The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 30, 1898, Image 4

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*1 THE AUGUST* HERILO ?!!■%• ii I® - *******»*» f 49 j| 14 *.* vm -i -* *# 44* mm **m 4M ***** * •**« «m «,... ..».«♦.... ****** ‘VMvm flit nngtotaataMWta *■* *w* AtoßMtoto- *»» • to *t* BwpawraataMtow * togeta* to %«bOtr __ , . a* MI.KAI D HWNRk rum n otaaw-toaM MM i •*#»«»#• I BMMm-M MM- CMt IWMto—tad# Mtat •»***•** •** - t*« ftmm turn tot# KdUme tar»s f* » IM UH WILL FIND MIL ItIKAU* i In *i«gnto~Aa H*PI *#•**“» •»* I.*9f4ti4 9, I* •«**«***-At Gw !»*»*»' **MM #»g M MsßiF# sww* gw ad (« 11*. •. At Mm tovwa H««*** am* t« llifM*l99-AI UW lliflWlei - la cntaiwm* At U>* <I"M CwMyL in stom TMt «H*r AI lb« liotol Kto • tor* «M FU'b A'«*w* •"#**■ ' pgetto# fatting M taMl Tb* >4#»**4 * Pm*** *49449 *-i*4 MMPM44 **» (9«r«r * wpiMm- 4f' f##NififeNl UN* #499 *® £544(9 1*44 1*940 94f14t4 * Tlwgy f*U It tl* "M M#tl4** i« 44- 1H4441-: - K*§»*ta *• •a*** *• **• iNßtflpW*## «*w %il* ’ $ iMiv l *mx>» • D|vtnMM tedniifH** tbil p*y •441®* 479 WtUtf AUtftia** ••#'4*. Tl.e wir* meftont (•«*» »"«*> *"• gfwdeat toi4t» when t 1 !»>••* Af* rtMl. j "Hsmr Admiral 9. hi.v baa the trip,” hmAtoiral tampaon tag Um put).- A M* («mN to volume o# bmdnea# tu Bl gu* oa the Ne« York atock *x Thar* ahowld b* soot# organUed *t fort mail# at once for a permanent Th* Camp MacbeMtle soldier* ran no* reatla# that we war* itlllng the truth about our weather. They do ray—imnl of our hot tifwdcd and hasty friends that Mr. "Stockholder” war not a gentleman. Th* Duluth Tribune think* Jo* Wh**l«r la the tJggeat little man that bai coma down the pika in won year*. Mr. Hob Scott, formerly of Florida, but nuw of Havana, had quit* a keen eya for Uuslneaa. in cornering the Uni ted State* Cat market. .laiur* Hamilton la*wla ha* at la*t leached Washington, ‘ In tba effulgent glory of pluk whisker*, tuuuve spat* and reform." The Sun can now yuan* again. The *t>orta evidently think ihai lla vnnu I* to lie ‘'wide open." a* Mea»r*. Tim Corbett. Bat Maateraon, Wyatt Earn and other g. atlom*n are aaid to he en route to the Ctfbnu capitol, to "engage In various enterprise*." Editor Pleasant A. Stovall of The Savannah Press delivers his lecture on Mexico, "The Land of Manana," for the benefit of the Masonic Temple aa aoclation in Savannah on January 4 next. The Augusta friends of Mr. Stovall and they are legion would be delighted to hear what he has to say about the country of chile con came aud procrastination, and that, latest ac quisition of our vocabulary. “Manana." Could tt not be arranged, Messrs. Ly ceum managers’ Aguinaldo believes in keeping It "In the family." the Filipino cabinet being as follows: President of the council of jnlnieters, with the ad interim portfolios of for eign affairs, marine and commerce — Sen. Kmlllto Aguinaldo y Famy. Secretary of war and public works. Sen or Bpn Baidenoro Agulualdo. ne phew of General Aguinaldo. Secretary of the interior, Seuor Don Leandro Ib arra. What relation Son or Don Ibarra is lo AguioaMo does not uppear in the dispatches. The following