The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 21, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY 4 THE IUGUSTI HERALD r«* *•»* • * •«* m- m«t» , * # Ti»lini »,.*«« » » «H»* .«* « Mil S dMani ItofMaiMMit** t >«»*»» » tmm*** A k*. w Park *■». 95 : “IKald 'rwowitis pMMMM frill it- Pm MM I W»—» tlglW **-“ MM Ot# OPMHNMI MMi •»*»«##*• *•**" t»* «MfP _ _ ptM| IMUm »r*»g»« «M win MMI nta ME«AU» |4| Mtui* Ai M»t*l *»»•*• •** * r to «*>#»#*» ** »*• >•*•*«« »•**•** ■Mg #| ®#tth * #*»* *»*#«• Hfll~r “ ifc* »*»««• it** fin tSkprt##***--At <k* < >•<!*••<•» In ip, lnM<M At tk* ***”** i }•- ■ ' «ril €*»l»- *A • **» H-i*' t**- *tt* aftg Fifth **#»#• • PkHtM (suing *• KM tv H*«M *" •mi* . stand# and (MNNMkI »ttl «»<•' a Ant Ay PHwtUod tA* **t to ton I ill IK , H» an »I 4 and Imm edyldg IW la »D, laugh* *•»« ••ttfk* Amt.” vt |w la tAc hwainaaa man who iMlkiVMt Alvayl IV man who Van AMir tAlnk he do*»a« amount •a macA that ymm am tar to., .trout for Atm hut Hh* keeps on #d» rrtl*i»g ha’ll hav* Ih* laugA os *ou h> nt Ay Dahw, of ttatM, you ar* wla# •aoufh to do Just aa good ad.ertUing aa h* do**, year la and yaar out IVmtn who laugh art all reprc aawtvd In our column*. Jala them EE!— Ibe gltkiKM-k- •> were tblik tn Ma rk, -raH..r of Atlanta’ la laid to Tha afi|i. gntp on Gotham eootln- Don't (argot the West End Christ The Cincinnati bit that Santiago fork at full ag*#d Mr* McKlnlay bad a tooth pulled In bar car at Ma«-on, M.»"jf fle®, a> >* a< ri>.t. St, Simon pound Iron J. kyl Island. A million dollar* north of Terre Haute property ha* gone up In smoke. Wlralea* telegraphy ha* been suc gaa*fulty parfortned at Bau Francisco _____ Hobson couldn't (now to Auguata. bui la kt««lng hi* way to San Frauclseo to Mil for Manila. ”1 ha*« aajoyed every minute of m* time in the aouth," »ald the president, on leaving Auguata. The Brunswick Times *ay» that the ‘a march through Georgia wits strewn with flower* of speech. Win. E. Ourtl*' letter on the At lanta Jubilee to hi* paper. The Chica go Record. Is most Interesting read ing. The latest phonographic triumph, ac cording to Life, I* to drop a nlckr In the alot and bear the girl* kt»* Hob eon. Mr. Shove ha* been appointed In New York to prosecute the officials Implicated In the canal BcamlaU. Let him push the raßcal* out. "Meihiuk* he doth protest 100 much,' - says The Columbia State, iiixnit Joe Wheeler thanking the preat dent for taking him along. Judge Emory Speer, who wae con stantly with the president in Macon, *ay» he wa* genuinely pieased wlih hi* reception and was a close observ er. Ataltan Cromwell, a daughter of a professor in Howard university, is a Freshman at Smith college, and the first colored woman to enter that insti tution. The first remark of the president upon reaching Washington was that he was glad that he had gone south he . thought the trip had done good. We are sure of it. . , _______ Capt. O. M. Carter, since the court martial findings, not allowed to leave New York city, can for the next month travel about anywhere within the eon ftues of the Vlilted States. The querulous Springfield Republi can wonders at Booker Waihlagton for riding in the same carriage with (he president at Tuskegee. when hi* brothers iu color had lie. n barred from participating in the Atlanta parade the day before. ffefetfe ***** ********* I t*R» it tfe# ***** fetototoM ****** **S* i f t*it fe## I*** ffetoM* Ml I»•»** Ml *•»* ; ft feMWpMM If** few *fe* ''****N% 0 *** '*m*mom** *m m* m H* H**m\ * ftNNM*MfeMM #*•#*%##* 0 fefeftXMt# , ■ tmmm 0 ****** **4 »»*»■**»«*' |it tn fit Hu i*i'i*r** timi •#•#•***• : |M*f ***** *•* **••* *t*M H** prNMff** j IfINH fee- fNR* I* |M* I* ifeiiif aiiMffeMM* [ I feysr mm Ml *t#f*** 0 ****♦» *♦** | [ ftei* W fefNk tfe« s|« . g |s* § I •#•!