The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 24, 1898, Image 5

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SATURDAY Dolgc Felt Slippers For Lodtes Gcwlsmen •« th* «**» *«*- •fcfc of «Q Xm*» Present*. mrm *** !■#* ftn—fur iHnnid** #1 htoe# * f •. !,,f |lJ(K~illd tht Hfukf F-verst! f 4* i ? ii » 1 f.n iktMn, to Mttk. tor $I • Si) eto* buy the best XKty Iff Al t«u*+i AS icAthcr. only softer and warmer, And will not soil th* hand* U( a cheap i fgk slipfxr. 1 • /{ufJu.luj'iJcm gpfvTT %rtJSß AST* fTIMt.A!»*R# IK«4* <» «r#t t* •«-•s»«<©# t**rrmt to© ©»«#*«i#r ift« ?#f»» m# #tt#r» «f lb* . KtrKl* TICPTKI'i OTttUfo* OR. HENRY J. GODIN. OHlr* j4fU>i • at* 1 i« : Wli i'O iJ ftlftvt, toft# 4##f •©#%• I*lto©t#f# j |f BISHOP REvK* U ILL. R««. rtllMf K(N*r I nvsfWNiedl) CIM U FVMB th» taVMMII News 111 R»v Hiilxp B#*lwt i* critically Ul is itluiA Nasra at III* i Hum* fifilml in lAtalul yiaiwlijr I* * Hu Ikibn K«i ley to tfc# Bishop • bedside Hr toft for Atlanta last *gh t aid will pro ba * I biy remain thrr* Haiti tbcr# t* tow# tIUKt la tba tdahops «adlii«n A* lb# tel#*ra® U> Cat Art Ktilrf ■** not vtrf txalicA H t* Ibikhi'l’.* In tali tl< exact natstr# of the biabopa lllaaea, or whether tPt» I* ■'"'l r»a-j *•« for fear. It »•• v*B»e»t#d tA* l Father Kruey #oa»a to Atlanta at om-# raying lit bishop *tl cvitieady 111- A Morning Sew* representative railed at Father Kelley’* waWtaw !»#• | night, but the vicar-general had al-j F#©4y |oop to tb* train- luflulfy was mad*' an to the bUbop > rond tion, now- j ever, and It was learned that hr had b**n to hi* ornt of the wmk Th# attack •*«>&• to hm*? j eoi&« upon hla wittoout a area* o*a. cm warning Th* ctrnett hop* la #xi»rf*#a# r 1 that the fart* are of leaa seMona Import than the telegram Impure. At the blahop la atrong and robuat. and »** In the beat of health up to the t in# he waa taken 111. it la though! he may be able to rurvive any ordinary attack. He baa been In Atlanta Cor aome time looking after the inter#*ta of a rhurcli there. For Croup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. llclmoah. In the Albany Herald, de clare* that “she la done expanded." j Hear bint: “All thla expansion talk aeems to be Juat a little behind the time* It's another atory aboot locking the atable after the disappearance of Dobbin.” You can get a line eult cheap for eaah at E. J. Henry A Co.‘a, Sl* and St* Campbell atreet. YOU CAN FROM OUR LIST SELECT THE PROPER CHRISTMAS PRESENT Diamond pendants Diamond Pin* Diamond kings Diamond Lockels D.siuoml Pears Pins Gentlemen's Gold Watches Ladles' Gold Watches Misses’ G 'ld Watches Hoy*' Htiver Watches Boys’ N e;el Wnlebes Ooid Vest Chains Gold I .oral, a tie chains Gold Fan Cbains FINE FANS Wreath Fins Gold Link Cuff Buttons Gold Stud Buttons Gold Shirt Waist Set* Gold Thimbles Silver Thimbles Tortoia Hbell Lorgnettes Childs' Dress Pins Baby Buttons Gentlemen's Kings Ladies' Kings Baby Btn a FINE UMBRELLAS tilver M limit d Huapenders Gold Booklet sil»»r Garter Buckles FINE FANd A Nice GOLD PEN with Pearl Holder in Plush Bos, only sl. WM. SCHWEIGERT & CO , Santa i'laus Jewelers. co>hi mmmh: \t la OlvatM Cana la the Aetraaa. Georgia CgytM AtoJPiatto t |»tf> g»w>f'B fflit ffftM ftlhftf Mia* OtWfli c to* ftHrvi*. IM Mio* bi nil! tot#r©*t iitria. f.tioi Th* \s Y iwwrssi: Th# ha t»alag -aperie*.. of Mtaa | g ! ,4 C* * * (Ml IS to* 14 Op 1*» 10* msking *§©*•# !