The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 23, 1898, Image 8

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mt day In Fork Ml Boli total' Season Th* of Now Nark*«f id ehArmln*. If kbit) ddhflil All ffldfl of ntco iht Silk* com* in All rich AffACt* Fompadmif. OmlW*. CUr*. Dr ■ align. fh»vr#«, fKOflflA. Uata n». Paau g|~loia ftrrrrand Wart) Print Ad. Tha §hAf»AA AfA iftCdlul And ATtiAtlc. Il i* fhA IA rtf* pat Anri firaal ihOAlfll Of NACkWAAf Isl *hi* city. ThAir lona, dlyl# And quality Justify IKa pficpt that prevail. Our I utnithifig Good* d#- partmant >• frowin*. Economic ouyAr* *f>d good fira*AAr* if* ktafnini tha Nmmoo* of it* Advant«c«th CimCIAI Of THE HAIM. ft* OfMMlk UHk »w Ik* >«*» Artklt Ijm* M»« mttrnr w«f*WAt * gwfwaa** * # *h* ipin mw> ik* report*' w*o fca*4»«* gjL| grama'*' tSYtIW* !h* rflUrlUß W I** T%* ArlrtA* «f • ****** <*•» • ll > ■Alt everybody »• aaae*«ht»« ,h ** kw K«M t* *mm mamami*'-**** fl*** 1 * Aki *n It tlMdr u*(# regarding *kea* rv»i BwttraMaM-* Tk* »•»•>» *»*r ter* Ire* <h*M*4t* A, A. »wl «A# d*- gfiw of A •>'• d*A*Ad« «• <*d«l» CHA(lttt-r- Too should ao* **pm-t to *** • P*' sos m r ilk* that put «** «>* Joaeph J«*»rm for M «►**• S&r ter«h*r up. Tao pop H ltd |«t want wnwiMm no* and tbl»#a k* parfan la ***ry iatoll—or there *■»•* a hteh. But tkM la pltltl aaar Irnm U« tab joei ikal Ik* irooiaih crute I* aupp»* •4 tab» wrfliag oa at ret* particular Tk# pATtk-ula- ib-m* Ikal it •»«*** t«4 Ip I’ll* artki* I* * Turkish Haiti. II toMtialloo Ikal la aald lo »<* aa **■ reheat tfcipp *»t Ik* Pkytlra! roan Np* A Turkloh Balk on tk* »•*** '** tka August* opera bona* it I Bert a bli frt.m ike regulation artk-le After tiking la tke Bath laat nlgkt. tom* felt mneb kPliar. and *o»»e *•". not »<• muek hatter, Tba ttraag* thing at*»n tka Tarklah Btlh that look p!a<e on Ik, stage wat that there »a« notking Tarklah a horn It. and neither did tk* hath make Ita debut. Why the blit* akoald announce that A Tnrklth Balk wnu.rt be tke play. Ike man who atfota tba play and the man In lh« moon only know Sbak etpenr* aayt "What t In a nnmef" and ao the author decided no doubt that A Turkish Bath war »a good aa any other title for the specialty performance that graced the Urtnd laat waning. The balh was not an warm aa tom* efpeeled and after leaving th.- opera bona* othera aald they were mrt much lavigoratnd. and still othera aald —. Bui the tinging of ’'Just aa tha Sun Went Down” wan egeellenl. ao 'noiigh aald Mow do you like the eritl- ChNß* Four different kinds of Ice cream—that is ice cream —always on hand at tne Arlington Annex Soda Water and Ice Cream Par lor. ‘ Elegant Un* Solid Mahogany and Oak peak from 11.50 to 120.00—Firm ing A Bowl**. The Police and Provost. The members of the provost guard, who ait utationed al police Imrmeka. always attend the recorder's aeselnn. If they are not on duty at the time iourt meets They seem to enjoy Uu* s*salons tmmcnsely. The police have found lhe provost a clever set of fel low and both are gelling well acqualn lU. EXPOSURE to a sudden climatic rhang* produces