The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 30, 1898, Image 6

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P^RIDAV COAL-COAL-COAL %* »*f ijimij* ami mn ah. ot 4i ■#* H«J AaM J*RH:o THE BEST GRADE® OR §Hu# Omtt* JgHHOO OC3«AkX# Afittimeito ft#* *rvd Nut jAT IHi U**Hot mtcim !«• rtinr •«•<«•» * • M* Hiih «‘BB'T**> CITY ICE COMPANY. AUOIATA .*1 Alt ai t A C : OT9m *m4 Haß# <hm> ft**## Ml JMNIMM ••*»* fttffTftH §W* MMWUMf - - •■* •» •* IhNMtfl •EftMftftf'f EftftftEftE *•#*#* ** wtsms »'■■> )**•#! —M*— .* w re I* **4 **» , )L , - M . , „,. „ NIMI Finrra am* fwrtr# PR###*-"# Rs* 0000 1,.**1 i t wit •> I’ 1 OMk RBB—, fIH» *».**• *—* KMAM*. A#* #•— •*»*»* k» «■—* * tffihhag*, AB* hoa# «#•#*•»*• *' Nmh X «. MM . .... ** M Aaw. Mm mm* • *• «'* UWHN. M. «***•* »«««.» M t'C£—. MIMA m aC.4MM » Stria# hear*#—, area# . m >••• . *•*•* Nar-ae- .. .. ». ...... •• **•« M* MHWH ** m «* ** *• Mw CMißa it— .. .. •• .. *• **•» Mm* ...... M «t .. M *•*«.*•• * riwit... .. .. ... m .. .. ». -■ * '* ** uvk wmck mark K*r Bf#aa* 4<*A >»■resa *e eat— W > I hm<> #»aR e—ge "*» •* ##**** aore.o « M rat— .... . A l o*4*—a *•*»•#* —Ha .... «• »• JJ" 4 ** Aoßgi*f», g—t— M* BBlrß < kuH ——« —»— ...... MM. It »—A —»» ** —* I i- . . •• .. •• - «► r* Mel AM at— —H# .... Ht« h—a— „ .. .. ~ .. .... •• •” " M>. e*. |« t-l M«H fail M.ih, II Aaotßh »m» ’MM* .... >** WOOPWINC. M. II- fwe *w* re—r. * . A— #*• * . WRo***—. I— A—». O C.f— *— ftp n. thro# A—A <«—r. » H A* —a# . rp w. wait Rank#—. IS ‘I t# H OUT OOODA Rrcon 3MMr'*»*o **N Rffi—tetgO: •tuitmtiA, N AtrtMi ■ * * Oswalt'' - S M N •AMl** .. •• * *•* . soffit* wS ■ *A—*»B* - • 4 •mb* .•• • J fi SfuttMiM ♦-# H H H .. ** .« * j*ha r kib« * ■ BhintM •• Jf * Jnka V. Km* » Hx-A K C .. .. > « » (FOUL ItLK CMKiIH, IN fll. »• *|wt, P*** AM..M CwtMMIU M »*» l» •*•»!. *»"« •UEACHINO*. MAmblAui *wb»<!» .. .. •»»» •• *• ■* WTOOAN fraSl of IN h»—. A ln*A— .. •• J [•• *•»«« at IAo Ho.m. I.* I«H» .. .. » > * r.fcM I4i ib* A— J ; * Arntnc Robb. * „ , J PrMk of ihe W—« .. .. - •• « *** JBO. r King MR» BAlrtlllg .. »J» 4*o r Kin* HI A A bAobUb* .. « > • J «r.B<UI. HI .. •• ‘ 4no. F. Kin*. JB-Hk-A Oo«»r0B .. .. ♦ 1-* 4bo F Kin*. M ißch C C #— Ulan* • •• • * *'* 4no P Klßg. M Awh II • I Blond •” 4no. r- King M InoA *oForH» •• s PKINTA. Amorl—n .Mnmgß. M*M * Morrlmat k Bhlrtinoß. MbM '•* **7 Chart or Oook dr*« Btyloo WIM .. * 1-1 U’obbAi*iob tHlo Honey) * Allan« * •'* Himpoon'i ’*-» *0—0)00 . » Coot*# Spool rfinm. par *— « American tndl*o hlueo. H*— •• * **• Aloler OUe (eolld) *«*« < American Indigo bluce ll« N.. •• 1 ißtornettoßal block* HiM .. .. * Allan's cordlnel# * Allen e lAtooee " J India blue ~ .. .. >• •• •• •• •• J l '‘ India blue * Xiinglanl'B M*« .. •• ■ Martha WoehAigton S 1-* Oarner'e radlanle Mxll .. .. *• J Chart or Ueka WxM .. .. .. •• • »*• TICKS. *• 1 * AmMkee* C C A •• Amoekreg C .. * •* •• * Boclproclty ‘ PLAID HOMESPUNS. City Mill* * *•? Pour yard, good 32 Inch .. I 3-1 l.odl ehlrllnKß MxM * » * dress BtylOß Mx«o 3 1 « PI. Clair di*— 4 Ocean eolldk •• * J -4 Martha Waßhlngtoei fancle* .. .. 8 3-1 IMieeellaneoUß brand#, light weight 1* >-!•*’ !-* Isaetla 6 y*rd» plain •• 3 I S Thoindlks B *3-1 ltercule# . 14 Amoekeo* * (’nffi’ciU .« •« •• •» *» *• *• »• *• * Pelham, M *»»> 110 * K ’* •• •• *• •• 1S J». a. f; M b*U« *0 *>o* 1» K. U. I’.. W boll* to 1b.... .. .. 11 1-2 Muscogee B * 1-H vj inb 4 !•* yd- plaid*. be*t make -4 Simpson *UK flnlah foulard* 81* -4 FlitDo mourning* 64x54 ~ .. .. 4 1-2 China Bilk* *4**4 4 I'* Mlddlafurd 6 It 6 *'* Slater 3 l’ 3 Concord, Mx*o 3 1-4 Home 6**44 3 3 ' 4 Edward* •• 3 3 * 3 Keystone 3 J' 3 Fifth Avenue * *’ 4 KIiAHSBV 8. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearaey 8 1-4 Kincaid and other* * 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Dime 70u85 Uoeandale cement II 46 Portland cement 12.