The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 25, 1898, Image 3

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Nut**' Wt I | flprik'rVf* te-Th* <wnp» *wd mm* #«**•» tewwa** *♦ *• *»•**"• *ft*n oM*hM«*t» opte** te ,k *' «T« ■ •tm Mmm-4 *»♦**»»** M * I* **wt It* an Wo Mpte whndurMd • ** MMI piiate* tekih treoawra <*""• PM daw# te ••* dd#bp *hh***te* MM*? tfcp te IM '*•* *• tafc Ml| MU PUd M WWP# «#*• *• *c *MIH MM «MWMM< >« .«•**•» M ted MM Wdth **» MMM * '••• ** IM rd*w M MWW ««M» IHI««I Ate- Mil »«h MM dMmal MIWMIIW* te • fttefc wf *r*»*k Mm tWMt M •• • a aatwr* c*4 dte »l* t*M» hot •• t* Ratty »* IM MftlftV I* Mr* Bp I* tht* t*|lHn>*«r<<l * -aw MM 'MI m*m w*wld '*• a pr>* •'*•! Pid »M all} ana *v*» mi— «M dps * c*h*d tna ( > «ts H M W'twp* It at) M 'MI to tk* •**■•#» dal* •Mo * p**H*t -r*. Worth Mt'lWl '* IM • pv* m IMrtw da.tun# tow Mao dr tel »«*-trn# IMI IM >o<M* <4 IM Moa a*r 40) MM Mai IMr A* Nil ar aarat-M otto |«tnjrnf« <mh a* N»i aa •aa deattpid* fat pwdßahr* trwda, ntjr'y oo>M»M MM 4nrlMM of f«4s»Maafur h> Mono Wont* enmrprtolw* MM* lady ar* aiH awppnae «av» a a*r»*a »l M«»m hsftp*#* la it* » a after-at •**<-» of It* (mttaxlr mewwpoh# *■ "Hot *« l«* llcwultfui." •ft— apptawa* to-) I - rhnp* a new m*wal-#*utu* prtn-aaa rat* (mm IM «>al*(al Wont art,, irttlol a» lx art by Mt loitfn '*>•< hi* flint half* »ah*iiiul» (or at inanro • an h*wt Mi In ail nttwa Mhr* IMa r*a mat M #»t* iMro ha* waver Maa on* lurk in* I* pcca* h IM o*oad of itiwly *rh*r*l.t dr»ccmak*r« •ml millt»*ro may flourish amt MU far ina man yaarly o*t»<t» atnr* ant *m«rr under the harden. a Oil* hi* iwmtrrW hr other* vow ipefnae.t** la thrifty harp wtorbood Nowaday* all th* world »*k#* M fashion* from hf» o«d iO*r- I* a (articular r*noan why »h* rr*nch faah luf OaiWn rhona* lO* alyl* of lh*lr m.iomec ao ofl*n Suppose on* of them hao had a r*ry beautiful and uni>iu< pown mad* for her 0) Worth or Pai.u.B or tv>ur*t *hr wear* It on.* or twlee l-rtai* at ih* opera ■' • rharfty ha aaar or al on* of 10* rare*. Th* #ow» I* admir'd and corded hy o»h*r dr~«- tnpfcer*. and own 10* «r»«l lady h«a Ih* rhaarin of mini th* lr**a fur which *h* paid many fr.ior* with Hi* understanding that lh* nod*! -h»uld In ixorvMl for h*r. MM hy do**n» of wthrr town of all c .i*o*o Neither madam* n*.r h*r dressmaker I* abb to do an* thin* about II Th*n. >o* irr*at maitarins take up th* dr-** and put It upon th* mark*! In cheap ma UP-TO-DATE ALBUMS FOR SOUVENIR HUNTERS. The day of the autosrni>h album la not done. ft*) lons aa dealers art' mak- Ing a good profit out of the autographs v g.r ceMlfitM »o lons one may bo sure ihe popularity of the autostaph album wfll pot w ane. These dealera are not In the bualneaa for their health nor yet to tWneflt an unappreciative humanity. ThvlV object la a sordid one -profit— and \vhen that erases to be an object and they retire from the trad*' then one nlay conclude that the autosraph pend id no looser among Ufc hot on the ttall ofi the busy and thankless celeb rity. \ Since ?