cold in the head and catarrh ta apt to follow. Provided with Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh. Druggist* sell ii at W cents, or Ely Brothers, 5S War ren Street. New York, will mall the 50c or 10c trial site. The Balm cures with out pain, does not Irritate or cause sneealng. It spread* Itself over an Ir ritated and angry surface, relieving immediately the painful Inflammation, cleanses and cures. Cream Balm quick ly curve the cold. Hat Racks, finest line and lowest pri ces in city at Fleming & Bowles. —=o- IPT &=r— Ladies’ Ties, Men’s Ties, Ladies’ Fans. Men’s Gloves, Ladies’ Gloves, Men’s Gowns. Ladles Umbrellas, Men’s Umbrellas, J. MILLER WALKER, haWlr OWN CHCSCH PAIR. A iMkt (MM Ml PmMwaaaaia* »« Aa Qfvaa TaatgM. YftfttftM ft* lb# r«tef*4 ft.fftft«fft * I ftif |WEtr <i t tihifti girl* ftft4#* tb« j | cwammiiml a# Mattftft* * H I* Willff ! I MM (PM# ftfll ftftftlftltlßfti ft wwwnF | fit . T%* SMNNMMMMi ! I MMMPt iMMEMEf yidl IE titM wHI * | lme%* bun. iM «lt Arrfcfft «i?l ! i «n*t !• IdMM Ei«b( | (H< folki OwiEwt. t*4 * j {„f wftEiwynf tbit. Yb# bilr j [ rtrwwrt iMilfM Vllk flirt gf*o*l ] • HElf , t"bfWi„ hfH •wjtfwT'i Ift4 oiif **t \ I gtt |f»nn ift)H<M| A lifil fw»4 will W f {Hffrßt Dnliciou* Oca craam so- 1 Idas, four differant kinds of lc« craam. All flavors, iof syrups. Elaaant sarvica, j prompt and polite atten- 1 tion -1 Itrautifttl Hu# «»f Mahogany in<t W*« • | «»t <•«*•* nf r ** h . firmini A Mo* tr# Tkoasands of Big. tl*au Christmas Savlag*. If attyoo* doubt* that the fijee a | j < (‘Connor Ms* Co. Is not d.iln* * rusk 1 i tug boslneos till* week let them pass j thetr two store* and they will be con | vinced that the clerk* *r* rn*h*d to I .wait on the trade They are offering isome great values this sot In shoes and hats, end you can make no better selection for s Christmas present than •a tvlirh pair of slipper* shoe* or a inlce ha I Number* of their customer* !sre I. using I heir Christ ms* sh-s* from Uhl* boss, and srs rec-eivln* ike hand iaome arttr lea they are giving away free ■ with purchase*, and In rettprn nr* uatn* jthem a* Christmas presents to thrlr families Read their ad In today * pa (per. They ate open every night this week until len o'clock. .SICK HHADACfIEt. The rurae of overworked womankind are quickly and aurely cured hy Karl's Clover Root Tea. blood puri fier and tissue bulld*r Money refusd ed If not satisfactory. Prb-e » eta. and M) ct* Hold by Retailers. T. A. Bu*- son. Anderson's Drug Store. Alexand er's Drug Htor*. West End Pharmacy. The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers,Dav enport * Phlnliy. Just received, a nice line of Childs Iron Beds —brass trimmed, white enamelled. Thomas & Barton. Mr. Godfrey Etter, who left here about two years ago to locate at Coal dale, Ala.. Is here for Xmas Hr Is ma king a success In the coal business at Cualdale. His many friends ar« glad to see hint again. All latest hot aud cold fancy drinks at the Arling ton Annex Soda Water and Ice Cream Parlor. Mr. and Mm. Juntos T. Pnrks, who were a few days ago married In Or