The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 22, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 THWISOAT COAL-COAL COAL tNOU'MU: AMI 111 t All WAI I'M* •* R*d AAh J»uico ;TMI *E#T CftAOfcH OF ©iu« C*m J«U 100 - OOAX. InHiiAilH Kff Jgg Nut • oaa »: %t m»k r* um«M igfja* • * 9%mm* —>»!«*■ CITY ICE COMPANY. AM3I/ATA fIAUM IA. tton# mm» •*•** *■ am mi •*•**- mrrrm- Fx*,'( (V***»*f f >. * . I. • ■ to* I* hM oMIO • •*•** rv«M iawtiaMW M 4 *» f BMwm .. .. .... *• I Al> rw«rr» ini* cow Ant w»oih».‘* Mt>« »«•*. *»•• .. ** ■ * • smmJai»»- >mim ~ ... n wmi ** .***•#• to* A"* •> *• •• •* •*•**•* t****** 6*» MM .. .. •• •* « *! A C , *mM .. .... 6A-AMJ (**•*.•• ffWto** »«">■* . *I W » • lamma MM f ***** 46* 46* A* . ■$ | CZ M»' . „ ......... to • ZZZZ «» M*« *. mmm4 ™ * .. .. - .. .. »M»« £r - ,ta s. UMlA** **»"« '«'» , M unrs (6TOCK HAWK ITT WM’T lf«n. MW"* <• **!*• *' •(.*»» «Ml< IMA «• •• - * J* Nti.a. Mmttiaa l« MM* ...» ■ • ** *MMM MW »"*• UMMM r!w».* ... n~lt» Hunk* average **to* ...... •• *•— *» Map* IM«I. a***!*#* I* M* **' r \mn£ "*'*** ***** "". ‘J*- *2 | V f«. |« I*l M»*». f*A MM* .. K A M».«A U k**4*. fall #***• .*«• WOOD**WI H I*, tw. kM Ml, • » . A~ AM- Bucket#. »*« Am». O. O- P*» •*’* A »; Aim Mm, n—e. *"■•>* • am. M •*-*«<* n » t* to PWY BOOD* Ui.wn PMJ-**** AM AMmI*M: BranHMlH*. !•< *hlrtlng J j MR •• *• * *•* nrMllMlll*. «H • * •*•***»■ •• J Drill* •• •• *" l}r#»lt#vltl* H H M ,H .... •• * J* r«*> r K*« M ■ ■ *- ** J j»4Mk P. Km*. It Inch C C .. .. * l » * A POOL. «ILK GMttorttl. I** yd* »• *m»l. »“*« * 3*rtt**lH. to PA* to AM). Pi Ao*..a •LEACHING*. IfiMllhnMU* brand* - !• « WIOOAN rrull «f »M toom, *• l"*M* .. .. • !•* *1 IM Mm, t-R mchM .. .. « »-4 r«M», w imM » cam*. «*« .. .. •• * .! Al*t*« Km*. ” , ! MU* ot th* Wmi .. .. .. .. •• »-» ;*» p. Kin* 1-t R • *hlrtlii* .. t *-» |M P. KIM *-l A A *br*«ln* .. 11l Km*. Minch o*or*l* .. .. I >-• P. KIM. RWklCm Island .. .. •» .. •* * 1-1 |»o r King. M tech *** . I sisal .. 1 >•*. 9- Kin* » ltfl» AAatK* •• * *-♦ PRINT*. AIMTtMh rttlrtlMß «*«■ *»-* Utrrlmack .hlrtln**. «*« - - • J* J rhartar Oaak 4r*»* atyla* *»»«• • * 11 1 »Ml»lM«»« OH* ‘ . Allan * <l*> * ’ *'* I ■ - * roalM A pool cotton. P* rdo * J 1 Amartcan Indl*a blue*. «**4 .. •• » »•* Plater Oil* taolldl »4*M - .. Amartcan Indigo bluaa *!»•♦ .. .. I Intamatlonal black* M*M .. •• * Allan * cardinal* »4**4 .. I Allan a Latonaa 41*4« * India Wu# J ** , i India blue •!*«« Btln*l*i>l'» 44**4 .. - - * I Martha Wa*hln*ton Mil* * 3 '’ Oarner’a radiant* *4*44 Charter Oaka, »»*«> 3 I ' l TICKS. J *'* AmoaH#** A C A » »-« . Amoakeau A 1 Amoakea* C J '■ PLAID HOME9PUNP. at» Minr * *•* Pour yard. *<)<«l 3S Inch 4 3-4 Lodi ehlftlnga t>4*s« J 1-J 1 odi dresa atylea 6«*40 3 PI. Clair dreaa Oraan aolld* •• •• 3 *'J Martha Waablngton (ancle* .. .. I 1-4 Mlacellaneoua brand*, light weight .. 13 *’* laaetta « yard* plain 3 l * Thorndike B ® **J ‘ *'* Creac-nt .. Pelham. M bal Ho bo* « F. <J. f., *0 batla to bo* .. .. 16 E. Q. P.. H) MU* to lb V 1-t Muacogee B •> •• •• * 1-3 r inch 4 1-t yd. plalda, beat make Ktnipaoa allk finish foulard* 64* a 4 I“4 Padflc mournlns* ***64 * 1-t Chin* ailka 64*64 4 1-4 ® Slater 64*64 3 1-2 Concord, 66x60 * J-) Borne 3 1* Edward# * 3 Key atone 3 J’ 3 Fifth Avenue * 3 * 4 KHIABBHTV S. Heavy Columbia, i.cuvy Hearsay S 1-4 Kincaid and other# 9 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTSK. Lime ™ a * 3 Boaendal* cemant .. ■■ M 45 Portland cement »t-“> to 3 - 3 B Louisville cement In paper aacka ..11.00 l laater In HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* * 3 00 T- iintod buckets, r<r do* *l.lO j! ji n cedar palls, per do* .. .. *1.5 H It B cedar pall*, per do* .. .. *2.00 i s painted, per neat *1 75 .i>r. Manila, per pound 8 L,.. Siaal. per pound „".? c , i ~tton, pet pwund .. lOcallo ,<V| . uire.. base ■ t.:„. Arne*, per da* .. .. »*a»11.50 hovels, diamond, per do* .. .. *7 00 r »-,yeti. riveted back, per do*. .. *4.15 PKrw blade* t 1-t ha^» llames. red tap. *»*r do*. ** -6 names, red top rest, *>er dex .. .. 