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sack* ..*I.OO Planter in HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* *3.00 Painted bucket*, per do* .. .. .. *l.lO £ H B H cedar palls, per do* .. ..»*! .15 3 H B B cedar paUa, per do* .. .. 62.00 Tubs painted, per nest *lls Rope, Manila, per pound 9 1-3 Rope, Siaal, per pound tc Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcullo Nalls, «vir»., 11 :6 „ baw NaUa, ctit .. .. .. • • • 31 *6 bate Shovels, Amea, pvr dot .. 511**11.60 Rhoeal* diamond pet do* .. .. 3? 00 Shovel* riveted back, pec do* J< !5 Plow blade* * *•* ton** Hama*, red top. per do* 32 25 Hatnea, red top r*ot, pat do* .. .. *- 50 ! lla—. —m —dd S— So* ym «... M** ) HMMs *mm, pm IA - .. .« t M {Mno —Midi. *OO IA ,* .. m *.*«» * • • i Karos —Nino, peß he* 18 •* ' Aim ed—M. pa* A#w ,«««.*« SStS -I -r eesß-a nalAh par IB ..... .. 8— tin. eh* lea gas Pod poo ~ •* Magi • he*. pietttpN. pat *8 nog ... P B—l M j Kogan# WBiOa 3*o. 8 got gl mm , **• j MO* •—4, gBO d„ w u«uanA ' < BOhog BIBiPpB. gP# dee ~ „ N n A K , Aee BOM. # Do I go# go# ..... P 8 , A.BB H>« 8100. Wo. *, p— Sdß .« *■ 88. I Aha SggikM, K* 4 ABB 4 y* H .* A* Aeoo* Seal anoint ge# A—...... I—B* : WbA . I*ol gel.*oi*«* go# th .... A. ete— ;Ao« |« 11, lld 8 8 PB. I. f.M •TaTW WOWtWI WvedßlloßO Ateehe an* Boo— tier—■ ,0* hi 4«NA IT iMehop. I And A—el «oA#» ra IKK ........ ..tit t—g— 8 lla 3818 .. ,* 111 ... Ko—gla IIP* IPtt I W - rieorga t t M IP— . ..I— ... ! Uoeifglo 1I fa IPW ...... Wt .. 1 ' Iwtl CenP** 1 l ire 11l lit dtt kism A«*r*eta P« i»— „.. .. ... IM 0.. I Angus— ta IPW Ms Augßelß *» IP— .. ...... I Anyi»» << I iff WSA *9 «* *o NA am ai wm it tr .. .... .* .* m 18, «• AV* « - [Aiisaie r# 11— .. .. t— M . EaiAmKa Pa 18— ...... HP ... ! Atlanta • WTa, IBM M ...... I- ... aiwa— <> nr ib) ' flalBAQBh ra 18— .. .. .. 11l ... Boeaooak I*o, I*ll .. .. .. !U IK—ne la IPU l— ic—umhue l a 18— I— ; Colons OB# « If# IBH .. .. I Hmw I i r< IKK I Meow ra DIB . .. .. .. •• .. ll* i *«'• 1 OWN a ft-fl .. .. .. ... Chart—• Pa I—B ...... 97 ... f •4* h 4 IUIUJAD PONDS. iVe-rfla a. H. A Ml 08. m ■*— h . . ...... lit ... >). U.g * K. R. * Rh* Ob. , ra in* up ... | Cheib.lta, Co—Me * An guana it< ra, It— . .. IP! tt'rtlieM# t—A— 4 An g— Id "l. IMP •. .. .. .. It* ... Augnsla A* R R .l a I*ll. ... *C. R. R Benklo* Ob. Col—t , oral Tritoi P’a 1W . .. ..8) Smilhora Hallway &a, 18— ... #1 M ) rntrai nf Oootgia Raflwap. lot ran—l —art. re, IBK .... C of O. lei gref C—tiral of Oeorgsa fUUiray, I id pr«t income# UP II It r. of a. let prof IB . IMP .... I * ,0. • «r. mm. la iMt t— m 1 South a#t>r*M and Florida lld P#. 18— .. .. .. .. . I— ... South Oeorgla and Florl—t j id r*. in— . t— (boon Atreinohlp Co., lot I*o j id ra 11— l— ... I Enterprtoe Mff Co., let ft 1 18— .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I— ... sibiey wig, c*. let re. I* . mo Sibley Mfg. Co., Ist *a 1801 .low ’Oa R It. A n. Co. alack I*7 tM dvuthwoetrrn R. R. Stock .. 9* ivt Auguota and Savannah ttoeb . lvo URAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oils, while. Barked .. ~ .. .. ..It Ooats, mixed, sacked .. .. ~ .. K Corn. whit#, sacked it Corn, mixed 48 Meat, bolted, per bushel .. ..* ~«H [Flour, common I Flour, fancy extra I.JI j Flour, second patenl l.#o 1 Fleur, standard patent .. Flour, fitnry n»'rnt 4.71 |Wheat bran. 100-lb sacks 10 Fin# feed. 100-lb sack# 10 Hay—motive, per ton, 11.00 j Hay—Timothy, per ton 1100 Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 ,lUm#— choice auger cure* .. .. 