The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 24, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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SATURDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COALj tMtm !' **•*' AM) MPfAft. )*♦' *t U)A t!*d A*h J4»»*e*» (TH! QWADtd Of »t w« L#m | « GOAL - I AiiDwtfto n«« *rw* Nu« r .^!^SSLmJ!!SSSt CITY ICE COMPANY. aumjata (UMtnt tmmiit »'*'■« »*iiw» Aw* l as .*•«—* •»*■# mvrrm* 'mgSt •'•**** *•** Rl.4* I»«l ROM* O' pwrmi **» ««#»»• * r*<»t*« • * mmm 99990990 9*n6k Nme* w •* Ifr ** mmm 000 m, *9*mm •* - • •* fUMtog. #0 MW ~*.*••» *M« J* flirtiiß*4 ba*4 .« m m w « **' hll St* I* « * MM •• «• * A *»* oa**.*. Vtrgm** g«o*fi , •I M» ■ 2 Xm. m'iwm ~Z mmrntm mUST*** **“* r z fi,tT“ mi l i'll*—iW .1 •• *• trv* nwi MAJUfrr Nun •**«. iw«n« w ••*** iw—a* 1«>! (til •**<*#• SUM* .. »• m"JJJ PH»W —taiis to •**»* ,«•»<• tWtMW **•<*#« MIM ...» .. •• |* lt*i< • rra"T m««» to m ttotoft to* •*•*«•<• •»•«• .... *w« w Ms** I* M toW toJ t**ta* J* VA9HWAAS •t .tot (*• to"* <«*•> • » . ya* <“*• . tau,fc.i. l»« oMta O 0., to* to* ■• •I M. AM* o*ta »wtor to to. to U **. am 4*ota#t*. »• 0 ■PWvAMBV. •iwvi li r lllr I*l Itoillto IjT**t4#*m*. I • tatrtlag ••* | J nm—mtau, % • H »i>tnto> .» .. * * * OfMlWWlto. Mtotlll .. * l* SMNMI 4 S * itstataviw* 4-4 H »« H tm» 9. KIM • mm— .. »M John 9. King, M IK* K f .. .. » »-• iroo* nt»K Co4taß«H. Ito ygg *1 Ml. M Ato * Cull—Hi. 0 »<* I* Ml M 1—••* bleaching#. Ill' i** l »• ••*».. to •• to W tOO AN Fruit •* IM to*m. » to**— •• •• ** ' toll ta to* ta**. W l-toi .. »• • ‘*4 fitot. I* tort- * l* Oltot. 4-4 to * i As*!** nrm. «-* •• »• *• *• •• *• **; Pride i* ito W—* .. ■■ .■ ■■ •* " * Jm» 9. XH| »W to K tolrtll# * *-• ;m 9 Kim 4-4 a a rtwtoi •• « »-* I/on*4al# H.. .. *« •• ♦* •» •• •• •* * *' 4 Jno r. Ktag. to-1 Ac* G#fr>rgla .. •• « **• tarn 9 Kto*. 0 toe* K O • l»l*nl Ito. 9. Kill*. 0 toe* B* • Island „ „ M .. •• *• •• * *'* jno r. Kina to lac* toitort— .. I »-« FRINTK. American »hlr«ln** M«O.. •• •••*** Merrtmarb ehlritAa*. *»* •• * ” Charter o—l Are— rt»to 0»0 .. I »-* H aehtoiio* ‘ito <to*e»> * Ail*A • * *** •taapeno’e —real*. .. „ • Coat— ap—l —two. fa J* A—arteai* I*ll*“ *!•*—■ o*o •• •* * Hater Olto taollll W*o .. •* •■* Amancu loll*" blue* •• •• * Intarnational btaeka o*o .. •• * Allan’* earllnala • Aliena Latona* o*o * . India blue * India blue 7 Rtintlant e o*o •• •; * . Martha Waa*tn«ton 6«*o * *-« Oarnrr a radlantf «4*o J Charter Oak a »*0 .. ..«»•* »** TICKS. Hamrahlr* .. * *'* Amoakea* A C A J® * * Amoakaag A *• Atnoakra* C • **• 1 *** VLAir> HOMKSPUNff City tollla * *"* Four yard, rood 11 Inc* * 1-4 Lodi shirting! * )-* Lodi dress atyl— M*M * ‘-4 81. Ctalr dre— atyl— .. .. ». .. 4 Ocean aollda .. - •• •• * *"* Martha Waablngtoa (and— .. .. 1 1-4 Mlarellanaoua braada, U*ht w.lght « I-***' )-* laaetta 4 yards plain .. J l-» Tkorndlka B • J*J * Crm—nt .. .. •••••• ,? *'* Fat ham, ti Sh' Ito bo* » F. O. *0 belto *° bo * 11 v n. P.. to toll* to lb 11 1-1 Muacogaa B • * 4-1 *7 Inch 4 4-1 yd. plaid*, baat make Simpson silk finish foulard* 0* w | |-4 Pacific mourning* 44x44 4 1-1 China alike o*#4 •• 4 1-4 * -1 tils tar 44*44 t 1 4-2 Concord. Mito .. .. . 1 1-4 Horn* * >■' Edward* * 4’* * 4-1 EUth Avanu* .. .. * 4-4 KKAHPEV S. Heavy Columbia, i.