*udd nhead Wilson won public attention to the thumb many collectors have thlimb autosraph albums, in which thrV treasure the thumb Impres sions of acquaintance* or those of peo ple hat ins 'any special claims to inter est. The (tasking of the Impress tons is finite a sirdplc matter Printers’ ink In poured oiit »o that the thumb is thoroughly ctkvercd with the liquid, th* n pteaaed firmly- on the album page When the Ink,ls dry. the owner of the thumb writes \his or her name beside the impression. A bonk filled tyilh thumb Impressions of celebrities is «n odd and interest ing possession. The outside of »ur h an album might bet eovr red with black satin, with an ertpbrolderefl border cf gold thread, having a central design representing some scene in the ad venture* of Hop o’ My Thumb, loin Thumb or something likely to suggest the character of the rjontents. For amateurs who make palmistry a fad an album for the treasuring «P of Impressions of the palms is another in teresting phas- of th" album mania. Fueh an album must be especially made for the purpose. It should be of sheets of oiled paper put together with metal fastenings so that the pages may he removed and then put in again. To ob tain the impressions the paper must be covered thoroughly with lampblack, the hand then pressed heavily on the pa per, taking care that the impression comes in the middle of th-’ page. A sh-et of soft tissue paper is placed be tween each one of the pages when they are replaced in the book to keep the lampblack from coming off. On th - cover of such an album might be worked or painted a nuroaar of gyp sy symbols. A tent or two. with a stroll ing zlngara in front Of one, may do for the centerpiece if the maker of the cover is- clever enough to depict such a scene. At any rate the cover should be done in y-lloW and red. lb- gyffcy cot l or/ whether painted or embroidered. Bitthday b*-ks art another form of | tMtaka that hmw M •Mhia «w»h as a* - | I4yin II add <M lku.fl ••*** hM #*nn n*»d» ** *»«*»»' *w« • ««>*• Mai ttatofntMw wttm P*M» -< •ha «a*»mn >»tw mw» hattw. ann*M» i««mi to Moa rawta MaWaww otd •we* aa w«Md|t «•**«*i fawm in* «dh*» aa inrati fhi»-k» aa»'** •t* - »Nma tM mm ka (wa*MM m m* Itaw *h* -Ttitii-a «f Mat kno Th* •»»*»» In thmrwfmr rot thoi ih* fnohton* rhanw | m *ft*n Owl that tMr «a wot «*•*»» A mi M«Ha lafilM «•( tM ♦**•*• t*t* anon m Mina ahaww at on* a* »M I •***.« aMma TM **»*-• and ih* **• i ewuotaa* aa* Of Ma k ham. • ki*o kand of la** aw »hhh ar* tmir | rawn at Mark tthd #tiai4*d *«ih aaao diawtonda moktiw aw »«orti»* WntaW Par IO Vrt Tha pal WwaW »n# wwmow i Mw Ort* *4* in Utah and wfcd*. Ih* ' white diwwmt •raid with (atek M«o TV tdtrfc lor* MUM of IM l-d- * •• I rowiiiiMd «a • I*ll wf thh Mar k te«* la Ih* hnltoftt as Iha ahlrt th* h*»rad* | alone IM rdw* «f «h* Mark ter* ham c a narrow hortMe as whit* »•** I" Wnt*h IIM *<Uf* a*on*l« ar* outlined «• Ih* uwa*r part «f Ih* ohlrt hy tM M*»* 1 otuddnd vM«*l MOhow. tM aa m* form | rag a harrow tw.rdr-r ow th* kroradr *f j tfc* o*Mh* A a# Ida- k lam O i i arWtl a horn th* raraa** I* lA* ohottl | 4*ra. Mm lla pa*t* alnddrd fuMa ar* «rranw*d to toak Ilka hott*i "t a , I alao noted a rmeplton woo* of mor* l 'lmp'- rhafarl rr, on* whh-n ooald M j eallabl* for a matron of mtddl* aa* H I WM Of Mark MIIW. »ItfPW rhaW*H* j and htdh rollar of a hit* rhftfan Tha . htfloo on ih* no fc wao arran«*d in •mall liffi and • lamped about Ih* throat hy . hand of irn* h»y*fd‘ knot* of palllatt* aludded Mark rthlmw Whit. Th# d**r> rover* on tM oalla twdh* <<P*n*d In a d**i> point ov*r rhih-m Then* war* a too of vr! i*t < nvirrl with palitottew. Th* r*»Vr on tM left mark *d to th» watel whet* »t wa» drawn over In th* rich) Th* Mol) ntttnk hunt