The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 24, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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PEOPLE'S FORUM. A MAm m • f ■><>»**# «%• mu** ?w **# «**«. **•# ** mpi ft*-, jpfswi# #s#% « g-jifi «*#**■ %*»»•# W-imt-ft fegiWft #**,*» * i Hiirnig*! ft* I* * #-n - * nit flßta?-##t#4 ft#ft4|lta|ftfti*t# ft||pp##* 1w t##* t Mm Aitif ii 11 i# * 4«t «f unm i##* 9ft** «• ##ft|N4ftMi ft *»* «♦’•** IBM** iMftWMI • JNMgI, #* *ft*»* iagpunwi ‘ inMmV ** *i*t» A ?!#•#»«** | ft* |%ipft# nmml «#»4 fB»«# BiM* «ft MMt ftV#Bvftft ftftft ■ . -»■>■## * Af#** •• * M* j itlMl trt* H I **-4 «m * Vfcftftfttlt { 4ft# ft# *'O ft# *** #»(lp# 4*9 A •*»*•** Bftftftf Aft'-*# *mi lift ftrftNi Mil *» iiii »ift #t ,. r , **.«* *» tfcfft A*#-# •< ftftftit •#» At* A# *4 MM «*4 tfcftfe I A## ft#ft44 #** tuuftk§ fef map# i finfwftft 1> | tit#’ ft* * lift #nft tfto * * i fl»rt Mi'ftftftA flu* 4a t **>•’ #*»• «tfA ft p»< ft# rt«*« >*4 ft# (Aft AM ftfttiitir * rftftf ft -4 |Aft ftftftftft# ft#* 1 mm *# t«M |Aft Tft*M < •«•!*#. A M»' ,* «* iftfftAtft * ««*#*• 9AMM Aft** ft AtlM fftft#* fr«"M *» I AAA ***** MMf Aft## *#• TAM* A AHAAf «A *M t*«wi4M •#•»#» ft A* ftf AtHV : 41—jftffti ft*4 ftf ft# AMT Aftftft# Aft * |3ift#4 fft# »«#lAy ftMftT ftftrftftft* * ft*» A#* ftftftf A*- ft«#A #«# ft AmvAl Aft* Mg »M V*V M.— «fc.« B *•* *» a 9 «*w tV V MIM KMV t<> «V tMf4 o»*alr* 4* w* fc»«* *• araa-Mt* w ilk IV *»!*••»•»* »» «vy V ta* *wat •at «g mww» Mg* It IV Thick Chv #}ff OAftftir ftf* •* ft»>l Ak* lAift •*•!#- AWNM tft## AA*4 ft Arvft «ft* ****** *# limffti •«*! #ftft ##t 9ft #•"* * **• •ftrti iA#t *#ftftft9 t«» A# rfftftA m AA4 lAftt As lAft fAWAtt. tft lAr Army Cwrv o»ww ••*»» «V miwtl ytwy-r AiftrA A«ftgA f Aft' lA# A*** ft#t ftftfti Ift Aft rtftffftfti ft It A ft A* nf aim lAftl »%i#At ft# A uftdftf ftUfttfl in tAft ft# tfc* thfttftftftftft- PAIVATK IK THIS TTNTH AMin. TAM tft tAe ftAftf### » * tft lA# Iftttftf inMlftftg 9fy ft TFI CA#* •try. ## lAftftft ftwftMftftAl|P AAftft* •# m<« i» aft# caiAAfttiftA tftgigft ia# »ni #r t»f pftitoAfth mi «AM l» #*« 9^ ftftiul • ftftfty •*# It •« lA# TAM 4 C*viU» Aar# CAm# Hft< Arnft4ft A ilrror. To th# Bailor at TV Hr-r»IJ - Mr Ak h Hi tnrw in IV Th*t4 Ornkt'i MManvm in hn »i»w • llnald In iitnr IMU* Ir-ttrr la»l rvrn iny rmi rlaltn that IV wMintrrif n»«* taking arlrantagr at yrnt S«+. I"t •n m tmr u Jr mi in »a»n that'nm vr>at guard duly V Ha ragulaiuma and dal Ha Tou jmorvlvaa arc vary d.*itwi*air»- 1 ll** In your guard dullra. Aa is drlv'* fag in amund ttV luma, why. why dna t y»»u d« ll a* ynu ran do ll—nil f Th* .*m»»allh la arm <d IV f»<9 that tv irgular ayatam la t .nnr».*ad of tV arum ot tV ounlry. «nd had to go la IV arm* for • living. «N »>• loft god h. m-a f«r Ih, I«k-Ii of mir dag and ant to rant a living MV. thr rvgulan I ran (.ratty naarly and raV atiantlnuaiy V> iVt 1 am tight In mi- aaaanion tmira almvnHjr, W B. A.. Co. B. Thlrlrrnlh Pmnaylvanla Hog P S : Mv advloa to a- man who want* ta *<» aoldlrtlng la to atay homr. 'Aim#, ftftftftt horn* Cftm# Mftrkftn*k*. Can ao to Cliarcli. To IV Editor of TV Hrrald— Sir. In looking ovor your ialu»W!<* yapar tonight. I noth* an artkdo writ tan hy a prival* nf tV Third Cavalry. > giving hla vlawa of tha army. If you will V kind anough allow m* llttl* »|.»''» In your oolumna I would Ilka to ehow lhal »ama nrlvaia that what V aaya la not altugviVr c orrai t Ha hlamaa tha volunteer* for hla hav ing so prot'ure g pasa to get into the town. Wall. In tha flrat pla<"% 1 don't Vltava ha '.now* what patttto* ata l»- *ued for. Ha nearna tu !