Dr. Oao. W. Walker preached a fine sermon tn the morning for Bt, Paul'* prayer lo Ephwrtan* In ! tha evening I»r. Kendall preached from the text, "He that winneth aoul* ta wine.” The phraseology of the text, he said. Implies a context. Thl* I* empbaxixed In other portion* of scripture. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but agnlnst principalities and powern j In high place*." He alluded lo tbe ta- j sues Involved In the great battle# of | Marat hen. Waterloo and Flv* Fornax but how much tn.-re la al stake In tbe conflict for the aoula of men' It re quired wisdom to win aoul* Tbe po litical. social and buxine*# world Is largely arrayed against It. From the cradle to tbe grave temporal thing* are magnified and spiritual thing* minified. •'He la wise who win*.” because working In harmony with the highest and holiest purposes of God'a heart. All hlatary. the prolongation of time. every work of providence was intended on God'a part to save this wicked world. Then It required wisdom, the soul seemed determined to thwart Its own salvation. Mark the excuses given In the scriptures In the parables of Christ. Hear th<> subterfuges no* when we seek to rescue those in per il. But the Infinite value*of the soul it self. Its dignity, H* capabilities for enjoyment or suffering eternally, made it the consummation of all wisdom to seek to win and save. But the cross Of Christ with Its bleeding victim dy ing for the sou Is of men made it the sublimest wisdom for*all, and made this the supreme purpose of life to save Immortal souls. With much earnestness and feeling the sermon wits spoken and enforced with scriptural il lustrations on the value of tbe soul and Us peril. Calling cards engraved in 24 hours If necessary at l.)unbar & Williams. Holiday Recess. “Washington, D. 0.. Dec. 19. The house has adopted a resolution provid ing for a holiday recess from Wednes day. December 21. to January 4. Mr. Wanger moved the passage of the Phil adelphia exposition bill under suspen sion of the rules. Hr. Bailey demanded a second reading. Big stock fancy toys at Dunbar * Williams. Subsidies for American Shipping. Washington, D. C\, Dec. 19 —Mr Hanna into the senate and Representative Payne in the bouse a bill to; grant subsidies for American shipping. Fine Chocolate Bon Bons at Clark's. Shingles. (HAS t OCCfK Rjnt|tf 4wtiW^«ltrda ftF W Htitmrv iNMfeO tuTA %9+m fto «TB toil «B Ife# %•»«• «f tfeft i*Vß9MMfepßt fe# fttoßftflt# |MN*to» mt —Mfeft'Ffe IftßfefeiAtMfe j mtm bWAf#bbr| ftfe# toßMß4fe#»ft feftMßl fftftftß tfeft feßtt t#iHr me r#«l fe#ftßt# mt Jmmm- < ht»'h# tfBMl Aft #l9 ftiTftftßft.. j ffe# Bftjfe ##«t BBut mt p#4ftn<toni Bft . NfeM Mrßßfef Ml Mwa* fe# Afel A#f* i 414 bkbt# toftAtt Ife# MMmMmI mt ffet*- . gT>#( iwitlnß tfe#B #b? bmab mt mi mt * Blftll sens #%ftft 40B# fevfetfft * I In DrftMlng and Mam cur# collar and cuff M»ti in ' Dr«hd«rt and other popu lar war#* at Richard* A. Sh«v«r’». IMF WEATHER | ftift M feraftfii * p m .; Wm*hknm%mm fnf PcNttfe ] ll## Thmlr«iß« tuttt|Al »i»4 I TiMftiliT fePwrftiM to itofet IBI# l*» **• j H'A#feiHAl4«n fenHAB f«f | : TfenNiifttiitMT Bftßihftr wttli r*if* i» B«r* | ifeftffe 9#*ni#fet. AIM \ji mal f»w a«t tm Aufu*>« a#4 y - = rlfili? —Cift#Hf»* ifftltor tAfklght fair T©r*4«y. Tfer rift## a« i #. n. am lase fern*, m fAtl mt I I fftftt l» Ife* I*#*! 31 hm»T9 ttAtn to fiHfet tfeto *»«n»felfe tto i «»r4 to Cto«»nrto W)4 f Alatoma, «Rfe | VA e BA# BBF tort ftfloflft to ibaAa hour purcfeoftcft tnttrHy MtlrtAtory., MAHONEY & ARMSTRONG COAL AND WOOD. Stravpr ’Rhone ■ . , • , »*• Bell Office and Yard Vo. ■ McCnrtnn Street heavy rainfalls having occurred In the lower Mtsataslpt* valley and a thun- Sderatorm at New Orleans, while clear (weather has appeared over Texas; this I, ..million I* canned by n well defined ( storm, whlrh t* now rentrwl over Ar kansas with the highest presaur* over lying the upper Atlantic state*. Temperature# are tn the flftle# over the greater porton of the south today, while the coldest locality 1* Bismarck., which Is 12 degrees above aero. Light rain* at Intervals will prevail In thl* vicinity until