angeburg. s. c.. arc at the Planter*. O ABTOHIA. Bs*r« th. Ihs Kind Yeti Haw Always Soufftit •"TISLt/WX#.ti< DON'T FORCIET TMI; BABIBS Children's 00-carts and Baby Car riages, the finest line ever shown in Augusta Thomas & Barton. THK AUOtJBTA JIDBALD THE CHRISTMAS TREE EXERCISES ARE ROW ON [ HttAMh t pot II iiiait it Ripyi | MM CliWfM <TI it Ha Dbu I a r*ww» m ••**•» cam ««■»«■ tin ll Am tm » •*•» am at ia»m ta# i«an a catsgt Mow* a w*a*4 i f MaMi I* IM twctfCMag *w INPMIMHPMME* *tlfc» bvt *b# 4ft» trnmmm I T"*** f#* ‘ r ■ WWIi tm laß# »•#'* fM| ■** WaaM w<*4 ENP# EEkbMHWRI klk* l mbEt ***** *# «tMk mmm MEM- hi tb# m»4 h r *%-t?f* fTW- IdNWf M fIMA ffcc fMa«*MlA’g| |%t»« Ef'VEllEiaE P**f fboOE bp *bP I M»«EPNf [ P#rnofmm »ERkb Ml fMNt tMM«E§ *Siffbwtj rtHNMMv* IMOMI in |NI lb® !*•••• #1 ; •*, iMyayy fiinmii Yboov* ammu -4«, .uonif# •’ Hw (PfvtMNNi Mlf ft tfe* ayaffto iaf > til# iii-rEMTHii «9k»n it «** 9b#«H«bt faa pmiMf. NR «b*r» «mmi • wmvlmmm pm* ■ fmy Pft as |f|* ***** *l*4 • bn t * |pPaul ifMI bbMl 114 9*o fNiY'b Yb* r iiminlTt~T f till#* *«4 (MfVfYf bN»E j >lHA|>| ft* Ml #1 ft# ftnftftiMft ** ib#f*> , Wlff #ia»ir#aii> ftli nwaftC m?rbi4# • t Hgiitft. *b**t hi #%#rt fwfnb ftM wmm** * •A 4 -MM ft Mrlft*’ If* 1 PftRSONAI MBNVHN> jftim nmm <4 Affcea m »» n» **•*• K Rffll of H« Ywk # •* <** * r For Anthma um CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT K r. r«nw ** ** •• |fc * fn*»t*r« A ; l m P+ttf «f Pti»u«* * •* mmm w T Hi**m «f OiHlWlltlt »« «"• nsßl^rf J Tor* *• *» **» pkmlrf# our n#n lio m Bk % clri f<M > mj Mm Thomas A Barton. Tfcr « Htrl Siam. H K OlfM **f N*« twit la at ilr r!" Kntfart <*r Cleveland K «l llk Planter* K, i. nancy at Savannah la at the Planters. The Arlington Annex is Auguste's leading and oest restaurant. Everything is strictly first-class. C. S. M«ora of Hawktnavtlt* la at the Arlington * W r Grave* of Atlanta la at the Arlingl'tn. AW of Baltimore Is at th*‘ Arlington . The prices of our entire line of Furniture have been reduced to figures everybody can reach. Augusta House Furhishing Co. Jo* ft. Lee of Tyler, Trxaa, la at thr Arlington. j |, .Mack!* of Woodlawn, S. C.. la In »h* rllr. Jam** H. Tallman of Hartford la at th* Plant*ra. W. H. Burrarker of Baltimore ta at th* J’liMitera. See our new $30.00 Bicycles for Christmas trade, models lor l.adles and Hen Thomas & Barton, The Wheel Sellers. T. R. Flack of Shelby, N. C.. is at th* Plantera. Kit Bean of Winchester. Va.. la at the Arlington. Joe W. Robinson of New York la at the Arlington. The Augusta House Furnishing Company have the largest line of Rockers, fancy Chairs and Tables ever shown in this city. A. B. Watson of Hibernia. N. C.. Is at the Planter*. Mia. M A. Rucker of Charleston Is Rt the Arlington. W. T. Moore of Montgomery, Ala., Is at the Planters. Just received, a nice line of Childs Iron Beds —brass trimmed, white enamelled. Thomas & Barton. Geo. P. Cotehett of* Wilmington, N. C., is at the Planters. E. V. Klleroan and J. M. Richards of New York are at the Arlington. Cnpt. W. A. Tanner and family have gone to Saluda. Nv C., to