The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 20, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 TUESDAY COAL-COAL-COAL MHOII Ml IS AMi Vl'l Ml W' 'I *'W» h Wihl Aiih ' THB BRUT OBAOBB Of BUlt* OtfTl J#lliCO j ~ ' CJOjfkmXd AwthtßCft iw nix* Nlrt At Tn* I «S P|M3M» l<f)M • * *»• •***»•• *T*t**> CITY ICE COMPANY. AUJIIf A llWkltV fwnwaad DM** »*4 *»»— M9TTWH V*arf (HM try ..«**••> •** M •» ! Him ««••'! MMM .. » .. *•*»• immt mmmp ***d •* PMn« ai*tt cnDWTuT MmiH ' i p«» imim 1»4#3», i— .• H * Bat*—. >»»». hn#M» *♦ t •»_*•»* • I •»***. y*t tmmt , .. .. I» Ma*t *» 0»*toi». **» Mad •. »* *• •* « *•* IN»»*i* 11 gMMd .. ****** IhMMHtt*. l WflW*, p-t-wod 4 t-Bb4 18 U«»i MM t*«IK .3* * | *o* IHIIS fi* | „ ** t> •> *, ** ** < w ,m boa. Fiorina ..... .M Mm «* Dr'e* paaehea. »«*ad m « '**»!* >»»«■«• .. ~ «• .. hh. • *. flail m Mi> I' l "** «»<*'•" *•!* SSSom, t**m »»•*»•••• I* l ** Haw* liwii ... ■. •« •< •• •• »• •• **• ** Ufl MTOCK MARKKT Matff <i»n. n»wwm <• #ai*a MM *• ||M« Mrali a retag# **•*• »• « ** *** i»|W« ■■■»■!»■ *• •»!*• ... • • ** aswrage aalag ...» *».* **«•**. i._mm-m «a natca .... » M* Cm—t» •*•»••• *a*#a ...••• *• •*" " Match Ma» Mlea *•»* n»t i—i . .... « •• " Mai— tt 1-1 Msada. Min ran— ■ •* •• Mai— II haitda. (ail '«*•• • M <>* Af<B DIM" I— **«•(• • P** f"! • lid Ml. «»«> —•!>. O O . H» ** II n, (Ufa* haag. radar Hi t* Ida# . 0 M. wall —ftfcrta. #»»# nm OOODB MWr— •»< —a~i*«»! OraMtatrlUa. Id shifting » • » enthtlnvib* H « •» *b»rtMg .. .. I * • (Jranitavm* 111 C B aheeun* ~ 4 I I -• <*raafta*i>i« MM * M * *•* P. Kim MM* ohlrtlag •*. * *** Jahn P, Kin*. « •—M B C ~ .. I I-* SPcrOL MII.K Cartlcalff. M yda. I* apoot. P»r d-s N Cart—ill 8* yda to •"» “ ■LEArHINOH. Miscallskmui Mauds * •*'•* WKIOAN. (Trull as tba loam. MI nr be* .. * 1 Fruit of lha loam. T-l tor he# .. .. I 1-4 Cabal. »-• lor baa » • CMMH. I-I ** •• "1 *£? Kill of ha Waat .. .. * Ibc r Kina T-l R R ahirlln* .. J !-• la f Kin> 4-1 * A ahaatln* .. 4* » jMMltla 4-4 * *’* St, r Ktna. M-lm-h Oaortla .. .. 4 l-l jno r. KIM. M Ihr'h (Cat * *'* j„, t. KIM. M mch ■> • litu. r. Kin* » Inrh Muparlcr .. 3 1-4 PRINT*. »nr.rlran »hlrllM». *4«*4 I 1-4 M*riimark ahlrtlM«. **«**-- - ! *** hartar Uoak draaa alylaa 10*10 .. I 1-1 « a»bbi«to» Olio (faDcyl * Allan a (fanryl * 1 * Itmpaon'a 1-4 parealaa .. » • nat>| «t»n..l rntton. par doa 41 imn lean Indl*o bluao. «4*«4 .. .. 1 1-1 flattr OIU (Killll 14*14 4 AUtarlran Indigo hlua* 14*14 .. .. 4 It»t#rnation»l bloch* 14**4 .. .. 4 Allan » cardinal* 14**4 .. .. .. .. * Allan'# Latonaa *4*44 4 India •• •• •• * *** India blue *4*44 4 Etlnglanta «*« .. .. - * Martha Warhlngton &«*•• * *-« Aaurru i • radlanla *4**4 4 Cnartar Oaka. I 1-* TICK*. Hampahlrn .. * ‘ * Amoakaa* A C A ]" **• Amonkrau •• ■ Maclproi-itjr 7 **■ PL.AID HOMKBPUK*. City Mill* * *-* Four yatd. good 32 In.h 4 3-4 Cod I shlrtln*a M*M 3 1-* i,odi draaa atyle# 6«*«« 3 1-4 «t. Clair drraa 4 Ocean aollda 3 3-4 Marti* Washington fam-lr* .. .. 3 3-4 Miscellaneous brands, light weight .. 1® 1-* Issetta 6 yard* plain 3 1-3 Thorndike B •• •• •• •• * 3-4 Hercule* .. .. 7 w Amo*keag .. * Craacant >- •• ' Pelham. 33 bal R° b° x 11 y. O. F.. 30 hall* to box 13 JE G r.. 20 ball* to lb 17 1-2 Muscogee B * 1-3 17 inch 4 1-3 yd. plaids, beat make * 3-4 Itmpaon Bilk finish foulard* 64x -4 Pacific mournings *4x64 A 1-2 Chin* silks 64x64 T 1-4 UldUtetord 5 Rock port .. 