The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 21, 1898, Image 3

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WKONCSOAY ATTACKED BY I A BOLD NEGRO I mJi N«l MDUi Hwi '•rt I Min likMt it Hi*K A t »#% • I ifttiNh# till # I AM §oos Ml lIMM MHNNMI Hff tiki *** Wf fl | *?xug*'* fd;ni % I it Rat It llw tHt " r * t fin( Offi. *>- I -obi > to *rr»«l thf loariMxt Frank Brow* H- on* tarfc-| IdealMird the N»«ro riuMifh to ih to tlit ritv, irrlfad Ml pr>* had ,w»n- ft*‘tie tood . rimit for htr .. phra.i l«n »n<l have her mmmAs drra lintir. MU lf ind hatter* Th* affair hat V quirt little erttlement of Hechlr- 1 town. Whether M»e man't purpose vat t* known YOU TRY IT. If Shiloh a Cough and Cnnaurrptlon j Cute, which la aold for tbr amall prhe| y f ZZ wi».. M cl* miti $* ua d'*et not <ur*» ; the money. Hold for over flftv y»-ar* j <»n thte guarantee. F»u*e g eta and M ' < ta. Hold hy—Ketalieta, T. A Buxton, 1 Aederaon'a I»i ug Store. Alexander’s i f»,ua Htore, Weat Knd I’harmaey. The Klnc Pharmacy; WholrMlcri, l>»ven- ' Pocket Books and Card CdSGSi Dunbar & Williams. THE WEATHER Foreran* for SB hour* ending 8 p. I m., Dreember 22. 18fl8. —Washington forecast: For Georgia and Soiah Cra- : olina. rain tonight and Thursday. cat forecast for Augusta and vicinity: j Rain tonight and Thursday. Th« river at 8 this morning was 8. 5 feet —j a fall of 0.6 feet in the past 24 hours. The pressure continues highest over j Florida and is lowest in upper Michi gan. Rains are falling along the At lantic coast, with heavy falls in the past 24 hours at Savannah and Jack sonville, each receiving over an inch. , Clear weather prevails this morning j over the southwest section, the lower j Rocky mountain region, and in the In- • terior of the country, while tempera ture changes throughout the country I since yesterday morning have been un imnfcrtant, except in eastern Tennessee, where a fall of ten degrees is no ted. While There Is Life There la Hope. neither taste nor smell and could hear but little. Ely's Cream Balm cured it. Marcus G. Shautz. Rahway. N. J. TUB BALM reached me safely and the effect is surprising. My son says the iirst application gave decided re lief. Respectfully. Mrs. Franklin Free man, Dover, N. H. A Hie trial size or the 50c size of Fly's Cream Balm will he mailed. Kept hv druggists. Ely Brothers, sfi Warren St., N. Y. Pictures in endless va riety. Dunbar & Williams. In accordance with a pre-election promise Thomas Hsrrold, Democratic representative elect of WestviUe, iud., rented the largest hall in, the place, hired a capital orchestra and gave bis fcllii.vers a dance, fooling all hills liiius if. Mr. Herrold, who was elect ed after au excU.tfg campaign Is cred ited with asptrfaes to Congresa in X9OD Pocket Books and Card Cases. Dunbar & Williams. A SYMPATHIZER WITH SPAIN \% Hitfliff if MMI. MM*** llturU i ifc« n—» • fkw liNfwi Hi fit k# f • *#*>■ t» At tk« ts wqTrrf Alii fe r tt»4 h# to IM •rorld.** Ms *»©* <‘Do not lose sight of the fact, that the value of any article, is always regulated by Its qu * o ' t^n< j cor< j s of nice things for the Xmas trade, both domestic and imported. Hun dreds of buyers who have visited our store have expressed surprise at the great variety of nice goods we show, in fact a great many stated that they had never oefore seen such an array of fine goods displayed by any other house in the South, and at such low prices, considering the quality of the goods. V’Why any one can see at a glance what is wanted. Don’t forget to leave us your order for a Xmas Turkey, Cranberries and Celery ; you will regret it it you do. SHEWMAKES’ Ihe standard that Columbia Arst ra'sed on American aoU waa that of (he cross, and oot "red and (he yellow tie men- UMs. Not the lowest prlir Aghter would be guilty of the discourtesy of abus ing the opponent he had floored In the ring, and peace celebration* where speeches are made like this one aro more worthy of the war dances of Vic torian* Sioux Indians, flourishing bloody tomahawk* and bleeding scalps, tt is a congruous sequel to the ivar of spoliation, proclaimed with that, infamous battle cry. Remember the Maine!” In th" name of Southern chivalry I denounce and repudiate the rank >n dctlrßcy and bombastry of this and similar speeches, and, shall I pro nounc • the word, their sycophancy. In wliat records” did Gen. Wheeler find (hat In the war of 1861 the "people of the slave-holding states, who fought under the