The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 21, 1898, Image 8

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WBONBBOAV Th«ac Will Rtltev* V our f:mb#rra»»ntcnt f Imehlng J»ck*u, Tricot Flunnol. Cov*rt. ChavMM, OmtlfociJ Gortt, V**lv*»i «nit b#»wt if inly HrHMf i Lftf»o*i*. C«M» • »**» #4lk f«< •<> ami (ir A»tl*Cf !»»•»«. ch#c4s«l» •ml •ffMUI Brown*. Wtn# Nivy, MtffUtj Tin iml Gf*y< n#w»«t •* - facts, St 15,17,50, SO, i 10, • 12. Luxuriant Bath Robas, Handsome Blanket Bath Robes Bath Bata, Rob#*, BHppar*. B anhat*. ****** Tnwata, llm lat#st Partiuin d##tyns. rmnc y Vaata. Otovaa. Pajama*. Umbraiia*. Mart** amir. Scot#* of ctioic* toneart* In puff*, tacka, boat, atrtrm Tlaa ants Imparlai* Hundrart* nf bright and baautiful articiaa ara Kara for your chooaing op*» rvwiifos ASKS PRESIDENT FOR DONATION Mr t, hnUMI MeKlile,. |« «kkk Ha Aiki f ar a CaMrtkrttoa la Ik* Calarai Orrbaaagy. **v o*4 •. Johnson tfc* colored p*Mnr. vko ta la tlrrt* ~f Ik# rolof«1 orphans*' baa written Prmidenl Ee- Kialey a laltar Ikal la et la<»r aat R„ Johann* la tka l»tt*r a«k• thi> anlkii for a 4oa*Uoa lo th* orphan a** Tha laliar raak: Won Wllllaw MrKla.r) President of ih* I'mud S'nt**. Dear air. Tour coming to our rlty 1* balled arlth stwwur* by all c)**»** of rtttaans I am glad lo <u>y to y<m that Aqguttt* Is oa* of th* best cities In tb* south Onr arhlt* rltlsaos are charitable to ms r***. *»<» I regard tarai a* among our bent friend*. there for* tiara la no disturbance between th* r*«a* la tbl* rtty or ronidy. I hop* that your visit h*r* will tw a bl«s*i*« to you and all th* people I am r*pr***ntio* a struggling negro orphanat* In tils ally, mhlrh Is de- I*n4aat aatlrrly ttp<in tb* hsn4* of rbarlts I bav* th* *ndor**mrnt and support of som* of tbs host p*opl* of this community: but a donation from th* pm*ld*n: would b* to much sppre *<at*4 In tbla great time of newt, that If our appeal touch** your sympathy, you can turn over to onr honored Mayor. Patrick Walah. who la one of oar boat frlenda. any amount, which will b* gladly received Yours r**p*ctf»lly. Ond 8. Johnson. Largest stock \ holiday gooch* In th# city. Dunbar & Williams. Joe W heeler Schweers. Mr Ben BcbJeers was seen thU morning with g smile playing across hi* countenangd that Indicated an In crease of happiness. He was ashed the cause of bis Joy and he replied that Joe Wheeler Schweers arrived at his horn* this mornlug and will be married to the "Bello of Georgia" on bis 21st birthday. Fresh shipment of “Huy ler’s" received every day this week. Come early. Shewmakes*. Hiss Kate Perkins Miss Kate Perkins ha* returned home after several weeks spent In Augusta. She was Joined In Atlanta hy Miss An nie Perkins, Mia* Jessie Morgan. Id. (übbedge and Cnpt. Walter Perkins, who formed a pleasant party at the peace Jubilee. Rome Tribune. Pictures in endless va riety. Dunbar & Williams. In one precinct of Center township. Pel e ware county, Indiana, Indiana, there are five Republican voters whose combined ages number 43R years. The young eat of the quinet 1* 84 and the cldcs is nearly 95. They are Peter Ladd, Obadtab Scudder, Simeon Uotyt. James McClellan and William Strad llng. • For Asthma use CHE NEY'S EXPECTORANT Place you order for fall #ult with R. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. —=G IPT S= Ladies'Ties, I Men's Ties, Ladies’ Fans, Men's Gloves, Ladies' Gloves, Men’s Gowns. Ladies Umbrellas, Men's Umbrellas, J. MILLER WALKER, HATTER THE CASE WAS THROWN OUT |Tk* Rffisln List Ila 4 X# f*a- Mrriai Vilw. I ««• H H *•<! R##« Molm Tl*m Wn Ha VMatlaa ollgw. Th# raa» agalait Art Bar U lover Bb« bm throve oat of ram. In (B#| I warrant larceny from lie hmun» vi« ; allefrd, It wo# also ailfiH that (Be art Ac I# Mid to lava bwa taken from Mr. 91. R Kllioit a Boua# was a ropy : nf voter a not aa ial itat , TB# r##t#u# Hal mar bav# Bad wmti i at*atal value It bod and Baa dm i commercial vain#. ruder IB# lap 1 I larceny <ti b# only Baaed on the an I lawful taking of aomcthing of torn i \ men ial vatu*. Largest stock holiday goods In tha city. Dunbar & Williams. Tie Scnsatloa of th* Weak. On* of tie sen*allons of the week I* tb* rushing trad* being don* at Hire ' A O'Connor* Shoe Co.'s two stores In addition to making heavy red nr j tlona in ibMi. bau. and holiday allp | pen. they are giving away free, -mlll ; tary sett*, dolls, chamber aett*. chairs I : tamp*, clocks, chin* setts and other valuable household article*, when your rash purchases reach a certain amount: aad the way the soldier* and tb* trading public are taking advant age nf their offerings both In the low prices during this reduction sal* and the beautiful article* they are giving away to their patrons with purrhases, are tiring tbeir clerks tu tbelr utmost. If you have to buy a pair of shoe* for yourself or family, visit the Rice A O'Connor shot store, y* you will save time and money hy trading with-them. Their store* are open this week every night until ten o'clock. We have the best large type Bibles in flexible bind ings in the city. Our price only $ l .50, others charge $2.50 and $3.00. At Richards & Shaver’s. HI Bi Tonight HI HI, a Comedy of Joys, will he given at the theatre tonight under the auspices of the Hebrew Indies’ Aid so ciety. cause Is a worthy one and should meet the dhpport of every cltl gen of Augusta. The proceed* are to furnish rooms In the city hospital, which will be a benefit to the entire city. Col. Henry A. Coursen and stall of the 13th Pennsylvania regiment will attend In a body and occupy boxes. The chaperones in the different sets of BI BI will also occupy boxes in full evening dress. Every member of the entire east is notified to be at (he the atre tonight at 7.30 o’clock, without fail. They are requested to enter at the Greene street stage door to he as signed to their respective dressing rooms . Toys of every descrip tion. Dunbar & Williams. Joseph Jefferson does not like to he considered an invalid. To a resident of Old Point Comfort, who said to him: "Oh. and did you come here to grt well?” ho replied the other day: "1 , throw up my theatrical engagements mere ly for the pleasure of seeing you.” TH® -A.T7OT7BTJL HIGl*-4eX*X> ATLANTIANS AID AUGUSTANS Utot Ofgßßftau*** Ml Up Off 181 AM OHM MM) Wwfctfi, <S * lfc N»g*4 ; §#* ***** ta A* tOßta •«*•#• OB B» Bait Off -B* I'OMtin# IBfft *omr**t*«* KB aagoM* 4vß#* «aai la Ira mi amh* #•#• TB# *# rtMMli tßlMlf f BiMi I##* wMMII# aBbiMBB Ml tit* •#■•*## I# *#*' TT r V i | BBBvi.. a## 1081118 M s4ll# MlB 0411 B# lot OBlurOM* alaß* TB# |pp#tvwiaMi o4MvB a## 1401 aoB inf ##mtvtßvo k#Bi pro taw faiot B#tßo tß# of##!*- I ##*' OB" (B«Rf# #»•!• B# SMo#B4 tvaOOOOM oi#4# ta tß# r*4w#*t« lor narf. TB# ywtliMtßQ •'orO 9m «Bt» mmnlmt T# H 4» IH# nwi§mm To IB# Bull# at TB# Joofß#* * A e»aW4tv am fOiMMao o$H 0# B#l4 ao #a#otoo •* o O*HHtOjW in# Bait. $# s.