10u 11'* j Rmokcd rib aides .. ..8 1-1 j Dry sal riba 13-4 Iwid. pure leaf. In ttercra 1% AMBAKSADOR HAY S 810 APRON. line nf the Case* Where Dishwashing Produced it Poet. Christian Endeavor World: Cid. Hav. our netv secretary of state, vas, when a hoy. h regular attendant of the Prcs hytartan {Junrtav school, at Wan— w. 111. The Sunday *eh<»»l lessons partly con sisted of commuting; to memory Bible ] verses, ami to attain supremacy In this < reated quite a rivalry among the scholars. John Huy was sure to come out ahead from two to five answers, sometimes more, causing those of his comrades who wei> always behind him to regard him with envy. Consequently, when some of those lioys heard that John had lo mash dishes and do the churning for hi* mo ther. and more than all. that he wore an apron while at these duties. Ilia Jeal ous conitHdes fairly crowed! One morning it was agreed bv his comrades to get him out of doors while he had his apron on. and humiliate him by having two or three girls whom he rather liked ask him qtustlons In re gard to his housework. ' Young Hay cettne out to where the. boys were, and answered the questions by saying that he washed dishes a* his mother taught him; and, then with twinkling eyes, he gave the dtshpan which he had with him a tremendous fling, contents and all. drenching tvho- Icver happened to he npar enough, and, laughing loudly, ran into the kitchen. Hav and his Mg apron were never mo lested after thut. Mr. Hardin Norris, clerk of the drug store of ft. Shoemaker, Perry. 111., says: A man came Into our store the other day amt said. ‘I want a hotti* of that stuff that saves children'* Uvea The children may gat tick *rke* *4 cannot get the doctor gulck Its the median* you sail far craup He alludej to Chamberlain s Cough slid bought a battle oat*re be left the store. For sale by Alexander Drug and deed Co., C. R Farr of Bel! Tower Drug Co. , THE HEBALD I * m I £ yin'ftft "*»<* •—# iHk f A # •*#•* w* *♦#■■■■ I VM£ vdhm «•» «*fc§ " < ***ok j (m*** « **mms**: * ■ *~mtm ? I df —ft-"# ftflKk EMk —griftm tv— s m-§0 1 f%gp iiANi REtMNftK— liW'i #■*—k* ENEN* tEftp. I ■‘ffthiiL ft ft 4HNMRftftft> ftftt. —A ' duft# ft pa-Avftp bk I # * ft® ft—A I ENMd % EMMMRRI hmm*< I MIMIh I |N»* ft IftpftflMEft ft Eftftft* * fkMftv KftKwft # I jtft-T ft—l aEHftMft* fttftsft #'mkitnrrif pj'fft# ft £—ft—» ftftN| I #ll fttnV—E ftw—■— bftMi ftma—|g 4F—ft «S« I Sh EHMMMHI <ft£ftft£ ftftf—li tHMft I ftK— DiMftft lift- *ft** <NMP® *** *4 - «*. mm* I* flftft# * dß>#-ft—BH mm ifiWft'Sh —Kftkf IMft : iiEMMMW fMHI ipHEI Id dEnf «pp ftftftftfc • i||||HftiEllMiH§ IswpftC f EPHEWi Mi ftp* • AmmE' # |M*EI I emms* m»- ftfcft »*—• mi • EMftPftE ftEf ■ 1 Emm imp mm m'm lull Ma> AIM £«ft IkMftftl fhNi •’iHMft «la* EftMEMf! EM* doiEHEf ft ftftft'tftß —a— ft«i» 1 Eh-*# «rs«EM» MkMftftft «IMf ftftENl Iftftft MMft | ft #*4 «NKftM» -ftfti Eflft | ft# «||M» ftNftft ME |P*«* WWEfc «%* ftrJMMk ft**# [ ftMnt lift ft*4ft.ft>ft> «Mbi Emm* *N»f ME* f f aft ft ftsftrft't —ftf EMME ft* j TftMiEE* »M*H •» 'WftMftwi ME# ftWE ** ftKCftMft H» oft— wftftf ft Mift>ft-i** Mu** - —ft., mmi iftift M VJK JAM HR. Tan a—it* Rat bn—at fhsd—g II ah mb) |<s«hapa. A— Hate 4bpb*bs—"KM* a* : Jawat. iha —Mia— called Raft—urn# let I atony years neat—ia— a »** t—gwt us 1 ' lha lias w— ; sort of gnaK angel fnlhaamnge «•—rut. I n—l snldtrra alike all ngsalol A— RAa n—rritft whoa almal >4 yas—uf* j age —a gwat—M—*— *s—nl *ft th» —gtaaagt Hw lla— w— asgrly Rat! A* — atgnd sail A the ante— order to hatß am wife key At mmimm After a y—r a—ttteg Hflp a ana was bum sad Man Ja—Aa at— IMP kasha cl agiaart that aa aa Aa ahoaid a*—la —a prefer age A*. lan, ftwM Aa a aoWler AI lha apmf It Ra passed lato lha rani— and. tsiag aa—ii and —lHg—i. ha aae—ad to A*#a a bright fntore Met Mb Bat ll hnabeud aad father died gad —i— It arm a —rrlbie a—a*k io pr»w Mm* Jambs. Bad aba won id hardly Aaaa sure trad It ware It Met le ] •I— lla ught of Aar an and lha hot that Aa wcaid Pa a comfort Aar tu Aar