Stars and Stripes, were fully equal In number to those under the Stars and Bars?" The author of "Slav and Moslem" or J. Napier Brodhead. Aiken, S. C. #KK HEADACHES. The curse of overworked womankind are quickly acid surely cured ny Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood puri fier and tissue builder Money refund ed if not satisfactory. Price «5 rts. and 50 c(p, Sold by—Retailers, T. A. Bux ton Anderson's Drug Store. Alexand er's' Drug Store. West Knd Pharmary, The Kmg Pharmary, Wholesalers,Dav enport & Phinlzy. Archorena and Carrom Boards. Dunbar & Williams. Oysters ! Oysters ! Mohlle. Plants. Norfolk* and Savan nah—the finest. Give us your Christ mas orders. Free delivery in the city, Summerville and Camp. TRAYI.OR At CO., Corner Jackson and Kills: 'Phone 210. Dec. 15.18.21,22. Lamps, both Banquet and Library, in beautiful designs at Richards & Shaver’s You can get a fine suit ( heap for cash at £. J. Henry & Co.’s, 216 and 21S Campbell street. Toys of every descrip tion. Dunbar & Williams. TH® AUGUSTA BHIBALD. INASOCIALWAY $ vmpw^iy -a * f | J 0 iMMf lIMM IMm* 111 IMcfffl lo Augw*t* fkrmy **4 Smy i rtiM in it* trc-aMiry for tho soltltora. Tht* following n*«olu|km wa* made by Mm. Loilte M. Gordons That tl»r lj**ur do not dl*l»and. but hand together with even atrong«*r lb* tere»t r.nd tmene** of purpoae at* the Georgia (educational league, to educate girl* of limited meana In Georgia, and to reach the 1 hildreti In the counts f dlatrlct*. with Itonlt* and literature, to lift Unir Rule heart* and mind* Into I '.»r<»adrr field*." I Mr*, Gordon further raid that "the gram 4»f knowledge given to each girt find *;i h child would mean culture not only for thvt girl or child, but for gen eiatloti* to come. I Mi** Alary I*. Q. Huntley warmly a* condod Mr*. Gordon’* rcaolutlon,with |egpre**fong commending the beauty of it hi* new move of the league, which ha* jro long been on the heart* of the pro*- id**nt and state chairman of thl* or ganisation. For years Airs. Atkinson lias hail tui her mind tho unltrtinir of tho Kiri, of Georgia and it la to tier thought and Influence that the Georgia Normal and Industrial college became, an actuality. and now. atand* as one of the heat in the eodntry.N No leas interest for the hIHh and children of Georgia has ani mated the heart and life of Mra. Lou* tie M. Gordon, who for year* haa plan ned and worked for the education of the glrla and children in the country dlatrietx. ahut out hh they are from the advantage* that aurround the youth of the more populous portion* of the coun try. Thia new move of tile league promlaea a harvest ot helpfulness for the heart and mind of many a girl In Georgia. The Georgia Army and Navy League has expended, according to the actual Statement given by the treasurer and district vice president*, its sent by Mrs. Atkinson to the Woman's National War Relief Association, of which Mrs. T T . S. Grant is president, *4,000. and has on hand large packages of comfortable, garments sent tty friends, which will tie distributed to the poor during the Christmas holidays. Several hundred dollars are stiri In the treasury, which by th, consent of those who donated it will be used iri the beautiful work now taken up by the Georgia Educational league. Resolutions of thanks were unani mously passed to Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Peel for the use of their beautiful home for the league recep- 1 tlen, which was one of the most enjoy able of the brilliant functions of the jubilee. Thanks wwv yffered io -the Fifth ntff' Imeiit band for serenading tire KUts'.e at the league's reception-General Wheeler and Lieutenant Hobson. Mrs. Atkinson expressed tire warmest words of appreciation to Mrs. Gordon for her beautiful plans-und accomplish ment rtf the league reception. The Georgia Educational league "ill meet, at the Y. Al. C. A. building at w * a *•# i StM SlNlff't (im hfwatcj k» Iters dirt..* I A*. * Im# tH at|t U l * MtAA wf ti— r The I % ifunt Htmlleton llt HI. rHUI A * nut'll HIM If fNat**lt»|tl*‘*' * the trarrUiie of Alfss Maria* la* tiler rtt* Ivrr to Mr Hugh Ward f*rtt«llrt«V) | Me) HHrkArrt. aw (H* *l* 1 APt**- varslly Kxl**net*»n iTtlti all) In* held I hit* a lief noon. Mr. an<! Mrs Marry Robert* of Me • rn9 ttrt . if,,, gut**!