The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 23, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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FRIDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL * no4 I % u I t#f ? Alt i in Rml Ath J«Wen TMi PI CPAOIB Of fitvi« G*m J*UKO CO AL, AwiNicN jyn n *i< At tiii jmsssL CITY ICE COMPANY. Attti At* flAlkU» OBHiiil ft*n» aw# *—«•»»—* a###* #• t**mt Atm **?rrm* , I’m* f aswais am »••»•••*•* ** *** 9mm mmmtmm* ** •• **£ Qmn .. a 0 fattrrs a»i> c&Mtwr Hi* hm«m If* Mmm g#.— •**«• .. - « *•» * CHIMP. *♦ *** “ •■# •**• » « » « " T; r—»■'« ** c.. **•** •< * * *•* rn»u FtagMrta * *•*■* * * m »*»*«* .*•*•*•■ **• dnifM. m, r»x* mm»*» tW#4 gwarK—■ »— 1 * *• ♦» **•* : SHHHMMI #» *« m »*• * ** **•»* *• . wtaM##*t# •• at > M **•** , frta* **•» p. BJJS *• ******** _ mil UVI *fOCK «A*K»T Hm>i *»*«, i—«■— «• ***** 0* m it**** •*•*' •••m* *•**• • *• 2 ,‘2 privara ■■—>— «• *l* |nr»v**» ***»»*• mm ... •••• *“ Ita «(###, >»■»*■»■» ** «■!*• ™—>** UKwafca a*##*#* mrn ..... •• •“ ** HU I MM. tw* *• ' _ f N ~ „ .. .. I**-* l * Mat'll in* »nwi* #•**• ... *j-m lUaFftft# «• ♦* *• •* *• *• m ™ Ha nv II I I (**»•» MO r*MT* •• •* Hite tl B**<*. MM »t»* •.*. A 111 WdODWAtIA Sl.flßi t»* Mm mom*. M* *"• • •wrlMto. I«H> Mm O. O . p*» M» r, »»; iiin mm "Am. » ». p* »*#• . I) K, trail Mat A* » H PUT OOOM ■n>«* MMM • *«• BKtarfata*' Or*nit»*ili* *«a . .. .. ••• * * OraHlt*«>Ha % « * •■*«*« .. .. * » » OrMHavUl*, «M ■ « akaa’lßg .. ♦ u* t3ff\\3m a. M ## *# ** •* •••• • *** OttlHi*lH' H H U H .... •• J *■* J*ha P KMC M • • •*•'*•«•« •• *» J iota P. KMC- « I**®* l ■ £....* • FOOL Cll.K C«rUc*lM. IN yd# »a apaol. P*r » CartlrallL M P«a «a apool p*r dot. tt WLEACMINUd Mlac*llaß*aua Kill* •* *• “ WKKIAN Frail as Ih* m*n, M •• **J Trait as U» »•«**“• *■• lork “ •-? Jj CMI. T-» loeMc ‘ «; c*Mt. ♦-«.. .... *:: Alpt** »«••. I! , FrW« of th# ! JOo p KMC M*" aWMMC . I» * J»« P Ktnc *-* A A »Matin* • I* * 1 rtfiftdl U H.. ca aa a. • * ’ Jre P KMC. Mlach Oa.»rcla .. *» * Co. P Kiac. ** «•<* E c , Island * *■* Jaw P Ktnc. M Hwh K» *** (stand ... • • • • • •• ? , ' jaa. P- KMC *• Arb Sapartta .. I l-l pmatn. Aiaartrsn nhlrtlnc*. * **• Msrrlmark nhlrtiMA *«»*« . ■■ .. *» « < bartar Ooab dra»a atytaa !*»«• .. » I*l Olla tfa acyl • Allan • (fancy) ’ * * Slßipacn » *-l pareslaa .. » Casta* Cpoal cotton. P* r <o* ” Amartcas Indlco bluaa. «*•« . .. » Clstar OUa (a«ltd> M*« _• •• ••* Amtrican Indig " bluoo *ix%i *• •• Intamatloaal blacks dlsll .. .. « Allan’s asrdlaali • Allan ■ La toons * . Indln bias J l- ' India blua ’ F.!lncl»«t'» *f** 4 - " J,. Martha Wnabtacton Mad# » *-• (iarnar'a rndlnnt# #4**l 1 , , C bartar Oaka. Mx#o ...... * *» TICKS. Wampahlra .. 4 ‘ J Aatoakaac A C A J® I ‘ l A * Amoakaa* C * *- 4 Baolprorlty • •• PLAID HOMESPUNS. city Mina * ! * Four yard, cood 13 IncA 4 *-* Lodi »btrtUi*» * } 4 Lodi drew styles 6«*#« 3 l ( *t. Clair draaa * Ocean solid* •• * 4-4 Martta VVssbln*t.m fancies .. .. 3 3-4 Miscellaneous brands, light weight * » »-*“ J * Isaetta * yard# plain .. .. 3 1-3 Thorndika B •• •• * *' 4 Hercules •• ‘ 1-4 J -* Pelham, 33 bal Ito bo* .. .. .. .. Jl F. O. * •. »® balls to bo* 1# E O. P.. 3« ball* to lb If 1-2 Muscogee B * A** tl tr< h 4 1-* Pi**®*. *»eat make -4 Clin peon silk finish foulards (4* Faetflc mournings «4x#« 4 1-3 China etlk# #4*#A 4 1-4 S -1 Bister #4*64 J 1-3 Concord, «•*“ 1-4 Rome * 1-4 Keystone •• * 1-* Fifth * l' 4 KEARSET S. Heavy Columbia, nenvy Kearsey S 1-4 Kincaid and others 9 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER Lime Rosendale cament tl 43 Portland oamenl 32.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement In paper eacks .11 00 Plaster ta bbl* 11.75 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per doa *3.00 Painted buckets, per do* *1 10 2 H B B cedar pails, per do* .. .. 