The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 21, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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WEDNESDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL 9YtiaiJt»At t ami *tt am o»ai mrt i** Hmi Ait\ JaWon | TNI t£sT CRAOII OF •Kia Qmm J«M*eo j GOA l* B«f AndNul ;*t TH too**f P>iCA> ; ~"city ice company. Attll ,*l A fMMltrTft. tdg*w»**d Ihdtty M 4 A**** ‘'* '** M***# Ml Ae*o*i a*'** HTTM flfiMttfl dddddteV « ,< * re* •• re* pteNb ■mwi •*♦#*• -I ** « *•»_ j***'! P»»ea 9a* Sat MIM m ** *> I* •** A* Saha amp r* pmmmwm Itew *■»•**•% 111 MM» •• •* * 4tete*Nk p**)y a to#***! M 4d*4 M «•»**«. pee HM •' MOt • omm*. p** d**# ,****** y*i j jteMMfto M *" ireddtt • •*** * ftoaaw** Mffiill toattdA . * I ■*•# * • SMNMMI M attain •» m •* *» ■ M • Itttttew*. Am*## ♦* tu ****** nun ml rwte* MdteA |i—rl»—. pii**4 .. .. ***• M»** Bdttddd* *.*.■**** ****** ** **•**“ ■■*• ••■i , *l> a* •>«»*«•« Cite***. mm .. .. *' m Uti (fuel MAMKrr Hn*t 4»*»» i'i*** *• «•«*• M» KMiir A«A ••••*«• MM .. .. »■ Mjjt ■■ Mtnm ••■inn* te mm* -*•* » *" J Dnw imi* mSm .. «• •• •• ** r%**m iwnn mlm " Uk'. I imp ml lij**l* I* •*' im .. .. m m Mated *mn •****•• MM* *n in tt* •*. H m«n nn »**•* "**■** Mtewa M Mate. MM *«MM* •••• •” U» WO©f»WAR9. •l 10, MM Mt *n, • to . •** •** ■ *»•*•<*. inn Ml. 0 O . ye *«»* •I ft. Used# tt—tt. «• >■» to, to. 4* >M • • n *nu dnwdete 9 1* id 4* t>*T OOot*K Ami **d •*• «**»' Ornattw'rth* *•* nAlrtln* * * J OnMilMfrtlM. met iMn'IM •• Of*«M**n>« w# II H K .... •• * >* j*** r. ki** m• ■ ” !: J tan* r. KIU » ink * c .. .. » l**| •root. • i i.k PMtlmlH. M* m A inf * ■ M fAd t® •tod"*- r» *"■ ** BLKtCtiINUI. f*|*rtllnri tiinAi .* •« .... 44 4* *1 WURIAH Fruit *r lAn nnm. 9 Inch** .. .. I »■» rr*|t ol tAn nm, t. 4 Mwde# .. .. ■ >*• OW. IA totoAM J l* c*a«. t? r ;v* * ” *•% I* i.» lI>IM Arm. m4tt of (An Wnm .. . . -"! *'* JAo. r KM HR* nAlriln* .. I 1 » Jrno r KIM l-l a a aAnnllnc .. « » • 1 «nntet* M . .. .. .* ** * r; jnn !►. Kina. Ml*** Clnjrgln .. .. « *-» Jnm. f Kite ** »•«* * c ••• ■•• “ •• • * 1 4**. t *••«. n Mb K« Wand .. .. .. .. •• . tarn, r- Kina *• '*rA gumrlcn .. * 1H nuMtt. a awn. an ablriiagn. M« * Marrltnark iblrll*gn. - •* * ” CMflnr o*l 4f*« «y»na M*H .. * !•* Waahtotgton Otla (bnocTl I Aftnn » * ‘ ' |nt*n'' i'l pnfcnlM •• * roaln# •(*><•! rolton. P*r « Amtrietß Ib4l#o Wot*, H«w •* •• * * * Httjfr uub (votti) §4*£< * Aatnrlmn Indian blunt MiM ~..!> Intirnal.oiial Wn. In Halt •• I Allan'i cardinal* totH •• •* *• " I Allan* Lalonaa * , India •• ? w India blu* * Btlnghuii n UxU .. - - T | Martha WnnAAigton M*m * * ’ Oarnrr n radlanla W*H »•••••* CMr«nr Oah*. * , TICKS. * I ABinakraa A C A J® 1-1 Aaeaknaß A , , . AlDoakna a J T'J 1 w rLAIP HOMEArUKB. CUT Mill * *'* Four yard, good S 3 Im-A .. .. .< .. • *•* lmdl ahtrtinga tfai»l S 1-* Lmdl drena alyl** J *** At Clair drna* « Ocnan aollda * Martial Waahlngtiai fanclea .. .. S J-l Mlacnllanroua brand*, light w*tgh i IJI-laitl-* laaciia I yard* plain ‘ 1-* Thorndlka * *** Harculna •• 7 *** Amotkcag •• • -» Palhatn, I* ha! Ito bo* 1* F. O- t-. *® hall* to bo* II K. G. P.. W Mil* to lb IT J-* Maacogc* ■» * *•* 27 Ueh I t-a yd. plaids, best make -4 Simpson atlk finiah foulard* 14* M .. 