The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 30, 1898, Image 2

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PIANOS! Best Values In dew and Imictivi Uprights and Grands. $l5O TO $750 OkHC# of our four »•*«*- In* matuM, W*b#r ivar •tt, Harvard, SiuiU and Organs Hu f*arr#nd A Votny Par or and Chapa* dya*. walnut and quartar Oak caaaa. naw d**igrtg Wa can mv« you monay on Ckwlng Machinaa, Bicy ctaa. fumitura, Baby Car* riagra*. ate. Everything naw In *ha«t Music- Ttiomas & Banos. 710 Broadway, Auguttt, Gaoc|ia TRIBULATIONS TuU) AT TRIHI NAI :« JimS«* Of<*rgb 9 . tt«war.i rnwir.n »> IV fit W* lft»«««l Ihu fa**ra*w> M< ttmtui dMf txtataeas l»*f«v# *»Hn rail Utw <ga*a tfffag *u ih# aielws lor Ism • «•>* mm* lush O Hrka ' b»ig<d Wl«h Vlotallsg as, m Hr h*d liwn found In th* <*. waiting roust fwliltUy evsaing ta quit# an Uteiit-atfd msdittoo Hr told at hta irtbulailon*: ' Juds*. I *«' fma (*Karlm. n A wlf< tod ItUlf Ctrl. awaH my <«mn lhrr# I »«* irflM fa piam Traurdar aftargoog I and A ,-cmylv of »tt#ag*r* and they naff m*- • drink. They found that l had aa rronr» and then they shook m*. w«nt to xleep In th* wattlag room and traa awakened bp an odlwr and taken t» station'' “! five yon nnttl 11 o'clock to leat. the rttjr." Mid the Judge. “Wall, i will have u» walk It out." ssigij’Brtm. When the Judge called Tom Begnett. a rahmd party with what a»i once a galtar washed up to the bnr. , The de fendant a wife alao came forward. Aba told a tale of how abe had gteen Tom j • dollar to htiy certain article# and he being ntotkilf)’ liH'linfHl * w*ni to * pawn *hoi» amt rwtmm+d a pawned guitar that belonged to hla wife. N»w the wife did not deair* yet to re deem the pledge. »•> abe got *»n» mad be cause Tom had taken the Instrument out of aoah. f»he then proceeded to break the guitar all to piece# - Tom. not liking lo aee the tnatrnment daa troyed, slapped hla wife. Then the wife had a caae made against him Tom. 11.80. Robert Smith, flotation of No. too. 11.60. To Cora a Cold In On# Pay Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money If It fails to cure »c The genuine has L>. B. Q. o* each tablet. THREE MORE PERFOBMAfeCBB. Phil Patera' Clever Company of Come dians. Peters’ performance* are still draw ing large crowd*. Last night's show whs •* clever a* tha preceding one*. Peters tea* Juat as amusing ami Nettle Peters as clever as ever. There are three more performance* booked, to- N night, tomorrow matinee and tornor 'row night At the performance tomorrow night twenty dollars will Ire given awav. If you happen to hold the lucky ticket you will be In Just twenty dollars. At the matinee tomorrow at 2:80 o'clock a lovely lady's umbrella will be given away. All school children will be admitted for ten cents ami adults for 26c. A splendid assortment of of fashionable Pocket Books arnd Card Cases in best leathers for men and women at Richards & Shaver’s. DIED FROM HICCOUGHS. He Was Not Free from Attacks for Four Year*. Pt, Louts, Dec. 30. Andrew Merc !o, of 334<l Ijirlede