11 75 | H B 8 cedar palls, per dm .. .. 12 00 Tuba painted, per nest 31.75 Rope. Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, par pound .. . lOcallc Halil, wire 11 75 base Nalls, cut li 4a ims« Shovels, Ames, per das .. lllalH .u Shovels, diamond, per dos .. 17.0 i) finovels riveted back, per dus. H 15 Plow blades * I S base Hemes, red top. per do* 1-' *6 Jiinta red top root, per do* .. .. (2.50 'fists— laws ft—l. c— C— « mm M I *!.«*»• ssssea, »M 4* , .... s-IM a»a ir— *— lb . m « ** * : )t* >si si*—A 4—4 4— o o »• e ** 4t * td—e Mow fl—f bag * t m ,* .. H k # tfl—ate— aa im t*a t* .. Mb 't— sdtais- (-4 *m p— ~ 3* *M*t *» It—a— atrsa—s yea gracß „ , 4* —a# ## Repair Bulla. t»a 3, tw* at m •* par !sad. pea ill ~ m m m * «« *, CM teil *«*!« gar Cm* ~ ~ s « »• ,» 3# 4A Aa* 9 act— —a 3 *** *m .»*•.*• ' Aa« t— sigi—, Ida. A CM Baa »• »* # Asa Mtsi—a. 34* ACM ... . • A— 4taM <u— 4ny, c*a tent# Wwt tta— a*i»aate»S c— Ml .... •» Ita—tm gta*. it n, »m#IKI, in BTATM CtiHW ; On—attaa— Siseks and Isa—da fwrntNS *4 by Jtka W. (*<»•». Md AsMd tn—ntgia rn >*4d 33* ... Dmitt 4 i-r# ttt* .. m ll* j Heard— 4 l-Fn I##3 ». .. •• 3 ... Oaargta * I'M ltd* .. •• M •> 3*d ... Q—tk l I fa Itt* ltd (Mil taralfna 4I —a ... .. ..tit It* cm tmitr— Auaone Tn IMS .. .. .. .. tit ... Aas aria tn l—# ....... .1— w. Aagnars dr IMt .. .. . I— ... Angwat* 4 tTa 19*4 ... . Mt ... a ogata cn (in .. mo .. •« Md ... | A Hants da. let* .. H.. .- ltd ... Atlanta r*n I—* ........ IM «. Atlanta (a IfC# ....... lit ... Atlanta # t*Fn 193# mm.... Mt ... Atlanta 4*a. tiff .. .. .. .. Mg ... kavanaah Fn l#dd .. .. .. (II ... Cavaaaah Fn (Ml .. .. .. ~ tM ... Hum* t n iti> M# Colombo* Fn IM# 33* ... Cnlambtta « t-Fn (MT .. .. Id* Mama i l-Fn iw» . .. .. .. t*t Mgr.— Fa. Ml# ....... .. .. ttt |aort .sHs red’s #4 Ckart—ioa fn l**d .. ...... #f ... •—Graded RAILtwIAD BOJCDC. Ocwrgla It. H. * Bkg Ca. rn i*tt (U n. Oworgla R R * dbg Ca. Fn im . (>• m . Cbarlotta. Colnmbla * Au gusta. lat Fa, I*®# .... .. Ids ..• Ct—rlalta. r'alamWa A is gus a Id m (It# (17 Augusta Co R *.. Fn l«M . ... id C. R R Banking Co. Ceilat eral Truai Fn t#3T .fl Id Iknitbarn Hallway Fn 19*4 .. .. #7 M Central of Oaorgla Railway, tat coaaol mort. Fa. 194* .... M M C. ot O. lat pref in » M Central of Oaorgla Railway. 3d pref income.. lid (3 14 C. of O Ist pref la.. 1943 .... I I fl. B A F . let at I’#, I*4# .. I« (#7 Couth Oaorgla and Florida, id r*. it** tot Couth Georgia and Florida. Id 7 a. I9M 103 Ooran Cleamahlp Ca., Ist Fa Id 7’n I**» Id# ... Enterprise Mfg Ca., I*4 Fn (903 . *. .. •• •• ~ , |at ... Clbley Mfg. Co . Ist «s, 1901 . IM Plbley Mfg. Co., Ist Fa. 1103 . IM C.a R. R. A R Co. stock .. I*7 IM Southwestern R. R. Clock .. *9 IM Augusta and Savannah sleek 9* IM GRAIN AND PROVICIONB. i Oats, while, sacked tl | Duals, mixed, sacked 33 1 Corn, white. Mtked f. 11 j Corn, mixed 41 Meal, boiled, per bushel «7H Fleur, common .. .. .. 3, to Flour, fancy extra .. .. .. .. .. 3.73 Flour, seoond patent .. 4 00 | Flour, standard patent 4 25 i Flour, fancy patent .. 4.75 .Wheat bran. 100-lb Mcka 30 1 Fine feed, IM-ib sacks *0 j Hay—native, per ton 13.00 ! llay—Timothy, per ton 13 00 | Hay—choice, per ton 14. M Hama—choice eugar cured .. .. lOaim Fmoked rib aides •• •• # 1-3 Dry sal ribs 5 3-4 Lard, pure leaf. In tierces 543 In the Mexican Household. The arrangement of furniture 1# | much tnnrc formal than In the United , States. It Is a very common sight to sec a splendidly furnished parlor with a row of straight back chairs, all alike, with their backs against the wall, and as close together as they can be placed clear around the room. Heavy single doors such as are used In the United