The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 30, 1898, Image 5

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FRIDAY 11 ■ wwi^iiii.ijnnwi r r rf- ‘ ***** N. «K*n«*. Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUSTA’ oiohoia. (OHMIMH R P IK PA.NfcE* MK A fll# M ji. #* % _ _ ft im*m- Rt |h#*ft H##*? fK^frßjßßß** MMlSim *I mu 1111 T f%*». *f j f *!• XSSI ££.*##-1 *—»»*«» 4m I m f 1 i *ftg*r*rum awd »n»u»»» L«*> *» goto# M »», Bfule#» »« Kw«l» *o*l WftWM" *»*M* •* tto , -*»«» rsarKD ram DR. HKNRY J. GODIN, Myeaagto (Jg,. • Mhft#vs **tt I* * **. Hill I atiret. MW d*Wt *w»« IWplet# 4()Ui> IM A CMTf ITOiACH. ImK m A Tiim Pnuri# and Tammi >a im«w IMW Hww |€%lmto Journal ) la th* aiw**r(i «t • taw dUM#**# - ag la Atmmt* §dg*t at tto Morhys.-da laM ant ox Aa*od a a»d aaedal tr * Ifea hra as a Mali*** «•» •*•'* h*« Wn fM* 1 * 1 * KaMti #d »»•■ return# 1 to IM awaai who MM N artNl# a acton* yt.. it fwn at mw mi mw of th# wai rw jaJM M T**to. Tto atMary <d tl # trinket • Wottovt waa brought to fight tarty afta* *dv»ctl#etortst» h » 1 to#* pMdNtod *• th* too-vyo#"* t|iaa^" ul T**a» Th### aril' • * mrr (tail ika medal a* h*vl*g th# aan»* “Ida Mar Work." aad «4a v#*r »*•». •ggiwvad aa It# iwaw aid# 0»» of tWw imm fired at fundo* f**a*d a «arh la JlWfWjw. M. M. It **• learned 'bat Miaa twk bait grown to Ha a a ana a in 'Ha tatar**al«< yaarm, ,„<t tkat aha ba4 toll# girl* <* bar 000 «b* rend tha *d**rti*#m#*t. *"**• ui Uw me* *y M Armour * and received tka medal. Tba tttrrf at tka o©lde* croaa whirl* rax* from tka Uat Mar »tat» ta tba la tka roa'a stomach probably »wM aaaar kata h*aa told had It not her* for aevvral ahar* eyed *«*• taapartora who nn awtrbißg tka hilling of tore#* tkat 4ay. "Ox at tka man ao itoM tka glint at tto gold. aaW In ayaator George H Util*. ' and •• all opigkaaar towd to saa what It vna- tta yotad It to ha a modal and th<- folio* to* laorriptloa a>x aagmvad on '• Praaaatad to Ida May Work , Bf (W Fort Wortk Saaßlaarjr. iMI. l “f>rd Skaw. aaparlntaadant of th« I awat bon**, took rbatga of it Thgt k ulaU' ba made lonulrlaa and found that kbat batrb of rautlr waa eblpt>ad fro™ Ejiki Taxaa Ha wrota .o tba poat* at Dallaa aaklna If b* knew Ida May Work could I>* fount) Hhi poattraitlar rapllad Hint th" Work Hmily bad formerly lived In that t Ity ■t the older m-mbera *'■' dead and jptkora bad moved away. As a last Mr. 9baw daeltled to publlah adverttaements for the owner Wa did not bear any more of the matter, and had almost forgotten onr myate riona medal, when a latter tame from the woman In Mexico. She aaid abe was the owner of the medal and waa overjoyed at >ui being found. It ap peared that the had received It as a reward of merit while a pupil a. the Fort Worth aeminary. One day ahe waa riding a horae over the prairie near Dallas and waa thrown off. Her mount ran away and in the confusion ahe loet the Malteae croaa and another aim liar medal ahe had worn that day. She searched a long time for them, but could not find either one. Her ex planation waa conaldered sufficient and we Immediately aent her the dedal. She expreseed aurpriae that the bit of gold ahould have found Its way Into the gvomach of a cow and In that manner be carried to Chicago, where It once more saw the light. The case pux xiea the men at the stockyard aa much as It does the owner.” Our line of Japanese no velties is unsurpassed from 25 cents up. At Richards & Shavers’. iWE i WILL ! RECEIVE i J I Today by Express new goods suitable ! for NEW YEAR’S I 5 Gifts. ; ; Attractive prices \ will prevail during \ j the week. : fi. Scheliert & Co. j KAMI tIK&A? Nr Milk A kriwMw »bw Van fMrwl kg a j U« 9m tana MIMs (Mrwtm *Vaw»».’ A Mm UaaeM* I I r< d» «a twt Mryaka fi*g h ••"?* , im Mmnmp agiwrwuwa. AagWM SA and. -fiirkrg M* Nfwaga Ha n»'*i ngTß‘‘* wax* tka <M wwwt 4am* aw# ,bw waiwwg tar a tw* muamm ataweN; •pain fm» sftov ***** IN’ Ika * *•" I MM •• Uw JNmmM r>.Mwtgg urtkwgj Ms w Irate nm 4 WwMMW Ik* MaMyv*- iMwara ami a rwaA twyoMi Mr. Kwrt* efk ptaaiMkM * W 'ta* H* yMt* 4»*k »•**«* tor a MM* Iwkl Ik* tww •••* ■ srar Hi h Tk* walk vwaN kka waly j ; rsswMN town w*4> aaf W N» «* mt* ] tor M WaS fcMf Ha **w«tk. Tka MM of W W Mr y New* HN •*•» Mb UN a MWdMbMI l*v lyMsg eseaf* tka fgr- I imi wktrk MU* aa* frsHß Mg f#M f4*W* I tM Wm to MW kaaw* wk*ck was WwNa > pgllßM |i*i fcl flM«i Wk«w I toft tka uala rawd I **•- tjiowataM ga) a*wn*d ,«a*kta»g «ay Wry*; rN ap tka bill bat b«tof» I k»<t gnaa faf I beard * Nwry oNy paabtag Mp way tbmagk Mw bw*a r*a tka W tbnaght It wa» k-g gatwe. pagMkly ‘ an eland wr baffau* but a* I Wit a t erta.a aaeoaat *.f ua wata*** I *«" to tka otkar atda of Ik* roe* and ptwk away wa gMekfy a* I tasM. wkMi f bad (>** a ab»rl dlataani ap Ike •tope | look* d around and alMwat bad a fit wkaal I aaw a fal grow* ll«* •landing grvwa* Ike road. bvwaAalda tat. ■ilk bi* Wad taraad toward W*. and a* I looked ka started t* pavwult I attempt ad »* ■**«■• m warfclx. bwt * owing to ihe atop" a*«*e«ae*t I tailed twiaa. Tka third time I wr needed to petltog away. a»d I dtd ped al tor all I wmi mortk. hat tka markix kept wahhl.b* acre, tile torni «d I saw tkat Ike Hob had toxww* tkadl*- tanre totwaiw m h* stow* half, tfcoogk * 1 «•* «HR ftfl t ymrd* frtrtß the lop of f,IMP itopv*. I He k*ut up a low growling all tba tlm. and" I «told hear bln. more and mmre every MM*. •# be it Ml i J.-ssened Ibe (ttstance briawt ua. I i think I *«oid bare enally out at ripped him had It l*ea Nral ton tka macfclne keM up a rattle, rattle, over Ike In dualltiee la Ike road, and once or twk* I ,«*oa nlmoat tfcmwa off. I did n*.t dare to took hark. Indeed there wa, no need as the grttol plainly told me that be was a’.moat on me: bM at last I reached the eraat and flew down the oppaatta atope. I then aaddeniy re membsred that lke<e waa an open cul vert across Ibe road some two hundred I yard* ahead, but there waa no time •a dismount ao I rode into tt. and the shock flung me High out of the toddle. I but I fall ba.k on it without being i knocked off. Fortunately the tide of the drain , next tba hill waa high and the opposite aide low. ao that the machine wan not ai M <k la the culvart. and though the front fork **» «* d ,h * ,ront wheel grated agalnat it. It was not quite Jammed and I waa able to rid# on When I reached the «mooth part of the road v»ar Plantation I waa able to get «P a good rate of speed, but I no ion****" bea/rtl the growl in the morning I went hark along the * rowd and found the lion hail come as far aa the culvert and had there come to The chase, the.efore. lasted along the whole road from the main line through the forest to my | house, a of about two miles. - B. C. A. Oaxette. * For Cifoup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. * WHAT THE LAW DECIDES. A oorruH-P ridrtß** *<t. providing for 'an action (o t, •* <»>* right of a aurceaa fui e»»aid»t« W hi* omce when chargvd | with unlawful »«* «nrt a Judgment de claring the election void and the office {vacant, la he!