32 -so | MftfSMW*, (test f«tet, f*»# #Si M* M»» •• ti [ Msij»4t Mh • *••• *• «* f Ml \sm4 iruins gm tt» .« ** •* «**«a» 9 9*9 111 mrm sisiflte 9>st hs# , # »• ** *» 9’ [ s 9mm. pm Pmg * •* •* •* *« 9* » IK »##steMhMS SMMhSx |tef 99 *§ «* •* *» 9hs Tts*-# >h<tes. pm 4teS pOP . 9* ihsii (9 ' tetewss #tF*iNte- (^Nteb v • ** 91 hteS^hi ' t*st»s*# Us s#. * * 9 pm gtmm . • *» 99s IrZrZm. mm... .. .»..«• |r«AMAt rerda pee 4a* „ „ „ ... I* 44 * Aaa bAAdtea We. | **e 4a* * *• »« KR [A** (Madkaa Na, 4. **r Aa* . as *R IA sa baadtae Na S. per 4a* I. .» R* Aaaei 4*a* «waitty pee 4**. .. ReaN I Watt f«a*M. gataebteeS. pae tb be 1 Rht4»Wk area II 6 1 6 * AML I. t Id •TAT*? Mlrttß ! (*a"4*4team «H*rb* k*4 Na*4a faraieb. *4 by Itki W tarbey W«* A abed Oaatfh la It** it* 1 Oaaagta 4 l-r*. MM .. .. UR ... j a aerate « in tn ...... *l4 aaa I leery .a tI t a IMA .. .. .. ~ *** aea Ipaaryt* I I re lit* .. .. .. .. *** , booth Cbraltna « I *•* .. .. ..UR U* cmr rono* AagaMa r*. IM* .. It* ... August* *e UR* . .. ...... I*» ••• Augeata ft. It** .. .. .. .. MR ... A**w»a 4 If*. M*R aa aa aa IS H. Augusta 4* IB? u .... u.. !** aaa 1 Atlanta Fa tata .. .. .. .. IN ... Atlaat* Tm. HA . .. .. .. .. H> ••• Aitaata ra MR* MR ••• iAt Ant* 4 l-r*. MR .. •• .* .. MR a.. Atlanta Fa. MR* . .. .. .. HR ••• I AavsbMth 6*a MRR .. aa a. Ml Aaveaaab la IRM ....... 1U ». Roma *#. IMS .. .. .. .. .* MR ..a t olumbua I’a. IRRR . .. .. .. It* ... ('oltimbua 6 l-r*, MAT a •• A* ... ! Mare* 4 l-ra MR* .. •• •• •• •** a.. Macon re l*M ..... M .. .. M* ... , •CalitmMa r**Ca •• *. *. .. A ... Charleston 4'a MR* ........ *7 aaa I •—Otaded RAILkaOAD BOND*. '? I Onortta R. R, * Mb# Ob. ra tRRi •• » "* Oeorgtb R. R. 4 Bkg Co ra i*a .. •> M* a.. Charlotte CotAmhta 4 Aa yueta. I*l ra. IRRR .... .. I*7 a*. Charlotte. Colombia A Ao guata Id ra Ml* 117 Aaguat* Ao R R . la, IM4 N C. R. K Banking Co. Collat eral Trtiat Ra I*l7 ft M Pout hern Railway I'a M*4 .... *7 M Central of Oeorgta Railway, lat roaaol mart. * - e I*4* ....** tt C ol O. lot prat lo It 4* Central of Oeorgla Railway. Id pref Income*. 1*44 II M 'c. of y. lat pref la . 1*46 .... I R in. RAF. I*l m. t’a, 154* . MR I*7 South Oeorgl* and nortdb Id Ta, I*M IRt South Oeorgta and Florida i Id Ta. 1«M lot ... Ocean Steamship Co., lat I'a , Id ra MM 104 ... j Enterprla* Mfg Co., lat I'a. ' IMJ 161 ... > Sibley Mfg. Co., lat V*. IMI . 100 Sibley Mfg. Co., lat 6 *. MOS .100 Oa. R. R 4 B. Co. atock .. I*7 700 Southwaatern 74. R. Stock .. M 106 Augusta and Savannah stock . I* lufl GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oat*, white, sacked tt ! Goats, mixed, sacked 35 I Corn, white, sacked 63 Corn, mixed .. .. .. .. .. (6 Meal, bulled, per bushel 47Vfc ; Flour, common 8 60 ! Flour, fancy exit* 6.76 I Flour, second patent 4.00 |Flour, standard patent 4.15 ; Flour,, fancy patent 4.76 Wheat bran. 100-lb socks SO ! Fin# trfd. 100-lb sacks 60 Hay—native, per ton 13.00 Hay—Timothy, per ton 1100 Hay—choice, per ton .. 