avenue, died at Ms home last evening from an acute at tack of hiccoughs. He suffered from the ailment almost continually for eight years. In 18»t, while chatting with friends at his place of business, or? of them made a remark that caus ed osmeda'l merriment Morell.o laughed heartily. He. could not stop aul the fit devitopad iuto hiccough*. He was attached periodically Phy sician* could do nothing for him and he went to Europe He was In i>ed t»vo weeks hiccoughing almost contin ually before his death. GREAT INDIAN FIGHTER HERE jtnaNftta* «f ife* lnwwtHi faiwfj if Gm jtbgg g Wy«is» ftora Tmm AhragM* I <|mnb ; f|aw» 0 Unit-ftwil *lp» |B M» I f i»ypny jii iff *0 Mi# rtffMißlwrt %#• * I m* mi lirtrtll 9H It*# 9m *** I rtrtrtt t*** 0000 k mm Bfjtf ti# W&0 *W 1 pMMw* m**m •* m*o [mmmm _ I is mm m W 0 ****** j Hfkit moomm In cub &rms mm hm * I tIMMMWf iNPfB tf# In B I*##'* **9 rttf ft f B>nm> st*mm 00 •’’•pi. wn> <r ikm# . ! HHKNIC, *> to* IB IBklwvif lIiCHI #ll lA# J Hill i f MBit i T * >m»b liml b f ro f , *rrl |» pf»%BBB m****** I mnHbb tmmm we mmf - i H«4 Hbb worn mm* t**W&4m**i* wmm * mm±* m dfttUfti MMIV» tf r !f%# CHWI CBfBfBBtitMK 111 #*»•* * imrnm mm <>****** * *** ! imm* 0m m **mm • 90100*09*9 *##•?«» m* J <ft*f |iN* m*am*h* VflMMi 4b m ! l#4 i*»«i bmm «# ib M r** i I gift* «Hl| b ommtkm*n* mi Miilßfib I I BPfMRVI (Übß t»OBBBiB BMUBB •’BN* o*mtmm** ■ m ilhpt# Lsisy'rjrasjcg . wbbbßlß*. n* IBM Bf» WPBBfB* >*•* • ti BhM, mm «cb*b#. wmf bb*bb»*b . Ragdall wWI I I njmrnwi w b*»bb* For Whooping Cough un CHENEY'S EXPEC TORANT. i THK OLD KMOOID HCCKWT. I Wltb agmbrgdfn ta the r , f4M6f Written eaiHVMrir fra The Herald ! Naw drear tn my heart, nee aoawe sum •ate* of rhttdlHMrd . flagr -taffy than* of • Weak whstry day. When Ma from the doorway, would aensfeh' 'Vow you' Jrdnsny. do git me sum water, an' don't stop to play’" t think of It yet, teeth chattering, and shivering. Thai old ley aweeji. oft skyward tt Hew. ntld through my numtwd linger*, aa manly 1 grasped tt. To haul up the well*# Arctic liquid *•> j blue. J ! In the old Ice-bound bucket, the froaty rimmed bucket. ! That got-dinged raid bucket that hung In the welt. That wet) sweep so tall, how bravely 11 tackled. I Dumped moat through to China, that uld bucket brown. Tha Retries bright, through my eotd Angers slipping. • Called many a dark and ecngeful j threat down Ilut up I would bring that Alaska fluid. ; dear tu the top. without even a split. When lo! It would *Mp on the well’s |rv curbing. i And land ‘neath my chin with a hear ty good will. And Ma yelling. "Johnny, quick! emp ty that bucket. I Don’t keep me standing here, taking a chill." t ' And then when that craay old bucket wa* emptied, With blood-curdling *wl*h. that | crafty *we#p rose. Slid the wicked old bucket Into the well'* darkness. And at the name time, hit my freckled *nub none, Ma hollerin' »arca*tlc. "Take your own time; you Johnny!" Then, when 1 to»t my balance. In half-frosen toes. Tuned up and wept in vexation of atur- It, Ma came and licked me. to add to my woe* Tlwtt Icicle-fringed hucket. the iroah durned! old bucket. That old Ice-bound bucket, that hung tn the well. BERTIE EMERSON TAHVER. CHEAP WINTER TOURISTS RATES. Cheap Winler Tourists Tickets are nowon sale by the Central of Georgia Railway to Florida and Cuba. Mrs. Annie Cochran, of GalnsvlUe. who has been th# gueot of her brother. Mr James Sanford, ha* returned home. A. A. Duller, of Greenville, 1# at the Arlington. 