*' ih Mason vs. State. Mc- Coy (Ohio), 4* L. R- A. 2»1. to h« a valid law. A tax on accession to the property (of a deceased Person, although It cre lates t Imitfri did exempts some of the classes and ,f <tkts different rates for other cla*«ci/|i» held valid in Loeher i sparger vs prake (111.) 41 L. R. A. 44«. !ifit is unifot m »® 1° al > Property In the , same class. A proviso for a corresponding redur : tlon In the amount of Indemnity given i fjy an aeeldant insurance policy, In case the insured ‘* Injured in a more haz ardous oeuiP»“on than that for which I he Is insured, is held in Standard Life ! and Accident Insurance Company vs. Carroll (C C. App. 3d C), L. It. A. )9t, to tie reasonable and enforceable. DOES STRIKE VOL)? Muddy complexions, Nauseatimj i breath eonte from chronic constipation. I Karl’s Clover Root Tea is an absolute j f . ure and ha* been sold for fifty years an absolute guarantee. Price 25 ets. and 50 eta-• bold by-Retailers, T. A. Ruxton Anderson's Drug Store, Alex ander's’ Drug Store, West End Phar macy. The King Pharmacy; Wholesal -1 .-rs. Da -'enport & Phlnlzy. “Babe.” | From (®* Otdffih New. Mr Bailey does his best to be good tempo ed. "But,'’ declares the Wash ington Star, "people seegn continually fl „ n , ,m annoying him by trespassing ib, i •institution.'' TjETBI AtTG TTSFTjPa jdCßs R- A- IL>ID THREE CHEERS FOR DEWEY. LEADER OF THE NAVY! _ Muirg- TT P*ms fit I n*tif** h*o h mi#** **'*’*• wmp ; NWFIigWArtR M wg gR n %ik# w* - j «ene iMWiiii'Wl. | pm wg th* ehe** he w*« Iti tt mme *«4 em the* \ ohhfw&hh hn& iM gm wt&th ! in tit# bead at tka amerkaa ’ «»»** AaN a* Hw gpNatdid keto Ml a i jbim aaktoMnm wf fcw torikdaff. Me IfKitotaaae aad the high kotow ass •**> [ MMMsiMR IN ike Mkwaoi) as Rear AAgM’al , Kg** ttwuaa iff. n»ww* Mvwaw the rank is« aKiwr ass NN Itgjtad Mat** i Oa Muantoy. rhrtotwme tkoagk HWI i am tmt m NaNAay. WM aaiWd N ; Mvtt gdmanMWW- aefwtw mamm .* I tfcw FarvagM at the Ovtoat mma -m*4 I tkat mm— tk* tohoto at tka gw*#**w I aatto* wa tk* gNke mam akN W> ea 1 lead to him. at <*** *•* *ka aaMW ttow. > Maagratatoitewa aw Mtwtatag kw diet '•mhwwn * **»y many Ckvwtaww wad fuMfcrf edvxarvwKßt wttk keatt- Ml wwkaa of . _ -ttaay kapf* rvaarae of 'k# wy It to a amt ter as coarse a great Ibiag ta ka tk* raaktog «ar adwNral of tk* v*M NgktiOf macblx of Ike l aKed W*!« Mty m M Noat* today ■ Wm wkat ■fdak at kla wMI-artofc era bad kyel tat waa ttot tkey Ihe a#)* t# gltK Mm w*oee RIMM m | piwait** tkat ka wwal* ka tk# admiral wf tka Mtf „ w Tkat gtwtoetk*. hamatm will cowa to Aw ume j tl ; TH* HIUJI OF VERMONT I It la a tong Junto Nat* * fc ® • r * r ® hill* of t* naoat. a»oa* wkleh Damrf gret *nw Ik* light of Ibe billowy bill* which toll hark of Manila aad which aa commodore ke thought looked ao i much Ilk# tk* aattve hill# of bia dear I mile stale of Vermont when hi* H'lN sauadtoP steamed round the capital of the Philippine* oa Ita alien, hut dead ly way to amoAber and to aawab the gpaniah Beet at Cavite. But between tboee far apart two range* of USJ "e» the great rear ad jmirara life. o**»l of which baa bee* ■pewt la the service of his country. A SWIFT PICTt'RK. | (ieorge W. Dewey wa* graduated from Annapolis In 1«* He cruised In the old Wabask In the blue Medller raaeaa. Ho waa mad.