The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 23, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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FRIDAY 4 s*? “!j*2Ls’******'’‘"* ! « wm# th» *»,*»****« * **■ 1 —■#, - ■,«•,, *• *® * mmwmmm ,„«**,„«.• ... »«•<• llf - - Tr mr T*g-T-r“ —- »» **• *«*»♦»* i^cywi. AffiV, c- (111!. - j ~ t £ sft #® | f' BlS**! THE IWULO IH* IMM* Mdkri *»»•• mh*. •«•* Urn «*•*****•• . |, tVll»-n*-‘ir A' l*>» «»t<uM <V*i*»S la Hew r«* C*>- A* <*» M UI kr«. , P»4* and mu A »"#**»• Mott* I Startle* fMUsw to *«»4 The Hevaid •* •••I stand* aad mMrwads *«t ™afe* | a lavwr hy rassrito* t*»» J* l ' to * w * 11111 N'a M «M ##d Inn My Mg lhal --M whs tough* tost laugh* toM." Whs to Ih# husiass* "»»» who lasgti- t-f-j * Always Ih* nun whs ad vert tea* Vau a»#y Ihlah he doesn't amount ta much - that yaw am far las strnag for hint ~ but ts hr keeps on advertising ha'M have the tough ua youhy andhy tale** of cowrsa, you are wt** enough ta go tost as good advertising as he does, year hi and yaar out The men «ho laugh are all repre sented la our cotton**. Join them Hohaoa Is overdoing It _ . A- Royal, drunk, was before tbs re-' Hfto yesterday. as n ■■■■ The Oraolt«**Ul* mill is on time ua ostial, with its semi-annual five per ™" The rainbow yesterday afternoon was a happy augury for Christ mss weather. incur!<ody has threatened to send t hr Chicago s.derm, n Manila neektles for Christmas If this hissing business should be- j euaie a bid. what would happen* —. Naafavl.l* Banner. The holiday crush at tbe big depart mem stores In New York Is described j as something terrific. ■'The rann who never slept." a Cull-j ferula millionaire. la dead. Tor Sixteen years he ban not slept au hour In his bed. The New Orleans Tlmes-Demociai will distribute about ten thousand dolls! and toys to the Crescent City's cbll-j dren tomorrow. An elaborate e.eetrlcal exposition is! to be held next year In Como. Italy, as a commemoration of the centennial of the Invention of the voltaic pile. Alessandro Volta. Its discoverer, was born In Como. The richest msn in the state of Michigan. H. C, Chapin. Is dead, after having failed once In business. His career ll.iistrates the truth regarding the flckleneeß of fortune land that be tried to give away proving a veri table gold mine later. The Japanese always bury their dead with the bead to tbe north, and for Ibis reason no Japanese will sleep with his heart In this position. Many private houses and hotels have a diagram of the points of the compass pasted on tbe bedroom celling for the conven ience of guests. The steel shipbuilding Industry of the Oreat bakes gives promise of <-on sirtecable activity In the coming yea'r. Already tl\ere are under contract In the various yards twelve steel vessels, eight of which are modern freight car riers. two passenger steamers, one oil tank and one large tug. The Planters Loan nud Savings bank has dec.ared a semi-annual dlvl rtent of three and a half per cent. In these hard times this Is au excellent showing for this splendidly managed institution. Messrs, b. C. Hayue and W. C. Ward lew me to be congrat ulated on the safe and rareftil manage ment of this well known deposi tory . The chief of the Imperial secret ser vice was assured that he might te l all, without fear of getting the federal u»a V.Ulite down on him ' The foreign dogs,” the chief of the imperial secret service thereupon announced, "are say ing your highness stands for medluevsl barlmrlty!'' "Well, we don't stand for fear of bagging our trousers, like tome people." sneered tbo sultan, heatedly. Detroit Journal. _ „ 4Wif f &.