deellaing r*arr borrow aged her m taro ihaa far rough life had dona, and •Ra loft lha sarrlre and as tiled in a 111 tie mtfag* left ha# by hm paruela la It—Ailiag* of Clam, near Pm—rite— A year lalar » hrr—e mb and tint was another aeaporr fop bar «t> tear j Aha w— a pairiok was Mom Ja—ha. bat aha was a mother aim. Hurt up I hat lerrlbla winter of ISHM she hardly alapt fur three ounaaoaltr* hoars ia lha Id Always on ha alert for new#, she chafed onrely at the —<rw. i which almo— cut olf her liltle village from the outer world and made com i municallon a matter nf great difficulty | Hodden!y —ward lha sad of Jannary. the rumor spread that ilia army of lha east was approaching, haring failed In roller# Ballon. Fur nearly a weak Mare Jamba kept a strict watch day and Bight, scanning eagerly the road by which the hoped to am lha French ar-. rite They were signaled at last, but the Germans were signaled, too, from lha opposite direction, and It scorned are drat that the at mi— would anoonnter I one another in the i—media— neighbor , i hood. And now 1 will lei Mma. Ja—tie take up the story, for what followa I had from bat own lip* a few mouths after the events described took place: "One ornitig at dawn I heard a 1 noise at the door of the cottage and then the aoond of breaking glass. I rnas baatily tod ran down to the entrance. I gave a cry; my boy was there, and behind-him stood three of bis comrades, but in what a Hate— haggard, hollow cheeked, their uniforms in rags, their boo— almost in piece#, blue hud shiver ing with cold! " ‘ Mother, yon mnsl hide ua, ’ he —id. 'The general has Intrusted me with a message to the ronuuaudant of the fort, bat the Pra-ians hare wen ns and are in pursuit. They must not find na.' " 'Give me your order,’ 1 cried. ‘I will take it while you hide here. No one will suspect a woman’ — “I had no time to finish. We heard a discharge of mueketry, and a neighbor rushed in crying: " ‘The Prussians! The Pru—inns are here!’ "1 pushed my son and his friends in to a storeroom at the farther end of which, under some hay, waa the door leading into the cellar, where I kept my little stock of wine and cider. “The Prussian* entered in through the open door. 1 saw others in the road. There must have been about 100 of them altogether. A young officer was in command. "He oame up to me and said brutal ly : " ‘la it you who are Mine. Jain be?’ “ ’Yas, I am she,’ 1 answered him. " ‘Your *m has juat entered this house.' " ‘My son! He is far away from here, always supposing that he ie still alive.' “ 'He ia here; 1 am sure of it. Come, now, where is he?’ “ ’You must seek him, tbeu.’ "He made a sign, aud I waa sur rounded and prevented from moving my position. The soldiers ransacked the bouae, 1 asking myself meanwhile who could be the coward who had betrayed my son. “At last the brutes found him—him and hia friauda, and I «aw them dragged out covered with the hay in which tbay had attempted to coneeal tbeataoivaa. Aud iny eon! How brave and handsome be looked, witk hi* dashing eye*! Yea! Ha \y*s mr awa flask sad blood, aid I fait proud of hf—. TAey **• rigeroas ly tea: sard far eh* mss—g* they Were —RRoied to i—ar, but ai it we* a verbal oae they sanl* *»d aathiag. “The officer B—mped about the little POOD ■ —ft U]jjCK BAKING POWDER 15 Tilt BIST •w-'J. *s .SmftitNffiHf»s *vk w ffMMft* **%## P * ATLOA/ , A—, MB* wf*A sags '4—A—Kg t—> pat—a— ho offah " '!• ywa# a— aatoog —a—' r ** e* i« mm lap# W ft* mm I ennM •Hft *■ .dftfMftft H, * fftPEEP fti* |P«iftf4 m EN». Mft4 ftft*E Eftft ENNNI ftll «ll »EM «* M*»4 ETft V Mm» aHW'ftf «!