«• laboring uh dar tha ImpraMlnn that paa*a* ara only laattad liacau*e th® provoat guard la pa trolling tha city. It doaa not otaur to him that tt*y ara iaiuad In order to diminish the amount of vhrttora you would have otherwlae In your city dal- ! »y «#. A* far a* coin* to church Is r«n emwd, therre- aic but few in cither brgnch cf the service v-hu eannot get there every Sunday If they wish to do so, for we havf our chaplain' In each regiment who conducts hervlcea every Sunday, and thoee of tut wh ' are of the Catholic persuasion can get a pass and go to town to worahin if we mi desire: and I am positive that the reg ular army officer* are not so strict as tojinterfere v. ith an enlisted man's de sire to attend divine services if his conduct merits It. Next, he says we do not like the reg ulars. Welcl. I beg to differ. I can truthfully atate that I have never heard any of the volunteers say that they disliked any of the regulars; on the other band, the regulars treat us with contempt, hardly considering it necessary to sa-' lute an officer of the volunteers. And as far as their going out is concerned. I am sure, for our part, they could go in and out as often as they liked with- , out causing us the least uneasiness. Then, again, he say» we ought to be driven about like hogs. I freely forgive j him, for the moon was full at the time. I And another thing: he gives me good advice: that is, to Join the regulars, for, which I thank him very much. He thinks army life delightful, only there are times when a swelled head "non-! com.” shows his authority and drivesj them around like a herd of cattle. Allow me to say, In conclusion} that he has not got the first Instincts of a soidier about him. or he would never j speak of treating “non-coms.'' and Drt- : vates the same, for it is evident that he has no respect for rank, and a sol- < dier that has no respect for his supe- j riors should avaii himself of the first cpp,.nullity to leave the army forever, j Tours, sincerely. A VOU’.N'TKEn. dtrtM VI t»«t Hitt tttttl Pain Killer. g M 5.... fttatt M H«aH CUSH HdIWNINNM eased. •«c»fttfftft, ••undid** H VM kO .—I VMk ft# ft eft# A# 4#*#*lftftMA Aft ft Aa## fftt AiAANAi eeeev pivh flint rr lt>ti|trr~ T, Ida gatt.r at Ha* glmail ■ ; iv- It M a aatwrtrm* hart imi a aid *m Mart vt hid dnggii. V hr v • fra id <4 M *V«»HMI, M« Id tV Hat— *aan«» nf tV |»» vwradat fmd nf uVm m m **<4 <V« i a *w MM Vd nt*dvf ta imi part ad ■ tHH Mddnm m part*— »P— Mi — m me §***•!# H Ift A <»**-'■ lA#* 9# i Ift yttfl A# . 14M14 ftftftA it cam# Mdfkimn V N Mid ta t*Mf It tad* tV an* d' "ta add td*W umv art <4 rhnmy no parfatmnd a* aMatt dr *o day *tVt W <4 —M •hiv* a* puar aa at 1 Mfr* an*, j TV UMM nywratt**# aMtrrt— •**.. >tv • rddwt' ntrvh* ua A—wMd war* IV irmly— ad tdt* Mmnty. d* talvk tdn* yr tntdy * * dndatrf I* tVtr am a—«l nmr nfth nf tV t.nal amount paid la iV aridi.r* A larg* aaatM ul tV Mill (myk rwu "I arvuad dartna tV **ah anaklrt.' tv inltrrfhm PIItVATK t— Mar—** r— tv 11»>(dial cap. tv, IV IMMot *r TV H*tald~ ff’' TAft* *■ tft cm*i # A# ## #fti nf Akftft ft * fTMAft * Aftft I Aft MAt * A ft r# f t Aft #1 ftvnTA* | At# gftfttAftSftftft • tA* AftiMlft *m% In.ttwHrtor tr v atvdt 4ra«hark t« '• • "»"'»« *» He t* V—- - iu* natural rvmimth) that maVa him kind T» V hHul in a<*t aad ward la IV ravntlal thing, and the thing nf n (mnortanr* ta In V mduattfua Stugoardltor** >• tv .ml larrH-r lo At* twm la any a*rvt<* But for •dB. p-nry nf gdertra. for dmtnaaa In (wrannal ap pmrato*. for true gatttMnaalir maV and a;>rlghtn*a* of rharariar. IV hud pltal rorpt own ar* ta hr r.untu*dd»d. TV* ar* «•«*! mrn and iVy ar* good to look at. Th* regulation uniform wMh IV addithm of tV gram atrlpm nn t th- tiraaaatd »n th* left *i**v*. n r*l tyraa net In n whit* l-nnd. ir dat-HJeillr lmi>t»v*-d All prtvntng of tv rotiw wear atrip**, twit th* »i*w»rd* g«* a t.r-uid*r *ttlp*. and they tmr tV f>r*t ty I'Vmroa. in»t*ad of tv kruatArd. nn l« ih *l**v*d: Th* acting hmtdtnl at. ward rank* a* **rg*ant «T IV lln*. Th* i tang* m tV c-.mmand nf tV rmt»p»n> rff*. t*d laat w*»f« wa* grmilv regreti.