7 SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ HAIR GROWER ran OVER 1* YEAR* Till* tlisMx owrltorlimv prvpvrvtiim bu Mood *t th# hrad ot *ll h*ir rMtowtlw* tier, than AOM.OOO botllvv h»tv h*i-n u.«l by th. America pveplw »n 4 thtm,**d» of tMtimoalai* t>«u wltsvM to It# SSraUvara nhil. tlivrv .wv aov.r »«or vomplvint* (to AmtioM ran MioraA SEVER MITHERLARO MATERS’ SOALP CLEARER 1* th* only dandruff cure For (6*a pootag, ItbMUoequs! AU Utrm Orugf/latt Sail 11. TlfF. AtJOTJBTA , I jfe ***MlT*Md» *MSHH» btJB » -h. | »*»•** ' #•*■**•«•» ■ «m> fgknn« nkssil [ BtPWIE: fBNHMfttNNHI * bwb# : >-iißiTr< m ****** mm mb mm** I §Ms*m*timm m B'-ißff mmm. mmm I •mrnomm, mmm mm*, mm « mm# 4§.fß * Wo * IHCSMMi bib *** * hturws HH towha* •*- I urwtAnuhd. hgg Hr* W. M MBT* tm Hbsigggri rmwfcw* IMP* , frees* Cukvevu* igilsk*. Mgknngbunt. m> 'iHM. ’ MAa* »h*i B»MP. §***• •* ! riwfitou rtf mar 9k>. ••* a gtana* of her sarb fv«»m gafutdut mHM Tarn Bay i •***• m» •** 9mm m *m**f- »* Blbblb w* * mmmtfvi •** mmom* pbibt ißimM ftntitf o*of to*m* vln turn mm biibMl•« Obmm I«#b, mmA tmmm mmmm bnmli Mibb h#hmi Mlflß fit B<»B 4bßgfclßr mi WWa «b 4 Mfb , ifflbb4«* « Imbb# I##* T4w*#4b# fr«MB» Htwb Bill# •#!>!• Mr* Jams* M Ttllmaa am Taiwday • trelag rstrrMisel a number of young ladle* and gentlemen moot royally (■ hrmur «t b*r gumt. Was Walt* Mlaa Mam M Hvaaa la >SM 4u*ru |B ABBBBIJI Bfeoftly tB lliit iMPf friend Mim Lmcp tvnngbty. who poM|*ou*d a i hrlr'tue* true she wa# tu ham In ov frr that her frlau) might ha prraaut. Mrs. Qua Padgett gave I very de lightful oapper <■> Wodassiday, to a j party of ladle*, tha foung meg coming later to help the Rkappr hours gam by. There will be « very brllllang ger man gt*m by our young men ak Vtt day evening ta tha opera house In honor of the visiting voting ladle*. It ta looked forward to with pi**sot* by all. Mis* Rosa I Ah* formerly of Edge field, now of Johnston, mme op on Tueedny and will remain hem nnlll to-morrow. Mis* Bll*t Mini*, who ha* been tn Augusta for some tune past, giving les sons la art. In which there cun h* found no more thorough lea* her. I* at bom# igilß. Kf*V , John Ijftkß. PFBBlflßfit rtf Ikrt Johnston Institute, la visiting his Mend, Col. Jas. T. Bacon. Our dear tltO* girl handed her papa hi* Christmas present about sunrtae Christmas morning while he was yet In bed On the wrapper In her familiar hand wa* written. To my dear papa, wltb love and kiaam. wishing him a merry Christmas, from hla little girt and up in th* other corner. In lead pencil, were "C. O. D.” Her papa ashed her If the letters meant “Call on Dad." Mrs. Judge