|MEbMftEt ' • ftr K-»ft ift IM Mftfll Evil* I»t* Ml tft* t»iftm»ftitaE* [ ** *CftEE flf ftli ENEftfMlftltlE* iMfeft JmE ! fellh— hi—.'A FBN-.eNtwigoßNt —RilaK | ysitottng a ampm. wb—R I An# a— mom. hid dm a* M was twA—d a t—»k "TA» miM was o ftatt* tireot. wk— |ls —«a hta own life I—d gtvoA NR —y ! ! obn tAa ins—v Hie yeti'—sol bad | —A Aobb k—g dMoyod. ** *TAo —Nldevrr ortll A# «4——fed i tl— mSRni Thaw, lunkfag S—«a)y —a j greap e# viti—are wAo wore oewvriß# j nnd-s hta—on‘a 'areas*— ho ftsW»—t • •• ‘An—o onb •« w—g yt— kaows «Ao —aa Ja—kw. loin —— oof ——a I tul ardor -y —aw Are t— r—t *" "Aik *Aay w*re A—v% J BetgAAaret I Urey m— on reply •* 'Than wo will enoa A»d on4l* Ho. 1 g«*s aa or dor la a low tedoa. Ht# —on l p-tsd -a with my bask again- n wnll «nd glared -«#• la tka hand# of my , a— aad bts co—rad*» " Aad the officer —id *’ 'On IBs word 4HK—M—I r"K *rUi j | Are aad kill that vffivnaa. If roa dm •they M will ho ycaß |ara arti ' "A cry ed horror ran lorough the crowd, lolluwod M a dead Kloaea. I— wail, 1 offered aiylwl fe tl— h—i IBs a, —H— g my—ls that J ms— try —«m ftp a Frauen wc—aa co»M d— If a sad ks aad I wat'rd, »— clung —y ana. ■Htat ho did not rertn turn— Hu eyas wore tamed kit .rearado*. They ■ggmod to he waking ages toonoaaoth , ar. " 'l—adv “ Ike word Of crena-ud thondoreti. * " Prosaat P Aad they obeyod. rcreg tag n— with thoir riflre " ’Kira!’ Thor turned suddenly to the right obout Au ex plow on followed aud four Pn>—laao, the officer a—ong the nueiiat, foil. And above the roar of the discharge I beard my boy 's voice dearly. " 'Fire! Yea. but on you, yea cow ard " "A general volley on the part of the Prussian* f'.ilowed. and I fell srith a ballet in my ah‘>ulder. Before I lost eua—ioutneer. howooot, I —w that my son waa o(iU unhurt. "I learuatl afterward that just at thit —um«al the cannon of the Fort do Joux began to play Tha commeadent had caught the reflection of the sanlight) from the Prussian*’ helm*—, end con , . luffing-*non« too *ooo—that aomethiog an tow rd «■• taking piece be rent a few obeli * into U># crowd and rapidly dienererd tbs enemy:" Mae. Jamb* died a few year# after the erenta which I bev* related a* nearly at I oan in her own word* look place' Her *tory was recallsd to my miud the other day on hearing tl—l the son of this bravo women hod jut* been promoted to the command of the regi ment.— Kicbauge. Wedlsinal Vidas* of Wolf. Golf oan bo played all the year, indo pendsatly of atiuosphsttc vicissitude*, during all th* eeren age* of man, by delicate youag girl* •• w*ll »* by strong BthUtet, sad ev«n by decrepit old man who— daclia—g power* do not admit of *ev*re exertion. It combines exercise, pleasure aud ft—h air withool risk of injury to b—rt, longs or nervous ays turn, as is the oa— in certain etber tier cisee in which thare is high blood pres sure and arterial nsion. There ia abro lutelt no danger at-chad to the gains ami oon*et]uently no accidents entue. The ob—ity and dffieneration of mid dle age, when the biceps have diminished and one's energy ia failing, may be help ed by devotion to golf. It is pre-emi nently in functional nervous disease that our great Anglo-Saxon ga-e ia to be recommended. No exercise or reorsa tion is hatter fitted for the mentally overworked, the hysterical, the molau cholic. None ro iielpe to preserve the concerted aetion of »ye, brein and mus cle known aa the psychological moment. None, perhaps with the exception ol swimming, gives one so good an appe tite. There ia not a more sovereign rem edy for dyspepsia, and as to insomnia, such a thing scarcely exists among the devotees of goif.—lnternational Medical Magazine. How To Look Good. Quod looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of the vital orgsris. If the liver is inactive, you have a bilious look; if your stomach Is disordered, you have n dyspeptic are affected, you have a pinched look, geeure good health you will surety have goo* looks. "SSflfitrto Kut*r*' la a good altacaUv# aud tonic. Acts dl rootly on the stoß—c4> liver and std- XM*-9, puri&a* the Mood, earas pimples, bUstaiies and boil# ostd gives a raw) ownplexlan. Every battle guarantee* Sold at Howard A Willet'a dru* store. 