of th* walat waa flnlahed with a airdl* of black *atln ribbon tied In a itift bow. Th* *k!rl waa ti*h« niiinat over th* hip*, but riven a beautifully un dulatlnd *)f**t Iw-loor. A pointed floon * *aa Imitated up tM *ktrt by an em broidery of the fialllrr l*o A handonin* atroet town of deep *ray dlacnwal * loth trlimwed wi|h mllliaf y froa* of blark ailk braid la on* of Iho moat offerll»* of th* lailor made «r**t (*wnj I'fider thr abort coat with It* labial front ornamented with blink allk froa*. w„* **t a v**t cowered wiih narrow Moca cordlns The H*h! and left of the *klrt were *ni|>haat(ed hy a 1 the album era**. Th«* birthday bo«*kM j art* houjrht In t!»e whop#, dAUd Ilk** dla- | rlfi. who ar" ask*d t» writ#* In j them arr e*peeted if* put their n&m#* I upon th<* pap#* which Mrs the date o( : , »h*dr birth—m**hth and day, not year, I *»f emir***, or they would !m? leas pop -1 ular. Book# printed with quofttfcMUi relating to the taste, like* and di#Hke* of eaeh '•ontrlbutot may 4m* bought in the shop*. It i* a *c»rt of autograph!* Interview, ns after each printed question i# a blank for the victim’s ntiswcr. A good deal *>f Interesting inforpatkn about individu als may be collected in this way, as the I /. ... :^ ji Tt , |. | V SOME UNIQUE ALBUM COVERS queries rang* from What is your l’a x ,rlt* p.rir. to "What arc your views of ctcrnllyi?" For suchwn album, for stamp albums THE AUGUSTA STUISTEA-Y HERALD. adtar* lf*aa«Mad <*f tM frwpo awi th* M»kat ateewr wee* ■tiapwd WM* ♦** ■ ate*. A «MWfda and favity hwM* f*»*• *»* a rent ywawd wanted wwa mnd* *f . h*»h*d *wM Cteth 'ttewrad MM - item wM Mufra Wf MM and •«*•«. TM i .lack and **«t wor* *wt from a hand rum* *h»W) darker »b*w IM maMMWI df IM dnteh. had 'to eotef hdiwiaauow » Ith It. fteyrow fnww tM •hawldafw ha a Uttl* aha** tM walat with th* dMV M m that went about the bark of the «ur n. were ert«ed with a plait* d fiibltiK us black mohair The ed*c of this frilling In It# turn waa trimmed with black or for th# regulation aulogiaph album a cover which la very pretty i* of dork sapphire blue art cloth. aiittn or linen, embroidered In dandelions, the alilchlng being for the moat part long and short, so that the surface of the flower, la smooth and aatmy. The Mower* are put on tip’ cover In group* of three and lie in straight lines The upper dandelion* represent the sei-dllng ones, while at the bottom of the page a couple of large full blown flowers, banked by heavy green leave*, support a ribbon scroll for the name of the owner of the book. It may be added that the real Ingenuity in making the cover consists in applying the ribbon gracefully. Green, white, yellow and blue are the color* that lire used in making the cover design. In putting on the autograph It I* well to first write a large, hold on*- on paper and then transfer It to the ribbon, where it must be worked in salln stitch. In emtlfoidiring 'he flowers j fibre* shades of yellow should be used, file Murkest for outlining the petals. Th* clocks of the flowers should be made yellow, too, but of a creamy tint the sake of contrast. Tilts creamy tint may be repented in the midribs of the InrgcT i flowers. HANMOME HOt’iK A Nf> BTBKKT OOWNS war tip Ok* 4k< »*** If* fdM «d dte j ■ iiiWqu aa***i4 jpf *MM4Mt | •ho MM»*)I hwM~d * ***** ***** •*%] laid aw tM t -y §0 »M *♦****%• rdffaaaad >d 4k> »■ '»** wwaad* *•• I •-•** **a