The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 22, 1898, Image 7

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WES! END XMAS TREE. Where the Contributions Should He Sent. ft M niimih im iiw* «M te te*§ im ******* to* to ot i im IS to <tH imw team*. •§»• •«» *>♦* ** fft**t»to *•’*• MM oM •*** ftwftM mourn «*4 »*'*•» ***** "* ’** ***§ mm* MftWt M I'tottftefti I# ISO WwM BaS fft*l**to*# Tfto WHI IM tefftol wm l> «te rt«? Mil* *Hk Uto***** <4 fMMltat U 4 «ft U4M i «to «f *to»»T»tol. -nft MrttrMMMM M to*** «.« , k |kt ts .. a s „ ~,,,,1 4o«a ia oil im auu* «■ (VtiißM tw (fc , ftrMltoM IM MMI Ik* MM *ftM4»toi «# *•#*•*• MM4* o«m Ik* a 1 w< , m ,aa|,a IM MM **** WM> HMn ft* ll*** at , tn |l<T as until «M ttM It gMMMf U*m kM* mtl* *f (ft* CiMtoM m* M M 4 kl|l|l«lll tM I* MMftlt «(*» Ik* •f it* ClirM Cklkt i Mll*ltF» , M *Mt4 w tk* < B* «f AiimU aril* BUM* to tnak* ifcto Ckrtot ■mm • kiwi on# Mr rrtkrr rkllfto. kim tor tk»toa»f*«a 1* (k* WMrtow b#m» nf nouik iUix to ast ikt* , k*rp*i*i. otto*®*** ib* w**r I£a4 ikruta*** lira A itoifikrlM* of sor tk root* *nm ißklif to iko wf ll wt o 4 nrn (Inina of aeil-to 4o priNii, but M rrtn m»»n * ole* Qiioaii a feot of tralf. • toy. towtkiM tkot *>•*•• rkrtmw to tM rkilli Mswt. If fa* m't «#o*t * until ooßfi doaatma tot tttfj cMM ta Auaweta *ka mini to rnllf «*aJo§ fcto or k*t Ckrtanaa* i»*»*l*r tb# Wrot End 'itti* oom OKU • tor. • kit of fruit, or ootf*<kißf of tkot oatnrr. Ml** Jail* Moore, at Tk* H*rai4 oStt. to treasurer tor tk* food, ttkr vltl rocrltr and aoltoklf a.rkaoretodc* rerol*'* of t»o*i»r doaatlooA and roofr*tion* abouid o# **at to Mra. B. B. Bailor. §3l Grron* *tr**<. *ka trlU rccrirt lul *rrang* fttreair of (kite klod* tor tM IIU I# oner Tko Horald trill b* tko d*poi for lay* of all kind* and other ortlcier trhMfc It la (t#*lred to rontrtkot*. The Herald trill nee that all rurh prweota are placed In tM ponaeraion of tbr pro par dlalrlbotlng rommMte*. MJPERINTENDENTS TO iTEET. .South Carolina llducotor* to A» ••*"• Me In Columbia TM second annual meeting of the South Carolina School Supetioteod eata' AaooctoUoa «ill take place In Colombia. Dec. 59 and 30. Very gen eral IntorenT to b*tog ahown by tiuper- Intendeota from all part* of tM etate In the approaching meeting, and a large attendance to looked tor. The Aaaoriation will be called to or der at 1# a. ro , Dec. 19. la the office of Bupe rll >tendr*ll Dreber. ot the Col umbia public echooto. and will be In neiMloo until the afternoon of Dec. M. All aupeclntendento of public schools In th* state are eligible for member ship. and tbe experience of those pre«- atit at the last meting warrants the assertion that murh benefit will be de rived from attendance upon this one. The following Is the list of subjects that will be discussed In the regular private sessions of the Association: Defects In our System of Grading. How to Make Teachers' Meetings Profitable. The Relations of Supervisor to Su pervised . The Shortening and Enriching of the School Course. Hints on the Teaching of Spelling. A plea for a Better Course In Eng lish. Prof. F. C. Woodward, the eloquent president of the South Carolina col lege. by invitation of the Association, will deliver a public lecture on the ev ening cf Dec. 29. Further notice will be given of the place and subject of Prof. Woodward's address. Will only have a few Huyler’s Fancy Basketsof Candy. First come, first served. Shewmakes’. Colonel Bryan is the author of a phrase that may perpetuate his fame as much as his presidential candidacy. He said he was not talking just now because he had a case of "military lockjaw." This disease leaves one when the mustering out officer gets through his work, and there Is a small army of sufferers from this complaint who will be fully convalescent In a few months. Then won't we have the war fought over again, and all on new lines. Then tbe doctors will tel! what they think and what they thought when dis cipline would not allow them to do more than think. There is a bad time saving up for a lot of unsuspecting offi cers. Major J. F. Clark, surgeon of the Forty-ninth Pennsylvania volun teers, confesses that he is one of the muzzled. He says: "We have been dally surprised to learn that in the regular stfvlte th* monthly report 1* to be considered before men s lives Smarting under