The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 20, 1898, Image 3

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TUfSDA* THE POET OF THE COM? Mi JU M KmU Ks» B. IMI ftlMMrtta. K • t. if wit, H* MM PIWHI t•• trmm N* lv« f t • fcis© «MBV •'Pli ft *f Nut c'iw *••©* * •?*«#* **i* ta# tatr*©* «f ft riw»ii fnw| IMi ftt !##♦••* * »*»»»*# t©attS »## •"•* 4MMMf f%* MBIWMBIn Y%Bl ft** * tf—»4 li# W*9o #’ti Mnf’tt# ft *4 mt- ■ •ft# iMifißf MN> Nl ft»ltftiii* Mi tiM*© toy# ro» f*©4 M> •• S4>pFWow ** IBM ©#** MMt •#•’*'•©•'# ft© *4 cmnf |l* at##© 4 t's*»dl •Mi • *■* pffli.f » t ©*# iiddlllM u» IHMMI WMPi HIM WMM’fIiNMMI flllNl #*«•* Ml ftf(#(p©t Mil *t%i* Man • 4ft ©•••©ft at Wall MMttMf nMiaUNNi li f a** an •*'*■ sa* t©» fta-fM© • %$# % chi tft# **a * ff**ai Hums© «m« £•** !«• <••* fMllaa tt4 a #*©•* put. iit4 lft*r* is a* 1 ••t'lil •©»*»* mud la . '© ft* A. Tft* UwfHMHia IMM ft©<#j d>4ii al» d i# Ima anMa*j*rt i H*f> ffaii ('ll II % mmiinh; Ha ana# ttttlft mnl • * .A (Ml tft© pat fta©#©# a Mil H«» Nwrinii «*f It* «*•!. |M> »•> km** Hi» * f)M* *V • rnWiwad tr*» "* AMI %*, hyirbrr Kuk,* kl>k IMln. I would V §l*4 lo *»• It lo i prt»i. Am P. Brook*. Cte B. IMh Ml#« I Did row MMT knr MM Mom «•>»■ «»•• A* It *tgh. and It m-.utg* and It W*\ And jroa tblnk aon»# ghcwt m aaylog. **fl la foi. jtcmi, you PM y r>o frer I *? In illeocr la *o«ir f©st Aft ar tip* ha* blow* Its r©*ftt©m and Ufc© ants* notil that * vaadrrlnf. s««! Uwnrd frt©n«tl©*#. And y«w hear tl* irr* top* wiyini w (If wind la blow In a through. IMdty iv*ylni. *.shins dying., with Its Tl* the winter wind >f night line *i<l tt* fcniff in strang* !▼ tru*y And you know It whan you liar It. for it a«»»ind* like you. you. When your tent la flawing wildly Ilk* And you dream of home and aareet heart and her Mm la on your Up. Then the reveille l« wounding froatj outride inread of dew —- And your peaceful dream la broken, at the wound comes plainly j through. Always waving, crying, atghing, "It Is you. you. von." Thau It la the night wind whiatlea. Just when davttght soft la dawning | and the night and morning kivs. Aaa B. Brooks. Ftn>t Division. Hospital Corps. lamp Mackenzie. Iter. 18. 189* Private Henry Henke. of the l»t dl-| Tlrion hospital corps Is with us one more. Ht was in Ihf hospnal with a ■light attack of typhoid fevrr. 3'>th Michigan. Camp Mackcnalr. Sunday December 19. 1898. Mr! Editor: Attention: A fool's ad vice to all young men thinking of en listing In the United States army— think well before you take the step in time of peace, for If you don't you rdll be very sorry after you have done so, and are driven around like a lot of hogs and not as well thought of by the officers as a good for nothing dog, or that is to say by the most of them, for once In a-vhile you will find an of ticei that ail! use you like a wli te man, and if you are caught spending yonr money at any other place tnan i their regimental canteens you are put under arreat and they tell us (hat the Canteen profits go Into the company fund, but we privates tvrmld like to see some of it. as we have failed to do so yet. only on Thanksgiving. And if you respect Sunday as a day of rest, don’t ever go where there .s any vol unteer camp of soldiers, for that is a day that you don't drill, but they you at work all day at all the.dirty work they can fiml for you to do. and if you say a word in remonstrance you gri jacked sky high, and then If yo.i say anything more you are placed un der arrest and are liable to a fine. And nov. that peace Is signed if you have to go on guard you have got to polish your shoes and all the brass buttons, and fixed