IM 10*00*. M» MUtewyM* I as ymm two id *dM •** * *•• •if ? f»a* rMiik»d etowh •AM *• d*wf "•*** 1 as twa*» wdh -fwanwd wtth «t»M* *» i te**w tain ida * Afaap* th* Cflk •#» j a mow rwitar df dm u,k •**■ t *o» waawl Th* IMfM df «M teafh* WOO MM j c a aaftw* Of ***«• **•*»• IM ah#- - tea Irap ««»* «•% a * .wro as Maf***M of •M «:*) i»»««ted »'■**» *M ftIMM MM Midi am mm* hM ki i A >■»' df mm tenth «4Md with *a*<N> kdw*h MtMd WW#t | •Met MM waM Tha Id*## M" of I** •HI WM owl t*w* d te wwfeata ta«*f trail'd ***** MM f*wwd Wf Ih* fkiut a oaffadiaf aiwdwwtei dMtefdtWfl tdtMMW* uo to* hate th# NpflMttf as fh# no aa pa* otetakt* inr#»do»f Thr* Mad* a par* t*4 df thd *••*•> and «htd lof the Hua«ian ladle* The effrrctlvrneoa which their fin- figure* f.tve to th* i uniques ha* encouraged ui.iuj. a heal | tatlnc woman to attire herael/TB on*. The lettering ought to I* wot Red with silk of the same shade a* IhfiSdot.' of th** cover. This blue may be sap. tiled I in the spot* with whl* h the thick - are speckled. Red .-hould lie u*'d to em- I brolder the ncroll which forms Ibe lst-e lof the dandelion* on the upp. t part of the cover. When ribbon Is used Inst* ad of the embroidery. It *hnuhl i -■ b- of I red and very carefully put on *he tiny I J|Sj%3aC g&SmmA mua projections on tltc scrolls being em broidered with red silk. The foliage should lie ill two rhre"S of green. The material for tile cover may be either satin or llpsit, but the latter will successfully stand mor- serv ie.. than satin fund is therefore to lie preferred. Ifp.A MATHEItfSKN Renovulin* Blask Fell Mat,. To renovate black felt hats. brush the feh well in the first place, then rub all over with a flarmtel dipped in benzine. Should the brim he limp, place a damp cloth rive)' It and iron with « hot Iron until dry. This method will render it hard and- firm. llhk nijiiia #!•# iwwtslNw** «# Nl| ««* li » om*+*-+ aapw#»#ip»i' ##* ‘ 1 <iP isw * * »I# tm '&nQ* *4 WMMp -^1 ts - hfr i f (■ «w«w # fPkik if|Ml fPf *• 4h94M)§ M I Sf 9m4MI ’ * tludp rif-f »HTi**| fH ** «N| ter tad tweed MteM 'IM *- -ted* JdM tettet IM added wf atet *«** at-*h*d • a ektte *M| fttoat •#**• ■ Mae •M otektwa Mte • tneat <4 •»•*»! i*tf Id MW# «M» at aw* < tM *wtr« Tha ahteMM tltWfl idd* *#te attt.wtwaa •wf wtaflff Wtk* at* a ttfh* tttdWd***Mte, dpt tetwa H t* IM taoat wtetafl as tha 1% tffpa aeap|*‘** >** *—#• •*• ha . tehtefhd *a P*t •# ••** 4 A*. aw M awMawaWda tef fwawaaM# a pawl •taaaat* as IM wihawtete tf*M as tfOpKPMWd kfa'dathatet wafe tte'iO't •P tear Ml lh« teteraa of tM tenth, a rath*- wear* tpdkldd tM dUfiiTinir - eat* aarat-at Th* WttM <wdt date with tM* down had fa#*#* #* (k ta ant'd ratWtaniMrad wtt* raanpwd* Vattte owd t*tt't**a pro vtf o fed deni worn. A eery atrlkina puwn of tlark tiu* velvet ha,l applhiuv* of the ram* utateiial. A* w ith *o many of lh* new noun*, thla imc hail th* luniquc, or upper akirt. lily muff* have mad* a Hui’cenafill bid for populiiMl) Many of lb*m are a* lain* a* I kite* ecn In lh” pi, t uriei of Sir Joahua Reynold* In-autli-* Stn.'ll tmea aiv faa enpen- ivc. of colira*, for It fiiki about Ink th> «|U inmy of fur u» malt ■ ih- ulua faahlonabb muff of today. A WASTE PAPER BASKET. This Is a vaty useful article and should find a place not only undirtv. ry writ ng tanle. but In most living room*. The French call them cache deaordre or "to hide untidiness And that i* a tery good name for them Not only do waste puper* mtike a Intel about a room if not put into some receptacle, hut odds and ends which accumulate while you arc working- Scraps end Shreds of material certainly urn tidier if thrown at once into n waste paper basket. .Some people throw their odds and • ■mi: into ua’ fireplace, w hlch i* all ] v.