6 1-1 Plater 44x64 31-1 Concord, 64x60 3 1-4 Rome 66x40 .. •• 8 1-4 Kdward* 3 1-3 Keystone 3 1-3 Plltb Avenue * 1-4 KKAJtSEV 8. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearaey 8 1-4 Kincaid and other* - - .. 9 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 7 »“3B Rosend'als cement *1 <5 Portland cement 12.76 to 3.25 Loulavllle cement in paper sack* ..11.00 Plaster In bbl* 11.78 HARDWARE. Tell buckets, per do* .... 13.00 'amted buckets, per do* 11.10 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 11.75 H R B cedar palle. per dm .. .. 12 00 übs painted, per neet J 1.75 •lore Manila, per pound 9 1-3 •'lope. Sisal, per pound 7c Ripe, cotton, per pound .. .. lOoallc oralis, wire base Nalls, cut ... .. 11 48 base Shovel*. Ame*. per do* .. .. JUnIU vu Shovel*, diamond, per dor .. .. 17.00 M*,v«ls. riveted back, per dos. .. 14.76 Plow blade* * 1"® base Ham#*, led lop, per do* 12.26 names, red top root, per del .. .. 12.60 I ft**#* few* f«B*n ftf fta MM ft li | MdhdV 4M BbBMN»> p** IS. ■ ItH MM I 4NI (Nnl Tt rtiß B**f IB # ** mmm • • • tptmm., fSNf B*# * ««»••« I® ft - IK*** bßbbbl pm B*ni * ** >4 «« »4 M S *1 - —irji — milß, f«f tl I »« to . IMS Y**<• ■fißißß pm pm <« (ft fftft Ml HBBIB RPI * pm {pNMSB .« ft it*! ft !repair NMa Ma I roe groan , •*» nsi —4. a*o .* .. <'Mt— ear** gar As* * |a a# haof — Me I gar 4a* ( Ate I*Mra*. Na, 4. gar 4a* . .. ** 'ab* hand** Me t, gar gag ~.,.*» A seat g»*t —Mil*, per 4aa. .... Malt Wed iban* gnivaMWMl. gar sh .... Mr MrtdMgk glaar, 44 tl. I HI lb. t. » M mtatb Mown*. Qaatataa— Mlarha had haM* fa rat eh ad by ft ha #, tmhay MM Aabed • teaegra r* t*M ..Ml ... rtaayglo 4 l-rA t*tt „ „ „ IM ... ! riaargla 4 1-Fa IM* ...... IT* ... ttehrgt* I (-FA IM* 10* a. Oewegta I |-Fa TMI H I** ... gkratb CaratMra 4 I IT* 11l IM CTTf MOMfM. Aagaoia Fa IM .. 11* #*• ft. t*t* H « a a a M Augnata Fa IM* > •• .. »• Mb ... AMuain 4 IF* IM .. .. *• 14* ... Augaota Fa IMT M ... i Atlanta Fa IM4 a IM ... Aitaara Pa IM* , « .. .. .. IM ... Atlanta Fa 1— . •« .. .. .< IM ... Atlanta « l-FA Mtt M ...... IM ... Atlanta Fa l*f> .. .. .. .. M ... fltavannah Fa IM ** »• •• 111 *** naeaamb »•* ifi* .. .. .. IU ... Rome Fa. IMI .. .. IM iColttmlma I's. IM* IM Columbus 4 l-F*. IMI .. .. M 4 ... Huron « l-FA IM IM ... Ma. on Fa III* .. .. .. .. .. .. HI 'CotumMa r*-€» .. ...... M ... Charleston 4'a IM* .. ■■ .. 91 ... * —Otaded RAIUrdAI) MONO*. Ororfle R. R. * Mhg Co. Fa imi IM •» Oeotgia R R * Mhg Co , Fa IM* .. IM .... Chariot!*. Columbia 41 Au | gusta. I*l FA IM* t*f ... Chorion*. Columbia A As guota. td r*. in* .. .. .. .. Ilf August* *a. R R.. I'A W 4 . ... M C. R H Ranking Co. Collat eral Trust I'A IMT .. ,» ..M M dootharn Hallway Fa IM« .. .. 91 M Central of Oeorgla Railway, Ist ronaol Brurt Fa l**l .... M M C. of O. Ist gref In 31 M Central of Oonrgta Hallway, td pref Income*. I*4* U 14 C. of O. Ist pref In . IMS .... I • o. h a r , let m. I*. »a . M* in South Oeorgt* and Florida. 3d Tt, l«* 101 South Oeorgla and Florida 2d Pi. l*M IM Ocean Steamship Co., lal Fa M ?*A IIM IM ». enterprise 34fg Co., let Fa IM] M ~ |M ... Sibley Mfg. Co., lat Fa. I»M . IM Flbley Mfs Co., lat Fa. IMI 100 US. R. R. 4 B. Co. stork .. lIT 200 Bouthw*slern R. R. Stock .. M rUO Augueta and Savannah stock . SI lv* GRAIN AND PROVISION*. ' Oslo, white, sacked tl j Ooaia, mixed, aackad If Corn, white, sacked ~ M I Corn, mixed .. .. .. tl Meal, boiled, per bushel 471* Flour, t in Flour, fancy extra .. 