—vy Kearaey » 1-4 Kincaid and othara 9 4-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTKK. Elm* !?*“ Koaandale cement 11-4 S Portland cement $2.75 «o 1 25 Louisville cement In paper sack* .11.011 Tiaater k> 41.1* HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* IS 00 > «.tiled buckem, per do* H 10 ■! II B cedar pall*, per do* .. .. $1.6 >t ji B cedar pall*, per do* .. .. *2.00 i,be pointed, per nest *1 75 ; e Manila, per pound 8 1-1 Sisal, per pound 7c cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallc rail*, wire *4 T 5 4 jas# .ils, *1 46 base oval*. Am**, per dot .. •• aU Shovel*, diamond, per dot . .. $. w Srmvels rivetad back, per dot. .. 74 >5 Piter blades Sl** bs, e Hamts, red ley. per do* ~ .. .. *- » Hatne... red lop root, per do* .. .- 4- 0 Ham— „.u. Trur- . IM *>*n* —* to M H • l ( M— idb«—, pm to* « « « « W * «.» A— to* H r ,i r> tiii it to Ma f—.. *«*>— —* 4m *— „K«M 0 • o—m* at*—i pm ge—A •* 8 0 **at_o '•w— *AAa Via £ 80 a— • *• t 0 '4 tot— Mitt 8— A— I ’«**.. .... 0 0 ‘A— tiA 111 If-a Ito Ig AW lA TWirr-n I*. 4 00 * * " A— firtir—-' 0a ! »-Aw ...... i— —to. * 8— to*. Ho* mm . m«— #*•»••*—* t— 0 .... 0 tw—a B*—., H t < N I t * 1. t*4 VTA TV to»4*f— Tfartail > r At—to e*>4 feral— *4 to da*— m lA* to» »*# a— n*w«e, fa fa— .. .11l ***—#«*' •i ; i Mil M .»« 10 ••• a— t m. tan to » to •» ... n—e#>a i ir* it— ••• •—at* I if* WW .. .» to .» MS •>. , Se—tfe faratiT stt —a .. .. .IU 10 itn iomm | At—e**a fA Is— »• ». .. .. »• 10 a*. Awgr—ta fa 00 »».».« •« I— «.. Aean—** fa ...... •* '• ».* AMT—ia I IPa 00 to to to MS ».. AM—t 4* I—7 .... .» •« 4 to. I Attaat* fa 014 ........ Hi ... Ansar* fa 00 ......... 10 ... At War a r* 140 .. » .. .. ll* to. AIWMa 4 IT* 00 ». ...... 10 Ar »a-s fa , .. .. .. ». 7*5 ... SavaA— fa IMS .. „ 11l ... fiaraAaah fa Ittl . .. .. .. m m* M— t* 101 to to 08 ... r—ah— fa It— . .. » .. 10 Potwmkaa t I-fa. 017 .. .. 7** Mare* t If* It— .... to » 10 ... Mart— fa Itlt .. .. .. .. .» .. 10 , *7Wltvwh4# Wm-€a .. .. ». .. 0 ... d——toa fa .. .. .. .. t* •»« ; *—<)«*#•# MIUtrIAD OONTW. annrgta It K A Ska era. I fa 00 10 •>. [c—gla R. R. A 14k* Co fa t*n 44* I Chart—!#, Coi—abt* A As gasts. Ml fa 104 ...» .. 10 ... CtwrtMt* Colemkta A An gears. M f*. I»« 07 lAAgaats Sr R. R .VA 00 . ... 0 C R. R Banking Os. C—lst ! eral Treat fa 18*7 .. to . M N B'Utknra Railway fa. I—4 .... - 0 ('astral Of dnargls Re llway, 1— manol a—, fa 00 .... 0 0 C. O. Ist pref Is ...... 0 0 Ctaitrnl of Ooorgt* KaUway, 1# pref income*, ltd 11 It C. of Q. Ist pref IS., ltd ~„t t O. S. A f.. I- m. fa. 180 10 10 South Oartrgw and ITtortda 1# Ta 108 10 South Oer.rgl* and Florida M fa u— 1— Ocean Steamahtp C*.. 10 fa td ra. 108 10 to. Enlerprfao Mfg Co., lat fa IBM .. .. .* .. .« .. I— ••• Sibley Mfg. Co. 10 fa. I—7 .1— ... Plbtey Mfg. Civ. Ist fa, ISM . jot r <a H K A B. Co. stoch .. 187 10 tiouthnosiern R. R. Block .. 88 jot Augusta and Savannah stock . 88 1— OR AIN AND PROVISIONS. Oats, white, aarkad M | Or,an. mixed, cached M ; Corn, white, sacked .. II Corn, mixed .. .. .. (I ! Meal, bolted, per buxhel .. .. 4.47 H Flour, common .. .. I f) Flour, fancy extra I 71 Flour, ateond patent .. „ Ito Flour, atandard patent 4.25 Flour, fancy patent .. .. .. .. .. 