<©• f*w • oiyofc* «* StM (**?tan Mi h*rs*lf Itiw-nM Il h rtstag hout <to* Hi • ftsrlor lo had not b#*f» u#*4 In «t>* papers of th# •tilt b#forr by lira Tent!; ah# had not j to**© notlflH that ah# to aop#ar 4#©#* «iY#u rufirfrailii h#r ta* by a waa that Mr Tall had called on her. I aad had one# -wad# a Welch rarebit at her home at S a. m The fact that th# f«rtiß< gaa# m»# Cafißß’i nd- I droaa sa 121 W#sl On# Mundr#d and T©*ntjr-Thir4 atr##t. ©to#n ah* liras at Ul W#at On* Hii*4inl and Tw*nty fi«4,. 4 *tr*#t furnish* *» s lln# sa to th# of htt other *tat* rr»< ota Mir# I ('tyuoi tf«f were »wo lien with I w##plog when ah# waa a##o at her ! hOU e -I ran ray nothing ahe raid. "•« rent that there waa no egruae for bringing roe Into the rgae. Of comae It I* unneceamry to ray thla to my I fr enda. and I firmly believe It la not neceeaary for roe to eay it to the pub "A#f my lawyer, plea*#. He will do everything poMible to pualab the per 1 eona that have perp#< rated thia out- Mlaa Cayvan'a lawyer, Henry Mel ville No. ltd Broadway, raid: “I can not .peak about the caae at praaent 1 Walt untt. I get hold of the exact i proceeding* at Provident*# I can only j «*y now that I will uae every endeavor j to aynd to prlaon everyone who ha* had I a hand In thla daaiardly ma'ter Mr. leal) would only ray tbia: “I wan go ing to let »r wife b y rt '- fault. Now I shall flghl and I awear; that those who have wl.fully assailed a good womah a charadar shall suffer I for It.” CASTOIIIA. Hearsth. YjJwWjl »W» gignxtum Place you order for faß suit with E. j. Henry & Co., popularßriced tallora. Silver Molinterl Hair Brushes ■ Silver Slounted Combs rat Sliver Mounted Mirrors w Silver Mounted Cloth Brushes Silver mounted Whisk Brooms Silver mount* I Hal Brushes Black Ebony llair Bruebes Black r.liony Military Brashes Black Ebony Mirrors Gold headed Walking Canca Souvenir Spoons Cold Cream Jars Cut Glass Cut Gian Puff Jara Cut 0 *s« FINE FANS Soap Boxes, ‘-terling Silver Whiskey Flask, sterling "liver Curling Tongs, sterling silver Glove Stretcher, sterling stiver Comb Cleaners, sterling sliver Handle Stick, sterling silver Bctssors. sterling silver Grape Scissors, sterling silver Manicure Sets, sterling silver Tape Measures, sterling aiver Darners, sterling silver Silk Winders, sterling diver E’en 'tsffi, sterling silver Key Rings and Tags, -terling siliyer Shoe Korns, siening silver Fine 1 mbrellae. Jk.TJ O’TXST-A. HSTRAJLD THE LEGEND OF THE IMIS THEE fli fin Tk*t iii Tfwi Hu j fh# (PnpsMmnm «l TssßUHhl*# hiwws f tW*-S» Mst# twai tMiiSb mm4*w stth sr j * i.!ii jBwV *—♦ • W@P ••*# wW# ‘*# “ ’** * l I »..| t»rf YsPSWfllltttf If## ihdl #*##*• !#• •*' I pgAHllW***#* ** # *wv**** I<S *#< lAu •. | n #* • WAN’ I fwh jilSSi It## #Mp4 tttoSß# I IS# SWd ywmwmm **«# *W •# m#* 4 » Alt*. IB# fwWSkM# f##r«itoi# *** 1 mwfh tof i f##'i* _ . ; |<ifl>t4 UK* S ipdW# If#* wliwTT **** rrh»l* W»l sw4 |W**SfW#dl. TVM# |ls - Jusdtft* •# #y Ttv *f*sthf. fto*»fWl##4 »« s^#* 1 W ###r«wto Jlß# Tt*# *4 t*sr#A*«t. 1 ASito «h# ft## KBw#Mt«* «** i »n4 gtH Th### Sf# frslif " fmfls»sm ssf t.h# «*hrl#<c#SS *• *** ■ng trva i srgu## w#r# |iur* h#SHI *u* n ni ti m f«T flto» N‘*w ft # l» rt •«** 111 m #»r»S»# sw Th^ nult* tiurr th#« p#r c#nl #f th* t*hri#t-1 M-i . |_ M urv«*Yed und # uuniler #• thi« - k»*t# "f Rr» whl-’h #t l—l BP* _ mvmi n try SB*I *n hlißßuh'"’# #• I *»rt d«#i the cutting h#iiMf ***** hurri‘*# t« the neareet rallvesy Pt»ti‘*n I "The freight charge- having bee* paid ITi t«> S» l“’ r cail'tail - geiimir them aboard bi a mallei of about a rarlosd they are dlatrlbuted to he retail desler#. and then you anti I »na.v gladden our nre.ldes with these bright, beautiful, fragrant, cheery eymlsile of so much that is altogether g,od and delightful at from *f> lenta to |& Hut above all don't tempt th# demon of hr# h, using cotton aa ade coratlve subslltute for snow. T « very meaningless sui»stltute even If It were not dangerous. Lamps, both Banquet and Library, in beautiful designs at Richards & Shaver’s No Kissing at Denver. Denver, Col., Dec. 23. A reception was given to L>t. Hobson in th# rotun da or the Brown Palace hotel on Mon day. attended by no less than 2.W0 peo ple. There wan no kissing. The committee having the affair In charge decided that thia feature of U. Hob son's reception in the east should be omitted. When asked about recenl newspaper criticisms of his kissing experiences, Hobson said: “All that I have to say about my trip 1b that it Is one grand triumph of enthusiasm. Everywhere [ was greeted with enthusiasm which only the American people can display. In regard to these criticisms of my ac tions, however, I wish to say that I desire to bear all the responsibility. No one el»e must be blamed. Understand me, I do not wish that they be charged with any wrong. Most of them were school girls. They were in a frame of mind that was prompted by purely pa triotic motives. That is all there 1b to It.” Stop sending your girl old cheap candy. Xmas don’t come but once a year. She wants Huyler s. We have all size packages. Shewmakes’. place your order at once and avoid rush. Goods cheaper lhan ever. E. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors, 215 and 218 Campbell street. The Philadelphia Press Is mean enough lo say that the real reason why people dine at home when Invited out to a fashionable dinner Is that at home they can pick their teeth, whilst that blessed privilege 1* denied them else where Seauilful Mnc of Mahogany and "Wal nut Riilift regardless of profit tor cash . -Fleming A Bowles. royal s y gptWIMT tin* food inorp dotes ious Mid ** hotr>wo*nr - - HA,* M» NA*ti‘ AAA ta tig**lag Ata* at AaswlMwt AA tl#V# t*~4*vs M *m V'lt )l f, (VP A Ifg*fitjm| him to th** g<n£r Milt H# i Our lino of Japanese no velties is unsurpassed from 25 cents up. At Richards A Shavers’. An Unsuitable It om. [ A Oerroan lady, arriving for 'hr krai j hotel, naked for a nwun, an I j furbished on#, say* Tlt-BIU. She said S IU • determined inMutter, end ,n I ..--y hniktii) KukHkH. “I will no* hliv« I this room.'' *’Nn mnam <b# porl#r. a*«t I th# fady. Irally. ! wIJI not H»r# th!# mom'.” j "No, ma'BW," #*!<! th# port#r, ftti I brought In the second box. I The lady thought her faulty gram ! matical construction was the reason of the porter'* continued obatlnacy. ; and repeated with a stern dlstinrttieag: "Man. 1 will net have this rpom!" “No. ma'am," said the porter, and brought in the titled t«>x, whereupon Ithe lady left the room Indignantly, bu the porter drew her hurriedly hack perosa the threshold, pulled a rope. an. to her Intense astonishment the lift went up. Two Pointed Question* Answered. Wtbit Is the use of making a better article than your competitor If you can not get a better price for It? Ann.—As there Is no difference In the price the public will buy only the bet ter, Be that while our profits may be smaller on a single sale they will be mtirh greater in th.