up as if you were going lo attend a wedding or fancy ball, and for wbat? Why to walk your post all day and night in the sand and dirt— urd 1 tell you what, all the boys think it is just grand, nit! Private of 35th Michigan. Archorena and Carrorn Boards. Dunbar & Williams. The friends of Mr. .Tobn Septt, who |i 6 ,» ijten ill of poeuruonia, will learn with pleasure that he is out of dan ger. You can get a fine suit cheap for cash at E. J. Henry & Co.’E, 316 and 318 Campbell street. ' Seasonable Holiday Articles Sacrificed at Lowest Price Store Vou can procure what you want-th© corract thing to glv# at th© laaat < ° 250 holiday Umbrella*, boat Silk and Gloria. bOcwtU Jo s£oo. 100 dozen Silk and pur# Lln#n H«ndk#rchi#Js M cut » r< *\ “| e 0 nU «°nu‘sS M .'n*S # >iy.b C*V‘k4 OO 200 Handsome Moquet» nd V e' v E! oo*Boientsfoc Foafer£°sl Kid Clove*. 48 12 n |-2 H c a ,“?. (or V |o' 4*3 r v-.^e C r^ k » got. tor best hemmed Sheet*. ** • e K r c( Comforts from 48 cent# to Eiderdown at *3.80. 15 Metier*. Holiday Jewelry. Purse*. Perfumery. All Fancy goods Reduced to suit th# times. P. D. HORK AN & COHPANY IN ASOCIAL WAY fw Mi Dusk sad Ik# Th© flrti as 4 tb© last of Pssw With jro»ft©rful wta# that <ju©#c*ls©« Tb© thirst of th© sun's long hours. W© *©nt bjr tb© w*% that fm##©* Thro* vussrs of jn«*#flows *w©©t: Aa«t th© bkwsom© sm! w istful grass©# HlmhS joyful t©sn> on our f©©t. The alumberou, went* of the nightfall Breathed Into the brenthle#* air. And a tingle «tar lei hi* light fall Over a cloud's despair. We believed the itar for a *e*son And doubted the dark cloud'* woe*; Ah! who would wait for a reason When a Haa I* reaped like a roar? But the roaetime run* to the rueltme. And memorv flow'er* in pain - And out of the du»k and the d. wtiroe We never »hall go again. —Bt. I’aul'a. Dl*tingul*hcd Women It U very rarely indeed that any city ha* the honor of entertaining *o nota-1 l>!c a giotip of distinguished women a#j tt was Augusta * great pleasure to e*-| tertain yesterday. These women arc prominent not only became of the high office* of their husband* and fathers, but because of their own gracious charm* of manner and their disting uished service* to their country. Both Mr*. Porter and Mis* Wheeler did ef fective work in the hospital* during the war and the others were equally active in the work of raising supplies at home Mrs. McKinley has been her hus band'* dormant encouragement and In spiration In the time of trial and ha* deservedly won the name given her a* the wife of the president, the first lady in the land. Her lovely face and graclotia carriage won her admiring friends by the B. ore during her ail too brief visit to Augusta. The visitors accompanying Mrs. McKinley, and entertained by the Commercial Club last night, were: Mrs. Lyman Mrs. Alger. Mra. Ixmg. Miss lsmg, Mr*. Porter, Miss Wilson and Miss Wheeler. The club was very beautifully deco rated In mistletoe, holly and American flags; and on flower laden tables was served a dainty repast. The Augusta women invited to meet the visitors were: A beautiful bunch of La France loses were presented to Mrs. McKinley at the Commercial club by Mrs. Henry Cohen in behalf of the ladies of tho • Cross Country Riding club. Mrs. Co hen accompanied the presentation of the flowers with a Clever little speech, welcoming Mrs. McKinley to the club and to Augusta. Mrs. J. C. C. Black. Mrs. Virginia d'Aniignac. Mrs. Harris d Antignac, Mrs. Lamar Fleming. Mrs. Henry Coh“n, Mrs. Tom Alexander. jVlrs. Bishop Alexander, Mrs. Glaze brook, Mrs John Harper Davidson. Mrs. Tom Barrett Mrs. Tom Coleman, Mrs. Lucy Caswell. Mrs. T. P. Branch, Mrs. M. P. Carroll, Mrs. Margaret B. Dugas, Mrs. Frank Butt, Mrs. Mc- Gowan, Mrs. Ed Hook. Mrs. W. B. White Mrs. Victor Dorr, Mrs. San ford Coben. Misses Margaret and Hen rietta Robertson, Mrs. W. A. Garrett. Misses Jenna and Leola Garrett, Misses Katherine and Merial Black Mrs. 