4 1-4 raeifla mourning* Mx44 4 1-1 Chin* »llk* #4**4 4 1-4 Middltford •• .. •• ■* •* * Rockpert # »-* Slater 14*64 * 1-* Concord. Mx*o 3 l-l Ram* 64*40 S l-l -* Klfltint •* * I' 3 Fifth * 1-* KKARBBV 8. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearaey S’l-4 Kincaid and other* ...» 1-1 LIMB, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime TOaSS Roaendal* cemtnt - .. *1 46 Portland cement .. .. .. 53.<5 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sack* ..11.00 Plaater In bbla ll.T* HARDWARE. Wall buckets, per do* 13 0# Painted bucket*, per do* 11.10 « H R B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 31.T5 8 H B B cedar pall*, per dm .. .. $2.00 Tubs painted, per nest ll <5 Rope. Manila, per pound » 1-2 Hope, Slaal, per pound 7c r.'Pt', cottoa. iwr pound .. .. lOealle 'Caps, ,! 76 bui * Nalls, cut 3‘ I® Mse Staevela, Am**, per doa .. .. 111*31150 Shovel*, diamond, per do* .. .. n * shovels, riveted back, per do*. .. 34 . 5 Plow blades * ** 2 Hamas, red top. per doa *2 -5 Hailes, red Inn rooL per do* .. .. #-•»« 11| 4 min irt. tHMMIt BtaMli f *■ %« *• I® •• mm*. *** Ik * „ M ||4 ; >frr pm mm pm I* M : Hm**-* tinnijr pm 99mm «« ft m*s m If***** mm* *•* t pm *mm . .* mmA. pm m ~ p <**m* pm Pm .* „ .. •• 1# 8 A flh» IMNMMNI ssm I pm Pm • •* m •• A*m*’ pmtmt pm pm 1,~ k*M w«*i «NIM 9*t**m*+* pm *>.».*•* mmmk 9s pm, NfMfIMIHUM AT ATV fNiNWI Qt' J i tin*t Ptmr*.§ «g«Mt Iwmilii fIFI<A *9 try W tUtfAMfE 1 - 999 AAM a****** r«. i«h », MMM „ .in ( Hu, t*ll •• »• lt« ...I S fliinrgf i t r«, ml a. .. » %m lOnaagm < ATk M m ... Oawrgta t Its tail ....... MS ... •wnib Camitwn * I ST* .11l ll# ctrr mommi. Angetra fa ltd .. .. .. .. .. IM ... Angnatn It MW 14* ... lAnganta Fa, IMS .. «. 14k ... A«g»*ta I ITa. ISM MS ... | AMtwatn Fa IPff .. .... .. .. I*4 ... j I AltoMitn Fa tat 4..••.. .. IIS ... j AMaa.a Pa MW .. .. .. IW ... j I Allan 1 * Fa IW4 ....... Ild Atlanta 4 I-Fa ISO ........ IW ... Atiad'a 4*a M«T 141 ... hWIMI Fa IMS .. .. .. 11l ... SavAddak Fa 1414 .. .. .. 11l **. Ham* Fa IMI M 4 ... Coiarohue Fa law let ! returntm* 4 I fa. IWT .. .. M 4 Mima 4 I ft MM .. .. .. .. 14S ... Mans* Fa Ml# .. 11l ... •Wiumtd* r»-r* .. . W.. ..44 ... CAarteatod 4’A IWd .. .. ■* 44 m. i4#4. RAllmdAD SOKM. 'lenrgta K. K. A Bkg Ca. i Fa I*4l .. .. US ... (Inotgt* R. J|. A Bkg Cn. | Fa I*9 ll* Chartnite CnHwnhla A An g«ata. tat Fa. law I*7 (-hsirlott*. Colamhta A Ad ••aid. Id Pa I*l4 Us Auguata So. R. R., Fa 1*24., ... 44 C. R. R Rooking Co. Collat eral True) Fa IM2 M N Southern Railway Fa. Ilk .. R a* Central of Georgia Railway, let reaaol mort. Fa I*4* .... M 4* C. of U. Ut pref tot I* 4* Central of Georgia Railway, Id Pr*f Inrotimi, I*4# ..... IS II C. of O. lat prat In I*4# ~.. t t n. « A r . la! in. Fa. taw . lot I*7 South Georgia and Florida, td Ta IMS 103 ... j South Oeorgla and Florida. Id f* IW I*f Ocean Stearaebtp Co., Ut Fa id ni. its# in# Enterprlae Mfg Co., lat Fa Sibley Mfg. Co., lat Fa. ito» . 144 .” Sibley Mfg Cn.. Ut Fa 1401 .104 ... Ga. It. It. A R. CO. ateck .. IJ7 104 Southwestern R. R. Stock .. Of 144 Auguata and Savannah stock . M 104 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oat*, whit*. Backed #3 ; Ooata, mixed, aacked .. 35 Corn, white, aacked .. .. #2 Corn, mixed 44 Meal, bolted, per buabel 4714 Flour, common .. .. s in Flour, fancy extra .. .. 1.7# Flour, aeeond patent 4.