nightfall followed by dearng and cooler weather. D. FISHER, Observer. VOO TRY IT. If Shlloh'a Cough and Consumption Cure, which Is sold for the small price of 25 eta , so eta and *IOO, docs not cure lake the bottle hack und we will refund the money. Sold for over flftv years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts and Mi cts. Sold by—Hetaller*. T. A. Buxton. Asderaon's Drug Store. Alexander's 1 Drug Store. West End Pharmacy, The , King Pharmacy; Wholesaler*. Daven port & Phinixy - Bl Bt Tommorrow Night. Thl* beautiful amateur performance will tie given at the opera house tomor row night, and there should he a pack led house to greet this cast of amateurs who will give their friends one of the most artistic amateur performance* ev er seen tn Augusta. The cause is one worthy of the patronage of every citi zen of Augusta, as the proceeds are to furnish rooms in the city hospital. Besides the regular performance of Bi Bt there will he a numher of special ties consisting nf vocal and Instrumen tal solos, fancy dancing and-comic rec itations. Altogether Bl Bi will be one of the most artistic plays ever put r on here hy amateurs. There will be no waiting or dragging in the performance of Bl Bi. as amateur performances grnerallv do. but the entire play will go oft with snap and promptness. Biggest stock of fruits in Augusta at T. Sc hiadaresst's. Big Cut. A. J. Benkl announces a 25 per cent reduction on his slock o? high grade sterling silver novelties. He has a mac nifleem stock of goods. His prices are most reasonable. Flags and decorations of al! kinds at T Si-hladaresei's. On to the Antarctic Hobart. Tasmania, Dec. 19 —Captain Botch Grevilika' expedition has started for the Autartic regions. EiAdtiiatA >a THE MARKETS, fe V*%tWt A MAfe fe ft? t~ 1 rAHT tip? f#fe| I firm* a * - r Mt il#? t«vi ' fttra-fe Ml A9ifeß»l4f.# •« •* f?'M# 94#/' «* •• ## #• •• •« ® § A * I May *. .«•«•••« •• •• MAa I iiATI | M«y . M MM m•• I h»H K - | \f*« ~ M *, #* M 9 9 iTAfe [ 1«A Hf>- JAHMiAfT *• •• *• •• •• •* * \t«V ~ #« •• •• •• •• 9 #*S| * I J flfTtlftf # #« #• •• •• •• •• 4 May .. •• .. .. .. - 9M i «S xr.W Yt»KK fVVTT* January •• •• •• .. •• •* I ® - [ % furl I #« •« «• •• *• mm •• 3 **» ; JiihF ,*.**••* •• .# *♦ 4 1 mi *<: S«1 v t >t j -fi i m i . m**.. *.. .! .V 1«T f.« 4 Tone— Emmy, MKHlin# % 13*1# XKW TOflK feTOCKfe. n. n T a •• •• I C. B Q - - ,SS , M*»F.»urt PAriflf 43 *l* llaoutovlll# and NaafevUto . Manhattan .. .. People . Ok. t'nlon Partite to « Bock Island B* l * Bt. Paul 117 j Southern r,allway, pfd .. 4S>.« 4J*i Western t'nlon *♦** UVBIfDOh COTTON. 1 January »nd February I»» * ■** •* : February and March .. —— *•” I March and April 3 * , April and May 3 « * £ May and June .. „.. 3 «7 3.'» June and July B ®* 1,7 ' „ July and Aug. .. -.. 3 08 *•** 8 Aug. and Sent Sept, and CM 3 <* 'Oct. and Nov Nov. and Dec - Dec. and Jan 3 <» « 3 #1 iri PORT RECEIPTS 1897 I*9l Galveston l^' 3 New Orleans I**‘® ! Mobile ** [ Savannah s ’-^' .Char'eaton F 2. leW Norfolk r ' 7 t .New York *■' , Wilmington Boston .. Baltlroor# .. 4. Philadelphia “ Brunswick 4 *•' Estimated total SAASb ‘ . .^H>O Lamps, both Banquet and Library, in beautiful designs at Richards & Shaver s MR. PRAQER BURGLARIZED. The Store of Mr. Isadore Prager En. tered Yesterday riomlng. A burglar or burglars broke into the store or Mr. Isadore Prayer at 555 Broad street early yesterday morning. When the proprietor arrived at the store this morning, he found that hm safe had been entered and about taken. Several articles of clothing were also taken. V . , The party who. did the robbing broke into the back window of the store, a* evidence of such showed. Mr. Prager had forgotten to lock un the outer door of his safe Saturday night, and the burglar had an easy thing of it getting into the rash drawer of the money receptacle. Several holes were bored in the cash drawer and the woodwork cut. The money was then taken. Mr. Prater has no idea,iwho did tn# deed and this morning had,* noUf epoi u d the matter to the police. * Our line of Japanese no velties is unsurpassed from 25 cents up. At Richards & Shavers’,