-§ 4# ®i MINI *jr:r •*» •*» «*» »»■**»•»«»• ’ tot lifts W'WI'UUH wf Mbs- ftsinigg IM Uftftuew ; •to At tlto flMwi fm**** wt tfiitstopraW* Stomas #t #*«il®#®® * | id f*m tsN* 4b» • *NN| ®®# : ** ** * * 4MI Hw** * * * s IfiMfll *144 fUMt® HMfltk |m lit r#®® r rHpM» ad (IN**®* ®f»®i® W* *** mm ] ®4O fMM pgflN*#** Mat ***** «®H** **, (ta** mm*ommm* am §®®i #®®ti®a® * <MMi I fitpiHi 14#9 msw+ *iai •#•* fIIIWMIMMMi •'til Up mm mmf mm <m iihi mmtm\ mm*, ttmm ilmi tmmtmmt mmtmmw **, ill# *4 * "4is#4s in tlw livif m ***** 4fn#» *• • j l#tk» f%* piiM mm*&* \ l^aai4ml •• uittiii. mnA •4**# | The Neva>4 to pvuuwiurafti— tw R*u Tuck weuftsrah* us tofts rwwirarr nut- j uAtoftlsmliws uu tils! lAu plriwfe us ssvtoliv "tutor* •*** ftfuift-fto* j Haw «f Mto pessiitoui -rtouwa. “ to a »»ti* j •UNI. (towaral RntouwA utot «v h*t* kuuswr la wu *4l* Ariuto 1 It* NMiw wf Ms* twwtohlto. itouui •IN* 44^4 I **r«4 %*m Util— t# I qmtmmrn m ttlHNMN4tl*4i m ifc# [ ,W**l laatrUat inatiiail. »»4 lilt j tumHm# a s im Hitif* m*A mi m*m •I! Ut t»M ff III# tfum* HMMTtII HI [ilit IttUMmi# SIfMMCt mm ••4 m ••§! • «• minm *1 fairs - u.ium. .rar ftlHpto** •*> WtM li4(Ai •* pmmmt m tmm* I |M|f#4 Willi • ttNßtt fmt •#» ■•*4 * &*» •bttl >tf vlit It *• *l* I t*MI tmtim* wh+m * 4n*i#»** litt* t ltt«f t«MM# in • twrnlimmtm*' m niunut Ttn Pur <hoM wtisaatbropb. Indian t >nc*d and gawsraliy no happy lodiv.d wale, who S*e*r sad scoff - and The Herald (mu heard several such lately - [at everything at this season of the ysofwho object to the nolee and bus tie of Brand afreet, who object to Christmas tree* because "(hey litter up ! things. ’ who sea nothing la Cbrlattnae tide custom to sack we »*tt a specif lr 0 r panacea to wit tot them go out to tbe Plata this afternoon nod tonight and wttnees the distribution of the good things on the Went Cod Christ mas tree, to the children of the poor, (iu out and see what a little, n very lit tle. comparatively speaking, will do to make childhood, childhood accustomed to rbeerleaenas* and privation, happy and for an all too short n lima, light hearted and merry. Go out and see the Joyous and cheer ful sight book at Ik* big tree weighted down with the contributions of Augusta's kind hearted pewpta; observe the ac-, Hons of tbe children; see the surprise and delight depicted on rack fare as names are read, and tbe presanta for each taken to arm* and careful posses sion. bet them witness this sight and then resolve, in future, to bn more tolerant of others. \ bet them consider the happiness of others and their own selfishness, l-ct them rcmemtiar the cause, the reason for this day of rajoletng. of general; good will, of thanks offering and gift giving: tot them remember the One who was horn to save mankind and whose Injunction was to do good to others. WHAT AUGUSTA STARTED The New Orleans Tlmes-Oemorrat of Wednesday has a three-quarter column editorial on the Southern Ijrceum as sociation. started. It says, several years ago, In Augusta, and now In a most 1 flourishing condition. It. states that such men as Zangwill, Hall Caine, lan, Maelaren. Dr. byman Abbott, Marion Crawford. George Kennan, John FtskC.: Dr. Geo. 0. larrlmer. Dr. Russell Con well. Dr. Frank Gunsaulus, Dr. j Talmage, F. Hophlnson Smith. Robert! J. Burdette. Mnx O’Retl, Henry Wat * terson. Kdw. E. Hale, John H. Gordon any of the beat lecturers—are heard In lioulsvilU for 14 cents admission, In Charleston 12 1-2 rents, and at other points at approximate flgurcß. owing to the co-operative feature, In twenty four of the largest cltlea of the south, beginning at San Antonio and ending at Richmond. The hreeume are merely large clubs of the literary or literature-loving peo ple. who unite In a large way to