spend Xmas. FOR CMRISTHAS OIFTS. Plano Stools and Chairs in Osk. Mahogany, Walnut and Ebony. Thomas & Barton. H. R. Gains. E. R. Holden and S. S. Holden of New Yol k are at the Plan ters. Mr. •nd Mrs I H. Moreliesd of Vir ginia ale guests of Ml and Mrs. Wm, Nelli at the Plasters. Chamberlain a Colic. Cholera and Dt arrhaea Remedy can always lie depen ded Upon and is pleasant nd safe to take. Sold by Alexnder Drug and Seed Co., c. k. rarr of Bell To wav Drug Co. ' I YW «ftM*ft4 ii#wft|fftfti <N»€ftft ft* • 9b# ftftft# .. .1 Jiirm ftft* \ j •<# •*•## ft##*im ft «**«# ft /mirfte **** tmm ftftft* f*» ftp# ft *4 |**ti *brt-- I fbftlft Yb# «*:■«!#« ft# fbftfftft Pa 9b# PP " j ttufr ft## ft CMPftift## #• r ft## namiri ! t.itt.- trrfTJt rki Aft#* ~* » Mhp 10a* *«**!■*«* r•- f*’ Yb# f#a»*Ma i'Mtf*** * *** i I 'Mb'H| f*C#HM# ft t 4 ## It* I #### ft 9**# . Vitft Hftf-w-T tmiai <F H YTifbrp# i I ft* ft i|#ft j##4ftft> fblMMt M*# 1 | ftft fan )|f# M f* lift* Iftft'frr CYftib . i mm* Mfft *** ib ; 'iy i|f# tTT«TI4| ft Sr ft# #4** Mfft \ -gfti-jtmm* birfPt $ } M f f » - f # j ' Wf>im M t* ffttyft# #>if#«**.## Mr# i | ||#fttY rVitwrti M« • Mftf*P4 Mr# I ft., ft- tuftftftft. Ypiftpftft Mipb ftrbftM; I f'Hffta Ml# 9% , ft. I►> y*ft lit * . fttft# ft lift! | ’ twist 4 *** ftft£*ft ft*### 9ft fftPTPift tbftft# Iby lb# Auftftftt* Yb ##4 ft ! * *' i H bmrft# «b# Ykr##t KM CbiYftin**# »ff# jii ftft«ft«i ftM» r rpft* mm Pm*' *m» • I m llt r, JL *rit>Mtlift# *4 rafftnft## ft#*l at thi: V. AC. A* Tg.- - matiattiM thirteenth Pimm sylvMtla ha tteOvee mm kvdmi I Tbft m#n of tb# rtf jr ftilfl hr ftlvftft W i oMuflatHf al Uftfttiig lo mt of tb# i I itr-‘ fctrtirly diftfiff lo (b# NWiiry : •9 fbft Y. H C. A. ft#tt fltiaftftf ftlfftf• | tmt * ftt Mb ft rlofl <‘bftplft*a Kill | Iff tb# TblffftftfMb p#fto«9l#ftftift viU | fifth# r lb# ft4dr#«ft. and It will k# ah I «ti# kit oft#. Tbift ftHt bft Ik ttrst #1 ] I fort in tb# rlijr. and Mkmm# »if#r t ; «r|ll bft full) rrftfti-1 br ft#*ftft to tb# mkfMkft I ! if ftftfn# «>f kftftk#! jfftll will b# plftv#U t • •« <«*■ Aaanrlntlnn ah ►riday night, the , 1 .loth, krtft### tb# flnl ftiMl I I lb# Bro*i»r Tb# Rniftrftft »r# ftftihNM# | !(o play lb# Mary land*™ ftftftln. Mid or# Ironflfkßt of finrinu tb* |*®9 1 " ‘™* "* a Fancy odd pieces for, Parlor to go at a sacri-| fice tomorrow. Thomas Sc Barton. Th# Young M«*n*ft Library «t!1 h#| rkaN M«mdar on ft#e#>Mn« *f «hat I day brifift ##|#hrai#d «• Xm«*. .. .. - r - -.-r - - We will lake pleasure in show ing our Xmas goods, and if you don't buy there’s no harm done Augusta House Furnishing Co Sawdust and Ahavlngs. The Perkin* Manufacturing company request The Herald to slat* that they have * large lot "f sakvdusl and shav ing* #n hand, uhlrh they wilt please In give |o thetr patrnn** free. Rend at nare. • DON’T FORGET THE BABIES. Children's On-car* and Bahy Car riage*. th* finest line ever chown In August*. Thomas & Barton. R, A. Palmer of Philadelphia 1* at th# Arlington. S. S. S. Cures Sores and Ulcers it Matters Not How Ob stinate, or What Other Remedies Have Failed. Obstinate