<l hy IV Irnya hacaua* they Vanity bated to ran from U*ut, Mar ty Hill TV lieutenant rtood In *lo*a touch with hla men. and hy hla quid, gentlemanly wdy V w.n th* hearty ra *lH-rt and auppnrt of everyone. —II. while w* ar* sorry to give him up. a» ar* glad to learn that th* change wa* of hi* necking. W* wlah to «»»ute him of «»ur l»v*. W* h'>ii* ihat h* will *o.m cnp.j tV good fortune that every«.n feel* i* ahead for him Sln<* payday th* boy* ar* planning for a Mg festal lime Chrt*tmr«. The* aim t» enjoy a royal good dinner on that day. and a mfleytlan to tht* end la progressing favorably . Th* --onipa* ny t* fmtunat* In pnaa. wing ih* 'and rrMik* In the nervl.-*. Steward Miller, chef In tb* officer*' mras, wa* fotmerly * cook In lhe navy; and Charley not hin* Ihe company * co-.k, ha* had a long egperlence In the Briny. The ex pertenr* of army coking give* on* th*- »rt of making somethin* out of noth ing' And thi* Charley can d»> moat *ur ( rialttgly. Th.- I toy* aJpieclatc hint »<> thtt they are determined to pay him a little extra on their own account. The womankind addition to the com pany provoked no little surprise and ex pectation at first, t.ut now the hoy* have come to regard them with Inter est and admiration. A* nurse* they are dally proving their efficiency, being a* they are well Informed and excellently disciplined. Their duties place them In close touch with the men who realixe more every day that It Is good for them to be here. Hut It I* the poor fellow* sick In the hosolfal who appreciate them most. To them, seeing these good women about, feeling thetr gentle touch and hearing their cheery voices, la like home and It Is no little oomfort cither. E. C. Camp Mackenxle. Regulars and Volunteers To the Editor Of The Hen Ti the: An article In your I sue of De cember 22, written by a me iber of the Third Cavalry, seems to cc r yey the im pression that we, the volurlt >r soldiers. In this camp, are looked do vn upon by ■ I thini it ires*, to answer Ir remarks jln the order slated. Firs regarding | the poor privates being pi* ted down. | As I am a private myself.l.l can sav , I have never been denied the) privilege of going to church on Sunday, and as ; for being watched over by a provost ! guard, that does not amount to any i thing. Any soldier who goes tl> the city ; and behaves himself need not know ! there is such a thing as i provost I guard. I have been in camp Were since I November 2, and only once I stop ped by a provost. 1 i As for the volunteers being the di rect cause for the regulars lacing pln | nod down ,1 fall to see it and would ! like to have some regular open my eyes, j Another thing: "They ought to lie i driven around like hogs." Wonder :f Ml'. Regular ever took time t 6 think of the Important part played by the Vol unteers in this late war: evidently not, to Judge by what he says. It needless for him to have told us that he came from the country; we kn«v that. V Is very evident thiit he war,not able t» make a living on th farm, and not being fined to hoi! bis. cwn 1n civil life had to Join the army. in order to keep body and soul alive, to j say nothing of paving a few denars each month to spend. Wonder what Mr. Regular would do if he was in a position to accept some j of the nice snaps left hy the volunt- i to fight for their emmuy'.' It was not a ease of, enlist or starve to death; we I THH -A.TTGTTSTA HBBALD L* MV v Vtf mm talk at— —• Otatyva IMV turns u. MVS Vta *te-V4 * •MV* mm** V w ‘ mi VH *4— »*^-** ( Ivggf turn* I«V ♦ *MM 4tV»*M* * *•’**"* m | I Vftm* A Ai eftftf lAfti»-A #A»iA*rl *«• A#ft <- j lA* (AftAA### * ftj.