secure for themselves entertainment of this character. Each lycettm Is independent —being In itself a local affair but by the existence, of the circuit the best lecturers become available to all the jetties. Mr. Hugh C. Middleton Is now in New Orleans and the Crescput City Is soon to be added to the cir cuit. WHY. Why isn't the end of a loaf a corner In wheat? Why isn't a skin game a sort of cau- 1 taoaous pastime? Why are so many people in bad com- ’ pauy when In solitude? Why Isn't a man who wears specta cles troubled with sea-sickness',' TBK JS. TTOTTST.A -ETHTRjA LD ' l*rrt» Opinion* Of the Trip. * —t#4, lt§an m*4 Inm4- 1 IHUMfI -IM**# «&#*« JHNMMI ***** ft# I * In* HmnmmmP* 4*|> *** •*# t W4# Mil#* H . *m •# mmmm* #imi •till n *ms*m* Y **mmimm mfmmtt ilM* HmHli ## < ♦ TlmpC Mi •iwi pmrn*m* m m#*# mm* iip •<’##!• it i* pp •* *mt #■#•#•**# hr in t|[oma*tr~ Dead ami llarbS, * f fffto j TiatokMlt Ha#l*toy * MMWwHm tw IMs I Air— Wf ttoodwebAetlMto the jut file MftWihgrw ft— ehawM he I* j hewri et #tt gwwßtorwerw. tehw ew- < I I htof RftsraUvft ad the sftltsS waitgw j At the taftftgwrt to# eight •—? totok _u I——afhlaa rtfte aetvtr "tm rnCAtM iM Mto IAH tw4 t sam*m k***»n4l •*« punoiifw *■** | y*r~ pi ilfjt Mr Kinltr Mv* lwwf , l*«i ft *m- , i IncMpf of IWKllTfftilli A Pwotamu atUaMy. 1 .%! Aiifl4i*- I® UMP iww# *** n——•<* -<*• rmtodea- M-K •’-»» •A* Webcmed With »• eewhefggt fee* ag tbet tees eenwhfg hewid** a pec. j *f##f fiiM H wm *fw n®SkftM*ci ni I®# rwovrm) Miff? of ih* AiMt nii m sail f m*4* p*t *r\ la ta# i i filnont of Sorthrm m 4 Unvtbife hho. •®«M for t%# ricku of ®amaaii? Hl* untchin* *»4 fr#tan»#i warm oa I®* r»afnlnr*iff dtad Mill fart®#r fttiM* ! iha <»i)#fi#p# of otiiatßi They fell, •• they believed fnv to Amerban Ida*. «M Ihelr vglov Ihetr gewlna A« tenderir remembered by a nalbw whose aor* dlvlalows at tost are , batod A Tactful Orator, . Syracuse Post The word* of the Prr*lk»l spoken to J aa awdlaece of gouthera mea la Arlan ta <>a Wedaeaday are of the aort that hral deep wounds sad make for tto last lag welfare of mlllkitva. A wla# at- j lection of time, place and Hreutnatanre without which the beat I hough-« an I acta may fall or be mischievous, eon j tribttted to make the speech the real reunion of the American people These expression* have already traveled to; ! the ends of tha toad and found n re- < aponae In tbe feeling* of all who really desire the unity and welfare of this na tion. ri*retied Twice Through Georgia Troy Time*. If there baa baen during this year lg9g a neater speech than that of Pre* tdent JlrK'.olry to be people of Ala- i bama, it would be hard to Had And H has been a year of diplomatic dlsrua aions of great public policies. Presl- J dent McKinley seems to be getting ; along all right In marching through Oeorgla—and Alabama. He represent* the army of the Union In the War of I*9*. and the army of the Union in the War of 1861-65. flodel* of Good Tastt. Ayracuae Herald. The President's speeches tn Atlanta | have tieen models of graceful rhetorle and good taste. Thst they have high- I ly pleased not only the cT lxena of At- 1 laiita, but the people of the entire South, Is not to he doubted. There a re pot a few who will regsrd the Pres- j Ident's oratorical effusions of the last three day* a* the opening In the South of his campaign for reunnilnatlon and re-election. But we need not stop to inquire whether his motives are partly political and aolflsh, or not. It is enough for us to feel that he Is saying the right things at the right time, an.l that he l» not transcending his plain duty In letting the people of the South know from the Ups of the Chief Mag istrate, himself a Union