sares anA ulcer*, which ■ufus* to heal under ordinary treat ment. soon become chronic and denp ,'nted. and lew! u> Conditions most ■eriotte They are caused in different ways, hut in erery case the blood ts mvolred, ami no amount of local treat ment can have any effect. The poison oust be eliminated from tha blood before a cure can be had. THROWN FROM A HORBE. Mr H Kuka. es Msrlon, Ksnea*. writes: " Airont Ihrse rears «o iot grsndJeushter.Ber a \\ hltwocd. was thrown from * hors*, re ivtn-. wound es the soslp. Theugh under hr treatment of ptiyeietatie foreeveral months. wound remained about the,«»•■. ttntU It tnallr breams eery sngry-looklng, ana arete J out inu> a ruß»tn| Ms sere. Thte seen seres a wwaS-TuokSwfik t' other parts of til* p seats and ran dew* the &>» aarauteafl et,le M the *«ek.!nrreas tyj* far in eeev>k*-»tt4 ,t ' ,r / T fully aeslgnstug ear. l i-A Jv-Vf Skew** then plaesd nn Vi y dee Use ease es she tec ' isj-' A ult > ol " well-aaewn ■» receteedi CJAV .- TL-.TOv tnerr felled tosrreet lk. wrrTfcle ter. K«a«tt| of tse many oivea oT ■i'ifVt *o% whoep.. dieess. belt .-Si swey." A BUNSHOT TfOUND. • Cant I H Mrßreyer, vhllwwtl-kaawa dls of I,%TTrf-nccburf, %.j ■ flwjft Mbib bpft-ft I | flflift: »## #•#•### M# W*### f #ftft fb# ft*##*#* m w* p*#* * Mm tom *%' til## inMl Mr % MftP* f Mftftftrb ftbnd M» Mft#4 *#4 ft#4 fir Omt V b*tf#t Mi**. ftftfti# m H‘ fft| | fi MfttVft ##4 Mr OfPftbftftk t%ft PTPftftlPP ••• A few Rnttan Rock *rn Ipft at a diacount of 25 par cant for Christmas Eva. . _ Thomas At Barton. I PFflJId MY ** »irwftt‘T»rrtv tixr, **r ham*#-vm> IrATTYM** r*>M •'MIIIPTMftP u TH‘VT f»Ef*AT |H AMMfVftt, Wfl I MfC lf)U* T* >MORK< , W TT* | rt/M>K ftT CO»T iifftrtftl Yftrtftiiftf Dr«l j ft ip rax* ri *»4 fbftt tb# VirftlflHs •Oftr**- i jf|# rha9fkl< ftt ? i ff - m Mft, tbift ft«T<l ID AuftUrStft 1 f ft#v#r«l 4#va #ft>* 19 Will #fftl#4 9# I Itrrftjftg fVw«f ttiftf (Via Mn«lh#r > j 'Y» r ? iliipf fiitff #fftft til tha fWi,4 r#ft«9v j ; t„ hui as) «<nM •« th AllftHtkr ilMlri at i ifsaonfttii j| arly I# »ttf*f***>4 f« h# onr ®f th# 9»lll Is h*l<i hy (TiariftMUtn f#rtw#. -nuinrt-« ' tors l*n#t. I Cdm i fUr# Mmlfh* #9 t* j '< *hami« ai Work#. ##• iho#B th »hm a f i!n‘X ni lh”7! t *rH 4 lhJ,! lh ’ r 44 n ! —— ■ Anvlhinß in our sloth of fancy Roods can b« had at prices that will astonish you. Augusta Hdusc Furnishin|[ Co «—mw~~—■■ PkkifiK l>«t PrftftCftti • I ftM* irrrtx* voiing mail !• • p#r -»k«*ut thin ttm# Ht #ai*ta Ifch’n ht# h##t firl • Chriumsn pr*#*«K |#fi4 doe# n<>« knni» #x«ctt|r #hat »•» hui] for her Hr doe* not want to give her, #rini#thlnjr that #h# #lr#adv ha#, and It# doasn t like to a#k what #h# *Aanfa j Tha avarag** younsr f#How fourrilly j gatw pnma fallow to ft** ahoppinr j with him. and they go Into store after, stare, looking *« this and that article , They see ao many thing*, any of which, j would, if seems, please the fair ere*-, ture. that they just can't decide which j lo buy. "I declare I can't decide what to give I her," said a young man In a store lo hi* friend laat night, and the friend