*§ Mortß T«foo*k *« rvoß iliM flaw to rm *# oatof Bat IB# AO |f»M« raCtcOl 18111 p#afAo. ftMkloomao 004 nttoM o# AttaOOa •la Will B#t# IfcM ,r Mfi* * 00# tO' «!*• la fgaumtri tfl att#o4 IB# OMWtlit 004 nMMfißat# BroßOitoo t« iMif Btoaot at those who rawasw all**4 a»* r*a— ■ t-4 to wad tietf euatrtiwtioM f • M Whit* Bel dll etiy AH •»'* , rayg!##!?? KT'.h. AtSctMga iTK IB# PitHOM TB# aHltloa P’Blcß Bo# B#*#o firrata* ‘ Atlanta. Ga . fw 10. IBM "Wa. tB- ua4#rat«M4 rfttlMa <* At | taata B#r#t»? raatrtßat# tO# amount* oofwiatt# «ntr aiOf* t* tßr j t %|| |- rcMlno ID til Ourkin of Au i‘“ Ham H Alleh •* «* K W. I * Ceah ~1.«* I TB# Hal aia# nntv thta morning and will be added to from day to day At the publlr me,ling Saturday night It I* aspected that a large amount will b* eollfcied. Jill tie money rolleeted will be publicly announced and receipt ed for by the mid worket* commit tee Those who can no* attend the meeting Hntarday night nr* r**|'tested to send their contributionsf' whether money, rlothlng. shoes or entnbleu. to 8. M White. 439 E. Fair street, or address Box «12. rity. PROF. MORSe TONIOMT. H* Is tic Most Distinguished At I* ut Ist of tie Day. Prof. E. 8. Morse, who lecture* here tonight, is the most distinguished sci entist the Lyceum has ever brought to Augusta -being on* of the world's greatest naturalist*, probably the suc cessor of Aggassii In America. lie taught so-ology for three years In the University of Japan at Toklo. and his text books on go-ology arc standard* In the schools In America and Germa ny. He is the ourator of the Peabody Scientific academy and museum at Sa lem, Mass., snd was recently elected president of the American Academy of *•*. Herat', W«Ug. e ° r -"'* k '’ *7 Mw »" * "•" h ' n - ‘ spiuu'C. Ho, in addition to bcins a voluminous writer on natural his tory, is an expert draughtsman. hav ing studied drawing In youth, and his articles on natural history to be seen in the Encyclopedia Brittanlca are il lustrated by himself. Prof. Morse is a chartulme talker. Investing his sub jects With profound Interest to the pop ular audiences. He will talk more In terestingly on the peculiar special, forms and habits of animals aud in sects than has probably ever been heard In Augusta. He will draw the animals and insects on a blackboard with belli hands while he talks. > auouota lyckum, b»e *h »»a* I, PROF. B. ». MOROE. lm> t I»i» «qq A QivBjOOB , "<#lNßf#aa | Ho# mm. t * *lO s- v tanv ti taooretß m fafmmm fm, I V AMP <# AM* w Imm a *M»M*4MHi this. Baa aw*n *ll vamp, not • as Bwiaan* Ms. Than V, q,,, a* ~#** .-ag aganr I §Bo BRo fPMit mmm I# #4 fß# fOlp# * | t##p 11* a#* s*j »*<i**'4 an «4B#* So# «%# gppiir MINI at IB# ijwif Ban##.. | I t>»wii>B *#TB#4 *4 r#il#vOM# | oN* *-* #-«■» r th —fc. mg * m th# prmtrnn* COSKERY % HUNTER’S SUGGESTIONS FOR XMAS PRESENTa Cantamari Kkl Gtovas, best m«d«, avarv pair guarantMd. SI 50 and SI 90 pair- Sy»t*ma Jay Kid Glovat. guaranttMKf. at j 51, worth SI 50. at SI SO. [worth S 2 Evanlnf Gov*s, |iarg« assortment to teloct I from- FURS Fur Capes from SlOto SOO Special prices or, the above Fur Collarettes from $2 68 to $lO each UMBRELLAS. Colored Taffetta Sun Umbrellas from S 2 75 to $5, the best made. Black Umbrellas, big drive In this line at the following, prices: 50c, SI 00, SI 50, | $1 98. $3 50. $3 75 and $5 l COSKERY HUNTER w. C.T.U. The weekly prayer meet lag of Ihej Woman’* Cbilstlan Temperance Talon | will be held ia the lecture room of the i Ht