4.75 Wheat bran. 180-lb aackt .. .. .. .. to Fine feed. 100-lb ticks 0 Hay—native, par ton 12.00 Ilay—Timothy, per ton 11 0 Hay—choice, per ton 14 - Ham* -choice aurar curad .. .. lOallVt Smoked rlh sides .. t 1-1 Dry sal ribs 6 l-t Lard, pure leaf. In tierce* 54* Some Answers Here are some anewera to examina tion paper* collected by a Chicago school teaeber: “The doctrine of evolution began with the beginning of life, and grew higher and higher until at last It re generated Into a monkey. Thia process was ao alow that neither the monkey nor the man knew anything about It." “A germ la a n«me applied to a par ticular particle, tiny auh-bacterial or ganism which, when demonstrated, causes diseaso." A germ Is a tiny Insect, sometimes found In diseases or organ*. It Is so very small that It can only be seen by telescope. That Is why diseases are contagious. At times It appears like the hood of a pin. but it goea floating around in the atmosphere." “Habeas corpus means you may have the head, sod I will take Ihe body.” “The germ theory of disease la con tinually floating around In the air. and Is very dangerous, especially when the atmosphere Is unwholesome.” “A dowager Is a widow without Joints.'' (Jointures?”) -a- An Enterprising Druggist. There are few meet more wide awake end enterprising than Howard A Wtl- Jct. who spare no pains to secure the best of everything In their line for their many customers They now have th* valuable agency tor Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the w.mderful rem edy that is producing such a furor *n over the country by It* many startUn* cure! It absolutely cures .*»tWb*. Bronchitis Hoarsenes* axd tli affec tions of the Throat, Cheat and L*n#a. Call at above drug stdre and get a trial bottle for 10c or a regular *i*e far 50 c-i if and 41.00. Guaranteed to cur* #r price refunded. THK A H JCHALD LOOKS t .l Kit n'DONOLOH Appcan That Me Will Ik the Candidate : 6M* Ttiftfc ytMli ® M f §4l || tit I p i mmnm i# evt ftp tli Mmi j I j| %m «m» *-*m4&4*** ■OO tin Claiii $m 9lmp mm***#* »■•§«] tjllH ip Wilt iRMMa pv»R#*t frNMtfr * Wo+ j *m**n iKwriir* 9p«ti %*m, m* **»* j I Imp mn 000 j IMdßiPfiNi *0 *OO #4hntß*f | * i d ] •Hill 900 0090mM9 000 »f 0* 0& | [ 900 hit l*at 10*000 00 000* *0 000 00 I Mt liwttd 0000*00*0*9*00 90 0000 00] * Imp 000m*0*> 00 o*oooo9, •0000000 fpß* | in ||tf»H rl> IRm* >«t * 00- 1 I 090000 j I W 991 • 00000 09*0*0 *f oto*oWo*9r i f9RI*d(NI RW* •#*»* j •Hll tMlf 0$(p0900900 *oo* 000000 00* j •09m0 000094 9m 00 mummmit 9****t J 000 IR <M Raloh II lA* barm 4M* 0 A*o Aaw*. •* i #r r —!*»'■ U» 0 40 —• IS—• 0 0m 990f0*9ib»*0 9m ti* OPOOOO 00 Iwflp- i t|«4l drfctr * i*f» 9#*o 490- | lIMMI iR RH 90009f000 0m 90000. AH «0 have ha—i S— tassl a* ! |—lda ra»4M*«*« f«t 10 «AJr»f*UJj I lav— A Whit* 880—0. T 0 01*| 408 0 —atA«4hlA# with which *«—a «f «0 **B4Mat«* 4a—r* In 0a! i- - i thA4 ntaa* they will 4w all Is lo4> , 80 - Mv* I'll#— a*—lt—a* change* a 8— 4*a<, 11* «b* neat few day* 40 as—n— h «f I— 4—l-0 Wl! »«d a derided o*oo 4# at —IHklaM advncatlM A whit* I primary M—ly dealrw in —in * rAnteri that wen— I—iww a are*—bh for 10 Ignorant Ba4f»» *—B Mr Mrfi—gh baa at—eawsd him •eif m (Avne of a whtfa prlntan He did It a— time tan la fart.whea