re- . ! Piled. "I can't help you, old fellow ; hut T tell you what to .do, get some young la-, dy friend to go around with you and help you pick out a suitable gin. They . know what you should get her.” ■ s**ie rear, ago l *•* shot la the IH* l-f rareirtni .Ul I rmi*ld*«d on U_* **lgk. woun* U develop, i Into a rua*t»**or* ann /rs” v '-v-3. gave' v* » great dea. m *r gala aa* lueoaven- JK .w n tewe*. I was treated Si’t hv rhahv daeters ami if- e »3J,Kr task a number of W.kml rtjGy ,V TbST rfftnllM. bkt nonrnuj BHICI mi»L.' u* «#▼ ffted and dltl *• not art at to oheek »lie rj-wV . Cre«ie*» of lire .ore t j. K jdjji a* heard Swift's ape- $ ,dttsrfV oiAc tk * * ■ highly 2- i* ■ Y• rew'iamende* for trte f*' JajfifiVr. il M eotioltn e<! to v If® \ give 11 a trial, and the X-Y .it, i/fty ra.'ilt war eerr sri-atlf* •; *£/•M tag * A S seemed to r,T right at t»e rr ul le, i*.'^■TOßleN'a*' aa* forced the peiaon out of my Mood: aoou afrerwerd, the -ora ht-4!«d up and was cure sound and well. I am sure S. 8. 8. t« by »• the be-t blood remedy made It matters not how they are acquired or what treatment has failed, S. S. ■" wifi cure th* most obstinate, aeer seated sore or ulcer. It is useless t expect local treatment of salves lo tions, etc., to effect a cure, because they can not reach che renl canae of the trouble, which is the blood. S r*. drives out every trace of impurity m th* blood. and in this way cures per manently the worst esve. It is the enly blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable and captains not a particle of ( pota«h. mercury, or orhe'- mineral b. s 5 cures (VintagU'US Blood Poison, Pore: id* Qsiicer, Catarrh Eczema. Khe.i (matisni. Sore* Fleer*. Bod*, or any lather bleud iroubie Valuable 1.0 a..» ‘on thftaa 4iftuftft*A will bt? uvfti'ft# to any address, by the Swift opecihc iCompany, Atlanta. Georgia. »»»» m , At The | Big Lumber Yard. J Lwmlwf. S)dfi|)ft. Latin. UmamtHtal If*••*#■*#%. Dmn. Noth Haft. CIIAS f DUsLN 9#ft» 1 Mi. BALL fax. Smm Ah. k *»4 flasie. mm AorwwA e ig«t*| fiain Oww a Yft# tsft*t b#ft k«#ft # ft **'*k « #4i ; ftt tip* tttm *#### * bs« iwwmmm ” • l«« a rra«b ftM ft bofftt ibftf Mftft kifrkpft t» fr«p|t #f tb# btttkMftft mm* , Fancy odd pieces for Parlor to go at a sacri fice tomorrow. Thomas Sl Barton. THE Al iII'ATA HO< *>R Ft RNIAW jgq itigPlM H*t* THA BEOT fit rt R THE MOAT KXPRBIKXFEP wamhmkn or ant rrnxrrrmii i»r ant rnurru n* Hm »* i* THE *dTH rOW CHAINTMASIMI 15. piano stools and Chair* ta Oah, rtabagaay. SA alaa* mm* Bhaay Thomas * Barton the urn i roi.hs hi vi Georgia I rein Bring* I illfMrtlaaa ta Augusta oa a -peiial At 2 IS o'elork a spertat tra»« Atom A law is bronght the Uilpnttaa •»*•' rirai oomwaay ta thi* city. The Idtl mitlJifta are u tDHr ftaoi# imj>H#ft, ft Sh e uae our heal effort* lo mak# your purshasr* eulirely satisfactory. MAHONEY & ARMSTRONG COAI. AND WOOD. .Slrowger ’Phone ..... >*• Beil Office and Sard No. ■ McCartan Street small rinse 01 people, that Is In site, but as actor* thry are anything hut small. They *re * b*nd of midge’s, who started otU In the