10 rente per buttle. CALL FOE iugusta Brewing Co i EXPORT EKKft JCNINft j# - arr***** mm «*•** 100 1 BELLS O F GBOBGIA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. ■mn**'Oa i-l r oft AUGUSTA BEER, HONEY TOlOl In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years tlma, or on 10 yaars time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AleiaDder&Joln Ajpuit t Hcotttab AKuef.«*t* Ifortjpftc orojeu y. 705 Broad St- IF YOU WANT TO GET BEFORE THE READERS OF AUGUSTA PUT YOUR AD. IN 111 111 B. R. MITCHELL AIJtX MiDO.V ALD Supt, « C«u» Sec. * U»n, Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntoah M:*i. Electric Snppnaa—speaking Tut**, »ic., etc. Repair* lo >ll electrical apparatus Electric Light Wiring a specialty. Bell'Phone 1002- - - - tttrowget67«. LOMBARD IRON WORKS and Supply Company. Builders and Dealers in ENGINES. BOILERS. RAILROAD. COTTON, SAW, FERTILIZER Oil and Ice Machinery, and Hupp!!** and Repair*. Shafting. Pulleys, Hangers, Leather and Rub ier Belting luid Hope. MILL SUPPLIES AND TOOLS., Foundry, Machine, Boiler and Bridge Works. Capacity for 200 Hands Agents for Atlas and Erie Engines, Ashworth Card*. Kortlng and Leader Injectors, Turbine Water Wheel*, etc. AUGL'STA, GA. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1893. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m., 6.21 p. m. Lv. Sandersville . 1:» p m.j 9:09 P- m. Ar. Tennilla .. .. I:2* p.m.j 9:21 p. ra. Ar. Macon 3:44 p m.| S:iS a. m. At. Dublin 4:20 P *» J Lv. Ppblln. .. .. ‘10:00 a. in. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:SS p. m.111:55 a. in. Lv Tennille. . . 6:15 a. n).| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersville. 6:28 a. m.j 3:2t p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 0:00 a. m.j 7:10 p. m. j Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennntlie with Central R. R. for Macon, and with Wrightsvtlle and Tennille R. 1L for Dublin and Hawkinsvtlle. C. W. JACKSON, Gen Fgt. Pass. Agt James U. Jackson, Joseph H, Sands. Receivers. We have the best se lected subjects in pictures in handsome frames at popuiar priemat Richards & Shaver’s. RAILROAD wt’RRLi MR* Chat lesion t W Carolina ft ft ffi ftMl ft # ft # fft# * ft ft ft El * ftft*l# E um ftffiinftftn m • so9*# II tyigti Ime iJO f*# lilEftEEnWt * * 1 ***** A ,I*** I * Amtrnmm*- O* m «“ 4 k*'« 1 1 %MpHI - riimi ; I l*** CfSf [ sfliiAOM—as*—***. «' •y *BRKA I flMEPMffiffi *'*pe »:* *l** •tmmmmm Ml#* —aw | I » MkAA. ». • j V-ffig sere I * B<Erf^BEMWElPEftffiffi»****! jWMiWE. >♦)«<**» ] I * AEIMITEhi 1. 11 • 1 iffirrr- k - * j i trwsifn» 1 * * l|on— it—v ,*.**. .. T*.ffiaao *l—re* - “ 11 op* ays—ffi., :****** NkkK** rs— a—p*. ...».»«•-*•• 'ifKJaaa 4 *#*■ •«#— . ••*»• i l4tg— 44 I ’A wtss—a...— w.,. ■ «... fa—* •gKAK—gg..*..' * m**y gjKg— I a* a—aa *»*|— EjBHI [La faiM— Faffi* -1 .ffiffija—-.-* *.• | ia# —ftift as**.* *»••♦ : IRAK—a **.**** j ' * Rorffip, .... .........I 11——-*•■••• I I a ri—tsAß »«,*,*•«..,, I Affik— ~..**s j 1 *lr—<*■*< ...... '-3 , )« AUf-NS *■—*— j » ftiffigi.ii i.... da— •la—a—. ■•*.. .... »A»B- f-»MA •j—»!■*...■ ~... RAB *». ;2**aj *»Rust —*#—»«»■» ■ -as. IRK ** 7Jhy— PTW—i—i—sA, fT— ; * Ruregmh.jlU. »-*.»»! j... .. -j *7— e RHKftigua******..***#l I MR— I sft—aK—l gjl—u i ****“'" *****" m!S' Idt a <•*» I— Sosos*# >••* «Bre —<M site (Area lot* 4 Oil RS—• MILL . _ _ _ fV— t**A*s<«sas 0* «.resows* Be * —ro «« 8, g. k. stK f . go —naaga mKßiai—Aka oRb '*w k** wv I ft* #•* —AIRiI o reffiß.se w -K— --town arh#*» ! oa —O, are— W.J r*a w ®*» la# As*, fc N Bnn K InllnlNM ift kMEkRDS. IreA— Baa——- 4 —s—» 4 BLUE RIDOE RAILBOAD. If C. SKATTIB. RawlV—- ! lMlba*4. WoatAoa > Fret Are‘4 4 Fire* A— k ca*t t*ia*a * eta— Clare M>'4| Ml* 4 tWy Diy. “ —Me*. , DD- *#/. No 14 No* | ' Ra tl N# » AM iPlg.i lA—lvo Doaoa FKJAffi »•.'