* M* *f # W* *•*! Ml ••* ***** . mm A-tjat !■ IrlTt rygff ms (SMf file gfjllMMW *l* ** •*» »** Mfe " ■isrmlrft A* M» ife# Hit Khtfeti i*Umh# '««# IlfftiM t« o** ilgiffPf M ffef [(YirMMMi frf» Tfe# Ifelr* ktf* *•♦*• lirttrtf* 4)r*MM| • fem tfes IliiHwi 1 ntltrr* m m (|f fe|a ffn# Til* sis fe»r i«»|* of ffe* Mi Ife* j lintferr TMf nr<wi knuiclii titri [ti ife» mpm t-f tU |t«*«t an* tfei* llfeff 19*1 tfeiil bifft Utii# feftm* Mill Ifef feft tfe# fevsl •«•*•!. Ck*i j wilt fengur IK Hfr«* t«aftst a** in tmn I Til# few rnurhi *Mift#r lon MiyftMf lAtmouft «r#r# pt «oCNffßlm (fe# arvi f (AM fe# tominw , Led is. Cun. ! He said nothin* la Angus's regard I tag lb* Cubans theaßaetves. but at oth- J.r point. Aavaaaah especially, from | his words it would stem that the heavy I Major Geaeral has not a very high I opinion of them Ills word* la Ba vanaah. according to the Associated tTene, were as follows: "It stems to aie." saM Oeaerai Hhaf , tar. ’ that a great many peraowt have aa erroaeout Idea reapacilag our rela tlonshlp with the Cubaaa. Aa I view It wo have taken Spain's war upon | ours, Ivea. We shall Is all probabil ity bear a great deni more stout the; Insurgents .’* ’’How about self-government for the I Cubans?" General Shafter wa* anke# I •’Self-governmanl!** he repeated. | why those people are ao more fit for •elf-government than gunpowder Is for I hell." General Shatter la a soldier and a (dual man. and these words ara eer lalnly plain and eiplleit enough There la neither diplomacy or equivo cation In the statement, and If the general'* remarks ar# to be verified, there may be some tittle wprk. apart from the routine of garrieoa duty, for Kitsbugh Lee and our Third Oeorgla boys. PEO ROT AHTI. The New York Herald the other day 'complied a table purporting to show bow tha dally newspapers of «b# couo ! try stood on the question of expansion. In the case of the Georgia papers. The Herald placed them all "against. ! Wherein It made quite an error. The ' N*w York paper s Augusta namesake, for one. le most decidely pro and not anti on the subject. A* the president said day before yesterday, we must not now turn from the duties, as well as the opportunities. Imposed by our The president further said: "If, following the clear precepts of duty, territory falls to us, and the wel fare of au alien people requires our guidance, who will shrink from the responsibility, grave though it be?” Straight ahead to the responsibili ties and opportunities of a larger na tional existence than was dreamed of by any American twelve months ago. "Whatever covenants duty has made for us in the year 189 S. we must keep." Yes, the covenants will be kept.. The American flag will ;tay. the wist end cheistmas tree. The children of the factory opera tives In West End will be madr gln,l on Friday by the generosity of Iho army officers and ladles and gentlemen and ehlldren of Augusta. There will come a ray of sunshine Into the hearts of the.* little ehlldren who know so little of the comforts and pleasures of life. To them, despite the Impoverish ed condition of their parents it. will be ! an ideal Christmas day. It will Unger ;lu their memories all their lives. It will Iteeeh them to love their more pros perous fellow children whose generous little hearts have yielded up so much of their own Christmas cheer in order to make their lees fortunate MUle brothers sud eistsrs happy ou the birthday as their davlor. It will even make the ysrskts *f ties* little ones think ksstet of mankind. It is a di rect blot? at anarchy and socialism. It is the putting into practice the teachings of Him who so loved the poor. _ _ TT3L 3E JVTJGhTJBTJfe JBUSXJELJk^TJSD at ifrfttMVtt* law a*#t 0 ife# AMfeMfeMM MNM*# felfel#** f**MMkfeife A***Afefe’A MM* * •* ] I M tyJ'M |uj ft a m ipatJlM £4# -t* ■ I!S ft : #lM**i life f •#*• *!