'I - K. Scott. Mrs. Landun Thomas, Mrs. Charles F. Degan, Mrs. Willie Craig. Mr« Wright. Mrs. Patterson. Miss Young, Mrs. W, F. Eve. Mrs. Joseph Lamar. Mrs. W. B. Young and Miss Waiuer oi tit. Ijaul. iljt THSS AtfOOiTA BKBALD. A So. rl CkrtMMt free, .. m . t, i4i I snpfn'tfll of V*:>* iitkiiMt er, k«f kotia** *nd ••*** a* k •**! . raiher thno (It** tip* k©la of Ilia i. MMitfrv mtaiflg. rrrflartl t Mix atrrr* The hoi roptain**! an cut, < arrfollv #ra|.|***l in rMfton A for* |m.r pupil of ih« ! a*>lf who la aomathing of an art rfiU*'. In the form of a black rblna doll two <nrh#« in laogtb. The ‘DomMla." who i« ■ lover of Tennyenn. w»* bended • Mmall Jrvrlry Uu. markad. “Trnny- p lM .ms Diemond Kdlilon. Illn»- trated, TUhon u*." It contained—» I The ymmg Indy who dotee on Emec -1 Mts received “Emerson'» Ter- I nitaw” —the beautiful Ini! of ■ gray squirrel, “only that and nothing m*>re. Dee gucet ooeucl a bt.x ntarkt d I “Tales from a wayelde-tn." eat latla. of A purred Inscribed "A gobd thing to Ibnvc on hand - ’ contained one glove; Ita mate arrived later, marked. “Ob. for the touch of a vanished hand!" The tadv of the house received a large finger bowl covered with many wrappings, attd the Inscription, In modified spelling, by which the youth in the cave was confronted. In the old Ktory. “Be bowled, be bowled, be not over-bowled’ These are *p«eimens of some of th# fruit found on this mueh-enjoyed tree, grafts from which are very easily grown In every household. Oeneral Wheeler Complimented The committee. Mrs. T. D. Caswell, Mrs. M. P. Carroli. and Miss Kather ine Black, appointed by the Daughters of the Confederacy, selected a superb bunch of white roses and presented them to General Joseph Wheeler yes terday. The flowers were tied with the national colors, red, white and blue, among which was placed a snmll Confederate flag, the badge of th * Daughters of the Confederacy o this city. The flowers were accompanied l,y ibf Inclosed inscription on the Chapter's official paper: A Tribute from Ihe Daughters of the Confederacy of his native city to Major General Joseph Wheeler. Our Hero. Mrs. Coleman's Entertainment. Present at the charming tea given by Mrs. Thomas Coleman after the dob reception last evening wrer»: !Gen. end Mrs. Gobin, Capt Norris, Miss Patterson, of New Jersey. Mrs. C h. Cohen and Miss Katherine Black. Red Rose to a Hero. A charming Incident of General Jo seph Wheeler’s reception in Augusta w as the presentation to the great con federate by the school children on the Hill of a superb bunch of red roses, the appropriate emblems of heroism. Mrs. August Brenner and children, of Wilmington and Miss Nellie Bren ner arrived in the city yesterday. The beautiful La France roses car ried by Mrs. McKinley yesterday were presented by Mrs. C. H. Cohen. Mrs. Julia DeLane has returned from an extended visit to the northern resorts. Mrs. Ingraham of Dixie Farm is the guest of relatives in the city. Miss Ancle Branch is expected home tomorrow from Vassar. Mrs. S, S. Sumner is the guest of Mrs, Gallagher. ;4i „ HtIPIUIHAM NOVfc*. Aa (Md td*w< Maa la I a**ad lk*l *• His I a«t llrt*hfihftlt !)n 19* - Wtßt* ko<B* : . ~ _ i. [ [L | g, iR «.