-ry veil 4-hen there is tin there to j burn tlieui up; otherwise how untidy It , looks" Others would like to have a waste . paper basket in their diawing or sitting . room, but they do not like the business- j like appearance of th" ugly though use ful basket usually sold for that pur- | ~,,-e .if course the lu-nlilcr and more j elegant kind can bo had. but possibly ' I Arm —f thidw** *h# •»•*•**• »»*#*! ip th* h#» *• •• l*ei# add tea h"*» I ftp# at., t tatetef eat* ♦ tec* *aa**d Ho* awatea attpdhtdte #» -4»»tetada »ia|t*' I*o *p •*# WaW aph pte te-td* dMMi Mhfpd do «*w»tef «k» »m •Ah. TM few* aptf-a #nw daa *«i ] : < «ht oanawf Vote no* <teh* wf tht*h I * Uttar mo a tip dOOtMNWS - * ate tap* force M*t» **## o*wW Wt' K '-tea *O*W •ml ttwtpw** iwftfhf edt pt <M Mate mu j- 1* fh*i* a* -e wpMtewtWfi fa*** -•rape apt «'Ote» akf **.-a add pdiaata awwp o*o*l pa* flap ***• a ***** WM* [wf phted #wd #tf»** # »th dijatawl •##*# 1 tcirttfi c.te tM «M Tha "**<*• d»e : I*** *•>*'? In»* * tJls* ’ • •• #t»# : bwH»h» #*ii *#• * j tte* 4*##*»** «• in* #f * I fl»«r# t*+*+*<4 r*t* M fh*TrM*«N» ««*• i’j a H «k ««H #H «*(f» . - flitTT At 1 * «*» t|p» •*»§#•* ■ «»iif4ci|f IHto If * in* tear*' t*«ii ' «# «** I caff**-M rohk far p .**#** te *■*. •awe Mat* te lh*ea paw Modtaa pop : ip* w»adc at ca*wc ar dttekw. >M Mttp • l»*ma byiil to touch th* ne -k and Ihu* > form ill loop. On* duck * head war of ' Ih*.licit pold. with ruby *y*a and a dia mond and ruby collar. t'ATUERINB TALBOT. chatlaa Hate. Octrh h,/cath*ra til rhaded coloring* ar* bi-ina very much ua*d on the ainart f, hat* for link rkatiiiK and arc pr*t tieat of all In theli natural colortwr* or in -bad*-* of pray or heliotrope combtn .-d with ohlt-. | those who desire to possess them do not wl*h to spend money upon them. 1 Now extremely pretty basket* for this 1 purpose can he made with a little in geuuity and the exercise of skill and expelldbure of time. lesik In the lumber re,iin and you will doubtless find some empty box. or even 1 a barrel will do. and afler dusting It well set to work upon it 1,1 no it throughout with doth or some ! glazed material which d*ies not retain > the dust. The sides are lined by nulling j ymn stuff hi the top and then turning I It liver to the inside, and then, having allowed sufficient material for the pur* i raise, milling down tin- other edge to the bottom of ihe box. All till* can be done with small Iron tacks, or else you can Blue It down, (he latter plan, If you have a glue pot handy, being tire quick er and easier for top as well us Imttoni. N. yi cover a card, rather smuller than the bottom of the box. if you mens- j lire I.V the outside with the stuff, and att.