The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 24, 1898, Image 2

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SATURDAY PIANOS! Bist Values tn New and lifricrtve Uprights and Grands. $l5O TO $750 ChoiGt of Our four toad* ; in* makaa, Wtbtr Evar *tt, Harvard, Siuttz «nd Bauer. Organs Tha l r arrarwl & Votay Parlor and Chapa! atytos. walnut and quartor Oak caaaa. now da*t«na Wa can tav« you monay on Sawing Machlnaa. tlicy clas, fumltura. Baby Car* rt#ff#«. ate. Everything naw in ahaat Music* Thomas & Barton. 710 Broadway, Augusta, Gaorgta A VERITABLE POOH-BAH. ffaifaant CMik to th* TOtei Bean *>Bawl* RiftowM Hlhimll. W»< nlit> Alg*r ties onWra Ito In! Ivnniiy U»nl* regime*! to lit detained for ggrrtao* duty ta Cabw. nay# The Philadelphia loqaUer If tto* «aa» , ~f. i»f ito otniiri to to to carried <Mit to (to tot tor Rgl. Rotort H■ * Clotrti tn nil hi* aoiMary nnd ttoinm tot ftpitt. toll tntort U ito Ponri of \H e Aotillea. nnd tbar# guanLaad fi R tu B* rh*p». for Ihe honor of Woe b ito#. Kgt, rtut.h to th* 3rd regiment Al! th* IH* tail ottotnnr* of thl* doughty Philadelphia organ Datum to wrapped up itt tfrit UUd bib who owuplr* * Wltiw position In th* arrole# of tht# great nation Sftk)t libmlm that a U iin rut ewnaiata of a colonel taptnln* rr t roit’n an of marching aotdtarn. It dean, unually. tint »n thto caee thine* i *usti# to dutch. there to a raptala. al«<> (I' ttf. and an on down thr whoto Hat to C'rvk. from tba glory of thr ehoul- Ctf »r*|to to th* apron of th* humid* bul necessary root Ulatnry tolls of uwdf tn year* who have mar staled tba a rail.-, of nationa. and by their military prowaaa changed the dartin’ of empire#, but none of tbetu. Nai*itoon includ' d, aver wna » regi ment hliuaelf. The eirang" condition of thing* came about aa follow* Imat ; weak, tha colonel, staff. tine offleet* and men of the 3rd regiment, on fur lough in Philadelphia, were fornmlv mustered out of tha service of the service of the United Stale*—tbgl la. except one. This one writs Sgt. i Clutch, who at the present writing to still a soldier and a regiment, 100. The gerßwuit was absent from Phila delphia and couldn't lie muatered out of hia command. Co. A. lie arrived in town late on Friday night. Ar rangement a were made at once to hare him leave the service. The rest of the erstwhile boys In blue are parading around in new store clothes, but the gallant sergeant alone Is entitled to wenr the blue blouse nnd jaunty cam paign hat. On Saturday afternoon, aa order was sent from the war depart! ment to Philadelphia, that the 2nd amt 3rd regiments were to be retained In stead of the 14th and 15th now at Camp Meade. The 2nd was still Intact, but for the 3rd the order came too late Ja nffejt the now discharged officers and men. So the mantle of military glory falls on the sergeant. He Is tha 3rd and the 3rd has been retained. If he Is dis charged it will be contrary to the or der from Washington, and so he must mobilise hltuself for further orders. A splendid assortment of of fashionable Pocket Books and Card Cases in best leathers for men and women at Richards & Shaver’s. COLON’S CAT’S DEMISE. The Famous Feline Turns Up Its Toes. St. Joseph. Mich. l>ec. 24. The famous Spanish cat. Cristobal Colon, taken from the Spanish battleship of that name of July 3, by the crew of the