<** found dead la .. , a<ory * mill Frida j Aa „*• that dentil at* fttgfd by }Mira Iy* .1* •aurriadneed by r broat* t**#ta** There were arrvke* la Ike tUpii*t | r huri h Aatardny At a roafetaare. | (her* were three arrMlsM h* letter moraiac K> v. J. W. K Jeak.a* ttreai hed aa creel teal neraroa The muatr wa» grnad. iji*i evraiag t* lln pt I*l church wa» filled to overflow of Rev. M A Imn*dell. The ordtna ilnn arrtaoo by Rev. J. H Cwrwwell wa* very fine The eaamlaatine by Krv. J H. Oliver wan thorough and the nnarrrr* of the candidate were emi nent!" rallafartory . The charge and pirneniatlon of the Bible Is present frym Panior Jeahin*! by Rev. C. M. Carnwiell wra* e««-c ■ditigly B<«>d The ordination prayer by Rev. C. H. Heala •a* •%( , ell<*nt. mid lo tmy th* 1 wrric*. (which had »h**4i r«p<*«*Ully for tbi* occanloßt. wta* good. I* putting It mildly. Everything pa*»rd off nicely. Rev. Jenkina was master of reremo niea. and no one could have excelled him. Visitor# In the city yrsteiday: Mr. and Mr». Cltniyn Wltlteford. Mis* Ida Bdle Whlteford. Hon. R. tl. May and Mr. J. C. Acton. Augusta; Mr*. O. I*. Kilpatrick and Ml»a Irene Baxley Kil patrick. Wayneslairo: Mr. anil Mra. V. J. Murrow and l*r. J. H. Ilea 11, Blythe; Mr. Perry Averett and Mies Blanche Napier*. Ridge; Mr. A. W, Jones and family. Spring Hill; Hon. W. It. Buxhardt. Miss Nellie Seago, ad Miss Annie Johnson.' Orace wcsid; Hon. W W Hack. Mist Maud llßik. Mr. J R Bynum Mr. Seago, Misses Clara. Kffle and Bessie Seago, Dr Bruce; Mr. John 1). Baxley, Sa vannah; Hon J. M. C. Murphy and wife, Kllwrood Pocket Books and Card c ases . Dunbar & Williams. CONCERT TONKIhT. Excellent Talent From Camp Hac kenzle Will Participate. St. Patrick’s Benevolent society will give a concert at 8:3 tonight at the Y. M. C. A. The concert is In the hands of Miss Annie Cleary, w-lurk In sorqf Its success. Music will he furnished by the splendid band of the 35th Michigan regiment, and with the exception of two or three selections, the vocalists are all from Camp Mack enzie. Private Jordan of the 13th Pennsyl vania will be beard liv two or three solos. Price of admission, 25 cents. The proceeds will go towards caring for the poor. <jf St. Patiick's par ish. i Archorena and Carrom Boards. Dunbar & Williams. i : .Tawimneß of ; ,isinanti<’ have lW>n uiiea.- ned In j>hlo. Prehistoric piiKil inm ia thus eHtablißhf*d. Cokß Dandrnff Core & Hair Me Guaranteed to cure dandruff, stop hair from railing out and to cure all dis eases of the sealp. If It don’t do what We claim for it we will cheerfully re fund money. XMAS GOODS. Before buying your Christmas pres ents, we would be pleased to have you call and look at our beautiful line. Atomizers from 2D cents to SD.OO Pocket books. Purses, Traveling Cases, ail kinds and prices. Celluloid Boxes for Cuffs and Col lars. Handkerchiefs, Gloves, etc. Our line of Mirrors and Comb and Brush Sets can't be beat for the money. We have a ijomplete line of following extract* and fyllet articles: ' KoU.'ft .V UALLKT, COLGATE & Co., PALMER'S. HfeELY'S. GA ZELLES, VIOLET of SICILY. c. H. HOWARD, JR., Druggist, - <• IV c Aoad St. | H.l tr iriblS Ike I svntova a* lh» SUffhva* High sknot V LmJ I ttday. j t'ltakwdillb. iJa Iter It Thr »»- on Kr.tet aflrtamaa f»*r a brtef fate* dnriaa th* boltdara. That tMffht Me,. ] Aanfcwd and the pupil* of the *chm»l gavr an ratrrtataaeat which wa* pro encmrrd ebarmtag The gloomy aa i . f hiralH«’r dottbtlfWl •ItliHrhl m*ttv front stldkllftl. vliirh tfii«T i rn*iiyt to . y rrv fp V «rn( from ttiin pU*© to «t --' (hr |tr«r )t»hiW In Atliintn. x M| iitiniit purr oft© *K* ©•lP'fly CniwfntHvllk 1 prt»po©« to f©* 19 rtek\ ** tu*r full jubilation until tb© VVbniarj . I W<- regret that the line of travel marked out for the President and