#4 Flour, atandard patent 1.25 Flour, fancy patent 4.76 Wheat bran. 100-lb aacka 44 Fine teed, 100-lb aacka 44 Hay -tihtive. per ton 12.04 Hay—Timothy. P* r *o» IS-W Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 Hama—Choice augkr cured .. 14nJlS4 Smoked rib aide* 4 1-3 Dry aal rib* 5 3-1 Lard, pur* leaf. In tierce* 5% VERY TIMELY Are the Following Suggestion* For Xmas (lift Olvera. Here are some valuable suggestions for givers of Christmas presents to gentlemen: A moroeeb wallet well lined with greenbacks A certified check in live numerals. A bank book ami a bunch of checks with a good, fat account to back It. A villa at Newport, furnished com plete and taxes paid. A few hundred share* of “Pennsy” preferred. A stable of thoroughbreds, anil the income to keep 'em going. A steam yacht etocked for a year's cruise, and the crew paid in advance. Suggestions for Christmas gifts (fe male): A letter of credit at Worth’s, good for a yeur. Carte blanche with the local drapers. A bo* at the opera and an aurora of diamonds. An unlimited credit at the florists and milliners. A silver clasped pocket hook with wads of legal tender In its interior re cesses. Membership (paid up) In at least two swell clubs, with undisputed rights to the floor. A license to wear Kiffel tower hats at the theatre, talk audibly at the opera, and come in late everywhere. A splendid assortment of of fashionable PockAt Books and Card Cases in best leathers for men and women at Richards & Shaver’s. THE AUG-ÜBTA HBIFtA-I-JD HE WRITES I OF NEW YORK. lUf mmitt iniiin i .tc ) 9mpP*t*P* WMm A#* ttMMMP* MMf tIV IMP* * I *#*p% HN# *mm*. rnm»f (VirrH|i mi M»|»l I 9*o. «*•!» 9*9 r%9p*»m* *f rxoitA i I trmffiptft «f iin m*ff-t*9* <*f MM#** fttf I [4 iMlfnfififsfi# ft« 4 Mi** >!•*-•>«*« Us W hmm* m th* t Pmmpm* ! I«V*lfl»i'imHl—V MufllWV ill* fMfi* Mia# j fMm VMM MV p***p* o p#m» *»t »•»-**? | nmn Ag".d»d 'h- Madlarw **»•** dM ttal* were Irani—l up far aj.eiiiein* Wtow Tta gar a M«« <*hrieimaa eve are : * WHbtWr •*■• "* »•> dltrgrtd ddlveraal dt lewllmt t**f leagw tbd« • tel TN* MH*wt #iif« ft#*. fUttfiNNtVl *■ nwl. *»r i trvat teal. I* Mlk*4 abtet Nr a tel jA n 4 »nwßy» >9< < rte<|d l -«| |yyp flltril H*r. » pidrmk wt M>oyWU»| (in Tl»tirwS«> m#ht tM# Mg I m*tkl flows h«*M n f 111*11* npra until niNlniffit, iM wtff nwtinm ft» it## «mi uni II Nt* Tftr i nlffct. TIM* iMWiflifm inif of hotkftoy 4«w#4bi i ho y# |*» i»v*« too (•niMlAg. tMf, Wfl*l * ] rvfl rp*4#na*r of lift in# (f |»i #\ * * J knt, Too «Ivh of tolntfi*«#r*. tin-j l«te«iitifi*i fminf wit* of • CuMm roto* 1 no| inf r»thr-r %» rn#n of tli# Miff «lo#** i hflvf tNM'omo virtjMM* <V th# vntirti. ind | liffitVf# hflnf k#4 up Mvf Imkoii j , hroufftit tilt jNibilNt Ml k vtry Bti• i mvlaMi light. It bkf Moon rfpnrlHl, hut not print#4. I ttint finm« of ihfkt otiopliftom* orroutg | •f«* ilio k4vfrti«ihf tnk*m, got up hy I th# flUoro* nho urtnh tn Imprrea people ; that thrlr atork* are so mntplel* anil | beautiful that there la not one tsstest 1 enough to withstand the temptation* j lo poaaeaa the brld-a-hrac and Jewelry. Augustan* Id New York While up at the Ashland hotel a few- ; nights ago, I met Mr, DeKußsy, who via In the tobacco business for a white I He la the man who started up the ex- I rltement two years ago a)*>ut a pro- i posed sugar refinery tn he built la Au- [ guala. but