the server* criticism of our professional brethren in the ar my. which we think unjust, we. for fly: sake of peace, bide a more propitious time to speak." _. _ _ CHINESE ARE OOOD TENANTS! Ihe {Rant to Always Forthcoming For Their Mil to Shop. “There are loft thing* which ran be and are said about Chinamen aa an undesirable tines." remarked a wail, known real estate agent lo a Wash iagton Star man. "but It can alto Im said to their credit that they never fail In pay their rents In the past too years 1 have rented a great great many building* or storeroom* lo receive every penny that was to be paid. The kind of property that Chinamen use for the laundry shops Is shout nf It lowest grade of property and mu.-h of It is bad y out of repair. They are rather careful about renting a place and never do ao until they have Inaper'ed It a number of timea and conaulted aome of their coun- Irymen about taking It: but once they say they will take a place, they do so without fall, and plank down the rent in advance and pay it regularly In ad vance. I have apoken to several of our local magistrates on the subject and they have assured me that they have never had a Chinaman sued to their courts for non-payment of rent. "As I understand It. a Chinaman neve"* opens a laundry business unless he has rash enough on hand or at his command to Insure the payment of three months' rent, even If he does not take to n penny over bis counter, and that when be once locates It Is his in tention. If allowed to do so. to be per manent. If no work comes to him from the public his laundry friends see to It that he has enough to do so that his rent Is paid. His Chinese friends ure very diplomatic to sending him work. It Is always sent In the night and taken away also at night.” How To Look Good. Gooa looks ar« really more than shin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the liver is Inactive, you have a bilious look; If your stomach Is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; If your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters” is a good alterative and tonic. Acts di rectly on the stomach, liver and kid nevs, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and bolls and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard & Wlllet's drug store. BO cents per bottle. A Jolly Christmas Drink. One dozen lemons; One dozen oranges; One pint Jamaica rum; One quart ■trims black lea; One quart claret; One large bottle plain soda; One quart crushed pineapples and. grape*; Sugar to taste and allow for the ice as It melts; Put In a large punch ootrl with a liberal quantity of cfacketMee and let remain fifteen minutes serving. If too rich, weaken with s oger ale. — 'n. Y. Sun. the _a.ttottsta herald ( IMIltt) UfeMMIAt IMVht tt : iftttooto at ttonl UsHatowo ksaorlats TM alii a i ii »♦ tM fkM Mils*mo <4 , |*t* f%*HI lItwXlM I Hit*#**!*** 04 4 toft ft** #1 lift*** *#4to# I* « * *apMNto*t* * * ■ I to, H l-tMMMtoI. «*» ft*** C* » l*ai t#t. tV tig | to»w« sad fastliit Cat. I. M, ■Wilt, I tor. ft. A ftato'l sad tor. J. ft, torn m I tins iftito *m mm • iwni ***** *•* ite* *<*m •*** •** * jtotost of towHtaa aM mm *to*»oi I with (ftwat «to*f . TM TfcMto Itoofgto laMwto MM of styt* lit its mm* ut I tar* tow, TM** s saw iar** kinds *-f I wins aad oyotra* to Dm si* tow with [ Ask tod im* , ftmtaMM*** Otoafal | tan* alaayo feats at k«*tw* tot tits j preens, sat nawapaft** Itosa. Ms says M teH as to M ftad ait»atod IM fsast as Lwsilto tie mayiimatto Mai ' ufcsa. afttsm ka Aad W*» to WaaAtogloa Md ratopstrd 'As Jmtr Is im aaldlot Miaass as AW nwirwp*. Wftwlty and devollto Col. Bsras* aad MaJ, lark CoAaa wad# *b», iwsi spserAsw. »Mi* Mr. Marry Wesi. of tk* WarAtaglmt ftoet dallrsrvd s psitert and paatto trsbui# to Aatto* ■aft. It»i passes ktr* totado Ay Cal. J M Nstilt Cat. ft to t, Apsaes. Mr Cor- J ‘to of tko Ckkapi Bet sal: Mr W k. j < WamW of |||ft AtMtorn li§twil IMr fINMMiI 4 |tlr»ir*|! l*ftt hi (ht 4*l lln Ttiint rftr#tt«4 • «HM frow o«*i lh«(t»’ jwlllrli WN Ift IV t» Ift CM m\4 t»» un+4 IVNSI tw lit* Wife I M* Mt 4 (UfMWll llt »ol ftn oM. hlftorlr Hty cmlf t* *»« If In hi||Nt Httl# *H| l» tfc# floidi. It j It coflipniNf of of ill tiniuiir* land Milnulltfii, Thrr ram# alao I from mant c'tttf# Mill •Aitwi. Tor fUj hi not th# Ha%aniuih of t#trt) ivr i )ffm i|n and III# who imIiAM jin mahtoji jflnvanttah ao prnprritAi't aa 111 van did not tiav# Ihtir nam#a In I rotonlnl hlatonr I Mr. Htnvaii aaM that ohm rapxnin | Purse kuuiusl th* banqu. ten at 1 1 o'clock IMI meaning sad bade every one quietly disperse and prepare for ibis laUglous dutjsa. the speaker bad no ld*a that those duties would lead him to stub a godly company- This r*pa*( had !