#•* *** *■** j iilf flufe Ifefeafei#****#. IM* ifefet A# I*# : !***«*« **** m***** »• ***> \ | Yfe# tfe*f*r» *lll ••** lIM MUfei tritg atgtg vnuu i Yfe# fflft'l# mil»f fJ » Ait** ficvKi j Ilf |l* Ktrfe Mfeflfelfe. feMKAfefeKf IMM ) MiMMlllf lifefrify* mil si m*** M M ffe# ItMfeMfe* If**# Ml ffe# *•»**■ ■ |f ■ MMNMK ' f Mat ' HR % \%mm tba# #*>A a*-** tat MvalaaAle » rmmrrr ■ |f fe II feSifßlSi&g tililN* So ] tfe# niff m 4 vfe#K|t fetAUM* 1 AA It tA I [to Ife# wfStor feA* MMUiiitortttfAt. I * HATEhf!WSINBttIEI . A MAI# !»*##♦—lt l»Afeil> t# prafeOA#'! ( *!#####. A' I*• MT<itf»| #i>it I*, ft*%' AfWli• | *#r At# #A&4tfe*t#A tor rfel#f «f tfe# ftf#| 1 4*parimea< «f »—» i rytuff) iffle |t| fflt ft? tfe# f*9fl (fell mm 4 im I AJA#nm#* *#lto* tmm&pt* Af# rllaife* J inn lA#Ant Ife# *M** fWAffe #A«t #iS* j jl##rti II hf Itor- St. Alr##<ljr mt*i# Ife## j !a; AM feat## feA#A !»##• ife#r# j , till# ###«ami. j W. A. Wflkfr, #A*pn#tmAAi#r of j r|piwv«. I# «f lnr#<Ml4Afl«n. I Tfe# NilMttif fra# l*urw#*l l»*l! November, as* It In * hnrged d alkrr j | <lid It to ivsnsl a shortage. ! An a real men I of anldler* going] through Mien to Cuba paeaed by the ( •Confederate monument the colonel sa-j I luted, the men presented arm* snd the j rsgtmenisl rolstt were dipped. It I# understood on good nnfhwtty that the two factions of the Third Bat»- | tint church in Atlanta have at last | reached a mutual understanding re garding the disposition of that church. Although tnvtted by the tiaptlet home mission hoard to go to Cuba and organ j ix* * church In the etty of Havana for , the benefit of Itaptlet American resl ' dent* IT. W. If. Ijuidrum of Atlanta j hat not yet accepted. ■ A number of naval store* men at the Marie Hotel .Quitman, have organised | one of the largest naval store# com pa -! me* in the Houth. The caplial stock of, dll* company Is (l«.«M. with the prlv ; liege of Increasing It to Mi WO. They will operate principally tn doutb Geor gia. Alabama and Florida. A llllle S years old boy of Jack Max well has been burned to death at Al pharetta. The family were In the field 1 picking cotton and had a lire there The little fellow was placed near It to keep : warm, and while the older one* were j picking Cotton his clothe* (j*ught afire I and he was fatally burned before help reached him. Eldorendo I* on the Georgia Pine I railway midway between Halnbridge land Colquitt. It I* situated amidst a j ,mod farming country and has a saw i milt and a turpentine manufactory. Many dwelling* and business houae* are now under coii*iructlon. Including 'h neat and commodious Baptist church which will soon be completed. It bids fair to be one of the best and most progressive town* on the road. After a short campaign without inci dent to excite enough Interest to bring out a full vote, Coweta has Just Joined that column or dry countie* In Georgia, and the licensed sale of liquors will cease a* soon a* the people’s verdict can become effective. Both sides were confident of victory, with the chances decidedly In favor of the wet*, until about two week* ago. The county vot ed for the sale. 87',; against the sale. »7S. A borne, a wagon and a nigger re cently- took a tumble down a sixty foot embankment In Athena. The ac