Oregon, died last night at the United States Government station, at this s ‘.arc. Tile eat was In the eat show in Chicago and got a special medal. It Arrived home two days ago amt last Jaigjit. It illvd suddenly. The eat was presented to (’apt. Clark of the life having station here, by his brother, who was In command of the Dragon during the fight:’ - Games and toys. Our stock is enormous. A splendid selection, 5 cents up- Cal! and see at Richards & Shaver’s. 3500 IN A RAT'S NEST lilt twifi. ts ( aftgftilf, vp t«fi Iffttn t’rrwffl A fltobW <»* tMA h»a§y*Sl tw«* take* iv Aa flblit fittiiiul mm ti * tttUfffftti £•• [ iMMttl w 9 90$A I v~fW 1* P - tt #ttffmnbum [ m*** I IMPS itnlfl.f fttttftt *#» Ml tttt tttttftt fc#4 b«*nhK9 pBIWi nit Ufc* *OOO4O, I sis—i-j tli# It tffeffit ttnWMtt • tflNB tttt# v*#** «mu mm* *mmt‘ |lvv» BmUM t« Uni to *im #tt4 * a 9 m ,Jt | J.AJ FflvtMtttt msMMff *OO v*f4l€^h#> t 1 rmg iBH sprit |i ;|B» 884 ftfiNFfttl Is IM »nsn iu pmmi# ttt Ito ttof MNm Us? It tot. It Is »« ito fifbfH to Ito (toUHx «n» ( tßißks Hum Ito nsn to Ito fttoM* Bft ttotttt Itt «»to AttNtolflV m ItoM Jtolß Mi, MsMtswitor to. ttto Ml (HHUvtll*. Kjr, ; •• m mrpmtm to *to liwinili* m* NBSNvtiis ItJlilftNMt CMImSS? SS« srftilW Hsri&s BUI ito m* to sa to« rsf •W» H MM BBtof to I<hMl4 Iff rtHMI tfUsi TfMilf? ftolif. f*s? tot* to to*r*r. of ItM smM Tto boiss M * - mi, >, * €« Mr« H*m* 4 BBH to • rst • B«to, tot Itors M#tos la Issy# tot* sk> 4»U I * tHf Is toifvislftl (HNf rliftcl rv, •totr tofittm nstltts sr»4 IK* m 4 tto I m*w* and prlr* to wbieb *** H b*- I longed V**4rv mob Ik* no*** to itw IxmUVIH* Cumowi lion* Mid lh*v w*** forwarded to Ike Trwgmirf TV pwrtmMit for r.ibwupnow. kut the lb*. | parlmewt retimed to redeem tke® and I with th* approval of tka Secretary tk*y weea returned to him In Fekrwary. IM> If# then sold tkem to owe Jullu* Wml> maw. a broker, for (3M la March, .**o, Wellman aeal them Again to tka Treasury Department and ike mattar waa referred to the Fir*' Comptroller, who decided that they should neither ha redeemed her Returned to Weltmaw. Wellman tken made a demand upon Verier for th* return of the pnrihaa* money, nnd If la alleged that an oflrer waa aeal to latlmidat# him aad lone a settle mein. Veeley bad In th* mean : .Ime dtepueed of tb* OJoti and. belag dependent no hia dally labor. It waa not away tu refund the money, but be at length did to by laatalimenta, and whatever rlghta were acquired by tba original finding were revived in him by tke repayment. Veeley subacjuently renewed hit es. frrta to secure payment from the Trewaury Departraerit. but the request wa* denied, and the notes still re mained in th* hand* of the Treaau- Seuator Turpi*'* Mil, aa amended hy the Senate Committee on Clainta. dl* , recta the Secretary of the Treasury id pay Veeley the value of the Bve Trea*- i ury ootea found by V’eeley. Thla bill waa favorably reported hy the committee on March 11. 1897. and waa pa need on May 17, U 97. It was Introduced In the Houee three day* later and final action wa* taken a day lor *o ago. Llat of Naw Subscriber'. Augusta Telephone and Klectrtc Co.. E C. Hnaldlng, Kee , j 706 Holbday, Dr. W. T, 266—Killed. Mrs L. President, j 87J —Schneider, J. B„ Wine*, liquor*, iand cigar*. 274—Phoenix Printing Office. 