story comes from Jim Haro Dewis’ state: The claa* in geography were reciting and receiving information about our imports and exports, when the teacher asked: "What do we send to Spain?” ‘‘Soldiers,’' promptly replied a bright little girl. ‘‘Yes. that Is right,” said the teacher, "but what do we receive In return?” “We get islands.” came the answer from tiie same little girl. And the teacher said correct. _ • , rat smmuim* •**«-•»*» i*n gwMii* i-imr •< -Mm 1 mm **•*« mdm 1994P1M!f * «■ |p'#44l9 , *4 | H4MM ' mm hn mm- mmm m mm smm j 'nrn mrnm m mm i mmm mm j*4»4 riM4H4I»4 ffIMMI *mm mmrn j I p4#4P4* 4441 pmn *ITM»4 w *4Pj IHMillfi 4*44494444 ****** 444*1 J | J ItHMk T94m '& § mm*9' it*** s m*m ft** 4494 94444 4«4t«M«4 I mft44l ***- ** 4w4 tm ***** p*m»'wm j *|44*4w f*lf 94944494** •********* j 144 ***ttmt* §o*m**A * 4* 1 *' *9 ** j ***■ *** tt tmr 44 9 mm fc*** 4 1444 *i tmm. *ms mm I it** 444* «f li®4i 444 tM* *m *4 «4*4| i f9ww* f4# jjjjlW"*( ts *' v 4* | **** 11*44 4i*g|i4. VHP tom* *4 44tf **4 t ife/ **** *** * *4 1*49144 . 44 I m Ml*** im«m i age «• tk# Me# ad tba «u«k Tb*r see tevee* nf >ni J TWt have MU tb l«M« «**»»# I bat t»«m mp Ma*be M pmre. »k*e* brnkHlg «*• ebiad end «< Ub They buy*': abut alt ’ (> 4 gtt.nt vatu* t» att, that tapseuv bM aubwb rwuatatw* wktrb. * dxiat *«aar*t tu wiwavt amwttuu uttbowt II MMUug tu th* triuptatt-e «<f wubttb : B nknibmitax ttiyal aud without get •tug dtwrted. <as guruai a gnat u»b tie wtskset 1 a upg uut,. yaur aD*y **** | aud A*u*futtwu after u#w*t *«. lb tb* great future wbtrb tba busdravt Mllßuo aud the two hundred mtlttuu who are tu Inhabit and rate tbta mutt- I neat are tu aul»t, tb* greutaat and tb Taunt giurtoaa purl, my bretbruu. la to ■ ha artal by you." Apart front the senator's tribute to ' euutberu naan hood and worth and cut j •Wary It seem* a pity that he mono* f ruutrmplate that Wdivtdiial aa taktpg I part, together with other* from other I section* of the union, lb the affair* of the Went Indian Intends, and tba rtrh i aud teriltg Philippine arrhlpulag" "without fear sad trembling ” oirfxggkct tr OPHHO*. There tecta* to be a dirterencu of opinion In certain of the northern pe per* regat .ling (be eßegcy -üßcary for healing sectional wound*- In the praa td.nt* reeeot «uulbem trip. Th# Bruton Globe remark* that Th# Char lesion New* and Courier think* "it t* In tb# hlgheat degree gratifying that Mr, McKinley aWoda hew where Jef ferson D*yl« stood ten year* ago.” To which The News and Courier respond*. •Wonder If MrKloley will feel compli mented by such an obsereattoc’" W* do not know, hut be ought tu. When he was In Macon he wore a confederate badge: when he wa* In Augneta be lifted hi* hat to the confederate flag; and when he cornea to Charleston next May he will wear a confederate eull. We believe from a study of the man aa a elttaen. representative and president, that bad Mr. McKinley progressed as far as Mis*i**lppl and had Mr. fcavl* hecn alive to greet him, the two would have grasped hands, looked Into each other's eyes, and voiced the common aentlment—the weal of their common country. TILLMAN Y» ICTL**. There