cident occurred at the Soabourd trestle. The negro ami the horse were uninjur ed, but the wagon was shattered Into a hundred plecea. It was miraculous that both negro and horse were not instantly killed, but the negro evident ly fell on his head and the horse prob ably fell on the negro. In Ibis way on ly can the escape from death be ex plained. Washington Oasette: Three revenue officers CHine In on the train Wednes day night and went out in the country looking for a moonshine still. They captured Haynle Harper and about a thousand gallons of low wine, that was about ready to run through the still, but they fatled to find the still. The revenue officers evidently have no ter rors for Harper .as they had him up before the 1 Tilted States court a few months ago charged with the same of fense. The man and their prisoner wep- Wt aught to Augusts IN fINIttYITANIA. At this iiiValce It looks as It the stavs goxdrimsnt of PsuaifiSaßta coa gisted ot four branches, namely, the executive, the legislative, ibe Judiciary and M. S. Quay.—N. Y. Mall and Ex pi'dsa .* . . t.. p , -A.J i.-fc..* » IK A f AM# fAMC. j MMW mm I i§*■ i mm 1% «nb •:*« mi§f| <lit#art tMI I HffirM Ml turn tolfe* feM «fe#f AtoAfe I a mmm # *• a fe* H <**** I If ink* imwbK Aa**## a mm toll Alto j I N #*##* # tMKfetAi ##•###• *M# I# AA- j I f#il#Al4 Ml Ife# MfefeffMMM* A##M* If «•• ****** re* m* m *SM thee lege it’s Wi**e> they (MV* *•« ! if ife# # (LA • •##• fmm #aa *feto#* I l«fe#T fel AifeAfel 9 t#M A#fe MNrttoA* j Tfe# ttfenl# »A# III# At## #MM ftfe# ###4fe*#r#fe J#feAl» • iAAfefeM’to#. The enwardie* as *aaa* m»m yeevamta them from peeing a* lower**. SNm* men are quite fegotar to thetr haMta, hot ilwtr hahtta are Sag. mm Aa ex*-he«»• of servant# te oo# may . mmmt |f^ | #» at the preaeot Ham. |T Z^aM [ If yott *»»l to see the right aid* of j p* I About the trimmest wife of alt I* the < i owe *ho ran trial her ewa halt amt . | iKiaaeta. Almost aay man would father have n ooticeman call him down than to tgha I Into up. Ts the ofltee were tn at art out kl I search of the man It would soon get I hot tn lb# crowd. Mr Henry Irving will resume the J management of tits theatre, tot la nil, probability will never act again. Camille d’Arvtlle may go to Germany j anon to Join a stock company under, management of Guatav Atnherg. Hall Catos return* to England thla month to resume work ut i a play which j he hopes to complete In a few month*. I Mr*. Jams# Brown Potter ha* heen | very aerloualy HI and I* Ju*t I’oovalr#.-- ing. one pot thirty poocd* In weight. When the poetically Inclined lovrr I gets all broken up regarding hi* sweet heart. he Is very likely to send her some of hi* piece*. tn Adelaide. Australia, the police de- I pertment anvea annually upward# of $4,000 by mounting Its men on bicycles Instead of home*., one of the best aids toward* begin ning the new- year properly I* *o end, the old year correctly. Better com mence to reform now. poors can he easily kept closed by a • new spring attachment formed of an I expansible spiral spring, fastened ai one end to the door frame, with a cord !iunnlng from the uther end through pulleys lo the top of the door, the spring stretching when the door Is pull ed open. A Hungarian has patented a doll which will blow soap bubble*, an ex- j pansible rubber bulb inside the body , being depreaaed at the back after th* tube extending from the mouth is dip ped In the water, blowing air through the tube and expanding the ntm at the end of the tube. Oil lanterns are prevented from ex ploding when tipped over by the use of a new burner attachment, constating of a weighted