14.00 Hams chute# sugar curad .. .. lOaim Smoked rib sides I 1-t Dry sal ribs 6 3-4 Lard, pur* leaf, In tlsrce* 6(4 The Third Cavalry. There ls a place where th# c*v*hy drills, And you hear the sound of trumpets shrill: 4 Some are loan, annie *r« fnt, Hut kno# In knee fur all of that! Wu wield our days with pleasant chat. And to the todies tip our bats! i Oh. they are sweet and simple men For cavalry Ilf# is a pleasure to them: They smoko their pipes and fill them again, And think of the times when Some will he In Cuba again! But Augusta stilts them well, And when they go home they’ll have lots to tell. I You see their silver buckles sblne. Their ranks so straight and all in line With saddles so bright and brasses shined. Their cheeks as ruddy as old Port wUtc! For they live and get the best In the land Aa they know Uncle Sam expenses will stand! I Oh. for the days when on Cuban soil The plans of Spain they did spoil. And the charges the cavalry there did make, Without any trouble Santiago did rake. And many a life there was at stake. But the city they wanted they easy did take. —■W. G. ADAMS. Trumpeter Third United Slates Cav alry,Troop D. U. S. A. OABTOnt A. 1 Usarith* Ihß Kind YOU HgVb iiwatS iHiftt , You can get a tine suit cheap for cash , at E. J. Henry & Co.'s. 216 and 218 k Campbell stvesL THE AtTOUSTA HHIR-A-XJD WtVff fKI MAQAftftC* neigat - * tt ii" inf- i It * ** ,u * w ## n4jit *((9 *gg** '-ttete** imm fm §•<* w**** I* '-99 ■&>■*■* (N| Pm «(te A **tetejteF h 9 “***#♦ •itii ttoeyee * «#•*» Paehap* the Mea* *>*>** »"***« <4 Mhffte'h ••••»# 9m 99# mmtmt mm*im •99 9# 99# ******* r9**t*t* "A % *#* ptMl th* 9. H Ummnpp * 9**M|9*ty«i* ** * wtewfcl km mm mpm ?##«* m*m mn mmm mmim 9* Ante# m» »- Pmurmm •*9 99»«A» M OH EJ9* tef"# tel I r*9» *94 M#*H9 WM* to ?##*mm»#4 Wwl t9#f# to • wittey «# to 99# #*#»•## 9#fteH te#*t*. 9tef#r‘« 9fffcly HiffH'a Wmmtg tm 19999 § ton tortol isy (Nf- *9 Wtel#* *te9tM9 Wh#*% «9# Pimp** W#9#t l#“ pofllßl NMW* *999 to *9# t*9f »*«ftel* num tor mt tote, Thte 9*jWto *9ll * •*!• ** #«#m## 9i* i"999fc mmtom. Nrtohteh 9tot9#r*ori9 J«9«i R»»»* *rirli Nanft Til# RVißto vilil rmnmm of forty naiua a»K * mtr »« r«4»»W and be# a Raakk page to e,.to»* and 4r»**»sg* hfr A3toft 99#tn#* ##* yi* V****** mrm In fh# itef CtteWe Mnr per'• Bawnd TaM* flapper a Newtoß Table toe January gf.auat. bn Inter** ling ratWt eg Ac tion. F-ruard Merrh? the atory of • young Hough Rider, by Ktrk Maoroe a 111 be continued The leading abort atery to entitled W#» nf Rattey R. by t'nty.t- Haber .Other abort atone* ar* An Karty Fr*e T»ad*r. by negtnald i lour Is i; Captain Sampaon'a Queer Cargo, by < tear*# K 6*l*6 and The Nefte of F«»»*y by F H Bpmrman In addition t# tb* Scttoa. there ar* two article* that br* aur* |o appeal to ev ery boy »ho enjoy* making things for blmaetr. They are The American B.»»'a Worhabnp. by Mr Man Hanrd.and How ta Build an la* Yacht. (toting "laga/lne for January. Wbtdeaorne. seaA nalde and. aa er.ue 1, superbly Illustrated, (toting for January bring* l« u* the (perry Jlugte at aletgh belt*, the rtn* of abut. * and the atrong. healthful almoephere of wintry aport are paettme the world over. The con tent* are: Mld-Wlnler Madcap* (poem). by Cbarlea Turner. A Chriatmaa In Mooaeland. by Ed W. Sandy*. New Year'* Day at a Hudann'a Bar Fur Boat, by W. Bleaedell Cameron. A Hochey Match, by M. Oertrude Cundlll. In Lotus Lnnß Awheel, by T. Philip Terry. A Day's Sport In th* Weal Indie*. The Perils of Whaling, by Capt. R. F Cofßn The Passing of the Ira Carnival, by Edwin W'lldman. A Fox Hunt on the Padee. by Jana klarhn. A Snowshoe Caftotm Hunt, by Frank