-aggregate. How can you get the public to know your moke Ih the best? If b< th articles are brought promin ently la. fore the public both are certain to be tried and the public will very quickly pass judgment, on them and use only the better one, Tht« explatna the large sale on Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. The people have been using It for years and have found that It can always be depended upon. They may occasionally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are cer tain to return to the on,- remedy that they know to he reliable, and for coughs, colds and croup there Is no thing equal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy For sale by Alexander Drug & Seed Co., C. li. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Saw George Washington lKrbmond, Ky., Dec. 24. Aunt Winnie Ellis, colored, aged 107, be lieved to be tht> oldest person in Cen tral Kentucky, died last night, near Waco, this county. She watt brought here by Peter Ellis from South Car olina 45 years ago. She was born In Virginia, andt claimed to have fre quently seen Washington. How To Look Good. Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital organs. If the liver is Inactive, you have a bilious look; if your stomach Is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will surely have good looka. "Electric Bitter*" i» a good alterative and tonic. Acts di rectly on the stomach, tlver and kid neys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and ttatln and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at Howard A Wtllcl's drug store, j so vents per Mttla. HALL C AIM: (fatwrai* ta aroA fMvaa “Ik*#- ••wai lmA*wa*kMM*’ #4 Araavfea *-<* iiurrt 4f |||# limit | c-«*fi4t9t#fM to* Alßtotoßi fW*ffftf#* H* t»mfc« tfctof# t» •*##• Wl 'titofe** for bO AtoMf "#<>#lll## Birtotoi f»#)i MiM omy* Mr Cm*m mm *1 H#lfo## %bm U># MHkC It AphN lotlfi Kn*UnA I# , it### •*<## m H to*# flir## ftotor* i(F» im fKr ICiigfoM l# 4##y» bb4 vhl# 4cto#|ir # !* m <o f##l I foil *-# # Mr f*a|iua We h*v* the best lerge type Bible* In fl#v‘b'e bind* lni»s In the cltv. Our nrice onlv «1.60, nfher* charge $2.50 and $3.00. At Richard* & Shaver’s. Trr H#rtm ilfiiffi I© *if#rioiieiy rxund th# Rn»i#fu! thunk# of Ihr W« #1 Ktul ihlldr#© I© tho## thouirhiful Bid kind Itoßrtrd ptoOpt# of Amuitt, who ifjiliifd in ih«* rarlv vUitoof H*nt» Y#st« rd«y. Th# ( brlttm#** lr## was a great a magnificent success and it ,h# various itiHs-r* could have seen th# varying expression* of delight on the childish face* *e are sure they would consider themselves amply #e- T T) Allen’s Foot Fast. A powder to be ahak* n Into the shoe*. \i thta eeae-m your f,*et f.... I swollen, nervous and damp, and get tired easily. llf you have smarting feet or tight I shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease, ft rests swollen and sweating feet, blisters and lalloua apot*. Relieves coins and bun ions of all pain and gives rest and 1 comfort. Tty it today Sold by all I druggists and shoe stores for 25 rents. Trial package FREE Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Rov. N .Y. The alphatiet has been restored onee I more to the list of subjects regularly j taught to school children of the city of i Providence, R. 1., and the pld fashlon !ed primer will probably tie brought 1 down to date. a*. A stands for Alger. B I for Blanco. C for Cuba and Conquest, D for Dewey. Duly and Destiny. E for Expansion, and so on. Onyx Tables at prices that will surprise you. Just the thing fora gift. At Richards & Shaver’s. A caruful reading of the general press comment should have a tendency to make more Booker T. Washington* und fewer Manly* among the negroes. —Nashville American. A<ld T. Thomas Fortune*, and The Heraltl will say, Amen. Mr. Hardin Norris, clerk of the drug store nt R. Shoemaker, Perry. 