States are practically unknown In Mexican houses, either at entrance or between Interior rooms. All doors open in the middle and are fastened at top and bottom with bolts. Exterior doors are always fitted with glass pan els, lor they also serve as windows. All such doors opening on the street or open court are fitted with solid shutters that are folded at the Bldas out of sight when not in use. A god Mexican cook relieves the mistress of the house of worry and responsibility in a manner that. Is almost unknown in the United States. The cook is given so much per day and with this amount she will purchase each morn ing all the provisions for the day, including even the staples that are usually bought in large quan tities in other countries. On a dol lar a day a cook will provide a very good table for a family of three or lour, and got enough beans and tor tillas and chile to set the servants" table besides. They can really do let ter than their mistresses because tkey can usually drive sharper bargains wllh the marketmen df their ewe class, and I hey have more pat!**** '• haggle over the last penny.—-Modes* Mexican I First Populist— What are you think ing about” Second Populist-1 was Just thinking hqw rich we would he If everyh.*y Would start an cndles* chain .uhscris tiou for everybody els# and nobody would break the chain. Puck. ( THE ATJOTIBTA ESS3STwA.I-a:D THE THEFT Of* HkS BROWN "*f 4|£ol «** III# -..frjj n In. I'M,. ml fwm **d hmM o## ItM# P 0 tUMMIMi #0 FOO M|'t ; ' ’fMMMWI »o>l life* 0 «Ht> BN OMM«i IWNft--' f ff#oi 0 00l*ftFwP*l ®M#O-;00 I|ftoi •• cMPiftiM 1 ioft<offe Ml ill# IHf# o'feA Mat o#Wl.t *i# »**rt tm ifei# ImNI tNWf t*»i Mi a ‘ feftft 000010# *M til# «ftfe« ffe# B#oi * i fIMMi W** «iiiloi pt*** | fe# 00fM H At**tit mm pftf 00W 010 ft Hi 1000 iM IWR IdMftA^M ■0 f iONtdftirl 1101 |«f% 004 iftftMwftt 00 olo^i .00 0 010000 HHi «M 410100 tm&m 00 00M ■•*l4# stbCb Mrs •—a I Bg»* *• Man to —ado * Then I— MM. (Bo bowse Mrn INons r—smlshM al IK* tweak* fast <a*4> IM a 14— *M#l*g A*, length ebe and began —Kan , Pally *C rbsr away «l— rkiag* Ttaww •aa #• slog tab *4—l Km •«—* 4KI* ms— dag Kseryiklag pem-se4*< a# If lK* M» tag# cup she handled t— an nnkanra ate Isardea aad —» and IKoa aK» Imbed dona »Ka gtCMK thaws— b tb* ngea wladsH* aa If abe l# Mr bo* ha ad returning with a c4*n K*f fWrglscaee* «• KM ll(- D»c» *h» started al M— i—nd of a —*c »c proa- king IM side do—r„ aad a*a r *r dropped Ik* disk ara* wtplag It did sound lib* Harry n Mop aad y— -44 might be so, R —aa —ls 1— ootrn •r’# hat twiaglng IK# mast tt—t bkd hsea ordered IM day befora for this day a dlaarr TK# stolid rosing German walbed In uarara— touely glared bin parcel up oa lb* table aad —alktd out agala srl'h 0 ifii in b|ot# of ih# roifftfltloftftl •grerd morn lag." Ordlaarllr Mr*. Brown spok. pleasantly lo him. but ib— morning ah# said nolblag Tb# Incident, bower er divert *«1 bet tbougbt* a Kit. and giving her • *“•- g*»>ton of something new to do. im proved her spirit# ramarbnh y s4b* •a# reminded that tM refrigerator needed a thoroi—b cleaning and she decided la apply her##lf to tbi# lank hafora putting sway tb* man* ,h » breakfast dlnhea having b— done, al though rapSncad on their shelve* she lawk oul all Ike artlelm from th# refrtgetator and put them on the table he#id. the roast. She wan than Oc cupied when her attention wn# attrac ted by other approaching atep# They wer* actually In the kitchen and them was something In ll —ny they sound ed that sent n thrill of apprehension to her heart. Standing up quickly, abe was startled to na* two strangr. rough looking ro<-n striding tovsnrd her. and bwfore ah* could utter so much aa a ncrenm a coarse band hart been ytolontly clapped oyer her mouth. A few mlnatea later