* of Mi. and Mrs Agr*tl. Miae Pendleton vs Chat irt»i*M*it la via* j Pictures in endless va riety. Dunbar & Williams. PAGE FROrt POLICE. When Judge Baxter cast her eyes lover (he police docket this mr rpltwt, Ithe Arst name that stuck hi* gaze war .that of Charley Cheeks. There 1 acre two charges against 'him. One was that of shorriHiK at another and a violation of the tenth The shooting ■occurred in the gar of Mr. WtiUs | ley. The latter lotlfied that check* had used hia plitol very promt»ouo*iy in the liar. j 'Everything Mr. Whit stay soys Is correct.” said Cheeks. "Two fifty,” sahl the Judge. Case No. 2 eomc* up tomorrow. Helped iff the Arrest. Western Boyd was next. He had at tempt'd to take a prisoner away from an officer yesterday. "Wrong." Hair! Boyd. "I assisted the officer in the arrest. I got the prison er's hat and helped lake her to the station. ” Then the judge fined Boyd $lO. Christmas Presents Cause Trouble. Mary Killiugsworth and Josephine Aiken. They ate colored and are looking for ward to Christ mas. They got to talk ing about w hat Santa Claus was going to bring them and an argument en sued that caused a policeman and two provost guards tti pay them a call. Then a ride to police stations and two provost gaiit-tt to pay them a cal!, Then a ride to police station a rail. Then a ride to pdliee station and Mary and Josle get before fhc recorder. A fine of $1.50 apiece Is levied. 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ HAIR GROWER FOR OVER 14 YEARS This highly meritorious preparation ha, atood at the head of all hair reiterative*. More than 3,000,000 bottles have been need by the American people, and thousands of testimonials hear witness to Its escellrnre, while thsre were never any complaints whan illrsclioni were followed tttvtn butherlaro sisyers mo AC? OCLAMER is the only datidruif cure. For sham poo!UK, It has mleijual. All Uva niuHf/lxf* Sell It. HihM Slit Cisii Sale Belore Inis Thn day after CHriitmaa wa begin to take inventory - there ara right <Bi butlrUMM day* between now and than. So at to have an *rnalt a atotk a* po»»«ble to count and measure and invoice* wa atart tomor row a tight Daya* Homo St rote h Cashing Sale. !t‘» the dead of winter. Rarely do we ever have severer weather than thia, even in J*ouary« Might now when you need these winter good* ao sorely, right at tna high tide d! winter selling, rlyht here in the midst of the winter a business harvest, we open this reducing-cleaning-out before-inven tory sale nn the most necessary winter goods. It's money to us to sail in the nest eight days a great many thousands of dollars in winter goods at less than our regular prices, and it will be good money to you to come and buy. Read closely some prices which follow; # $2.45 Men’s Tan ben cats, calf Imsci shoes, heavy soles end up-to-date toes, the kind other dealers ask you 13.00 for. The above le our price. $2.95 Men’s dark Tan calf Hnad Shoes for above figure- This shoe Is made of fine box calf end very stylish. Hand Sewed and considered cheep at $3.50. $3-50 You know what other dealers ask you for a nice hand sewed Tan willow calf shoe, “Golf style.’* made es near per fection as a shoe can be. $5 is their price, the above is our figure. $1.25 We can give you for above figure the best Youths’ spring heel shoe on eorth Don’t fell to try a pair of them. They make your shoe bill just half. Low Prices Creates Big Business A l ire Cracker. Ike Bird, who dwells in the district*, came to the city jcteiday and pur i )..»•*■.l a large flee cracker. He could not resist lighting the fuse ami so It wn* that he vioafed the firework orrtlnitme. The Jtt-’ge dismissed lum jnnd told him to violate no more, or he ! would he fined. Wouldn't Go to Church. Lizzie Hampton nntk Mary Jaekson. who are half stater* had » tittle tiff yesterday and when Lizzie asked I Mary to go to church with her last night, Mary "git.” Then there was n scrap and an arrest. "Slater was drunk.” said Liz zie and Mary did not detty the charge. It was $2.50 apiece. Doubled Mi* .Sentence. Dun Holley had escaped from the city city gang and was caught. He did not aeem to mind the matter very much, for be laughed as If he was tickled to death over the affair. lie was given a double sentence for his indiscretion 30 days. Too Drunk to Get Back Joe Simmons, an aged colored man. was arrested Saturady and released to appear at court Monday. He did not do so. and when ao officer went an officer went for him. lie found that Joe was in a highly Intoxicated ron flit'on. When asked by iho recorder why lie had not shown up cm Monday, he said, "Jcdgr. t couldn't—l wuz so drunk'' "Five dollar*,” remarked the 'record er. Joe Hanklnson- 160--$2.6 Q. John Breene —460- $2.50. Toys of every descrip tion. Dunbar & Williams. APPRECIATIVE AUDIENCE. Attended the Benevolent Society’s Concert Last Night A large and appreciative audience gathered at the Y. M. A. Audito rium last evening and enjoyed the very excellent concert given by the Benev olent Society of St. Patrick's church. The Tenth Ohio band was in altend ance end rendered sonu very fine se lections. The vocal '.