H, Rlateen. Hafttrn. by 8. Rhett Rouman. A Christmas M'gmlng In Carolina, by F. A. Olds. A Leopard Hunt In Bencal. by J. tV. Perry. Figure Skating, by J. E. Mitchle. Florida Fishing Sketches, by Mary T. Townsend. C’ The Yarn of tha Tampa, by E. L. H. McGinnis. Jack Kahhlt Hunts and Drives, by Dadd W. Fenton Th» Orange Lake Ice Yacht Club and It* Rivals, by H. Percy Ashley, and tbe usual editorials, poems and rec ords. Scribner's For January Tha hew year of Scribner # Maga xlnr opens In the January number with several features of great distinction. The plate of honor Is given 10 Gover nor Rooseveltt who will contribute not only his continued story of The Rough Riders, hut other articles on the naval preparations the strategy and other Im portant suhjects growing out of the war with Spain. The frontispiece of the number Is a drawing from life by Charles Dana Glbaott, of Colonel Roose velt, and It is a moat satisfactory tn terprentlon of the salient qualities in the face of the new governor of New York. A literary feature of equal Import ant!#, associated with the most loved man among modern novellyta Is The Latter* of Robert I.outs Stevenson, ed ited by his friend Sidney Colvin. The Illustrations are drawings by Pelxotto, showing the quaint Scotch coast re ferred to in the Irttojs. The correspon dence will be published throughout the year and will (MI out the picture of Ste venson as a man and writer. The fiction for the coming year Is tn be notable. George W. Cable begins a short serial, written In the delightful manner of hia Olde Creole Days, it 1s called The Entomologist, and the people are amusing and pathetic. Richard Harding Davis contributes the first fiction that has grown out of his war experience. It Is a short love story entitled On the Fever Ship, and reveals ihe hardships endured by v sick man on his way from Cuba to New York. Mr. Davis will be a fre quent. contributor this year to Scrib ner's. Other short stories are a striking fan tastic tale by Arthur C. Smith, railed The Peach. Illustrated by Wenselll and Edith Wharton's strange tale about the woman who inspired a poet—called The Muse's Tragedy. Major Edward Stuart Wortley com manded on# wing of Kitchener's army In Its famous Saudau campaign. His kustnea* was to clean ouC the Dervish es an the eaat bank of the Nile. Major Wortly ha* written air account of this eperatlon which appears under the title With the Sirdar. Another article which has to do with British affairs Is the description of the recent army ma- POOD UlytK BAKING POWDER ISTIUBE.ST K SoiftHtoiMf* Cl 0 S fift LA N'T A. QA. IliUHi None Can lie BETTER | Coal ||\Vood : car ataef CaatgJ **d Ftaartrx guaatt. IMPERIAL COAL CO., J. H Nil. Ton. Mg*. CROUP CAN BE CURED ! AND CAN BE PREVENTED ’mh#* Land’s Croon Drops M (TUT* 4 Bum r MADE AND Bi ll ONLY Wf R. H. T.AFTD ML' Miff il MTKKKT. iU^ AL CATARRH _ A Clinutic Affection N«hit.4 but a loegi toffraPJr remedy or Iran*. W Hayftvt* ffg of rlnaate wit! tort Bto “g£M* a well knoaii . /|B h| ecitlc, t>^ff Eli’s creii Bail jurat* st- coldn head lief at onus Opeaa and c>*aaats Hi. Saaa I'aaaage* Allavt laltammatiob. Htala an 1 t’roter ta the Mtmkranr. Beatoret tha -auara of Taste and Hmell. Na t'oearuar Ko Mer rury. No lajurtoa* drug. Full a raSQc , Trial | tit* l*t el D.-oaglara or by (tail. U.Y BROTH ERH. ft»i Warm SU. New York .