Charlton gave a high tea on Monday evening In honor of her husband's niece, Mias Slvely. Edgefield wlehee The Herald a hap ; py and prosperous New Year. Much-sympathy Is expressed here for j the mill operatives out of work in Au gusta. HOW IS YOUR W IFE? Ha* she lo»t her beauty? If so. Con ■tlpatlon, Indigestion, Sick Headache ere the principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has cured these Ills for half a century. I’rice 25 cts. and 60 eta. Money refunded If results are not sat isfactory. Sold by— Retailer*. T. A. Huxton; Anderson - * Drug Store, Alex ander's Drug Store, \V.-st End Phar macy, The King Phnrmary; Whot'sal ers, Davenport * Phintxy. SOLDIERS ENTERTAINED. The Mlanes Dow Give a Delightful Party In Their Honor. Last evening, the Misses Dow, at their hospitable homo on Cummins Rtreet. gave a very pleasant enterahi roent. complimentary to some of the so.dier hoys of Co. F, 13th Pennsyl vania. Mr. Eugene Watson’s violin solo was quite a treat, and he knows what to do with the violin and bow. Air. Percy Johnson's recitation, "Take Me to My Home Again.” was exoelleut. and Mr. Richard Lynott's sougs were all up to date. He has a tluo voice and on© to be proud of. The chorus by seven young ladles was a gem. Each and everyone must be com plimented on having such voices. At 10:50 o’clock all were Invited to the dining room, where a table loaded with all the good things of the season were waiting for all to do justice to It, and all enjoyed the refreshment and left at 11:30. wishing the Misses Dow e hapy new year. Pains In the chest when a person has a cold Indicate a tendency toward pneu monia. A piece ot flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and pound on to the chest over the seat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack ot pneu monla This same treatment will cure a lame back fn a Tew hours. Sold by Al exander Drug and Seed Co C K Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co Martin Erwin, of Macon, solicitor of the culled District t'ourt, is at the Ar lington. THE TEXTILE worker:* work Hew Tfcrf *ig*i tg frffcrl tI»M I mtm*m wmmmrnmmmm * t**m* * omm #Nmm rtwiii'ißf » mb%#mb smmm T rift t# 90* tfpt vb . ? mi Mm Bt wMmm* «# B'BfPBNE. ff - \ | Wwb%«bb i«*bb* tiMF mmmmmrnm y rrr td(t< J, tj tt*m9 Bmp#*- 1 * It t I Tt* bNMBHMI #’•*>' MB 1 tmmmt IB# SKB tflßtr p'L'pfcVfi | few, m» B 1 | w i*« * t.»i IB m* Bftfll 188 wu' ; |Bait tji»nC» IB# ftMW 90 tUßfr [ | MHiyfc jhfHl «Bb §«f-'4ll* 1881 Bfjpji fVUBt - **f%m Tmntto* Wim****,* m*o tf t [ i wnwrt. ft I* B k*rf itm *lfc# mmm ■ BWt ctßf t W»»t#fß Bfß ttrtßß * t*» j tllimr #» IB# IKI'l'NIliL WlltMl It# «*■ lißii (B#f Bf# tHEm/ *#4 fr Ilfßrßlßß* *bb a m at their rw>«*M R*r ■ pevwawl eurbauge* of egdaiou*. and by talk* frwm au« isvwTul acduam The* dlaii-as* new saachtswry that 1* put «m j tram time <* time. *s*4 th* mautver «f lie maatowtatiun. *»d the nsauner In |« kirk the beet raeatt* lAsrvtMa earn be , fohiaiuai. | W’Mhn* the untoae. everything Re idog* to make the workmen