Joha church tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 4 o'clock Bc*ry mem- | b*r is earnestly requested lo be pres- j ent, Th* public Is cordially Invited to attend. By order of th* president Mr*. W. C. Sibley, Pr*#. Ml** Emma rtioy. Hae. Pocket Books and Card Cases. ...... Dunbar & Williams. Dairy men Th{ Georgia Dairymen's Association m n L |n Macon tudag and will rediallß In «iWlon for three <l4y». A large num ber us member* will la- present from all t act* of the wtate, »ud it I* cxp<*< tefti that fully a hundred will be In atteo-, *H varioun m#*tho44 nflutainf nut- j inllk and cheese will be di*cu»wS*j and in addition to that a nun w.' mi xes will he offered for the best display of dairy products. Many nf tbo mem bers of the association will contest for the prises end it is expected tiiat a number of pretty exhibits will he on hand. __ ■ -55 Yount? man, your best girl may not tail you so, but "HuylerV rs what she wants. Snewmakes’. T* Art Squares from t 0 $15.00 at Fleming & Bowles. THE NEWS AT CAMP f OOMNB MB#*' •Sllfcse* i f A frig'-'u;: tof4 t .TO '. #4 IB# fnar4 IhMi’l Mb flkbtgaw. IB* 4## RnktlM **f «V». A mmi WHorr 4 Co. j ft ifr • fllya t 4jv ami ftt|| rttkiy $4 |n> aqa# loamfTfiit. I If 818 Miit^Ktflla. LktitHHiat Ik Balt 4 C«. A lo j r «‘tart* » f Cm. r will t* »umBH IClitt# of Co, o baa (fin# t*» bin haw*. | It a% mo r#rtavo4 an Baooraki# 41a- ( Th® han4 #lll mmmUmwm la prtak* ‘ for i'firiaffnaa < ontoff. Th® f#orlmant «aa c#repl*m#iit®4 hy ! <><Vl<*r at Ih® day y##i«r4a> for mtMu l Qrriai' N#« utiifnrtna ar# Mni ta th® r®ffiff»®nt today Th®y All • lofif f#H | want and h®n« ®fnrth th# hoy# mill j A rvmflt H®f man mi Cm. D It In ih* [ h<*#pu*t ooHartoa from hr«mrhi«ia. fit id in#®r c 4 Co. I ta sick in h«acM~ ; Uir «f Co. C I# an«*th®r vk*tlm ; of poiaoii nak- Corr*. Hhatl of <*f>. I> wa# #®fit to th® ’ hoapnaS laat rvviiln#. iik'Oti *»f c?o. C ftnil Itaaa of th® hand * w®r*» Ihrhiiyfd from hnapltal today. Thirteenth Pennsylvania. O. Pox of Co. H wa* aent to dlvl- j *l,-n lluapttal y-sterriay I'arroll of Co. ft wa* admitted to the j regimental hospital today. Color Hergeant Read of Co. G haa f gon<- on a seven days’ furlough Rite at Co. A and Martin of Co. H j w ere honored by being the Br*t order- i tie* selected under new order for neat appeaiam-e. soldierly hearing and otb «r military areompltshment *. i Captain fJemian of Co. A i* <*fHe,r of the day. l Ueulenant Benjamin of Co. H Is I ~-ommander of the guard. The first shipment of 210 new tent* arrived today and are *lorejt away. j Fifteenth Minnesota. Captain J. O. Morrison of Co. C has tendered hi* resignation. Corp Campbell of Co. K ha* return ed from *tck furlough. Brtgß* und Burn* of Co, H have re-; ported for duty after twin* sick. Hergeant Norwood of Co. H has re- j turned to his company from detached ! service. Mr. Flaherty of Co. E has returned i from stek furlough Harms and Hamho of Co. D have re turned from absent slek to duty. Musician Harwell has resigned his bugle land reported for duty in coinpa- | ny. Hicks of Co. H has returned from sick furlough ('apt. Leonard of Co. K is officer of j the day. Lt. Schroder of Co. K Is commander: of the guard. Cavalrv. Hartman of the hospital corps has rsumed duty after his experience of ; ■ hint ing poison by mistake. Sergeant Mcßride of troop A,has gone | on furlough. Townsend & Pennington of troop A i are off on a furlough. Coons of troop B has