theatrical bus iness across the B'g Pond, and made a howling sneers*. They came to thl» country two years ago and continued their sucees*. They are all excellent aetors. and will giv- an A No. I show at the Grand to-night. Theg have at tracted a great deal of attention op the streets by their short stature*. SUITABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Piano Scarf* In Silk, Velour*. Bro catles. Plush and Satin Damask or Cover* in Embroidered Fell and Per sian Plush Thomas & Barton. According to the old saw. every dog has his day; ao has every saint for that matter. Just received this morning from factory, carload of Xmas goods. Call and make your selection. Augusta House Furnishing Co. It lan’t vanity that makes man go out between the acts and look in the glass. SUITABLE HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Plano Scarfs In Silk, Velours, Bro cateles, Plush and Satin Damask or Covers in Embroidered Felt and Per sian Plush Thomas & Barton. Cheap jewelry iieats the more ex pensive kind all hollow. Our entire line of Xmas goods reduced to prices unheard of be fore in Augusta. Augusta House Furnishing Co. IF YOU WISH TO SEE THE HANDSOMEST LINE OF CHEFoN ILF.ES Bat RACKS SIDE BOARDS. WARDROBE' INDIAN STOOLS Fancy T ABLES TaBaRETS rugs, CHINA CLOSETS IN FACT YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING THE EYE COULD WISH to »RE tomorrow .MORNING. CHBIST.MAS EVE. AU GUSTA HOUSE FURNISHING CO.. |ssi; BROAD. . . e*Cft*lftPß 2.9 REMNANT or Holiday Goods CLOSED OUT AT Pendleloo’s REGARDLESS | OF COST. GENTLE MARE FOR PALE—BPIT- I ABLE for lady to drive or for drllv |ery wagon, strong and docile, cheap . for cash. No. 5 over til Broad street. 24 |TO SELL—A GOOD PAYING BCSI VESS: best of referem'* for selling. | Address L. 0.. dec 2» ! WANTED— BOARDKRB AT 118 1-2 Washington street: nice, furnished | rooms; reasonable rates. dee 23 WANTED—A POSITION WHERE | there Is a chancy of promotion, will* | log to hustle for myself and sent to 1 promote myself direct for the sweat of my own brow: hope someone will give ! me a chance; can furnish best of ref erence; will accept at once or January ! 1, tsys. Address XOti Broad street, rlty. Milled** Smith. die 24 WANTED—A tHTTATION IN A wholesale warehouse, grist mill or foreman on farm. Will work for rea ! aonable salary. Good reference. Ad*" I drear C. R.. 18St Bioad street. de. j| Funeral Notice. 'THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTAN -1 CES of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ,i. El i its are respectfully requested to at tend the funeral of their daughter, Lenora, from the family residence,No. HlB May avenue. SATURDAY AF TERNOON, December 24th, at 2 | o'clock. A few Rattan Rockers left at a discount of 25 per cent for Christmas Eve. Thomas & Barton. DON'T BI.'Y OLD STOCK FOR A CHRISTVIa>' PRESENT; BUY THING UP TO DATE AT THE AU GL'STA HOt St FURNISHING CO vCGt'STA HOL’SE FURNISHING CO yRE IN TOUCH WITH THE ■ PEOPLE EXPERIENCED MEN know what the people Want. Calvin Brice left a half million in life insurance policies,