th* butcher'* boy. returning to deliver the vegeta bles he had forgotten, found th* kitch en unoccupied. The roust wn* on th* table where h* had placed It. A num ber of other things were there, too - butter, a can of milk, a dish of fruit, half of a pi* and a amatl canvas bag partly Riled wllh silverware. Th# 1 boy looked around vacantly, net hi* vegetable* down beside th# roast and went hi# way again. Meantime, Har ry Brown could not find business du ties engrossing enough to nhut oul from his thought* th* vtnlon of tearful face, and he heard unhappy aoh* that went straight to his heart. At first h# told himself arverelv that the ex | prrtenc* would be a good lesson to her. j but before long he blushed with shame : that b# should think of presuming to I teach such a sweet little woman whose I frail existence—there was scarcely 100 ! pounds of her-it was his duty to cher j Ish and protect from discomfort of I every Wind. So then he called him , self a brute and abased himself w ith | repentant humility, and lunged for the luncheon hour that he might run home and confess his fault The luncheon hour was long In coming, and during the Interval Harry suffered unutterable torments at th# thought of how she must be suffering on account of his stupid cruelty. He tried to get away early, hut fate was against him there, for matters came up that had to be at tended to, and which nobody could handle properly save himself. rio it came about, that when he started home It was fully a half hour later thau his usual departure. He was tn agony as he hurried along the street, wondering bow she would interpret his delay, and feeling sure that she would believe that he still treasured the ugly feelings of the morning. if she could only know that he had been re morseful all the time! Never again, no matter what the provocation, would he permit a difference to arise between them. She might possibly misunderstand him or illnecs might make her momen tarily Impatient, but come what might he would be resolutely patient and never allow the slightest ugly feeling to cross him. Thus thinking and resolving he dashed Into the front door of his home It gave him added anguish and fur ther self condemnation to find that she was not there to greet him. It was not possible that she still treasured the resentment of the morning: it must be. then, that ska aellsved ke was angry as e»#r, y##r tltti* wuisaa! He w#*tid svoti skow ker k#w esye^msl ke cauld ke. •‘Laa'" he sal# aatatausty at h« Step ps# Ikt# tk* ilkiag ro#fi*. There was a* aaswer. It 41* aat tak* i**g to explore every portion of the modest house, and with more fears than he could count at his i POOD um BAKING POWDER IS THE BEAT r+ - iouttn km Mf»w A A. I PAP* ■ k«a*s 4rn% ATLANTA OA, j 100000. Iforty 000001100 00 lift# ofWo*o Hour ofooo 10 *OO OIOTOOO. f h#r«*0l00 ] I 4 ttftoFfloo 00t folot fool 001 ortf» j j||o4 fat* OMO 100 44N0N1 - H 0 00» | Pofto.» feul 0000. 0.00 * Ink #oioft *#"10*0 o»oftft . ‘ tlno Coo< 001 o>oilr lofonil of ftmt Ml N0i»»0 o*wf Mr Mr *o»foof'‘ , i , j i>io»4 10 )o*tlfr 1001 I0P0T? 00t0t00 ! fmi pwmf 10# bcwi>ootl IrorN 0* if [IM itVtlr 00»4r fmW 001 4e 000 ***** ' •trait# for 00 «00nMftwt 00000 M Of - A •#44ro If# rrr l 0#« (nOk 00lt0 00* | MhPt l«rn for 0# ofeo 10# roo*fltfi 000 fkftftt|f ff’mf v)to »I|o»rwoi-0 H# kw# the sign Thieve* bad been al work Tko? t »«J I#fl lo*M| 00004 ff« 001 •»*< 0«4 io#f wHO ot# wif#’ FH«O «00#4 orr 000?* M»rr? r»» f# 10# 0««rp0t Tor 000000 of Ih* taws** Iber* to'd bias aha had 0000 10# 00tr0#r'0 ON9? fftU 004 0 lilt I*' j |OIOT #o# 00 W fo#o ft D|»r rorotTlo To#» kff •»tooii*»o o#<t 0000 itawfM ; Che had heard and seen nothing of! Mrs Brown ’ Thr# m)4 HftrTf, f 0 l»ful | **lo#? lav# iia}«o o#?.