which was never erected. I Mr. Da Rua*y Is atilt aelltng mulaese* and la very auceeaaful In (Macing order* 1 her# and In Boston or elsewhere. He saya that Augusta t* the dearest j town on earth, and he looks forward j with pleasure to February, when he will again swoop dokn’and flood Ihs whole- j saiers with hogshead* of molasses. The latest arrival from Augusta I* Mr 7 tlkrry. who spend* a grrat part of each year In New York, j Mr. Curry cam# up a ffw day* ago. i and la stopping with relatives at No. j 40 Madison Avtaiue. Mr*. Kdgewort*! fcve I* here staying I at Mrs. Payne’s an West Twenty-flfth j street, where Mila Jnate Walton has her New Tort home, and which t* a' Mecca for the Augusta people. Mr*. Eve ta aci'ompanled by her niece, Miss J Edith Remsen, a lively Auguata girl, who Is studying here. I have heard thht Mis* Madelle Bur rows will spend several w eeks in Brook lyn after Christmas and will be the guesta of friends on Plnapple street, on Columbia Heights, one of the prettiest spots tn Brooklyn. Col. and Mrs. W. W. Thomas of Athena and their two handsome and .harming daughters. Miss Gertrude Thomas and Miss Isabelle Thomas, will spend part of January at the Waldorf- Astoria. Tom Hemy of the New York Jour nal, tn whom all Augustana are Inter ested. ‘ has changed his stamping ground from Harlem to the Tenderloin, hla old station. It Is said that Capt. Jim Price, the famous tenderloin police leader, thinks a great deal of Henry and gives him tips on every poaaitile occasion. Pet Strahnn and Society. A question 1 have beard often dis cussed Is, Whether or not I’ct Birahan, now Fayne Moore, of the alleged 'bad ger, " was really In society in Atlanta. The New York Herald says she was not, Col. Hill of Atlanta says she was, and there you are. An Atlanta man says there is no definite meaning of Atlanta aociety. as there are ait manv difforent kinds of wheels tn the one big wheel, each of which calls itself “so ciety.” The New York Herald, in speaking of Mrs. Moore as an Atlanta society belle, goes out of its way to state emphatically that southern so ciety does not have such people within its paored portals as Pet Btrahan Fayne Moore, whose picture is filling col umns In lug New York paper*. Some Theatrical tloaslp. Report* do not credit the New York stage with a high standard of proprie ty, and yet they say that a pretty Ut tieavtress tn the Runaway Girl fell out with the manager, Mr. Daly, because he scolded her for showing too much petticoat. The girl's name is Mabel Gilman, anil sbe heads a line of women who fellow a courier, “the man from casks ' through a lat *f abauid mu tism and gymnastics. (Jne of thsse i* leaping avsr ths balustrade. Miss Gil man laaiaaM us making assured at tempts a* the athera Jo leupa gracefully over. This ts what ihe fuse is said to be about.-The Runaway Girl is by far the moat enjoyable comic opera that POOD OIMCK BAKING POWDER ISTtICBttsT -k Hftfi $ * •ATLANTA OA ASHils ftmte Mato Revahs* Tooth fte i.mfysuw. ffiii>#HMt fftukfii** Ml If tiff* Mi lit aft jlffi—M** IMmiHcmi Kr i**t»»* |tfnriip> mrnrn pritKlir i ?