277—Hackle. Oen. J.. residence. SIS— McGowan, J. F., residence. CAPTAIN CARTER Travel Anywhere Within the Confine* of the Country Washington, Dee. 24. At least an other mouth will elapse before the president will dispose of the ea»e of ('apt. O. M. Carter, the army engineer who was court marttaled and found guilty of defrauding the government In connection with harbor work at Sa vannah. Attorney General Griggs, to whom the papers hMve been referred for a final review, said today that he had not yet had time to even look at th.- record, and It would take several weeks of hard word to examine the papers. Pending final action by the president, the war department has extended the limits of Capt, Carter's military con finement to Include any point within the United States. Prior to this ac tion (’apt. Carter was not permitted to leave New York without express per mission. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist* refund the money ts It fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. • PARDON CAME TOO LATE.” John H Gable, of Georgia, Died In Columbus Penitentiary. Columbus, Ohio, Dee. 24. —John H. Gable, who has been serving a ten* years' sentence in the penitentiary from Georgia, for conspiracy, died this morning just a* a letter which was to bring him freedom was sealed Hie application for pardon had been signed by the prop I authorUiea, and would have been forwarded to Washington bad not Gable died very suddenly. Fresh Velvet Molasses Candy at Clark'*. Tflin / tJOUPTA HI34LD. AKJftH! Tlti II MvIIANI A rtn tum A tA v?Hp mm nambf tt** s ** #iw Itt lto'*'’#toMN? *k * MM# tt* ’■ " np* A WHm tkatkev ttgwi is* tck td Ito kaa mmm " **** Waa. imamaAaaa •tn sat Wa. ta»« aad Ik**’ pricae A J. RaakL I a t Maafcl'# atoee ha# h**a eeeaAat -all ~».'!#.,».'!# H* em*do»»i a latae I fttry. WMk yttß SMlYd* Bn *lfv?wvr?Hfst* j itt wdk«|l*l Imp wp>|| t-r-f ytM| Itt It# %‘**T? | I Mißa wnt grfucll, I. C. levy A C*. lisna**. t. C. Levy A «'o npmt aa llfnm#«iaMF tM THfH ifclir* •Wltt'Nl Uitt »»f» MmiyM? Itofi ’ tofM Ntowlltottttoiato tto **y ito httftl tln»M tto to no. tVm Utt wwaring n tmllw. Tn*i‘ toorli to Ht.thlnn lw «in«ir- j M nt tto ittttwwt i« grtwttv Ttof j N«yw n Urgw mm* to gMittt' fam ttH * Inga, which la being sold very -eptdly* j If you want a suit «* • tothea for y >wr ili«y or oelf. call on tke otwv* grm ond | i they wtll lcoat you right. A B. WkHa ' J. B White# ch’tktag department under th* managemeui of Mr. *• * McCreary ha* town doing an Immense buetneo* thle season They have deter ' mined to rueh off the bairn,-* of their stark a# quickly a* peslMr at the tow- j sot price* ever marked on the earn* quality of goods. They have every- I thing Imaginable tn th# rlotfcifll met , furnishing line. If you need anything tie sure to ace them before ourrhaeln* , The prices and good* are d K Clark Milling Company I The Clark Milling Co. are mana.’ac- I luring a whole wheat flour that I* sell- j Ing like hot rakea. It la highly recom mended for dyspepsia, and Is said ta be a great dee 1 more nutritious than the j ordinary flour. Messrs William Duo-| 'bar and Amos Clartt are managing this ! Industry, which give* employment to a large numhgr of men. and wa tiuet that It will meet »i|h >*.