** It vu mi!) too clear If hi* Wife had been alarmed for 10# t0t#?00 #OO woftM 00?# mrmm *d or run away. It waa evident that al— had nut run away and she wan not , In the Insane Th»r#i.w* aha wan ..ot of j It. and equally lhg»fw» the thieve* j had htdaapprd her* Appalled aad wsi unnerved that he could hardly walk. ] Harry returned to hi* own house Thej neighbor went with him Together f y mad* a new and cam* . Ingt to th# hechen. where they; giymt looking around IB dreadful be-1 —lWarmeni Th* woman » methodical, housewife. | If- habit* asserted tbrmaelve* even un der th* ntrea# of misery ’ The me*> and vegetable* will spoil.*b* **M dreadfuliy "batler pul them In Ibe Ice Iwx. Mr, Brown.” Smiling bitterly al the thought of considering such trifle*. Harry picked up the ran*t and carried It to the refrigerator. No sooner had he pulled the door open than he drop ned his burden and gavs a loud cry. There, vurled up In the storage cham , her of the refrigerator was hi* little ' wife, found a*!**p’ He »*li»d her hand nnd pulled gently, but she wn* too; ] Closely wedged In to budge without; greater effort. Hl* touch awak*u*d her and opening her eyes drowsily, she said. Ob, I'm «o glad yon vs com* Harry! Have lho*y dreadful men gon*r With many an qfp-h” nnd "Oh my!" on her pari. HaWy withdrew her from th* box. rill*.flail been curled | up thyie *0 long that ahe seemed lo he iisleep in every joln'j and the warm ] ueatb' r and the done *ir hail aluplfled her; but *he recovered qul' klr. and all] memory of the morning tiff dissipated ] lir b*r adventure, told how it cam* j i about. She was standing in front of the re- ' frlgerator when th# thieves eame in; j they bad pushed her inside and closed (he door, threatening to shoot if she cried out. Too frightened to scream then, she had kept still until a mo ment later she thought she heard them depart hurriedly. But there was an other footstep in the kitchen and she dared not to make a noise, supposing that the thieves had returned. After a long Interval of silence she realized that there was no way to get the door open from the inside and she resigned herself to waiting for her husband. It waa evident the thieve# had fled in alarm when they heard the butcher's boy returning. They did not take even tbe little plunder they had got togyther. so there was rejoicing, apd when they came (o thiift of it the dif ference of the morning was adjusted by husband and wife oth mutual re pentance and forgiveness, and matters were just as they should be in auch cases. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than Howard & Mi ll let, who spare no pains to secure the best of everythin* in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful rem edy that is producing such a furor all over the country by Its many startling vines. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarseness and all affec tions of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial bottle for 10c. or a regular size for 50 rents and 31.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. Dixon—How did Hackwrite's new play take in London? ltixon —He informs me that it met with unheard of success. Dixon—is that so" Hixan—'Yes. after the ftrat night it was never heard of again,—LonSeh Jkoysvers She (haviag nathin* else to say)—lt s funny how we ever came to think s* much el each ether. Ho—Funny. It’s positively ridiculous. —Boston Transcript. call ro« Augusta Brewing Co s f* St FORT RCER mm . ■ dC*-., . . - --- *•—' BELLE OE O-EOROIA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —4'AI.I, FUR— august a beer. MONEY TO TOM In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on IO years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alßxander&JoliDson Agcnis bcotush Amrnoaa Mortgage l anipaut, 705 Broad St IF YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN Hi Ii K. 11. MITCHELL Al KX SI. DONALD Kupt. of Coo. rive. A Usu .llgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 JM(Ti)U«h timncijuppiiftJ— ->pftftkiiig Tut>««, *ic#, «tc. Repair* to ftli Klociric*l mi|*tirftiuft. Electric Light Wiring 0 apeciftlty. 