-■ton:' - - -'to'" ■ nvcAt'tea tn the south of Knglaod. A new phase of the Chilian ooeattvn la rgveolel In A Ritto into (Tuba fttr the H*‘‘l O' *s by Dr. Airlri H. (ML "ho p,.4a no experlitloidntti the very Ktsart .j 'the province of'Santiago *■ .on alter Ibe aurn nder. jo JAbta-n Grant's ffearchllght Letteis Sffßg w ith some pasCnent and satlrh :, l gjjutee “To the v<M|ng man or woman NtHsnh »f an tdngl.'' Two Pointed (Juaatlona Answered. What la the use of making a better article than your competitor It you can not get a better price for It 7 Ana.—As there la no difference tn the price th# public will buy only the bet ter. So that while our profits may be smaller on a single sate they will be murh greater la the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your mike la the best? If both articles are brought promin ently before the public both are certain to be tried and the nubile will very quickly pasa Judgment on them and use only the belter one. Tills explains the large sal# on Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. The people have been using It for years and have found that It can always be depended upon. They may occasionally take up with tome fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, hut are cor tain to return to th# one remedy tlral they know to be .n-eltoble, and for roughs, colds and group there Is no thing equal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sate by Alexander Drug * Seed Co., C. R. Pair of Bell Tower Drug Co. There Is the greatest dtfferenre In the world between authors in the matter of correcting proofs. Some authors make few changes in galley proofs. Thomas Nelson Page is not one of these. He Is never tired of reconstructing his sen tences and rearranging hts phraseology all In the effort to give a more effect ive form of expression to his idea. He spent several years in writing "Red Rock.” but even after the appearance of the novel In magazine form he made so many changes in the proofs that he became the despair of the printers. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awske and enterprising than Howard & Wil let, who spare no pains to secure the best of everything in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This Is the wonderful rem edy that is producing such a furor all over the country by Its many startling cures It absolutely cures Asthma. Bronchitis, Hosrsenea* and all affec tlans of the Throat. Chest and Lungs Call at above drag store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a tegular size for 50 cents and SI.OO. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. CALL FOA lugusia Brewing Co s FXI*OHT FCER V .. BELLE O FT GKO HG I .A.I Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. CALL FOB AUQUSTA BEER. MONEY TO' LOAN! In any lumi desired from SSOO upwards, In straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable In equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower •xcapt the usual attorney and racord fees. No delay In getting tha money. AlexaDder&Jolmson Agenti Scottish American Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St IFYOUWANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN 1 SHI ii a K. MITCHELL, ALEX McDONALD Hupt, a! < ou. See. A G*n. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mrlntfreh Street. EUctric Supines—:»i»e«kii*g Tub**, etc., stc. Repairs to all klectrical apparatus. Etectfic Wirings specialty. Bell 'Phona JfllJ*. - - - Mrowßerß.fi. LOMBARD IRON WORKS and Supply Company.m Builders and Dealers in ENGINES. BOILERS. RAILROAD, COTTON, SAW. FERTILIZER Oil and Ice Machinery. »«<! Supplies and Repairs. Shafting, Pulleys. Hanger*. Leather and Rub ber Belting and Hose. MILL SUPPLIES AND TOOLS, Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Bridge Works. Capacity for 300 Hands. Agents for Atlas and Erie Engines. Ashworth Cards. Korting and Leader Injector#, Turbine Water Wheels, etc. AUGUSTA. GA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd, 1898. Lv. Augusta . .. 