« auccraa It Ideservaa. Deveney. Hood A Co. | Messrs Deveney. lim’d A Co. have an immense stork of hard and table ' vare. qhleh they are offering at greatly ; reduced twice*. If you w ith to apend j your money well and buy a useful j Christina* present roneult them. Their: price* are within the reach of all. L. J. Sc haul. Mr. L. J. ftchaul ha* a magnificent j stock of silverware of all kind* which ' he I* ottering at moot reasonable nrlre# I He says that he does not have to pay high rates on account of not heln* ' » Broad atreet, and Is. therefore, enab ed to sell cheata’r than hi* competitor*. Hl* store t* very attractive indeed, and Is centrally located on Jackson «tre. If you are thinking of making a Christ man present. It might be we'l Tor you to ece him before purchasing. T. C. Bllgh T. C. Bllgh has the most complete stock of crockery and glassware In Ihe ; c-lty. If you Intend purehaslng useful :or ornamental Christmas presents you should not fall to call on him. He Is reliable In hi* statements and anything that you purchase from him Is sure to give entire satisfaction. He docs not sell shoddy goods, nor does he ask ex orbitant price* for his most excellent | china war*. Be sure to cell on hint, ts i you need anything tn hia line. Art Square* from 14.50 to 115.00 at Fleming & Bowie*. NOTED THESPIAN. A Brother of the Planter’s Proprietor. Now In Savannah. Mr. Edwin Neill, formerly of Savan nah. is in the city today, where he will apend the Christmas holidays. He Is business manager for the Nelli Dra matic stock company, of which his bro ther, Mr. James Neill, is proprietor and star. Mr. James Neill has been on the stage about fifteen years. He has supported some of the best stars and for some years has been at the head of a company himself. He Ims a well balanced. strong stock company now, and is playing n long engagement at the Pike Operu house In Cincinnati. Mr. James Neill supported Mr. Crane ! in The Senator for two or three sea sons. tie is well known to the play ; goer* of this country —Savannah Press Mr. Edwin Neill ia a brother of Mr William Neill, our well known hotel man. Hat tracks, finest line and lowest pri ces iti city at Fleming A Bevvies. A FEMALE lONSMIAIIST jptnftt Viiit to H| Mtf Ift4# it \ t• ’t to* iiittui yum *to to it tototo#< :t| t»B0 i« * Hk?tt* Itt H & B 40 unS sßtoMMMNttto (tot tto* 44%*i Uni?# tu* ttiutoto Bftttotß t*mm tm «'***• to m*m •into? 40 toto itoff Uto# !• Itototoitt sga *•** Ik# •**• of %tk»* g»«fe trtti* f#i>r Hito4 lit toto to to* IcnnM IPM Kttjtttiß It 844 Ajto tottHtoß Uiftof I* Afff** 111 4Bto<« • to* tkoe* wa* a akap am fc*4 atfwet. ta ik# jMittttt 9004' fffrttlMitd b/ HMStt * tottVtt. : i„ It?# >tt»B ttttt «toK«ii.l ttifttfl vttH tto mitt UN iH rt|kt Dae • time kut tke «a* ««*» ftouttl, tkat vuta ta rite ted by tk# fesaola* bawd burned awd Mod aa mark aa tk«a* , a iiaiai»i~TTd IN' use await*re, *kU# j tk# wotmaw ktH tka raawrt al awrk a* ; aM>* m to *kave wff Mite wa ami a*! Tkt* atatw of attain ant* aad aatt*far- ■ Mry awd tk# t iHtnirtii anoa r*<er*ad * to tk# mala barter* Mkas No.lwen ! how.rar la ao< Buck a hwr'wv at tka | womea who were ker* forme)iv ttke K|iy |md| ?rtr* ttßfttTlttiltttt BB B-) prtritrtl tortor ito M« hmm sett- j • ii,*n to i rMrtio thop. vtor* Immense amouat of w.dfc wa* daw*, j Aha Anea not hope to retain ker caa tom<r« through tha fan that aka la a i ghe .ays that one* ta her chair, th* mm will know that aha I* a barber rtf evfev'enc# aad