slide Inside the Isntern, which hold* the wick and Is balanced so that a tip of the lantern' causes it to fall Into the burner opening and prevent the oil from running out. A combined boat, tent and bed has been designed for caaipeis' use, consis ting of a canva* cover, to be fastened to the mast and extended to the edges of the boat to enclose part of it, the bal ance being covered by canvas stretched on a tow frame, with a mattress under neath. which can be folded when not In use. Yes. they have the flattering tongue, those Irish boys. ’‘Och, 1 wish I was in Jail for stealin - ye." was the compli ment one of them paid to a pretty col leen. Even when they get a refusal they have a soft word to say. Eileen was engaged to another boy, and so she had to say "No” to Tim when he asked her. *‘Wi*ha thin. ’ said Tim, with a sigh. "1 wish you’d been born twins, so that I eud have half of yes. Happily many of the marriages in rural Ireland have their spice of ro mance. The match is made by the boy an# girl them##lve*. An Irish peanut inalg in the heyday of her yauth, with hsi pretty figure, her abundant black hkir her large blue eje*. with their in describable hair arch;, halt *hy expres stvn, is quite Irresistible, and the boy has too often an Impressionable heart and a "deludhertng tongue" to render it always necessary that the parents should make th* bargain. ODR SUGGESTIONS DORR* 8 DORR'S «A»*«* * fcfeMt INmMA feNMAMNAA * AfeMfetofe * titof'## | * to** fe *M feAfefe* I'feMfetoMfe*, * ymm toAifeifet MtMfeA totototo j ** fe#* feKNNt# ** Jfewf* fl'tori'M * tjriiife H'fefe fe *-to m Wnmtm m feitfe HfeAfe «-to * AMtoMwtofefe, m tm%m 19 m» fto ** «§#* • ** titoMAHMI ItofeMAb ttfeftoffe m totofe Ijoto# * IgAfeto# m |K##fe fe#<* ** Itotfe AMfejAffe * to A*# * feMHfe tfel«# : m l>lr'f#to CAfeA * IfeMfe MAfefefeto*. * Ito Mtnife— * tnin am * CMfeAA I ‘ • rwtlfefT Ai tlr#Afer> Onto • A*!«# * to#Mify Ife 000 k m Nt*fe* Itofe#* * r*l*to#A* * Itofer# JArfeM* V«M« * flfeMAßAMhfe ** Afeif 4 #. * 16*# Mttft*. * t a4»A«ar, * iltlovfe ** FfefeMßfeAk toMto#*fe m (#liK*i m Ig*feto#' ; a*4 COH- j 1|« #ffe * OMmA iMlKtlto MACfe»felAAfei« “Good Taste Arparet** DORR’S 718 BROADWAY 71 8 -r " ' / What ) i ) Shall I Civa ? S j IlaixJ f'llfetM Ko##lU#* I* V | w t>« tod at laiotf Aolgtit aikl # f AfeAfeM pr>|x«lir m lilfeftto I j Aval A y rh—v few#* tfei*. J ; N Colognes ) € In Fancy Drestt \ 1 Ifeavaufiil a* a our / f Hdia L'mMi Oafent wa V j » bttftdfwli of feottiM ifwt j m k i»n#u*A§ Alwmj* •» * C v ofterißf OKfeto j * fl.ftO—Yotar bMUMfeUAd ’ C f Collar and s * Cuff Boxes / * rise leather Bud B#»**l f # KliAptA. ( Sterling r 1 Top Pungents v % Cut Glass snd pretty styles— 1 / to cents to (I.M. V | l Decorated j y Toilet Butties ( S Hand painted—sold In pain. / I You can t get a peri Her gift. > ( Send ) 1 Nunnally’s CanJy \ 3 You can’t do better—W,® t \ \ you obilg* us by leaving year f J order on Monthly and Tut»- l % day ir you want •iwcial six* 1 J box**. \ / Send a Box S S of Cigars # j We bhve them put up In C C boxes of b 5 whb sfteclai y f UhrisMoss card—all K> and ( f lfi can M t igar>—l’rice *2.00, 3 \ 1-J.eo snd 13.00 box. / J tg-All of tbs** snd more for C \ C hristum* gifts *t J Aleiander Dm Cflupaiy s S 706 BROAD BT. C 221 (9th) CAMPBELL STREET. ES. *W. 3DOX3Q-E Rubber Stamps. Seals. Brauis, Sc. 221 9th St., Next to Holmsn a Meat MsTke AUGUSTA, GA. emu dm an the Jpjjjß^j HI. zeffy 2$ Christmas i Upcnino PENDLETON'S lr i m 1 ..jyu^ fefHfe fe*a rmmm Ml feSMAHAfepwi 0 tfe# #»,BfA#M #M f#HUe«HP#to • Ase A* PENDLETON ' MAY GOODS MfefeMM# few sett A##to tad rvaldin BOOKS