3.71 Flour, Ofcond patent .. ~ „ ~ t.W Flour, standard patent .. .. ~ 4.23 Flour, fancy patent 1.7 f : Wheal bran. 100-lb sacks *S , Fin# feed. 106-lb sacks 90 Hay--flatly*, per ton 12.00 Hay -Timothy, per ton 13 00 Hay—choice, tier ton It.oo 'Hsme- choice eugar cured .. lOallH | Smoked rib aides .. .. .. ~ .. .. I 1-3 Dry sal ribs I 3-4 Lard, pure leaf, In tlercea Ms EMPRESS ENTERTAINS. Apple* and Chrysanthemum* the Decorations. Pekin. Dec. 20.—The numerous dlfll eulties having been finally overcome, the Empress Dowager today granted an audience to the wives of the foreign ambassadors and ministers The la dles assembled at the British legation and proceeded to the palace. At the I entrance to Its precincts n group of i gorgeously arrayed mandarins met them and conducted them to the great hall, from which several Chinese la dle* conducted them to tho audience chamber. The Empress Dowager was seated upon a dins behind a table decorated with chryantbemums and apples, with tho Emperor at her left hand. Lady Claude MacDonald, wife of the British minister, as doyenne of the diplomatic corps, read a speech in En glish expressing her pleasure and that of the other ladles et having an oppor tunity to tender their congratulations to the Empress Dowager on her birth day and also expressing the hope that their step might be followed by the ladies of China. The Empress return ed lhanks. the lsdles mounted tho dais and bowed before her and the Em peror. Her Majesty then presented each with a ring of pearl and gold, which she herself placed on the recipient's finger after which the foreign ladies retired (o an udjoiuing haii, where a sumptuous Chinese luncheon was served. Princess Cblng presiding. OABTORTA. B „ Mf th(> m the Kuid Y»u Unit Always BjrfM TH® A.TTGT7BTA TTER-A.X-X3 I MCI J) HIB4 M b ifun*f rust Hwrjiiofti f%m ft lift iMftHHI b# *-Pmm 1 [ pmmmmp:. #tft m**++*o**** i ! «#4 imyjf Vmm Itftftft ft . itm fwmri* * B% I** lilt fftiftM *«- : I <«t km m* km ; ? «4tft : (ft * N|- tßftftpß B# IflKftft ft T«n» B I #ftt. Ini whbp* BIN ftft ■pm j mm** •* • « Rfttßßl ttwßft* f~l JOT 1 tfWBB ftMttl ft* ftft iftlMHMft ftft [ M»irt Bf iiimtt t ft «.*«»• ftt * 11b iftNl mm, b fTftftißßßt ftwi b Bmb | tlßtt BtttftMV lift ftftl m B«ft BBRftNI i , Ht«FfF FSl'f 4 ■■■»•' VtAVCB B “‘99* I rtf. B P4 BKB Bf BBUftftßftßß I |Bblb ftMfttt •» Wft> B|» •• *#*«Bjß Ito ttttftfßM lift ***- r *l tt* 4 * I pm ■ I tm Bfß Bftlf tBB iftll BBBft *ftß* | **ftl *»4t fHH ttrNßfßft 884 BWftlßiftft*, [ |jr llfft ftmt fttßfTßWltt Ttft Tl#» ft* I Bft'Bilifßßri 11 * •• ftif (ftf Jtwwlft- * ttm BBtti Iftftß §m* Ift BBBft. ftftft B [ BußNMft WiNßpf IBNBkt MBBBMtt® ttß ftu ’’ I t MB* • • B M #ltJß*B* ftN* ***fY Btt* f «Bf : j Iftttftl* BHttH* CBBtlf tftitt Bt • «■*•' | **B»r Iftft iftftlrßftr mmmtn **%** j Ml to fftfrt HBtiftf# Itt# ft* »ft*| lly’i ' ftl lift Blftti Nftft ft Jftß* * Blltt j «M» ftßttftjf BM*B* Of ftft i f rx»»4 ftftW bB*BRW*» f«* BBrlßlif, Jftwlj ftHNNk"* (b*T Hb*» fttß |NBft Bli tftftPi r ; I tIYBBa Add 818 •*'**■ ftoCH("4 IO RBffftißtt 9 • • I ftftft. ftßfTftßß* |Bft •• «B 4 «*B M lift* •• fm» ftitßl lily cm. tft ’ b siting hb * ®rwß** ■»” 