veteran, that *so far as the Nojrtn l» concerned, the old score has been wiped out and w ill nevermore be revived as s pretext for sectional controversy. A Gratifying Trip. Schenectady Union. President McKinley's visit to the South has probably been one of the happiest Incidents of his lire. Ho hns been told In an unmistakable manner that tbe South Is his friend, and that he has tirmly cemented the North »n(l the South. Such a knowledge cannot possibly he otherwise than pleasing and satisfactory to a man who Is so thoroughly, so Intensely wrapped up In his nation aa Is President McKinley, l.ove of country, and duty to the na tion are the very predominating char acteristics of President McKinley’s prl vate and olfliial life, and there is no question that nobody finds a keener sense of intense peasure In the ovation given to him In Atlanta, than does the Ohtaf Executive of the nation himself. Not for personal reasons, nor because of \unity, far from it, but because he sees a country he loves, united and standing firmly under out- flag. Echo Has No Answer. ' Albany Journal. tn the midst of all this clamor of frightened men there stands firmly placed. With the full courage of his. convictions mu! the full knowlcds® i *mm mmm ***** *4 mm *tmm*m*m I iijutiw #t«® dim? mm fvwmmrn* : i *0 mm rw*4 A» ##*# in. Tkw*w%» * ittoaw sltotoMtoaf Bto*g I lB"Tf -jl aT*N# mm** *■» AM *# ! «#fti(Ml UmMt m9*ir* m*4 brnm* f® ' j frt#<i4* **f ®®vt®9 m* ®®4 m* 9®# T®#f m* *I? 6 N t# ittms AlWNft Ms . T%*f m* ift'o <«lrnN mN9 H • f—M ”• (v^Atofk |# |fek# i* A*9 c r»*»' (f r»4|g til * IMWFSI. jltof moMs ihat aha la *•— om Maag a girl la—wt »h* *B*hi ! *ai ——at as thtov attawtlm* ' - —a usSaesg hr thto htw>«s'.» gawtry. TVy hat* owl* tha mlwiaiam . »mA tft* hlltoV Ami ; ttoy writ* arawtA *• ***** raataseae j AUtcredM a aagtw arhwnttoto Ml Ito Pri mal* trade* Notably thay ara rarntmiwg lift* hai-it «f aUtadtug t* sag avow— thawtr* *•- (raa— *•* J—••* •« **♦ woaaaa Thto should* » ha Ictowri. sad the po ll.# should pul sa sad tw It at owe# If Arty rsgisugls* ctbstpariad tha halt* stays sad stdswaihs shout a thawtr# »h# poll.# would ro**p#l th»m tw tort* CHI. These wwton an hot nearly so (and a* ragmuAw* aad thrir flu# rlotha* of j (#v aw *gr— tnr allow;** them to j .usd around p-»Mb #ntran< es R*#rv I on* of thorn —M h# ta better era ! ploy—st no tha ebalngang. aad any ’ rigor who will Interfere fa tha ma"#r sad break up tha *vlt will wla goldan opinions from all ritpvUMt people. t« to the youag women who are aoa - reptlbla to th# wile# of the*# masher*, what I* to be said* It hum to ha quit* aa aatural for girt* to admlr* a handsome man aa for tha ruato sox to he fascinated by beauty. If ugly men caution or advise women agalast tbe delusion of th* fine clothe* aad good Inks, tha cry of aour grapes I* ' raised and the counael re Juried. Nftf doe* It follow by any —an* that a j man cannot both wear atyllab clothe# j and be good looking, and stilt be a ; worthy gentleman. Hut we who coid i ly observe tbe general drift know that ! in* man who runs altogether on hi* wardrobe and lonaorial adornments banks on very flimsy capital and lack* genuine manhood. . Ilowevor. young women determine their fancies them selves. and many of them will rontlpue to be duped by crafty dandles. It is ! g penalty to which Innocent Ignorance will ever be subject. Nashville American. Even With Her Crosa Examiner, j | ' Now." said the lawyer who was! conducting the examination, "will you! please state how and where you flrat j met this man?" | -I think." aald Ih# lady with the j sharp nose, "that it waa '' j "Never mind what you think," Inter-I ! rupted the lawyer. "We tcant facts ( here. We don't ear* what you think, amt ere haven’t any time to waste lis tening to what you think. Now. please tell us where and when tt was that you flrat met this man." The wl'ncsf made no reply. ■ Tome, come," urged the lawyer. 