th* latvrvlew appear.! IA 10 MnralA* New* predtctln* hi* eaMldac* He I h# fhroeed K or*« t—re fm* *»*•< * j I— iMartit* at a gam and orderly •lectio* , aoeh aa won Id —tag desired j results wlthoat fotn# 100 f»r owl ol t 0 way to alia!a them Th* <han«* thins* i»* when Mafm Meidrlm pit I lad out of the rare rauaml i tear. —KUoatl talk a* in Wf McDun 'ougha r*adl<l*rr During t— day he, *>aa th# rarlptant of rail* from * n,im bar of pappi- *hg ara »"• "ortginai McD—outh men Th—a la a pare apt i bla rush tar rmatrafi **at* on tha j "band wn*r»o." Mr McDonough wa# aakad roncerh las th* numeroua complaint, againat tha orao railway* ' Aa I do not trace! on th# ear* I am am prepared to #a> whether w* have a good or a had ays i tern." ha replied *lh fart. I cannot | ! erttlrta* H one wag or the o»hrr. I | hear complaint* and also read of them j In th* newspaper* ” "If u»e city ha* a contract with lha| ear company to op—ate the line# con veniently (or tha public. It a tne duty of the city council to •*» that thi* con i tract I* carried out U) the letter. If tha company arraad to do certain thln»a In tha of th* valuable fran chise It haa received from th# city. It should 0 rompalleth to fulfill Ha prom ! isea. The —ra— railway question ap- I pears to 0 a simple one to *ol*f." Thara war# many culler* on Mr Her man Mayer* yaateiday. and there waa not a little discussion of political mat ter*. The opinion grow* atrongcr that Mr. Myers will make th* race regard leas aa to whom th* opposition may bring out. It has b—n known for some time that he has had **aurancea of sup port from vafTou. sourres. It is claimed that *n strong *l - tlckat can 0 brought out witn him. One rumor has been cur -1 rent In this connection that may 0 followed, and that Is to use to some I extent on the ticket those who have been members of commissions anil who have knowledge of the practical work ings of the departments. Among those mentioned In this con nection as ahlcrmanlc candidate* are Messrs. James M. Dixon A. Vetaburg W 1,. Grayson and John Fox. Mv George W Ttedeman Is also spoken of lo head the aldermanlc ticket. There 1 will be considerable discussion along ! this line as soon as the holidays arc j over, although it Is not expected that i cither side will put Its ticket in the Held before Jan. 12. or not until after the city council has had Its election of city officials. It is current gossip ihat the incumbents of nearly all the offices under the Parmer commissions arc far from being sanguine as to retaining their places. The feeling of confidence that some of them had a short time ago Is said to he rapidly disappearing before the course of events which in dicates their defeat at the election. Mr. Myers' platform It is said, it he Is a candidate, will he a policy of re trenchment in expenditures with a view to reducing taxation each year. Un der his administration the rate was re duced somewhat and he had planned for further reductions If he had been re-elected. It Is the impression among his friends that he would make this the cardinal point of his platform Mr. McDonough Is also known to have expressed the belief that the ex penditures of the city are growing at too rapid a rate, and that property owners should be given as much relief as possible. • CASTOR I A. Fur Ik/asu a*d ChilArau. Tin Rind You Hare Always ltu(ht rooD Dte BAKING POWDER ■ ■•i Tilt BEST -* t, 84 Mff*s * ATLANTA, <*A- ; I SOLDIER'S HUTS Hal* ftraaHa* aw* POWO. l-wf* garp ftaA'tagea, Rea* o—o tm CRSSRAi I—* #*ul has—. Ha. 40- gar a I— FHO. Btawth—wi* tar Mmng —Hfi— aw# MMW. IHE WWIRO lifIUFT DRUG Cft. *ls R—Sfi 84—a», AtMCKTA. fit. CATARRH A LOCAL DuMPgA# A Climatic Afftctios mg 00* * !