'party, and oxklhtrtHl • ** # tree : .train your yekethoot to Its ainori ’ limit an matter If ywo hav* to *n deep Ily In dots sad lb* eklMron baae btrt .ranly f*<rd far three month* nfl*r j ward All year ttwn lliile uorld ha* beheld." gartahen of and rlewnl •our exlrnraname. then gerhap* some away laushln* la Ihelr sleeve# Tk« ) grown ug one# no* Ike rhlldren -lltey are arS world rontatmaalM y*4. hleaa: Ihelr laaoceme e e e Madame, with portly guree. matching i your potnpaus person, yoar t'nrle HI -1 ram compoaed ihaf aemenre Isn't it line*” March haughtily and protolly t*>| the Id-cent bargain counter and buy every poor and needy retail*# you have] got a munlScenl present. Then rustle j superrlllltialy pest one its your own km ] "who happen* |o be clerking in ibi# particular glare” Flounce grandly pnat. without even a nod of recogni tion. go on your aelf-lmportant way | aad make yourself a Tula Tide present i ttf a 130 Imported lurnnet a a a Mr* "Poor-bul-Proud" put on your | customary mantle of becoming dignity, and meander forth with that II M In your pockethook, and the "1200 to spend air” about you. You wttl de ceive even the courteous floorwalker*. Hang conscptruously and ostentatious ] ly over every show case, filled with. Arc. expesrlvc holiday goods. wJfefci each article brings no less than 13 Lin ger Intently, with the look of an "nn dlclded hut sure to purchase" custom er. especially If Mr*. Hullion and Mis»| Rxtra RUh are anywhere In view. Af ter they have left the store, wend your way to one ot the liargain counters, where poor, eager parent* are openly 1 and Joyfully gvalllng themselves of the ! pretty cheap offerings so dear to child-1 ; Ish heart*, the thank* of your own de lighted children will amply repay you for any sacr.Are or humiliation to your silly pi Ido and worldly footings. • • • To half tho world and bis fnmlly.hav- Ing the ploasure of onjoylng a Chrlst i mas turkey dinner, be sure and never give a single thought to the ones that I you know positively hav# no way of getting oven* tho most modest kind of feast. Perhaps yon may remember some of them, though, when that aw ful At of holiday Indigestion overtakes you from too much oslltig. You will wish then that those very same people hud eaten your dinner, Instead of your “iinselAsh" (?) self Emerald green rhappy. be sure and send your inamorata a sterling silver manicure set. or a l,ox of exquisite toil et soap She will take It ns such a compliment that you were so thought ful as to think that her lllly white hands required Immediate manicuring, j or her pretty face a good washing. • * * Foolish but fond wife, get the only • him” such a love of a “poker set.” so he will be sure to contract the cheerful habit of “sitting out all night in a po ker game," with the boys. Yon will bo left at home busily burning up the ob noxious old present that lured “him" into cutting up such didoes. * • • Lovely and gushing young bride, give that lordly and !