8:30 a. m.j 6.21 p. m Lv. Sandeisvllle . 1:19 p. m.j 9 09 p. m. Ar. Tennllle .. .. I:3C p.m.| 9:21 p. tn Ar. Macon 3:45 P m.| 8:55 a. m, Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m l Lv. Dublin ‘16 ;99 a. m Lv, Macon .. •• 11:38 p. m.|11:5.> a. tn Lv Tennllle. . ./ 6:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m Lv. Sandcrsvtlle. 6:25 a. m.j 3:21 p. m Ar. Augusta , .. 8:00 a. m.j 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnillr with Central R. R. tor Macon, and wi ll Wrightsvtlle and Tennille R. R- foi Dublin and Hawkinsvtlle. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Faaa. Agt. James U. Jackson. Joseph H. Sands. Receivers. We have the best se lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames at popular prices at Richards & Shaver’s. •N Charleston l W Carolina ***••*• • *.g*t»4g4A»*4 MBA tetMtoto Ml #Ran ***■ ftm, j Ca **»—*> j "!."«»««•««•. I4*"* , ftaSKkMm. " ■ "MBA toffAk*** ... • •Ato .i'iTlF [ *MAM*Ai(HN> BwN*to **•**■ * ._..**** an ■ i I ~ MiaiMinatllwiiin ; f I * gdfcgMß* * ••• .»*»■•»• If * AaMeasß* -* •<••• **•• L"' I » fiMtail A* «—■ ■■ »» 4to*» *fff*a I * lM4l|ijiNA« mo *4** j • SBaSM®*.*»••*•«**" WVMitot- * JY"* - fiirsi H*rt t ! - b >ai r nut tJPf*» ■■•»»»•; a* amiwm 4 "'t' 9 iteji L,.# i ffilMMMi 9 ffl'lff •eg 4 mgmi *»•• =* »• i4t 9toilf9 mmmmm. l&tmgjmmmm I ' AtAMk. Uptoj ♦ r»Ni|IMS i MAAAi ■« ■BlffASNrt... t IJtoto. -•;-*** I ir gmiSm ............ *2* I * fgNtoA.... ■•»;«—• ■•JeI ! * Tewaaaa*.., •4MKBI [KjA • *#.—*: ’ g* *9*44 R*f*l.... ....... I , '.»'*«* 1 .A*r« r* rwiaa**- i ■» Rgaa****...... 4.MSAU «**• ! *Nma*a£. ............. f IBM* 7.*s*■* Y5fMg***.............. i Mffto Mimm 1 * Jftosi : * 4S»*g*l* hUho. »AJ*to j Ar I- Ilto* l*j* •**• **»«* 4«*|Ato »•**• 4to* t NMMhia ti4alto** tail* trt *U grtM ‘*t*k»el**»ert#A* N 6>i*»»»fg N» «B I aaitaw n LI. L. »»4 4. 4#, >WIIK sag *••<*•*> kit** akt fwVA A6AM6A. |« any »a(*«*>••#• to4*"e* to ktort* 1 •*«*#. *efc*d*iMax rt#.. adiito* «.J C11A»4», N* Fa*. t«L l N SOUTH Solktmag *gk IN IN g to* >N. Tndk ■*—«**. , 4kgiH. Ito. BLUE RIDOE RAILROAD. H C BKaTTIK, «*t»i**« •Mikowrt. Wfartoa •„ l"e»4 Sac g 4 •« * Ctowa Cto** X Clara* Ctoa* Nli g.a MU 4 into. Dig. ; •*«»•. Dig. Dig. NoUNo.6 g toll to* AN IFN I fArelv* |AM- I* N |«M gfr.. A Oder*** ~*J I Nil •• M >•( I m f 1.... D*»e*r ....H » «*j» g la *:) tmU ... a»4»* A UWt a • It IrtAUj... 7*aa»dl*t«ai .. N I:l*H : ** i #:(» I N 1«1 CVrrr Cfarfl T 4 *• 11 M 6:47 I M M Atom • CMFg ?i 4.14 11 R 6 », l SII i. 'IRINACA ..4k 4,»rU.* 6Mi I i 1«a I t Mt jUt. W**ll Csta» .to 6 6H • to) R... -snr| AM M.l ILmt* AmwTR ’PM. ki ll Nat ***** • Regu'ar Ntattoo. F. Ftog station. All regal*r tr*to* from Aaderwoa to Waihatl* have right I* track ever train, of tfce same clam* moving In op posite d reet on. unte** otkerwra* spec lied by trad* order* Will *l*o *top *t follosetog *t*tlr*ft* to take on or let off p***et>gera: Phlo oey •*. Jama* *nd S**dy Spring*. No. U coanerto *ritl* Southern g*H •way No. U at A#d#r*on. No* I and 4 aonateet with SmiUm.-. 1 railway No* 1* *»d Si at fieetm -*. i J, R. ANDERSON. Superlntendenl, m*NTIC COAST LINE. SHORTBST AND QUICKBST ROUTE TO THE EAST AND NORTH. llMpm Lv~Augaato. Ga .Ar ] 7.54 am 1 Mrpin Lv.... Aiken Ar | 7:l»*m 4:l7pm Lv.. ~Deam*rk....Ar j 4:l7pm 4:66pm Lv.. ..Or*agb'g ...Ar | 6:46*m 4 06pm Lv. Nutnter. S. C...Ar I 4:l6am 6 liptnl Lv Fltrem-* ..Ar j I Ikm 10:33pm Lv...Fayette'ill*.. Ar j I:l4pm ! 