<*a t+ort*of 09 ro*o*9 0I dimWifi •*•>■» ll* (<«4 I W«KI ftIKHUt EItI Cresm Bi b JLS COLDS HEAD ;t#f at— Oj—:t I.Vs • ■»»•.» Ih**ha»a j I'laapi tibia la(l*»iß*Uoa. •*—* • th* R, to rag* R*. f o' tw of T*W* tog hmcli. tfn ('ocaiatt Sc llar lo»,.Hr.»» drW. full » s#*Ac Trial; pi* ttp «i | if t»f meiL Kf.hSKOTHKItK. * W«rr*e “V S*w York CROUP CAN BB CURED AND CAN BE PREVENTED BY HUSO Land’s Croup Drops » tTKTW A BOTTt.K made: AND hOLII OSLY BY r. H. x,^.isrr) . » fct; NIKTH JnBKKT- v. Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture N A CURE IN j TO 5 DAYS. If )ou want an Externa I Remedy to I* usfd with S)rinse buy Y. IEC_ "W. (50c) If you want at Internal Remedy buy HUNTER'S SPECIFIC, sot — Only For bale at— The Howard & Wiilei Drug Co. 8u Broad St.. - Augusta, Oa. None Can Be BETTER Coal Wood £M”(°ru*r Centra and Fenwick Strei-ts. Bell 'Phone 1374. IMPERIAL COAL CO., J. H. Ml I.TON, Mgr- The Ward Heeler. The heeler bold, stood among his men. With a proud and lordly air. Around were the henchmen of his den. With man a tip, without any care. I Like old Trlmbletoe. lie's good fisher man. Catches, puts 'em in pen, runs 'em in. Some are bloatms, some are floaters, Some duly registered voters. Money, money on a 'lection lark Voters, voters, everywhere in the dark. Some vote east, some vote west, Some vote in the other fellow a veal. i. ‘ The heelei Li-ip isn't t.—l tumatlf, VfiUt vhvetle . (tin. atiUJiaok* for p«,l Pulling wlldl> his bristly chin, •wear, stoutly, "it mighi have keen." --ARCADIA, Augusta, Ua., Dec. 10, ISOS. CALL I Oft lufusia Brewing Co s KXP*OftT MCKfI s f ** • >' 7 . 4 Fr-‘* —-ri BELLE O IF* G EO BG I JK. Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. ap.f|U r«> Raa— AUGUSTA BEER MONEY TO LOAN: In any sums desired from SAOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of 'interest. No expense to borrower except tfie usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aieiander&Joimsoii ▲K*fl>V 0990400 AmrT CMM Mortgn* Oußfianv* 705 Broad St * IF YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN 1 fli 111 KR. MITCH BIX, Al-KX McDOVALD Hupt. a, i on. Sac. J lian Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntrah Street. Klcctric Suppin*—s|>«akiug lun-a. etc., ate. Repair- to all klactricel apparanik. Klactric Light Wirluga spacialty. fteil’Pboß* 1002. - - - btiowgn 67*. lombard Iron works and Supply Builders and Dealers in • BNGTNKB. BOILERS. RAILROAD, COTTON. SAW, FERTILIZER OH and tee Machinery, and supplies and Repairs. Shafting. Pulleys. Hangers, Leather and Rub- Iter Belting and Hose MILL SCPPI.IES AND .TOOLS. Foundry Machine. Roller and Bridge W orks. Capacity for 300 Hands. Agents for Atlas and Erie Engines. Ashworth Cards. Knrting and Leader Injectors. Turbine Water Wheels, etc. At’OrSTA. GA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. ISB4. Lv. Angu-oa . .. 