16*52- - - - NrowijtT 646. Lombard Iron works and Supply Company. t 0 Builders and Dealers in ENGINES. BOILERS, RAILROAD. COTTON. SAW, FERTILIZER Oil and Ice Machinery, and Supplies and Repair*. Shafting. Pulley*. Hangers, Leather and Rub ber Belting and Hose. MILL SUPPLIES AND TOOLS. Foundry. Machine, Boiler and Bridge Works. Capacity for 3UO Hands Agents for Atlas and Erie Engine*. Ashworth Cards. Korting and Leader injectors, Turbine Water Wheels, etc. AUGUSTA. GA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. IWS. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m,j 6:21 p. m. Lv. Sandersvlile . 119 p m.| 9:09 p. tn. Ar. Tennille .. .. I:s* p.m.| 9:21 P na Ar. Macon 3:4a p m.j 3:56 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4 20 p in | Lv. Dublin. .. .. ‘10:00 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:33 p. m.|11:85 a m. Lv Tennille. . . 6:15 a. ns.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersvlile. 6:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. in. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.j 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Trnnnd'.e with Central R. Tt. for Macon, and with Wrightaville and Tennili# R. R. for Dublin and Hawkinsvill#, C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James U. Jackson, Joseph H. Sands, Receivers. We have she best se-1 l*ct«Ml subjects in pictures In handsome framtis at: popular prices at Richards & Shaver’s, j Ihdtukagi) sHmafttfU** ' Charleston i W Carolina asaywv* a #•—###* a* mm* #**• J y-epaaaw pe**s ke<a rtdk ■**“ ■. j I cnßßßtrn:.. **• 1 j A* lima# **..*.,. I *MOO MlftMM ] I #«MIB»* ofoft **** I * wm pMMnlMmm* **** <■ '• * * **** * kfSrftfT ****\ ! L#’ - ioftattrT»~»** MBS *ft»Lg« j * m.m* ■ 9» 4 tow MiP l I - --- ♦®«i » * 4ft0004148i» • * *«• i »—♦-** I • 9® %Mm Mp 4 j * 4fe|«fooom»p-M •*•♦»»* I * MSooo4Pocep •*« gw#** • y4r|M4 ;: 1* f o<w4oio ***** »■ | * ? psmmtm tftfli •«* « ♦ oifoo w®*’ 4l * j 0# #ol—o y«* ••••*•«> lifJJ *•**••* j | # Itofto4l. »***-.- f **♦ j Jrtill Tti umw . —...i ylgimaeT i to*-_LLtaej I L* hay*— At IS-fi# —«• rJH*! • v*wm—a . ......... * P—# ■ *■—m • in]|‘nr ...... . 4MC a**! J ghr— he Aeyal... !-•••_ r r *ntiss - ¥i«i lnvai 11, ,11 I ikpm • •mp—Ml «i( l*2*> Y«OMMOOW ■ 9«pa« ■ ••••*• MUM Mooo* i • t MS—4*4*.. *-"?** ! A) gey—* I'"l I a lie— swan **#»#** wa®— —*l loodva *l4 alp**— F#m —• ad f - * 4 " w ALL _ - . 4 k*e irSSW'l—■ Si •** •** (#•«•• «• v. A. I- «4 LI # f 1 .pUrt-o-U WKb Nw-;..m fc*: »«y 3 awy tales—at—• le—*• m ••■*— toe sehwfwea *A*e—9 —,J. I RAH. 4t*ta fw A*#- A M ffORTII iitatissa# A—, fill KMKBM'R TmCkt Haw**##-t *«*—»• 9* BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. M C MATTIB. Ibwivw Bulbas#. —r##»b«m 'fit inis Fwm Pay'd Ctat ( lass * CM#* C4*e# Mia'gg “IFF I«*v My. ; Bmtiow. a»y. Di/. N" If Ne# £ Mo ll NeA AM Ft#.l (Arrivw. la—w# FM lAM t. « 2 s*f p Aedereew . .Si 3.lFtti#d I*.Mi I3# T|.... D#*v#r ...f| I 4111 33 |*-37 2 M 111 Autua B 3-.«#W ** # p | tail.. Vm il#’ew .. I*ll4l y;«* 7a# I# iWrery Ore*# 1 # f * ys: 29# IS AA.m'# i*w—Fg fl #:»* U•• * p 1,15 24 .. (KNACA 4 29 12 I* ' F:M < ■' * "i ( 434 |3H. Welti Union .at 3 #P| SIM 1341... Walballa .. al 3171 AM 'FB I |Leave ArrtvetPM iFM. N<. I! N * No 41 No ? * C (ligutar Plat ton. F Flag Statlen AM reg«—r train# from Andovooe to Wo,hails hov# right to irarh over trains of lb# aamo tiaa* movie# ir op |.oatt# diraation, unleo* otb#twla# apoc- I (led bv train orders Will aleo *t»p at following etall ’O# to tab# or lot off poa##ng#r*: Pbla uyi. Jam da ang Randv Springs. No. 11 c.