appears to be a difference of opinion also among our neighbors across the river regarding the randhla ey of Gen, M. C. Butler—first report ed In The Herald—for the United States Senate, opposing the present incumbent, B. F. Tlllmau. Ucnerul Butler is acorded the right or privilege of aspiring to that high office, bur It Is said that not a few who voted for him in 1*34 hope that he will not decide to re-enter the polit ical lists, In the attempt to unseat Till man. Then again there are others who welcome the opportunity to vote for a discontinuance of present methods, policy aud ideas as exemplified In the present senator. Further, some state that there are many men In South Carolina, who, con sidering Tillman a positive force and potential factor now, will vote for h m In 1800, who would once just as soon have thought of voting for his Satanic Majesty. Altogether, when the gallant general returns from Cuba and lets us know where he stands, and that stand Is to run. there promise* to be a right lively canvass across the placid Savannah. GET READY FOR THE SEW YEAR. This is the time of the year that merchants should give some time to the proper direction of their business for the next twelve months. in the successful conduct of one’s business, there is one thing that eaters very largely into it, and that, is the right way of keeping before the public. A salesman that has a very wide ac quaintance among the people of the community In which he lives is consid ered by merchants a very desirable man. The newspaper is UR* the sales man: the more home* it enter* the more valuable it is to the merchant. The Herald outgrew its clothes two years ago and had to make improve- THB3 f'b* »b**W* but »*•»* hi UMM *#w I !."“ni99f' ! 44*9 o**m%*M t * 449 MMi **ms*t I *r# «*44|HNtllf. m fug w*pw*tt i kas)w4 ***** *** t#a4 44 ’ 999® 1 hr,;r nmm ts ir* 14# **H*f ****s 14 ll9* . fmmi im ggrw fcji-gfgrt 444 4 9lt 4**l , rnrn%tm *4 #»4« 94 14fturrf* m tm > asbbwn bwmbutwm *w «bw* MmM • I 1191449 Imp#44 4* Mi. ** 994444*,* 44 49 ■ : Y 49494441144 t*#%s***' 999 14® m*f*t*b9 9199 , «h>n rtMgHwyad by tba M*w a* tbaw snjwvl *• ui#w by **• M wwiaww. j tug to tba m ■ iiwuina'a*»wi of tbelr j l«iuwdiag Tb* aiMbiW. «w* <w ba yagwiysi <#*»•* j wareaaary WT bWM tb bw4 ruwltliew; tm a ygrartb wwwMaw us yuwaw, *w4 yet, oak but fit* ywur* gosw by thatw mw | k*a* tag* t«M babe*. «vyartatty at tba . iruaalaa* us Jwrbaub wad CaMptwil atraat*. I bat u«* wwt m> uwatgbtly. bet lauw*rwn» t* trwat tbst www a# tb* situ wti Wf tba New Tear will be tb* tepwkrtwg nf tb*W agtaae*. Tarty -fwwr jratMW us waafulwwa* to Ida rvwiutrr tarty ■ fwwr yawra wf aarwbw wwd bewoy. of proklly and afewtaa* perpawa) rbarer try I# tb* rerord Ml bp •awwtof j Morrill of Vttwtal. Mark wf tb* four ayndicate* at rug { g tag tar tb* atrert railway fraarbia# of Havana rtwlm lb*» tbrtr# W tb* ooly . cork-aura rlwrb. Awwrteau ewtwrprta* ] la «t tb* front statu ■ WITH ClfcfHWllA I-IMIOMS. A Ultla Mixed Prom tto* OktoNt Knqulr*r-town ratio gam's MorUnt .ymtalned #>*—#• what of a mixture this Christians. -Hard tto Tall." Prom the