- lieuieaaat In IHI. He fnugbt with larragat oa the Mimiasippl as part «f the Oulf squad oa. He did duty la the North Atlantic nquad.o*. lit helped to sur vey the Pacific when the white* Of peace had again spread over th. H« aas made commander In l*9d. Such la a mere akeleton sketch of the llf» of thl* horn flghier and strate gist. etoar-kawdod officer, daring horae tran and cluli-man who la today, standing guard over mu broad new I him session* in the Indian aeaa and ranking rear admiral. never whipped AT SEA j Dewey baa never been defeated in | all his aixteen years of aea service. A 1 thrilling epiand which throw* a funny side Ight on hi* grand career la the fact that the flrat iind only time he ever suffered disaster was when a • »a*ay, obstreperous school boy on shore, and the person in the form of s small alaed. underpaid school teacher, weighing only rfO pound*. This pedagogue is now Major Zi. K Pangborn. of Jersey City. And here is the story which he tells of how he took ehaige of the atate school In Montpelier, Vermont, and found it In a atate of chronic revolt agalnat authority and, George W. Dew ey aa ring-leader. VIEW OF MANILLA. i Manilla, the oapltal and largest oity of the Philippine island*, has a popu lation of about 830,000, consisting of Spanish oreoies, Chinese half broods and natives. Up to within 36 year- ago it was a oity of imposing appearance, the bouses being solidly built of stone, bnt an earthquake shook most of them to pieces, and when the inhabitant* rebuilt they made law, lightly constructed houses of wood and bamboo. Xmas Presents. Bilk Suspenders tn Boxes al 50 cents. Gents’ line Neckwear at 25 and 50 cents. Ladies and Gent's Silk (tartars at 25 and 60 rents. Ladies and Gents' fine Bilk Handkerchiefs from 25 cents to *2. Ladies and Gents' Silk Umbrellas from *1 25 up. Pine Walking canes from 25 cents up. Gents' fine Glove® of all kinds. Plain and fancy Socks, Shirts lend Underwear and all other things : not mentioned at reasonable prices. F. !Q. Mertins, the Tailor and Gent's Fur- I ntsber, opposite Planters Hotel. ! Place you order for fall suit with U. r Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. ‘ - mir, nt * ft#4 ***** ll*n^ ■ m AMifii top. rOTr »'if 40t IMmI Dll**** | ■ r I nil ttiff) ftfßMtfHt Kftwft •Pt'iftnrfiw# ] M MftiAie iii iiinMiaaitftt «mi he «•>«•!§ I -fix AMt slt«< 1 to Ik • rssbtoo 4 He- ibs aag‘ s/varaesw emwaa wa* mowdat fie way dw wN «M«ra to tk* wtomt iwm I <M bMA kw* Ik* mm 1,, - sMb'**A w> a He *#♦*«• | mln - tb.