lIAA SWAAt feiAA K#rjW###l Ml tfei# Alto* LAMPS AND TABLES lhau ufai M daaigs aod lew la prw* WAVE CREST GOODS fed tad Kfefkiit m diM|K. Siifer Viß*tel Pactef tm Dmtßfe Carts art BTkieti Games. Juvenile and Toy Book* EASTMAN KODAKS. Efefe Photographic Supplies of *v«ry kind sad dsocriptiuo at Lowest Prices. > PORTNEB’S l } HOFBRAU and ) i VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF / J Export \ ? Beers \ ? ARE THE BEST C S AbK FOR THEM. / For Rent Farm of thirty acres just below city. Dwellings, stores and ffices in all sections of the City. Several of J. B. White’s new Broad street houses are still unrented. Special prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey 1 & 2 Library Building. CLOSING OUT SALE In order to close out my entire etock of woolens by the first of February, by the pattern or made to order, 1 will sell at anil below cost. TERMS CASH. WM.E. BENSON Merchant Tailor, 743 Broad St. Xmas Presents. Silk Suspender* in Boxes at 50 cents. Gents’ fine Neckwear at 25 amt 50 cents. Ladies and Gent's 3tlk Gartata at 25 and »0 cents. L*dl*» »nd Gents' fine ant HsndkershiefS from 25 cents to J 2. Ladits snd #«nta' Bun Ciribreiix* from *1 25 up. Fine Walking c#n*a from 2s .cent* up. Gents’ fin# GiwvsS us #ll kind*. Flair, snd fancy Sot**, Shirts -and underwear and ai) aotner tiling:* ,n,jt mentioned at reasonable pfices. I-. U, Met tins, the Tailor and Gent's Fur nisher, opposite Planters Hotel, DECEMBER 21 M Mi’s 7H# Entire Uf# of HutU : fill holiday nov«>tA#*, ill out oo t«bkM In c#nt*» of floor*. Everything mAfkt# in #*ln fifurw *o that you COn •**• th# fMiC4Mk> B#«u tlfui TotH o#cor#t#d Atu mi«#r* for OOc. Hundrodt of Oottlo* of Coioffno* and Extract*, and * bo* wKh bottl#of Extract* and coho of Soap for 20e, B# cor* tain to *aa my Una. L. A CABLE. "* .. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, to* 7# St., Aaca*#. o*. ttvvaFwt mt nan *» sa «*• • mK grisg* ## ,w>n #nc «** •#s»- Miff# #fe*j# FREE OF CHAf&E JsJhsZ ...-tiasts tor*— COAL and WOOD - FKOM THE - North August* Coal A Supply Co lp#*l)lf mm v,u#tHy i,u#«»i**d. F W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT tdl Hum* SM Miuwgw M Eastman s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and alt size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Slayer, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMIfeBIOK MERCHANT*. 803 Reynolds st im#"* 1 1 male Lca*ea * ire* Lit get to New York Chicago sud New Orleans. Order* executed over our sire# for Cotton. Blocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for r#*h or on margins. Loc#l securities bought snd sold. Refer#ne«r —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. FOB SALE. Number 32 Telfair street—Four room house—Lot 40x190 feet. Ten acres of land on the Saftd Hills, near Hotel Bon-Alr. Dwelling of 13 rooms, stable, barn snd servant house. Will sell at a sacrifice. Three email houses and lota on Sand Hills. Will sell separately or all. at a bargain. *7 Acres of land near Wrlghtsboro road, one mile above city’s new wster basins. . 50 acre# of land near Mllledgeville road, seven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. PiJEXT! gH#»T beg to notify mv friends snd customers that I have added another chair to my Barber Shop, making *ix first-class Barbers, and I hope to accommodate my customers without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 & 214 Eighth St., OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL. g BRASS BAND OUTFITS PIANOS, GROANS and J MUSICAL INSTRUfIENTS, Tu. Everything New In !ii>? SHEET music THOMAS & BARTON, Augusta,Gt.