>ro»*d that ple.y. like vir tue- was ti* uwa reward and he was willing lo Join >ii new fervor that fa miliar hymn of tbe plare where "Congregations ne'er break up. Nor Sabbaths ever end." Mr. Stovall paid a high tribute to Mi. Jack Cohen. tM grandson of the gallant Gen. Ranse Wright! who bad entered tbe civil war aa colonel of the Third Georgia regiment He might look a Mad to the time when Heb Ber ner became governor of Georgia, when Robert K txe Spence was made gen eral In the regular krtuy: when Mar rue Heck was called from the saddle to the aerene heights of tbe supreme court: then Jack Cohen would inevit ably lead tb* Third Georgia as his Il lustrious progenitor had done. For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. Queer Ada ’•No person,” wrote an Imaginative ' undertaker, "ever having tried one of there air-tight > afflns of ours will ever use any other.” This Is supplemented by the truth ful but discouraging advertisement of a dentist: "Teeth extracted with great pains.” A Western farmer advertises for a woman to "wash .Iron and milk two cows.” An advertisement once appeared in a Washington paper for "a room for a young man 10 by Id.” This la an advertisement from the columns of an English court Journal: "Blankets! Blankets' Blankets’ For domestic and charitable purposes of every description, quality, size, and weight." The following advertisement Is from an Australian paper: "Wanted, a young woman (the plainer the better) to help a small, genteel family In their domestic matters; one without ringlets preferred.” An American paper published in Paris recently contained the following unique advertisement: "A young man of agreeable presence and desirous of getting married would like to make the acquaintance of an aged and ex perienced gentleman who could dis suade him from taking the fatal step.” Here Is a specimen of domestic ad vertising from the columns of the Lon don Times: "Mrs. (leorge Ashton. 5 Victoria street, Westminster, takes this opportunity of thanking her numerous friends for their kind letters of sym pathy on the dissolution of her mar riage.” The court of Schlesw ig-Holstein once issued the following curious notice: "At th* request of Herr Peter Lohman of Altona, the seaman Dietrich Loh man, who was born in Kinchmoor in November, 1848. and was drowned on the journey from Stockton to Ham burg while sailing In the ship Bertha Jenny, Is hereby called upon to appear before this court and report himself on or before Friday, January 20, 1893, at 11 o'clock p. m., under pain of being de clared dead." Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE m the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cqrts Plies, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mone7 re funded Price 26 cents pei box. FOR BALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. Elegant Line Solid Mahogany and Oak Desk from 14.50 to J2s.oo—Flem ing Sc Bowles. CASTOR IA Tfto Kind ftwto Hams Altaavs lwa*gM. a»«l mftMfc fta* ft**** lM Mto IW tooT MO j *■**■*» Ikaa Auras Ik* Stgtoatwrw mt a***l Ito* Btowto tosd* leader Alia ftp*-* I Mff+r to*Mto*l .Mprritols* atomm Ms twfawr*. «4r Alton SH.wasMMolt* »«a lw fkto. ' All ( *>««(* H#H*, I mH«i•♦«*•** »t*4 UnWMII nlfK •f'# ftl Urn! ItifNft mill nknl Ttwlmftfrr lift# !• pm life wt |ufAnl« *»ift4 K* p#rtmrii !