'T ■ demand an answer to my question " Still no response from the witness "Your honor.” said the lawyer, turn-1 tng to the eourt. "I think I am entitled : to an answer to the question I have put-” '■The witness will pleas* answer the question." said the court In Impressive tones. “Can't.” • Why not?" 4—phe court doesn't care to hear what l think, doea it?” "No.” "Then there's no use questioning me any further. I am no lawyer. I can't tattc without thinking." So they called the next witness. ■ 11 d • I —- Christmas Cheer. Down through our Christmas, from abovo From day to day. ; along life's way, God runs his endless chain of love; And though we stray we still may say Hia richest blessing we will prove. f His gift to ns each day so new — The star we see of liberty. That brings fresh hope to me and you— Adorns still free life's Christmas tree. And bids us all be glad and true. Down through our lives this cord en twines, 'TIs strong and true for me and you— The strongest of love’s strongest lines - •Tift never old, 'tis never new. And lu each thread God's glory shines. —ASA P BROOKS. B Co.. Tenth Minnesota. Onyx Tables at prices that will surprise you. Just the thing for a gift. At Richards & Shaver's. OUK SUGGESTIONS I | —ft j DOftM'H DORR'S .** mm*** m i*#*® ¥iMNwN» j mmmm m amMi It#M <N»« $m * ■ ■ • I Nb®f4iit® ** t*m***k m M« « #4 l®4« I m mMMm f m ******** mum®® | I ** ** Wm**t Qmm l I ** ijmi M 'imv ® * : ** m mtmmtmk pi*® H #®® *"l® ** ppppMMlßN® I ** Hmrnn *» o*4** | «* imm ** nniiifw— I ** mtmmmmk m MMM® . *• Mu# Http#, ** \ 9t4**w*+t | IMBm® * u®4P®p MM I fw* I I * PMittfi Nimpv pMit'jp|y%. j “Good Ta>le Apparel.*’ DORRS 718 BROADWAY 718 I What ) Shall I Give? S llsad Pa'eied Meeeittss la l ne *O.l Oi d.iO'V destetift and / •L#|e* Bfear a* gifts sort l sure j cheap—He* iftm J Colognes / In Fancy Dress K ftrsatifut a* a **b- f»f enr / •!•• • a, V •ell fraud reds as baMlam e»»ry # QWtofaaae- Al«a>. aa m f cet tabic , t?.rii>g—B* esah la j Bl.Bb-Y.ur 1-atUaaStM' f Coder and K Cuff Boxes / Woe leather and asasst f sitapsa J Sterling / Top Pungents v Cut tils** and pretty style*— j (0 rents ta 81.94. \ Decorated ) Toilet Bottles ( Hand painted—sol-1 in psirs. / You can't get a prettier gift, j Send „ , ) Nunnatly’s CenJy \ You can’t da tetter — M-a i S yon oblige us by tasviiw your f order on Mond.y and Tues- C day If you want tiacial »i*e 1 boxes. C Send a Box S of Cigars t j We bav* them put up in € C boxM of 'xfi wi h ftpeitaj J # Christmas card—a I 10 «nd ( # lft cents Cigar*—Pries I'J 00, M \ »2.6 t) sud 13.n0 hax. / j AH of these and more for r C Christmas gill* at ? Aleiander Drm Company s S 768 BROAD BT. ( 221 (9th> CAMPBELL STREET. El. "W. IDOIDGKE Rubber Stamps. Seals. Brands, &c. 221 91® Bt., Next to Holman's Meat Marks AUGUSTA, CA. EACH DAY SEEJ THE IIEKALD <i ROW ION Ihqn'i'oTiwSd'Thu as I SAT -iraiju r®rT~v^"»• ~t S"' 6 7t~» 9 IIP T TT2T 13 H IS ?Sl7 Ta 'a i F 2 125T2Q1 2712 fi; g»lSO[3« f PORTNKB’S < ( HOI'BUAU and ) / VItNNA AAtilM f / f HNANDSO# r j Export i ? Beers | ? ARE THE BEST C j **A IPX tMEU C .. For Rent Farm of thirty acr#s just btolow city. Dwelling*. itnfM and ff iCto* In toll MCtIOOR of thto city. Several of J. B, Wh.te's new Broad street hou*e» •re still unrented. Specie l prices will be made to de sirable parties. John W. Dickey t to 8 library ha Utas CLOSING OUT NILE I® a#'®®? f® rk*m ©wt wkw *®f9?