« Urvwgp k« > Aevsavwd Urn* be waaa 1 ewmiaff MM tkat I aatoM •» to (be dealt ADe« at bunt titol da* ■ ii,, - T> - who bad rltaatod to tk* eapMa ' t the add state ItoWne. atowsed fc.W s»W A* pe 'to* (ke (k.Mrvw wttk «*•#■ ' toll* aad wka* I wwat <*M awd »«• i togtoNA k.m to >u*s 4nw* be agate j agataad am> togn to Ike devil H T“H 1 I.ATINti IM AttMl'NlTlfM. | -I w*s mad aad wb«* I pA kmt I •peat tk* to*v.i*g A ffl-a *J ! t aent wig* *» (5 •**« day. I ArM as All pvwflded mytolf wlik a very Mk • .taattoi ra« hid*, and *1 a tot* kw*r Mgb' ta*k M to Ika avkonlranm I *b4 ptoeeci || peer Ike ledge at tke ea i mat* ttour. wkeve It arawld be ready In toy band wke* I e*leasAl arbaM x*t I day | also hcared t*a as Ikfw* r-eioU i sttcbv wf ekrdwond and placed tb*ns am | top as Ik* asond bov to Ike ecbool mews i * here I cnwld easily reacb t*e«. I Ibe* went to bed sad atopt like a fcabff. for I had reewlre.l tkat wtom tk* r*aa pu* Maned I Would be tk* firM to fire & #fflft(il>lA)t * “Dewey came to aehonl nest morn lag as If notklac had happexd aad l«ok kla seat M bis desk aa demurely as any young tola* of them alt Mia amlle was both i-..4<« and bland I warned ao lit*# I* preliminaries but an soon aa Ibe scholar, were I* Ibedr I summoned Dewey lo Ibe plat form In a terrible voice RKADT FOR TIIK HATTI.E. f * * -1 “He came with a aaaay twinkle in hta aye* and seemed to aurtrey my slen der proportions with a contempt bor dering on amusement. Then I began to talk. I summed up the head‘and front of hi* (»ff ending in a folee that brought lee to the window pane# and wound up by tailing him ihat he must forthwith nay be was sorry for having miah bared htuwodf. apologise both to me and the school for what he had done and promise lo lie obedient and orderly In the future I told him If he did But <lo thl* I should punlah bttu several.' the* and there. “Dewey laughed, and IT I remember aright he once more Invited oie In quick, nervy sentence* to go to the devil. . “Th# next instant I and the rawhide were winding and toesing around Dew ey like the fire of one of the big war ship# that have made his name fam oita the world ovhr. 1 was lUw und slender, but ao »l»<> was the rawhide, and the two of us so demorallxed Dew ey that almost before l was aware of It ho wa* lying In a heap on the floor. IK* was bleeding from a wound In the hand, and whimpering as, any hoy would at receiving ao tremendous a thrashing. He was conquered while I glared over his pro*tilde form ut the other rebellious spirit* of the school. , "For an instant they sal motionless, ao extreme was their surprise. Then seven of mem started up the (leflle formed by.the row of desk* to have my blood. But I was ready for them. Selling a stick of cord wood from the firebox 1 dealt the first boy who crossed Into my territory a blow between the eyes that sent him to the floor with a crash. The others paused. “ 'Sit down,’ I roi t/J anil down they sab “That ended the Dewey revolt. tell your sister A beautiful complexion Is an. Impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by—Retailers, T. A. Buxton, Andersbn’s Drug Store, Alex* ander’s Drug Store, West End Phar macy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesal ers, Davenport 58: Phlnlzy. Our prices on igults only two-thirds what others charge- E- 3. Henry & Co., »i»ot c«U*h ia|Hoih. *4l tpift f tftitt'* r*9k*» n | Er i i »**« m k Hk# turn# Mi «## <*• %■*** j Ml #####?♦ HR# !