-i turning over gluing down the ! oMjrc. ;!U - the whole thing to the hot- j tom of the box. The Inside now being finished you must turn your attention ; to the outside. Caver lids with art serge or any ma terial you like. If you do embroidery. th-11 plan- a strip of It along the top, and place a Vandyke hand at the bot tom. A very pretty receptacle Is the result. To # l#*nn*f* Whit#* Fur*. All dusi must first b- shaken out 1 of the garment, which can be laid out upon a table and rubbed well with bran, moistened to a pustellke consist ency with warm water. So that the fur may not be roughened, it Is advisa ble to rub in the bran with a soft piece Of whit- llumicl. and th.' rubbing must b- continued until the fur Is quiie dry. It should then be gently rubbed with drv bran, hakea and rendered soft and lustrous by the application of magne sia, rubbed In with a plflFe of book mus lin. There is no objection to finally smoothing down the fur with a suit voliei brush. When dark fur lias lost Its luster, it is frequently found suc cessful to lay hot rye flour upon it and leave it covered with this for perhaps half an hour. The Hour should ihen be shaken and brushed out. When the Teeth Are Decayed. If the teeth be decayed and for some reason or another on • cannot have I hem 1 attended to. the following dentifrice ..-ill be found refreshing and antiseptic: l'ure carbolic acid, ■<> drops: tincture ! of qulliaia hark, ounces: glycerin, 1 ounce: oil of wintergreeti lea, 10 drops: , .11 of cinnamon, - drops: essence of : cochineal, drops: water, it’ ounces. This should be mixed Well together and a teaspouiifui added to a glass of water for the purpose of cleaning the teeth ; and rinsing the mouth. An unmarried woman cannot accept : valuable presents from n man to whom | she is not engaged. : •'• Nti OOUNf I yt ’/ • * ■■ - * >* *>#*» >• • » * *" '* * * * •- * taiM^^H •». #a*tc ••# tk* tet^^H .1 .H. 1., 4#.atll# .•* • M*»« t •<•*»- *t- <• «# - •>*•“ WtteWMlJj^H ww* • 4#» t 'Ok rtcWWt Idea « •'-• - a.-octet I* f>'<*•» rtetefl wth • tap Pwwrh wf dark aw* Iwo re** *aw IWte IMI •»- I- f l»ak which *»*• C» c. l.cK it- th. ctrwte «f tha IH ... ... . ore* t-r IM war; with pH 1... hoot It. Iteate ••!•'« rIPPWMjH rl**t*c .»• es Ik* ytel-w nctut. npH *«t» to Ik' tetrwwa «f .daw, mm ■ ..tod lh*,' Wte 4*'P lottvw te H ... 4' ~>l« ».t**d » lh IMH mab h th* W*hp on certain • tb*r c<*n«nd fawlffl c**n lei dWPM te pwlpcMW. reuM from Ik** .!•- «t|ciad* la IM fate 1 l ari* modes a-en mate la Ihm way M a ton* call -•» ream turpur* «M m mo* of lh* la.* oetaa *otead eat PW rarefuMv with r .tt**t . hewtU* awthttel •ty in Hi**' ahfdr* die-*, treat B pcl-rl Illy l**f to th- uafkert rwtjfl Th' or urinal touod*Moo wf tM «w<wH emerald at- « ft* * hot thi« t* «|H pret With rnaa HPk nnnaotlw d* fffl • rotttwnwild.reanichtlforr • oretodwß nnumerwld* Ullh IWumee frawt *td to hem By u»tn* Ikrew two cotore o#d tM «i**W f.wftdatiwa a t*ry faa. UMtH •hot *ir*y» lt produced. Th* lovely copt of i ream am pure wit I I it* *>n rhentli* *mhrntd*n*e '**U| form* only lh* •«*• and (»•»*• «f *hj . pown, for both bach and front it «**■ to ahnw thit ■■t»mi»*»i.tou* (oiii. *I|J (till* H th* ted** k pcrfte ! prlfH 'ftn tt atrive.l at. a* no wal.lkWWH •nr k:n«l I* worn. Ih* lar* n«l M ci.i** 11 t . ih' naur* without MB wrinkle of will Nm.l. Round the dB t. will, h .Ot null* off tM al^H 1,. .. ih.’. i* * deep • .it** ...liar of H iin,i.-.| .|. wn m th* faahld^B 1 ih. .Uy« of Ix'Ui* Mil crued a t *p ti Mim. icniii «t ff and emlwdlH Wiih linv e.oercbt* ind 11 .th here and th»r* » catwwhrin of H |,mk ..hoi to rcp.-«t lh* , nlormpa Iloiini-ed und'i akin Th' -l. evec paH ih' cr-aiu auipuir reachlna to c bow »n.l turned back ih*r* with • ruff if ). veiled line to match th* co^te • later faeketa. on.