aaya ah* will eater tnfk r, .ropet It ton with male he There, ts thej • aat It. Mhe aaya »tw is a better barker and aaya «he will »*■ “ter th* of m*a Bh* >* a graduate of a Uhlengo umeortal arhool. aad after ker diploma piled her eaiMag tor *4*ht yaara ta th* etty of Cktragn. From that Hty aha ram* dtreet to At lanta and wtll remata her# for tea present. She la not depressed oy ker faliata to obtain work. Nt« nay* *n* ha* money enough to las' her for the preseat nnd when bar pocket book la depeted aha will go to w»« otber etty. Mlaa Nettaan. aa her aame tmpltea. >« of Dwalak origin, nay* Tka Atlanta Journal. tike has Hum balr and a very fair complexion with angular fea ture*. When her parent* died, a num ber of yean ago. leavtag ker a younger slater to support, tb* young girl—ah# is etill quite young thought of be coming a barter aa a mean* of provid ing support for haraelf and alater. and the at once entered a tonaorta, echoof. Women aa harbera were a rarity at that time, although In th* noith they have become quite common, and Miss Neil sen earned a good living for both her self and ilstar. Later ahe taught her alater the trade, and the two slater* ar* now in different part* of th. country, each plying the *am* trade. Ml** NeU *en ta confident that she will he ablu to make a living In Atlanta, aod will make a determined effort to obtain a position In one of the loc*t ah-ps of that city. Our price* on suit* only two-third# what other# charge. E. 1. Henry A Co., spot cash tailors. THOUGHT HIM DEAD. Second South Carolina Regiment Man Read.* His Obituary. Dr. Griffith, assistant surgeon of the Second South Carolina, was In Colum bia yesterday, according to The State, and is just recovering from u apu'4. of typhoid fever. He t» a son of "Sena tor Griffith of Lexington, S. C. While in the city Dr. Griffith met Walter Milea, formerly of the Beeond regi mentj The doctor thought he had run across a ghost, for Milea had been re ported dead at the division hos pital in Jacksonville. Miles told him i.e was a live and standing on his feet. He had read hts obituaries and didn't know why it was people wanted him dead. He was honorably dis charged from the service of Unde Sam. Light Your Cigar The shoulders of our T-ady Nicotine, says The Pall Mall Gaiette. need be broad to carry all that is laid upon them by the heretic. Here is the very latest thing. A man had smoked 20 cigars a day for 20 years, when he to a painful end. That he did so was straightway ascribed to his inor dinate use of tobacco. But this r. an was a Frenchman. To begin with, therefore, be may have smoked the 20 cigars per diem for 20 years, and yet not have smoked any inordinate amount of tobacco. Anyhow. they would not have produced phossy Jaw. and phossy jaw was one of the peculi arities attending this particular de mise. Investigation ystablishedt the fact that though deceased had smoked many cigars, he had not smoked then, well. He was always Jetting them go Otlt and relighting them with the match of his country, iHe must have used some millions of such matches A., lurid light ts thrown upon his fate and upon the method of she anti-tobue oonist. WANT ADS. $ i BffWVfNR ntttt *I j* to** tttttt to itt* Wttto* to£f*t f.. - -gi ittfjt-A Itt tttti to ttMMBttfflMNM k«; B. eg f,. > tt c- 4 4*o ttt'toißMtt o*% ttg»te ■ |f 00$ $ ititt Ml pkf VMMNf «-?