8:10 a. m.j 6:21 p. m. Lv. Saoaerevtlle . 1 18 p m.j 9 09 p. tn. Ar. Tennllle .. .. 1:..C| 0:21 p in. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.j 1 65 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 pimj Lv. Dublin *lO 00 a. m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:34 p. m,|ll 55 a tn. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersville. 6:25 a. m.| 3:21 p. tiu Ar. Augusta . .. 8:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. tn. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnll'a with Central R. R. for Mscon, ond with Wrightsville and Tetirillle R. JR. tor Dublin and Hawkinsvlllo. C. W. JACKSON. Cien. Fgt. Pass. Aft James V. .Taekson, Joseph H. Sands. Receivers. We have the best se lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames a t popular prices at Richards & Shaver's. KB lUOAfi 847 ft WHJLJNh Charlenonil Carolina • 090909 9000 040004 0000 9*9009090 90 Wp* 0m * ‘”•9o* 900* I jCBJSB ytjji pt 3B4|* 009*** * II m _ ,1 | 90000 fjpaii I *' WSm 4 ;* ■■ ; * ‘' * 09000090900099 ** 7 *»•» •• *9mmi o.#oK*>- ■** *-#, *#4MB*» j - * 09009910009 »«*«-» 00000 . j * mimmiLT?*** , ***** 1 0*000 •y j I * * 00090000mkm0*m #** ** * » * * * f 0$ om*mm , ~>*,** wm. j ( # 1 ollnnnk 0090 -p9* 9 0000 * | |o* 0000000 mu***—*** :ttJPjpli<••• [ * Mpflipu •*•* #* j«**4nm)l imm*—— 1 * m**"* ************* • -* s "*'* ' f a K «#n , m ,4....’m004*! %*mopm * IKf ZSlMlafc ' t0t0.... MJtai * nMMtoe**...«» *»•*• ■•togtoj *r4M I ;|s*y* -v f 900 t • - *mm mm X* 3fV# * mm*m • |»» *• —1 * } m flrirt <ywitr,. t.. ait -t r ■** * *J m 010990 a ! *|o4looto li4*o| f a UjIMM W4OI i » t 0.... wßuw*j ” gltaagaH....* . »,♦,*|to.. : JIMMI J A A■ (.... .‘IU | i«f* *■*» 00 t *€.-*** * **** **T ! n,,.di>e 4<4*l***a *4O 0 •« >OO * aaß. Lt. . _ 4 kaa n nmriTrgT 0 kswaoU M *8 Ht« ** .• 8. A. I- »*4 ’ **• f •8 *BB 84grfr.l8 B#4<o»y *0 aar tee fa ***--«> aati■» as 0a , ism* ar4 tot* 0 *O. *O*M 4 1 I RAW* 0 *0 Aai. 1 p 4Pi,l|l Agh f m mtltWA tiafta M*aago *Bo* BLUE RIDOFi RAILROAD. m c. wurnt 00" lijojitfr-niti 90 **9io**9i ' r*tt tala Rw* OW4 ' CMa* < law R 10 COM ' Mi* 4a _ ■“* i TSr (My. 2 o n * D<»- w »-: Ne tt x*g £ N* H tai AM rM.I |Af44*a La*o PM lAM t# M' 1 fg| 4T Awfiacae* ~m I MHO M.M IK Ti... f ****** Ml H 8 ta #7i S Hl* ... Aula* toto.K Ita 11 M IP 4 74 1! Pa, dtw'oa ..K 7:WtlL*l g-.P IS4 It l**rf> Crttog - # f4M il M 8:421 f.Mtl* MAO ' CTWtaTg f) «:H *» " i 4:M, I-MM) . IKNACA ~J 8 4*7811 24 * IA ( ' *••*! *th Ir Wrdl t’alag g| MR 4 ml 44*1010 ...*i 1:111 am PM.| (Laava Am*. PM PM Moll Nat Mo 11 N* 6 8 Hwgv'sr Fttdu. P Eog 84*40* I AU renlsr train* fr«a AaJwaaa ta 44*10:1* o** eight 0 traei! asser irain, f 18* san>* Haas moving 0 «8- poelte girectton. unlmn* apo - M train artara. Will *iao atop at fotlowtag atatl >ns t# tak* on or 01 off ranwim Phta ! aey’s, liim on g Handy "prtng*. N- tl enwrect* will, louth*rn rail way Ne 12 at A«yl*r#»n. | Na*. t and 4 gannwet with Souther rail* ay No* 1» 84 17 at Sesraca. J. R. aNDEHBON. lu>rrl4i«o4t ITLiNTIC COAST LINE. SMCKTKBT AND QUICKEST ROUTS TO THE KABT AND NORTH. 