«n(li j rwtdtete fdlatds* Btof. MEDICINE LIST! itiittfkffk ttliL <hi iriMtu fin * •» < AateKlte Iha jfdl gate MUk fOlU* I Ik* tfß# W* r " n B LA Sir A CAPfiVtAB* 3 fop Sp.j IS. p** Au#, ■ do rte tCSicwi out of ST t»#»4ikrtir« Copts, 100, til* iftrf sprt# tm*t h«*4M IM. W.. MY Aik |i(#rsii iiKorrlofft aure Cure, a, tere. MTI- ir SPKCinr. Mr. A» t»- (frftk! for |«)B<>rrbofk. !m* ■ ntdHMk rurs. fie Hovsrd & fillet Dm Ciipai? •11 Broad (Hraet, Auguata. JOHN H. FEAREY —Tb# SsliaM* Jaddtar Can be found at 21 I Campbell Street, first door from Broad. Best Goods at lowest prices. I!. SIB ffaictoter FOR IRON FENCING '*% * CAI.L *N AUGUSTA FENCE CO.. 310 loth dtrret, Augusta, (la kgto.i)ul ol Town Work Solicited gkk haa been on the Netj York stage this aeaaon. Truly Shattur k and her tsjwery burleaques have moved over to the smoking theatre# tn Brooklyn. Bhe t* attll a great favorite In spite of her environment* Eddie Foy, who was tn Augusta "with a show called Off the Earth, with which Mr. Edward Fauro was connected, Is winning great lau rels with Marie IJresseia. although New Yorkers as a rule do not see the bril liancy of Chicago stars, on# ol which was Mr, Fov. MILLEDGE LOCKHART. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few man more wide *wak* and enterprising than Howard & XVII- Ifi. who spare no palps to secure the iiest of everything tn tfielr line for their n*»inv customer*. Thjy now have the valuable agency for Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This Is the wonderful rem edy that ta producing such a furor sll over the country hy Us many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all afTec tlona of the Throat. Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular si*e for 50 cents and SI.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Games and toys. Our stock is enormous. A splendid selection, 5 cents up- Call and see at Richards & Shaver’s. A Fleeting Joy. Chicago Daily New*. Mr. Joseph H. Choate of New York is ths latest to be made Ambassador to the Court of St. James. Mr. Choate should enjoy his honors to the full while they last, as he may wake up any morning and flml someone else ambassador. O A ISk T Q UFE. X A • Boar* the Hav * * iWByS | A wiso wont ta the i’uollsli is sumc- J tiniei sufficient. CALL f Oft Augusta Brewing Co s fKfOHT HKKVfi If| h* I ■ ! • * . jt&% - % f y r |l belle of g eo :ro i al Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. [ AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN; In any sums dasir«d from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years tims, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aiexaader&JoliQsoQ i|«nii NfoUlth Amt-rcfia Mortgage C*4|ikaf, 705 Broad St IF YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN i an in K R. MITCHELL, ALEX, M< DONALD Hupt. ol Cou. toe. A Gau. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 312 Mcjtitcsh Ktrast. Electric Ruppbae-'paakiug Tub**, etc., ate. Repairs to all Electrical apparatus. Electric Light Wiring* specialty. Bai I ’ Thone 1802. - - - htrowgei 87#. LOMBARD IRON WORKS and Supply Company.jj Rulldcr* and Dealer* tn ENGINES. BOILERS. RAILROAD. COTTON, SAW. FERTILIZER Oil and Ice Machinery, and Supplies and Repairs Shafting. Fulleya, Hangers, Leather and Rub ber Betting .um Hose. MILL BCPPLIF-S IND TIXILB. Foundry. Machine. Holler and Bridge Works. Capacity for SrtO Hands Agent* for Atlas and Erie Engines, Ashworth Catds. Korttn* and Leader Injectors, Turbine Water Wheels, etc.. AT’OCSTA, GA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd, 1398, Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m.j 521 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle . 1:19 p m.j 9 09 p. tn. Ar. TenntUe .. .. I:SS p.m.| 9:21 p m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3:56 a. tn. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p ra j » Lv. Dublin ’10:00 a. m, Lv. Macon .. .. 11:34 p. m.|H:55 a. m. Lv Tennilte. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle. 5:25 a. m.| 3 21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennn'.Ta with Central R. R. for Macon, and wi h tVrightsvtlle and Tennllle R. R. for Dublin and Hawkinsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James T T . Jackson, Joseph 11. Sands, Receivers. We have 1 the best se lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames at popular prices at Richards & Shaver’s. htllJXlAt> sr uat tl M Chirltpton t W Carolina lit SO9O 9 **9p9%s $ 9 •*»»<• • 99999 m p9m9 Am* ■ I4i I WWmi* *** ** **** *** * ’ •’•’"•i * jpsm I Ipi 9999999KMmmm*» **•» it *A9pm . I * ppm9999****** ,9d»l:D Jf»*j §9Sf r I IISI^ 1 [ * PmGPPptPpwm* » tt *»* pik'iM** -.fe imp I m 99999 PimSlpAmm m* t * *4Wlp4l' 51 *•*» j * rlpftOiwffßapi m i -r- —s■ * AJjjtm** mmP9 I m 9999P* ■* us) rr 11 *-99pf9 : j I * mSSiimpimpßm**■ >* iMi' I %9jt9p9ptf9, -rnm ***••* p/p j * mm9pm99k»*-*» * • • jjj ] j *" m999P9999* *•#■** >;*•>»■*# BUBOfISO ***• »*#* j Ut a *oo*** )tW L * * *••••-• %mpm %$-P999 l« ipfmrnrn 9*99 • • k 4ip4A|«*«# *♦*« i4# tmppii •+***»••*•* .9AP9m* *—•**• | '* MmmPS= on MiDtitt' }#H**iiii* I * ***** - .***»•} -.»»•»•#)« j _jiiiyi*^>»ddd»d»»^l (,« 999mm* * ■ «•*«»«•• 1. * ■ •■ • « r«*4W««f At PmrnPtm Amp** ■ * f«MU ... .D ,*••«»••’ m * $99*9999** ■ «•*» .*••« • 4BHH»| %M4i * W9oo*ms 4d|l*l HH 4AA •*» : f .9tp*k \ *jgijiijjpldVd« »••♦*♦« 9** >l j IS3SMMNI•••• «•••• |te>Mi•••*] * mam : * »»ni«l4*f>» ,te«*4.j,.4.ft ***** 9 JKmH IwgWl— ♦«*«« •-•*• I Mf4A| » WMtP' j ¥ia Ml! jyeafte Utei * Mftel KHM * dltontat* i.... *.Hddi j *4 am**** i»»« iiti*! !#• k %, am n»t # *«*f# amPm OPO iskii $ 11TI11 *1 f ;s4wnm P**m Mv AH maa. L . . . 4 .to«* ** ••«'!>■ m Mmm# fi* dk I Beds** *• *- A. L «4 » t# « f**-»w9d 1 MMI OP% Nl'L>tß I g«* * 99****m m . ***** m hate tod, *•* • atetote t.J.fUW te> Baa *«* fi to KORIM KiUHttoM 4|b t. M. fcKKIWuX Ytefit •»»***• • ■dadtok #l* BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. H C. UATTta fiwatvto teat t> »ed Wad*ted ’ ••»•* Ik 4 d Ftrd* ted*# Cited n*M K Odd* <’»•*• Mia'd • Mta‘« r*d D»». ■; Sid Gate D 4». I X. IS M*J £ tell I AM -FM t lArrled Laava I*9 ta a ldd #|.. totem ~a| I Ktt * 19 Id! I Mi 7 .... Dewdav ....■ I 4111 » |t #Ti 1 2* Mi Autua ».*toH 9 • I* I It It ... Pe*> 41** te ..A) I:#diH « »:»! 5 4#1«: rYdfry t ro.d't f 4 still M 9:42 Ltot# JULdi * 'Ydf| ft 4 14 II •» »tt 1.4# 14 . 'IfcMACA ~m 4:9,14.9 . I M, 1 | 4 M ill! Wedtt t’fUl a) Id I ttj Bjg.. waited* ...*i t:t2j AM ’W-i iLtetd Arrive PM ;PM. Kj.U MeA Wo U NM * •*•*>■* tedtldd. 