—nreta with Soutbora van war No MM Aaderone No* I and t aonweet with Reetbota railway N..# If and 27 at B#waca. J R. ANDERCON. Puporlai«nd#nt. (TIiNTIC”COIST LINE. hmohtemt AND Ml-K UCT ROUTS TO THE EAST AND NORTH. 2 Mpmi Ga..Ar | t ibn 1 oypnii Lv.... Alkan Ar 1 T l*#m 4:l7pm; Lv (Vamark Ar | #:(*pm | 4 59pm] Lv....Orang»'g ...Ar i 5 40am j «-Mpnij Lv..Sumter, C. C...Ar I 4-2fam 1 1.21 pm; Lv....Florec.'-a. ..Ar i 9 25am ! 19:22pn,j Lv . Fayettevlllo. Ar | 1 14pm ! .1 21am Ai P#t»r#barg.Va.Lv | # 12pm 4"*am Ar....Richmond....Lv j I:l2pm 1 l.ilaml Ar..Washißg!->*..L* ! * 4Spm * OSsm! Ar... Balllmor#. ..J.v | 2 25pm !n:t&am| Ar.. Philadelphia..l» |l2 09prn ■ I #;]pm Ac.... New r«rk....Lv | 3:2oam Pullman palace buffet aleaple.g oar* from Macon and Augusta to New Tdrk without change j R. A. BRAND. Gen, Agt.. ,13 Bread Ct.. A ogusta, Oa. ! T M FMKRSON. Traffic Manager, H M EMERCON. Gan. Pa##. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. 18#*. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah 1:20 P. M. ] No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Atlanta 8:40 P. M. No. S For Mac»n, Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 3:20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta, and Way Stations 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah. Ma con. Atlanta 6:35 A. M. No. 5 From Macon, Atlanta. and Way Station# .. 6:60 P. M. No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. No#. 1. 2, 2 and 4 datlv. Noe. 6 and 6. daily except Sunday. Nos. 62 and 53. Sunday on!y. Sleeping car# cn night trains hetwe-n i Millen, Macon and Atlanta artd be- I tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur - thcr information as to schedules, etc., apply (J M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. OIBBES, Depot T. A. J. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. A SOLDIER after the spree needs LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 36 out of 37 headaches. | 2 for Sc., 25c. one box of 12. i THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. *l2 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. AUGUSTA STEAM CANDY FACTORY ' is making th# PffETTiEST, PUREST, ; WHITEST CANWES in the market. \Y hen In need of Stick, Pea Nut, i Broken Hixture Taffy Candies Tele 1 pfebß* Bell 'Phone No. 3370. BELL E O E QBQB&IA DECEMBER BB ygiUhOAb MNIMMIMKK S. CL ft 6. RAILWAY CO »•* •—••**»«#* **— (gNSFri# UA Ikßfe- IMO*. 100 ■’ '*<o ONMkMI 0000 iu#oll |%|ot 00H| |‘So»%* 0t fei3iftiftMMiolofoßoio I-# irnmmtm k 00M0 01 p-m tl oNofe 0# o#|%ft*o .U-404M0 9-*O9 , 000 *'"•*•** L* T*taw*w“ ftoSir|3TSwJv# t iftah a. 1 r*M»4wa|V- *a*a# * • * iwegaa— * *—> 4• tw.«» *<*%».- •» gewttaw —swi#— lMft?00--: I♦* f I §f**m kftWN#** f OMOOO " " " , " 1 1 7 1* i -ntir ftutii'# --00 W- * ♦ -I** --#» .^-.- %pfMft 1 0 ('UNft-fo# M 0000F' T* rllM L« 9 OFV# ♦* 0» *i 0040 3* fe •-0« * 000* I • m . 114*00 V >0? * hm. - UJfkfe j « V#f*t *#<. m%*Um ft M II 2Atoft oft t«M»»».» ft '+*m Lt Iftft-'ftft## I-,oooft ; 0# MkftfHfti I* * 00*000 :J| 0000 ft 10y ifafeMi t ofofioo k»CftoooklooMMMii Tk-««00ft3 wf*«* • mmm 0 io*wtt 00 io* H-Mtti* 1 ftwNo*»»-« tmxmmm 010 EmoP*o«o * <4* *kk*o* »00»00. OUI> 0* % ykvoitifful • fftpftV* ?o|'®o# 0-4—o-f * It aAftMft’ft# M *Ol- >••*«-:? ) -nOO *» *»*•>■•■ *-»*♦ «' Awgaalta AWf* KuklM 48U m<( ih 11* tagbltaU TfWvayK *—#### aw— 4Ww—i ’## lee# fi Tw' —a. - * yee !*h••Y«w SA 5- *w g* A'#w- -., - .45*tw* wash'—# weak a* (-. «*•»#. a I Tta* L# Kwrbta g».l *♦# At 3<k*'4 .Lru# (.