*•• )#**"•*•• f l I #|RU 4# IM ****** the II wr# •* MM*## flA# <m»4 Hi# iHNitt hnfre I [wf i#p («pm hemm mhh*H** Wh*h j Majnr lawN •## M'Amwd to mbwc* toj , ika I‘MtoN gaatsa ka <*•• • ffusM at ' : toNMW M • ktva* dtoaat, A *#> j > mbs toad •*• MMtogwd toe Ik* —m •Bn* tk# (■«)■« at tbs toad *ad#» | st«sd KwgUak *#4 wksw b* m— aak#d l It Ida bawd na«M toWd'M tto Ato#*»#*a j j Btotow*! air to* mpmndrt pn ngty to! j tk* affiraaailv*. **4 «k# baud ptoyvd j j “A HM Ttoto » Ilf# DM Tmmi ** tfftow . : dbaftor * army wa* totog Nadad at | g|bu»#y awd MMgvilet Ik# to*Aa *M tto j tyaampurfa pl*j#d "A ll*il ttmc At! i (KMHORRPR. he #1 H#iillik tß*# hit wee *#* I J *-em h**wt imnmnl » kh | j to HlMi M fIMM If tIR-to EAAf fklftA# IdPtrit MHMN# f#A### ' wiMld kat* to#* «*a*y xlrtotbr an*g» •hum •qwalisa to popularity aad , perms nett |*dd am Ito P#opN Ifcua# at .Ik# rlvtl w**. Onyx T«bt«s at prlcff* Ihat will iurprl** you- Ju*t the thins for a Rift. At Richards A Shavsr’s. PENN KIN For “AuM Urf ." Who Fought to tto Civil Way. 1/aslavllN Ky. Ito*. 9fi. "Aual laiey" Nb-kot*. a rnevucr Member of Ito ' n.d Indiana volunteer* who fought all ilhrougk tto ctvll war. has tos notl -1 fled by tto pension slrparimcot that tk# prsaldeut has signed a aperlal Mil giving her tw#tf# diillars a mouth. , She was a atove and escaped with her husband and little girt from a irtFll < master. They Joined tk# regiment nt I llollvnr, Tran. Tto hnsbnnd was| killed and tto mother took up hi* rl fie and BMirrhcd to kla stead. She ta a member of Ike 0. A. R. poat at New Albany. Just aero** Ike river, and j lake, part In nil Ito parade*, wearing bar old soldier riot hen. She Is about seventy ynnra old. but all 11 sitting and henrty. She mad* a strong effort to enlist In the New Albany company du rint the war with Npain. Hhe l* said to have written two letter* to President McKinley on Ihe subject. Tou ran «e* » fine suit cheap for cask at E. t ■ Henry A Co. A 51* and M» Campbell alrevt. CIIFT.I TO INSANE. Kankakee. 18.. Dec. SO. - The i.SOO patients of the Eastern Illinois huaptt j it I for the Insane alt received Christ* mas gift*. Relative# and friends. In iiddltion lo packages, had sent sums aggregating fifteen hnmlred dollars lo the authorities for the purchase or presents for Individual iwtlenta and six hundred dollars more for public charge*. In purchasing presents for i Ihe patients the authorities selected useful articles, chiefly elothlng. Among the the leading prefer ence was for perfume, and they w.-re quite particular regarding the brands, i All received candy and fruit, and the men were given elgars. The Christ mas dinner consisted of roast turkey ! and cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, : baked aweet potatoes, stewed tomatoes. ; encumber pickles, apple pie, eWolale Ice cream, eake and coffee. In the af temon there was a Christmas service by Rev. W. B. Benjamin Amuse ments were given during this week, and Ihe holidays arc much enjoyed by the Inmates. DO YOU KNOW Consumption Is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Con sumption Cure. Hold on positive guar antee for over fifty years. Sold by—Re tailers, T. A .Buxton, Anderson's Drug Store. Alexander's Drug Store, West End Pharmacy, The King Phar macy; Wholesalers, Davenport & Phln- Ixy. Mr. H. H. Hickman, president of the Granltevillo mill, sent three hun dred pounds of candy aver for the Ill tie folks of Uranttevllle. A kind and thoughtful act from a Christian gen tleman. Aiken Times. CABTORIA. Boar. th» 11,8 Klinl You Ham Always Bought TT E. MACAULAY J, ..JWU,*RKy_ D^SULUV*® riacaulay & Co. Grand Clearance Sale of Cloaks and Furs No reasonable