- klft lA* *##• tft ft A ] II A# fftftAftftft* ft#* '‘■ft*' Aft* #■ ft L 2mm* *** AAtWkNI I# iktuMP «ta Vi <4 iv *••*, m «m*»» wtatu MtoMVmM mrmu I AftA tft AAv Attest# IftiMNK * ft4«#«e #ftf ] ||Vtf I# < |t# At* A- Atfftf ♦ft# #4 |Ae | ftttftt ftftVvft A# fAA Aft «4rft#ft AAt# to n A# Aa •«##«###, (A# it#Af #* #AAA A# ft#4 ## lift fA# At •#Vf# IA# 1 * •##>* , A«» AA4 4 >AA| #e# A AtIAAIA Aft I Aft#* |Af AviftAt# Ala Aw# A# ft #4 fAitaftiftft «A# s4mm ft** Aftft##* CHI >» A Caiha HA#Aftfttwi. TV iMUktH **»u*v Tu tV Rdltag •-* TV Humid— Mr Ik lw»dr»sg «w fmm w* Is Mat SIMMi t .«a. krtww IV USMSI "■ uH*» let lev H bad ta Ins a MV Mtakuimw M psad. aft ll w«a aft Uift kp a rsguiar aft a m« al that In IV Mtrt V htamsu t V . < «i* lag tV taw '<f km m» IV aft br<NV la IV MM. e». u*e (VI v .aa v toagef atleft rha*.h at gun- Aft# #• AaM* WAftt a Hftikjf*AftftflftA f «H*A ft# hw* WAf. I#»« 4*4# IMU# fftW tA. If A* ft eft# IA Ai# WMtifftHi Aft ftAft Air a a#ftft| Art## #«*#? A i ,M*b *n4 part AA «Ka# IttiA miA Nr] Atm *n\ a Ms #)AAf tft t#A# lift A# j she A*twl ami Aa# Atm tft AmUi * | «h Hfk4 He*«. Ai# 4#a# lit ft# tw# *A «• filer «4 t Al# I* am eiMr4#Alr> m#t» hr A «!.<«# f A#l AM# *4 lA# |«nA* *t»*l 4ft MM nf A m»ftlrfil>#ft ll AttemtSft* Auft 4a# at A*w4 . Tu# *t*a Aft## A*# #| ia#ia I thy lit IV way ilwwa beastly ' aua coma ' war* let off a trial. I* la a »ta»v; they dw»M kt>* been lak ra out aft Sbui for yaw special beo edt Mo*, w* ar* ntgaahd'.** a dundat ■chad aartrty In this ..atlwat uad*r IV lead*rship aad guldanee ..f iha He* John Carftdy. and you ar* .-..rdlallv In vlled to c-itw o»*t and Join u* Tb meet mas ar* held In teht N«. t C», A, nth Minn . V 1., and don't he afraid sunny .to visit US, a# lh« Indian* will not lad her you. Du favor ua *.ttk y.«ur company, my dear buy- Havival aervhsw ar* held very Hunday. and we will give a ap*rla| war d»ncc tnr v«ur I—neflt. Now. In regard I* whal you said about twlag drive*, around Ilk.. h«at* don’t let iVm dt|*e y.m. a* It la Ju*t as assy fur IVm so ray 'four* rt*h • or •foura l*fl" aa ll la f*w them tu grun? "*hnu'‘ al you, Just watch those non cm*." who dldn t get tried and deed go to Sonday school, and try alwsy* lo he a dear, good lllll* *">T and plena* I. HIM till r that a cord si Invllalb.n lo visit us and take part in our service# u held out to you t>y all IV boy*. •• well as by Yours truly. El>W\HI > t'AKNET. One of Ih.- Indian*. Co. A. 15th Mina.. Vol*. Camp Ms. kensle. Hit* Them Hard. To the bMIIV of The Herald— tilr: TV article In yur issue of Thursday *iv*d "A Private of ThIH Cavalry." hit* Mr'votaMvr* a Hill* hard. I wish lo »«>'. In b.hsir of th* Sth regiment, tt.»l »ur prove*! lreai« them a* well *# our own men. nnd ms far a* being driven around like hogs that ought to Iw their lot. While the volunteers bfi g»#ul home* and lucra tive position* to go ink* up arm* In de fense of tbeli (o*ntry. the majority of the regular# go Into the army to get * home. Is. * vers, doctor* and business men can la- found tn our ranks, while the education of most of the regulate Is Untiled to army