9. fifid* fit* Do* | All regtottr train* from Anflecaun to \ Walhnila have right Id trac* o*' r train, <»f the earn# < laa* moving la «d- I o*H# dtredliote ualeaa otherwle* apse- Ule4 by irate Will alas atop *1 folltrarted atdtlemd | to take rai or let off paaeengere: Phld ney'ft, Jsinea and Bandy dprlngs. N». u cudnerla with teulbera rati- ! way No. 12 at Adder*-,* No* I and 4 d#ta»*e» with doattoats railway No* 12 and 47 at tuamea. J. R. ANDERdON, duperln ten deni. ATLANTIC CONST LINET shortkbt and QUICKKBT ROUT* TO TMB EAST AND MIRTH llMpn Lv. Augtostd. Ga Av~J'T:Mm* l aaprn Lv Alkan Ar f T:l9#ra 4:l7pm Lv....Pedß>d«h —Ar 1 t:t,pm 4:44pm Lv....O!ddgt>’g ...Ar | 4 10*in 4 Mprn Lv Sumter. AC. .Ar J 4:24am 6.11 pm Lv,.. Florae•■* Ar | I:2sam 24-33 pm Lv . FayetiavlH* . Ar I I:l4pm !:21am Ar.Peterabdrg.Va.Lv I I 12pm 4 (Warnl Ar. ...Rt* hmond Lv i I:l2pm 7.41 am Ar,.Washington..Lv ] I 4«p,n 4:o3am Ar... Baltimore. | 2:25pm 11:35am Ar.. Philadelphia..jl2:S9pm 143 pm: Ar... New Y«irk,... Lv ! 9:44am J Pullman palace buffet aleagtr.c ear* from Macon and Augusta to New York without change. R. A. BRAND. Oen. Agt.. 124 Rroad fit.. Augusta. Oa. T M EMERSON, Traffl, Manager. 11. 5! EMERSON, Gall. Paaa. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail ' way. Schedule tn Effect SEPTEMBER UTH, t»94. (90th Merldiaav Time ) LEAVE AUGUSTA, No. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon AGanta 84 » P. M. No. * For Maron. Atlanta, aad Way Stations .. 3:20 A. M. No. 53 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations 9:20 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta .... .. • 4 35 A. M. No. 6 From Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stations 4:50 P. M. No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:34 P. M. Nos. L 2, 3 and 4 dally. Nos. « and 5. dally except Sunday. No*. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between Mitten, Macon and Atlanta and , be tween Augusta and Savannah. ther information as to schedule*, etc., j apply to M C. JONES. C. T. A. W A pIBBKS, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. A SOLDIER after the spree needs LAND’S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 36 out of 37 headaches. 2 for Zc.. 25r. one box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. - ALiuUaTA— —— STEAM CANDY FACTORY Is making the PRETTIEST, PUREST, | WHITEST CANDIES in the market, j When in need of Stick, Pea Nut, | Broken nixture Taffy Candies Tele ! phone Bell ’Phone No. 3276. BELLE O IP O-EOBO-X-A. DKCEMRER 2i K * it-Moa t> mmwmnJim S. C l G RMI Will CO amp am a 99909m* s*mm amwt-rtM |«| : fftfet 1 99*' >-*9 9999999 ftMt s+4* i“iiMMI to 9*9 ftiUMEfe i* ammPa, ** 9mm It ’ 9* i Mfsgtoiiti»n> 9m it tmamma % tmp* 9* *Pm fi **.. t|. mprn A* A *g*mm - 1*9*999 t+m Ppm it $ m nit t »mi : 0* < »*ow- *o*9*‘ * * I ***99*o9 A 0*999 : a* i a<aapP' *$ 0*99*10 -m *' ■: * fit * I jf # - fiffi»ldf » fkatHNl " *** " ' i 1 >* {STS? « 1 ♦ [ 1* y ri r•«u " ‘ pmi mmmmmm a* i 1 * Im* **m i, ■'mm a * ‘iiffiii ..ft ftlw 11 immPm * 441 H 1 9*JSmm # mpm 90 tmmmam *J£B ~ ***** m4+** f mm 3 eseav* te *lk Kerch « »raM*s IsatoSad did. : hted»**ka K f. wtodeat* rtoddga. 41114 MIdMKIMTIM it ter 9 aate fiddfitel , It atesda Ateres L* 4fite,» tttedv dt A tree.... 7 jafiev dr A egd**a IKpi VokiM |9D MM'TN ltd toCktolfiX tlteadk *»«**» to, aad tee* lew 7e4d la Sda—w* i- v*res~! * Tfew YarfiAAdte A> *i*te.... .4v>*dte 1 * tad hal Mate : *> D*eate*4u a I tew I * ttowaaar* A Iteas Ar Ketora'4 Adted* L* Kedav d 7 lltea Ar »rah teduLjjtoaii 4’ *tea .Ijldte “taware*maw a* OaH»*na vHk hew Yard **mmmo* •*** vwA *»*■**■ ter »ns» F>te. *w dMMdut A tel—d •Na tA* ••Knit rate a* awl tooaa oU patete to ex dteidruwK. . .. J. H SAKIW. LA titoiardl Hdddddd. Tldtel Mdddfite f ¥ dtoaw-a. G*a A«i > te—tt * SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * -at- N*«> T*—• ■i - CTrTTS Ktebtoewte toeiir dter ihzzir' *■ ;"hßg,Tag : S?