# ! »tor k ®f •wolfiii ®f i®4 ?l* M | of rr®r®®r?. ®? I®# ®®tHni ®r m4«- i|n prdtf, I VUi ®*U it #®4 | rout TERMS CASH. WM.E. BENSON Ms-rhasi Talloc. *4S bread IN. JOHN H. FEAREY Tb» R li.bls Jf water Can be found at 211 Campbell Street, first door from Broad. Best Goods at lowest prices. ti sis. isj FOR IRON FENCING CALI. Oh—— AUGUSTA FENCE CO.. *lO l«b itlrcel. Auguftta, '*#. j Te- uni of Town Wurk Sallellsd-^k M fill Roger & Gallet s Toilet Waters A«.uried Soaga, Ex trseta I’ouJre tie lilt, Ac. Solon Palmer’s Bulk Extracts. Extracts in Fancy Buttle*. Ricksecker Toilet waters, Bulk Extracts, Ex tracts in Buttles, Sachet Powuer. Crown Perfumery Fine Bottle Extracts. Laulier Fils Fine Bottle Extracts. Lublns - Fine Bottle Extracts. Atkinson’s Fins Bottle Extracts. The Howard & Willet’s Finest Colognes in Fancy bottles, all sizes. Premium Cologne, Fairy Queen Cologne Coudray’s goods- A fu I line. If you want Per fumery come to THe Howard & Wind Drag company 812 Broad Street, Augusta. Xmas Presents. Sltk Suspenders in Boxes at 50 cents. Gents’ fine Neckwear at 2D and 50 cents. Ladies and Gent's Silk Gartars at 25 and DO cents. Ladies and Gents’ fine Silk Handkerchiefs from 25 rents to $2. Ladies and Gents' Silk Umbrellas from $1.25 up. Fine Walking canes from 25 cents up. Gents' fine Gloves o f all kinds. Plain and fancy flocks. Shirts and Underwear and all other things not mentioned at reasonable prices. F. <5. Mertins. the Tailor and Gant's Fur nisher. opposite Planter* Hotel. In Dressing and Mani cure collar and cuff sets in Dresden and other popu lar wares at Richards & Shaver’s. DECEMBER 23 Bpnutlful D#cor«<«d Toilet Atomizers for 60 e#nt«. and only 25 contt to fill with tho finest Colog no. It mak#« « mc« Chriit mat prosent. L. L GiBOILLt. Drum Ladl#a* Elagant | • IB IIS - Complata with Mani cur# Brush and Comb, Toilet Bottles, ate., at SB. SlOand sl2. L A GAROELLE , DrucfPt. . -f mm* * PROF. P. M WHITMAN. *O9 7A ft. A erifif*. Oi. ini net m run *• an ■»+«• * ®ft*L #»#ito4di g®*> »'> a*©'"'—a «®4 Wijm BtftT* dtotot FRFE OF CHARuE —■«»©»»#» i»r«— COAL and WOOD .— mom the—- North in r*it* Coal A Supply Co Ijt av.’l*} an® F W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT (toll Ik- a- •«< ftle-sga MS Eastia?s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. BicM & Shafer, 827 Broad St., City. - - Paine, Murphy & Co. (OMMIfeION MERCHANTS. 803 Pefßolis St- TeleDboaei 1 livtlr L.s.Mt W irs* i-Urvi to bswYcrk Cbicago and Few Or!,an*. Orders executed over our wire# for Cotton, Stocks. Bonds. Grain and Fro. vUloos fur cash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold Rsferencse —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. FOK S ALE. Number 22 Telfair street—Four room house-—Lot 40x150 feet. Ten acre* of land on th* Hills, near Hotel Bon-Air. Dwelling of U rooms, stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a saeriflea. Three small houses and lot# on Sand Hills. Will sell separately or all. at a bargain. j, 87 Acres of land near. Wrlght#bor<» road, one mile above city's new Water basins. 50 acres of land near MllledgeviUe road, seven mile* from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. IkJDBXIT! gae-T be* to notify m/ friend* and customers that I have added another chair to my Barber Shop, making six first-class Barbers and I hope to accommodate my customers witbont waitine. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTEN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 212 to 214 Eighth St., OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL. ito BRASS BAND OUTFITS PIANOS, ORGANS and ftjWr ) MUSICAL INSTRUfIENTS. is m - Everything New In L|ji? SHEET nusic THOMAS & BARTON, Augusta,Ga.