*«•» m impm ff-mf i »m tt*tf> n? Unto tom flk#t ttttt omi mo#oo4§ «to •• to tttttott mg mm to mm t*** «4N#- i Ytktt ifgt.4 *jf tti IB #a4 ttttttt»if i.i yttftt Ntttottftoltti «4 ttoto Btttt* ! i«tol **'ttttttltt m SITUATION W ANT ID W £ 9rnu»’* A fTtofTio % otfKt* %' tktgftt m b tttomMtt to Ntttt« ttttt' j **ttl Itt ttttttlU Itt* fttttttttto *tt4 tottttf tt* j ■ ffttttttt.. tt 111 IttNfttßNl ttt ttUfftt to ytttttttttir I to 4 BtTt' ttTI-01l IJf A te B'ffttl flttl to mosos* «to tti» tom mmm N ftttt- i Btttopfcf* «B!*r» CjkMttl A- ] gr*gs C. U-. ItoM tlftol4 gffmml 4*r ft H ELP WANTED fnnWnfff* a nn*r r'LaAiMt ovicli \ fIHBSI to ttttttttlttfl Ito tt fi* Nttt»4»«Hl | |mU «»#l Mi tttttt#«»•#».. 4# im «tt4 4h*to» j . Bfyt to INtt Mttttt. A44r*m ttf< N fit'll 4tt* lattt to to, to, Mffutt wjktt 4m tt FOR SALE imriteMi' Tt'Httrta Txxxgaagt. 4f 1 ttffkHfl t 0 VUi S toif' r*W Wash, JeHte# #t*e»t Bee 23 fe CMUM-CMAM AT ** lACVgOK ffT, roii balk-rabet ron whaf- FING purpoM* Cheapaa' la aMy. rent a pound Apply at MeewNl offtea. is. tk whit# and waaa-papar. get I row balm—tea-AUMa farm, ohm mU* (turn city limit*, a kargata. Ap ply w. t June# Ha. 04 Jatkaow at Oat I CHEAP—FA FEU FOR WRAFFIHO purpoaae I* cent* a handl'd old •*• change*. White papur 1 cent a pound. Hoy S A 1 ■ ■ —"■ 1 - FUR MALE -1*25 tiREKHR ITItKKT. | with a MtUe outlay can h* awd* lata a hand*-no* and modern reside ate . Term* ft MV cash balance, three year* with aeuen per cent Interval. Apply to K ffheehan. Manager, ftobt. Fortner Rrowing company. dec II ts FOR PALE-A 3-HOR*E PLATFORM i truck wagon, capacity t.ete to Late ! pound*, newly repaired, and a fleet .la** job A haras in. at ite Lowrr I Wagon W«rk», corner mi# and Ninth I atreet*. FOR HOLIDAY*—FIN BBT AfIfIoRT MENT of Home-dressed Turkey* ! Chicken*. Mutton. Beef. Pork Paumge. Etc. Free delivery anywkere in city ; Pummervlllc and Camp. Hell ‘pk me It*. K M. DKAfI. Jarkiou and Elite street*. D*v. 24. _ . IVHEfIfIKD TURK ETfl- TENNEMEt I dressed turkey*. Force A Uhl, I War- 1 | ren Block, Jac-keon elreet. dec 23 2* I . ■ i - iii ii i i —ii ■■■ I [GENTLE MARE FOR SALE—ttt’lT i ABLE for lady to driee or for dellv ! ery wagon, strong and docile, cheap [f-j r oaak. No. 5 over 8U Broad atreet. i [ dec 24 TV) SELL- A GOOD PATINO BUST- j NESS; beat of reference for telling. | Address L. G.. de< 23 | TO RENT. TO I.KT-TWO HANDSOME DOUBLE j offices, IS 1-3 par month, all modern j convenience*. Leonard Phlnlxy. 703 Biond street. Dec 31 TO RENT-STORE 537 BROAD. AND residence of « rooms. 540 Reynolds. ; Both very !«»■ Apply M 7 Broad, dec 27 LOST AND FOUND. LOST. A WEEK AGO. A FOX TER RIER hitch. Black spotted head and I black »pot on right shoulder. "O. K. Neucaome" on collar. Finder will l.e rewarded if returned to 54R Broad St. dec 24 Special Notices; Special Notice. The National Exchange Bank of Au gusta, Augusta. Os., Dec. 9, 1898. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholder* ot this Bank will be .held ttt its Banking House on TUES DAY. January 10th, 1899. tietween the hours of 12 and 2 o'clock p. m., for the election of Sevan directors to aerv* for the ensuing year. PERCY E. MAY, Cashier. DIVIDEND NO. 41. The Planter* Loan and Savings Bank. Augusta. G»., Dec. 20, 1898. THE USUAL SEMI-ANNUAL DIVI DEND of three and one-half per cent , 3A4> on the capital stock of this bank [ has this day been declared, payable j to stockholders January Ist. 1599. | W. C. WARDLAW. Cashier. A New Can I at' "The Hope cf the World," a new cantata, by P. A. Scbnecker, will bo sung by the choir of the First Presby terian Church, on Sunday evening, the 25th, Abounding ia bright solos, trios, quartettes aud choruses. All lovers of good sacred music should bear it. Ser vice begins promptly at 8 o'clock. All strangers in tbe city are especially In vited to come and join tn the worship. For Xmas we have Fancy Rocker? Gold Chairs, Tables. Lamp*. Rugs and Desks. Must be seld. Fleming & BnW It’S. gag| te*i **fffiS3BLj) m (000?.- S as^‘ n °Buno s SI J Mat Work *•, or ivcftv o(%cmttTiON UU.YELLOW PINE LUMBER l.arsAcy ,-f ii m * * t JhMteCS *rA ph s' tetftefftrikftkTl Mt tf*| ff*|J (tefftßiftf * 5* » >• (VfffT ff*d»7W«»f * O ..JI7\)UUN{tN STOCK &N 9 ttiOtoT t Iff W lift I UIJAf 0 J mi pmnst cAta . Tte'Jtt ffHL f94ai fffttttlttW. *<■►*— j ! Parkins Toys! Toys! Th# Itrfpit kiorh of To|rt#v#r hrounht to Auittfi#* Th« pnew* Ar# th# <ow##l #v#r put upon #imli#r irooo#. Do not for*i#* my piac# wh#rt pur« h#tin# tor th# ttttl# one*. My ##iK>rtm#ftt of CtltM iff 9uth that you ffhoofo b#ar It in mind, Pound Cffk# t Fruit C*K# Arid Lffdy Finger* grm my ffpeci#tti#ff. H. —CAN YOU MAKE A XMAS PRESENT That will b« more appreciated than one of our BICYCLES? We have them to fit the baby as well at for men and women. We have CHILDREN'S BICYCLES of all sizes at Christmas prices. DETESEY, HOOD i CO, SYSUt Corner Broad & Campbell. Open Evenings this week. tggigg" k i\\ V vfr OLt* Will You Get Left? There is but one looked-for condition this fall in regard to business and that is a most healthy one, and those who are preparing tor it are the people who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned centers immense quan tities of desirable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They, are ours to own at right prices if you buy tht* 1. BLIHI’S CRYSTAL PALACE I 809 BROAD STREET. NO BETTER 5c CIGAR ON THE MARKET R c. NORRELL & CO., Mrnle Psalm. Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and good Cheer It burns thiough and through and leaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR I JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled for cleanliness, heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily by their use. . t tfgg. Nut and Steam Coals of best Grades and at I owest Prices Telephone*- { FRASER & CUMMING, Lessees, *3O / CO-OPERATIVE COAL SUPPLV CO., Jackson St. Morphine - FREE TRIAL TREATMENT will be to »ny one edaicted to tlw f' unSoiiivf LAUDANUM, or other dructubus. PAIM-EnS HOME TRB>A j . ion of PHYSICIAN'S solicited Immediate relief given. Correspondence abso* HOME TREATMENT CO.. Tegple Court, .New York. Id all’s wlf¥s rfrtttffu f 4 PAkLOW MAKKfcT, 95 I Bread Str#«t./ BELL FNOHE 444. YOt R CMRIhIMAA TURKEY •ttk'Uld tiff fttt, juut. trtt4ttf ttn<t luccutffßl. m>4 unl'.mt ttt tbe lift ItYUeli of (Be knitg A «»r wltß Turkey etttt be *v«>f4*4 If yeti i hoGffp fottf lihl froßß |l»ff chMttt I I that grm beltur ftttVtt«itt4 for our martiet. Wt will httv# th*n» In all git**, «rul nurture* like tfskMttf Kin#, till ut if* itudy fur them. A turkey or ttucktluf pt* frottt our tttock ttMMHBB • feuut.