•; gffiH tfy. Sodarrea •) ) —II I-RKf )i..„ I—avot littjll M g»:*r; t *8:1*,,.... Aotva f I.Rclt *• Bl* t UII-.. P—ut—tt— ..M 3.l*ii.:R j gj—-' I.Oi.tti C—Try ■ fosFg f t fi# It 13 8:47, I: 18 A A#—’* 'V—g I) 4itlt ( t—[ t.ffiiltl... IKK AC A .. As t 7».:i 48 | 8 14. rj I 4: "! m. —rati Untoa K 8 *» t:S* jM... Walhat— .. R ItflJ Akf.iFM I (Loav* Arrtv*«fPll [l*ll. Ko.ll Rok _ R«-U #*j t Rrgular 8 tat too. F F—g A—tlan, | All rag—ar tra—# from AnArreoa »• A’a na la hava right track ov*r itraia* of tka rent# stare moving ea pnatt# direct oa, ttnlreo Otherwtae #*w«- tftad hr train or dvrs j Will oire htop •< follow—* a—Mona J— —h# oa lot off paatssipn: Phlo j try'*. Jam— ar d Sand* Mpcinga. K'l II connect# tl I h Aoutlytra rall |war No U *t Aad*r— n. ! Nos. * and * —unset with Kmithei.- 'railway Koa. ,f ahd Si at Are—oa. I 4. R. A.VDERKDN. Auperlniaodaat. BELLE! OF GEORGIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE. feHORTKBT AND WUICKBPT ROUTS TO THK «AtT AND NORTH. Lv.Augludu Oa. Ar 1 I BOam I.OH’Tb Lv Aiken Ar I J:l9am 4:l7pm Lv.,..l>*wn*»X.- Ar , OtUpm 4.50 pm L*.. .OrgUgF* .. Ar ; B:4oam j « o«ptn Lv..Sumter. 4C. ..Ar i 4:Ham ; 8:18 pm Lv.. ..Florence.. Ar j 2:2Bam 10S3p«r. Lv . Fayetteville ..Ar I 114 pm i I:2laraj Ar Petereburg.Vu Lv j $ tlpm I 4.00 am. Ar. ...Richmond... H j 2.12 pm 7:4lam| Ar. .Wa«hl«*u*i»..Lv [2:4opm | »;02am| Ar... Baltimore. ...Lv | 2:2Bpm i 11:25amj Ar..PhiladelphlA..l,v |l2:o9pm , l:«8ppi, Tork....Lv j 9 38am Pullman palace buffet aiepje.g cars from Macon and Augusta to Neff Turk without change. I R. A. BRAND. Gen. Jtgt., "22 Bread St.. Atifuata. Ok T B EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H M EMERSON. Gen I'auu. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1*92. (20th Meridian Time.) . LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah .. J. ..I:2® P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Stlacon Atlanta L. 0.40 P. M. No. 0 For Macon. Atlanta, and WayStatloreJ .. g A. M. No. 82 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 9 30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA No. 1 From Savananh .. L4O P. M. No. 2 From Savannah. Ma con. Atlanta .. .. .. . «3f A. M. No. 6 From Macon, Atlanta, and Way Stations S;s o P. M. No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way s ; jo P. M. Noe. 1-L " and 4 daily. Not. 6 and 5. daily except Sunday. Nos 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cara on night train* between Millen. Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augvsla and Savannah For fur ther Information a* to scheduiea, etc., apply to M C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBKES. Depot *p. A. J. W. NALL, Commeidal Agent I UP-TO-DATE METHODS tJNTIRIXG ENERGY, BRAINS AND PUSH, ; HUSTLE, JUDICIOUS ! SPENDING OF LARGE SUMS OF MONEY—— SOfIEOFTHE METHODS THAT .MAKE THE HERALD FATIOUS. - - ■-> DECEMBER 30 kAILhOAh Kg—»At*tU4»a S. C l C. RAILWAY CO **•# A«##ft#ffift«w» ft##Ek IftEft JPEfe* iflMft- - i#Eft Hm&m £ «ftR )* >T %t El Eft* ft#**# Ji« ftffif-tflift M-Wm* I* *mm I ft# TftMk* *#■# il fttEffii ft* ft Aft-ewrift i-fto ft4#EE sb*m Vmm lulftiM | |ft ftftft wffiAft 1- Ai%#h jLft ItgEftWr# ft MM# fft# i •#)#'- itAffi I#" ##%.#! ; ft# t'EEHEEMVRft.ft MEEE f ft# f r YM«rftwfc ftftE%-•# »f ft WjjMßw»ft, A-ftyftft jtl lift Ift * f ftlMEflC MMlf* I'HEWED S Lrn t mi Ik i, gggfwl'El f|« t ffiKffisftr o mmm ft# ■ »4k4Mi (# i i m&m E|e»r l* |i - -cr % W4i $ ft# Y *o9* 0* ■ls ApH® i L* i re*o-rre, f 49pm ft* A ■ f 'ill# ■>■ ffi Cl * ft #-«RR ft. # f 4MMNP*### ft- V^pEft I ft 8 .