£r-:::~ ... '|J ig; t !.jjf il? fc: saar* ' • |Dtod| I*9 Ar K.rhMd * *■*! * 9 * v K. ■. s it 8; ; fSSe~E- »«a ill - - [■#. '••!■*. *• teiHitotePteKo [ BkMlf. tortlF. wr ' Horn V-wk. PwlTto I9up W 111*4 T jiotesiiSi* ....... i»r • 1 *.tin, r» . 9 tty #.ila te Wul'lM So toy M tty II 111 Lv Ktchrooud MMdft UtOtsv Lv DaaHUs .j lia 4 tty Lv "jfiattete .. - |'» i»tt Ar lAr+mw*• ! *** $, * Lv . ... .TT.! 706 • T S2p - Cbmrimf 99 » H > A) p • ken* BUI . lv Ait U Okp • C hmmr 10 kft U *!p • WißMfcoro II kit 11 »* er o*l *>4* Bifiuid'f tt tt «Ak> 1«T • V. CnlumkMl'B dtp'L 1 l&p 4 009 M J»kii»um«. i ikp " Trvktok 9 44p * 6nwjif#»%iU« Slip Tot* a | 4Bp • Ir A»K#r,np Od's flip v Htvirtuourf jlt kl» < lip te Oertoa.toC dO.Ay . 1 »wy' 2 00* lx Oharlaalea 3 40p! 1100* ET Col to*. PfAP Rr rT”: ’ll Sire 14 47 a “ Saraaaah ! 4 4.' y SOS s Ar Jackup*'-Ilia * ttyi * 19* aikKi’id** CAd ■ Kx-sUeot daily yaaasdddr errk* b#4w**o Slprida «ud New York It a* rand 99-19 srhlneton sort fladteweatara Ltelrsd Sc.lid \SBtibnTcd train Witt dinin« snr* end first nisi* cuschm north of ttosrlotls. Pni'mno drnwlnnr<ssn*ieepln*t*r»b*twr«n Tainps J*,-keen-ills, Sevnansa. Wnnklngron aad New Vork Puiimsn Sleeping Carn between ctwrlott* and Richmond. Pullman drswtarroom *lesptn» rem he tween nr*vil>,n nnd Norfolk t r l*2* Mon at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMPORT, arriving vhere in lime for breakfast. g .lid tram, with Psrlor csrn, bntween Charlesxm »ud AsheeUle No* 99 nnd 49-U. 8. Fast Mail Thronah Pullman drawing room bnffet eireida* rsr* be tween Jncksmvdil* and New York sad Pnii man *1*00)0* oara botwnen Aupati »r.d Char lotto. Pullman .wot,inf car* letween Jack {inrllie and Colodibia. on route dally between aeksuuvUle nnd Otnr*nnatt. >-tt Anhanltt. RANXS GANNON. J M ( ULP. Third VP A Gen. Mgr TM . Wa*hmftoa V A TURK. 8 H HARDWICK. (j p A. Wnahtegtad. « P A.. Atl*wlw. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th seeildUn Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1894 Puilman Sleaoere between Macon aad Now York. Through Pullman Stewpara between An gusta and 81. Loul*. - -n_ Lv Augusta 7 05am| 4:2opm|l*;3*pt« Ar Atlanta ...|»2:3spm| *:2«pro| s:ooam Ar Macon ....(llTtamj | 4 45»a* Ar Athena ....|t2:lspm| 7:lopm| - Ar Gatne#vtllei*3:46pm| I - Ar Whit* PI »j*l;o4pm| I Ar Mill’gd'l# . I 4:4o*na Ar Wvh'ton ..|l#:loam| 7:lopm| Picayune train leave* Auguata except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Min-dgevtlle at 4 10 p. m Tr»l*ie arrive at Auguata 1:11 *- 7-45 a- <v... l:2fi p. m and *:2S p n*. A. G. JACKSON. G. P A. JOE W. WHITE. P : A. CAROLINA AND NORTHW£ST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March «, 1894. Eastern Time Stacdncd. Leave Auguata, Scu'thein Ry.. 9 30 P m. Arrive Chester, Soutlieru Ry 7:18 am. Leave Chester, C, A N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C & N W. Ry 1 16 p.m. ' Leave Lenoir. Stage P ,n --! Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p ra. I Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.M, jO. W. HARPER. ~ C. F. HARPER, PreeidenL A «