life. There Isn't any semblance of the wild Indian In anv of the volunteer regiments. All we aay is. treat u# tight, and we will return the favor. Hoping you will give this apace In your valuable paper, I ant yours itespcctfully. PRIVATE. Eighth Pennsylvania. Camp Mackensle For Whooping Cough use CHENEY’S EXPEC TORANT. The Hobson Case. Here's a theme for mournful stansas, Hobson's getting bold! Girls of Illinois and Kansas, Will you be enthralled When you hear that he's fated To be sadly depilated? Can a hero, tairless-pated. Kisaable be called? Vainly you may con mnemonics Over "ads" you’ve seen— Send him capillary ton lea Bay rum, vaseline, Kg* shampoos and hair-restorers— Lovely, osculant adorers! Better far become ignorers Of a bald-head's sheen. • No, there are no druggists’ pestles That may cures prepare; Hobson may raise Spanish vessels— He can’t raise more hair. Baldness is beyond redemption. Heroes may not claim exemption; Hobson’s choice must be emption Of a wig to wear. * I Or. when 1920 passes Little girls may hear How Ihelr grandmothers—when lasses Out of teens a year, Bevy after bevy rushing. And poor Hobson almost crushing, “Kissed him (grandma w ill be blushing) On his bald spot, dear!" —W. P. 8., in New York Bun. Buckles’* Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE m the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sore 9, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Plies or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or motley re funded. Price 22 cents per box. FOB SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. CASTORIA Tift A»vl #*ft A*** AH»«|W IWtaglit. MMI «M*A Av W#ft ta •**> l*f mrnmt lift >*••»** tav Ituma •#• a»«M4*tam> **r 0 atarf ta»* tak tatala Wirf It# ¥*+• f VNMI awfarttlwMH IdtVM Wj tlttaMPfa 'fttar# rwi 4ft Allot* **« (MV I* dwvtl* JHta ft ****** Alt (Mmtatai*. Imitation* **d taftsadllMt** M* tall Rf (H-rtavoto Ufat tills ulih an«l rtt4aH*w» I# taaiik as lufaata waft CWtaf«*»£t|**t*'taw ag*ta*t Kapwrltamal* What is CASTORIA CtaMarta ta a MthdllW* tar t «M«f *HI. F»rw*«Hrtr, l»mf< aad KoMklgg Hfnpk I* »* IlftTMlrta and Itraaant. It cnnlaln* trait hr r Opium. Marphltra taV fthwf Harrftta Mlntsnef Ila at* la lla gtranu»t*r. It drwtrwy* W «rn»a MMI aUaya l>*rrl.htra%*. ll rttrra IMarrknm and Wind Colic. It frUrtri Trelhiat Troabtcw rare* Csn.llyalloa and HtUiirar|. It Malmltatr* lira f"«rad. regnlatrw th* Mom*, h and Itaarh. giflng healthy and tralnrai deep. Tha childrm'a hurawa-Tlw RdVr'a I'rMuad. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS y* Bear* th* SigDktor* of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tM* r*t*a*raft »■<•*»%« »» »■»*>•« The “Maine” Album! CAPTAIN CHARLES D. SIGSBEE and interesting scenes associated with the destruction of our Giant Bat ship and her Heroic Crew, Souvenir Edition! Few incidents of Amerlenn history have been attended by such publlo excitement and national indignation as that which followed quickly upon tho destruction ..f the Battleship Maine. In response to the unlverHtil de mand for n pictorial history of the 111-fated warship, Its captaincy and in f .ct everythin# in connection with It.lending up to anti Including Its itssas sminon we have secured and offer our renders this week a beautiful Ma ne Album or Portfolio, the most complete photographic record Issued upon the subject, embracing splendid Pno.tos of The Martyrs Which inflow ready for delivery at cur office, or by mall for Ten Cents, f CONTENTS OF "MAINE” LABUM. Captain Chas, D. Sigsbee. General Fitzhugh Lee. The Battlechfrf Maine. The Destruction of the Maine. Havana Harbor and the Malno An chorage. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner's Gang of the Multie. Views of the Maine's Crew off Duty. A Minstrel Show on the Maine. Ship's Company of the Maine. Please notice the Maine Album above advertised Is one of a "Souvenir Series” of eight portfolios, devoted to the great Heroes and Achievements of the Spanish-American War, each portfolio being a special number devoted to a great and principal event. . , . . „ _ . Next week No. 2 will be offered aa a Memorial of the First Sacrifice of the- war, or the heroic death of Ensign Baglay and his companions inclu ding many other special features of the early events of the war■ 1 a " vessel (hat fired the first shot; the first prize; bombardment of Matanzas, cutting of the* cabled, etc., etc. „ Then in weekly and consecutive order will appear the following. THE DEWEY NUMBER-The Hero and,battle of Manila. _ THE SAMPSON NUMBER—Bombardmemf of San Juan and Morro Ca»* Ufc HOBSON and THE MEP.RIMAt—With Additional special features ADMIRAL SCHLEY-The Destruction of Cervera's Fleet THE SIfAFTER NUMBER—The Siege and Capture of Santiago. GENERALS MILKS AND MERRITT— Army Operations in Porto Rico gel each number of (his souvenir series while you have an opportunity, and advise your friends to do the same thing. A SUPERB Photographic History Devoted Exclusively To The ‘ iaioe” Captain Sigshee The leers The Crew Genera Lee General Blanco A Groun of Junior Officer* of the Maine. Wardroom of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry in Sesalon. Funeral of the Victims of the Maine. Disaster. A Fruit Vender In Havana. Milk De livery in Havana. The Captain General’s Palace In Ha vana. General Blanco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prado, Havana. SUNDAY'S HERALD “A Newspaper For Newspaper Readers" . . , Something About Sunday’s Herald. More News Better News (Quicker News All the News Exclusive News The Sunday Herald is the Best Newspaper published in Augusta. Give it a trial 10 Cents a month. 25 Cents 3 months. 50 Cents 6 months* SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered to any ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below and mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. Augusta. Ca. 1 o the Sunday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald Months at the following address: No. and Street Name You Don’t Get The News UNLESS YOU READ SUNDAY'S HERALD. 7\ A FsankClves j \ / \ famous j \ / \ 9 Cushion ! y \ shot*. I / \ Possible \ l / \only to 8 \ 1 / \ hard Hitter.X y \ Centre Bail\ Q ' Very fine \ \ Right A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS BY JOHN A. THATCH IS million Carom Champlim of Ohlo'S4- ’■W, winner of St. i.oulK Handicap 6?, Hie longi'.l tournament on record, anil the only player who ever brat Schaefer. Sloaaon, and lvca is the liunit* tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CON TCffT®. 100 DIAGRAMS OF S-OUSHION 9MOTS. SCHAEFER'S STRAIGHT RAIL NURSE EVERY STYLE OP BALK LINE GAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER QAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP OAME3 AND INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS. LIST OP CHAMPIONS OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS. ETO. Thfc Author jrlvrs many valuable Miffireftk>uft ro novices which nerve to runderclear ttje method* employed by the world's experts. It will «how you HOW TO PLAY Cloth. 7S cents. Flexible Leather, *I.OO. 244 page* 9ilp, 5H294 lAciift»r. * Sent, prepaid, to any addrcAS- on receipt of price 'Ascnta Eveniij fferali 7