pvogeteal. ■ i t» ntakg them as tlwirnugh as lewsdtdr. land t« make then* »f th* gwratasd M : si He server* to their empP-yer*.. | --True, we wish to matsitala a stage lacgl* ta heaping with the revuit* given. In mnaonaace with the pt«fli» to la bor that nr* pradared by *wr etf«qt* and approach in* s fair rvtara tor a*»- j Yt#Bß< “There le not that almllartty hetweeei the te*tile worker*, ihd th* Mnlghf* j of Labor, which eon** people b>*d ihtby are dMTerent .wgantaaiion* eatlrety. ' The teslH* worhee# here l-ran thrtr organisation about th* tiara the mill re- , durtiotl tu wag** wa* oWrred. If you Win recall the fact. «h* mill president ashed th.* employee* to organise Thl# i request induced Into th* union* many textile workers who may a*>» hnv# o*h ersvta* have Joined. They have already found that the union* ar# to the heoekt . of th* workmen. I apprehend that the ; mitt president* hhve toohed Into the matter, came to the correct conclusion that workmen who are member* of the textile union* are always the moat pro ficient. inasmuch aa they devote so: much Um* to making themaelvea thor- ; ..uxh In their work. living batter aer- j vice to employing mitt*. "1 trnnt to *ay alao that the union expects t* exac t of the milt* fait olax W> do not propose to run the mills, e* j •ome people eeem to think. What he want Is Justice." Games and toys. Our stock Is enormous. A splendid selection, 5 cents up- Call and see at Richards & Shaver's. MAJOR HEMPHILL DEAD. Hla Death Cast* a (Room Ovar the City of Cheater. Special to The Herald. Cheater, 8. C. Deo. SO.-Major Da vid Hemphill, of thl* City, died In Knoxville. Tenn.. Monday evening at [7 o'clock of stomach tr-oubl*. He was quartermaster of the old second dtvt- j sion. first corps. Hl# resignation had j previously been submitted to the pres ident, anil It wa* accepted to take ef fect December 2« The entire city t» cast In gloom over the sad near#. He had always been a friend of the needy, and | hi* home coming thl* Christina., was looked forward to with much pl-asuro by friend# and relative*. He was In hi* 66th year and leave* a wife and two little bov*. Hi* WtdtWr I* a stater of Hon. Edward H. Btru*s>l of Roston. He will be hurled today from the Vre.»by terian church at 2 o'clock. Christmas so far ha* Iwen on* or unusual quietude.' Then- has been seen loss drinking and Intoxication on the street*. Th.- Knights of Pythla# gave an ele gaut banquet tonight at R o'clock. Jan. Munsey at Planters' News Stand. CLIMAX OF DOW PRICES. Marvelous Shoe Values. You feel like roving right after Xmas more than at any other time, for there have been many demands upon your purse. The Rice * O'Conner Shoe Co., appreciate *Jhe condition. *nd make price* to-day that will aid you in sav ing. They Intend to make to-morrow a lively day ot trading, and the prices they make In their adrertisemont to day will certainly do the work. They received too late for the Christmas trade a beautiful line of Gents' Hol iday Slipper*, and for to-morrow only, will selt their *1.50 Gents' Slippers. In Black and Tan, for *I.OO. They have also a. very handsome line of Ladles' Evening Sandals. In Pink, Blue, Red and White, that will go at *1.25 to morrow. It will pay you to call, if you wear shoe*. „ THE GAME MONDAY. The two military football teams that played a game la*t Monday afternoon at the Ball Park, will engage tn another gridiron battle next Monday afternoon, F. K. Ttldeu, of Petowski, Mich., is at th, Planter*. WANT ADS. But tt d >»* yuan A-Mi mi IN' I B» K» rni mm ' WBiH 00* ■ - ttTuftiißr ** tt Bn 0 iHji* ***** % ' fat** B*# mmoo** N| **"00 0 00*** 00k : it# 9**» mm mmmooo m** ■ 1 mm *om f*m mm #» m#4 | rnm 0m h tm mm§ iNBi tm* ***ooooo* lilriri' n • «m f# fM *M* \ Mm* ##« t-irf mtmrn&sm* m* 0* M ihn*# ■ Ml* o*m *0 *OO f»## *oo*t i t%m ommmko twriflrr-rt H liwßlß'f ****** ] E BAMI BBBBBW#BBB WftKHHifei# *0 ***** •#* ; ffertfel ““bhMMB bit ua t ion wahtio i % 000 **ot*WWo 00 <>•** j 0 -.y % IB %i -|-i(ntk ««f BB * #f# ***** A#"' I WtMWtm* 0 P9WOTO*O 00 OWSM ) ftikarttiSi mas ~*.**'! > to a A*krraa Mtm ClTT.^...nd fM»t 8>«.4 mi ***** * ***** 0 I i jgf;r#g | )bb 14 m ■ IMm» . Mb tt## Mmmm. TM M 1N... w\nrm* a ina# niir j l ixAilM rgkß IMB i*m ■ t ißßlr NtftlßNf, ft! M tlMl Pf * Bn ■» fe TM* *Hf rtIMITTHIT mm* mm* o*o* IMiin. 4» #!*'#■ ] INfiHfeffNi tm (bbmb Nr Mbbili \ itoMtk Cnrabaa. Adkrvpa ftUNTBa . mo H*ral4. geelklt ing WAMTMD A* WAI TIM. NTT i,Eft. Itvßmaa Usttanaa. -w awy ktwd j lat Mrawewatk. Apply to N* HI Tarhv -tewet. Hip. fell .W A NTTED— HTTt'ATtOjr AH MtH V a JIT. Add- -ra MM Metal eat at. 4*l . to rentT" '.TO tJCT—TWO MANIMkiMK DOt'RI.R ‘ ! oglrva. *« t-l per month, all magtoß . 11 a»«al*ar»#. Usaitf Pktatay, TMj llt rad street. Dae *» FOR SALE ; 1 fH"W t'Aflßk roil RAI.M CHEAP | fit ttrrad at. Wa. B fteasoa. Jaw* 'WANTED TO HELL-ONE O V THE heat paying haataea*** tn the ettv ! 1 satisfactory reason for selling Ad-1 dees* Bustnean. cat* Hecnlg. f* h LMOIIoHNn FOR fIALW—I WHITE Leghorn Cork***»*. *l.e» sack, threv large White Idvrhorn* Plymouth It—k (ta-ketth, Tt cant* rack. K» I. over ail sh *td Hrvat. <*»cM CREAM—CREAM AT M J ACEHON WT. FOR SALE-PAPER ’rOITwRAPr PINO purpoaea. Cheapast la eRy. tm# cent a pound Apply at Herald office. Itnth whit* aad aawa-papar. Nov I FOR gALE-IM-ACRE FARM. ON» mile from Hty Itmlta. a bargain. Ap ply W. O. Jonas. No. U 4 Jackaoa »t. Oat 1 i CHEAP—PAPER FOR WRAPPING purpose*. 1* cvnta n hundred old *g changes. Wblls papar 1 cant a pound. Nov 1 for BALE-IMS OREENH PTREET. with a mil* outlay cxn be mad# Into a hmnd*om« and modern residence. Term* II 000 cash: hslance. three year* with raven per cant Interest. Apply to K. Kheehan. Manager, Robt. Portnar Brewing company. dec 12 ts LOST AND FOUND. - LOST TPESDAY OR WEDNESDAY Infant'* gold kwk bracelet. Ltlrerol reward for it* return to thl* office, dec » SO LOST.