>c!oved “he" one of your coquettish silken love locks, set In the dearest little gold locket “one ever beheld,” to wear on his watch chain as an amulet. He will be sure to love It by the end of your honeymoon, and that romantic Christmas present will probably lead to your first quar rel. while you will cry your pretty nose red In the bargain. * * • Young ladies, be sure and give your betrothed the mitten, directly after Christmas, especially if he has been mure than lavish with the dainty pres ents that propriety allows. But do not return that expensive eagagsment ring. He would be stir* to utilise it in his next engagement. * • * Never mind giving your Uncle Hiram fdOB U|S BAKING POWDER IS Tift BEST n 5‘H IMtHW h»'’ Cs ** W * * ”*** JM** AT LANYA OA mi i ii WHOLESALE PUNTS. Tw*y |lilr*l« «f WMl* |#ft «««4 IB A uguth id .% I In(M *-• |t • lift ('VM*4 ATLANTIC IIS «|.H| • Oil#— Tft t*o«tmrf) on. I»ft*<* mfUlt imfttt m * ft itwfß tft tmrpmt •* At* | C D‘I I#BI ftVftL ft «ftß tft mm AtlftlK ft> mil It Bt BBBft fttc* HAuntmx wor town anti CXH’NTHY REAUT IIIXKft PAIXTB Rll fr**h tlofk from Itmrßl ftf** ft V# ft! Bftffttt TAUtT (Titr.a ()!«••; Oft tYlnta Bit***’’ tttsMft ; ri#mi Pam<*. Mer.-Alil* Ready-Mixed Palm# Roof pjb . Miner*l Pninta *lo., etc. ft Howard i fillet Dri( Ce. JOBBERS iviinn None Can Be BETTER I Coal I| Wood j £gp-1 oruer t'snti* and F' n««‘k hired#. Bel! Pbine 1374- imperial COAL CO., J. 11. MIMON, Mgr CROUP CAN HE CURED W and can Bf prevented by \*bino Land’s Croip Droiis w cents a bottle. made AM) MILD ONLY BY H. EC. L-A-IED m NINTH .'TKkKf. CATARRH A LOCAL Disease A Climatic Affection Nothing but n loci! remedy or Chun## of climate will curt >L Get a well known Sf critic, Ely’s Cream Ba'm SHIP*' v „!U“. ’iS? ». k - COLD "(HEAD lief ut ones Opens si U Cieutists the Nava Passages. Allays Inti .mutation. Heals anil Protects the lltmbrain . Rcstorrs the Senses of Taste ami Smel 1 . \o Cocaine, No Mer cury. No Injurious drug. Full sv.sSOC; Trial size* 10c at Druggists or by mail. EI.Y BROTHKKF, 5b W arren Ft., New York a silver encrusted, crush leather poek etbook. with a superfluity of vacant compartments, .lust send him a 50- cent ordinary one, •encrusted inside with gold and silver specie, ltt which the rampant American eagle sits, screeching hurrah for Uncle' Sam, the Philippines and merry Xmas. —By BERTIE EMERSON TARVER. Games and toys. Our stock is enormous. A splendid selection, 5 cents up- Call and see at Richards & Shaver’s. The Eternal Question She 1 wonder why you ever mar ried me. He— Because I theught I loved you, •f course; did you get the notion that it was to pay a debt? —Inditfliapoli* Journal. CALL ton lufusta Brewing Co s KXfOMT IfCKH & ip*? BELLE OB’ GEORGIA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —taix roi— AUQUSTA BEER. MET tl UU. In any sums desired from $?500 upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fores. No delay in getting the money. Aleiander&JotiDson A|*ni> ftrttMi Aarrou Mori (fa*# L’on»|*wnv, 705 Broad St- I F YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN I ill Hi I IL 1!. MITCHELL, A 1 KX. M, DONALD Nnpi. si • on. Nec. A linn. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 312 Mclntiaih Street. ] Electric Bgppiiet—epeaking Tuo-e, eto., tic. Ri'iaim in all Klectrical apparatus. EMetrie U«ht Wiring a specialty. Rail’Phone ItflJ. - - - btrowgereTK LOMBARD IRON WORKS and Supply Company.ui Buildcis and Drains in ENGINES. BOILERS, RAILROAD. COTTON, SAW, FERTILIZER Oil and Ire Machinery, ami Supplies j amt Repairs. Shafting. Pulleys. Hanger*. Leather and Rub ber Belttng ajid Hose MILL SI'PPLIKH AND TOOLS, Foundry, Machine. Boiler and Bridge XV orks. Capacity for 300 Hands. Agents for Atlas and Erie Engines, Ashooith ('aids. Korting and Leader Injectors, Turbine Water Wheels, etc. APOrSTA, OA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1394. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.j 521 p. m. Lv. SandeisvlUe . 1:19 p, m.j 9 09 p. tn. Ar. Tennllle .. 1:3? p.m.| 9:21 p. rn. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.j 3.55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m | Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|ll:S3 a. tn. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle. 5:25 a. m.| 3:21 p m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at TennnlPe with Central R. R. for Macon, and with Wrtghtsvtlle and Tennille R. U. fur Dublin and Hawklnsvllle. C. W. JACKSON, Gen. Fgt. Pasgj. Agt James U. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands. Receivers. We have the best se lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames at popular prices at Richards & Shaver’s. HAlMhgiAlr aofflhiliJ* Charleston l Bf Carolina mtoft tt ttttittffttMftWtt^ft UM pmmmm ft Wkm XHk. i | iy Aipwitt i .oktm I ** uftßßßNfti mi I^Mft|ftj jj*+* I # Ammrnm** * .** * SS U* h m** Ia mm [ ~ rarnriL. i ■ I ftpft umm ***** •****• *pfttMkN *«* I fig* tf±9*m * jftPfftftftW «. % *** * ***** j I * * | h .ftftft r**imi j I * Bft4MMPMtt44NftaM»*««< t *mpm ■ ■ 9*** I I * USmmrn* ** * i *•I l4Bfttt- *—*»•» l#' ta** «tTTQilftj«*t * mmmmwk map* * **** iiiriS tl£SI * *•* . 13mm &lMi I I A# ttft BMft M j U &Kmh» mm . •*. *•** j I ttf |Mp 11-ttftß ♦*•**•* J * ttWiiilr »dff*4M«*r**d*| VHHiMM**** j tft Aftftßß* ftßft*»**|ftftftMl MJJft* I At AWBBHKb ,••»»*•***«*• »##•**•*| Sftftftß | * |fttti»*—t»«4«. ***** »•••**** jjWjj! * HBwttft H**MM.. Bft Bft 2 * BBft PHttldt♦*.^♦ jMNi*»«. lA4PBttN BJftjtti I fyfnCbit*. . L»«« ••TT* mm - fcyang■*..». ! MP*» * Ihd* igpilHM.... m*. I * ipm • .Ism I •mmndM*...............; IMj** !*w*j * KSC!T“ , .«*.i.«««'. «* *»* * AUmMia............■■ •■•• *■*•*•* i 4to Abn—M...-....... !•»«» ...ill 'M I BaidLß OF QBOBQIA t sv t m item farm gagM#* ma eM* laeiettrsw er g aipawa 1 s-A W* all (warn , ts a A. L I re s tteikp *• l.rwawrad Re Hr *#*••* ew p. A. I, ard (.40. fHtwajra I and DgmmnbwM *ms >•-»•%#** n*«*w*» j PM ear leMasts* mtshe* m hchew mam srheAmea. m., sddwM hj. cKAMi, Om. Pm As*, t M- 00KTM- *««•>•*•* Adb T. M FMS.MK>* Tam Maaag**- AmtMM. Oa. BLOE RIDGE RAILROAD. H C. HOATTIK. Rwcelver. Basthewwd. Wiaihsw - j r*v»» MIS fh* **Fd CMss ClS#* * emm assn M i ll Ml* d TWy. (Hy S Patlm * DM. **»• Ne 33 g#4 £ Mbit Ned - AM '.PM 1 IAITIvw Laa*» r T** ’ A “ I* 33 3 *0 Aadermn ..*( 3 I*ll m III* IM T 1.... Denver ~..4 3 411113 (• *7| I «• Its Aulua ft I .Mill M • tt 3 14133]... PaedlriMt .. F 3 I*H 43 *;♦* 2,#* »*; iTbrcrv FrwMTff f 4 Ml* J* v«: *1 4MfcM> • ••• » 11,11,1 I f a*; 1.3*34: . HfcNACA 4,1*03.33 '331. Meet! Felon •! 3 *jj • H lid... Walfcalla .. a- 4 r AM PM i IDaara AmreiPM FM- No.ll Me* No 11 Sm * 9 Regu'ar Ptntlon. F PMg Ptatlea All regblar trains from Anderson t* 1 Walhaßa hav# right I# Irarh aster 1 trains of Ik# aanir rlaar mnvtn# IB op postie dieewuon. nolens otherwise ape«- l(M by iratn ardera. Wtli atao atop •« folic whig station* |o tabs <>n nr hr* off rwaeengvre Phtn- iaev'a. James and «nai»v ffprtnga. N-> tt cobae. ts Witts ffoulhara rail way No It at Abderwm. 