Pltaaeraid Ctttoen. it ia bard to tea who nr* tb# avent aat as***. Hot.eon or tb* gtrto who Man him. WHO la « ? From the Home Tribune, Tto* baboon In the Atlanta pulpit I* at It again. There ia very tittle rellogtoto |n hi* preaching. A Threatening Ray. Colonel Patrick Henry Ray threaten* to make the Cuban* In hi* district aton Steeling This Is liable to bring on an other Insurrection. uTsTs. From the Thomas nil* Times-Enterprise Uncle gam woke up on Christmas morning and found hta storking fairly bulging out with island*. Pawcy Talk. Prom the Putnam County News. There Is talk of Admiral Dewey com ing home on a vialt. it will be a poor place for him to cum* to if he want* rest aed quiet. Good Sense. From the Columbus Enqulrer-Hun. Georgia cotton mill* now consume about 25 jier cent of the totnl crop of the slate. When we huve mill* enough to take the mtlr* crop and the farmers have learned th» lesson of living at home, than indeed will Georgia realise what genuine prosperity I*. Green* Byed Editors. If those green-eyed Yankee editors who so unctiously smacked their chops over the picture they drew of the "Fall of Hobson" could have witnessed the demonstration accorded him in San Francisco when he embarked for Ma nila they would have rhonged thetr ex ultant smacks for gnashing of teeth and Impotent fury. The president him self could not have received a more en thusiastic, honest and hearty ovation than did the southern hero of Santiago. .The Day Alter Christmas. (Head of the House Speaks.) My mother In law', my brother In law my sister in taw and sister. The furnace man, the shoeblack hoy, my wife—who could resist her? I My sister's children--one, two, three; my wife’s four little nieces. The cook, the waitress, and our kids, whose toys were all in pieces; Downtown the elevator man, stenogra pher and Danny, The very newsboy clamored, but he was one too many. « To all of these I gave good gifts, furs, sleeve-buttons, a cloak. Warm winter clothes, a dollar —till I was fairly broke. I was so busy Christmas giving all the things I’d got, Seeing everyone was satisfied, down to the smallest tot. That 'twasn't till this morning I had time to look and see. Tha presents that the others had chos en out Tor me. I hope 1 am not captious—but my things seemed precious queer. The same old blooming cake of soap they played on me last year! Two liandkerchiefs —so very stiff mv nose would fall u-bleedlng, A shop-worn book called ’Molty Bawn’ -not really worth the reading: They say the givers are th* blest, but I’m not quite believing: Next year I’ll let the others give and i’ll take to receiving! . NANNtId MOOKB. , ' V~ 'ft £1 tI A f AIU® (AlK ***** mi iHi (pi in r# m ] tm* ******* tm* I Mm*** 199# I# ****** «4 9444# 4*9 . §199999 $m #49999491. • 9aiuia« .. ~ t |u mm*mm mi t ***** * fH999 pm** 9* 99 49 44499991 4b f%O ' prnmm 94 4 V 4991 9 9949 #9999 I j i f%4MP999NMi9i4 irlnr't tt-l'blniftf #4k»*9 49] 1 4lifnM9#fL«*k t* 444 9 P* ** ]|m fnafr «4 4 4944 414-9'* 4*44. j 4t.4» 49 4 pltf *4 ("99 T #4)94 **&*■ 4144941# m449#m fkV# %mr**rn «4® 4*4 *4 f4* 09** f 4 49i4 It 44 tt’u wasw wuttay