* IwwaaS * Maas A> K waK'wan ,fdn*w A# Aihaw ,La* At 3taw YtwKl -y—As Atsg ..tAka—i ~T*»i»*Wiw CKaPiSk— w«a b*w w: #*< vu# Fka *» #>ia#4#**#» A— tm # iUi the n—— taaaa ta*Sb a—yalg— • at# am* *w»*4a ) H PAHtta. I.A fkfßNl# •-1 —T WinyTT 7r%—* Meaagaa F. >■#•*•»«.'•** Agt Fuar—wat—t ’ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. ‘ __ gw#*##* Tim* —WWW— « •**##*—#*—•#"- www*' I'* 1 '* p—*e# taww a##www «—■ luwta aw* —lb#* #*>■** gganwe* Jq— *■ 448® - mm ii ii-—— “TL ** ■*. SB ttaevakwMS#— i umtif. IWt Aw CWumte# . .. *? JgfJLI Ailing fi stryiir* ** m ;.nrty,l •; ETiu^^riy- • Jg 9, Test ; ill (8 ! m\h I fc; near* . [jj®! i I** D—iwflta 11 M J Im * 'At KHktaia# i * *** *** V" . WwwlTmgta* • - ,?2! - • I’ki.ta-trbta » Nwwr 5 erk ■ ‘ *®l *** it—ail Yw h#■ nit o** ®0 Uoi; !*»«!?. 1+ N«rw l lrk.y. K 0 Amp UT-it • po.!*i» * _ • ofp 000 it Waaii ton 0* Ry Ilf oft II U« L» Kic4o«k4T*4 .. ....! 131000 ItOlßi Ls imnwlim fT|OO • Uft for Korfel* ... M9.*c | 0 100 ... . 0r <ftr-*n»Fbor# j 6tfft | so <ir+mM**oro } TNi TMp • book BUI Iw v • 11 (0f • CW#r 10 ts ft II BTp • WtAaftk»ro 11 43 ft 11/ ft At ColUm Biu4 f « tl 46** 197 % C*i\xtmUkr)n \*>p‘V lUp 4 Ofi» ** JuknttoM. ........ *&3p ; “ 'lron r«*n ......... BUftf* 6 2ft* - Om»>if#*Tilift ft 10 p 7#rr» Ar AuffTiKta _ . j I lft|< ft ft tw A»hftr. 1N» £ -'‘ft 31 Oftp v HpartanoitPC |II 40ft* • lift Ar CliftrtafttOT] . | 4 40pf 11 ft)ft so 001*040. rc.oP.By ..; 1156 • 12 <;• ** 44. p ft 04 ft 1 Jftj'knonrtHft. Mp 9 Uft " MKIHmTA flißTicm Kz>'Pi)pnf dftiip jn%av*nf#r mrwirm \mrwwm% Bferulft ftnd X*w York IS oft H 7 ftod 30—'V ftbh: n *»<» fto<l HflftMforwiftnft talmitftd. HoUd \«4*n>.uipd tram with dining «fcr« ftmt flr»Y N*m t*»chm north of (liftrlott# Fullmaa drawing roovr. fUrftptng mrn bfttwfwn TftiDi*. Jfti*kßon\*ili*, Kfttrftnnftk. WftfthiaoV>n and s*w ?»rk. Pnilmftn r>#*pUi« &r* b*t*r+*» Chftrtotf# ft&d Klohmood. Pullman drawing room *Jftepinp mm hw twwn f4ropn»boro and Norfolk nuiff roanm* tkm at Norfolk for OLD POINT LOMFOBT. arriving thrro in ttin# for broakfaat. fi-'Ltl train, with Parlor oar*, karworo Charleatou *nd Ashftvtl!*-. No*. 35 and 0-U. S. Fft-t Mail. Tkrooßh Pnilreaii d. awing room hnffwt Rif**pm* aan b# twftaa Jaokftonnllft and Kaw York and Pull min ilFApisK car* botwfton Augu*ra and Cbar loft# Pullman »iftomng rar« bfttwaao Jark- Joarillc and Colninbla, on rout* daily bfttwftoa at”kftonvlil# and Cincinnati, via AahafiUft RANKS.(*ANNON, -t M. CXJLP, Third VP A Oon Mgr T. M.* Waahtnztoa YT A Tt'RK. S H HARDWICK, . A.. WaftAlngton. Q. P. A., Atlanta. GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90tb Meridian Time.) Schedule Effect!** April 24. 19*3 ' Bulimau Sleooer* batweto Macao an# Nvw Tork. Through Pullman Bweep#r* b#tw#*n A. gueta and St. Louis Lv Augusta ..| 7:osamj 3 20pm l0;30pio .Vr Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| B:2opra| s:ooam Ar Macao ....|U:ls#m| I «;46am Ar Athens ~..!l2:lspro| 7;iopm| ] Ar GalnesvlUe|*3:46pm| j.... .... i Ar White Pr*j*l oopmj I I Ar Mlir*# le .|10:10am| | 4:30a— : Ar Wxsh’ton ..|10:10am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leave. Augusta dally except Sunday at 1:15 p, m., and ar rives at Mlll-dgevllle at 3:10 p m Train# arrive at Augusta 1:11 a- mu 7:45 a- m., 1:20 <■>. m , and 3.26 p n». A. Q. JACKSON, G. P A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A. CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST EKN RAILWAY Schedule in Effect, March 6, IS9S. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry I'll B.'U. Arrive CDestei, Suutherri By 7:19 am. Leave Chester, C AN W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Ltnotr, CAN W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Bark, Stag. .. .. 7:00 p.m. j Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage 7:20 pjn. G. W HARPER, C P HA R P ER, j President. G. S. A.