2.3U|>m Lv Augusta. Ga .Ar j 7 6tara I } »4r>mj Lv Aiken......Ar ( 7 14am 4:l7pmj Lv... Deumgrh —Ar I f:l7pm 4:6opm; Lv....O r *Bgf# ...Ar j I:44am ( jfpni Lv..yuinto, «. C...Ar j 4 2*ani | 6 31pm' Florar.e# ..Ar | I 25*m , |l4:M(.|». I v...F*y#4t#vllo...Ar j 1 Hpm j 1:11am) Ar Petersburg.Va.Lr ! * llpm 4:88am! Ar... Richmond.. .Ls i »12pm 7 Ham, Ar..W»*hin#ioa..l.v j 1 t4ptn 4.03 am; Ar... Balilmore.,. S.v : 2 Jlpm ilDttamj Ar.. PhtladelphUs.,T» jl2 o»pm I:o3pm Ar.. .New York....Lv i » 3«*m TKillman pal*C* buffet aleapir.g ear* from Macon ami Auguit* to Now York 1 without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 721 Broad Si . Augusta. Ha. T M EMFJOON, Traffic Mnnag*r, IH. M EMEI jp)N. Q«B. Pa a*. Agt.. Central Irf Georgia Rail- I way. Srodule In Effect SEPTEMBER UTH. I*9l. (90thSMerldiatt Time.) Lelvß AUGUSTA. | No. 2 For SSvannah .. . . .L2O P. M. | No. 4 For Svannah, Maeon Atl.lta 1:48 P. M. No. 4 For Bdacon. Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 8:20 A. M. No. 52 For BMaron, Atlanta. and Way Stations 9:30 A. M. ARWIVE AUGUSTA. Nok 1 FroitaSavananh .. .. 1:40 P. M. No. 3 FroiW Savannah. Ma con, Atlanta .. .. .. . 4:38 A. M. No. 6 Fin* Macon, Atlanta. aoHntay Stations .. 4.50 P. M. No. 53 Macon. Atlanta. an“way Stations .. 6:80 P. M. Nos. 1. 2. 3 n«d 4 rtallv. Nos. S and 6 daily except Sunday. Nos. 62 and 53, Sunday only. Sleeping car* on night trains between I Millen. Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah For fur- Wher Information as to schedules, etc., apply t> M. C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GJBBES, Depot T. A. J W. NALL. Commercial Agent. A SOLDIER after the spree needs ! LAND'S HEADACHE CAPSULES. | Thry cure 36 out of 37 headaches. 3 for fc.. 25c. one box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRI'G CO. 612 Broad St.. Augusta. Ga. AUGUSTA STEAM CANDY FACTORY U fltaiang the PRETTIEST, PUREST, WHITEST CANDIES in the market. When in need of Stick, Pea Nut, Broken nixture Taffy Candies Tele phone B4?R 'Phone No.jjjo. BELLE OB’ GEOEGIA DECEMBER 94 KAitxMO ptmtuvum * S. Lie. MIIKIT CO 08N8 #»aß4»*4*o *84848 an***-r Ml |*IW( sook 90909' ¥O9O 0 **90990 9 I •■*%* 90 9*o 009*9-* 00 M.Wmm i • *%9» mm 9 mmkk \ 9$ *%**m mm It *><■» #« • ■**m*‘+ i*Mmm '§04900909'. 90090 T* |oa«f" i « 9*o : hw * #. 90009 \ 4# i Tmi tut ft r§ifl». I* t * «*mm A* 99*90 9099 m if 0 990****...0k- 90000 t * fin itfT 14 09*mm i* * *o**oo 9^*o9 ' i ♦ s*-• »- 900 m f * 90*» o—oo9oo 0090> 1 I * p ||4i f .flit % '*o9*9o***9s 00009 f # \ 4000:. .; tag o*i'*t* 4 *OO ## ■ i .fit fkfN***- 0: 9 %•*•»** " 4f*m l * * A# tig (toil : 0 Tf\ i"twl ****** mW**• « w-s- #B ftift *m 90 0*9190 0* %9090H*9*0 fmH •!>•#?# 09*901 099099.9 r* Ti * .. 4IM M* 9 09099900 . MljUlfc ImJIkI |4 g)kl* *4 Ml' 11| %1 0 ||> ti * fill 7 * , ~ | a ,f, pp 0 9*o 0*99 PO9 *9OO 09 A * fc. 90m X * 4% 910’*90 0. « At fw tagfi. M4Vn»- * * omom'o .9 *f9o At 0900 0. .JL***m U NmnM*4 t»*m At Xo9oo*9oo9o'>■ 4t 9 09*0 . . * *9*m At B*a t**Bl "*,-0 *♦ *otah.Jßkß 1 0000999099 ft i omtHt9oo 990 099 9**999**9 9009 904* *90909009 00' 009 •* m *OO 099*9 A 99000 mm *O9 «•» *i*9 *9OO 09909 0900 09 090900 mmm 900 o*9oo. .. ). H HARM, t.B. RM.RRMp. tatawfg Vaatafta TaaWr Mgatgpa 0 0. 009tm9. *-90* Am y.wm**mt«g SOUTHERN RAILWAY. _ !