hi* parts did not take him along Ihe !Georgia railroad, ao that he could have ! dropped <lf for » fr * mlniitra to pay j reaped to the grave of Georgia* great rat atatesmen W* would havr vied with oor gt< at rltlrw In the heart I ne** «,f wrleotne. though wr could not have approached them la cx.rnt of 'demon*ratl«. Hut wr would have Ulan** our bot. . Not half a tioaen new grave* have lau-n made l„ oor cemetery during the year now rtwaing. Wbeu wr eonalder that thl. i. -he burial Pl»ce »<*r • <on -1 side, able extent of country It will ap- Ipear a fin- record. This spplle. only the White, There have been many | burial. In the eeme.ery Mr# M A. Sanford will #|»»*n'l •" reeeas of Blephens High Sehtrol In !, t ome Mlaa Itella C. s »" ,or, ‘ *' visit Augusta and possibly B> “""I '* during the recess Hrof. J. JJ. . ! ford will keep house at Liberty IL •| jy „i.i of hi# ninjor Homo, Knapp ' Rev Mr Norman, who was assigned ,o this circuit by the late M. E. «•- feeuce. began hta pastorate here last iSunday by preaching two aertmm*. which were well received. It has not. yet tranaplred whether the L" b L. Harris will withdraw the Laigtmt'lon which he tendered to the Hcptlst church at the laat conference. I Mr. la-e Evans. It bt said, wil o | next Sunday become the third of t Itrioof our young men who embark on I the sea of matrimony this season. 5 j tie be ns happy as the other two seem ! '°Short crops of cotton selling »Mow figures prrelndes all prospects of a 'lively Christmas »' Z W e have much bad weather. But Ibc Legislature has adjourned. M f fi ß M E. Foltlns, who has been visiting at Liberty Hall, will spend the holidays in Augusta and ( arolina. Miss Ella Nbrton has returned from a visit to Augusta. Turkish bath, popular prices, Thursday. Pictures in endless va riety. Dunbar & Williams. UllputlazTside mwoui » 7. in. tomorrow. VV. C. T. V. RESOLUTIONS Passed Commending Masons For Ex cluding Intoxicants From I air. At a meeting of Ihe W C. 1 ■ 1 • " f Augusta. Gh., held December U *9B. the following resolution was adopt, d. “The W C T. IT. or Augusta com mends the action or the Masons In ex cluding all Intoxicating beverages from their recent lair. This tribute to tem perance from an order which comprises |„ its membership so many of our prominent citizens Is highly, appreciat ed by the ladies of our union. Lllll'Utlan Sale opens !i a. m. tomorrow. Pocket Books and Card Cases. Dunbar & Williams. Watch the rush for LlHpulian seats. A f-ine Boy. Mr. Saul Norris, a valued employe of the Georgia railroad, is wearing a broad smile Ibis morning and when ever his frieriTL meet hitU, they extend congratulations. Now, the reason of this Is that a little visitor arrived at his home. 812 Barnes street, this morn ing, a nd in. is * hno young fellow. SPECIAL PRICES Oi Lada’ DISKS. ClliTiiim ail Ckiu Clueli V CASH OR CREDIT PUDGHT FURNIIURE COMPANY PALACE MARKET 2I4^ 218 Fine Cuts of BEEF, VEAL. LAMB and MUT TON, POULTRY, CAME. Ac. Proprietor Augusta Packing Company. B. LAWRENCE. THE W EATHER. Augusta. ()•.. Tuesday. Dee. 2®. I*9B Office located in Fulled Btntea Gov ernment ImUiUng; telephone No. 1572. Forecast for 36 hour*, ending * p nt.. Dec. 21, 1898. Washington force ant for Georgia and South Carolina; Generally fair to night and Wednesday : probably colder tonight. Iztcal forecast for Annual* and vi cinity Fair tonight and Wednesday; slightly cooler tonight. THE RIVER The river at 8 a. to was B.u feet, a rise of 0.1 feet In the past 2t hour*. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Cloudy and threatening weather pre vail# largely over Iho eastern half of the country »o ,k considerable clear weather in the weslern half, more es pecially to the smlthweat Rains have fallen. In the past 21 hours, east of the Mississippi river, with moderate heavy falls over the lower lakes and upper Atlantic states. Temperatures have risen decidedly over a large portion of the eastern half, while slightly lower temperatures are noted In the southwest. The pressure is highest in New Eng land and nearly as high in Florida, and is lowest along the western British pOHHPKSIon#. IjHputifui Hale open# 9 a. m. tomorrow. Pictures in endless va riety. Dunbar & Williams. Turkish hath, popular prices, Thursday. Miss Helen Welslger has returned from Columbia county to spend the holidays at home. Watch the rush for Lilliputian seats. Toys of every deserfp tion. Dunbar & Williams. I.ilipullan sale opens * a. m. tomorrow. Miss Celeste Allen has returned from a visit to friends in New York. Turkish bath, popular prices, Thursday. Mrs. Lucy Evans, of Atlanta, Is the guest of Miss Allie Eve. JARDINIERS of sll styles—very pretty. We can also furnish Tslnis, It libber and other plants —There is nothing more appreciated by a lady for a Xmas gift. Plant Now 2 A ™^7°sm’ tier one hundred. \\ bite .Silver Skin and Yellow Danvers. Orion Sets, Geor gia See# Rye. *I.OO per bushel. Chinese Rose, (Winter) HnddLh Seed. IX HOI' BEDS— Augusta Early Trucker Cabbage Mted. It is time to plant. Sweet Pea*- ounce 10 cents. Hyacinths. Tulips Rraciw. Narcissus and other spring bloutmng bulbs. jEgg-“'all in and see us. ALEXANDER SEED CO. e 32 Broad ."Street. dick mnsß ao I»RI:SIUFNT’S NOTES. The President U the imam u I bit 1 pin urea. A day that will go «i»wu in higtory as a red letter one. (Jen Shatter la not as stout as the | yellow journals have pictured him. i The electrical decoration on the Dyer hulldiug showed up well last night. The newspaper representatives who were hrre are a clever set of scribes. Major Wither's Vets never appeared to better advantage than on yesterday. The decorations at the Commercial Club were elegant. The rei-eption the same. The Old Reliable brought the Pres ident front Maron on time to the min ute. Kvery one Is chnrmpd with Mrs. Mc- Kinley. Her sweet smile caught the crowd. A section of the President’s car was a perfect conservatory, so many flow ers were In there. The ovation given General Wheeler by (lie Confederate Veterans was even greater than expected. Gen. Shatter's ovation was not so great as Wheeler's, but then he is not a Confederate veteran. The Southern road never missed a minute In keeping the schedule of the President's train on the entire trip. Postmaster Stallings’ idea in bring ing the President here has proven that tie knew what he was talking about. ‘T passed today near the spot where I was horn,’’ said Gen. Wheeler to a friend Just before the train left the city. The presidential train was a verita ble palace on wheels. The President's coach was Ihe acme of comfort and elegance. , A number of people followed the President’s train almost to the river bridge, shaking hands with McKinley from the rear platform. One of the best decorated houses In llie city was Postmaster Stallings’ resi dence on lower Broad street. A large picture of the President was among the decorations. Mr. McKinley re marked on the beauty of the decora tions. Capt. Randolph Ridgelcy, who was standing Ip a haloony when Gen. Wheeler passed In his carriage shout ed to the old war hero: "We are all old vets. General!” and the General rose in his carriage ami bowed to the captain. Toys ofj every descrip tion. Dunbar & Williams. Liliputidn sale opens 3 a. lu, tOEMfI»W.«