—LI V BR-COLO RED POINTER l)og. Reward ottered. If returned to Dr. W. H. HARRISON. Jr., 11*> Jack son street, rlty, or ttand HU. dec SI STRAYED OR STOLEN —A YELLOW" ' Cow, with leather halter on her. Find er will be rewarded hy returning her to Riverside Mill*, or notifying under signed where she can be had. dec to GEO. R. STEARNS, MISCELLANEOUS. _ MRS. ASHI’RY POTTER HAS RE TURNED to the city, and will re sume her *rt classes at an ratty date. In addition to oils, water color#, draw ing and modeling, slit- will teach china and tapestry. For further particular* apply at studio. »43 Greene street. Jan 4 WANTED—GOOD SECOND HAND typewriter if cheap. Describe fulF*. P. O. Box TM. city. e o d ts WANTED TO BUY—A TWO-SKATED vehicle: state condition and price. Ad dress B, care Herald. dec 30 BOARDERS WANTED FOP. 2 LARGE Desirable Rooms. Wm. C. Sibley, cor ner Telfair and Centre streets dec3l WANTED—TO BUY FOR SPOT CASH. Small House and Lot, In North Au gusta; or will buy a- lot alone at a bar gain. Address, L. L.. cere Hcraja. DWELLING WANTED—7 TO S Rooms: modem conveniences. Must he centraltv located and reasonable rental. Address “DWELLING,'’ care Herald. lt-pd-decM ANNUAL MEETING. Of Sacred Heart. Temperance Society Sunday. The annual meeting of the Sacred Heart Temperance society will he'iiSTu Sunday at 12 o’clock at the C. L. A. Hall. Greene street Officers for en#«- ing year will be elected. FREE is FREE ftm <MT«K AUtWrr MW AMISS P^WKT. Aa External Took Applied lo (be Skin Beautifies it as by Hagic. THE DISCOVERY S AGE t A WOMAN WAS T««f INhKKTOB, n ,-graf } mi :c % CBHHi ' %jos' w ~ f%gmm*oo Ifeß T tm4 lhi»# Imm** * Mfenftof Ik» mm**m mtmm | fgr B'iiiiil— m»t «f j tl# Bmi#■* . %Jt BrtMi rm *** ****** | bw4NI «mMU tkm omm* IN®% o*** \ mm* Ommmtmmtmm 9*m at f* * Arrnmm, mrm T#rti CUf, *Smm 9km pm* If mm **m*o*mN& Q***fkooooJWWfk | fIMP IMfeMfe m* ****** 4»m| Ml 9**tkm 0m | Bn# #fQfpBPH4 tfc# *oo*9 •BBBMfe | fill in Ldlrtgr. eat . wrat has* a toast j ekvrt vj.m»**«hlo.Jwwra ttoltalbpra a »-t exk AiaMat ettot *»■-• the SOU. le. stasgtSag aa-t sartytag tm all lasparikra j ah#b th# htoag hy us astand a*tj to tto .*>* a Sat a HtattMaa! MM* Is to the to—>d •»<< aravas, a kind .4 i torw hlhthat latorahafely » « hilgftoto Skd Htangthraw Whsvevw sppJJeA Ist task e*rt ta kit almost laracffiaSMy. ( haalvtov gitawv tows tha shuv . braktaa. pimplv*. htarhto*#. tosOi yahm. wnahkv. Btav •*»■*•- wtoghau*- mUosm. arapftoa*. aad dwoluHgfcja* <dj any kind * , 1 In o-to that alt may h* »**"«*» by 1 thvfr Gnat Ptasawry. the Masrv Brd wtU gating Um prassot tn mih. giro to all call- 1 THh MISSES BELL, t» f«ii a*w. m* va* c*y. For Sal« In Augusta By James Daly & Co. |g3g. iqg—-I and Blinds Mill Work <5Ai- U5 -i OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. YELLOW PINE LUMBER DtCrWIY Ak3 S*W Mill IQUIPPCO WGH LATEST IMPROVEMENT! AND CPC-ANiZATION THOROUGH IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. - FULL UNE IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSURED | am- PRICES. CATAtOgUEVETC.UPON APPLICATION. W, Perkins Manufacturing Co Augusta. Ga. FRESHEST AND FINEST HEATS DRESSED POULTRY OF ALL KINDS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. * HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR CALVES ROBERTS’ MEAT MARKET Strowger ’Phone 824 - Bell 'Phone 433 MORPHINE FREE TRIAI. TREATMENT will be tet\ to “F »•*,hgmK TREATMENT MORPHINE LAUDANUM. nr other drugnaWM. PAIM-ESS HOME TKBAIMK.Ni. lnve.tie.tioo of PHYSICIANS Mildred luunediate relief given. Correspondence abao- KSSSSSw HOME TREATMENT CO., Tcnple Coun, New York LECTURE THIS EVENING. On Spanish-American War, To Be Given at Curtis Baptist Church. The lecture on the Spanlsh-Ameriean War, to be given at Curtis Baptist Church, thl# evening, is one that every one should hear. The lecture Is stere optically Illustrated, and toe illustra tions alone are worth twice the price of admission. AU points of interest on end round about Cuba, are shown. The big war vessels, the principal battles, the heroes of the war. and many other views of interest, will be reproduced. As each picture I* thrown ot the can vas. Mr. Galphin will briefly explain It. using for lecture, data furnished by the party who supplied th s views The lecture esnnet fan to ii;revest.- and a large crowd vriii doubtless attend A special invitation is . extended to the seldiers to attend. Tickets can be bought at the door. Price of admis sion. -5 cent*. Lecture l- glns promptly at 5> I‘. M» OtCfMrtlrt SO f tirti 0 90*0* p**kmm mmm tftil Ifepttl# rtf 9h*o ■ * ovmfk t**.i*rt f*oo mtamd uMf t*m. «M lm I onV r |»#| tlssrr mhm ****** **o m «W Ii rm mm*f #>w Y«*f% Hf 9** tm*** o*moy ibf «'Ul«#rt4rtiMP Urtfel# l» i»| mk | , fr< J fc si g~— fsvvfe, art life* frtMrirtl rtf f *Artita m i rv*4 «f 1 yh: w s*d <h '•> a vtog. Th* y rta# tt this I * - <,rfal Saak t* It •* y toil* aad Mti htorsl irlfrt M—aid he asofcagmd hy aft, : The M'.wes Sets haw >**t aal-tofced thnr ar* haah. -ktrtta ad Ihadj.* I Thu fl mhM warkls (to to (It towitos I (A. Tlw Imimli UrtrtN mi tkm I uaytwnca as * grad awaydrskm; toMt g wtaaaa Stoy seqaira toaaty aad i .eg It. Iff rial <h*y*a tm tha tar- uI th* hast: b-*w to hav* I* (aftaat grawfh; ' frt>l'i m> tiMHb*aU of mak f 9hm artif J wr*m I®* kiotf rtt*4 «4*«f * #"#»rt tm A v ajv, ggf SCTg J| Ist* |ltsCm#rtrtrt IfeftV to \ZmA .uperSara* hair fora the tora. nerk ami arm* althmrt IsJaG ♦* tha«*g | This bwoh will ha iratlad to any addrasra | Trtal iwatks of M*oad»vfhl Caas ! ntoatoa Tank ft** *• pathra. * # arads I I vast «d Hacking aad walltagltetlaraaia j covdifellf •olldi*€- AJ* PARLOR MARKETJ 95 I Broad Street. BELL ‘PHONE 40*. M VOI R CHRISTMAS TURKEYS should be faf. Juicy, tender *t»™ succulent, and unjolut at the drat touch of the knife. A war with Turkey can be avoided if you choose your bird from the choice lot that are being fattened for our market. We will hav# them tn all else*, and nurtured like Spain’* weakling King, till wo nre ready for them. A turkey or suckling pig from our stock mean* a feast. JUPERB [INE v OF . Christmas Goods! Suitable and elegant pre sents for everybody. The rnost elegant Stationery in the South. Toys of every imaginable kind. Cali early and avoid. thtt rush. DUNBAR & WILLIAMS