1 No* * and » sannect with Pmrtbet ' railway No* 73 and 37 at Henaca J. n. ANDF-RffON. huper'ntendeal. iTUHTirCOAST LINE. KHORTKBT AND MUICKWT ROUTS TO THt KAiT AND NORTH. : * 3*pm l.v Augsi-ta Oa Ar | 7:3Bam ] o*pm) Lv Ath«n Ar ! I lbm 4:l?rmj Lv Denmark....Ar | 3:l7pm 4:Wpmi Le.. ..Orangb'g.... Ar | *:4oara i I Npml Lv..Kumlrr. 8. C...Ar | 4 29am I | ]*pm| Lv Floraeca ..Ar | 3 3sm jjfFSSpml Lv...Fayettrvitlr ..Ar I 1.14 pm 1:21aml Ar.PrtrrabtMg.Vn.Lr | 8 12pm ! 4 00am! Ar....Kli hmond.. .Lv | 3 12pm ! 7 41am| Ar..YVa#hing:oa..Lv | I tips » 03am| Ar... Baltlino'-e. ...!,v | 3 25pm ill »«m' Ar..Phtlailclt'hin. I” |l2 o»pm . I:«3p« Ar . New Y*»rk....Lv | 3 30am Pullman palace buffet elcafk-g cara from Macon and Augusta to New York 'v-tthout change. R. A. BRAND, Oen. Agt., 723 Broad Bt.. Aaguata, Oa. T ST FMFRFON. Traffic Mkoeger, H M. EMET'.RON. Cm. Paaa. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail* way. ' Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH. ISM. (IWth Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. Vo. ! For Savannah ..... .110 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta * * 9 P. M. So. « For Macon. Atlanta. nr.d Way Stations .. 6:20 A. M. No. 5- For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. Vo. 1 From Snvananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con. Atlanta 4:35 A. M. Vo. 5 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Station* ~ 6:60 P. M. No 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. Xos 1 2. 3 and 4 dally. Noa. 6 and 5. daily except Sunday. Nas. 62 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping car* on night trains between 1 Millen Macon and Atlanta and be- Itween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther information as to achedulea, etc., apply 13 M. C. JOVFS. C. T. A. W. A. GIBF.ES. Depot T. A. J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent A SOLDIER after the spree needs LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 3t> out of 37 headaches. 2 for Eo., 25c. one box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. AUGUSTA STEAM CANDY FACTORY I, making the-PRETTIEST, PURRST, WHITEST CANDIES In the market. When in need of Stick, Pea Nut, Broken ilixture Taffy Candles Tele phone Bell ’Phone No. 327 - DECEMBER 30 hAlUtUgt) aimUhVLih S. C i G. AAIL4AT CO ttft# epm 9p+ til mm r «tt* mb» mm Uummm ft g gnt ttftft * ttft i # -• * ' g*# A gqjywfttt JSr-tfiMtt- I # t Lft) Kft| V ttftfla# I * * <•*»-#>—l fcft'fß lift I* t Mb BlNMtt t $ H> B»it- A * A ■#m****m ttftß fS||T- (ft' Ift I**##., i W# kPpPPp- ■ % fsajft »’'** “mJftPBB ' A* t Tap fttii P|i l# i r mm t wHw %ttKßft ■NftittL IftpAf ttttiftipl (MHWftft * I (ttfttttt«, I !«# «ftßftttKß m Wbwa I * Urn- *9 t f CINBttMB - It 99m- I# •* ■■■%<•*• • ♦ ftk*!k fel H # )ifi< ji (t % tt iHttt tt* A'"•*-«*ft*# ftft# } * I 9 mm*** % **pm IttftAftt <N * ftfHft ft #4 ttlttttft tt* I HftllH s littfllAX itftf l Aftft Bli# ftf t I, ttfttftß. . ttftpft tft lift.... • Mftß At tt MMft MM- frftft 4# A »ftr#P#B ft*tr ttftn m 4 tn %itt I’ftftlittiE YVMBMMptt Aftif»» A# BW| fftß ttft# 1 «#• tttt ttHtfllßa . jypft# I* iHft 9 tt* tttlßUa#.. .ftAft* (• Rft **#l tft tt* A I #ft t * tftMAftrt A ttttft A* 4 lift lb* IMBIMB tt. al.ltftß A* Wfttt ftt.tattftßl At ttftft .t.ttttft At New Yeghlmpa, Ar A wfsana,. • TAMm Ya2T "isaip aha wtlh temm*r*"C gtvaei e Pm anaa(flag*atm, Aagaaaa SSSUelir -via »«* <■•*■ itmwins* J. 4, I.A BMKIMM# GanaM Manaam twit tMM#Mt P. S. P*gw*s. Cm. Art »4«Ma “ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * 'jML tarns Pw IbiewafW fwM> an* «u» mm — *9>t * *t* Wee«»a»—*■ | atwitr- «—e- j .J-* ts . nTp, id* Tor i ~: ill (if *®wr- I s! Sgllaßf" .