- of th- *rrc»t mt ao veil leo thla awl l eon I* th* cutaway Jacket, a tlpht fuß till* gat merit aumeUaaeP buttonln* oifl ik,. .-kief or f«*tcn*<h with a strap. buß moe often not meet Inn at all and b*tri(J mi «tltched down to a veat. whk-B may I*- of the fancy variety iff atmoMß a hlph, double breasted rvairtcoat. Tlite] t ontr us ihe its are .oinellme* flnl«h *d with cUMTfPor pointed lapel*, bu' quite »• often fancy buttons act In Kronie of three are ween. The t.a*.)o* ai th* back i« quite lonf Th* collar I* liauallv of the cost ahape and reveals ite direct pi re cravat, with ends which create .it the bach and are ll*d In a bow ■ front. HOW TO KEEP HEALTHY. When people become nervous, peevish | anil restless, worried by little thing* and afflicted with dyspepsia, which ! , anted ho attributed to error* in diet, want of fresh air, etc., a t image, of cite and t est for the mind anflAM - .I.V net ceaaiyHHH t. pc ll i rest Not cl. He - pi., 111 1 ■ 111 y and "■!§§§§ i d on. had eaten the I. ~' and tiled eyelids ifl*, tired eyes." Igllgll other symptoms of the rest are aleeplcsaness, lowness of sph lls and headache. Life begins lo Ins* Its brightness when things go wrong. The brow Is hot, so Is the top of the head, and the hand Is often passed wearily across the eyes. Under these < treumstances it is useless to fly Id drugs. Change of air and rest from W ork and worry are the only cures. As to th.' plate, whether seaside or country, that depends upon the Ins dividual. There are few of our renders tod t oum- and none perhaps too old to study each her own health untl the lies . ullaritiett of her own constitution. The study will repay uny one who chooses to consider it. There Is HO time like Hid pi, sent to reform the mode of living, calmly and considerately while one is enjoying health and strength, for if !<• worth a thousand time* more than any number of sickbed good intentions. Delicate people often moke a mistake: about exercise: nol those suffering from actual disease, but those who are not ~institutionally strong. They 1-t ihe amount of exercise they take depend entirely upon the state of tip- weather or atmosphere. Consequently, if th# wind is'blowlng or it looks like mining, they remain indoors, giving way to en nui and depression, when a brisk walk would banish both. Von often hear a person say. "I feel that t should like a good long walk today." and he. or she. should take it. Being low and depressed and without courage to walk at all in diuateß » wors* «tat»* of things ami should be rought against and cort queied. ~ The spirit# or minds of some individ uals are greatly affected by the amount of ozone :u the air. When this is abui>- dnnt they are full of vitality: when de ficient. ii I* all ihe other way with them. They should remember if ozone is only present in small proportion out of floors, it will reach the minimum in side. Thev must go out to breathe it. or the blood will lose Its strength, the. muscles gel flabby and a day may come when It will he no longer in their power to take exercise in the open uir. Neither rain aor snow should Inter fere with exercise, for both can be guarded against by clothing ourselves in such a way as to be proof agaln3t thsm, and do all we can to keep our bodies as near th- disease resisting standard of health as possible,