id-en granted i a furloush. Bueklew of troop B has been given a furlough. Khiie of troop B .has returned from furlough. Bussell of troop H has been sent to hospital. AN EHANUEL MOONSHINER, Calvin Jones Bound Over by the Com missioner. Mr. Calvin O. Jones, of Eronnur-1 county, was given e hearing before Commissioner Calvin this morning on 6 charge of illicit (iistiiiing. He was arrested yesterday by Colire tor Davis ami Marshal' WMteiey. They did not find his still, but at his home they found one barrel of "tuoan thilr” and implements for making the liquor. Other evidence <vas prodf.ieed that showed very conclusively that he had l-ccn operating an illicit distillery. Flooring, Ceiling. J Weather Boarding. J uiax t, ot i*rv J 'tttiqubliiSural)?r(d | Mil® fHt! v ARRII R> That tAM l*«* MM* I •«** UWSM mam flW|. Th* ran lit hwva «f Th* MefhM I* i >li Isaqaa, which (he* ari l eeit hs* I* »*ev th*** sq» • fTWhs* t***> at l» j POST "I AN FOR CAIP pMtaffke DegsriiaMl Appoints syw* ,)*l Ctrrkr I or camp Matkand* sS#t#iOPf At#UHME* fffflfN* tBI# j to rn ni froa iß® pn#t«*Bs## 4®|rert re#«< at Waakinii* a a# oB« *l | i «tifto# tk#l U. M L#f##rt of (Bat fUr ] had h##Q apt t i’®.| afiartat mstl ®#f riqr for ramp M*ek*a*i*. H* alll a* i tcqs hi* duties aa January j. Why a Wt *»« out hast assorts to mak* >„ur gwckaii, eotlrely satislactory. MAHONEY & ARMSTRONG COAL AND WOOD. Strowger 'Rhone ..... J*> Bell '7«* Ottke and lard No. I McCnrtan Street Isperla' mailman should b* appointed ■ for the ramp, cornuii# ! tig that th* ■ ramp mat! l.a« be--a sent tot and aa- I lire red by rsthp soldiers and that proven vary aatiafactory. ***tn* a bit ! strange However, tile order has been received and lb* new postman will arrive Jan iuary l»t- It i* theught that perhaps the man from Washington w 11 have | charge of th* registered letter*, etc., only. Save t>ur Little Ones. Tfftbe Editor of Th* Herald—Sir:-- j Allow roe a little corner in your val ; liable Herald to talk to our good and [true Christian fathers and mothers, iFriend*, wb'at is to be done? Are we .to see our deer little Inight-eyed glris ; and boys roropelled to have to hear oath* and all kind of vile language from the tongue* of drunken men. and must we have no more protection for jour little ones than is had? We send I our pels to the Davideon Grammar | school. which is situated on Telfair 1 street, and they live on the south side ! of Fenwick street and are compelled to j go across Walker street to get to their school snd it Is sorely tough for s set of children who are well raised to have to take that part of Kollock street ■rs a way to reach their school. Some- ! fh'ng should he done and that right | away. A few days ago a llttli boy. a [bright and pretty little fellow, came [home from school and said to his mam ma: "Mi nims, don't send me to that j school any mere." His mother aaked [him why. ard he replied: '•Because, mamma.' that is a v 4 *rv ! bad pise’ after you cress tha bridge [ near Walker streri. I heard them (people just a saying bad words and l | do not wan* to hear them any more.'' Now. that child is not the only one ! who has noticed such end—away, away with such plares. Better pull down the houses and have nothing but ths barg ground than have such places rn such a public street, and our dear ones to see and hear such as is going on. Is there no other place for a school house than where the Davidson Gram mar school is? If not. let's