-:o “Father, Lead Me hv Thy Hand." by Mrs. Ilans berger, Mir Cause and Miss Frances GK-aiy, was greatly enjoyed, as was a+ so the solos of Mr. ft. J. Reynolds anti Mis. Haustierger. Tlo- recitation of Mr. J. f\ Bainey, or the Tenth Ohio. "He Fought for the Cause He Thought Wes Right. ' was so enthusiastically received that he whs Rice & O’Connor Shoe Co. TWO 834 Broad St., name across sidewalk TWO STORES 722 Broad St., opposite Monument STORES LADIES' DESkS SJ-7S AND UP! CkiffiiitN in Oak, Maboiaiiy aid Walnat. CHINA CLOSETS, ALL WOODS, STYLES AND FINISHES CASH OR CREDIT PIDGEIT mm COMPANY CREDIT IE YOU WISH PALACE MARKET 214 ;™ 218 . Fine Cuts of BEEF. VEAL, LAMB and MUT-' TON, POULTRY, GAME, &c. Proprietor Augusta Packing Company. B. LAWRENCE. obliged to respond to the encore. Mr. 8011 Keeie* was heard In s v eral solos and completely captivated the audience by bis fund of good hu mor. Mr. J. D Jordan, of the Thirteenth PennsylVania. h»uk very ricligh't'niiy “A Dream,” and in response to a tre mendous encore carried the house bv storm by singing “The Hrrp That Once Thro' Tara's Hails." Mr. Jordan has a delightful voice, full, rich mid mellow and Is a most charming addi tion to any program. The duet of Miss Frances Ute'try and Mr. Harry Carpenter was one of ihc gems of the evening, Mr. Carperi ler's deep, full voice blending perfectly with Miss Cleary's rich eontralto. The selections by the Manifolin Club added very much to the pleasure of the even lug. After the concert the musicians were the guests at supper of Father McMa han at Ellis restaurnat. WHAT IS SHILOH? A grand old remedy fur Cough. Colds and Consumption; used through the I world for half a century, has cured Innumerable cases of incipient con sumption and relieved many in advanc stages, if you arc not satisfied with iho results we will refund your money. Price 25 cis., 50 cis. ana ii.OO. Bold by Retailers T jA- Buxton. Anderson's Drug Stole. Alva hder's Drug Store, w.-sl Bud Pharmacy. The King I ha> j maty; Ketalleis. Duveuport it Pt'nni zy. Will only have a few Huyler’s Fancy Baskets of Candy. First come, first served. Shewmake’s’. | $1.95 , Ladies* fine Dnngola hand welt buttOfjfl shoes, flexible extension soles. These! shoes are regular 93 values, but wafl intend to let them go at above figure® $1.50 For above price we will sell you the beet Ladles* kid button or lace shoe, patent tip or tip same, that is sold anywhere. Has much ”get-up” and style as kny snoe sold In this city for $2. $1.25 We have an odd lot of Misses’ Spring heel button shoes, patent t p A plain toes, all popular makes. No shoe in the lot sells for less than S l .75. Sizes 12 to I. Will close out at above figure SI.OO Misses’ Spring heel Dongola kid shoes, patent tips, sell regularly for $1.50, and are good values at that- Will close them out at above figure. Had No Brain* to Spare. The hov had been taking piano les sons for Just a week. Then his mother went to the musical college, hunted uu his teacher and complained that al though her soil had received three ba sons he could not yet play a single Vune. The Instructor politely explain ed that It was necessary to first teach st-nles, then exercises and after these were mastered ids mother’s wish could he gratified. The fond parent was not satisfied, but she concluded to try It for a while longer. At the end of all ot her week she was back again arid loud In her denunciation of the teacher and his methods, because so fur as she could sc . her son had made mi ad vanceinent. N "Weil, madam,” said the exasperated professor, "I cun teach your son some thing. tun I cannot give him brains.” "No," answered the mother, scornful ly, you ifon't look as if you had any to spaie." Exchange. CUPERB [IRE v OF % Christmas floods! w Suitable and elegant pre sents for everybody. The most elegant Stationery in the South. Toys of every imaginable kind. Call early and avoid the rush. DUNBAR & WILLIAMS oicamakß a»