offer will be refused for these articles, and we have yet the best selected stock in the city. We are obliged to close them out regardless 200 Pieces of Choice Patterns of Oufing Reduced to 61-4 Cents Per Yard Ladies' Dressing Sacc,ues in Pink. Blue. Red and Gray-fashionable shapes —at 89 cents, worth- $ 1.25. Eiderdown Robes at s2.B_ worth $3.50. Before Stock Taking Ito ycairaglf A IfiVOP, ! and bi) HOMO u#« AJvjnUfc d »h* aid tm uk ; wff anc now ..vvitKttnc bdofff ukinff JUOunt d mxk hmury lit. In ungQ aim d Udtefi* xhoo J we wtU digr rich burfjlm. In Men’* Ot%grcu bhnea d dll kmfti wt Will hva you DdUr», And in all atvWt d ChAidrgn** «han w« hdvt mnnev Advert, kit reduction* jf« plentiful. *nd ctpecUfly an Still Hah wt awe cutttaf the prtoi rtfht in hAlvn. * IM! ANTED. . TsvrikN Way Thai • Maa rntotoltlad Nb* id#. rbhtogn. (Nr. S>. leak Acktob ; a* aged total Id. who H«#d ak<#i# wKh ] IN* SUN Mltot hHwarlf to yetfca** tto Mod totibk *ta*" IJfttog tto Hd frea* lb# hitch#* ran*# to laM kla (to# aad rtort MM coal*, aad this I* vNw of kla wife, who arrived ton IM# lo ***# hIM. Her acreaMa brought o*t tk# aatoktawa bat tto mic'i b#*4 bad M# bur*#l to a erkan Ibniag Ito Nat tbto# w##ka iVblKb bad been ronflaed to bla tod. and fi«» *oi thought to had strength enough to move out of R. While hi* wife wa* temporarily *bs#*t to (Bag ged himself Ui ito hitch#* aad l#aa tog upon tto slave thrust bla faea and I "in The Head of the Heap! Our Suits and Overcoats are conspicuous for their graceful lines and general air of elegance. You’d notice them anywhere, and say to your self. if not aloud. "What a handsome Coat that is.” J Our store is full of such Clothes, J and, if you buy here you are i certain to be well dressed and money ahead. Don’t be a bit backward about calling because you are not ready to buy, or, because you want to look around before you buy. It’s a pleasure to show goods, and we welcome comparison. I C. Levy’s Son 45 Co. nrcrlli rfcevt Mto tto ft* tv tod at <•<**# *‘ d ! pavtakad baftwv a—toaaea loadd arfita. ll# w*# dd y#*r* aid a*d fm marly • : bar*##* mmk-t, 9 1 A* CHarffrtilMff l*»wggA#t. TWa ar# d»w mam mom wid# *w»k* *O4 eat. (pt King tiuMK M«wa*d A to -1 let. *to atmm #bm* i# a*r*a* Urn he#! at averylfcMg t« tk#lr Uw Aw ttotr : many cm#<(*■»«# They mam lum lb# valaaMe agency far hr. Mag's New IWarwery lor «VnuntaiffMoß. *A*ug*a an | Cold#. Th# I# Ibe moadcrful r*m •d, that I* yrwdtMrtig »#ril a furor *U «or#r tb# (o*»try N it* many #t#rttffKf , or## It Bli#«*wt#*y c«r## AithiMh, Umochiti*. H««r*#»*w wnd alt aMHH| ilnu# «f lb# Tbroat. Cb##i ami l.un«v.» , r«ll at *t«*v# drug aloe# and g#4 a trial bottle fur Idr or a regular >(■• for t* 'rent* an.| ll «*. uuaranuag ta ear# ar i pete# refund#*. TAKING TIME «* #xnm<n» Jea.ley throughly hoter# purchnslng t# the only vl# ■ out##. It ’ l»#ta m> l.kta that you want to feel •ur# you will atnay* Hhe *ueh-and •u« h an article before ordering It a«*t tome. Tto more you eiamlx tto totter w» U like It. for you will not tutly buy. but to lutiiafled VPatcto* that Will keep time. W# guarantee them. Nee good# for New Tear# received by every rxyrm. (#ohl-pl»ted Unyg Damp with tlk)be*. II I*. A. J. RENKL, 928 Broad Street. C. B. Allen 830 BROAD STREET. I SELL THE OLD RELIABLE Mil Crt Sins. HEATING STOVES of All KINDS