everybody, every father and mother, make an ear nest'appeal to lattd’ords to rent thc r prope ty to the good and moral peo ple and save oor dear little school children. The Davidson Grammar school is rue of our brag srlioals )f the clfy and it is worthy of being in a more suitable locality. A MOTHER. Mr. Henry Busch, the blue ribbon boniface of the Ailcep Busob house Is iu the city today The Susch house is a thoroughly up to date aud first class hostelry iu ever? r««~pecT. and Mr. Busch, who does his own catering, is provided with the finest the market affords. ©iOfMair# $i THE MARKETS, Al*€stTnTA MAR B irr Alt IN HUT. A**#•*##a. *3* * ft.. we-T**a* ***b4p» OHt«K«F* , H .* < **m*m 4»>Mi » Y 9 a •« •• q, «l#«r4 wBMTf ~ ijr , i #.» *• •« M i Mill ! mft®f wk# n»i4479fk# •« •« •« •» 11'»!*#% *. . B II >4»% f M w . i • - .«#s,♦ ****** . ... *0 ... , i iimplbw Inhll HiTCtrTt, BAUER, iflk MKH* aH | t»tf RYtf. flak® 4 iMii##. fi pm IBPf iff# • . ithca Ifk 4a•' tjOk fIMB I#s7 |tif £, a * ,■»|i| ia ,lt*r**p«» *•!>« « • a * U | * ’*# ** ** ** **'* |H)R K January •• *« *• «• .* •« 9 »* l\l»v ~ «« ** I C* s.«•*• Jsnuarv * I * » *f# * } «r*i i | $# ijanuan .« •• •• «• .« 4 A2 f 4 4WB iVtav .... .. 4,44 S*RW YORK CiYTtOK. | January I.fl 1-41 i W| . . i I- ••»$>- 44 S, 44 Mav .. .. 6 M A.ti I s#f(fmbrr ...* .. *. .. 4 45 * 44 i Ton®—Qut®l U-14. NEW YORK 9TOCK9. [j4u##r IJT.4 Tnßacrn .... .* •• •• •* 141 H 111*4 ft, fi, T. ...» .. ,• •• .. 72% C, H. Q .. -- IH 122*4 Mkwwor* PsHflr , » ts% 45% D>ui,vttlr and Nashville . g l , s:'. [ Manhattan -k 7 * »?N People's Ga IMt. ifnlln Pacific Brit «D» Ifp-k Island Has Ht. Paul UTS ir** Hmithern Railway. pM .. 41% 4D. Western Fnton »2 ?-‘% LIVERPOOL COTTON FebruatT t <0 ay Februat > and March .. 3. *2 3 *2 I March and April 3.M 3 M April end May 3 Ot 3 May snd Jun* i.A r > 3 ai as June and July 3 a* 3 05 Od July and Aug. .. .. .. J — *■* \ Aug. and Hept. .. .. .. 2.0 T 3.0 S 07 j H*pt. and Oct 3.07 3OS 07 Oct. and Nnv. .. •• .. 3.07 3.0 sO7 Nov. and ITc 3.01 Dec. and Jan "• oi 3.0! PORT REC El PTH. t*»* 1500 Galveston *212 -'45J5 New Orleans I**' l -' \*n* Mobil* Usl Havsnnah .. .. .. .. .■ 04SS Charleston •• 3271 Norfolk 2*23 5W* New York .... .. •• •• -* 121* Wilmington .. 1324 Boston 3200 3222 Philadelphia HO Brunswick Pensacola ■—* 3100 Estimated total 4*273 72000 Distinguished Visitors. New York. Dec. 2t. The steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. from Bre men. and Southampton, hrought into port today the following passengers, among others: Dr. Von Hollenhen, German Ambassador to the United States; Jean Dcßeske. Mme. Liil Lehmann Kalisch. Victor Manrel and Rosa Oliukn. and Ernest Krauss. Mau rice Grail Grand opera company, and Tcgerncsee Bavarian company, under the management of Gustave Am bit rg. LOST—ON broad. between Campbell and Mclntosh, a pocket book. containing a sum of money. Finder will be rewarded by returning to *26 Broad street. dec 21 WANTED—A POSITION AS BUTLEf* or driver or any kind of work. Ad dress William Greene, 1402 Campbell street. dec 22 WANTED by AN ELDERLY WEST ERN woman who is a good cook nurse and seamstress—A situation in a family. Work of general housework. Must be light. Please address Utility. Merab! office. dye 21 22 WANTED—YOU NO MAN OWNING bicycle with some knowledge of col letting: good penman; able to operate typewriter: 315 month to start. Refer ence required. Address Alanagci, (.are Herald. ‘tec 21