111., aays: "A man came Into our store the other day and said. ‘I want a bottle of that stuff that saves children's lives. Tlie children may get sick when we cannot get the doctor quick enough. It's the medicine you sell for croup.” He alluded to Chamberlain's CJ#ugh Remedy, and bought a bottle before he b-ft the store. For sale by Alexander Drug and Seed Co., C. R, Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. Malllard’s Eating and Cooking Choc olate at Clark's. When a man plays the races, the races work him. 810 BROADWAY. That’s Our Number Anri that’i! where vou can get the best assortment of Fur Capes, Stoles and Tip £ets ever in this c?tyV and where the best values in K *d Gloves are to be hid and where Xmas presents can be purchased In fine things at;™rm.nal prices ; and, by the way, we’ve some very select Ostrich Feather Boas and we sell them cheap for cash. flacaulay & Co. The City is Talking A ©OUT OUR HUi ckhskul, WONDERFUL SALE <r# ###ff tuifo ©* iMftft* tmwiß ©© ©iif ©©# 4*t a# ©* <tM it»t©nl>y* <b4 • l»f * fto#ft#«# •■» up*#! 9*44 •#*•#! #»■##• t?©4# ti«#, Itoftoßtol tot toll ©I «I 4 Qmbh tot pfl*#© ** tof# «#4tltoi ***•. i fftokt. »ts ii«(i s*im4« tot c#<<4N# ###© ©rmml ttoMYfomt* toftwiff »t ©•*##** W##tot# h*uibc !<#• • tm©nTiffit f to#fto# to#il W©r#<#4 totoft# fto# fit tol •#4 ft I m, ft©* |iidk«f ##4 lltto# Kfftopf o»#> ##»to* * sos t* #• toto4 Hnf»' tfto|#*rl«#t Ats WnM i'k#tol ©nil# for <1 i©; M#tt*# I WlH# toto4 cVtoifHl Of#*# toMrft f#*t §0 to©4 Y§ ##tot#i tfof•* Alt W m»l K### f*to#f# for I# r#s»t* Httork Itetl* *to4 T»mrt ©tilt ©r©rf# for tt #*4 tt ff»«. ft©#©! t©|f<*«Hl ||n#t»B»Bf ©©4 Mr##© <H«rro©«# for |15.44 it>4 111 •; *©4 ito into »»f Hf M.*«# 4tLW(#) (iMfM Nfoto# i©4 Dr### Itotl f«r 1$ ©if a ©4 to*9to4fs#i# #4 ©tto#r fk©p #t ©#<##© tlMit #ll! t#tM©< tw I© ktf © ©tuA* r*if t !«)©)> t*#tot4#»” A fktl 14ft# ©I Clrwn KnvtotUfftt J. B. WHITE & CO., Cloibifli DepartmeoL BIG CUT 25 Per Cent Reduction Fine Higb Grade SterliDg SilYer Nofelties We haven’t got the handsomest store in th® world, but we h&ve the goods and can save you dollars. Only Jewelry house receiving Premium Tickets. New goods received by every express. A.J.RENKL JEWELER, 928 BROAD ST. Corner Washington & Ellis Sts., * ■ AUGUSTA, GA The Head of the Heap! Our Suits and Overcoats are conspicuous for their graceful lines and general air of elegance. You’d notice them anywhere, and say to your self, if not aloud, "What a handsome Coat that is-” Our store is full of such Clothes, and, if you buy hare you are , certain to be well dressed and money ahead. Don’t be a bit backward about calling because you are not ready to buy, or, because you want to look around before you buy/ It’s a pleasure to show goods, and we welcome comparison. I. 0. Levy’s Son & Co. DECEMBER 24 The New Year is Approaching And 1 want money lo Mltl. my old year'. obliga tion. I will wli my large enilie Mock of Finely /'lobbed Monumems, Headstones, Etc. now on bend at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICKS. C.F. KOHLRUSS