•*•%** am* ta*o •'■•■ta g9tmf*i*9 *• 940 _JSEI r . M Cl "*■•••*8 "••*. osi»y. gHHf. r. -T, ar ta I Jtaa! *OB V f ,> o-"fr‘ * r * r *' ... I l«S* UOO 0 SmSS? I **Bl Ik» Ez&zr**** Ul : r- s * t VZZ2*-* 1 * 8 0* Eg. BayaaN.,o 9 SBli)*«s ' ii§i| a, ftfSSS&H offh *Mri f *• . 0 4fp !»* U *uf?TiSin> 1 * *J 8 U*B |- taaaauahat* At. A■■;/»’> * o*i TJudU. [IIO ta I*B gT~ll„aw*4 ■ | ,4t *j **B Sibw.TaKK.':::.. Hf 2; ilf ? •B 5 Yorfc. j u * g * RokiHlkmnml !Ia 99 L jt*m ytartu"pskikiu imp msrnt 1 MXtMail. lifts * • * !-•*': X Iftp Ifll it Wml ton A© ftf 009 p U 14* I Lv 90*hm*md ‘."l* U9tm lP DamHii* | ft Ms] •hp Lt Korfum *. J l»» Ar (9T*m*9*>rm j * 4ft Sj Lv Hr»i<wt>or> ..... . ...i ?S* * f s{|» • « Tu.r)>\Nl 11l IS 0 p * k *Vm .... • >»au» vmp • Ghih Mftfta II «tp * WmmAwtt . . II pa I? »• fr Col'S* « ..... R wn. I • f. < oiumbist’lt. t. ll’ n 4'D* I" Johaouxt* *....*•..| •#»* * Irva't* . ...J 8 «*|'{ «ifta ! * Mmmfm tlto * BWM td7 • 00. ASffViKtR tv v B)ft| 3 U&P ft Ktartanpuri j II «*•; ft Iftp Lr r •«!> tm* At Charl«wton 3 4u f»( 11 tt)» Lv Ottl’hU. FCif Ey ■ II Iftl If *7 • M Favunth . . ' v 4. p> ft Uft • Jir Jouktatprliita '• fftp IHa NLtll lMft NgHTU 1 Kx tallarot daily mor*\<9 h*iw —m Mari da and New fork »oa 87and femftmi and Wilfcaintini L4mttta4l. Solid V«gtl\)tiitad trnin with oar* »»d flrat oljum eucta’h**) north of (larhvh*, IhallMoa drawing rtMifn batwtaoa Tamp*. Jaokatvorilla, Savraaaah Waohlnttoa and Haw tf Trk PuUsnaaa Car* hoftwoan rhartort# ; and Ki«*hnioßd. , thilimau drawlil rsggi Klarpinf oar* ha* tw***u f» raautaboro »nd Korfblk (***+ *99990 f*on mi Norfolk tor OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving Ihara in ilm« for 'oraakfo*t. j »AHid train, with Parlor rara, batwaaa Chm ltatcn and Aohavtlh* Koa. 0 and ftft—U. » Foot Mall. Through i Pn.tniaa drawißS rooai budat alaaplßf car* )w --, tvraar Jackoonvlila and Now York aiul Pnll ttnu oora liatwaan AugnatA acd Char* i lorta. Pullman aiawdiif <wr» brewaan Jark ana villa and GoktmMa, an run la tiailjr \*attra*>a Jat'kaT'Cvilla and CibcumH, via AcharlUa FRANKS OA.VNON. J. M.< risP. Third VP. ft «4an Sffr T M.. Wn«hmftoa ■ 0; A. TUKK. S- H HAKUWii K, uTr. A.. Waahlnftoo. B. P. A., At lan is. GEORGIA - ■ RAILROAD. * (Stub M*ildlan Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. 18*4 Pullman Sleazier* between Macon an! New Torfc. i Through Pullman Simper* oiwa*n Au auata and Si. Louia | ■■■■ ■ "-—a ; Lv Augrula ..| 7:9&am] S:2opmi!o:3Cpta ' ,Vr Atlanta ...|l?:Mpm| B:2opin| k:«oata Ar Macaei ~..|U:lsam! | 4:45am Ar Athens ....[li:l6pm| 7 '3(»pm| Ar Galneavl!lei*S:46pm| | Ar White Pl'#i*l:oopmj I Ar Mlll'ga le .|to.lCam| | 4:3oam Ar W vth'ton ..|l4:loarn| 7:lopm| Pt-ayune train laavna Augusta daily except Sunday at 5:15 p m., and ar rives at Mnirdgrvllle at 8:10 p m Train* arrive at Augusta 1:11 a -l, 7:45 a. rr... I:2* p. m and 8:25 p m. A G. JACKSON. O. P A. JOB W. WHITE. T. P. A. carounTTnd northwest- EK.\ KAILWAY Schedule fn Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 8:34 p.m. Arrive Cheater, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C & N. 7V. Ry 7:46 a ro. Arrive Lenoir. C AN W. H> 1:16 pm. Leave Lenoir, Stage oi) pm. Arrive Greet* Park Stag# . .. 7:00 pm. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage 7 30 p.m. C. W HARPER. (LF. ITARPER, President. G, P- A.