t* be* aw tb* tat mt •roar l*K4 If tb*#W* a M*W *W « Trapilv wb* w*r#y *r< Watrw to bww rnaaw artbaa* pat *w to tba waetdL WkM WWW owe make mtasab** they repeat tbyaw bp way at sjaiegy. | H*a totter to twrw tb* utbar rtoe* j tba* to to Ml aw tb* aatw* g***w tt*taa t And wear tt ka ttaa* tar «b# wmw*» „ wbr> bate toaa Mw*aw«tawt »• eyptolae : Tbw la tto gled peweau of tb* y*wr j • bew tto Stoker get* equate vellb tto! A apavlnl fancy of taahton at prmwiat , t* ta glv* Ik* bodices g bostut * fleet i ig front. Don't talk about the man brim strain* gt g gngt; you dog t Kibe to swallow on* yowwalf. tattler*!** with wings owts.wead to j silver and atlvsr *Mt have bash dertgg *4 tor veil prim. General Wry tar ha* opened up tto# h>dMay season with a Me# fresh stock of cheerfulness. If# n pity woman iwn't strike out from the shoulder with her Oat aa well as with her tongue. -go they're trying to ostracise the high hat." she told. #! thought they had oatrh htred tt alrtody." told he. The recent death of Oliver T. Morton son of Indiana o war governor, left hta mother ta straitened drcuroatance*. Ex-Secrwtary Hhermsn, who ha* Juat passed his 7«th birthday. *ay* b* feel# well enough to conclude hi# century. The eaamatod wreath retains tt* place as a brooch. A < hole# example had the end# tied with a bow-knot of gem*. J. W. Bouton, of New Tork. recently picked up In London a Itfe-ataed por trait of Major Andre, paiatad by the original. A pood many people have lost thetr j heads over the auccesa of the Empress Dowager tn the role of Lord High Ex ecutioner. During the elvll war Oenerai Merritt won in two years seven brevets and promotions for ‘'gallant and meritorious service In the Held.” Morning gowns and dressing Jack ets have a place among the comfort able garments, even though they can not aspire to elegance. A very Frenchy gown la of pale heli otrope, accordion pleated chiffon, tud ded with stiver spangles, and blue and white flowers adorn the neck. Henry M. Llvtngsone. of Saratoga Springs, ha* offered 125,000 for a local Y. M. C. A. bulletin*:, provided the aaaociatlon raises a similar sunk The tea gown is said to be, with one exception, the only garment of my lady's wardrobe which la purely a pro duct of the nineteenth century. Any man who knows that the girl who doesn’t think talks about, but It's impossible for him to discover what the I girl who doesn't talk thinks about. | Xttng stands are found to be useful enough to tempt designers. The lost ta a hooped standard like a vigorous ten dril with shoots to hold the rings. A pretty model for a grtl 10 year# old has a yoke of cream silk covered with taee, and the doth is laid in three plaits on either aide of the front and back. Frederick W. Burke, who died in New fork the other day. wits a graduate of Bowdoln College, where he was a class mute of Longfellow, Hawthorne and Franklin Pierce, General Bartle. who has been In the State Department for 64 years, the rec ord for long service, has known Inti mately all the Presidents since Polk, who appointed him. James Tyson, tha richest man in Australia, started In jife on a salary of SO pounds per annum. A short time ago he took up 250,000 pofihds of treasury bill* to assist th* government OAfITOHIA. Bun th. Kimf Naw *!»