• What is CASTORIA fkvisria Is a •utotllale for t *>lnf (Ml, P*r*t«rb. I traps sip) Moult.lon Byrwfta. It la Hanalsw and PAwmiS. U iwalaln* nrHher Opium, Nsrykla* nor other X»rrstl* sahMaar*. Ila agw la Ifta fuarsal**. It delrwy, %% .urn* isssd alter* Fe vert* A lie**. It curr* I Msrrh.v-a sud BA l**d fullc. It rrllrm Teething TnaiWcr cure* I saoipattan •md l'latul«*M« >• H assimilate, the Food. f**aUlr« Ihn At.,iw>t< A wml Itom. ls, glv Ing ftenlfhy and natwml dreg. TM* I'fclklrya's Piaareg-Tk* MotAcr's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS j* Bean the Siiroatttre of Tbs Kind You Have Alwajs Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ear* *••»**• mto—*»*. rt «n*» e«M»« mow a— *t FT, The «“Maine” Album! ** SrUP^ R^ CAPTAIN snd Interesting scenes sssoclated with the destruction of our Giant Bat ship and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! Few Incidents of American history have been attended by surh publlo excitement" and* national Indignation as that which followed ,u c. > ‘ upon the destruction of tbe Battleship Maine. In response to the universal de msnd for a pictorial history of the 111-fated warihlp. lts capta ncy and to fact everything in connection with it leading up to and Including its assas smitlon we have secured and offer our readers this week a beautiful Maine Album or Portfolio, the most complete photographic recold Issued upon the subject, embracing splendid photos ol The Martyrs Which Is now ready for delivery at our office, or by mall for fen Cent*. \vn now C(U J TJBNTB uF “ MAINE” LABUM. Captain Chas. D. Hlgsbee. General A OrouD of Junior Officers of the Fltzhugh Lee. * Wardroom of the Maine. Tin- Battleship Maine. Thf . court of Inquiry In fiession. The Destruction of the Maine. Funeral of the Victims of the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Maine An- Disaster, cborage. A Fruit Vender In Havana. Milk De- The Harbor Entrance to Havana. livery in Havana. Gunner's Gang of the Maine. The Captain Generals Palace to Ha- Vlews of the Maine's Crew off Duty. vana. A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship's General Blanco y Arenas. Company of the Maine. Looking Down the Prado, Havana, Please notice the Maine Album above advertised Is one of a "Souvenir Series" of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Aehievj men * of the Spanish-American War, each portfolio being a special number devoted to a frroat and principal event. A - Next week No. 2 will be offered as a Memorial of the First Sacrifice of the war, or the heroic death of Ensign Bagley and his companions, Inclu ding many other special features of the early events of the war, such aa the vessel that fired the llrst shot; the first prize; bombardment of Matanzas; cutting of the f aT*les, etc., etc. ■ Then In weekly and consecutive order Will appear the following: THE DBWHf .NUMBER—Th* Hero ami battle of Manila. THU SAMWUN MCM BEK—Bom bardment of San Joan and Morro U ” HOBSON AND THE MERRIMAC— with additional special features. ADMIRAL 9CHLET—The Destruction of Cervera* Fleet. THE SH AFTER NUMBER—Th* Siege and Capture of Santiago. GENERALS MILKS AND MERRITT- Army Operations to Porto Rico and Besurc a‘nd get each number of this souvenir series while you have an opportunity, and advise your friends to do the same thing. SUNDAY’S HERALD “A Nsvspaper For Newspaper Readers." Something About Sunday's Herald. More News Better News Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is tbe Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial * f 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months # 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months- Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta, Ca. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name - You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY’S HERALD, A A r«A'NKgJ»e» j \ / \ -farri dOa \ / \ 9 COahfftlA < r Y \ £h^/ / Y Pbssi blef\ / \only *o a \ \/ \ h*rd Hit**r.\ V Y Centre B»#\ A \ - "-A H \V.ryfmo \ \ VRlghfJwStX A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS BY JOHN A. THATCHEN Cushion Carom Champion of OWe’M *a», w'nuer of St. Louis Handicap ST. tin* i(»Dgs«t tonrnaoient on rotord. and the odf pisynr who Irbaeier, filoAson, suU lTe» In the same tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTf NT#. 100 DIAGRAM# OF S-OUSMION #HOTb SOHAtftiß'A STRAIGHT RAIL NURSB. EV6RV ST VLB OR BALK-UNC UAMB ALL HURBINO FOBITION#. FRFNOH CORNffR GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES ANO INTERNATIONAL CONTEBT9. LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORD#, CTO. The author gives many valuable anggaaf jotSS tO ROVfCCS wglviiMi *3 av render clwar the method* employed by the world’s experts. It will show you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. . _ Flexible Leather, SI.OO. M* p.g« Size, 9 1 inehe,. Sent, prepaid, to any addlw oa receipt or prlc*. Aupsta Eveninn Herald