- rtfcj ; p—#<a# . -~~ n M ftj 1 A» BF a#k. •glMt Aft B; Aft A v *.»-. .. ftiiH ti »b • V*L ■ni« , t ft ft*| §**• • r>»■ - - - ~ In*. R ita M j isally. b New TorhTpwTki. .... ’Tvp TTu** Phils ii sight* Imp *•”* Is wesh toa, *o hr ii a, u is* L. Bv-kmowd ....{ Itiiai. U«lm L> Iweetll* TTr}* * g|| " t«» La Kev3*Sh .. | S il|” A* 'tr *■ t-:—. V .. j tat Le 4*reeashore ' 7 33a 7 S3* • CharMlm I»a to *» • Koch Kill ...... to »t I! «*y • Cheater 10 Ma It 3?y • vrtani.l*oro lisle 12 3*l a Ar Ost'bta h end r w If *Sa» 1F a Lv. CoiunOukl'n try »■ 1 ISpj 4 4*!# “ Johnston* t *Mp 4 Oi*W • Trento* »»*p! 3 2** ■ OranitevtU* «ml pi 707 a Ar . ... I at. - • ' AahtnntF TTlyts SOfcy Hr. nt*#rtaatmrg j 11 40s] * tip ETWvt.. n.r Art ny I <»v 700 a Ar CHarieeron i 40i>| tl OUa i£* Cat'h4s. P.C.AP 8y'......., "ii'ms 13 47 * " 447 p, 6 <3* a Ar. Jackv«»nv4lle :»p > l*a ti ttgriyn ran snhvtC■ " Ki rUmt dolly psremgar tervtce bstween ffkirid* sad New York. Noe ST nod SB—b e.hmrton ssd aswMwsstsra Llmuetl bond YesilkuTnd trsia with dlnfns ear* end ftrsoshus soaehsa north of Chariot'* PnUtnsß drswlns room tleepia* oars between Taupe Jsekv.ncbla. oavaansk, Waahlogton aad New v 3r ii, ; Pullman Kleepm* Car* te*weeo Ckarkrft# : and tiichmond. i Pullman drawing-room «l#epU»f -err k* : tween Hreeaeboro and Norfolk Close connew I Mon at Norfolk far OLD POINT COMFORT. : arriving there Is time for breakfast. I gelid train, will- Parlor ears, between Cbnrlenton and Asheville. bo* a* and *a-17. g. Fast Mail. Thrangk Pn.lman drawing room buffet sleeping cars be tween JsrksonvlU# and New York and Puil , man sleejnn* oar* between Augnsta end Char latt*. Pullman Heaping car* between Jack ermrill* and Columbia, eti route dally letweea Jaoke-.ntdlle sad (7!n<dnnati, via Asiiarilla PRANK r- GANNON. .1 M.CC LP. Third V P «(*#n. Mgr T M . Washington. W.A TCBK. 8. H HARDWICK, It P A. Washington. 6 f. A , Allssia GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. > 490th Metldtan Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1893. Pullman gleaner# between Macon and New York. Through Pullman Steepen between An. gusta and St. Lou I*. Lv Augusta ..j 7:o6am| l:2opm|l*:3opto Ar Atlanta ...|l?:36pm| B;2opm| k Wasat Ar Macao ..,.|ll:Unm| I * 4&nm Ar Athens ....|l2:lspmj 7:3opm| - Ar Gaine*vllle|*3:4spm| j - Ar White PI al’i oopml I Ar Mill's* 1* .:10:10am| I 4:3oam j Ar W.xsh'ton ..|lO:lyarn| Picayune train leaves Aurusta dally except Sunday at 6:15 p. in., and ar rives at Mtll-dgevllle at 8:10 p. m Tre ln» arrive at Augueta 1:1* a. eis, 7-4 Ea. m., 120 p. m . and 8:25 p tst. A. G. JACKBON. O. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 0, 1308. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. leave Cheater, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. Hy 1:13 p.m. Leave Lenotr, Stage 2 00 p m. Arrive Green Park, Stag* .» •• 7:00 pm. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 1 30 p.m. G. wThARPER. C. F. HARPEfL J President* G. P. A.