§* Botifht ’*7" 00R SOGGESTIOMS. DOW® 8 DO®®*# * mmr * ****** NwvwMwt * bbtobtag * tab Mat mmmm t 'wtoutto*. * tlM*** e> Hbo , ~ kbMe t Wkliiftaa * UuMe* m ypeiktaw tbtxeba, r «•- Ann -—r * tope utaat * tm b MtoTkata * yiMiMii e glib 11 »4S Mb * Uetgtoi* ''**, * Iwttagl M'*4k <"t* * ttab a * pnww liotow *,•' '**» * tow b Me to# * l.pdtto * Natb bet* veto total ** bait a ,*en * Mata * betk Mar* * Ikeyvb €*•#•■ ** 44t4 ft'* l *lh*Mfri ** |s4t 4^9®499, ** fj%f*f9444 ** CH4ls e (9 * Twittaeu* grata**. Oa tab *• gutto * H u«« fry *• 49K * Kkgto go*#* " Fg’Mfta* " Otto* Jaeke.a Vwrtb * bwuaaara, " gbifto. * to M«>*. * Cogtowwr. ■ Otfwf * T»|gta*b Matter* * Dwllata * Utatau' tad Cw*a Mu aitk " Cbra* - ggliglrnf Troigrtota goweabtra. Mm kiutoabra “Good Taste Andrei/’ DORRS 718 BROADWAY 71^8 r Larger Than f * Ever Before ? r w tb* u«»b*r es Trearrtp- i / u«w* gltol, by u* tbw re*' \ j Tbit to ewacitoS** gytwniaa f 3 Hut «ur aervla* has hreu »»> ■ N V totaetory. tbat ev bav. tb* f J ...rvevaef.t of pbyaioao*. C j \ Wa ua* ably tb* pareM f \ J Drupi and -air yrtoe are fl X ’*•* ««n*. bead at your M C I'leerrtptiuua lo hlk W s Hot Water Bags \ seat bat IUU* Uhl ' hen keep J ! ( a par*** aHv* nwtU * pbvvi- l j rUa ecaald to aaatiwunad. J § Every faatUy afconid bav* M V •«* f nrvaratb* b**t end \ f Bill net took. / * Family Syringes v * of every mak* sad C W >.*od > a** frogs .’*» npwanto. / v Fountain C / Syringes s I Popular and handy. AU / , I lit**. Prioav am rlgbh \ \ Our Cucumber & f \ Almond Cream S S vurely eura* ahapped. rough f 1 % skin and beat* tb* lac* and V 1 V bandt aa aamoth and to It aa 3 J a babte’t—Sic bottl*. # ; ) Alfiamler Dri( Cupm < J let BROAD BT. C 321 (Mb) CAMPBELL STREET. EL W. IDOIDGhEj Rnbtier Stamps. Seals. Erantfs. Jc. 331 Dth St., Next to Holman’s Meat Mark* AUGUSTA, GA. JOHN H. FEAREY —The Bcliabl# Jeweler Can be found at 21 1 Campbell Street, first door from Broad. Best Goods at lowest prices. usm EACH DAT iEEi THE IIIKALD <i ROW 1 Calendars Sun 'noMiTue iwbolthu' ewii H*t~l SEi4"i9»wnsr i g "T s Wt nr 5T 9 io jsr tsrw> a > g SH3l2A tehratg#t»sr4»iAolyrj For Rent Farm f»f thirty mermm jugt ; tralow city. Dweitinfft. gtertag mnd ; ff >c«a In «il Micliong o f thu city- Several of J. B. Whites nuw Broad ttrMK Houmm mrm gtiii unruntod. SpMCkbi priew* will b« mad* to d«- girablu part eg. John W. Dickey I 4 t UUbft M49# CLOSING COT SALE tg o*bar tw etoaa* owl my ab'*r* ' stork of w note a* bp tbd Dto | of lYtnary. to tb# pattarn or toad* j , |<i mntar, I wnl sell as and bataw wage TERMS CASH. WM.B. BENSON M «rv bap I Tutor, 7«l BraWd M. Find Mm Roger & Gallet's toilet Wstdta, Aeeoriert BO*PS Ks- Incu. Pood f* da Ek. At Solon Palmer’s Balk Extracts Extract, is, Pawcy BoUki- Ricksecker Tot tv: wst***. Hoik Et*r*««». **- (nets u> ihAtiee. basbtl lVwoar. Crown Perfumery Pm* Bottl* Extract*. Lautier Fils Fia* Bottl* Extracts. Lubins Fib* Bottl* Extract*. Atkinson's Fin# Louie Extract*. __ . The Howard & Willet’s Finest Colocnes in Fancy bottles, all sizes. Premium Cologne, Fairy Queen Cologne Coudray’s goods- A full line. If you wan*. Per fumery come to He Howard & WiHel mi Compasy 81* Broad Street. Augusta. Tie Aipsta Herald Larjest, Brigllest and tie Best Newspaper FuliMed is This Section f QUICKEST TELEGR VPH NEWSj TEE NEWS OF THE WORLD WHILE IT IS NEWS. 12 TO 18 HOURS AHEAD OF OTHER GEORGIA AND SOUTH CAROLINA PAPERS. m\ TRIAL WILL CONVIIICE TOIf FOR IKON FENCING CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 310 10th Street, Auimxta, Ge. Cto-.Oat of To-ro Work Solicited MOI Lamps, both Banquet and Library, in beautiful designs at Richards & Shaver’s. DECEMBER 30 TOILET SOAPS* lc«rry * fwH*m*of *Hm most «9M «H‘e* taw. a c*fc-=• ipeßA ettovi*. ftov* •f*i turfertofit tirgndb. tmt «*t Mur* goods, ftrtd ran {*• usmkJ by Ihs m®»l ate LI GARDEUE. DruffHL ROGERS 4 OALET. I niTv • fwh Him of Bog* •rg 9 o«i*t'g fine lortgt *r tteles, stictx •• bosps, totiet wutera. ektrgctu. end pow dgr* L. A GARDELLE. tv u „„, ONION SETS. Now Is the time to plant tor «n tarty rron I keeibj nothing Out the very OeeM Featern grown gettsi up*4 cist low price* to market h'«r<j«rvgru In large quanti ties- L i. GlßDim Bntlß. PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 309 7tb&* Itrrtta. Os. ii«nnßt(nmni*tf su«g atrtu, gvSatoa toe ****** atani— a** toato* st«r< >*— Laaasa cat mm y*u» Us#**bit f«a ear. FREE OF CKARbE. JUSjSS ■—■■a.: 04.444 Kir#- COAL and WOOD —rwni THE North AiriU Cod t Supply Co yi eeitoy and Mtoatuy f. W SCOFUELD, PRESIDENT Bail IT— act auvugar Mb Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can I supply your wants. J We have a full stock of 4 latest styles of All goods finest made. f Richards & Mm 827 Broad St., City. ■ Paine, Murphy & Co. teMMIMMON kiKIU HANTS. 803 Fejfiolis st=TelepliODeJ2fisf.r,* Jiivat* Leaved Wiraa Luect to K«« Yera Chicago and Few Orleans. Order* executed over our wire# sot Cotton. Stocks. Bonds. Orain aud Pro. vlalooa for cash or on margins. LocaJ securities benight and aold Keferancae —National Exchang* Bank of Auguat*. or Mercautila Agenctea. forsaleT^" Number 22 Telfair street—Four room house—-Lot 40x160 feet. Ten acre* of land on the Sand HOI*, near Hotel Bon-Alr. Dwelling of 13 rooms, stable, barn and servant house. Will sell at a aaciiflce. Three small houses and iota on Sand Hill*. Will sell separately or aJI, at n bargain. Si Acrea of land near Wrtshtxbora road, one mile above clty’a new tvatea basins, 50 acres of land near Mllledgevilla road, seven miles from court house. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. INTDSIXIT! fgt~ l bag to notify my friends and customers that 1 have a,*d d another chair to my Barber Shop, making tix firat-class Barbers, and I hope to accommodate my cuttjmcrs without waiting. HOT AND COLD BATHS. COME EARLY AND OFTKN TO Hickey’s Barber Shop 213 * 214 Eighth St.. OPPOSITE ARLINGTON HOTEL. . A 50LDIER 1 after the Bpree need* ’ LAND’S HEADACHE CAPSULES. They cure 36 out of 37 headache*. £ for Ec., 2Sc. one box of 12. THE HOWARD & WILLET DRUG CO. 8.12 Btoud St., Augusta, C.a.