*»•##> ft# la# * ft >m ft# iJghj ''icSrrS r t*9o* $9*910 EMlMlftfcft it» PtHh A War • » Bffi*a*... At—— 1 414 *’*—-*•• IsWat Ar Ac—.-Mre— I RTWtffi- A>l» r —a ir via rKakaM j f j«,* it 8 oof— *B*l h«— AKA Task ’ t * 11^*—aT~. teW— i■* F*#T—*B»-i | Ar A ia#* u ,.dM«H» La RaKr—*lß I—eMSMA. At 38—.1,0 —S>|R*A .13WRR Ar »s»e>4 Is are Dt P—B—r»..A I—— Ar •a— ire .Id '.as* At A Asa --—at A* Rare Y—hi "»g— A# Aag—Bffi,.lJt*R feT «n »res#« at— S 3 1 t*R>n ■ii ffiS 4ai—s«B»Bß r— re »—vAatre Angws— o t— —• —re— —aa# are —t gahtw A tot aw a*n—a. I N. >Ahf» M tVfMffi t.aos*— Waaaf— I—ffiffiMpß f. A. >!.»»#- —ffi. Agt . A ugs**— tra ’ AOUTHERN railwat. * * l d^t!T**Wstware ere Iwrehta are* —» Vais— —##*«-• *wa ■ awtlt ire*«r nte - ! 4S »i_l^ C•• lift* iss XI C,—* „ J 8* * Jftst A> 'Ksa»Baaho*A, a# Kr Ar. Aah»si:— • - ...* ~ *.- „ - ~ jig <B aEe--.- ijl ■;=: :te5T f«a IBS Jr l*ns«* sr» I-- *1 w Dv. «»i ware hn re • i *? ft J Jr,»—l—h J ; *** I A' Rtsb—red -• j*A a, 8 3*^» VBffCX ** ... 'if; • Hr* Y*>rft - I * r—niMhtiffiffiit 9f . W*» *9 w Uffifly. f«U| J Igr. Mfu lflrE. Pw. MM. 4 »!> Ui Um9 1 T ore*. (Eftp u wSEi #. no nj t# Ei» i> ia>9§ i«# B-vhHHHMt ...j umm : L* D#»nnffi .j At <Slrre*#)»iisurD !f 45 ; -■. J L# TE6 ft! f m ChmrUxtm j V Eft# 90 • koffik auu - .-a lift*# fl ■ • Ob#«Wr . j to »»*< iiH • Winnuboro .1 H H • 1- An.Y>rwffi uiffitt j f»f jdiidii * l*. rotcrniLt* T*a dffip’ft. ’ ** J'rhßHtrm* j > flftp E»E»* “ 1 rrnf«4 ,| 9 Eftl> * • (4rmoft(«»rtU# 1 tflftp T Atm At AuifttM* » Ev Askavilla ~ !'TSt 3 o*p pr, HtwirtJkßOTirf It 40# F i&|» Ool'kia ACNts Ky ' * Wp' i «ia Ar Char csSon . j ISl'l IIW* L*“l Aplity ~fu »•' tt «• ** SasmoDKh it,# 80* a Ar Jwhwnvtna 9 Rh' BUa *l. Kan win car »*kvic* Kx elks*! daily p»rereg— *»’«» bsrwsre, ghirtilaand New York Nea. Stand '44— W*«htn*tnnand t—o—waarara Limited bolid V#stit."T--d tistn with dintu* are* and first olaa* noache* north of Charo,tts Pullman drawmr room ataeptagear* b*tw##n Treupa. Jack ejavUla. revansah. Washing*- n —d haw # orh Pullman dlrepia* Care tsdwaan Fharlatta ltd Richmond. Pullman drawlag room letplM care bo twaet, flroenaboro and Norfolk Fore - nnoo- Non at Norfolh for OLD POINT COMFOAT, arriving there in time fur breakfast. ho lid trate. with Parlor rare, between Chat lesion and Aabevll!o Noa ,« and 88-P. »• Part Rail. Through drawing room buffet «lee,«*g carebe tween .la.-k#onvdll# and New York aad Pull- Can sltretug cara b#tween Aususta tind Char tt« PTiJ}»A» Klffiffir iiif rgtr« l#t'Y»#n .»•»*#- aunnlla and Columbia, sn route daily twtweea Jaeksoavilla and Oinelnnatl, via Asl.eyilla TRANK b. GANNON J M'CLF Third VP. * Gen Mgr- T. 14 . Waahingto* IT A TURK. 8 H F.AKDWI' K, a. P. A.. Washington- ft V A., AtlM— GEORGIA • - RAILROAD. (Mth Mcttdian Tima.) Schedule Effective April 24, 189*. Pullman Slaenera between Macon anl New Tork. Through Pullman Hteupor* between An gust* and St. Doti la- Lv Augusta ..| 7:06aml *:2opm!lo:*opia AT Atlanta ...|U:3&pm| 8:20pm! 6:MMM AX Macao ....|U:l6*ro| I *:4sara Ar Athena ... .|l3Tl*pm| 7;3opm| Ar GalDe*vUl*!*3:4spm| | - Ar White Pl'aiM oopm! I Ar Miirgw'l* .|lo'.loam| I 4:3o*t* Ar Vr.vh’ton ..Ho:loam| 7:lopm| Picayune train leave* Auruata daily except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mll'idgesllle at 3:10 P. ra Trains arrive at Augusta s:l* a. m_ 1:45 a. m.. 1:30 P. m . and S:2S p n. A. Q. JACKSON, O. P A. don: w. white, t: p. a. Carolina aniT’northwest^ ERN UAILWAY Schedule til Effect, March 0, 1898. j Eastern Time Standard. I Leave Augtis'a, Southern Ry . 3 39 P.mJ Arrive Chester. Southern Ry 7:18 s m.l Leave Cheater, C&NW. Ry 7.45 am. Arrive Lenoir, C &N . XV. Ry I:If pm. Leave Lenoir, Stas* 2 W pm. Arrive Green Park. Sf&se ••• 7:6® P®- Arrive Blond eg Rock. Stage .. 7 26 pm. (J, .'ypAHA RPER. c; f7h All PER,' President. G - p - A-