21am Ar P*ter*barg.V*.Le 1 I 12pm 4,00 am Ar....Richmond....Lr I I:l2pm 7:4l*m| Ar.. Vt ashing'on..Lv | 3:44pm 6;oSsm| Ar... Baltimore... J.v ! 2 25pm U:lsam| Ar.. Philadelphia..l* jll Mpm . l:o3pm| Ar....Ni'w Yotk....Lv I 0;M»m [ Pullman palace buffet sleeplr.g r*r* ! from ktocon and August* to New York without change. It. A. BRAND, Oen. Agt.. 721 Bm»d St.. Aaguat*. G*. T W. FMKRSON, Traffic Murtager, H. M. EMERSON. Odß. Pm*. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail z way. Schedule tn Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. 189*. '' (»oth Meridian Time.) f LEAVE AUGUSTA. Ko. I For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta 3:49 P- M. No. 6 For Macon. Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 8:20 A. M. No. 62 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations •• 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta 6 2* A. M. No. 6 From Macon. Atlanta •nd Way Stations .. 6.50 P. M. No. 63 From Macon, Atlanu. and Way Stations .. 6:30 P. M. Nos- 1. 2. 3 am* 4 dally. Nos. 6 and 5. daily except Sunday. Nos. 62 and 63, Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between . Millen. Macon and Atlanta and be . tween Augusta and Savannah For fur . sher information as to schedules, etc., . apply tJ „ „ . M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBES, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. ’I A SOLDIER after the spree needs LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES, i 'j'jjey cure 36 out of 37 headaches, ‘i 2 for £c,, 25e. one box of 12. THE HOWARD &■ WILLET DRUG CO. 812 Broad St., Augusta. Ga. AUGUSTA STEAM CANDY FACTORY is making the PRETTIES'!, PUREST, i W HITEST CANDIES In the market. W hen in need of Stick, Pea Nut, Broken mixture Taffy Candies Tele phone Bell ’Phone No. 217*- BELLE OF GEOBGI-A. DECEMBER 22 NAUNUAD MMOOUI S. C. I G. RIIIWH CO t»* ********** M9* flCtetWMTMfc 9ii% i*%9* |9(9" 199 teftetete t'dMfc I » (V* I a ■ « 9 fffff t%m~ I U A ****** A I * i9«p<9* 9 95991 la* 111 ftetei l*#ii 99 1 t ftetetetei ****** I *• * 9#t te# > ♦ ***\ ks 9 ****** ->4 ll ffte I wSfPOlf« W 99 *I # * %**»<**■* \ 'wpmiHt* * !»#• %».'* iJHtet jii 1 m*m it **- «»m» i m*m I 4* {%***«* 4# ******* 9 i#ti 1 Iteni 9 ft* »•• IMmmrmp« i 9 i Ji"i , ff I I (,* .tt C ****** U tefftto-9# *»**■»*§ JM9M9 j b I9M t»‘#f J m*m J • |R«« ****** Ii # lt-to.ii 19 $-. |f % mt * 9 *#%»!!#■*■ It m*m t * 1 «nHi##*#» * **{"*•> | » IKan ft* M’* l If j 9* Ptpmibmpfr mpm M i m**rnm u &pm I As **■§&**s ■ %m*m Lt 1 ***■***■(. *aJpteWte fAt 99***m* i ft l'fff A* I » wffßMff , & JteNNi ihmmp* t»* « «•»»■*# « *•* *»m* tff #4 i«k«t»tt *m 9# P«#M» * #«#»-'* ttea jkmg...lto (M *t4tos*4 .4to*jk 11619 *< 1 UMMotiaTluM if toe t t<*to *«i*d»g 1 1 » (igto*. 4*6* Lt *•»*..,. 6 IN** lAt Art**...• *-h%4fc 4 * I iigwito hPtsa* I agatm no *<>i tM~vi* SBriin I T>ii'n.i|f>i ****** 9# ttei 9»**te 9tel TffHi I iff iimbla. . F** taUlh 1 At gtktos..,.4Mvgto Iff Kaah to*J ASgto 1 At D**<**ea. Al li*» t-e Ivtevl J ito ! Ae ttiebto'd. A«aa* L* A«*bat'4. -7 U*a* Ar 66a*h «**-I4to*i Ar gib** .7 lAm* A* Bern Yoebl tßpm Ar At«a**to...7 to— < 4SMAHH *4 IkWIHAa Atth 74446 ' let «w*mae*. sis* *<th ffeamere tot j Jerk***kill* 6 » m «**He»dares August* • to «As 4***««to Mad 1* sad tern* *u g*ta« A art **d N**lto _ , J. H IAMW. 1a mimo* tdme«*i Mhm. Tr«a* ks*«gw. r. k. kAg-wii. B** Art J«gtotok4to. ‘ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * ,<«h r ZSL ■Atta mtatw Tlm~ MrtVM* Oa IhsM .»* 4Nh*e Art***. Mf*»d.« J*lg A —Trami ■*rtbb***d' | (tolf. ( Atolg. perg*" rLlilt; SSSar--t-; :pr . :.... igl wti iSSSiii Iml L*. »r«*».boro i ■! Ji J Ae.lfrMb . ' »*< { T-p^, ww> "',»•»! ’»P (r AV'h*MJ*d 4(8*1 6 tog It t lrh nfflClC •II if 99 f AsHI-...r»P* R.K jUu! '(Me • Be* Y-rk U Agj 4a* to*. *a 6 to 6b»to bk .4 9Y . 9ff- 99 tear I Hfflly. U K*rYnr)i rviLi f 4 *9p Ti tel I FkAtedffteteff.. i fift» *4 * |)r (x*m*%*. *o Ay '". k gp ll * I 'Lv Richmond j I.'HI 16 01 m ' * <il * | 546 * 4Up Lv. KwJlto | a tdp Ar drotoSbor* j *4i»; 1... •- i—l-;——- M.lhtoPM *os* 7Mg : « Bock AiiJ - 1# at. II asp • QMkr 16 86* 11 «p i • w'taa.bero 11*1 a, 1138* At Whit Alaxi'g *t It 46*. 197 • tv. Celmnbi*U» dep't. . i lisp 4W» . " J..h*(ta** t 66p 6•>* - Trento* ......I Stop « 26a i " Hcnllevtli. . Stop 7 .17 * Ar Augusta . ~. 1 * lAp 6 tit a tv Avhev lie “TSo. (top 'Lv Mpartaaoorf jII 40* * 16p Ev Coltd*. S.C AG Ay.l. . .. 6 00p 7 00a It Charleatan .1 40 pf H OH a : Lv tNil'bta. g ■ t.Ap.Ky......... "it 66 a' II 47 a i h.vaanah 4£gl 6 OS* Ar Jaekwiivtll* 6Ng 6 lA* | bLAiriISA (AR vKRTIfg KseeUent dally pa tm 1 og*r j*rvlos bans .as I kktrlda amt N«y York" Ko. 87and igt—tß *,hin#t«ti and 4**4b west era Limited. Solid Vastibttled train with dinin# an and drat otatat eoachva north of Charlotte. Pullman drawtag room .leetita* car. between Tampa Jaekaoavuia, Savannah. Vaabtagton and N»w Vork _ , Pullman ttleeptn* Care Iw4ween Charlotte and Richmond. Pullman drawingroom Bleeping cere he. twevu Greenrfltoro and Norfolk Ctoae i-onnew Mon at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFOBT, arriving there In time for hreakfaet. Kdld tratn. with Parlor oara, between Chnrleeton and Aeherille : No*. 3* and HA-17. 8. Fast Malt. Through i pu Jinan drawing room buffet eieeptng care hw tween .tarkaonrille and New York and Pull man sleeping ar* between Augnate and Char lotte. Pullman aiaeoing uara betwaen Jack *>nvDle and Columbia, en Conte dally !>etweea Jack*inviiie and Cincinnati, via AabaelUe. THANK r GANNON, J M.i CTF. Thir lV P A Gen Mgr T M Watthitwloa F A Tl'BK. KB HARDWICK, a. P. A . Washington. a. P. to. At la* to GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. <6oth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1861 Pullman Sleeper* between Macon *nl New Tork. Through Pullman Sirwptos between Au gust* and St. 1-oul*. Lv Augusta ..I 7:6s*tn| I:2oproilo:3opt* Ar Atlanta ...|l2:S6pm| B;2opro| 6 00am Ar Macoo ....111 :16*m| | I:4sam Ar Athena |l£:lspm| 7:2opm| >r Gaine#vltlei* 3 :46pm| I - As Whit# Pl *ri:oopm| I - Ar Mlll'ge le .llOilOaml | 4:3oam Ar W.xsh'ton ..[l6:lo*m| 7:lopm| - Picayune tratn leaves August* dally except Sunday at 6:16 p. m . and ar rives ot MilledgevlHe ot 8:10 p. m Train* arrive at August* 6:16 *. ra, 7-45 a. m.. 1:10 v>. m . and 8:26 p. ra. A. O. JACKSON. G. P A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A : CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule tn Effect, March «. 1891. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Angus'*. Southern Ry. 9:36 pm. Arrive Cheater. Southern Ky.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester. C. & N, W. Ry 7:4S a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. A N. W. Ry 1:16 p m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2 00 p in. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.ra. Arrive Blowing Ruck, Stage ■■ 7:30 p.m. |G. W. HARPER. C. F. HARPER, PresidenL G* P-